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Home Explore DEI Talent Management Plan

DEI Talent Management Plan

Published by Evergreen Trading, 2020-07-23 10:38:06

Description: DEI Talent Management


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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: The Talent Lifecycle Talent management is an employee lifecycle process, from recruitment to succession planning. Integration of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) with Talent Management is an effective strategy to create equitable opportunities for employee growth and development. The strategic plan should align with the organization’s overarching mission and goals to be fully effective. Each phase of the talent management lifecycle should leverage diverse skills and perspectives and promote engagement with all key internal stakeholders. RECRUITMENT Current Practices • Develop strategies to broaden the applicant pool and pipeline, both internally and externally • Create an interview guide and structure including a process for evaluating candidates • Set expectations for a slate of diverse candidates for all openings • Build partnerships with schools and universities that can provide a diverse talent pool DEI Strategy Integration • Recruitment efforts are embedded within business unit action plans • Track recruitment patterns over the last few years to determine if there are gaps with underrepresented groups and establish goals to close the gaps • Track recruiting, retention, and turnover data • Ensure diverse candidate slates for position openings at all levels within the organization • Create annual goals and performance objectives for department leaders that are aligned to talent strategy for inclusion, innovation and valuing top talent • Leverage Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) as a source for diverse talent and implement systems to ensure candidate tracking from referral to hire ON-BOARDING Current Practices • Create consistent on-boarding processes ensuring all newly hired employees feel supported and prepared to succeed DEI Strategy Integration • Focus on welcoming all new employees and provide clarity about how to succeed within the organization, with formal and informal processes • Set up a peer coach/ambassador from another business function and/or cultural background EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT Current Practices • Ensure all employees are receiving timely feedback about work performance • Set clear learning objectives for all employees about how to become more inclusive • Expand the “usual circle” of task force participants and development opportunities to create more visibility and access to growth opportunities for a wider group of employees

EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT DEI Strategy Integration • Management training regarding critical role of cross-cultural and informal, on-going feedback, as a primary development tool • Embed DEI practices into all leadership, management and soft skills training • Assessment of career development processes to ensure no institutional or implicit biases are built into the infrastructure • Targeted mentoring programs geared toward high-potential diverse groups where they are partnered with leaders based on their specific mentoring/development/career objectives PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Current Practices • Create an environment where people can learn from their mistakes (“Fail Forward” mantra) • Set goals for all employees to create a more inclusive environment • Provide recognition for improvement, as well as results • Provide ongoing feedback to all employees so everyone knows how to succeed DEI Strategy Integration • Build awareness of biases and how this may affect views of performance • Encourage managers to question assumptions about what good performance looks like to promote more innovation and risk taking • Address the impact of disproportionate amount of valuable informal coaching and feedback given to dominant groups, by ensuring minority groups get coaching and ‘tips’ on job performance and success metrics CAREER DEVELOPMENT Current Practices • Make career paths more visible throughout the organization and clearly communicate what it takes to succeed DEI Strategy Integration • Conduct within group and cross-functional group talent reviews with clear tracking of diversity in the pipeline • Ensure there is a strategy and targeted programs in place to retain, groom and develop underrepresented groups into senior level positions • Analyze the degree to which diverse talent is included in the succession plan but are never deemed “ready now,” while others are promoted based on stretch

SUCCESSION PLANNING Current Practices • Currently not applicable DEI Strategy Integration • Mapping of career lifespan and tracking of advancement cycle time • Challenge unfounded assumptions about who is interested/ready to be promoted • Assess whether opportunities for stretch assignments are being limited to the dominant group • Make sure all candidates in the pipeline have access to development opportunities that can accelerate their “ready now” status • Consider how diverse backgrounds and viewpoints may promote needed innovation in senior ranks, while a narrow group of succession candidates promotes the status quo RETENTION Current Practices • Currently not applicable DEI Strategy Integration • Stay interviews conducted annually with key employees • Periodic salary surveys conducted to detect salary inequities including a grievance process • Work/Life embedded in culture and seen as a competitive advantage/way of life for the organization and is widely communicated internally and externally *This color denotes actions currently in motion*

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