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Home Explore Elite - Training Services Guide

Elite - Training Services Guide

Published by Malak Enterprises, 2021-09-17 08:38:10

Description: Elite's Training Services Guide.


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TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 02 Training Security Training 03 04 Compliance training Teacher Training 05 06 Specialist Training Community Safety Accreditation 07 08 Security Soultions International

INTRODUCTION The Elite group is a global training provider and EliteGuard operational specialist security and risk solutions company, both operate individually but with the same ethos of EliteGuard is an operational multi- disciplinary providing an outstanding experience or service. service provider in the security, community The Academy safety, healthcare, and crowd safety sector, Accredited by constabularies under the Elite Academy is the leading provider of teacher training community safety accreditation scheme and specialist security trainer qualifications in the United EliteGuard’s officers have limited police Kingdom, established in 2010 by our founder Mr Robert “ Bob” Betts, who had taught specialist programmes for powers to assist with community safety, our over 20 years, the Elite name is synonymous for consistent, Elite Guardian staff provide enhanced patient quality, relevant training delivery globally, with training centres and partners in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and support in hospitals, secure units and South America. ambulance services, being the first Our team encompasses professional teachers, trainers, organisation to offer this type of service. consultants, and academics to ensure our programmes are current, appropriate, and compatible with worldwide Providing safety and security at events was the standards and accreditation. We deliver recognised reason Elite decided to offer the Eliteguard qualifications, training, and design courses in the following sectors with the capability to meet any training request service, initially at the 2012 games now across including specialist courses designed for those who the UK, with local authorities, blue chip and require experienced teachers from Government and multinational organisations, universities and military including special forces backgrounds. research parks amongst the clientele. JOHN ALLTON JONES, Elite Group Chairman

TRAINING Elite Academy is approved via Ofqual regulated awarding organisations to provide qualifications and programmes worldwide, our ethos of “education into employment “ has enabled thousands of our graduates to gain employment, provide opportunities to undertake continuous professional development for promotion or self-progression and partake in outstanding learning experiences. As a Police Crime Prevention Academy Endorsed training provider, we are accredited to offer the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme syllabus to companies and individuals who are seeking to be accredited into the scheme to empower them with police powers Qualification Development Elite has designed and developed qualifications for clients and partners in order to meet their particular training needs and requirements, Elites own range of unique certifications have been accepted and adopted by the Healthcare, Education and Social care sectors in the UK and by Law Enforcement and Military units worldwide.

SECURITY TRAINING In addition, Elite provides the following qualifications for the security sector: Elite Academy offers the full suite of the Handcuffing security industry authority (SIA) licence to Control & Restraint practice qualifications: Healthcare Security Officer Security for Places of Worship Door Supervision Security for Heritage sites Security Guarding Surveillance CCTV/PSS Investigations Cash & Valuables in Transit Close Protection, Elite have been approved to Spectator and Crowd Safety: deliver SIA close protection training worldwide. Spectator safety Spectator safety management Front of stage Tactical Event Support Officer Physical Intervention for Spectator events

COMPLIANCE TRAINING Compliance training is business-critical employee training that is mandatory for the organisation to comply with regulations, legislation, or policies. It is aimed at ensuring employees are competent and qualified so they may operate in adherence with laws or regulations applicable to their particular role or the industry the company operates in. We offer the following qualifications to support businesses to be compliant: First Aid Training Health and Safety Training Manual Handling training Mental Health awareness Fire safety Food Safety Equality and diversity Customer service Data Protection

TEACHER AND TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS Elite are one of the leading providers of teacher and trainer qualifications in the UK, globally recognised and respected for the quality of their training provision they offer qualifications and programmes to support those wishing to learn to teach Elite offers the following of equal teacher training qualifications: Level 3 Award in Education and Training Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training Assessor qualifications: Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement Level 3 Award in Undertaking End-Point Assessment Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice Role specific teacher and trainer qualifications: First Aid Instructor Security Instructor Health and Safety trainers Healthcare Physical Intervention trainer SAFE trainer (educational challenging behaviour instructor) Search Instructor Personal Safety / Self Defence Instructor Close Protection Trainer

SPECIALIST TRAINING Elite can offer specialist programmes for those who have bespoke or unique training: First aid for young people (TEENAID) Managing behaviours that challenge for education (TEACH SAFER) Conflict management and physical intervention for healthcare (PMVA) Hospital security officer courses. Safety and security at places of worship and heritage sites. Manging protests and demonstrations. Hostile and complex environment safety and security awareness. Emergency Medical Technician Surveillance Investigations Search trainer Self-defence instructor We also provide international courses for the following sectors: Policing Prisons Military Crowd Safety

COMMUNITY SAFETY ACCREDITATION SCHEME The Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) created a framework for public and private bodies to work in partnership with the police, providing an additional uniformed presence in communities to assist in reducing criminality and anti-social behaviour. Elite is accredited currently by two constabularies under this scheme with a vision to have complete accreditation for the Eastern region, the police powers given include traffic management which assists organisations in planning and staffing road closures. Elite can provide anti-social behaviour patrols, street warden and ranger duties, to provide a visual presence in order to deter and prevent crime.

SECURITY SOLUTIONS Elite can provide your organisation with Elite Guardians: competent qualified staff within the safety and security sector The Guardians provide support, safety and enhanced supervision for Hospitals, Health and Social care and Security Officers: local authorities who need a person-centred approach. Our staff are SIA licenced and can fulfil door Rural Rangers: supervisor or security roles across the UK to protect personnel, property, or your premises. The role of a ranger is to patrol and protect countryside locations, remote buildings, and places Event Safety Officers: where livestock, property and premises may be at risk. Rangers provide a visual deterrence to prevent crime. Elite are experienced in crowd safety and can support via our event stewards, response Investigators: teams, behavioural analysists or crowd safety and stadia managers Our team consists of ex police detectives who undertake task of behalf of our clients in civil and Close Protection: criminal matters. Close protection is a specialist role that Consultants: enables us to provide a safe environment for those who engage our team, confidentially Elite is experienced in providing consultation, advice and professionalism are key to the success. and guidance in subjects such as, use of force, physical and cyber security and planning.

INTERNATIONAL The Elite group has offices and training facilities in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, with ambassadors in the Middle East and South America, all part of our dedicated team who can assistance with your training needs and requirements. We offer a range of UK Ofqual regulated qualifications and international accredited programmes via the UK’s Awarding Organisations, Britannia Qualifications and Awards and Elite’s own internal certifications to ensure we can offer appropriate, relevant and recognised global certification.

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