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b) hl s c) p ni s d) o e) f) e us e 45 Things in My Classroom

Lesson 3: Colours I have read the lesson ‘Colours’. From this lesson, we learn about the colours of different things. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word parrot grass chilli snow 46 silk cotton

blueberry lemons pie Listen 1) Listen to your teacher and colour the pictures. 47 Colours

Write 2) Complete the following activities on colours. a) Write the names of things that are of the given colours. green : 48 red : white :

blue : yellow : b) Look at the picture and answer the questions. A) What is the colour of the Sun? 49 Ans. Colours B) What is the colour of the bucket? Ans.

C) What is the colour of the star on the bucket? Ans. D) What colours can you see on the big flower? Ans. E) What colours do you see on the watering can? Ans. F) What is the main colour on the girl’s dress? Ans. Activity 3) Form groups and play the game of ‘I spy’ in the classroom. Example: Aman: I spy, 50 With my little eye, Something ‘green’ in this room. All: The board.

Lesson 4: Magic Seed I have read the lesson ‘Magic Seed’. From this lesson we learn about a little seed that becomes a big tree. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word seeds figs wide sprouted 51 Magic Seed

Listen 1) Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks with the correct options. a) There is a tiny (plant/seed). b) The seed (sprouts/ grows). c)  (Flowers/Leaves) start growing out of the seed. d) The seed becomes a (leaf/plant). 52 e) The plant grows big and wide, and becomes a (tree/seed).

Write little seed 2) Complete the lines of the poem. I found a And planted it . I’m not sure what it is yet – ? , peas or 53 My completely special Something-or- -tree! Magic Seed

Activity 3) L  ook at the following pictures and choose the correct groups. trees plants parts of the body part of an animals part of a plant trees vegetables 54 leaves vegetables

Lesson 5: Who are you? I have read the lesson ‘Who are you?’. From this lesson we learn about a smart white rabbit and a very clever fox. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word crunchy super-duper Listen 1) Listen to your teacher. Clap your hands when he or she says the name of a vegetable that is green. Snap your fingers when you hear the names of vegetables that are not green. Speak 55 2) B  ring the picture of your favourite vegetable to class. Tell your friends about the vegetable and why you like it. D  escribe the vegetable and make groups with other friends who have brought the picture of the same vegetable as you. Who are you?

Use the following sentences or words: . My favourite vegetable is I like it because . It is in colour. Read 56 3) Read the names of the given vegetables. Then, write the names of the vegetables in their correct orders to complete the patterns. a) carrot cabbage carrot cabbage

b) peas peas pumpkin pumpkin c) brinjal onion potato Write 4) Describing words tell us more about a person, animal or thing. Write the words that describe the following from the play. a) rabbit – b) tomato – c) leafy vegetable – d) cabbage – 57 e) carrot – Who are you?

f) fox – Activity 5) S  tick pictures of your family members below. Write two words that describe each member of your family below their pictures. 58

Lesson 6: Be Quick I have read the lesson ‘Be Quick’. In this lesson we learn about a game where the names of vegetables are said very fast. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word quick radish cauliflowe Listen 59 1) Listen to your teacher. Raise your arms when you hear the names of vegetables. Clap when you hear the names of fruits or colours. Be Quick

Write 2 ) B  e Quick! Write the names of three animals, fruits and games that you like the most. a) animals – b) fruits – c) games – Activity 3) Colour the three vegetables that you like eating the most. 60

61 Be Quick

Unit 3

Lesson 1: Bow, Wow I have read the lesson ‘Bow, Wow’. From this lesson, we learn about the sounds that different animals make. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word hog cuckoo Word Meaning owl 63 Bow, Wow

Listen 1) L  isten to your teacher carefully and identify the animal sounds he or she makes. Number the animals given in the boxes below in the order in which you hear their sounds.  d  og     r at    owl     c  at    d  uck   frog     h  og     c  row   cow    Write 2) C  omplete the story with animal sounds. T  here once was a who wagged his tail and said ! 64 H e saw a who went , when she saw the dog.

T  hey both went to the pond where the saw them. She said ! A hopped out of the pond and shouted , as he went jumping around. T  he came out of his sty and joined them as he hooted ! Activity 3) R  ead the rhyming riddles and find the names of the animals or things. 65 Draw their pictures. a) E very night you sleep in me. I rhyme with red. Bow, Wow

b) I  am an animal who loves to hop. I rhyme with dog. 66 c) I stay in the pond and go ‘Quack! Quack! Quack!' I rhyme with truck.

d ) Y ou wear me on your head and I rhyme with cat. e) I light up the sky. I rhyme with fun. 67 Bow, Wow

f) You have ten of these and I rhyme with rose. 68

Lesson 2: Jungle Safari I have read the lesson ‘Jungle Safari’. From this lesson, we learn the names of different animals. We also learn how to identify common letters and sounds in their names. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word giraffe butterfly deer squirrel 69 Jungle Safari

Listen 1) L  isten to the sentences that your teacher reads out. Guess which animal is being described. Fill in the blanks to complete their names. eehn ae sae 70 o k y

Write 2) Spell and write the names of the following animals. Then, colour the pictures. NLAE HTP E Z AE BR 71 Jungle Safari

72 IRT GE 02_Class 1_Term 1_Unit 3.indd 70 I ON L 03/13/2019 18:48:05

Lesson 3: Toto – The Hen I have read the lesson ‘Toto – The Hen’. From this lesson, we learn about Rahish and his pet hen who saved the farm from a fire. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word fire farm coop tap 73 Toto – The Hen

Listen 1) Listen to your teacher and arrange the words to make meaningful sentences. a) had pet a Rahish Ans. . b) became They friends good Ans. . c) a coop in lived Toto Ans. . d) was a She hen black 74 . Ans.

Speak 2) S  it in a circle and make a story using the words given below. Your teacher will start the story and you will have to make sentences using the words and take the story forward. pet lived smart egg hen everyday fed bed went shout burning fire coop pipe tap farm H  ere is a story starter that you can use: On a farm lived a . Read 3) R ead the story. Replace the pictures with words and complete the story. Once upon a time, there was a little red 75 who lived on a . She was friends with a lazy , a sleepy and a Toto – The Hen

noisy yellow . One day the little red found some on the ground. The little red had an idea. She would plant the . The little red asked her friends, ‘Who will help me plant the ?’ ‘Not I,’ barked the lazy . 76 . ‘Not I,’ purred the sleepy ‘Not I,’ quacked the noisy yellow .

‘Then I will,’ said the little red . So the little red planted the all by herself. Write 4) Read the story given in your textbook and answer the questions. a) What was the name of the hen? b) Where did the hen live? 77 c) What special sound did the hen make? d) What was on fire? Toto – The Hen

e) How did Rahish put out the fire? Activity 5) If you could choose a pet, which animal would you choose? Draw and colour its picture in the box below. Then give your pet a name and answer the following questions. •  Where will you keep your pet? •  What will it eat? •  How will you take care of it? 78

79 Toto – The Hen

Lesson 4: Let’s Know More About Animals I have read the lesson ‘Let’s Know More About Animals’. In this lesson, we learn about animals, their shelters and the sounds they make. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word den jungle Word Meaning 80 water

Listen 1) G  iven below are the pictures of some animals. Listen to your teacher and colour the animals. 81 Let’s Know More About Animals

Write 2) If you could change into an animal, which animal would you like to be? Describe what the animal looks like. Why did you choose that animal? 82

Lesson 5: Surprise Birthday Party I have read the lesson ‘Surprise Birthday Party’. From this lesson, we learn that it is nice to have friends and celebrate special days like birthdays with them. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning cranes lake surprise Listen 83 1) Listen to your teacher and draw a star on the correct words. a) There was a monkey named (Manku/Tanku). b) Lucky lived in a (pond/lake). c) Jin baked (a cake/some biscuits). d) Jenny brought some (tapes/grapes). e) They all (sang/danced) together. Surprise Birthday Party

Speak 2) Your teacher will ask you to sit in a circle. You will then take turns to talk about what happened on Manku’s surprise birthday party. Read 3) Read the names of things related to a birthday party and number the pictures. 1 balloons 2 card 3 cake 4 candles 5 hat 6 present 7 ice cream 8 friends 84 BIRHTAHPDPAYY

Write 4) Choose and write the sounds which the following things make. hiss   ring   screech   chirp   buzz   bang 85 Surprise Birthday Party

Activity 5) Draw a picture of a birthday cake that you would like to have on your next birthday. How old will you be? Draw the same number of candles on the cake. 86

Unit 4

Lesson 1: An Action Song I have read the lesson ‘An Action Song’. From this lesson, we learn about different body parts. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word touch pull 88 shut ground

Listen 1) L  isten to your teacher and label the parts of the body. 89 An Action Song

Write 2) Look at the pictures. Choose the correct options from the box and write them next to the pictures. close your eyes    touch your head    pull your nose a) b) 90 c)

Activity 3) Read the sentences and complete the picture. • Draw eyes, mouth, teeth, nose, ears. • Colour the hair black. • Colour the face, hands and legs brown. • Colour the T-shirt and shoes red. • Colour the shorts and socks yellow. 91 An Action Song

Lesson 2: Sunny and Mini I have read the lesson ‘Sunny and Mini’. From this lesson, we learn how to keep ourselves neat and clean. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word dirty sticky 92 neat messy

Listen 1) L  isten to your teacher and fill in the missing words. a) Sunny was in his . b) His were yellow. c) His were messy. d) Later he was looking and tidy. Speak 93 2) T  ell everyone the things you do when you wake up in the morning. Hints: brush your teeth, take a bath, eat breakfast, etc. Sunny and Mini

Read 3) Read the sentences and match them with the correct pictures. a) I take a bath. A) b) I brush my teeth. B) c) I wash my hands. C) D) 94 d) I comb my hair.

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