GETTING TO KNOW US May 2017 The Hope ClinicOur Mission Our VisionThe mission of the Hope Clinic is to conduct human research stud- Our Vision is the im-ies and clinical trials for infectious diseases of public health im- provement of the healthportance; e.g., HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, seasonal and pandemic in- of our patients and com-fluenza, diarrhea (Clostridium difficile, rotavirus, norovirus), Staphy- munities through infec-lococcus aureus, bioterror agents (anthrax, smallpox, tularemia), tious diseases research,HPV, and others. The clinical studies encompass vaccines, treat- training and education,ments, prevention, community-based research, and laboratory- and service.based translational human immunology. .The Hope Clinic of the Emory Vaccine Center (EVC) is an interna-tional Center of Excellence in clinical and translational research ininfectious diseases vaccines, treatment, and prevention.Who are the team members? about us: Hope Clinic of Emory University 500 Irvin Court Suite 200 Decatur, GA 30030 404-712-1370 APRIL 2017
Things to know: Quick links for helpful information Human Resources Website Time Off & Holidays BenefitsMeet one of the first Zika volunteers LGTB Life New HiresA Glimpse into Our WorldAs part of your orientation it is important to under-stand exactly what we do. There are several articlesthat give insight into the exciting work being done bythe Hope Clinic. Take a few minutes and learn aboutthe impact the Hope Clinic is making on our commu-nity. Clinic Operational PracticesNow that you have had a chance to find outabout us, its time to get you familiarized withthe operational side of things.Remember that you are an employee ofEmory University (EU) and all EU policiesapply.EMORY UNIVERSITY POLICIES 2
Hope Clinic OperationsHelpful Acronyms Clinic Hours: 8AM to 5PM. Staff may choose to work 8AM-5PM with an hour lunch or 8AM to 4:30PM with a 30 minute lunch. (AnyAKA: Clinic Slang other schedule must be approved by manager. Approval is subject to clinic needs.) ALL staff are asked to leave the building by 6:30PM and entry on weekends will need manager’s approval. Dress Code: Business casual is appropriate attire. Fridays are JEAN DAY– jeans must be free of holes or tears.CAB–COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD Emory Network ID:CFAR-CENTER FOR AIDS RESEARCH Exam Rooms: Cleaned and stocked weekly by staff team mem- bers.CRID-CLINICAL RESEARCH FOR INFEC- Hope Clinic Calendar: You must request access to the calendarTIOUS DISEASES from the Sr. Associate Director Programs. The calendar is used for scheduling staff and participant visits. You will not be able to makeCTU-EMORY-CDC HIV/AIDS CLINICAL TRI- changes to the calendar, unless you have been granted access to edit.ALS UNIT Housekeeping: M/W/F-please set trash outside of office.DMID–DIVISION OF MICROBIOLOGY AND ID Badge: (How to obtain)INFECTIOUS DISEASES Information Technology Support: You may email your requestsEML-EMORY MEDICAL LABS to [email protected] or call 7-7777. IT support also pro- vides onsite support (approximately every 2 weeks).EIDCRL-EMORY INFECTIOUS DISEASES Lab Procedures:CLINICAL RESEARCH LAB Lunch/Breaks: Will be taken according to clinic/team schedule.ERMS-EMORY RESEARCH MANGEMENT Please indicate your departure and return times, usually on officeSYSTEM door. This ensures that staff is notified.EVC-EMORY VACCINE CENTER Kitchen/Refrigerator: The breakroom is cleaned monthly by staff volunteers.HPTN-HIV PREVENTION TRIALS NETWORK Security/Keys: Obtain keys to building and office form Sr. As-HVTN-HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK sociate Director Programs.OCR-OFFICE OF CLINICAL RESEARCHOSP-OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMSVRC-VACCINE RESEARCH CENTERVTEU-VACCINE AND TREATMENT EVALUA-TION UNIT Staff Meetings: General Hope Clinic meetings are held every Wednesday afternoon. Clinical Staff meetings are usually held monthly (also on Wednesday afternoon). Supplies: Staff submit order requests on Tuesdays Telephone: Access the instructions under appendix section. Training: Use the link provided to access training required for all Emory employees involved with clinical research. You will be pro- vided a list of all additional required training that is specific3to your position.
Day 1: Itinerary 4 Introduction to staff Tour of facilities Review staff roles and job responsibilities Receive key and alarm code Phone/Calendar/Printer Access Review Standard Operating Procedures Sign Confidentiality Agreement Meet VTEU Lead Coordinator Meet HVTN Lead Coordinator Meet QA/QI Manager Meet Regulatory TeamAfter receiving a tour of the facilities, you will then meet to discussyour responsibilities and review your job description. From there, youwill meet with the Operations manager to review Standard OperatingProcedures and to sign the Confidentiality Agreement.You will also meet with other staff members to get information aboutVTEU, HVTN, Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs.You will also receive an orientation email from Emory. Follow the linkand complete. 4
APRIL 2017
Course Course Link for Training DateHIPPA in 2100 Hurry 01 2100 02and Re- 2100 03HIPPA Security 2401 www.citiprogram.orgCITI Good 00Clinical Prac- www.citiprogram.orgtice (GCP) and 2401ICH 20 Biomedi- 2401 courses.htmlcal Focus 50 courses.htmlCITI Clini- 2050 Re- 34 courses.htmlsearch Co- 2050 33 You must enroll for this classBorne at https://Pathogens(BBP) for ofInterestERMS TrainingAHA BasicLife SupportAfter completing training courses, attach proof of completion and submit to Regulatory Manager. APRIL 2017
All training courses must be completed within 60 days. Additional training for your assigned studies will be given to you. Training certifications expire and must be renewed as required. APRIL 2017
APRIL 2017
APRIL 2017
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