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Home Explore SKYLOUNGE 2017 - I


Published by info, 2017-08-03 00:24:30

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Company Portrait Comlux The Aviation Group Richard GaonaChairman and CEO Comlux

SKYLOUNGE If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.‫مجلة على العقارات وإدارة الثروات‬

Interview with Richard Gaona,Executive Chairman and CEO ofComlux Group As the leaders in business aviation and VIP Graduated from Conservatoireflight services, Comlux is also known for its National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM)multi-skilled, fast and reliable Aircraft as an Economic Engineer, RichardManagement and Maintenance to corporate Gaona is currently Executiveand private clients. Please tell us more about Chairman of the Board and CEO ofyour company and what makes you so the Comlux Group. Under hisspecial? leadership Comlux became:Comlux is an aviation group specializing in - an approved Airbus, Boeing and Bombardier VIP Cabin completion & Service centerprivate and business aviation. Our strengths - one of the largest VIP charter company worldwide and successively the launchingcome from our ability to support any client,from aircraft supply, cabin interior outfitting, customer of the Bombardier Global 7000 , the Boeing BBJ MAX and the Airbus ACJ neo.flight operations and maintenance. Also - the first worldwide wide body sales company with over 60 transactions in the last 10 years.because we are an operator and a servicecenter approved by AIRBUS , BOEING, the Gulf region comes from high oil prices -BOMBARDIER and SUKHOI. How do you deal with that and where do you see the movement? With subsidiaries in America, Russia, Hong Maintenance costs are not really linked to oilKong, Malta and other destinations you have prices. Oil prices have an effect on aircrafta global reach. We are interested in the Gulf supply and aircraft renewal. The economy inregion and your influence of excellent the gulf regions are strongly influenced by theservices. You have a VIP Service Center in the oil prices.Middle East with Texel Air – Please tell usmore about it. Please tell us more about your VIPComlux has always had a presence in the customer services facilities in the US, it hasMiddle East and in particular in Bahrain. As become one of the leading VIP completionsoon as market demand recovers, Comlux will centres worldwide.revisit this strategy. In only a few years, we have been able to create a great company in Indianapolis. We How has been your experience with wealthy are not just a center to engineer and produceArab clients so far and what are your future VIP cabins, but we are also an innovation andstrategies to help accommodate these clients research center.further?We have always been in the Middle East, and What is your strategy servicing morewe are still doing business in the region. The wealthy Arab families from the GCC withincharter business remains important for us at the next 3 years?the moment. Comlux is willing to have a larger presence in the Gulf region. However at this time I will be With a volatile market and oil prices down keeping our plans a record level, it should drive yourmaintenance costs down, yet “wealth” in You have an impressive charter fleet, with your Boeing 767 your esteemed clients canRichard Gaona Zurich Office travel long distance routes with ease and fast.Chairman & CEO Comlux Stocker Strasse 57 – 8002 Zurich Please tell us more about it.Comlux Management AG Office: +41 44 205 50 70 This 767 VVIP is probably the best wide bodyGrossmatt 3, 6052 Hergiswil Mobile: +41 79 837 00 00 aircraft operating commercially in line withSwitzerland [email protected] highest safety and quality standards. Soon we will operate a 777 and next year an A330. The Middle East is the place for wide body and aviation is a long term business, we believe in the future. We thank you for the interview. 105

Spotlight on Excellence Comlux The Aviation Group Comlux The Aviation Group is one of the leaders in VIP aviation operating worldwide with the highest standards of safety and quality. Beyond charter operations, Comlux offers a comprehensive set of services to VIP customers who wish to have their aircraft managed personally and professionally. This includes aircraft management, sales & acquisitions, cabin design & completion and maintenance & engineering services. Moscow Zurich Indianapolis Madrid Almaty Miami Hong Kong Aruba106

Engineering LuxuryComlux is one of the leaders in business aviationoperating worldwide with the highest standards ofsafety and quality.In addition to its dedicated VIP flight service programby OneAbove, Comlux offers a comprehensive set ofservices to VIP customers who wish to have their ownaircraft, managed personally and professionally. Thisincludes aircraft management, sales and acquisitions,cabin design and completion and maintenance andengineering services.Safety and securityWe operate with the highest standard requirementspresent in the aviation industry, ensuring intensivetraining for flight and ground crew.Integrity and commitmentWe deliver our commitments. Our objective is to meetyour expectations by always offering the best qualityand the most cost effective solutions for your aviationneeds.Privacy and confidentialityYour business remains confidential. Comlux will neverdisclose your aircraft or cabin purchase or your flightitinerary. During your private flight, our professionaland discreet crew will always be respectful of yourprivacy. 107

Fly With its new 767BBJ, Comlux offers to the top of the range charter market a unique and exclusive productAircraft Operations dedicated to Heads of State, Royal Families andFly Comlux operates and manages a large fleet of VIP aircraft, Business leadersoffering always the best solution to match the flying needs ofits customers, whether private or Commercial operations. CustomizeComlux operates under 3 AOC (Aircraft Operating Certificate):Malta (European EU-OPS), Kazakhstan and Aruba. Cabin DesignFly Comlux can provide customized management solutions toaircraft owners worldwide. For aircraft users, we always have Designing as well as completing an aircraft requires a cleara VIP aircraft available on charter that perfectly suits your vision and understanding of the project when technical,travel requirements. artistic and managing skills are involved. Comlux CreativesThanks to our in-house dispatch and crew teams, we operate has integrated all those competences within a team ofwith the highest standards of safety and rigorous on time aviation experts. Beyond the creation of your most desiredscheduling. We are committed to provide the best quality of interior, Comlux Creatives is not just another designer and isservices on board, which has made the reputation of Comlux able to propose complete assistance from day one, ensuringaround the world. unmatched product quality of your own project.VIP Charter Cabin CompletionThrough our Charter Sales Call Center located in Malta and our Comlux America is one of the leading completion centersregional offices in Zurich, Moscow, Almaty, Bahrain and Hong Kong, worldwide, offering customized solutions to create anour teams will arrange your choice of aircraft, from any departure to interior reflecting your lifestyle. The ultra modern facilitiesany destination, at any time you choose. Our teams are available can accommodate up to one Wide Body aircraft and 424/7 to provide on-demand cost effective quotations and will make all narrow body aircraft at the same time.the necessary arrangements for your flight. Comlux America is approved to perform VIP completions on both Airbus and Boeing narrow body and Wide Body VIPOwn aircraft, creating “Comfort and Luxury” on board.Aircraft Transactions MaintainSelling or buying aircraft requires technical, commercial, contractual Maintenance and Upgrade Servicesand legal skills. Comlux Transactions has integrated all such skills withina team of professionals accounting numerous years of experience in Comlux has extensive capabilities to perform maintenance,business aviation. refurbishment and upgrades on several types of business jetIf you wish to acquire a new aircraft or sell your current one, Comlux aircraft.Transactions can help you to find the best solution adapted to your • First independent Airbus ACJ Service Center worldwideneeds and requirements. • Boeing BBJ Warranty and Repair Center • Bombardier Authorized Service FacilityAircraft Management Our teams are committed to providing comprehensive maintenance support around the clock to ensure the safeYour aircraft purchase should simplify your business and your life. Comlux and reliable operation of your aircraft with minimalcan provide you with a customized aircraft management solution which downtime. Comlux Aviation Services is your long-termincorporates all the essential services such as aircraft crewing, mainten- partner to protect your aircraft‘s value.flight dispatch and finance. The Comlux aircraft management service alsoance provides you with a named Aircraft Manager who is responsible forthe co-ordination of your flights allowing you to simply sit back and relax,knowing that your asset is being managed by industry experts.Engineering SupportWhatever your aircraft type, Comlux has set up its own aircraft engineeringand cabin management services. From green aircraft definition assistancethrough cabin interior follow up during the outfitting phase, and all the waycompleted aircraft delivery, our professional team ensures technicaland commercial services on your behalf. In the case of aircraft purchase in-In the case of aircraft purchase, Comlux Engineering and Inspectionsvisits and provide you with highly qualified technical advices. ComluxAmerica is approved to perform Continuing Airworthiness on Airbus andBoeing VIP aircraft. Awarded by

Since 2009, Comlux has been offering high-end luxury completion services at their Indianapolis facility, Comlux America. The Comlux America facility is both an authorized Airbus and Boeing Completion center specializing in VIP narrow body aircraft. Cabin Completion America is not just a Completion Center: Comlux America is one of the few completion centers integrating all cabin interior capabilities in-house. Each client is unique, that is why Comlux America considers each aircraft interior completion as a new challenge. There is one thing that remains unchanged from project to project: Comlux America is always committed to providing you the highest quality with minimum downtime.110

Comlux developed its own VIPcabin design office in 2008Comlux Creatives, which hasbeen re-located to the Comluxfacilities in the US.Design through completion ofan aircraft requires a clearvision and understanding ofthe project when technical,artistic and managing skills areinvolved.Comlux Creatives has integrated all those competencies within its team of artisans. Each customer isunique and for each single project, the design team is using the “5 Senses concept” which is themost personalized way to understand the client expectations and to re-create them inside the cabin. Witha strong portfolio of a dozen successfully completed projects, Comlux Creatives can share their uniqueability to convert customers’ needs into reality beyond the creation of the customer’s vision. “5 Senses concept” Our Customized Services For VIP customers who wish to make their own aircraft totally unique, Comlux Creatives can provide dedicated customized services including: ・Exterior design (aircraft livery) ・Interior design and architecture ・Cabin systems selection and integration ・Cabin equipment ・Art concept ・Design liaison support 111

Buying land in America Why not?

nlike many countries that only allow land Foreign owned real estate investment is alsosales to those with citizenship in the country, an extremely secure waythe United States treats sales of real estateto foreigners almost the same as sales to to protect wealth andcitizens. The only limitations are usually sustain growth.imposed by homeowners associations,condominium associations, cooperatives, orother forms of community associations. Acommunity association is an organization,often incorporated as a legal entity, that ischarged with managing real propertysituated in a particular building orneighbourhood. ost associations are mandatory, meaning that simply by purchasing a lot or unit within one ofthese communities, one is agreeing to be a member of the association and to obey all of its rules.Some states allow associations to control who sales of property can be made to in order to preventthe association from having absentee owners against whom it is impossible to enforce theassociation's rules. This is more of an exception than a rule, however, but it is still important todiscuss this possibility with an attorney and your real estate professional prior to making a sale orpurchase.

So, why is investing in U.S. property the right choice ? “The U.S. market also offers diversification, international buyers. International buyers, with well-defined legal codes. Compared to some parts of the world, U.S. property rights also known as “Foreign Nationals”, are well defined, and the U.S. real estate market has traditionally not been highly predominantly purchased homes and U.S. correlated with foreign investment markets. A number of investors allegedly find that properties for the purposes of having a owning physical assets in the U.S. is a comfortable choice during difficult political temporary professional relocation, or economic times. In addition, typically, U.S. property has appreciated over extended investments, or as vacation homes. The time periods and can, in many cases, be rented as well as used by the owner. In majority of these international buyers were general, respondents reported that their clients saw U.S. real estate as less expensive from Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, than was the case in their home countries.” – Florida Association of Realtors India, and China. As of March 2012, approximately 4.8% of U.S. property sales for the previous year Florida real estate professionals report that (about $82.5 billion) belong to four states: Florida, California, Texas, & Arizona – the importance of international clients is account for more than half of the total US residential home sales to non-resident growing. More than 30% of these foreigners. Florida accounts for half of those total sales between the four states – leading professionals reported increased the nation in sales to international buyers. international business over a one year time span.122

EB5- Investor Visa U.S. Congress created the Immigrant Investor Program, also known as EB-5, in 1990 to stimulate the U.S. economy through job creation and capital investment by foreign investors. The EB-5 program offers foreign investors, their spouses, and their unmarried children under 21 the opportunity to obtain lawful permanent residence in the United States by making a certain level of capital investments and accompanying job creation or preservation requirements. The EB-5 program requires that each foreign investor make a capital investment of $1,000,000 in a new commercial enterprise located within the United States. Such new commercial enterprise must create or preserve a minimum of 10 full-time jobs (per investor) for qualifying U.S. workers two years of the foreign investor’s admission to the United States as a Conditional Permanent Resident (CPR). When making an investment in a new commercial enterprise affiliated with a USCIS-designated regional center under the Regional Center Pilot Program, a foreign investor may satisfy the job creation requirements of the program through the creation of either direct or indirect jobs. 123

Invest in the Greater Houston Area Houston is 4th in job growth of 3.5% in 2013 he University of Houston System’s annual and 9th for future job growth (Forbes). impact on the Houston-area’s economy Forbes labelled Houston the 4th Coolest city equates to that of a major corporation: $1.1 in America. Economically Houston has billion in new funds attracted annually to continually shown progress even amidst the the Houston area, $3.13 billion in total economic recession. If Houston were economic benefit, and 24,000 local jobs independent, it would rank as the world’s generated. This is in addition to the 12,500 30th largest economy. It is the 6th most new graduates the UH System produces populated metropolitan area, it has the 10th every year who enter the workforce in largest port in the world and he largest Houston and throughout Texas. These medical center. Unemployment has degree-holders tend to stay in Houston. remained below the national average After five years, 80.5% of graduates are still (Bureau of Labor Statistics). living and working in the region. Houston encompasses many private Higher Education institutions of higher learning. Rice The University of Houston System has three University is one of the leading teaching and separate and distinct institutions located in research universities in the United States. Houston. Each institution is a stand-alone U.S. News & World Report ranks Rice as the university and confers its own degrees. No nation’s 17th best overall university. Two institution in the System is the “main private liberal arts colleges are Houston campus” or a branch campus of any Baptist University and University of St. university. Thomas. The University of Houston (UH) is a Three community college districts exist in Carnegie-designated Tier One research Houston. The Houston Community College university, and it is the third-largest System serves most of Houston. The north- university in Texas of over 38,750 students. western through north-eastern parts of the Founded in 1927, it is the flagship institution city are served by various campuses of the of the University of Houston System, Lone Star College System while the south- located on a 667-acre campus in southeast eastern portion of Houston is served by San Houston, the university offers 300 degree Jacinto College. programs and has over 40 research centers and instituted. The institution ranks in the Top 50 American Research Universities. Its law school, the University of Houston Law Center, ranks 56th (top-tier) among the “Best Law Schools” in U.S. News & World Report UH has the only optometry school and one of six pharmacy schools in Texas.124

Culture Space Center HoustonIn the heart of Houston is the Theatre District,with many Broadway shows presenting there Shoppingand a whole array of plays, operas, concerts and Houston is also a great shoppingother cultural performances. Houston has destination. The Galleria has moreresident companies in the four disciplines of the than 375 stores and restaurantsperforming arts: Houston Ballet, Houston Grand and an ice-rink. Uptown Park,Opera, Houston Symphony and Alley Theatre. Highland Village, City Center, andThe Museum District is next to the Medical Memorial Mall are among otherCenter and walking distance from Hermann upscale shopping centers.Park, which is home to the Houston Zoo,Japanese Gardens and Miller Outdoor Theatre. Food CapitalThe Museum district is home to 18 museums, Food and Wine Magazine recentlyincluding the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston named Houston America’s Newestand the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Capital for Great Food. It is home to more than 8,000 restaurants Shopping Mall Galleria and offers everything from BBQ to fine dining.SportsHouston is home to the Astros, Rockets, Dynamos and TravelTexans. The Killer “B’s” led the Houston Astros to victory as Houston has three major airports,the 2005 National League Champions and the first World linking it to more than 175Series in Texas. The Rockets have added big names like Yao destinations. George BushMing, James Harden and Dwight Howard to its ranks. Intercontinental Airport is home toHouston Dynamo, Houston’s professional soccer team, won United Airlines and has manyback to back MLS Cups in 2006 and 2007. international destinations. Hobby Airport, home of SouthwestHouston offers three of the most state-of-the-art stadiums Airlines, is in the process ofin the world’s Minute Maid Park, home of the Astros; expanding in order toReliant Stadium, home of the Houston Texans and the accommodate international flights.annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo; and the Toyota Almost every major cruise lineCenter arena, home to the Houston Rockets and Aeros. All now departs from the Port ofstadiums are linked by METRORail. Houston’s newest Houston or the Port of Galvestonprofessional team, the Houston Dynamo soccer team, is in for luxurious Caribbean cruises.the process of building a state of the art stadium east ofdowntown. 125

“The Peak Of Alternative Investments”101 Parklane Blvd, Ste 103, Sugar Land, TX 77478 Phone: 281-980-0029 Fax: 713-493-2385

Company Portrait Premier Group TexasPremier Group of Texas helps investors around the world looking for opportunities toobtain the United States EB5 Visa, investment in large scale development projects, realestate, and wealth management solutions. Their team is composed of successful andaccomplished executives with decades of experience.Main areas are : EB5 Visa ∙ Projects ∙ Developer ∙ Real Estate Mr. Dawood holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Karachi and a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Houston. Abdul serves as the President and CEO of AD Builder & Developers, Inc., a company that has planned and developed 20 residential communities throughout Texas and has a portfolio worth $400 million dollars. As Founder & Principle, Abdul has over 25 years of experience in all facets of real estate in commercial and residential projects, including but not limited to: acquisition, disposition, construction, real estate investment, building and development.Abdul Dawood, Chairman Ms. Kurban provides overall strategic and operational responsibility for all projects while implementing new programmatic strategic initiatives. Ms. Dansi has 12 years of experience in the real estate development industry, with an educational background in real estate. Dansi has worked closely with the Middle Eastern markets and is well versed in international business techniques. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Rice University, and fluently speaks English, Turkish, and Mandarin Chinese. Dansi Kurban,Chief Executive Officer 127

ProjectsSpringHill Suites by Marriott SpringHill Suites is one of a number of– Galleria branded hotels forming a part of the Marriott Corporation’s hotel offerings. It has been ranked by J.D. Powers as number 1 in customer satisfaction for the “upscale” segment of the hotel. It is surrounded by more than 500,000 square meters of retail and commercial space and over 2 million square meters of commercial office space. The hotel is a 6-story, 143 room facility with amenities including a pool, lobby bar, restaurant and conference center. Total estimated cost of the project is approximately US$30 million with a need for US$8 million of equity capital, all of which would be provided by the Partnership. The Partnership would provide all equity capital needed by the venture and receive a tobe ownership interest in the venture and a preferred return on its equity capital, together with certain fee incometo be negotiated. The Operator Partner would contribute the land for the project to the venture for its interest. ADBuilders, Inc., an affiliate of the Partnership, would serve as general contractor on the project.Houston Panoramic The Panorama is a 16-story luxury condominium project to be located on a 1.5- acre property held under contract by an affiliate of the General Partner. The property is located adjacent to the thriving Downtown Sports and Convention district in the up and coming East Downtown Area, or Eado, and across the street from the BBVA Compass Stadium. It is walking distance from the Metro Light Rail Purple line and minutes from downtown Houston, the George R. Brown Convention Center and Minute Maid Park, the home of Houston’s professional baseball stadium. The property will have direct views of the downtown Houston skyline to the north.Panorama will contain approximately 48,000 square feet of retail space on the first two floors and a 685-spaceparking garage on floors 3 through 6. The remaining 10 floors will contain 200 condominiums ranging in size fromapproximately 600 square feet (efficiencies) to 1,900 square feet. The penthouse will be a 4,500 square foot, two-story condo-minimum with a deck, pool and spa. Total residential square footage is estimated at approximately318,000 square feet. The estimated development cost of The Panorama is US$90 million. The Fund will contributeapproximately US$31.8 million in equity to a separate legal entity formed by the Fund to acquire the site locationand develop the property. The remaining development proceeds will be provided by a construction loan ofapproximately US$59.2 million. It is anticipated that the total time needed to develop the project is approximatelytwo years. Projected revenue from the project is US$144.8 million – US$135 million from the sale of condominiums(US$425 per square foot) and US$9.8 million from the sale of retail space. Estimated multiple on invested capital is1.6x. 129

Developer Based in Houston, AD Builders & Developers, our affiliated company, is an established leader in the acquisition, development, construction and management of residential real estate. At AD Builders, we know that the real estate industry is a service business, and we remain committed to the ideal of service excellence in all our activities. Because of this: Our combined passion for Real Estate and our commitment to deliver clients projects On-Time- Budget and exceed quality expectation. With over 25 years of experience in all facts of residential & commercial construction, our in-house team of professionals become your trusted partner through the entire process. Homes Suites Houston TX Holiday Inn McAllen TX 25,000 Square Feet of The French Corner Houston TX Shopping Center Houston TX Part of Premier Group Texas130

Real EstateMDK Realty Associates is a Residential & Commercial Full Service Brokerage located inour High tech executive office in Sugar Land Texas. Our principle partners bring decadesof International Real Estate knowledge and Network to take Local Listings to a GlobalNetwork using the power of Social Media and International syndication platformsutilizing over 200 Countries in over 19 different languages. MDK’s Team of agents areLocal agents with a Global outreach thus maximizing exposure to a world wide audience.Part of Premier Group Texas 131

Bespoke Luxury Travel

uxury Resort Amangiri Canyon Point Utah Amangiri is no ordinary hotel or resort, but rather an enclave of comfort and style in North America’s most dramatic desert landscape. Guests come here to be and feel remote, surrounded by striking architecture, mind-blowing nature and pampered in true Aman Resorts style.134

The resort blends into the dramatic and raw landscape and is so seemingly minuscule compared to its surrounding deep canyons and towering plateaus.

Fly into Las Vegas, rent an SUV, and enjoy an easy freeway drive, with one pit stop. You may want to stay overnight at a casino-free hotel (if gambling is not your cup of tea) such as the Mandarin Oriental. Otherwise we recommend The Cosmopolitan. Amangiri is located in a very remote place and it is a 4-hour drive from Las Vegas, if you don't want to fly in a tiny plane to a tiny airport such as Page, AZ. It is an ideal place for peaceful meditation, hiking and visits to surrounding national parks (Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, etc.).136

As you arrive atthis property,you wouldimmediatelyfind yourselfgasping of thebeauty of thenaturallandscape thatsurrounds it. 137

The architecture is quite impressive, too, as it really finds a way to blend in and stand out among the landscape without undermining the natural beauty.138

The view truly otherworldly Some of the rooms have a large plunge pool, a king bed outside by the pool, a queen size bed on the roof deck, two lounge beds on the back deck by the fireplace and a king bed indoors. Each area included with the room can be enjoyed in complete privacy while experiencing the views of the desert, mesa and stars for many miles. 139

Oasis of luxury in the desert Epilogue This Aman is very unique, set in the middle of \"no-where\". The high desert is very beautiful and Amangiri has adapted to the setting wonderfully. The hotel is architecturally brilliant and blends into its environment with sophistication and quietly stunning simple design. The rooms are gracious on every level; design, quiet, privacy & comfort. Food was excellent and creative. The dining room views of sunset would be difficult to top. Service is impeccable. Spa massage and the spa facilities are all “par excellence” and available to all guests. Without a doubt Amangiri is one of their very best.140

dvertorial Viento Point Estate ∙ Arizona by Supreme Auction Fountain Hills House for Sale with Rock Star Mountain Views | Luxury No Reserve Auction Viento Point is a stunning contemporary estate that captures rare, 360-degree mountain, desert, and city views. Perched above Fountain Hills, this secluded estate is the perfect retreat after a hard day’s work. Luxurious Comfort A spacious master suite complete with a large private balcony and see-through fireplace. Indoor and outdoor kitchens featuring appliances by Subzero, Dacor, and Wolf. A home literally built to maximize every angle of mile-stretching, breath-taking views. Whether it’s a night of family fun, preparing a tantalizing meal, or just relaxing into some “me” time, Viento Point has refined comfort covered.142

Entertain Your NetworkImagine heading through wrought-iron gates and up the hill after a few rounds on a world-class coursewith your colleagues. How about walking guests past the waterfall stream feature and under the stonecolumns toward your front door? And image their faces when they see the 50’ x 50’ infinity-edgeswimming pool that’s fit for a rock star. Business retreats, dinners, and getaways will never be thesame again. 143

Just a Stone’s ThrowOne look at Viento Point, and you’ll think it’s a world away. The truth is, this one-of-a-kind estateis just minutes from everything successful professionals like yourself could want.In fact, Viento point is just:• 5 minutes from the world-renowned Mayo Clinic• 45 minutes from Sky Harbor International Airport• 25 minutes from Falcon Field and Scottsdale regional airports• 25 minutes from phenomenal shopping, dining, and entertainment at Scottsdale QuarterThe nearby Phoenix Metropolitan Area is home to Fortune 500 company headquarters such asAvnet, PetSmart, and Freeport-McMoRan. Enjoy a night on the town at Phoenix Symphony Hall,Orpheum Theatre, or Talking Stick Resort Arena. Then head home to your own oasis in the desert. Request more informationContact Supreme Auctions® at 866-929-2243 to get more information. Corporate Office – Scottsdale, Arizona 5301 N. Pima Road, #130, Scottsdale, Arizona 85250 145

Advertorial LT Switzerland With Luxury Travel Switzerland nothing is more Matterhorn, the rack rail climb onto Jungfraujoch important than exclusiveness and luxury. That is as well as the panoramic journey in the Glacier why you are lodging in the most noble hotels and Express across the Swiss mountains. There is still why you are dining in restaurants labelled time enough though for a romantic coach- or dog exclusively by Gault Millau. sleigh ride, for a pleasant walk through the picturesque old towns of Switzerland and for an As a means of transport a luxurious and spacious extended shopping tour. SUV is at your disposal. As owner and manager of Luxury Travel Switzerland Patric Collet is going to What LT-Switzerland guarantees accompany you personally from the very beginning to the very end of the journey. He will Anonymity and professionalism try to anticipate your every wish – whenever Personal care and company from beginning to end feasible. On both the winter- and the summer One only person of reference for all your needs and wishes trip he leads you to Switzerland’s most noble and exclusive places. This includes international cities Schedule according your wishes like Geneva, Zürich or Lucerne as well as the top Lodging in the world’s leading hotels destinations St. Moritz, Zermatt or Gstaad. Meals in labelled gourmet restaurants Switzerland has much more to offer than Transport in a luxurious SUV mountains, cows, cheese, chocolate, watches and banks! Among the highlights of the trip you will find the helicopter flight around the majestic146

Advertorial LT SwitzerlandSummer Trip Zurich ∙ Lucerne ∙ Interlaken ∙ Geneva ∙ Zermatt ∙ St. Moritz ∙ Zurich Winter Trip Zurich ∙ St. Moritz ∙ Zermatt ∙ Geneva ∙ Gstaad ∙ Lucerne ∙ Zurich 148

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