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English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 1 04/09/2019 19:02:10

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX presents the latest version of the Pinnacle series – especially crafted as an accompanying workbook series for the Tamil Nadu state board textbooks. The Pinnacle series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the Tamil Nadu Curriculum Framework, 2017, in conjunction with the content covered and approach adopted in the Samacheer textbooks. The IMAX English workbooks and Grammar & Composition books for the Pinnacle series strive hard to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW). Below are some salient features of the Pinnacle English workbooks series:   Summaries of the Samacheer English textbook lessons   Meanings of difficult words from the lessons provided, along with example sentences  Coverage of all textbook questions that require space for writing along with adequate space for writing  ‘Quick Check’ questions at the start of every workbook lesson to recapitulate details of the textbook lesson  Inclusion of questions based on comprehension, vocabulary, judgement & appreciation and speaking skills Here are some salient features of the Pinnacle Grammar & Composition series:  The grammar concepts covered have a horizontal and vertical progression across grades, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  Inclusion of age-appropriate picture reading for grades 1 & 2, and reading comprehension passages for grades 3, 4 & 5  Inclusion of samples for format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing  Provision of a listening to audio section for honing of listening skills for different purposes for grades 4 & 5 Overall, the IMAX English Pinnacle series aims to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication, while providing students the opportunity to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 2 04/09/2019 19:02:10

GrammarFeaantduCreosmposition Dictation RP VoDcicatbautilaorny Q Words from the textbook or sentences with commonly confused spellings for Practice exercises to help build and dictation practice enhance age-appropriate vocabulary GrDaimctmataior n Engaging grammar explanations and well-crafted exercises Writing Exercises to foster creative writing by using imagination and drawing from real-life experiences R ReDaicdtiantgioCnomprehension Interesting pictures on varied themes along with questions that focus on comprehension and language building English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 3 04/09/2019 19:02:11

Class 2 9 Module 9 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1 10 Module 10 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 P5 Picture Reading ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 11 Module 11 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 4 04/09/2019 19:02:11

Module 9 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Alphabetical order Grammar Prepositions Writing Describe a picture English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 1 1 04/09/2019 19:02:12

Dictation 3) 6) Exercise 1: Word dictation 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 7) 8) PR Vocabulary Q Alphabetical order You have learnt in Class 1 that the English alphabet begins with the letter ‘A’ and ends with the letter ‘Z’. This is called the alphabetical order. To write words in the alphabetical order, we check the first letter of each word. Exercise 2.1: Arrange the words given in the box in alphabetical order. policewoman   doctor   nurse   cobbler   teacher   singer 1) ________________________________________ 2) ________________________________________ 3) ________________________________________ 4) ________________________________________ 5) ________________________________________ 6) ________________________________________ 2 04/09/2019 19:02:12 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 2

Exercise 2.2: Number the sets of words in each column in alphabetical order. Number names Months of the year Days of the week one _______ two _______ January _______ Monday _______ four _______ six _______ May _______ Tuesday _______ April _______ Wednesday _______ December _______ Friday _______ Grammar Prepositions We have learnt a few position words in Class 1. Now, let us practise using these words. Minnie has a naughty cat and a loving dog. Her cat is playing with a ball of wool. Her dog is walking around his kennel. Now, write the positions of the cat and the dog. Choose the correct position words from the box. in   on   under   between   beside English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 3 – Module 9 3 04/09/2019 19:02:13

Remember •  Position words help in connecting two naming words. They tell us the positions of the naming words. •  Position words are also called prepositions. Let us learn four new prepositions. Below: It means a position that is at a lower level than someone or something. Rina and Suzy are The dog is sleeping He jumped into the standing below Amjad. below the table. water below. Above: It means a position that is at a higher level than someone or something. The mirror is hanging The aeroplane is flying The boy raised his arms above the bathtub. above the mountains. above his head. 4 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 4 04/09/2019 19:02:15

In front of: It means ‘to the front of someone or something’. A ball is in front of the The cat and the dog are The clock is box. sleeping in front of the in front of the bag. fireplace. Behind: It means ‘to the back of someone or something’. The Sun can be seen The bus is behind the The girl is hiding behind behind the hill. tree. the wall. English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 5 Module 9 5 04/09/2019 19:02:16

Exercise 3.1: Where are the children? Choose the correct preposition for each child from the given box. One is done for you. between  below  beside  in front of   behind  on in front of 1) the suitcase _______________________________ 2) _______________________________ the suitcase _______________________________ 3) _______________________________ the suitcases _______________________________ 4) _______________________________ the suitcase 6 04/09/2019 19:02:17 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 6

_______________________________ 5) _______________________________ the suitcase _______________________________ 6) _______________________________ the suitcase Exercise 3.2: Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle with the correct prepositions to show where the dragon is. One is done for you. 1) 2 4) 1 HN 4 F 2) 6 5) UE 5 W ON 3) T 6) 3 VE English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 7 Module 9 7 04/09/2019 19:02:18

Exercise 3.3: Look at the picture given below. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. One is done for you. 1) A girl is standing in front of the drawing board. 2) Two children are sitting ______________________________ the sandpit. 3) The drawing board is ______________________________ the ball. 4) The boy wearing the cap is ______________________________ the slide. 5) A dog is standing ______________________________ the girl. 6) A boy is sitting ______________________________ a bicycle. 8 04/09/2019 19:02:19 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 8

Writing Describe a picture Exercise 4: Describe the animal and the person in the picture. Use the given hints. Hints: • What animal do you see in the picture? • Give names to the person and the animal. • What is the person in the picture wearing? • How do the person and the animal look? • What are the person and the animal doing? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Module 9 9 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 9 04/09/2019 19:02:20

Module 10 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Vocabulary Words for movement Grammar Conjunctions Writing Write a paragraph Picture Reading Picture 1 Picture 2 10 04/09/2019 19:02:21 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 10

Dictation Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1) _______________________________________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________________________________________ 3) _______________________________________________________________________ 4) _______________________________________________________________________ 5) _______________________________________________________________________ PR Vocabulary Q Words for movement All of us move from one place to another. Sometimes, we walk. At other times, we run. The different ways in which a person can move have different names. Look at the names of a few movements below. English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 11 Module 10 11 04/09/2019 19:02:22

Sometimes, we move only one or two parts of our bodies. These movements also have names. clap kick knock wave Can you name three movements that you have made today? Exercise 2.1: Find the following words related to movement in the word search below. skip   walk   march   crawl   jog   kick SQH B V PC K NW J I A R I MA R CH A P E L UCFW Z UK I CK L W J OG L G S 12 04/09/2019 19:02:23 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 12

Exercise 2.2: Match the words for movement with their pictures. Column A Column B 1) stretch a) 2) push b) 3) wave c) 4) tiptoe d) 5) dive 6) trip e) f) English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 13 Module 10 13 04/09/2019 19:02:26

Now, draw two action figures that show two different types of movements. 14 04/09/2019 19:02:26 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 14

Grammar Conjunctions Complete the sentences with suitable joining words. Madhu _____________ You can choose the I like strawberries Priyanka are good books _____________ _____________ friends. toys but not both. chocolate. Remember The words ‘and’ and ‘or’ join words or sentences. They are called joining words or conjunctions. Conjunctions are words that join words or parts of sentences together. Examples: •  My dog and cat like to chase each other. •  Do you want a lollipop or an ice cream cone? Let us learn about two new conjunctions or joining words. Conjunction Usage Examples but It connects two • I want to play now, but I have to so opposite ideas. help my brother. It joins two sentences • I want to sleep, but my mother where one sentence wants me to study. shows a cause or reason and the other • It was late, so she went to sleep. shows the result. • Sam was hungry, so he ate the whole cake. Module 10 15 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 15 04/09/2019 19:02:28

Exercise 3.1: Match the sentences. One is done for you. Column A Column B 1) Lily wrote a a) so he bakes letter, cakes very often. He likes b) but she sleeps 2) baking, late. 3) They were c) or a pair of going on a jeans? vacation, 4) A crow d) s o they packed their bags. Will you wear e) but she did not 5) a skirt post it. 6) Swati wakes f) a nd an eagle up early, can both fly. 16 04/09/2019 19:02:33 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 16

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions from the options given in brackets. One is done for you. 1) Vivaan is my friend, so (so/or) he always helps me. 2) Is Sara going to the market to buy vegetables _________________ (but/or) milk? 3) Parrots can talk, _________________ (but/or) they cannot draw. 4) Suman plays the guitar _________________ (but/and) drums. 5) Rima was not thirsty, _________________ (or/but) she still drank the fruit juice. 6) Does Rohan have a brother _________________ (or/so) a sister? Exercise 3.3: Make simple sentences based on the pictures below by using the given conjunctions. One is done for you. 1) + so Rita had a cold. Rita drank hot soup. Ans. Rita had a cold, so she drank some hot soup. English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 17 Module 10 17 04/09/2019 19:02:37

2) + and You can buy a cycle. You can buy toys. Ans.   3) + or She will wear the pants. She will wear the shorts. Ans.   4) + but I wanted to go to the party. I had to stay at home and study. 04/09/2019 19:02:39 Ans.   18 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 18

5) + and My mother loves me. My father loves me. Ans.   6) + so It is raining. I will carry an umbrella. Ans.   Writing Write a paragraph Exercise 4: Write a paragraph about a park near your house. Use the given hints. Hints: •  Does the park have a name? •  Are there trees, plants and flowers in the park? •  D oes it have a play set like a swing or a merry-go-round? Module 10 19 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 19 04/09/2019 19:02:41

•  Does it have a grass lawn? •  What kind of people do you see there? •  Do these people run, walk or sit in the park? •  Do you like to go there and play? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 20 04/09/2019 19:02:41 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 20

P5 Picture Reading Picture 1 Look at the picture given below and choose the correct answers. 1) There are ______ girls and ______ boys in the picture. [    ] a) three; three b) two; four c) three; two d) two; three 2) It is ______ Day. [    ] a) Republic b) Teacher’s c) Independence d) Children’s 3) They are sitting ______ a stage. [    ] a) on b) under c) between d) behind 21 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 21 04/09/2019 19:02:43

4) The boy on the left is playing a ______. [    ] a) tabla b) flute c) harmonium d) guitar 5) A boy is playing a sitar. Arrange the underlined words [   ] in alphabetical order. a) a, boy, is, playing, sitar b) playing, boy, is, sitar, a c) sitar, is, boy, playing, a d) a, boy, sitar, playing, is Picture 2 Look at the picture given below and choose the correct answers. 1) The children are floating ______ in the stream. [    ] a) paper boats b) puddles c) shoes d) raindrops 22 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 22 04/09/2019 19:02:45

2) There is a ______ behind the children. [    ] a) cat b) house c) car d) tree 3) A girl and a boy are holding umbrellas in their hands. Suggest a suitable subject pronoun for the underlined words. [   ] a) He b) You c) We d) They 4) The children are smiling in glee. The meaning of ‘glee’ is ______. [    ] a) very happy b) very sad c) very surprised d) very angry 5) The children are playing outside. The opposite of ‘outside’ [   ] is ______. a) wayside b) beside c) nearside d) inside English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 23 Picture Reading 23 04/09/2019 19:02:45

Module 11 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Grammar Opposites Writing Rhyming words ‘This’, ‘that’, ‘these’, ‘those’ Answer questions based on a picture 24 04/09/2019 19:02:46 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 24

Dictation 3) 6) Exercise 1: Word dictation 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 7) 8) PR Vocabulary Q Opposites An opposite is a word that is completely different in meaning from another word. Let us look at a few opposites. Right Left Work Play Straight Curly Come Go Module 11 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 25 25 04/09/2019 19:02:51

Exercise 2.1: Look at the pictures in Column A and Column B. Match the opposites. Column A Column B 1) a)   ill subtract 2) b)  sunny answer 3) c)   front catch 4) d) question   well 5) e) add   back 6) f) throw   cloudy 26 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 26 04/09/2019 19:02:53

Rhyming words Words that have the same ending sounds are called rhyming words. Rhyming words need not always be spelled in the same way. Examples: •  ring – sing – wing    •  true – shoe – moo Exercise 2.2: Colour the stars with rhyming word pairs in the same colour. far well fell more star floor Grammar ‘This’, ‘that’, ‘these’, ‘those’ Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ or ‘those’. 1) ______________ is a pen. 2) ______________ are spoons. English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 27 Module 11 27 04/09/2019 19:02:54

3) ______________ is a pencil stand. 4) ______________ are dolls. 5) ______________ is a girl. Remember Near Far singular (one) This is a ball. That is a ball. plural (more than one) These are balls. Those are balls. Can you point to things in your classroom using ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ and ‘those’? 28 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 28 04/09/2019 19:02:57

Exercise 3.1: Tick the pictures for which you should use ‘this’ and ‘these’. Draw a star for the pictures for which you should use ‘that’ and ‘those’. One is done for you.  1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets. One is done for you. 1) Give me that (these/that) dress. 2) I live in _________________________ (that/those) house. 3) _________________________ (That/Those) pencils belong to me. 4) Maya wants _________________________ (those/this) toy. 5) Give _________________________ (that/these) gifts to your teacher. 6) _________________________ (Those/This) picture looks beautiful. Exercise 3.3: Choose the correct options and complete the sentences. One is done for you. 1) Look at those stars up in the sky. a) this b) these c) those Module 11 29 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 29 04/09/2019 19:02:59

2) Please come here and meet _________________________ boy. a) these b) this c) those 3) We can ask _________________________ teacher to help us. a) those b) these c) that 4) _________________________ balloons are very colourful. a) That b) These c) This 5) Can you see _________________________ boats? a) that b) those c) this 6) Do _________________________ books belong to Ria? a) these b) that c) this Writing Answer questions based on a picture Exercise 4: Look at the picture given below. Answer the questions based on the picture. 30 04/09/2019 19:03:01 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 30

1) What is the girl on the left using to paint a picture? Ans.   2) What is the girl with the paintbrush trying to paint? Ans.   3) What do you think the boy is making with the clay? Ans.   4) What is the girl with the two ponytails making? Ans.   5) Name two things that the girl is using to make the doll. Ans.   English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 31 Module 11 31 04/09/2019 19:03:01

32 04/09/2019 19:03:02 English_PNC_G2_Term3_G&C.indb 32

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