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Home Explore Community course brochure Sep 19

Community course brochure Sep 19

Published by nbarnes, 2019-09-18 05:24:09

Description: Community course brochure Sep 19


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co m m u n it y ed u c a t io n c en t r e ABOUT US........ Our community education courses have been created to make learning accessible and flexible. We offer a range of courses, both daytime and evening, available across our college sites. In this rapidly changing world it is important to keep updating your skills and knowledge. We can help you improve your existing skills and learn new ones, which can enhance employment prospects. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US........ A relaxed, friendly environment with support and guidance from a customer focused team. With flexible attendance as our college sites and community venues are available both daytime and evening.We provide a wide variety of training and learning opportunities to help you develop skills for both your personal and professional growth. COURSE COSTS AND CONCESSIONS Please see individual courses for prices. Fee remission may also be available to those in receipt of certain benefits. Please contact the centre for further information or to find out if you are eligible. Evidence of your entitlement will be required at enrolment. Please note that courses in the community are for adults aged 19 or over.

LA NGUAGES Each course is 8 weeks long and is taught for 2 hours each week. The courses start at a beginners level progressing onto an improvers and then an advanced course. All language courses are priced at £40 which includes a college certificate of attendance. COURSE DAY START DATE TIM E VEN UE FEE Beginners German Lincoln College £40 Beginners Spanish Tuesday 10/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm Lincoln College £40 Improvers Spanish Lincoln College £40 Beginners French Monday 16/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm Newark College £40 Beginners Polish Lincoln College £40 Advanced Spanish Thursday 19/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm Newark College £40 Beginners French Lincoln College £40 Beginners Italian Tuesday 17/09/2019 6.30-8.30pm Newark College £40 Beginners Spanish Newark College £40 Improvers Polish Wednesday 18/09/2019 7.15-9.15pm Lincoln College £40 Beginners Spanish Newark College £40 Beginners Italian Thursday 19/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm Lincoln College £40 Beginners Spanish Lincoln College £40 Improvers German Monday 23/09/2019 6.30-8.30pm Lincoln College £40 Tuesday 24/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm Tuesday 24/09/2019 3.30-5.30pm Thursday 26/09/2019 7.15-9.15pm Thursday 28/11/2019 6.00-8.00pm Wednesday 02/10/2019 6.00-8.00pm Thursday 10/10/2019 6.00-8.00pm Tuesday 26/11/2019 6.00-8.00pm

IT COURSES The Community Education Centre offers flexible, self-directed study in our computer suite situated on the Lincoln College campus. You will be required to study for a minimum of 4 hours per week within our opening times which are: Monday 9am ? 1pm Tu esday 9am ? 1pm Wedn esday 9am - 3pm & 4pm ? 7pm Th u r sday CLOSED Fr iday 9am ? 1pm We offer a range of IT qualifications from beginner to advanced levels. We also offer the opportunity to enrol on a free taster course which enables you to try out the materials, gain knowledge and confidence before enrolling on to a qualification.

ECDL Using a computer effectively is now an essential skill ? at home, at college, at university or at work. It can help you communicate more effectively and access information more easily, and a certified computer qualification makes you more attractive to employers. ECDL is recognised and valued in workplaces all over the world making it a valuable credential on your CV. Employers regard it as the international benchmark in IT user competence as it meets the growing requirements for evidence of digital literacy from employers. The qualification consists of 4 units and covers the most commonly used Microsoft Office applications: - Wor d pr ocessin g - Create word-processed documents; enter, edit and format text, use graphs, tables and pictures for a professional finish and effectively use tools such as mail m er ge. - Spr eadsh eet s - Develop a working knowledge of spreadsheets; enter and format data, manipulate and format worksheets, perform calculations and create charts to produce high-quality documents. - Pr esen t at ion s - Produce high-quality presentations using a variety of tools including animation, charts, tables, drawn objects and images. - Im pr ovin g pr odu ct ivit y u sin g IT - Work more effectively with IT. This unit looks at using tools to save time and effort when producing word processed documents, presentations and spreadsheets. Please note: These ECDL Extra units can also be studied as single unit qualifications. We offer a flexible learning style to fit around other commitments. Learn at your own pace, at times to suit you, in a relaxed and friendly environment with support from our qualified and experienced tutors. We also offer distance learning to allow you to fit study in around busy lifestyles. V isit w w w .lin c oln c .u k an d ap p ly on lin e For m or e in f or m at ion c all 0 15 2 2 8 76 2 5 8

OCR En t r y Level Aw ar d in Usin g IT This course is designed for beginners and is the perfect introduction to using a computer. The course consists of three units. You will learn the basic skills required to: - Navigate around the computer and use a mouse and keyboard confidently - Create charts - Create an email account and send, receive and reply to emails - Create and edit documents with text and images in Microsoft Word In t r odu ct ion t o Spr eadsh eet s This short course is designed for people who are looking to gain a basic understanding and practical knowledge of Microsoft Excel. It provides the skills and knowledge needed to be able to: - Create and format a spreadsheet - Perform calculations - Insert charts COURSE DAY START DATE TIM E DURATION VEN UE FEE Introduction to Monday 16/09/2019 9.30-3.30 1 day Lincoln College Free Sp r ead sh eet s Monday 14/10/2019 9.30-3.30 1 day Lincoln College Free In t er m ed iat e Sp r ead sh eet s Flexible September-May Flexible 81 hours Lincoln College £275 ECDL OCR Entry Level 3 Flexible September-May Flexible 24 hours Lincoln College £262 Award in Using IT Fee remission is available in some circumstances, please call 01522 876258 for more information

HEA LTH & BEAUTY In t r odu ct ion t o Pr act ical M assage At the end of this course you will be able to perform an effective massage, using various massage techniques such as Thai and Swedish back massage. This is a hands-on course with demonstrations and supervised practical sessions. You will be able to develop a base skill level that will enable you to practice and improve in your own time. In t r odu ct ion t o In dian Head M assage Discover the art of providing a soothing Indian head massage to calm and revitalise. This course will teach you how to safely and effectively give a stress-busting massage to the neck, shoulders, scalp and face. Indian head massage is an extremely effective therapy that has evolved from traditional techniques practised in India as part of family rituals for over a thousand years. Our experienced and friendly tutor will help you every step of the way with practical demonstrations followed by supervised practical work.

Bat h r oom Bliss Make & create your own beauty products This is a fun, cost effective and creative approach to beauty and the students can see exactly what goes in their products. This course will teach students how to make their own natural skin care at home to suit each individual?s skin type. The making of natural beauty products is the focus of this popular course. Students will be given expert guidance and all ingredients needed as they embark upon making various beauty products such as Bath Bombs, Hand and Body Scrubs, Whipped Body Cream and Soothing Oatmeal Bath Sachets which can all be taken home afterwards. It will also cover a general introduction to aromatherapy and some of the most popular oils. Int roduct ion t o Manicure This course will introduce you to the techniques required to produce a beautiful manicure. During this 6 week course you will learn how to file nails and shape them, as well as massage and exfoliating techniques. The course covers sanitisation, factors affecting nail growth, recognising nail disorders, cuticle work and aftercare advice. On completion of the course you will have learnt how to provide a full manicure treatment. Please note ? this is not an accredited course however a College Certificate is received on completion of the course. COURSE DAY START DATE TIM E DURATION VEN UE FEE £20 Introduction to Practical Thursday 05/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm 4 weeks Lincoln College £20 Massage £20 Introduction to Indian Th u r sd ay 10/10/2019 6.00-8.00pm 4 weeks Lincoln College Head Massage Introduction to Practical Thursday 21/11/2019 6.00-8.00pm 4 weeks Lincoln College Massage

PSYCHOLOGY In t r odu ct ion t o Psych ology This course is a practical introduction to human psychology. What is the meaning of psychology? This 6 week course will look at cognition and behaviour, social influence on our behaviour and mindfulness. Does our behaviour affect our thoughts or do we think and then act on our thoughts? Learn about: - stress origins and management - motivation and changing behaviour - self-reflective awareness - Verbal and non-verbal communication COURSE DAY START DATE TIM E DURATION VEN UE FEE Monday £30 Introduction to 09/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm 6 weeks Lincoln College Psychology

m a k at o n a nd br it ish sig n l a ng uag e M ak at on Level 2 Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people to communicate. It is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols are used with speech, in spoken word order. With Makaton, children and adults can communicate straight away using signs and symbols. Br it ish Sign Lan gu age Sign language is a visual means of communicating using gestures, facial expression and body language. Sign language is used mainly by people who are deaf or have hearing impairments. This course will look at BSL structure, the alphabet, hand shapes and facial expressions. Learn the use of signs in sentences and stories and also ages, family, colours etc. COURSE DAY START DATE TIM E DURATION VEN UE FEE Introduction to BSL Monday £40 30/09/2019 12.30-2.30pm 8 weeks Newark College Introduction to BSL Monday 30/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm 8 weeks Lincoln College £40

GENEA LOGY Discover You r Fam ily Tr ee Have you ever wondered about your family's past? This course will provide you with the tools for researching your family tree. Look at how to build a basic family tree and learn how to discover through various records and research who your ancestors are. COURSE DAY START DATE TIM E DURATION VEN UE FEE Tuesday £30 Discover your Family 10/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm 6 weeks Newark College Tree Tuesday 29/10/2019 6.00-8.00pm 6 weeks Lincoln College £30 Discover your Family Tree

f o o d s a f et y in c a t er in g This level 2 food safety course is ideal for anyone working in the catering and hospitality industry or anyone who is working in a food environment. During the training the learner will gain knowledge on the storage, preparation, cooking and handling of food. Subjects covered include: Hazards and controls Food safety Management and temperature controls Food poisoning control Personal hygiene Cleaning and disinfecting The role of the food handler in keeping food safe.

w r it in g & Lit er a t u r e Cr eat ive Wr it in g Have you ever wanted to write? This fun and interactive course will introduce various kinds of creative writing strategies to develop your passion for writing. We will explore techniques for sparking the imagination and tapping into your inner creativity, as well as developing skills and improving style. Suitable for complete beginners and those who have already begun writing for fun, fame or fortune. Cr eat in g M oder n Lit er at u r e This course will give you the opportunity to develop creative practices and discover and learn about modern literature and how to apply your skills to create some modern literature of your own. This course looks at TV script writing, poetry techniques, modern genres and short f ict io n . Individuals hoping to write for all age groups and target audiences can benefit from these lessons. COURSE DAY START TIM E DURATION VEN UE FEE DATE Creative Writing Wednesday Creative Writing Tuesday 25/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm 4 weeks Newark College £20 Tuesday Creating Modern 24/09/2019 6.00-8.00pm 4 weeks Lincoln College £20 Lit er at u r e Creating Modern 12/11/2019 6.00-8.00pm 4 weeks Lincoln College £20 Lit er at u r e Wednesday 20/11/2019 6.00-8.00pm 4 weeks Newark College £20

ONLINELEA RNING ENGAGING, EFFECTIVE, ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE ONLINE TRAINING COURSES: Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Aw ar en ess of M en t al Healt h Pr oblem s Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Car e Plan n in g Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Car in g f or Ch ildr en an d You n g People Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Com m on Healt h Con dit ion s Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Dign it y an d Saf egu ar din g Level 2 Cer t if icat e in En d of Lif e Car e Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Saf e Han dlin g of Medicines Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Dem en t ia Car e Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Lear n in g Disabilit ies Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Un der st an din g Beh aviou r t h at Ch allen ges Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Un der st an din g Au t ism Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Lean Or gan isat ion al M an agem en t Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Equ alit y an d Diver sit y Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Cu st om er Ser vice Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Cu st om er Ser vice f or Healt h an d Social Car e Set t in gs Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Nu t r it ion an d Healt h Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Ret ail Oper at ion s Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Team Leadin g Level 2 Cer t if icat e in In f or m at ion , Advice or Gu idan ce Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Bu sin ess Adm in ist r at ion Level 2 Cer t if icat e in War eh ou sin g an d St or age Level 2 Ext en ded Cer t if icat e in Healt h an d Social Car e Pr of ession s Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Pr epar in g t o Wor k in Adu lt Social Car e Level 2 Cer t if icat e in Un der st an din g Specif ic Lear n in g Dif f icu lt ies Fu lly f u n ded t r ain in g su bject t o eligibilit y. To f in d ou t m or e abou t t h ese qu alif icat ion s, please con t act : 030 030 32435 | en qu ir ies@lin coln k | w w w.lin coln k / cou r ses/ on lin e lear n in g

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