FRONTLINE 2021 A Showcase of the KZN South Coast Economy Godfathers of Insurance The Beekman Group: 5 Decades of Innova�on & Excellence Southern Explorer Feature The Waffle House Margate Re�rement Village 2nd Edition
Message from the Publisher It is my privilege to present to you the second edition of Frontline, a magazine which, I hope, keeps you informed about the local economy from a different perspective. There is always a barrage of information that floods our lives through all channels – TV, radio, social media and various other communication channels. I had to ask myself the question: How relevant is another publication? Is it even necessary? Well, if you are like me, then you will be happy to know that we have handpicked some of our local businesses, to find out about their story – the stuff that you never get to read on social media or anywhere else for that matter. With our first edition being very well received and having reached many thousands of viewers, I’ve decided that it’s a good idea to talk about stuff that affects us all – with a different perspective and a heavy dose of impartiality. So, I trust that you will enjoy this selection of back stories to some of our established businesses and from some of our new, emerging businesses as well. I am absolutely sure that you will learn something new about the journey that some of our businesses have faced; how they have overcome challenges, and how they look forward to a brighter future. There’s also articles of interest – perspectives from different people on business life and the economy. Perhaps, and certainly not surprising, is our showcase of the tourism opportunities, which was gladly offered to Frontline as a special Southern Explorer feature. To those who are quick enough to read and respond, they have the opportunity to win some Tiago’s meal vouchers sponsored by Andrew Ramos, owner of Tiago’s. For this, you have to read the Tiago’s article – now! This magazine would not have been possible without the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory! Then there is the team that stood with me – Rona, Liam, Sian, Minnie, Roland and the many others who contributed and gave us the encouragement to ‘go for it’! Without much ado, let me release you to enjoy Frontline #2. Ivan Naidoo Editor
Publisher Design Concept & Layout Kingdom Business Solutions Liam Naidoo Office 6, Staffordshire Place Sian Naidoo Coniston Road, Shelly Beach, 4265 Cell: 081 722 8954 Editorial Team Ivan Naidoo Marketing Rona Naidoo Ivan Naidoo Sian Naidoo Minnie van der Merwe Roland Lemmer Southern Explorer Feature Email: [email protected] A special acknowledgement to Vicky Wentzel of Southern Explorer who has provided the Photography content for the Southern Explorer feature. Credit to Justin Klusener of Justin Klusener Photography for selected photography in the magazine. Disclaimer: Although the publisher has made every effort to ensure that the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press; and while this publication is designed to provide accurate information in regard to the subject matter covered, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
Frontline #2 CONTENTS PAGE The Godfathers of Insurance 6 The Tiago's Story 14 It is Time! A Southern Explorer Feature 18 Never Hire Anyone you Cant's Fire 44 Beekman Group: 50 Decades of Innovation & Excellence 48 The Waffle House 52 Tribute to Tim Nair 56 Hibiscus Retirement Villages 59 There's a New Lion Leading the Pride! 65 Lake Eland 68 Where you Could Get Lost in Time... 72 Fatima Moolla - Dynamic Leadership ... 76 I'm Sitting on the Fence 78 Coastal Laundromat - Keeping you Clean... 81 Ramsgate Lions in the Spotlight 84 Realty 1 , Uvongo 88 The Flip Side of Sean Thorncroft - Vital New U 92 Getting You Fixed Up 94
So where did it start? In 1965, just out of school, I took an ap�tude test which was common then and was told that I was suitable for sales. I had a choice to either join Barclays Bank or Na�onal Employers Mutual Insurance Company. I chose Na�onal Employers Mutual because they offered me R85 compared to R80 that Barclays offered me. And I did not have to work Saturdays! I worked for insurance companies and then started brokering with Barclays Insurance Brokers in 1972. They transferred me first to East London, then to Port Elizabeth, then back to Jo’burg. Barclays transferred me to Port Shepstone in 1980 to run this office. In 1984, I le� them and started my own business. What a�racted you to the Insurance Industry? It was either that or the bank! When did Rob join you in the business? Well, by 1997 we had grown quite a bit and I needed someone to help in the business. I reached out to Rob, who was at SA Eagle at that �me but he was reluctant to come. I did everything that I could to convince him and I told his bosses in Durban that if Rob joined me, he would con�nue to support them. His boss gave me the master plan – if you want to get Rob to join you, convince his wife! That’s just what I did. It seems I have the power of persuasion. The rest is history! The Curnow family is now quite large! Tell us about the various divisions and your extended group of partners. Graig Curnow John Riley Since then, the Curnow family has grown quite a bit. There’s my two sons – Clayton and Craig. Craig joined us in 1994, Scottburgh Shelly Beach when we started opera�ng in Sco�burgh. He took the helm and he has been running that office for the past nine years. Andy Chance We have various branches on the South Coast. In Margate is Andy Chance who heads up Curnow Status with Chris Nel, Margate John Riley who is based in Shelly Beach; and Craig Curnow who heads up Curnow Sco� in Sco�burgh with Malcolm Malcolm Sievwright, the previous owner. We also hold a 50% share in Sievwright Curnow City with Prem and Lal Sewpersadh who are fellow directors at City Curnow. Scottburgh Jeanandre Andy, John and Malcolm each have over 50 years of Cloete experience in insurance and my son Craig has been in the business for 20 years. Margate Curnow City came about due to regulatory changes imposed Rob Harley by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority which made it difficult for insurance businesses that were cash-based to Port Shepstone operate. Together with a whole lot of system changes that were required, it made sense for us to provide City Insurance with admin services; and we took a 50% stake in the City Insurance book, making it a good business decision. Similarly, all of our other branches are based on us working with people who can complement and strengthen the Curnow brand. Our short-term partner is the Insbro Group who have a strong na�onal footprint in short term insurance. Chris Nel We also have Curnow Insurance Consultants and MRS Brokers that handles our life insurance side, run very ably by Margate Claudia Dowse�. We have a staff complement of 40 loyal staff. Some of our people have been with us for over 35 years! They are all at the top of their game. 7
Your Business Opera�on Model? Front: Thembi Nxumalo, Sonny Nxumalo Back: Hillary Dart, Samantha Redinger, Sinthia Sikobi, If you want to be effec�ve in the insurance business, you need to be fully equipped and Heather Curnow with the infrastructure and systems. You need special programs which allow you to put in a claim for a fridge, the claims clerk did a manage client policies instead of the deeper inves�ga�on and brought a whole list of insurance company doing it for you. As a claims spanning a number of years to my a�en�on. broker, we have these systems in place. We I couldn’t believe it! We sent Clayton out to can issue policies immediately instead of us inves�gate. The client was claiming for a massive looking to the insurance company to do this double door fridge and in fact the damaged fridge and assist clients with claims, taking a lot of was an old small bar fridge. I couldn’t believe it! the hassle out of having to deal with mul�ple par�es. – which takes some �me! Another example, if you are going to the hospital, Thus we get to serve our clients be�er and you will not take off all your jewellery and leave it in quicker. your car. Should an insurance company suspect anything suspicious, they have the right to appoint Whatever you want, we will find the right an inves�gator. If they find that you have acted insurance for it. We will insure a submarine fraudulently, they could take the extreme ac�on – if you have one! We do short-term cancelling your policy and taking legal ac�on should commercial and personal lines as well as they feel it is necessary. If that happens, you will long-term assurance and investments not be able to get insurance cover anywhere. insurance. Remember, when taking out a new insurance policy, Your foray into other Industries? one ques�on that they ask is: Have you ever had your insurance policy cancelled? If you answer ‘yes’, For a season, we dabbled in the radiator then the insurance company will phone the business. We had taken over Silverton insurance company that cancelled the cover and ask Radiators. It was about the same �me that why? If you lie and say ‘no’, then you can get into a China flooded the market with their lot of trouble. For instance, if your house burns radiators. We just could not keep up with down and it comes out that you did not answer them. We went into the automo�ve glass honestly, then you will not be paid. industry and the same thing happened there. Somewhere along the line, the truth comes out! I then ventured into the panel bea�ng So if someone wants a bond, they cannot do so industry thinking that with the work we because they cannot get insurance. Similarly, you generate on the insurance side, we can well have to pay cash for your car because you cannot support our own panel bea�ng business. get insurance. But that did not work out as well. It seems that the established panel beaters get If you have a poten�al claim, speak to your broker. significant discounts on parts and materials At Curnow, we try to guide our clients the best we – and we did not enjoy that same discount can. If in doubt, we will be able to help clarify and structure. help with the claims process. My philosophy in business is ‘Never venture out of your field of exper�se’. Insurance is what I know and my brief foray into other industries proves this point. Have you come across people who have tried to ‘fiddle’ their claim? Many! I will give you one story for instance. There was one individual who used to put in a claim for around R9500 every year for a number of years! Some years she put in 2 claims. Our claims staff became suspicious over the number of claims and when she 8
In one instance we had one client who had a The price of property in Turkey is legi�mate claim. But the story that he related to the unbelievably low. My friend had bought a insurance company was ‘embellished’. He did not 2-bedroom flat in Turkey for R60000. In realise that he had a legi�mate claim. The story is that fact, when I was looking for a place to buy he had lent a friend something that was covered by there, the insurance. That item was stolen from his friend’s I also set my budget at R60000. You can get house. But he reported that it was stolen from his a fully-furnished villa for R100 000! I place. When the truth was uncovered, the insurance eventually found my flat, fully furnished and company cancelled the claim. When we got to know with top class finishes. the full story, we explained to the insurance company and the claim was honoured. The old adage “Honesty The hospitality of Turkish people is is the best policy” holds true especially in insurance. unmatched. They are so welcoming. Even when you go shopping, they offer you tea. Even in their market place, you get young men carrying tea around. And the country is quite advanced. Lavonne I have come to love the place. I can leave Abrahams, here at 5am today and by 9am the next Inika Curnbow, morning I am in my flat in Turkey. It’s a and Helen de flight to Jo’burg from Durban. You wait there for an hour and the next morning you Jong are in Turkey. It’s that simple. The problem is that they drive on the right-hand side of the road. I also have a fishing co�age in the Transkei. I’ve had it for 25 years now and we enjoy that when we can. Its more for the kids now, it’s a lovely co�age. What’s next for Mervin Curnow? We obviously want to keep the company growing. I don’t believe in a thing called re�rement. I have a mo�o: You die at your desk! If I did take that break, then my wife will find me something to do! There is a genera�on of the Curnow family that have been involved in the business. They understand how this business works. When the �me comes, they will get to step in and take it from there. Lizelle van der Merwe, Bev Koekemoer, Clayton Curnow and Thenbi Nyawose What’s the deal with Turkey? I have a property in Turkey which I purchased many, many years ago when a friend of mine returned from there and raved about the country. I ended up buying a flat in Turkey and I used to visit the country twice a year – that’s when there was no Covid. Front: Sharon Skene Back: Sandy de Beer, Marlene van Tonder, Tienie Hay and Ina Fu�er 9
Curnow KZN (Pty) Head Office Ltd 15 Aiken Street Port Shepstone 4240 Phone: 039 682 4246 Email: [email protected] FSP: 11173
We are Business Consultancy Providing business solutions to emerging, micro, medium, and large corporate business in the following areas: Strategies for emerging businesses Economic development strategies and research Feasibility studies, business plans, profiles and mentorship programmes Small Business systems development and implementa�on Mentoring – business process, market and demand side development Training and Development Strategies and programmes – design and facilita�on HR Administra�on, Audits & legal compliance HR Contracts, Policies and procedures Project Implementa�on and Management Business Turnaround
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ThTe iago’sStory Uncovering the enigma that is Andrew Ramos As a young man in Johannesburg, Andrew found his interest in food when he worked at various pubs, where he was introduced to ‘life’! IIf you are a foodie, or a food aficionado as Having a keen eye for new opportuni�es and one would call it, then Tiago’s is probably with the lure of their family co�age on the somewhere at the top of your favourite places to grab your chow and run .... or sit-in if you South Coast, he arrived at Port Edward at would. Tiago’s is one of our proudly ‘Made on the young age of 21 with a pocket-full of the KZN South Coast’ brands and can now be dreams. The idea was to get into the found at a dozen different loca�ons across restaurant business in partnership KZN. But did you know that the guy who with his brother, where it fell to started it all comes from way down south? Andrew to run the business. His brother Port Edward to be exact. remained in Jo’burg. Andrew’s idea was to Andrew Ramos has Portuguese roots. His make money, sell up, then travel the world! name is a sure giveaway! He is quick to point out that he is some�mes asked if he is related It was a rocky start as the business took a few to Sergio Ramos, the Real Madrid soccer years to get some meaningful patronage. player! Not so, it seems. A�er trying his hand at many op�ons, Tiago’s in Port Edward became a recognised food brand, with its own unique Portuguese- infused flavour. The rest, they say, is history. You know the phrase ‘When life gives you lemons, learn to make lemonade’? Well, it is the history that makes this story interes�ng because the years that followed were hard! “In this industry, you work 14 shi�s a week, most �mes I would be working 16 hours a day. You have dozens of workers who are depending on you, and you just cannot let them down. Everyone has families to take care of,” said Andrew. His parents came from the Portuguese Island \"It was a rocky start of Madeira in the 1950’s and Andrew was born soon a�er in Johannesburg. Some�me as the business took a few years a�er the 1552 Sao João Portuguese wreck in to get some meaningful patronage.\" Port Edward, they se�led in Johannesburg, and he a�ended Maris Brothers Catholic Talking about the hard days, there was a �me School cemen�ng his faith and strong rooted when Andrew had his car stolen and his house credence. broken into – all at the same �me! It was a �me of despair. He had no finances to fall Having been born into a food-loving family, back on, and even though he was moneyless, Andrew got involved with food from an early Andrew rose to the challenge and fought even age. harder to survive. Invariably, his hard work paid off and Andrew was back on his feet, standing tall. 14
Now Tiago’s (commonly pronounced Tee-hey- Andrew is always looking for new extensions goes - some say Ti-ah-goes, as in San�ago, to his menu, so con�nue to keep an eye out however both ways work, says Andrew) was for new offerings. born out of these difficult circumstances. The road to building the Tiago’s Brand has not “The idea of becoming a chain of stores was been without its challenges and he works with not quite in my mind in those days. But I did a great team. Maintaining store standards has take over Bimbo’s in Margate a�er they closed its ups and downs. Nothing comes easy – – not the brand, just the venue. This branch consistency, one bite at a �me, every day of Tiago’s put us on the map,” Andrew through thick and thin with the end in mind. con�nued It was around that �me when a Tiago’s Brand is about the hard-working team gentleman from Port Shepstone convinced delivering great service and good food to its him to ‘franchise’ out a store in Port awesome customers. Shepstone. This Tiago’s store is s�ll going strong today and subsequently 10 other Along the way, Andrew, found the love of his Tiago’s stores followed suit, with more to life and �ed the marriage knot with Phyllis, to come. whom he credits much of his success. Phyllis is an integral part of the Tiago’s team and, Andrew believes in quality and not quan�ty, according to Andrew, is the one who keeps so although he gets hundreds of requests for everything ship-shape. Tiago’s to expand its footprint across the na�on, Andrew will be keeping the Tiago’s stores numbers clear and controllable, so the brand does not lose it's wealth of quality and family friendly roots and services. Andrew believes in generic and organic growth, and the opportunity to con�nue to be able to meet the community needs. He keeps a constant eye on the high standards and consistency for which Tiago’s has become well-known for. “We are constantly evolving, and we revamp “Phyllis is my fiery red-head wife who is also our stores every 5 years just as the our office manager. She is amazing. Phyllis is mainstream franchise stores do. This keeps us into fitness, family, and has fierce ahead of the trends and on an equal foo�ng,” organisa�onal skills! She is up for anything replies Andrew. from beach clean-ups, food drives on Christmas Day and Tennis Fun Days to So, if you are an aspirant franchisee, you will CANSA Shavathons. Don't let her size fool not have much joy with Tiagos as Andrew has you, this 5-foot-tall s�ck of dynamite packs a no immediate plans to franchise out his punch and has a hysterical sense of humour!” stores. he chuckles. Did you know that the unique flavour of Tiagos is a Portuguese-influenced fusion that leaves your taste buds wan�ng more? In the journey to finding the perfect Phyllis complements Andrew perfectly. combina�on of spices, Andrew had to Andrew, a passionate Sharks supporter, is nego�ate a when the heat from the variety of heavily focused on community developmental chillies he minefield of taste bud usually uses work, especially in the spor�ng codes he went through the roof. It eventually was loves. Andrew enjoys our beau�ful coastline and he is an avid iden�fied that the chilli fields were visited by mountain-biking fana�c. He is also part of our birds that cross pollinated the fields with local BunduBashers MTB club he started with another variety of chilli. friends in 2003; apprecia�ng our sea as a Nipper’s 15
lifesaving assistant coach (so there’s no excuse not to go to the beach!), keeping func�onal fit with Crossfit @ Wildcoast Crossfit and staying humble and grounded with Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu @ 501 BJJ South Coast Academy, and various other ac�vi�es trying to keep up with his kids. “People who have always been on the coast Andrew is concerned that spor�ng clubs, don’t fully appreciate the great outdoors, the which once enjoyed a strong following, are beaches and the weather that we have here. now not enjoying the same support. When I was in Jo’burg, I would just wait to get a glimpse of the sea. Now that I am here, I am “We need to reignite the passion for enjoying it fully!” he con�nued. Andrew gets outdoors, enjoy the present, smell the roses, to enjoy his leisure �me with Phyllis and their feel the sand between our toes on the beach, two children, Kaitlyn (10) and Keagan (9). live our life through awesome memories not DSTV. We live in paradise! Live Life to the Overseeing all Tiago’s stores, you would think fullest today. We may not be here tomorrow. that Andrew is running around like his hair is Explore the coast. Always enjoy what you on fire. Well, let’s dispel that no�on. Andrew have. Don’t waste �me complaining about has no hair to get on fire. That’s number one. what you don’t have,” says Andrew. Secondly, he has a great team of store and opera�ons managers who keep the wheels Andrew’s desire to see communi�es develop turning. And there is his kitchen staff and grow around common interests is part of complement, like Joyce who started with him his philosophy to want to give back to the from the beginning and 25 years later is s�ll community. Outside of his spor�ng ac�vi�es, with them. Well Done Joyce! Andrew supports various community programs under the Tiagos brand. For him, it “I owe a special thanks to my team for all their is more than just promo�ng the brand, it's hard work and commitment,” says Andrew. about developing the community, especially ge�ng the lesser privileged involved in various ac�vi�es. “I am commi�ed to giving back to our community,” says Andrew. The most important things in life are your family, friends and your environment - make the best of it. “I am committed to giving back to our community,” 16
Andrew is involved with community events, . like the Portuguese fes�val every year in July when the community celebrates the 1552 Sao Joao shipwreck; and the South Coast MTB series which showcases our unique area Red Desert, Game Reserve, Beach, Sea and Forest. Tiago’s has come alongside various As a token of his gra�tude to the community development programs. His public that has supported Tiago’s over passion is to see community spor�ng and the many years, Andrew is sponsoring social programs grow and unite us as a Tiago’s Meal Vouchers to the first 10 community. Therefore, when you see Tiago’s people who Whatsapp the correct sponsoring community soccer programs and answer to “How many Tiago’s stores the like, its more than just publicity for the are there currently in the group”. The brand. It is the very core of Andrew’s value answer is in this ar�cle. system that we must work and grow together as a community. Send your answer by WhatsApp to 081 722 8954 with the message: Along with Tiago’s, Andrew started his own ‘Frontline – Tiagos = X’ Together with signage and prin�ng company, called your name and contact details. SignMaster, which is based in St Michaels. Crea�vity and design are Andrew’s other great Remember the next �me you get into real areas of passion and this goes on non-stop at business with a Tiago’s Open Flame Grilled SignMaster. Chicken Burger or Chicken meal in your favourite Lemon & Herb, Mild or Hot flavour, SignMaster is your one stop signage shop, keep in mind that the journey that brought us offering you a wide variety of personalised this delectable food. WE SMAAK IT BRU!! prin�ng and branding op�ons. SignMaster will create and develop from scratch, everything from light boxes, digital prin�ng, vehicle branding, graphic design, laser cu�ng and engraving , wallpaper prin�ng, canvas prin�ng, label prin�ng, paper prin�ng, flyers, business cards, posters, stamps, name badges, safety signs, a variety of banners and branded gazebos “A special thanks to all our customers for all your support. We appreciate you!” 17
Dieter Oehme Dieter Oehme is an IT professional, having worked in Germany for T-Systems, Daimler and Airbus. Currently contracted to BMW (national), Dieter is also passionate about making people’s lives simpler, helping them achieve much more than they believe they are capable of. He writes in his personal capacity. How many of you can relate to the following tale? They take longer and longer breaks and the quality of their work drops below standard. You have a close friend or family member who is in It has even gotten so bad that their tardiness has dire straits, facing eviction, homelessness, even lost you a client or two, costing your business starvation. Their children and yours play together money. The worst part is that the other all the time and you love them as if they were your members of your staff notice this person is own. Those smiling little faces always look up to getting away with murder, and are either you with such joy and you cannot bear the thought demotivated by the injustice of it or are of having to watch them be put out on the street. themselves now pushing their boundaries. You help them out with the occasional food parcel but realise you cannot be doing this every day. So Because of your personal relationship with this after much deliberation, you come up with an ideal person outside of work, you struggle to solution and decide to offer this person reprimand them. You feel overwhelmed because employment in your business so they can make you know you have to do something, but don’t ends meet. want to ruin your personal relationship with them. You keep postponing the inevitable They accept with heartfelt thanks and initially it all confrontation and things are just getting goes well. They work hard and are extremely progressively worse. All you wanted was to do grateful. But as the months go by and things this person a favour and now keeping them on stabilize in their lives, you find they begin to slack might eventually cost you your business. off. They come late and leave early. 44
Is this scenario familiar to you? You: Obviously because I want the maximum benefit to my business. I can’t hire someone who Welcome to the destructive world of nepotism! does not have the necessary competencies to perform the work, nor someone who doesn’t have If I had a conversation with you regarding the the specific social skills to fit into my team. acquisition of staff members, I imagine it would go something like this: Me: Really? And why is that? Me: Why would you employ any particular You (probably rolling your eyes at being asked person in your business? such a stupid question): Because if they can’t do the work, they are going to end up costing me You: Because I need someone to fulfil a role or money, and if they are a poor social fit, it will cause function within my business which, due to personal disruptions and unpleasantness at work. expansion, I no longer have the time or expertise to My competent people will become irritated because perform myself. they’d have to pick up the slack over and above their own workload, and any unpleasantness might Me: And just how would you go about hiring cause my most valuable staff members to seek such a person? employment elsewhere. You: Well, I would make a list of desired Me: I see… That makes a lot of sense… So how qualifications, skills, and relevant experience for the did <put family or friend’s name here> get the position. Then I would pick the five best applicants job? and interview them, making my decision based on the best match for both the work itself and for You: ... fitting into the team. Can you see the dilemma here? Deep down, you know that any decisions regarding staff should always be based on the best interests of your business. Yet, at the same time, you feel a tremendous sense of moral obligation towards those close to you. Does this mean you should never hire friends or family? Let’s take a closer look. Firstly, is it not your primary responsibility to provide for your spouse and children who rely on you to put food on the table every day? If your business suffers, does it not severely hamper your ability to do so? And after this, are you not also responsible for the well-being of your staff, who sacrifice hours of their lives every day for your business in order that they, in turn, can put food on the table for their families? In fact, are you not legally liable to pay their wages before you can take care of your own family? If your business suffers, how will it affect your ability to fulfil this obligation? Though you might be morally obligated to help your friends and family, are they your responsibility? And if they are, is employing them in your business the best way to help them? Remember, if your business fails, you will be unable to help anyone, neither friend nor family. 45