PPOORRTTFFOOLLIIOO Satriwitthaya 2 school A B C Bachelor of Arts Program in Language for Careers (International Program) Srinakharinwirot University
Content Preface Profile Education Activities Certificates
PPrreeffaaccee This portfolio was created in order to introduce myself and provide details about my personal background, education, and extracurricular activities. It also contains a number of documents regarding contributions I had made to my study and work in the past which I am very proud to present. I hope my portfolio can present my ability informatively and person who read my portfolio could understand my ability definitely. If this portfolio may have to get corrected or improved, please advise. Rimpai Naowakun
Profile Name : Rimpai Surname : Naowakun Nickname : Pai Brithday : 8th August 2002 Religion : Buddhism Nationality : Thai Address : 57 Ketnuti Garden Village , Soi Nak niwat 38, Nak Niwat Road, Lardprao, Lardprao, Bangkok, 10230 Language Thai - English - Japanese - Spanish Skills
EEdduuccaatitoionn Kindergarden ( 2006-2008 ) Ratchapongsa kindergarten Grade 1-4 ( 2009-2012 ) Phetthanom school Grade 5-6 (2013-2014 ) Santisukwittaya Grade 7-12 ( 2013-2020 ) Satriwitthaya 2 school
Activities English Camp 2019 14-16 January 2019 For this camp, I have new fun experience, I learned a lot of new vocabularys and I have got new friends
Volunteer Activities 1 June 2019 Coral transplantation activity At Chonburi
AAccttiivviittiieess RYLA Camp 2019 11-13 October 2019 Improving my leadership skill, confidence, got new friends and awesome experience
Activities PPiikkuull GGaammee 22001199 aass aa ssttaanndd ssttaaffff IImmpprroovviinngg mmyy lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp sskkiillll,, ccoonnffiiddeennccee
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