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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-02-10 06:12:42



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2 Fruit and Vegetable Wrap or Sandwich Make a wrap or a sandwich with an adult. Bring the following items from home. 1) Grain: One wheat chapati or two slices of whole-wheat bread 2) V egetables: Sliced carrots, cucumbers, boiled potatoes, lemon and other vegetables of your choice 3) Fruits: Sliced apples, guavas, tomatoes and other fruits of your choice 4) Nuts: Chopped peanuts and walnuts 5) Dairy: A slice of cheese Note: Arrange for salt and pepper shakers in class. Assemble the wrap or sandwich by following these steps. 1) If you are making a wrap, pick the chapati and for a sandwich, pick the bread. 2) P lace the cheese slice followed by vegetables, fruits and nuts in the chapati, and roll it if making a wrap. 3) P lace the cheese slice followed by the vegetables, fruits and nuts in between the two slices of bread if making a sandwich. 4) Add salt and pepper using the shakers. 5) Squeeze the lemon on top of the stuffing. Enjoy your wrap or sandwich with your family and friends. 51

3 Yarn Rainbow 1) U sing a blue crayon, colour the given space for the sky. 2) Paste cotton pieces for clouds. 3) Cut pieces of yarn in the colours of the rainbow. Paste them to form a colourful rainbow. 52

4 Paper Punch Ant 1) Use a circle shaped object to cut out 3 circles on a coloured paper. 2) O n one circle, using a small paper punch, make holes for the white part of the eyes. 3) On a sheet of paper, paste the circles. 4) D raw the black part of the eyes, the legs and antennae with a crayon. Alternatively, use cut yarn or craft paper to form the legs and the antennae. 53


5 Torn Paper Art Tear different coloured craft papers. Paste them in the given space to make your own art. 55

6 Susie, the Yellow Chick Let us make Susie, the yellow chick. 1) Take yellow paint and spread the paint with the help of a plastic fork. 2) Cut a folded triangle for the beak and strips of paper for the legs from a coloured chart paper. 3) Paste the beak, legs and googly eyes. 56

7 Beautiful Butterfly Colour the left side of the butterfly using water or poster colours. Fold the paper at the centre to print a mirror image of the left side on the right to complete the picture. 57


Themes *Note to Teacher: Festivals fall on different dates every year. In this book, a tentative / approximate structure has been followed. The idea is for the students to get introduced to different festivals and learn about them.

1 January: Makar Sankranti Decorate the picture of the kite by pasting papers of different colours. 60

2 February: Winter Paste cotton to decorate the snow man. Use buttons to make its eyes. 61

3 March: Holi Colour the picture of the festival of Holi with your favourite colours. 62

4 April: Baisakhi Colour the picture of the festival of Baisakhi with your favourite colours. 63

5 May: Summer Colour the ice creams in the picture showing summer season. 64

6 June: Eid Colour the picture of the festival of Eid. 65

7 July: Monsoon Make the umbrella colourful by using different colours. 66

8 August: Onam During Onam celebrations in India, people in Kerala make a ‘Pookalam’ (a type of Rangoli) in front of their houses using flowers. You can colour the outline of the ‘Pookalam’ using colours or flowers. 67

9 August: Raksha Bandhan With the help of your teacher, make a colourful rakhi. Paste it in the space given. 68

10 September: Janmashtmi During Janmashtami celebrations, a ‘matki’ (pot made of mud) filled with curd or butter is broken. Decorate the ‘matki’ and its string with pieces of different coloured paper. 69

11 October: Dussehra Colour the picture of Ravana with your favourite colours. 70

12 November: Diwali Make a greeting card for Diwali as shown in the picture. Paste it in the space given. 71

13 December: Christmas Decorate the Christmas tree using crayons and glitter. 72