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Home Explore 63440_ BGM013_ 9789387969469-DOLPHIN-LKG-ENGLISH-BOOK-FY

63440_ BGM013_ 9789387969469-DOLPHIN-LKG-ENGLISH-BOOK-FY

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-02 02:09:14

Description: 63440_ BGM013_ 9789387969469-DOLPHIN-LKG-ENGLISH-BOOK-FY


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. Contents 1) Strokes.....................................................................3  Straight Lines  Slanting Lines  Curves  Waves and Swings 2) Letters of the Alphabet..................................... 11  Letters Aa to Ee  Revise Aa to Ee  Letters Ff to Jj  Revise Ff to Jj  Letters Kk to Oo  Revise Kk to Oo  Letters Pp to Tt  Revise Pp to Tt  Letters Uu to Zz  Revise Uu to Zz 3) Revise Aa to Zzzx .....................................................48 4) Vowels and Consonants.......................................54 5) Three Letter Words............................................57 6) Common Words.................................................... 63 7) Sentences...............................................................67

1) Strokes Straight Lines Move your finger from the green dots to the red dots along the yellow lines. Sleeping Lines Standing Lines 3

Slanting Lines Move your finger from the green dots to the red dots along the yellow lines. Left Slanting Lines Right Slanting Lines 4

Trace the Lines Trace the sleeping, standing and slanting lines. 5

Curves Move your finger from the green dots to the red dots along the yellow lines. Left Curve Right Curve Up Curve Down Curve ‘O’ Curve ‘S’ Curve 6

Trace the Curves Trace the curves to complete the pictures. 7

Trace the Curves Trace the curves to complete the pictures. 8

Waves and Swings Move your finger from the green dots to the red dots along the yellow lines. DWoawven WUpave WPaatvteern PWaatvteern Swing 9

Trace Waves and Swings Trace the waves and swings to complete the pictures. 10

2) Letters of the Alphabet Letters A and a Aa Say /a/ as in ‘ant’ I have an apple /a/-/a/-/a/ I have an apple /a/-/a/-/a/ ANT APPLE axe A1 2 xe 3 a1 11 2 nt

Letters B and b Say /b/ as in ‘bus’ Bounce the ball /b/-/b/-/b/ Bb Bounce the ball /b/-/b/-/b/ BALL BUS bag B1 2 us ag 3 b1 2 12

Letters C and c Cc Say /c/ as in ‘cap’ Cut the cake /c/-/c/-/c/ Cut the cake /c/-/c/-/c/ CAT CAR cap C1 ap c1 13 at

Letters D and d Dd Say /d/ as in ‘dog’ Dig real deep /d/-/d/-/d/ Dig real deep /d/-/d/-/d/ DOG DEER doll D1 2 oll d1 2 eer 14

Letters E and e Say /e/ as in ‘egg’ I have an elbow /e/-/e/-/e/ Ee I have an elbow /e/-/e/-/e/ EGG EMU elbow E2 lbow 1 15 3 4 e2 1 mu

Let Us Revise: Aa to Ee Write the capital letters in the four lines. ABC DE Write the small letters in the words. ag nt ap oll lbow 16

Letters F and f Say /f/ as in ‘fish’ Fan in my hand /f/-/f/-/f/ Ff Fan in my hand /f/-/f/-/f/ FISH FACE fire F2 ire 1 17 3 f1 2 ace

Letters G and g Gg Say /g/ as in ‘girl’ Girl in a gown /g/-/g/-/g/ Girl in a gown /g/-/g/-/g/ GIRL GOAT gift G1 ift 2 3 g1 2 oat 18

Letters H and h Hh Say /h/ as in ‘horse’ Hop with a hoop /h/-/h/-/h/ Hop with a hoop /h/-/h/-/h/ HAND HORSE house H1 2 ouse 3 h1 2 19 orse

Letters I and i Say /i/ as in ‘ink’ I see an igloo /i/-/i/-/i/ Ii I see an igloo /i/-/i/-/i/ IGLOO INDIA ink I2 nk 1 3 i1 ndia 20

Letters J and j Say /j/ as in ‘jam’ Jam on my plate /j/-/j/-/j/ Jj Jam on my plate /j/-/j/-/j/ JAM JACKET jeep J1 eep 2 21 j1 am

Let Us Revise: Ff to Jj Write the capital letters in the four lines. FGH IJ Write the small letters in the words. oat ire orse nk eep 22

Letters K and k Kk Say /k/ as in ‘kite’ Kick the ball /k/-/k/-/k/ Kick the ball /k/-/k/-/k/ KITE KEY kettle K2 ettle 1 23 3 k1 2 3 ey

Letters L and l Say /l/ as in ‘lion’ Lick the lollipop /l/-/l/-/l/ Ll Lick the lollipop /l/-/l/-/l/ LION LEAF leg L1 eg 2 l1 eaf 24

Letters M and m Say /m/ as in ‘mango’ Munch the lunch /m/-/m/-/m/ Munch the lunch /m/-/m/-/m/ MAN MOON mango M1 23 4 ango m2 3 25 1 oon

Letters N and n Nn Say /n/ as in ‘nail’ Nod your head /n/-/n/-/n/ Nod your head /n/-/n/-/n/ NOSE NEST nail N1 2 3 ail n2 1 ose 26

Letters O and o Say /o/ as in ‘orange’ On, off /o/-/o/-/o/ Oo On, off /o/-/o/-/o/ ORANGE OIL ox O1 x 2 o1 27 il

Let Us Revise: Kk to Oo Write the capital letters in the four lines. KLM NO Write the small letters in the words. eaf ey ango ail il 28

Letters P and p Say /p/ as in ‘pencil’ Play in the park /p/-/p/-/p/ Pp Play in the park /p/-/p/-/p/ PENCIL PAN pig P1 2 ig p2 29 1 an

Letters Q and q Say /q/ as in ‘queen’ Quack like a duck /q/-/q/-/q/ Quack like a duck /q/-/q/-/q/ QUEEN QUILT quill Q1 uilt uill 2 1 2 3 30

Letters R and r Say /r/ as in ‘rose’ Roar like a lion /r/-/r/-/r/ Rr Roar like a lion /r/-/r/-/r/ ROSE RING rice R1 2 ice 3 r2 31 1 ing

Letters S and s Say /s/ as in ‘sun’ Sun in the sky /s/-/s/-/s/ Ss Sun in the sky /s/-/s/-/s/ SUN SOUP soap S1 oap 2 s1 2 oup 32

Letters T and t Say /t/ as in ‘top’ Walk on your toes /t/-/t/-/t/ Walk on your toes /t/-/t/-/t/ TOP TURTLE tiger T2 iger 1 33 t1 2 op

Let Us Revise: Pp to Tt Write the capital letters in the four lines. P QR ST Write the small letters in the words. uil ig ose oap iger 34

Letters U and u Say /u/ as in ‘umbrella’ Open your umbrella /u/-/u/-/u/ Open your umbrella /u/-/u/-/u/ UMBRELLA UP uncle U1 ncle 2 u2 35 1 p

Letters V and v Say /v/ as in ‘van’ The van is violet /v/-/v/-/v/ Vv The van is violet /v/-/v/-/v/ VAN VASE violin V1 2 iolin v1 2 ase 36

Letters W and w Ww Say /w/ as in ‘wall’ Wiggle your fingers /w/-/w/-/w/ Wiggle your fingers /w/-/w/-/w/ WALL WINDOW water W1 23 4 w2 3 1 4 all ater 37

Letters X and x Say /x/ as in ‘x-ray’ Fix the box /x/-/x/-/x/ Xx Fix the box /x/-/x/-/x/ X-MAS X-RAY xylophone TREE X1 2 ylophone x1 2 -ray 38

Letters Y and y Say /y/ as in ‘yo-yo’ Yummy is the jelly /y/-/y/-/y/ Yy Yummy is the jelly /y/-/y/-/y/ YELLOW YO-YO yarn Y1 arn 2 3 39 y1 2 o-yo

Letters Z and z Zz ZEBRASay /z/ as in ‘zip’ Zebra in the zoo /z/-/z/-/z/ ZIP 0Zebra in the zoo /z/-/z/-/z/ zero Z1 ip ebra 2 3 z1 2 3 40

Let Us Revise: Uu to Zz Write the capital letters in the four lines. U VW X YZ Write the small letters in the words. ase p ater -ray arn ip 41

Match Capital and Small Letters Draw lines to match the capital and small letters. 42

Beginning Letters Identify the objects and say their names aloud. Trace the objects to their beginning letters using the dotted lines. 43

Beginning Letters Identify the objects and say their names aloud. Trace the objects to their beginning letters using the dotted lines. 44

Beginning Letters Identify the pictures and say their names aloud. Circle (O) the beginning letter of the words. eAcDB BdEaC aBCdE CEbDa dCBaE 45

Beginning Letters Identify the pictures and say their names aloud. Circle (O) the beginning letter of the words. mEQnp PnMqO NOpmq OmpQN nQopM 46

Beginning Letters Identify the pictures and say their names aloud. Circle (O) the beginning letter of the words. SvUt r rTsUv t v RSU vsRUt tUVr s 47

3) Revise Aa to Zz Let Us Revise: Aa to Hh Aa B bant bal Cc Dd cat dog Ee Ff egg f ish Gg Hh girl hand 48

Let Us Revise: Ii to Pp Ii Jj igloo joker Kk Ll Mm Nnkite lion mango nest Oo Pp orange pan 49

Let Us Revise: Qq to Zz Qq Rrqueen rose Ss Ttsun turtle Uu Vv umbrela van Ww Xx Yy Zzwindow x-mas tree yarn zebra 50

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