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Home Explore School Readiness Program

School Readiness Program

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-11-19 18:58:18

Description: School Readiness Program


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SCHOOL READINESS PROGRAM 5 steps to reopening schools post COVID‐19

Table of Contents Note from COO ....................................................1 Readiness Index...................................................2 5 Steps..................................................................3 Safety Tips Visuals................................................4 Disinfection Protocols...........................................5 Supplies Readiness..............................................6 Redefine Learning................................................10 Plan Spaces.........................................................12 Distancing Visuals................................................16 Public Addressal Script........................................17 Class Rules Visuals.............................................18 Self Declaration Form..........................................19 Poster - Do's and Don'ts .....................................20 Spaces for Posters/Signages..............................21 References..........................................................23

Dear School Leaders, Greetings from ClassKlap! As per the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs, states have been allowed to decide when to reopen schools amidst the current situation of Covid-19 in the country. Many of the states have already given the dates and manner in which schools can reopen. This is good news. While we need to be very cautious of the pandemic and ensure all precautions are taken to prevent any spread of Covid-19, we welcome this news because the closing of schools has had a devastating impact on children. Students today are dealing with learning loss, isolation, anxiety about the virus, and uncertainty about the future. Experts are pointing out that when the schools open, students may have lost almost 50-100% of whatever they had learned in the previous year. The incoming students today may have a lot of variability in their learning levels because of the huge isolation period. Keeping the need of opening schools, and giving our children a chance again to live a normal student life full of learning and engagement, in mind, we have prepared guidelines both for measuring readiness and for reopening of schools. These guidelines will help you reopen your schools without compromising the safety of school students. Best Regards, JANARDAN SINGH CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER 1

MEASURE YOUR SCHOOL READINESS FOR REOPENING Let’s check how ready you are with this READINESS INDEX survey. Answer the questions and click on submit for results. If your plan is not complete, please revisit this link to take the survey. If your READINESS INDEX is 100, we will help publish your customized video like this ( ) on your student’s Learning App. All you have to do is to share your School Name and School photo with us for a customized video(A high-quality image preferably portrait view, square size) If you are not ready, pls refer to this document to help with preparation for reopening. DISCLAIMER: This is a checklist to support schools to evaluate their readiness. The local laws and regulations may be different from the recommendations in this document. This document does not take responsibility for any regulatory requirement. 2

5 STEPS STEP 1: CHECK SCHOOL FACILITY •Cleaning and disinfecting all areas in the school campus including transport, dining etc. •Arrange sufficient supplies of soaps, disinfectants etc •Display COVID-19 informational signs. •Install protective panels. •Mark distancing at all places as per social distancing norms and protocol, use posters, signages , entry exit marking etc. STEP 2: DEVISE AND INFORM •Revisit SOP’s and policies of attendance, transport, dining etc and communicate •Communicate to all stakeholders on the use of masks, sanitizers, social distancing norms etc through regular orientations, digital media, print etc. STEP 3: ADVOCATE HYGIENE •Regular training for staff (teaching, administrative) and students on hygiene and safety protocols •Promote hygiene practices like regular handwashing, breathing exercises etc. •Emphasize behavior change to increase both the intensity and frequency of cleaning and disinfection activities •Revisit waste management practices. •Regular monitoring of health of staff and students STEP 4: REDEFINE LEARNING •Create staggered timetable for students to attend classes i.e. shifts, reducing timings, blend of online-offline etc. •Create alternative academic and school calendar with structured and blended pedagogical approaches •Train teachers on bridge courses with focus on learning gap identification and filling •Set up access for counselling STEP 5: PREPARE FOR EMERGENCY •Prepare for future round of closures and reopening both for teaching learning and operations •Create a Quick Response Team •Alternative academic calendar for closures •Develop guidelines for closures and reopening •Portal for emergency reporting 3

Coronavirus Health and Safety Tips 4

CLEANING AND DISINFECTION PROTOCOLS FOR SCHOOLS Regular cleaning and disinfection of schools is an important part of preventing and minimizing the spread of pathogens in the school environment and is the key to limiting exposure. Difference between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing: Cleaning Disinfecting Sanitizing Removes germs, dirt, and Kills germs on surfaces or Lowers the number of impurities from surfaces or objects. germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level objects. Steps for DISINFECTING Step 1: Check that your product is an approved disinfectant with the right composition. Step 2: Read the directions Follow the product’s directions. Check “use sites” and “surface types” to see where you can use the product. Read the “precautionary statements.” Step 3: Pre-clean the surface. Make sure to wash the surface with soap and water if the directions mention pre-cleaning or if the surface is visibly dirty. Step 4: Follow the contact time You can find the contact time in the directions. The surface should remain wet the whole time to ensure the product is effective. Step 5: Wear gloves and wash your hands For disposable gloves, discard them after each cleaning. For reusable gloves, dedicate a pair to disinfecting COVID-19. Wash your hands after removing the gloves. Step 6: Lock it up. Keep lids tightly closed and store out of reach of children. Where should I disinfect? When should I disinfect? Consider cleaning surfaces and object Options for cleaning and disinfection including but not limited to: include: ● Door handles and knobs ● In the morning before students arrive ● Desks and chairs ● Between classes (if students change ● Cabinets, lockers, and bookshelves ● rooms and while students are not present) ● Shared computer keyboards and devices ● Between the use of shared surfaces ● Trash bins/ Dust bins ● or objects ● Light switches ● Before and after food service ● Sinks and surrounding areas ● Before students return from recess ● Whiteboards or chalkboards ● or breaks ● Shared electronics such as printers ● After students leave for the day ● Shared learning materials (unavoidable ones) 5

ESSENTIAL COVID-19 SUPPLIES In order to maintain the health and safety of our students and staff in any in-person school programs and limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission, these supplies are to be in place. The following is a list of essential items schools should be provided with for ongoing COVID-19 prevention. Quantities of items should be defined to cover the needs of schools for as long as possible duration, this to reduce the number of distributions and therefore risks and also in the assumption of imminent lockdown. Sr No Item Specification Quantity Unit Disposable face masks. Check the 1 Face Masks video for specifications 500 piece/500 persons/month (students) 0A-5wd14&feature=emb_title If soap, water, and paper towels are not readily available, provide alcohol- 2 Hand sanitizers based hand rubs (ABHR) for use if 500 ml/500 persons hands are not visibly dirty. Only /per month ABHRs with 60% alcohol or more are recommended in relation to COVID-19. 3 Liquid Soap Liquid soap with dispenser(0.5%NAOH 625 ml/500 persons content) /per month Should cover the entire face, wrap around the sides of the face and 4 Face Shields extend to below the chin. Caution 500 piece/500 persons/month should be taken while wearing one to avoid injuries that could break it and harm the eyes or face 5 Paper Towels Disposable Paper towels. As per the count of students and staff 6 Tissues Disposable Paper Tissues As per the count of students and staff 7 Running water Running water. As per need 200 liters drum with pedal for water 8 Hand wash post and soap dispenser and lower bucket According to the for collection of wastewater. See video need to avoid long queues for specifications 09314419752309 9 Disposable Non-latex recommended 1 pair per cleaner/day Gloves 6

ESSENTIAL COVID-19 SUPPLIES Sr No Item Specification Quantity Unit Should cover the entire face, wrap around the sides of the face and Face extend to below the chin. Caution 10 Shields/Goggles should be taken while wearing one to 1 per cleaner/day avoid injuries that could break it and harm the eyes or face Plastic medical goggles or facial shield N95 or an FFP3 respirator mask for 11 Mask (Health health service staff when providing 2 per cleaner/day Staff) care to ill students, aerosolization treatment like a nebulization 1 per 50 i) 2/100 Thermometers (forehead/strip or digital students students(thermom thermometer eter)/month thermometers with a disposable 12 Thermometer sleeve). 1 per child ii) 100/100 Noncontact thermometer disposable students(disposab sleeves le sleeves/as per 01- Noncontact usage Disinfecting Alcohol based wipes/ 13 Germicidal wipes 14 Disinfectant bleaching liquid; 5% Litres/100 (sodium hypochlorite) or 9.2 persons/month 15 Disinfectant Calcium hypochlorite (HTH) Kg/100 persons/month cleaners/Germici granules 65-70% active chlorine or 0.675 0.675 Kg/100 dal cleaners persons/month Sodium dichloroisocyanurate 16 (NaDCC) granules 55% active chlorine 17 Cleaning suit Disposable 1 per cleaner/day Food Service Sanitizers(if the If school runs dining. Check for non- 18 school runs As per need toxic, non-corrosive sanitizers. dining) Disinfecting Wet As per need 19 Mopping Cloths Educational materials and resources 1. Video, posters, teaching materials, and more related to hand-washing. 2. Posters and signages related to instructions in various utility areas. 3. Checklist for parents and students 7

ITEM IMAGE FOR REFERENCE ITEM IMAGE FOR REFERENCE Face Masks Face (students) Shields/Goggles Hand sanitizers Mask (Health Staff) Liquid Soap Thermometer Face Shields Infrared Paper Towels Noncontact Disinfecting wipes/ Germicidal wipes Disinfectant cleaners/Germici dal cleaners 8

ITEM IMAGE FOR REFERENCE ITEM IMAGE FOR REFERENCE Tissues Cleaning suit Running water Food Service Hand wash post Sanitizers(if the school runs dining) Disinfecting Wet Mopping Cloths Disposable Thermometer Gloves sleeves 9




SCHOOL FACILITY - PLAN SPACES Pre Pandemic: Post Pandemic: 8 m x 6 m (approx 500. sq. 8m*6m Number of students - 35 to 40 Six-foot circle(2 arms distance between students) Number of students - 6 to 8 Control strategies that can reduce risk at entrances and in circulation spaces, include: ➢ Providing physical distancing signage and floor markings within the front office. ➢ Staggering schedules, including opening and closing times, to reduce traffic at entrances at any one time ➢ Creating queuing zones at the entrance with signage and ground marking indicating a minimum of 6-foot distancing ➢ Setting up a supervised quarantine area for symptomatic students. ➢ Secure perimeters of social distancing point ➢ Identifying separate staff and student entry points. ➢ Implementing hands-free door openers and hardware to limit touching of surfaces. ➢ Limiting access to only essential staff and visitors during the school day, ➢ Vendors and delivery process set up at the school gate ➢ Providing additional protection for reception staff, such as a vertical plexiglass sneeze guard ➢ Creating one-way circulation in hallways to maintain physical distancing and reduce face to face contact while maintaining access to emergency routes and exits ➢ Remove or relocate obstacles(such as corridor seats, lockers, equipment, etc) to create more space and support physical distancing Classrooms Typically, students sit at desks that are in close proximity to one another and for periods longer than15 minutes, which is the current exposure threshold for 'contact'. Additionally, some periods like play, sports, library, science lab activities, etc require the sharing of equipment and material. Students frequently touch shared surfaces like desks, chairs, books, equipment, etc which can increase the spread of germs, including CoV-19 ➢ Control strategies to reduce the risk in classrooms and cater to learning and safety needs could include ➢ Repurpose libraries, art and craft rooms, sports rooms, dining areas, etc into larger classroom spaces. ➢ Reduce the number of desks and workspaces in each classroom depending on the size of the room ➢ Remove non-essential furniture components ➢ Map floor to delineate one-way walking paths 13


SCHOOL FACILITY - PLAN SPACES ➢ Lockable storage for hazardous cleaning and disinfection products for 'staff' /'adult' usage only ➢ Install cleanable dividers wherever physical separation seems a challenge ➢ No sharing items rule ➢ Proper ventilation ➢ Put students into groups and let them stay together throughout each day across weeks ➢ Staggering students arrival and drop off times by groups ➢ Create hand wash/sanitization stations close to the classroom ➢ Providing video conferencing, protection equipment, whiteboard, microphone, speakers, etc for large classrooms ➢ Rotate teachers and not students through classrooms TAPE THE FLOOR TO INDICATE SAFE SPACING OF DESKS 15


PUBLIC ADDRESSAL SCRIPT Kind Attention Students, Staff, Parents, and Guardians, All are requested to follow these instructions for your safety ● Wear a mask at all times to protect yourself and others ● Sanitize your hands at regular intervals, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth ● Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds ● Don’t let the germs go for a ride. Cover your coughs and sneezes. ● Maintain 6 feet distance in classrooms and corridors, refer to the marking on the floor and ground. ● Do not share any eatables or any other objects. ● Children can inform their teacher if they feel sick and report to the sickbay. Stay safe, stay healthy. THANKYOU Please click on the link below for the audio files in the following languages ● English ● Hindi ● Marathi ● Kannada ● Tamil ● Telugu 17


SELF DECLARATION FORM COVID 19 School name:________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Grade & Section:_______ Parent Name:________________________ Phone#:______________ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. To ensure the ongoing health & well-being of all members of school, _____________________ (Name of school) requires all Parents & Guardians to complete this Declaration Form on behalf of their child/ren upon returning to school. All information provided will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence. SL NO QUESTION YES NO 1 Does your child have symptoms of cough, fever, high temperature, sore throat, runny nose, breathlessness or flu-like symptoms now or in the past 14 days? 2 Has your child been in close contact with anyone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in the last 14 days? 3 Does your child live in the same household with anyone who has symptoms of COVID 19 and/or who has been in self-isolation in the last 14 days? 4 Have you/or your child been diagnosed with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection in the last 14 days? 5 Have you been advised by your doctor that you are in a very high- risk group? I hereby declare and confirm, to the best of my knowledge that my child(ren) has/have no symptoms of COVID-19, they are not self-isolating or awaiting results of a COVID-19 test and have not been advised to restrict my movements. Please note: The school is collecting this sensitive personal data for the purposes of maintaining safety within the school in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The legal basis for collecting this data is based on vital public health interests and maintaining occupational health and this data will be held securely. Signed: ______________________________________ 19


WHERE SHOULD POSTERS/SIGNAGES BE PUT UP? 1. All Entry and Exit Points 2. Reception Area 3. Playground 4. Assembly Hall/Ground 5. Library 6. Washrooms 7. Corridors 8. Dining Area 9. Fee Counters 10. Offices/Cabins 11. Transport 12. Laboratories 21


REFERENCES: 1. education-at-a-glance-2020.pdf 2. covid-and-schools.pdf?sfvrsn=320db233_2 3. ening_schools.pdf 4. content/uploads/sites/22/2020/08/sg_policy_brief_covid- 19_and_education_august_2020.pdf 5. 6. s%20for%20disinfecting%20books_Mar2020-converted.pdf 7. 8. care-and-education 9. covid-19-prevention-and-control-in-schools-march-2020.pdf?sfvrsn=baf81d52_4 10. post-covid-19 DISCLAIMER: This is a checklist to support schools to evaluate their readiness. The local laws and regulations may be different from the recommendations in this document. This document does not take responsibility for any regulatory requirement. 23

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