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Home Explore Magazine


Published by saheedalip80, 2020-09-02 02:42:12

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elcn kpa¿ apPo_v - D2 (A&T) th−ntbm IpSnbpw henbpw XpS- Nne HmÀ½-s¸-Sp¯- -ep-IÄ. §p-¶nÃ. elcn D]-tbm-Kn-¡p-¶- aZyhpw ab¡p acp¶pw am\\h Ncn- hÀ Icp-Xp-¶Xv ‘hn ]hÀ’ D−v. {X-Xnsâ Bcw`w apXte D−m-bn- ]Whpw Ip«p-Imcpw D−v kzm[o- cp¶p F¦nepw C¶-s¯-t¸mse \\hpw Ipd-hnÃ. Ft¸mÄ thW-sa- hym]-I-ambn e`n-¨n-cp¶- nÃ. \\½psS ¦nepw elcn \\nÀ¯mw Fs¶-ms¡- kaqlw t\\cnS- p¶ Gähpw henb bmWv ]t£ elcn hkvXp-¡Ä¡v `oj-Wn-bm-Wv aZy-¯nsâbpw el- Xm§sf ASn-a-s¸-Sp-¯m\\pff Ign- cn-bp-sSbpw D]-tbmK- w. ChnsS 14 hns\\ ]än AhÀ hne-bn-cp-¯p-¶n- hb-Êp-Im-c³ t]mepw aZy]n¡p¶- Ã. Xet¨mdns\\ _m[n¨v _p²n- Xmbn Nne ]T-\\-§-fn ImWp¶- p. iàn, HmÀ½ iàn, aqey-t_m[w aZy-¯n ]mh-s¸-«-h\\pw ]W-¡m-c XpS-§n-bh \\jvS-s¸«v Bkàn \\pw Hcp t]mse BWv. tIc-f-¯n tcmK-am-bn-¯ocpw.  47 e£w t]À el-cn¡v ASn-a- bmbn Ignªp. 8 e£w t]À Ic 1956  Ata-cn-¡³ saUn-¡ Ä tcmKn-I-fmbn amdn.  Atkm-kn-tbj- ³ aZy-]m-\\s¯ tcmK-ambn {]Jym-]n¨p Bcpw IpSn¨p \\in-¡ph- m³ th−ntbm hen¨p \\in-¡p-hm³

God’s Boon Anoosaha C B1 - MLT Wow! It is amazing It is Your boon Falling like thread and pearls When it is falling, the rainbow Appear in the sky When the cloud’s tears are falling The river and streams Shed tears of happiness The lightning Is very intresting The soil absorbs the water and given the plants to grow The trees shake in the wind The birds stood in their nests Enjoying the rain. Some birds try to reach their nest Oh God! You always Come into being with us.

Waiting At The Window Shahana A B1 - MLT All the days and all the night I am waiting at the window To see the drops of rain And the beauty of nature. Oh God, please won’t you bring rain? My aims are waiting for that To catch a few drops of water My fish glasses are all waiting For drops of rain And it wants to be filled and for that All the days all the night Iam waiting at the window

‘{]Xn-`-tbm-sSm¸w’ A\\qj kn B - MLT Ime-L«s¯ sImt−m«n EMEA tImtf- Pnepw ^pUvt_mfnsâ Iym]vä³ ‘hnZym-ebw {]Xn`- -tbms- S¸w’ ]cn-]m-Sn- kn Ae-¦-cn-¨n-Sp-−v. ¹kv h¬ ¹kv Sp bpsS `mKa- mbn Pn.-hn.F- -¨v.F- -kv.-Fkv Cu Ime-L«w, bmYmÀY-¯n Fsâ Acn{- ¼-bnse hnZymÀ°nI- Ä anI¨ ^p sports Pohn-X-¯n \\jvS-s¸-Sp-I-bm-bn- Uvt_mÄ tIm¨pw A[ym]- I- \\- p-ambnSp cp¶p. AhnsS ]T\\w am{X-am-bn-cp-¶p. ff {io. APva amÌ-dpa- mbnbpff A`n- ssaXm-\\a- nà sImt−m«n A§m-Sn-bpse apJw _UvPäv F¶ kq¸À amÀ¡-än\\p ]n¶n- ep-ff ]mÀ¡nwKv {Ku−m-bn-cp¶p R§- hnZymÀ°n : F´v sIm−mWv ^pUv fpsS kvIqÄ. Acn-{¼- kvIqfn \\n¶v t_mÄ taJe Xnc-sª-Sp-¯Xv? t]mb-Xn\\v tijw {Ku−nà F¶ Hä-Im- c-W-¯m F\\n¡pw Soan\\pw Ifn-¡m³ APva kmÀ : sNdp¸w apXte temI Ign-ªn-Ã. 20 hÀj¯- n\\v tij-amWv -¯nse Gähpw P\\-Iobambn-«p-ff Im {Ku−v D−m-bXv. hfsc BßmÀY-ambn bnI hnt\\m-Za- mWv ImÂ]´v. AXns\\ FÃm A[m-bm-]-I-cp-sSbpw kl-I-c-W- Cw¥o-jn ‘soccer’ Asæ- n ‘football’ t¯m-Sp -IqSn Hcp tIm¨nwMv Iym¼v F¶pw ]dbpw. Cu {Kmaw (A-cn-{¼), kwL-Sn-¸n¨p. ]gb- I- mew apXte Xs¶ adventurous sports Bbn-«p-ff \\mbm«v, Imf¸- q«v XpS- hnZymÀ°n: kmdnsâ Iogn ss{S\\nwMv §nb ImbnI hnt\\m-Z-§f- n GÀs¸-«n- \\ÂIn-b-Xn-s\\-¡p-dn-¨p-ff Ipdn¨p hnh-c- cp¶ IÀj-Ic- psS {Kmaa- mWv Imte-{I- §Ä ]¦n-Smtam? taW ^pUvt_mfpw thmfnt- _mfpw Chn sS hcn-Ibpw Hcp]- mSv Ime§- Ä¡v ap¼v APva kmÀ : XoÀ¨b- mbpw 4 hÀjw `qanb- n h¶n-«p-ff Cu Rm\\pw Rm³ ss{S\\nwMv \\ÂInb Ip«n-bmWv AXnsâ `mKa- mbn amd-p-Ibpw sNbvXp. A\\kv FS-s¯mS- nI. Ah³ Ahsâ A\\p-`-h-§Ä ]¦vsh¨Iq«-¯n Fsâ hnZymÀ°n : ^pUvt_mÄ taJ-eb- nse t]cpw {]Xn-]m-Zn-¨n-cp-¶p. Rm³ hm§n- Xm¦f- psS A\\p`- -h-§Ä Fs´Ãmw sIm-Sp¯ ‘ÌmÀhnwMv’ F¶ _q«ns\\ BWv? Ipdn¨pw Ah³ {]Xn-]mZ- n-¨p. Cu hnh-c- §Ä ]ntä Znhkw amXr-`qan ]{X-¯n APva kmÀ : 1982 apX BWv Rm h¶-t¸mÄ I®p\\otcmSp IqSn-bmWv ³ I-fn¡- m³ XpS-§nb- Xv. A¶v \\½p Rm\\Xv hmbn-¨X- v. B \\nanjw Xs¶ sS CukvIqÄ 1 anX 10 hsc D−m-bn- Rm³ Ahs\\ hnfn¨p B _q«nsâ cps- ¶mf- fp. 10 hÀjw ap¼v \\½psS t]cv AXm-bnc- pt¶m F¶v tNmZn-¨v, kvIqfn \\n¶v ]ncnªp t]mb Ct¸m hnh-c-§Ä At\\yjn¨p. Ct¸mgpw \\nc- gpw live Bbn FÃm kmaql- nI {]hÀ h[n Ip«n-IÄ¡v Rm³ ss{S\\nwMv \\ ¯\\- -§f- nepw GÀs¸S- p¶ tambv\\p-±o³ Ip-¶p-−v. A\\-Êns\\ t]mse-bp-ff, Ign- amÌÀ tIm«bw Gäp-am\\- qÀ Imc\\pw hp-ff 11 t]cv Soan Ds−-¦n C´y kmaqly imkv{X A[ym]- I- \\pw Bbn- XoÀ¨-bmbpw tbmKyX t\\mSpw. cp¶p. ChÀ D−m¡- nb football Pn.-hn.- F¨- v.-Fk- v.-Fkv Acn{- ¼-bn Bbn-cp¶p hnZymÀ°n : C´y F¶v tbmKyX Fsâ HutZym-Kn-I-am-bnS- pf- f BZys¯ t\\mSpw F¶v ]d-bmtam? thZn. AXn F\\ns- ¡cp ¹mävt^mw X¶Xv \\½psS al¯- mb Cu Iem-e-b- APva kmÀ : 2026 BIp-t¼m-tg¡pw amW- v. AXn {]Ya ]cni- o-eI- ³ F¶v C´y tbmKyX t\\mSp-sa-¶mWv {]Xo- ]d-bp¶- Xv tambv\\p±- o³ amjmW- v. At±- £n-¡p-¶Xv. la- mWv ^pUv t_mf- n Fsâ BZy hnZymÀ°n : Ok kmÀ C{Xbpw t\\cw s¯ Kpcp. tkma³ amÌÀ Fsâ \\m«n³ R§-fpa- mbn kl-I-cn-¨X- n\\v \\µn. ]pds¯ Ifn-If- nepw ¹kvh¬ ¹kvSp

BSp¶ Itkc cay So¨À , ..... . ... . . ……. ..... , , ...... , ...... .... .... ,, , , ... ....

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