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Home Explore The Simple Uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices

The Simple Uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices

Published by dprimic, 2021-02-19 15:48:20

Description: The Simple uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices is a well-written and informed book on the many different teas and Indian spices from around the world. Herbs and spices a to heal minor ailments and to prevent ailments from attacking the immune system.
The difference here, you require moderation, the key to consuming herbs in the healthiest of ways. Herbs to help with ailments and to drink herbal teas to feel relaxed. Most herbs have a bitter taste, but are beneficial to you.

Keywords: spices,herbs,teas,herbal teas,indian spices,healing,alternative medicine


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THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Savory Savory is an herb in two kinds used to flavoring foods for thousands of years. Summer and Winter savory are most popular. It is used to season vegetables, casseroles, egg dishes, when chopped finely, and as a garnish to most foods. Both species are grown in the Mediterranean region and in north of America. Summer savory, this savory is unique one, grown in sunlight, with rich soil, has pale green leaves, red stems, and is related to the mint family. Often used for chicken, meat and many cuisines. The Winter savory is a rough variety, used as a hedge as the rosemary, a perennial shrub, prefers a sunny spot to grow well, and good soil, the flowers of this herb attracts bees, and the flavor is added to the honey. The leaves need longer cooking, because of the toughness and is used in stews, or as you wish. A seasoning for when making sausages and for salamis. You can use this herb in salt-free diets. 101

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Scented Geraniums The Scented Geraniumis a perennial plant, grown in South Africa, in the Cape of Good Hope. These are flowering plants. Lemon geraniumsare like rose geraniums. It is used at the end of cooking for flavoring, discard after cooking.Scented Geraniums can beused as a garnish, when fresh, mostly used in sweet dishes, or to sweeten teas, for punches, and jellies. Fresh or dried the herb is fantastic! As a tea, it has calming effects, like chamomile tea, reduces stress, is an insect repellent, and an oil essential. A plant used for problematic skin, the oil is used to avoid irritation on skin, bath water, stomach aches, headaches, diarrhea, and arthritis. Geraniums can be grown indoors in pots of your choice of size, it requires a sunny spot. There are many kinds of geranium plants. 102

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Screw-Pine Leaf This is an Asian fragrant leaf. Screw-pine leaf is used for steaming chicken and fish as a wrapper to these kinds of foods. The Aborigines were the first to eat this fruit it is shaped like a pineapple and in the early times it gave them a diarrhea reaction to their tummies. Now it’s commonly used in Asian cuisines and in most of the Western countries. Screw-pinelike most herbs can be used fresh or dried, and the aroma disappears when dried. It has a flavor of vanilla, and rose petals in foods. The leaves are used for flavoring of foods and are normally discarded at the end of cooking because it could have a greater strength if eaten. Asianpeopleare often exposed to this herb; the leaves are used in soups even used when boiled to taste its flavor. It enhances flavor in roasts, for rice dishes, desserts, and barbecuing. Screw pine flower is used in Northern India, isused for most of Indian cooking, and goes well with brown sugar, cakes, cheeses, and beverages. A sacred leaf in India and is used for drinking water in most villages. 103

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Sesame Sesame, is a spice been used for ages, it is one of the first plants discovered in the early days of survival and is used worldwide. The most commonly used seed sprinkled on cakes and breads, like poppy seeds. In the Middle East it is used for flavoring sauces and kebabs, used as a coating to fish, when frying and to have the crumbed appearance. Sesame can be used as a laxative. Grows annually, and is a topical herbaceous plant. 104

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Skullcap Tea A tea which soothes your nerves, reduces anxiety, and, eases PMS, lowers the blood pressure, for some people, helps lower fever, it is an effective anti-bacterial agent and can be used to reduced epilepsy and seizures. This herbal tea is found in Canada, in some parts of America. The usual way of making this tea by pouring boiling water over the dried leaves, one to two teaspoons, of dried Skullcaptea, it is then covered and soaked for fifteen minutes; you can have two to three cups of Skullcapteadaily. Side Effects When having Skullcap tea,if a person as an injection containing S.baicalensis, it may cause muscle aches, and raise the temperature. Consult your doctor before using this tea. People shouldn't consume this on a daily basis, it can damage the liver. 105

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Soapwort From the name it is clear that this herb is used in soap, and is used as a substitute for laundry detergent. Soapwort was used in the early centuries to treat some skin conditions, and for jaundice. The woody root is used of this plant an extract that has been used for detergents and shampoos. Soapwort is of Europe, Asia and some parts of America, it grows bunched with pointy leaves as a garden herb. Used as a remedy for coughs, respiratory tract, arthritic pain and rheumatic aches. Roots of this plant are used for itchiness, and eczema. 106

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Sorrel Sorrel is an ancient herb, meaning sour, and has been used for centuries; it flavors foods, with its sourness, a great idea for soups, and salads, like the Jamaican Sorrel. An herbal plant that is grown in many parts of the world. It has large leaves like that of the spinach leaves, with a lemon taste but milder, Used in rich foods, sandwiches, soups, poached eggs, braised foods, meat, or pork, for its acidic taste. Preserves flavor, in foods, you should use only stainless steel utensils and pots for this herb when cooking. Sorrel is used as a tea for most ailments. Sometimes used for digestion effects of the rich fatty foods, mouth ulcers, liver problems, scurvy, chronic conditions, and for fevers. 107

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Sumac Sumac is a spice from a wild bushy shrub of berries, grown in the Mediterranean regions, and is an essential herb in Arabian cooking. The berries of this plant are crushed for flavoring foods. Mainly used in Lebanon cooking,like tamarind, in marinades, and the powder form of this herb is used in stews and casseroles. Sumacis used for health purposes like for the treatment of bowel complaints, to reduce fever, and is a sour drink for relieving stomach upsets. 108

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Stevia Tea Steviafromthe Rebaudiana plant is found in sub-tropical regions. A perennial plant belonging to a sunflower, used as a sweetener, reduces heart burn, osteoporosis, obesity and is used as a mouth wash. Stevia, a herbal tea can be consumed in different ways, the leaves can be chewed on for its sweetness, had as a tea or an extract. To make this tea you will need one teaspoon of Stevia Tea Leafherbs, a cup of boiling water, and cover tightly, soak for fifteen minutes, strain then drink warm or cold. Though a safe herb, it may reduce blood pressure. No side effects, if taken in moderation, though some people are allergic to this tea. 109

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Szechwan Pepper Szechwan pepper is from the province of China, Szechwan. It looks like black peppercorns, but they are not the family of this herb, are of the rue family. It grows throughout the green fields of China, it has a slight hotness, and the berries can be roasted gently, to give up aromas. A spice used for most of Chinese dishes. Used as a remedy to heal wounds, and toothaches, as a blood purifier and for digestive problems. 110

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Tamarind Tamarind, started to grow in the African countries, now an indigenous plant to India, it grows throughout the Indian subcontinent, and in the Middle Eastern countries. Of a bean slightly bent brown pod, and grown from an evergreen tropical tree. A tangy tasting slab found in a paste with tamarind pods. It lasts longer in the refrigerator and is used for soups, has a tangy taste, It is often used as a sour agent for fish curries chutneys, rice dishes, and side dishes in pork, or fruit drinks. Worcestershire sauce contains tamarind and is often used in soups, too. Tamarind can be used as a laxative, for bronchial disorders, sore throats, as an antiseptic, and for colds. Tamarind is truly known to us, for the enhancing of a woman's sexual enjoyment. Insects are a problem with this plant in African climates, but require little attention in other places. Insecticides are used to prevent the insects from destroying the plant. 111

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Tarragon Tarragon, because it has dragon-like roots thus the name little dragon as it can cling to other plants and kill the growth of other plants if not trained often. A perennial plant found Europe and in other parts of the world, a plant that requires warm climates. A French herb and used for most of the French cuisines. An herb commonly used with fish and vinegar, has an aniseed flavor, gives you a feeling of numbness on your tongue if chewed on. The chopped leaves are used in melted butter sauces, in chicken, or recipes with turkey. Has a different flavor, when stored in vinegar. Tarragonis used to increase appetite, for colic, to cure rheumatism, as a fragrant in soaps, cosmetics, and liquors, for treating stings, and snake bites, also bites of rabid dogs. A tea made from Tarragon and Chamomile herbs can induce sleep, used to relieve toothache, and was once used as a local anesthetic. 112

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Tasmanian Pepper The Tasmanian is commonly known as the mountain pepper, and is grown in Australia. The Tasmanian Pepperis used to flavor a variety of foods, a shrub with deep red stems and branches. TheMountain pepper leafis strong when dried, with a camphor taste, and is hot with more of a cinnamon taste. Used as dried or in a form of powder has a sharp flavor, so add according to your taste. It will have a hotter and spicier flavor if too much is added. If added directly to food the berries it has a hot sharp flavor. 113

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Thyme Tea Thyme grown in the wild and has different colored leaves. Thyme grown in the garden A well known herb as Thymus, found in Europe and Asia, helps for infected gums and was the main ingredient used as an antiseptic in Listerine before the antibiotics were introduced to the modern world. It is used to treat anemia and bronchial ailments. Fresh Thymeused as a spice and a tea. 114

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS When making this tea take a few leaves fresh or dry, pour boiling water in the cup and allow soaking for ten minutes, sweetening with honey and drinking it warm or cold. Thyme grows all over the world and in different varieties. Thyme oil isvenomousit shouldn't be used without the consultation of your practitioner or healthcare provider. Side Effects If you have allergic reactions to herbs then Thyme may affect you. Thyme with new leaves 115

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Tulsi Tea Tulsi Tea is one of India's traditional herbs, native to India and has been used for many years. A tea used for reducing stress, keeps your heart healthy, a treatment for diabetes, chronic fatigue, symptoms of psoriasis, increases stamina, and lowers cholesterol levels. Tulsi tea is one of the most sacred herbs of India. When making this tea, start by boiling more than half a cup of water, add one teaspoon powder or leaves of Tulsi tea,or a teabag, cover the tea for five minutes after boiling, add sugar or a sweetener, taste with milk if you desire. The tea should be strained after boiled, then drink hot or cold. Remember, people react differently to most herbal teas. 116

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Turmeric An Indian spice, included in other spices like, garam masala, green cardamom, panch phoron, amchur, black cumin, Fenugreek and turmeric. A spice used for many years in Asia. It is grown similar to the ginger plant with a tuberous stem used in the form of powder. Turmeric is used in many sweet dishes, in most Indian regions, and has a bitter taste, use in moderation. Tumeric powder is used in many cuisines, fir the unique color. The powder or stick form of Tumeric is used by some people as a mild digestive stimulant, as an antiseptic cream, for the brightness of the skin and for the help of getting rid of acne. In Malaysia often the paste of turmeric is used for the improvement of the skin color, and is found in the Asian cosmetics too. A tropical perennial plant grows in hot to wet climates. 117

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Vanilla Vanilla, Saffron and Cardamom, is the most expensive herbs. Vanilla seed flavors puddings and ice creams, an extract, a powerful herb and should be used in few drops as possible. For custards, peach Melba, chocolates and confectionery items. An aphrodisiac in some regions, the extract cured impotence, reduced fevers, but is rarely used in medicinal purposes in modern times. 118

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Wasabi An extraordinary crop from Japan is known for its hot flavor, some people think Wasabi is eye- watering, but only if you try you will know, it is used in side dishes. A paste served with sushi, and is from a perennial plant. When grated make into a ball keep it at room temperature for a few minutes this allows the flavor to increase, and you should use in moderation. If you are grating Wasabi, you should first rinse under cold water, clean off the rough areas on the sides, and scrub the stalk. Cut it below the base of the leaf, this is to show if it is green, grate with a circular motion and cut the end. Having the powdered Wasabi should be most convenient to you, instead of the grating method, a spice that can last for two years. It is used in many foods, for its spicy taste. Health benefits of this herb is unique, it is used for destroying a number of types of cancer cells, reduces blood clots, acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent against food poisons. 119

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Watercress An English favorite herb, a spice used from medieval times as a breath freshener, and a stimulant, it belongs to the Cabbage family, like the Mustard, Horseradish and Wasabi. Watercress is used in a variety of foods, is grown in Europe,andis grown in water, thus the name watercress. An herb often enjoyed fresh, the unripe fruit of this plant is also eaten, it blends well with salads, and has a peppery taste. Watercressis commonly used in sandwiches or omelets and as garnishes. Used in white sauces, flavored vinegars, and a popular vegetable in India, to stir fries, or soups. The herb is beneficial for cleansing the blood, for treating chest disorders, and for strength and energy. You can use watercress as tea for aches, pains, migraines, and for the prevention of lung diseases for example, emphysema. If you have been smoking for most of your life, tobacco works its way through your lungs. 120

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Wattle seed Wattle seedis a roasted seed; it has a flavor of coffee, and hazelnut. The wattle seed is edible from a small number of acacia trees that bears the bean like seed pods, and has many species of this plant. An herbal plant grown in Australia,where the Aborigines, first ate and cooked Wattle seed, but only the roasted seeds are used for flourishing of food. It is used in sweeten savory foods. Often spiced in chicken, lamb, and fish, and is used with coriander seeds. It is best when sprinkled over food before cooking. You can substitute Wattle seed for wheat flour when baking, use as a crumbing procedure for fish and meat. If you have non-insulin diets use this herb in your foods. 121

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Zedoary Zedoaryis an old herbal spice, from years ago, a relative of turmeric, grown in India,and other tropical regions. You can use it in a form of powder, fresh or pickled, in a curry powder, for seafood dishes, and a spice in cuisines like lamb, or chicken curries. Zedoaryis used to purify the blood, used as an antiseptic, a paste applied to cuts or wounds to help the healing process. Grows in tropical regions like turmeric and has the same color. 122

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS The Green tea, and the Blacktea, helps to heal most of illnesses, which includes destroying some of cancer cells. Most herbal teas helps you heal and are safe teas, that fight bacteria, especially, the bad ones. The Green Teaoriginates from China,and is associated with many other cultures like, Korea, Japan, Asiaand the Middle East. The Black Teais known as the Camellia sinensis and isgrown in China, Tibet and Northern India. The Black Teais a variety of tea, with Oolong, Green and White Tea. Green Tea and Black teais made in the same waywith boiling water, add a teabag or a teaspoon of dried leaves, and allow soaking for ten minutes. Add sugar or honey, to taste. The Green Tea is bitter but will show you good results. If you acquire the taste of Green Tea then you will enjoy it without a sweetener, which is the most natural way of drinking herbal teas. Depending on what your illness is, herbal teas are great benefit to you. Have two to three times daily. Any medication taken in big dozes will have side effects, so with moderation is the key. The Green Tea loses its flavor within a year, while the Black Tea still retains its flavor for several years. Today, tea is grown in most regions likein Taiwan, Kenya, Turkey, Argentina, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, India, China, Sri Lanka and Japan. Some teas you can drink and others are poisonous; always consult your doctor or an herbalist before drinking herbal teas. Herbal teas and spices have been used for centuries to cure illnesses or keep symptoms on a low profile. 123

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS With this helpful information you will be able to learn more about traditional spices, teas and it benefits too. It is effective in many ways. ****** 124

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS THE TOP CURES FROM AROUND THE WORLD The top cures from around the world, ever wondered how you can cure your dreadful illnesses? If you try some of these fruit you will see results, also, depending on what you believe. Bitter Melon: Originated in Japan Bitter Melon bears fruit and contains seeds which are used for medicine. A bitter fruit that has been used for years for many ailments like stomach ulcers, intestinal disorders, even for gastrointestinal, issues, like the upset ulcers colitis, if you are constipated you can eat some of this bitter fruit, and to get rid of intestinal worms, works perfectly. Those who are diabetic will find it a handy treat, for kidney stones, a fever, psoriasis, and liver problems. Women when menstruating can have the fruit to prevent the painful moments, and to help improve the immune system of and AIDS patients. Bitter melon can heal wounds, abscesses, and deep infections of the skin. It is used by Asians in their menus, and in some curries. The chemical it contains allows it to be effective in reducing the blood sugar levels. ****** 125

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Noni Berry: Noni Berryis used in Polynesia, for thousands of years, it has an antioxidant which is powerful, and the fruit is used to for the cure of some illnesses. You can have the juice of the fruit to heal your body from the nasty illnesses. A highly acidic fruit that can only be consumed as a juice but not eaten as raw fruit because of the acidity it contains. Used to improve the immune and the digestive system, and improves your moods even better. The juice has a great effect on the cardiovascular and the circulatory system. For cancer patients in the future one can be tremendously helped with this fruit juice. ****** Cordyceps: Cordyceps is known as caterpillar fungus. Found in the wild, and needs nutrients from many caterpillars. It is called the winter worm in China, or summer grass, at the high altitude in the mountains you will find this fungus. You will find Cordyceps in China, Nepal and Tibet. It was discovered by scientists in the year 1993, when athletes used a tonic to increase their stamina, or energy levels. Cordyceps does exactly that, it helps one to endure their energy. The tonic topped the list among other sports supplements. C. Sinensis is of benefit to the Chinese, traditionally used for kidney and lung problems. It boosts energy levels. or increasing stamina. It is an elongated and a branched out figure. ****** Elderberry: 126

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Found in Austria, and used to lower cholesterol levels, for the improvement of your eyesight, the immune system, and for colds and coughs, also heart conditions. The juice of the berry has a sweet taste and is destroys colds and flu viruses. Symptoms are less severe when people have this juice. The Berries have Vitamin A, B, and loads of vitamin C, in protecting of cell damage, and is a mild laxative. Cancer and AIDS patients have been treated with Elderberry juice in order to improve their immune system. ****** Durian A smelly fruit native to Malaysia, it has a slimy taste and is a fleshy fruit. People who know of this fruit think of it as the king of fruits with its different taste. For younger looking skin this fruit works wonders. You must eat the fruit once it has fallen off the tree, within six hours as the taste vanishes from the fruit and you won't enjoy it afterward. When you eat Durian before bedtime you don't need a blanket, as it heats the body. Some people believe when eaten with coffee the fruit can be harmful. A helpful fruit for diabetes 127

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS THE BEST TRADITIONAL MEDICINE What are The Benefits of Chondroitin Mostly older people have problems with painful joints, a kind of arthritis which is commonly known as Osteoarthritis. When this happens all you want is to get rid of that pain. If you are overweight you are at a higher risk of the wear and tear on the cartilage. Chondroitin has been widely used for such kind of pain Carbohydrates help to mend the damaged cartilage. You can get this from foods such as seafood, or from the Chondroitin which is of the cartilage from the cow. The pain and stiffness of arthritis is relieved, used with other products like, ascorbate, glucosamine sulfate and manganese. For those who have weak bones, if one is anemic, or with uncontrollable cholesterol levels, and including heart problems. You shouldn't consume more than eleven milligrams of this product because of the manganese which can have tremendous effects on the Central Nervous System. ****** Glucomannan A Root grown in China and is of great use to the Asians. Glucomannanis a soluble fiber from of an Asian Plant, and is used for many years to heal various ailments. The fiber is used for weight loss, to ease coughs and in disorders of the skin. 128

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS The root of Konjac is now used for allergic reactions, if constipated, for blood pressure problems, cholesterol levels if uncontrollable, if one is diabetic, and in the prevention of various cancers, including lung cancer. Obese people who tried Glucomannan saw good results in weight loss. After eating one doesn't feel hungry constantly the fiber fills you up and you don't over eat either. It helps get cholesterol at normal levels and blood pressure too. For constipation as been recommended to children has showed good results. The pain in the abdomen area is lowered and constipation is at ease. The anti-inflammatory component and the antioxidants makes it helpful to relieve pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis. One can be affected by certain side effects like, pain the abdominal region, with digestion, before consuming consult your family doctor. ****** Korean Red Ginseng The Benefits of Korean Red Ginseng Athletes are energetic. Boosts energy, and reduces fatigue mentally. The body adjusts to stress levels as normal. For the sex organs, free blood flow to the penis. Women in the stage of menopause can use red ginseng for the stimulation of the estrogen production. 129

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Boots the metabolism of an individual and is also used for detoxifying, and for those who are diabetic. Arnica What is Arnica? Many people are using Arnica for pain relief. One of the best herbs used for pain relief. A natural product and is considered as a family medicine. Found in Europe and of North America, Arnica, has been used for many years, and is useful for arthritis, for sore muscles, for strained and sore muscles. The anti-inflammatory called thymol helps with the pain. Some people may experience allergic reaction .such as vomiting. ****** Inca Peanuts Inca peanuts are a good source for good health. Found in Peru and has been used years. The Inca peanuts are grown from the seed of the sacha inchi plant, has been used in Peru for thousands of years. You can eat thee nuts raw, or roasted, in salad recipes as well. A rare kind of nut found elsewhere in the world. A worth nut to eat for health problems like for low blood pressure, if you feel dressed have some Inca peanuts. Vitamin E is the great source of Inca peanuts. 130

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS For weight loss it is regarded as the best source, is gluten free and is highly recommended by Peruvians. The fiber keeps your hunger at bay. ****** Feverfew A European medicine from the sunflower family has been used for centuries, for arthritis, for colds, and fevers, also for headaches. For migraines it works like a charm. Found in Southeastern Europe, in Australia and of North America in the exact same region where I live. A perennial bush the plant has yellow flowers more like daisies in appearance, there are small hairs on the plant facing downwards. All parts of this plant can be used. A helpful herb for muscle tension helps prevent the cancer cells from growing. It has been known to relieve pain Rheumatoid Arthritis In combination with other medicinal herbs there can be side effects such as pain in the abdominal region, vomiting, the taste buds don't work normally, the lips swell, one can even experiences nausea. Always consult an herbalist or you doctor about the product before consumption. ****** 131

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Astragalus Traditionally this root has been used in China for centuries, to enliven the immune system. Known as milk from a bean, the herb helps in prevention of heart attacks, it repairs free radical damaged cells in the body. A diet used for colds, chest infections, for muscle pain, and for the control of diabetes. The spleen, liver, lung and the urinary tract system is strengthened. Used in the control of blood pressure, and for other ailments. The root has benefits for colds, and for some cancers. If consumed more than the required dose one will notice side effects, like the immune system can become weak. Some of the above-mentioned are not for those pregnant. ****** 132

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS THE BEST BEAUTY SECRETS from AROUND THE WORLD I am amazed by the simple beauty secrets from around the Globe. You can still have healthy looking hair and skin and finger nails, the natural way. Australia In Australia the Aborigines used Yarrow Root for centuries to keep their skin feeling good and smooth. It helps to heal wounds, and with digestives issues. The leaves help tremendously when chewed to get rid of toothache. The Yarrow root is of a flower plant, known as a fragrant. A plant that is used in modern medicine for arthritis, and swollen joints, if you are pregnant avoid using Yarrow root, it has strong healing properties. Dominican Republic Garlic is used to keep fingernails healthy and hard, so they don't break or have the brittle appearance. Add crushed garlic to clear nail polish. The garlic will take a week to mature in the liquid nail polish to work perfectly. Belize Coconut oil is used for sun protection, and to have a smoother skin. The oil has been used for centuries in the Indian communities for almost everything. The benefits are awesome for cooking and on toast. Coconut oil is used for getting rid of the fine aging lines on the skin, and for easing off stretch marks. The best for incredible dry skin, after a shower massage coconut oil on your body, arms, face and legs, you won't be making the wrong decision. The oil is used for Low Thyroid Function use coconut oil. 133

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Japan In Japan Red Chili Peppers are used as a paste for stimulating the feet. Relax your feet in some watery paste from red peppers to keep the feet feeling less tired and to avoid sore feet. Israel The women in Israel believe the salt of the Dead Sea gives them a beautiful looking skin. Egypt Almond and milk made into a paste is good for the skin. The paste gives the skin an incredible appearance. Leave on the skin for fifteen minutes, then wash off to see how good your skin looks afterward. Republic of South Africa As a South African I found this to be my best remedy, honey is an excellent idea for the skin and hair. Use a teaspoonful of olive oil, one egg yolk, and a teaspoonful of honey, mix into a paste and massage in through the strands of your hair, leave for thirty minutes, and wash off, it is easy to wash off, and leaves the hair shiny, and healthy. Have one teaspoon honey with Rooibos tea instead of adding sugar, honey goes well and works while ingested for the good skin. Apply honey and oats on your face as a mask, wash off after fifteen minutes and see how soft the skin feels, a simple way of looking younger and feeling good about your face. 134

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS ABOUT THE AUTHOR A South African of Indian origin and currently living in the most southern part of Croatia, a beautiful and peaceful country. ''Writing opens your mind to all kinds of experiences when you believe you are hopeful in life.'' I enjoy sharing my ideas and thoughts on Hubpages. In the many years of writing I have certainly created an effective way of holding a reader's attention. My articles are to the point short or long and are just so interesting. Let's face it an on-line reader's attention span is short and getting to know of my work further is no exception. To know more about Devika Primic, go to the following link: Follow Devika: 135

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS OTHER BOOKS of DEVIKA PRIMIC The Simple Uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices: The Many Different Ways of Using Herbal Teas and Indian Spices Herbs and Other Cures: Rare Herbal Healing 136

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