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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2022-02-07 08:18:23



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7) paste these photos at the end of suitable branches and sub-branches of your family tree. 8) draw and cut leaves, flowers, fruits and birds from the coloured papers. You can use these to decorate your family tree. Activity A2: A Gift for Birds Do you want to attract birds to your garden or a balcony? Then let us make a bird feeder. A bird feeder helps us to feed birds. You will need: an empty plastic bottle with a cap, knife, strings, strong glue, wooden spoons and birdseed You need to: 1) make a few small holes at the bottom of an empty plastic bottle. 2) make holes on the sides of the bottle so as to insert the spoons. 3) ensure that the spoon is tilted downwards so that the birdseed automatically comes out to the spoon. (The hole on one side should be a little bit higher than the hole on the opposite side). 4) make a similar hole and insert one more spoon away from the first one. This will allow two birds to eat at the same time. 5) fill the bottle with birdseed from the top. 6) make a hole in the cap of the container. Activity Time – A 47

7) tie a knot at the end of the string and make the string pass through the inside of the cap so as to hang it. Close the bottle. 8) hang your feeder near a window or on a nearby tree or outdoor hook. Keep your feeders well stocked. Birds come to depend on them and will go hungry if you forget to do so. 48

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