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Home Explore PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

Published by barlowmacleo, 2022-03-18 20:55:04

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WELCOMES YOU “...For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations…” Isaiah 56:7 CARING SHARING GROWING M A K I N G D I S C I P L E S: B U I L D I N G C O M M U N I T I E S 18th March 2022

SABBATH SCHOOL 10:00 Commencement Bro Trevor Music Ministry Bro Trevor Opening Remarks Bro Henry Prayer Lesson Review Memory Text: Bro Trevor YouTube “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have YouTube grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear” Bro Trevor (Hebrews12:28, NKJV). Mission Feature Closing Remarks SPD Discipleship Closing Song When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Prayer 11:15 Closing

DIVINE SERVICE 11:25 Commencement Bro Amos Announcements Welcome Bro Amos Call to Worship Opening Hymn Psalm 134:1,2 Bro Amos Opening Prayer #088 (SDAH) - I Sing The Mighty Power Of Praise Team Songs God Offertory Bro Larry Scripture Reading Binding Prayer #383 (SDAH) - Oh Day of Rest and Praise Team Children Story Gladness Sis Gertrude Sermon Closing Hymn #422 (SDAH) - Marching to Zion #329 (SDAH) - Take the World but Give me Jesus 2 Kings 1:3,4 Nadine Sis Delcely “Decisions and Choices” -- Bro Larry #623 (SDAH) I Will Follow Thee Praise Team Benediction Bro Larry

ANNOUNCEMENTS Our adventurers have once again excelled in the Adventures Bible Adventure competition and are through to the next round at the Trans European Level. In addition to this they were the highest scoring team in all of SEC. They will be competing again in Belfast Dublin on the 16th of April. Please continue to pray for them as they continue to study God’s words.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Click Here to Donate VBS 2022 Save the following date for VBS 2022. We hope to be able to have in person VBS this summer. Dates to book your leave: 1– 5 August 2022, since the last week of July will be Adventurer and Pathfinder camps. If you wish to volunteer, please contact Sister Bridget to ensure DBS checks can be done early.





ANNOUNCEMENTS More Details Register Now


ANNOUNCEMENTS Happy Birthday BIRTHDAYS Katya Mikaila Pal Jordan Indira Margus Sara

ANNOUNCEMENTS TITHES & OFFERINGS Please continue to give your faithful gifts of Tithes, Offerings and ADRA contributions to: Cambridge SDA Church Sort Code: 30-90-79 Acc #: 0089 1129 Email: [email protected] ZOOM MEETINGS / SABBATH/SATURDAY: 09:30 - Children’s Sabbath School (in-person) 10:00 - 11:15 - Youth & Adult Sabbath School / (Zoom ID: 854 1096 6241) 11:25 - Family Worship Service / / (Zoom ID: 854 1096 6241) SUNDAY – FRIDAY 19:00 Prayer Hour (Zoom ID 881 2383 7736) Key = In-Person Worship = Online/Zoom = Streaming (YouTube, Facebook Live, Twitter)

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Worth More: Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. Hebrews 11:26. CC 84.1 Moses had been a student. He was well educated in all the learning of the Egyptians, but this was not the only qualification which he needed to prepare him for his work. He was, in the providence of God, to learn patience, to temper his passions. In a school of self-denial and hardships he was to receive an education which would be of the utmost importance to him. These trials would prepare him to exercise a fatherly care over all who needed his help. No knowledge, no study, no eloquence, could be a substitute for this experience in trials to one who was to watch for souls as they that must give an account. In doing the work of a humble shepherd, in being forgetful of self and interested for the flock given to his charge, he was to become fitted for the most exalted work ever entrusted to mortals, that of being a shepherd of the sheep of the Lord’s pasture. CC 84.2 Those who fear God in the world must be connected with Him. Christ is the most perfect educator the world ever knew. To receive wisdom and knowledge from Him was more valuable to Moses than all the learning of the Egyptians.... CC 84.3 The faith of Moses led him to look at the things which are unseen, which are eternal. He left the splendid attractions of court life because sin was there. He gave up present and seeming good that flattered only to ruin and destroy. The real attractions, the eternal, were of value to him. The sacrifices made by Moses were really no sacrifices. With him it was letting go a present, apparent, flattering good for sure, high, immortal good. CC 84.4 Moses endured the reproach of Christ, considering reproach greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt. He believed what God had said and was not influenced to swerve from his integrity by any of the world’s reproaches. He walked the earth as God’s free man.... He looked to the things unseen and faltered not. The recompense of reward was attractive to him, and it may be also to us. He was familiar with God.30 CC 84.5 IN OUR PRAYER S • Students Who Have Upcoming Exams • Conflict in Ukraine • Sick • Families • Youths • Local Church Officers • Church Leaders, Local, Conference, Union, GC • Frontline Workers • COVID Impact • Bereavement • Marital

OUR CHURCH LEADERSHIP ELDER’S DEPARTMENT SUPPORT 2022/2023 HENRY ALTHEA AMOS MARK Stewardship & Treasury Family Ministries Personal Ministries Prayer Ministries Pathfinder Club Disclosure & Health Ministry Adventurer Club Safeguarding Children’s Ministries & Sabbath School VBS Music Communications Women’s Ministries Youth & Teen Ministries Hospitality & Social Church Clerk Deacons & Deaconesses Possibilities Ministries FIRST QUARTER PREACHING PLAN JANUARY DATE SPEAKER COMMENTS 1st Henry Makuyana Dedication Service 8th Michael Hamilton 15th 22nd Althea White 29th Steven George Youth Sabbath FEBRUARY 5th Amos Burke 12th Michael Hamilton 19th Laurence Dabbs 26th Youth Sabbath MARCH 5th Mark Baptiste 12th Michael Hamilton Communion 19th Larry Meriez 26th Youth Sabbath

SOUTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE FOCUS Making Disciples: Building Communities CAMBRIDGE SDA FOCUS CARING – SHARING – GROWING CAMBRIDGE SDA MISSION A community of believers in Jesus Christ demonstrating God’s all-embracing love to one another and our local community through acts of service, sharing the good news of His soon return and inviting people into a growing relationship with Him Pastor – Michael Hamilton - +44 7884 454079 Communications & Media Team – Barlow McLeod WhatsApp : - +44 7418 348908 Email: - [email protected] Website: - CAMBRIDGE Seventh-day A d v e n t i s t C h u r c h 15-19 Hobart Road | Romsey | Cambridge | CB1 3PU | UK

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