Kids Innovation and Development of Skills Foundation MAH. (INDIA) Reg. No. Mh /123/2020 K.I.D.S. FOUNDATION MANAS MANDIR, ARVI NAKA , WARDHA . MAHARASHTRA Pin : 442001 (INDIA) 1 April 2021 Number : 04 The Volume : 01 K.I.D.S. The K.I.D.S. - For the creativity & skill development of 21st century children Volume : 01 No.: 04 Pages : 2+18 Date : 01/04/2021 Be sure to let us know if you have any H.O.D. Contact No. INDEX suggestions, feedback or articles. +919284458818 TECH KIDS E-Mail : [email protected] +917719986855 Learn English Click here for +919422536173 MATHS TRICKS Join K.I.D.S. Foundation and receive a member- ship certificate and The KIDS MAGAZINE PDF +919422141084 SCIENCE WORLD +919850525974 WE ARE UNIQUE every month at your email. +919595540771 LOCAL TO GLOBAL Please follow us on +919284917503 INNOVATORS OF THE MONTH +918605266764 Way to compete +918805741545 yourself ABOUT K.I.D.S.
The K.I.D.S. MAparriclh20220121 ETDEUC.HNKEIWDS Role of Internet in Education I things, and relearn the content about their kid’s performance in nternet, the most taught in the school. People use it the school. Interaction with the useful technology of modern times according to their needs and inter- like minded people on forums can which helps us not only in our daily ests. help students to explore new ideas lives but also in professional lives. There are many benefits of the and enrich their knowledge. Learn- For educational purposes, it is internet in the field of education. widely used to gather information Some of these are: 3. Effective Teaching and and to do research or add to the ing Tool knowledge of various subjects. The Internet has become a major Internet plays a very vital tool for effective teaching role in education. It is no as well as a learning tool. doubt that in this modern Teachers can use it as a era everyone prefers teaching tool by posting Google for their queries, their teaching materials problems or doubts. Popu- (notes and videos) on school lar search engines like website or forum . The Google, Yahoo, etc. are learning process becomes the topmost choice of interesting and diverse with people as they offer an the use of tutorial videos easy and instant reach to and notes. Teachers can the vast amount of infor- teach with the use of ani- mation in just a few seconds. It 1. Cost Effective and Affordable mation, power point slides, and im- contains a wealth of knowledge that Education- One of the largest bar- ages to capture the students’ at- can be searched at any time. The riers to education is high cost. The tention. internet has introduced improve- Internet improves the quality of 4. Easy Access to Quality Educa- ments in technology, communication, education, which is one of the pil- tion- and online entertainment. lars of sustainable development of Today, it has become more impor- a nation. It provides education Students can easily access quality tant as well as a powerful tool in through Videos (like youtube tuto- education materials like tutorial the world which is preferred by rial videos) and web tutorials which videos on you tube for free or pay everyone. Everybody needs internet is affordable to everyone and cost- fees online for more quality study for some or other purposes. Stu- effective. materials. NEXT PAGE dents need internet to search for 2. Student – Teacher and Peer information related to exams, cur- Interaction- The internet has al- riculum, results, etc. You can also lowed students to be in constant follow these steps for students to touch with their teachers or with achieve success in student life. other fellow classmates with the Importance of internet in education help of social media, messaging apps Sharad G. Dhage to the students’ means that it and chat forums. Parents can inter- makes easier for them to research act as well as communicate with [email protected] teachers and school authorities Page 3 F२o१rव्cयrाeaशtiतviकtyातaीnलd बskाiलll कdeांचाv्यelाopसmजृ enनtशofील2त1ाstवceकnौtशurलy्यchववildकreासn ा.स..ा.ठी....
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 TECH KIDS Scratch is a block- eys called \"scratching\", where based visual programming lan- vinyl records are clipped to- guage and website targeted gether and manipulated on a primarily at children 8-16 as an turntable to produce different educational tool for cod- sound effects and music. Like ing.[5][6] Users of the site can scratching, the website lets create projects on the web users mix together different using a block-like interface. media (including graphics, The service is developed by sound, and other programs) in the MIT Media Lab, has been is used in most parts of the creative ways by creating and re- translated into 70+ languages, and world.[7] Scratch is taught and used mixing projects, like video games, animations, and simulations. in after-school centers, schools, KNOW MORE - and colleges, as well as other public knowledge institutions. As of March 2021, community statistics on the language's official website show more than 73 million projects shared by over 68 million users, and almost 38 million monthly website visits.[7] Scratch takes its name from a NILESH DHOKANE technique used by disk jock- [email protected] Role of Internet in Education FROM PREVIOUS PAGE there are many paid sites which the knowledge. Also, it helps to Teachers can also make use of provide education resources which visualize what is being taught by the internet by proving the stu- are rich in quality and easily under- the teachers in school. If you want dents with extra study material standable to masses. to prepare for final exams, you can and resources such as interactive access Video Tutorials and other lessons, educational quiz as well as 6. Keeping you updated with Lat- resources online through the tutorials. Teachers can record est Information- Information is Internet. their lectures and provide it to the the biggest advantage which the students for revisions which is bet- internet is offering. There is a The Internet is a boon to the ter than reading from notes. huge amount of information avail- people, which is used all over the able for every subject. It keeps us world. Hence, it should be used 5. Interaction with Digital Me- up to date with the latest informa- for good purpose. It has had a dia- Regular use of digital media tion regarding the subjects in great impact on imparting educa- is one of the most basic parts of which we are interested. tion to the children. If this is our lives. Digital bulletin boards used in appropriate ways that save paper, allow displaying of vid- 7. Learning with Multimedia- It meet children’s development level, eos and audios to attract the at- helps the students with the learn- they can benefit and learn from tention of students. Nowadays, ing process as it helps to simplify the Internet. Page 4 F२o१rव्cयrाeaशtiतviकtyातaीnलd बskाiलll कdeाचांv्यelाopसmजृ enनtशofील2त1ाstवceकnौtशurलy्यchववildकreासn ा.स..ा.ठी....
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 TECH KIDS About CodeWeek and Pixel Art EU Code Week is a grassroots initiative which Vedrana Šarec, aims to bring coding and digital literacy Croatia to everybody in a fun and A pixel can engaging way. therefore be defined as the smallest of Learning to code helps us make the homoge- sense of the rapidly changing world neous colour around us. Join millions of fellow units that organisers and participants to in- make up an spire the development of coding Criteria for earning the Certifi- image. and computational thinking skills in cate of Excellence: order to explore new ideas and in- 10 activities linked (from 10 novate for the future.“ different organizers) or Anyone is welcome to organise or 3 c o u n t r i e s i n v o l v e d . join an activity. Just pick a topic I participated in the CodeWeek and a target audience and add your with my students for the second activity on year and we received certificates (this is of excellence because we connected first step) to the map our activities with 2 more coun- ( ), or tries, and we put the same project browse for activities in your area. o n e-Twinning. Code Week offers all students the It was fun for the students be- possibility to make their first steps cause we used it as motivation dur- as digital creators. ing the beginning of the lesson. ac- Coding Week is held every year in tivities can also be carried out in October, and this year they have the classroom class, or in the class extended the addition of activities of art culture, music culture, lan- In the same way, you can specify until the end of December. guage, nature and society, mathe- any shape and colour we want, so You can sign in with Facebook, matics. we make a table with squares Google, Azure, Twitter or Github. that students colour in the given After logging in you can create your The simplest form of coding with- fields or simply on a sheet of pa- own activity or join the activities of out a computer or cell phone is the per with squares pixelart technique. other organizers / teachers. (1,2,3, ... and A, B, C, .. and The Code Week 4 All challenge en- The concept of pixel the origin is in colors) so that we get the desired courages you to link your activities the English word pixel and origi- image. with others organised by friends, nated as an abbreviation between colleagues and acquaintances, and the terms pix (a colloquial term re- Link on our Padlet board: together gain the Code Week Cer- ferring to an image, “Image”) and tificate of Excellence. an element (translated into Spanish Bookmarks as “Element”). Page 5 For creativity and skill development of 21st century children ....
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 TECH KIDS AMAZING EDU GADGETS - 4. ARDUINO A of projects, from everyday Ivrea In- rduino is an objects to complex scientific teraction open-source electronics plat- instruments. A worldwide Design Institute as an easy form based on easy-to-use community of makers - stu- tool for fast prototyping, h a r d w a r e a n d s o f t - dents, hobbyists, artists, aimed at students without a ware. Arduino boards are able programmers, and profession- background in electronics and to read inputs - light on a als - has gathered around this programming. As soon as it sensor, a finger on a button, open-source platform, their reached a wider community, or a Twitter message - and contributions have added up the Arduino board started turn it into an output - acti- changing to adapt to vating a motor, turn- new needs and chal- ing on an LED, pub- lenges, differentiat- lishing something ing its offer from online. You can tell simple 8-bit boards your board what to to products do by sending a set for IoT applications, of instructions to wearable, 3D print- the microcontroller ing, and embedded on the board. To do environments. All so you use Arduino boards are the Arduino pro- completely open- gramming lan- source, empowering guage (based users to build them on Wiring), and the Arduino independently and eventually Software (IDE), based to an incredible amount adapt them to their particu- of accessible knowledge that lar needs. The software, too, on Processing. Over the years Arduino has can be of great help to nov- is open-source, and it is grow- been the brain of thousands ices and experts alike. ing through the contributions Arduino was born at the of users worldwide. KNOW MORE - Page 6 Swapnil M. Vairagade [email protected] F२o१rव्cयrाeaशtiतviकtyातaीnलd बskाiलll कdeााचंv्यelाopसmजृ enनtशofील2त1ाstवceकnौtशurलy्यchववildकreासn ा.स..ा.ठी....
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 LLeeaarrnnEEnngglilsishh LANGUAGE PRACTICE TOPICS Page 7 For creativity and skill development of 21st century children ....
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 Learn English CHUNKS for FLUENCY - 3 4. Checking the Finally, … listener has un- derstood Summarising You can use You can use these these words and phrases to sum- word and phrases marise your Idea at the end of to check if the lis- talk: tener is following So what it comes down to is… what you are say- The point I’m trying to make is… ing: Let me just recap what's been said so Are you with me far. In shorts, … ? Moreover… To sum up, up … Did you follow that? Furthermore… Basically, … Have you got that? Overall, it's would seem that... Is everything clear so Ordering/ Sequencing far? You can use these ATUL UDADE words and phrases to Does that seem to sequence ideas: [email protected] make sense? 5. Organising Ideas/ First of all, ... showing where you To start with, … are going Secondly, … Another thing is Linking what you are that... saying Last but not least, … You can use these Sequencing actions words and phrases to You can use these make a speech more co- words and phrases to herent add link / add talk about the order in ideas : which action happen: In addition…… First of all, … Besides….. Next, … What's more…. Then, … As well as… After that, … Page 8 For creativity and skill development of 21st century children ....
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 MATHS TRICKS The Pi (π) Day Dear Friends we Pie is a celebrates the Pi (π) day day worth celebrating! Pi, also known by the Greek on 14th March. Let us letter “π,” know more about the Pi is a constant value used in Dr. Girish V. Vaidya math that represents the (π) day. ratio of a circumference Mob.-9422536173 Pi Day is an annual of a circle to its diameter, scale at the Explorato- celebration of the which is just about rium by Larry Shaw who mathematical con- 3.14….15…9265359… used to work as a physi- stant π (pi). Pi Day is (and so on). Not only that, observed on March 14 cist there. He cele- (3/14 in brated the day with the month/day format) the staff and public since 3, 1, and 4 are the marching around one of its circular spaces, first three significant then consuming fruit digits of π. In 2009, pies. The Explorato- the United States rium continues to hold House of Representa- Pi Day celebrations till date. People all around tives supported the des- the world celebrate Pi ignation of Pi Day. Day by indulging in UNESCO's 40th Gen- various activities. eral Conference de- Many organize cake cided Pi Day as but the fourteenth of baking competitions, the International Day of March is also Albert Ein- other gives each other the Mathematics in Novem- stein’s birthday, so all to- fun challenge of memoriz- ber 2019. Pi Approxima- gether it’s nothing short ing the digits of Pi after tion Day is observed on of a mathematician’s de- the decimal point and by July 22 (22/7 in light. computationally calculat- ing more and more digits. the day/month format), since the fraction 22⁄7 is a Schools and education or- Since 1988, Pi Day ganization also observe common approximation has been celebrated at the this day by playing fun of π, which is accurate to San Francisco games that include the two decimal places and Exploratorium. It was value of Pi. dates from Archimedes. first organized on a large For creativity and skill development of 21st century children .... Page 9
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 SCIENCE WORLD BLACK HOLES: THE MYSTERY OF SPACE very great extent. time is different around WHAT IS BLACK TYPES OF BLACK black hole. The time HOLE? HOLES: seems to slow down as Black hole is an object so Two widely known types you approach the black dense that space and of black holes are: hole. time around it are ines- STELLAR MASS BLACK capably modified. It is HOLES with mass 100 HOW BLACK HOLES the area of such a high times than of the sun and DIE? gravitational pull Black holes emit that not even energy very slowly light, the fastest in the form of entity can escape Hawking's radia- from it. tion and become Anything that smaller and passes the bound- smaller until the ary of black hole time when they called an 'event size of an asteroid. become extremely horizon' cannot escape SUPERMASSIVE BLACK small and burst out emit- the HOLES with mass mil- ting all the energy gravitational pull of the lions or billions times stored in them which is black hole and is perma- that of the sun. They lie equal to billions of nu- nently trapped in there. at clear bombs exploding at the centre of the galax- the same time. But this HOW ARE BLACK ies, including our milky process is very slow. HOLES BORN? When a star dies in a su- way galaxy. pernova explosion, all of Largest known supermas- its mass collapses into sive black hole is S50014+81 which is 40 very small space. And if the star is big enough, billion times the mass of black hole will form. In our sun. fact any object can be By the way, black holes AADISHREE GIRADKAR made into a black hole by do not suck things inside II MBBS,GMC, compressing its mass to a like a vacuum cleaner. But AKOLA, INDIA the experience of Page 10 For creativity and skill development of 21st century children ....
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 LOCAL TO GLOBAL EMPATHETIC KIDS “EMPATHETIC KIDS tion, collaboration, teamwork, an internalization by empa- evaluation methods, etc.) Crina Ioana Branici thy as a way of under- used in the teaching process standing”, carried out with were applied in the project Secondary School Stanilesti, the financial support of the process. A combination of Romania European Commission within methods was also possible, the ERASMUS + Program, depending on the target The project meetings and action KA2 (strategic events that took place in partnerships in the our school, in the Stani- school field), reference lesti commune City Hall number: 2016-1-TR01- and in other local insti- KA219-035080 -2, tutions aroused the cu- with Ozel Sanliurfa riosity of the community Sarac Ilgi Ortaokulu, members and of the Turkey (coordinator); representatives of some Zespol Szkol Specjal- local institutions. nych, Poland, Secondary group of the project. Semi- Romanian teachers found Municipal School Taki nars, conferences and work- out how curricula are applied Daskalo Bitola, Republic of shops were organized during in other EU countries (eg, the Macedonia, Ce ave Maria the activities provided in the content of national curricula San Cristobal, Spain, Isti- project. and curricula used in schools, tuto Comprensivo Bartolomeo THE LOCAL COMMUNITY the number of hours allo- Lorenzi Fumane, Italy. has become more aware that, cated, etc.); they are already The project focused on the in a globalized world, interna- interested in the different social inclusion of students tional collaboration on the content of the curricula and with disabilities (with special contents of different na- have realized that they need needs) through social, musical tional school curricula is gain- the exchange of good prac- and sports activities. Various ing new meaning, being able to tices, to compare how the methods (communication, di- create real links between same subject can be treated rect approach, demonstra- schools and local communities. differently, For the creativity and skill development of 21st century children .... Page 11
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 LOCAL TO GLOBAL EMPATHETIC KIDS FROM PREVIOUS PAGE The school began to pro- better highlighted. mote cross-border coopera- We are now all more aware of tion (for example, by studying the power of education the culture, geography, his- through the exchange of tory and character of the good practices and cross- partner regions and compar- border collaboration, the op- ing them with their own re- portunities that the Erasmus gion, thus increasing the + Program offers us, so as to innovatively. Teachers have sense of European conscious- improve the quality of educa- improved their teaching by ness and strengthening the tion promoted by our school, contacting European teach- transnational dimension). the benefits of \"live\" knowl- At regional and national level, edge of similarities and of ers, virtually crossing bor- teachers had the opportunity the differences between the ders and effectively applying to present the project and educational systems and be- or adapting many of their ex- the results obtained to other tween the curricula from 7 periences their colleagues abroad. The information colleagues (eg in pedagogical European countries, so that sources from the countries circles and in specialized dis- we become able to align our- participating in the project cussion groups, by participat- selves with the good Euro- allowed the Romanian teach- ing in national / international pean examples. We are con- symposia or by publishing ar- vinced that we still have a lot ers and their students to ticles), emphasizing the im- to learn, that our material re- create a complex image on portance of the Program sources are not commensu- some common topics or prob- Erasmus + and the benefits it rate with the European ones lems. Thus, they feel that they belong to Europe, re- brings to the school and the and that teachers' motivation gardless of their profes- local community, while also consists in personal / profes- sional, cultural and traditional promoting Romanian national sional satisfaction, together heritage. The school has be- values. with students, but also that IN CONCLUSION, now, at we Romanians have a say in come more open to interna- the end of the project, after seriousness and of the desire tionalization and interested in an intense but very pleasant for improvement. increasing its size and interesting work, we con- And last but not least, a European level of education it offers. This project created sider that our participation in personal gain, of soul, both the opportunity for our the Strategic Partnership new teachers and students Project between Erasmus + have made beautiful and last- school to become more visi- schools, EUROPEAN CLASS- ing friendships with beautiful ble, thus demonstrating ex- ROOM has added value to our and good people from differ- pertise and contributing to institution, and for teachers ent regions of Europe. the exchange of good prac- and students meant an aware- We are eager for new tices with other schools in ness of their own resources, professional experiences! the EU. which are now beginning to be For creativity and skill development of 21st century children .... Page 12
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 LOCAL TO GLOBAL An Introduction To European Union Lots of people still can’t tell the difference be- tween Europe and European Georgia Maneta, Union… Well, Europe is one of Greece the six continents of the world (the others are Africa, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Asia, Australia/Oceania, Ant- tries are they? Here they are Sweden. arctica and America-often divided into North and South in alphabetical order: Austria, Would you like to learn the America). On the other hand, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cy- capital cities of these coun- prus, Czech Republic, Den- European Union is a union mark, Estonia, Finland, tries? Why don’t you try made of European countries. France, Germany, Greece, playing these games? It was founded, the way we Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lat- https:// know it today, back in 1993 via, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and it consists of 27 coun- Malta, The Netherlands, Po- and tries-members. Which coun- land, Portugal, Romania, https:// learnin- The EU Union has its own flag, 12 stars forming a circle which represents unity and harmony. It also has its own anthem, Bee- thoven’s “Ode to Joy”. EU anthem- https:// watch?v=Jo_-KoBiBG0 We celebrate Europe Day on 9th May! Stay tuned for more…travels…. For creativity and skill development of 21st century children .... Page 13
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 LOCAL TO GLOBAL WORLD WIDE GREEN PROJECT At present, the prevalence countries. of Corona virus is increasing In addition, teachers from and the world is suffering many other countries are from it. Pollution free envi- joining. The project works ronment is the only effective through Microsoft Flipgrild, way to prevent such viruses. Skype, and Wakelet, Google With this in mind, I'm forms. Teachers who joined started an international pro- the project and implemented ject called World Wide Green the project in their school Project. Goal of this Project are honored with a project is Planting, Conserving and great and strong army for caption certificate. Students survival of above 1 million (10 the future Pollution con- who participate in the project lakhs) trees by 2025 Over trolled. are honored with a certifi- the world. This Project can cate as a project soldier. join ( 5 to 18 ) years old Stu- The World Wide In this project each student dents This is a zero budget Green Project, an interna- has to complete a 6 week pro- project. There is no fee to tional project started by me, gram. In last week virtual register this project. There has now reached 25 coun- session and announce the is no cost to implement this tries. name (World Wide Green Pro- project. For the last four or To work with the project, I ject Soldier) to these stu- five years, I am interacting was dents with Certificate. Along with his students from dif- with this project, we will ferent countries. Im works to carry out various activities convince the students of the for the students and organize importance of environmental educational exchange pro- protection and tree conserva- Save Environment, Save Future grams for students and tion from an early age. teachers from different This is Collaborative Project. appointed Corina, a teacher countries. The project purpose is to from Romania, as Project Co- P r o j e c t W e b s i t e - connecting the world wide founder, and teachers from www.worldwidegreenproject.w students by their teachers, 25 other countries as project guideline and teach the im- coordinators. These include portance of Tree plantations, India, Romania, Malaysia, Rus- and Importance of save sia, Nepal, Iraq, Italy, UAE, plants. it's neccessary for Turkey, Spain, Palestine, students future life. So if we Greece, Ukraine, Georgia, are going to convince them Vietnam, Bangladesh, Albania, now this time their future Tunisia, Pakistan, Morocco, will be become a bright and Egypt, Kenya, Libya, Jordan, Ankush Gawande secure It's will become a Azerbaijan. These are the Founder-World Wide Green Project, India For creativity and skill development of 21st century children .... Page 14
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 LOCAL TO GLOBAL \"Our heroes and monuments \" - ICP I important cultural landscapes. ntentional Cultural Today's presentations at the Passport Cultural heritage is zoom meeting were impres- the physical heritage of arti- sive by both teachers and f a c t s a n d o b j e c t s students from India and Mentor Kovaci, (attributes) of a group or so- Georgia. Getting to know ciety which are inherited Founder of ICP , from past generations to pre- Albania sent generations for the pur- pose of caring for the good of future generations. Cul- things. Thank you for your tural heritage includes cul- work. All the teachers who tural property also known as participated in the project material culture such as and did not manage to intro- buildings, monuments, land- duce them. Thank you. The scapes, books, works of art aim of the project is to get and various objects (spiritual to know as many different culture (such as folklore, tra- countries and cultures as pos- ditions, language and tradi- their places, heroes and sible. Thank you ! tional knowledge), as well as monuments, in this meeting March 2021 Activity natural heritage by including we learned many beautiful For creativity and skill development of 21st century children .... Page 15
The K.I.D.S. April -21 Innovator Of The Month Miracle Umbrella I'm Syeda Iqra Urooj, a 16 tinctly yelling out, screaming, call- living for themselves right? ing to every passerby and inviting This provoked me. I felt I had to year old science aspirant who aims them to come and buy their goods. do something to make their lives to change and develop my country You can find them roaming in a technological way. It all around, in the scorching sun, tired more convenient, how- and sweaty and still if you go to ever I wasn’t sure what Syeda Iqra Uroojstarted when I was in class 8th, 14any one of them, you will be that would be. This greeted with a warm smile and thought kept hovering year old willing to turn something with high enthusiasm. They will my mind, and right then never let their fatigue be visible on and there something or- Karnataka, Indiaordinary into extraordinary. All I their faces. dinarily extraordinary I am sure all of you have already happened. had in my mind was to use a sci- I saw an umbrella in one entific natural resource to help the gotten an idea about who I have of the street corners at street vendors. Here is how I came been describing all this time now. the very same market. across the idea of inventing a Yes. That may not seem so Miracle Umbrella. Street Vendors. interesting. At this mo- On one sunny day, I had Each one of these street vendors at ment, I did not know that accompanied my mother to the market was sweating it out un- the ordinary umbrella I buy some groceries. Apart der the hot sun without letting was looking at would from just shopping, my in- their energy level drop any time end up becoming a major part of quisitive eyes were busy soon. That was surprising to me! my innovation very soon. observing the surroundings How can any human being be in Let’s look at the bigger picture with keen interest which I possession of such high enthusi- here. usually do. In between asm even when the sun is sucking Street vendors are continuously looking at all the diverse out all the energy from them? exposed to working under direct variety of commodities Imagine how painful it would be sunlight for prolonged hours. Pro- lined up along both sides of to sit under the scorching sun for long exposure to sun has many the road, something, or hours at a stretch, waiting for cus- health implications. Long term should I say, someone tomers to come and empty the bas- unprotected exposure to the Ultra- caught my eye. kets. violet light from sun can damage I’ll give you a hint. After all, they also have to make a the eye’s retina. The human body You can see them sitting on responds to heat by losing excess the footpaths, in the marketplaces, water and salt leading to heat ex- by the parks and many more haustion. And if heat exhaustion is places. You can hear them dis- left untreated then that can turn fatal by leading to a heat stroke. Other than these, many another health effects like skin cancer, NEXT PAGE Page 16 For creativity and skill development of 21st century children ....
The K.I.D.S. April -21 Innovator Of The Month FROM PREVIOUS PAGE for homes, vehicles, cookers etc. This was the time when a new heat rash, sunburn, faster ageing Hence, energy shouldn’t be a con- technology, an old problem and a etc also can happen. cern if lights and fans were to According to the National Sample work in the umbrella. Umbrella Survey Office’s data of 2011-12, would always be exposed to ample there is approximately a total of amount of sunlight which can be 3.33 million street vendors in both converted into electrical energy. rural and urban areas combined. As per the reports of Ministry of I started researching if an um- Urban Development and Poverty brella which had similar features Alleviation, there are over 10 mil- already existed in the market. lion street vendors in India con- When I failed to find anything tributing to over 50% of country’s even remotely close to my idea, I savings. These statistical figures told my parents about that I would demonstrate that street vendors are like to design an umbrella which an integral part of our Indian econ- would have both lights and fans. omy. It took some time for me to collect So if they are an integral part of the required items needed to make our nation, then, shouldn’t we do idea turn into a reality. I have al- ways been inclined towards the something to address to the big idea turned into an in- difficulties they face on a novation. If you are thinking, How Miracle Umbrelladaily basis? That night when I got back did I learn to operate and home I recalled my visit to the field of science and conducting work on these things. I learnt them market earlier that day. Vendors various types of experiments all at home on my own in my free were sitting under umbrellas and hence going ahead with this basic time. Science always intrigued me. selling their goods. They sought plan wasn’t a tough thing to do. But the entire process of making for shelter under the shades of the I began collecting small things the umbrella was not as easy as umbrellas. This got me thinking, if which are available in almost learning how to operate these ma- an umbrella can give shelter and every household like a CPU fan terials. comfort to the vendors then can it and LED lights which I had previ- Knowing how to operate these do anything more? Imagine if the ously used for my science experi- pieces separately was an easy task. umbrella, along with providing ments . Then I procured some so- Assembling them and making shade could also give cool breeze lar panels in order to store the so- them work together as a complete on a hot day and have lights for lar energy and convert the same unit was a different scenario alto- the vendors when they work at into electrical energy. Along with gether. night. solar panels, I got two 6 volt bat- I used to come back from school We see solar energy being used teries for storage of energy. and devote more than three hours of my time in making the features in the umbrella work. I failed many a times while assembling and making the umbrella work. Sometimes the fans weren’t work- ing or the lights weren’t bright enough and this continued on for multiple times. This went on for 3 weeks. Yet I did not let these triv- ial failures stop me from fulfilling my dream of helping the street vendors. KNOW MORE Page 17 For creativity and skill development of 21st century children ....
The K.I.D.S. April 2021 Way to compete your self WORLD EARTH DAY - April 22 Earth Day is an annual event on played major roles. Under the leadership of labor April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental leader Walter Reuther, for example, the United Auto protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now in- Workers was the most instrumental outside financial cludes a wide range of events coordinated globally and operational supporter of the first Earth Day.[3][4][5] According to Hayes, \"Without the UAW, by EARTHDAY.ORG (formerly Earth Day Net- work)[1] including 1 billion the first Earth Day people in more than 193 would have likely countries.[2][1] flopped!\"[6] Nelson was later awarded In 1969 at the Presidential Medal of a UNESCO Conference in Freedom award in recog- nition of his work.[7] San Francisco, peace activ- ist John McCon- nell proposed a day to The first Earth Day was honor the Earth and the focused on the United concept of peace, to first be States. In 1990, Denis observed on March 21, Hayes, the original na- 1970, the first day of spring tional coordinator in in the northern hemisphere. 1970, took it interna- This day of nature's equi- tional and organized poise was later sanctioned events in 141 na- tions.[8][9][10] in a proclamation written by McConnell and signed by Secretary General U On Earth Day 2016, the Thant at the United Na- landmark Paris Agree- tions. A month later a United States Senator Gaylord ment was signed by the United States, China, and Nelson proposed the idea to hold a nationwide envi- some 120 other countries. This signing satisfied a ronmental teach-in on April 22, 1970. He hired a key requirement for the entry into force of the his- young activist, Denis Hayes, to be the National Co- toric draft climate protection treaty adopted by con- ordinator. Nelson and Hayes renamed the event sensus of the 195 nations present at the 2015 United \"Earth Day\". Denis and his staff grew the event be- Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. yond the original idea for a teach-in to include the entire United States. More than 20 million people - From Wikipedia, poured out on the streets, and the first Earth Day re- the free encyclopedia mains the largest single day protest in human his- tory. Key non-environmentally focused partners World Earth Day Quiz Competition Visit or click on Students & Parents both can participate from India as well as from the other countries of the world. Its open for all. Get E- Certificate. F२o१r cशreतaकtivातitीyलanबdालskकillााचं ्dयeाveसloजृ pmनeशntीलoतfा2व1sकt cौशenलt्यuryववcकhilाdसrाeसn ा.ठ.ी...... Page 18
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