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Home Explore 2017 Classic Program Final

2017 Classic Program Final

Published by christina, 2017-09-20 17:50:18

Description: 2017 Classic Program


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presented byHILLSBOROUGH SCHOOLS FOUNDATION October 13, 2017

2017 HILLSBOROUGH CLASSIC COMMITTEE CLASSIC CO-CHAIRSLeigh Roslansky & Shelby Van DorenHSF EVENTS CHAIR Danica DenCOMMUNICATION Chris KooDECOR Nahall Fells Anne GrimesFASHION SHOW Mirra Desuasido Mona ShahFAVORS Nicole SalamaPAY TO PLAYS Cara Jakubowski Mona PineRAFFLE Shannon SeeberanTENNIS Lynette CapliceVENDORS Holly Rockwood Marcy SegreHSF EVENTS MANAGER Carol True Christina Chen

2017 HILLSBOROUGH CLASSIC SCHEDULE OF EVENTSFRIDAY, OCTOBER 13TH REGISTRATION9:00 to 11:00 SHOPPING PAY TO PLAYS RAFFLE TICKET SALES11:00 to 2:00 BRUNCH RAFFLE DRAWING TABLE GAME FASHION SHOW SHOPPINGFashion Show Presented By:We gratefully acknowledge Fiduciary Trust International for underwriting this program Thank you from the Hillsborough Schools Foundation

HILLSBOROUGH SCHOOLS FOUNDATION 2017-2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Andrea Ballard, President Elizabeth Gomez, President-Elect Sher Amos-Grosser Catherine Breen Ana Brubaker Angelos Dassios Ingrid Davis Danica Den Michelle Fowler Jen Frolik Elsbeth Iannone Amy Jasmer Penny Knuff Yidrienne Lai Kevin Laws Breigh McCall Susan Pfendt Holly Rockwood Minnie Sanford Afsoon Turner HCSD Liaisons Lynne Esselstein, HCSD Trustee Gilbert Wai, HCSD Trustee Louann Carlomagno, Interim Superintendent HSF Staff Cynthia Foster, Executive Director Christina Chen, Events Manager Pam Butler, Annual Giving Manager

2017 HILLSBOROUGH CLASSIC RAFFLE STEINER’S JEWELRY Beautiful inside-outside diamond set hoop earrings (Value $4,000)2017 HILLSBOROUGH CLASSIC TENNIS COURT DONORS Ann & Christopher Aristides Janice & Dennis Berkowitz Ingrid & Thad Davis Shashi & DJ Deb Carin & Russ Fradin Janelle & Michael Grimes Esther & Norman Harris Andrew Iwach Suzanne & Steve Mankoff Kavita & Anupam Mishra Danielle & Gil Simon Patrice & Michael Wilbur Linda & Max Woo Hillsborough Recreation

2017 HILLSBOROUGH CLASSIC BOUTIQUE VENDORSACCESSORIES FLORALThe Classy Bag Lady Sarah Padilla DesignsJ'Amy Tarr OuterwearMetro Man Gifts FOODPeninsula Ophthalmology Bert’s Bites Crack'd Toffee Company GroupToss Designs JEWELRYUB Chic Handbags Designs by Georgina Heidi Carey LLCBEAUTY m&m blingLa Mienne Rocks with Soul The Treasured AccessoryCLOTHING Waffles & Honey JewelryBusy BeesCharlotte Brody New YorkJ McLaughlinKiki Bean & BedHeadLesley EversRevelry Activewear

2017 HILLSBOROUGH CLASSIC MODELSMona Abuyaghi Samira RahmatullahMarilyn Bloch Amy RichardsonDebbie Crisp Amy RoddeFrank Davis Alicia RodriguezDanica Den Rafael RodriguezDaniel Fells Ryan RoslanskyKaren Folgner Parul SomaniMike Folgner Irene TingZara Fritts Rich Van DorenCaroline Gaffney Hardeep WaliaSteve Kim Marjan YazdanianTalene Kozanian

HILLSBOROUGH SCHOOLS FOUNDATION THANKS OUR 2017 IN-KIND DONORSINDIVIDUALSJennifer Bezoza Nicole Hall MelindaCourtney BocciToni Bones Aimee Harris Slatt-FriedebergLindsey BruelJoanna Bruso Laura Higgins Kaye SlavetSusie CampbellRosemary Chiang Cara Jakubowski Anita TabriziLinda CookDeb Crisp Caroline K. Huo Claire TrimbleNidhi DashLicia Davidson Jacqueline Koo Shelby Van DorenLisa DuffellRose Eldemir Liz Koo Kimberly WickamAmanda EnrightTracy Eskenazi Talene Kozanian Lisa WongNahall FellsJulie Fleischer Scott Perlstein Jessica ZuckerSusanna Jamie Regan GreenbergBeth Grossman Katrina Reynolds Holly Rockwood Alicia Rodriguez Jenna Rosenbloom Leigh & Ryan Roslansky Missy Schneller Shannon Seeberan Mona Shah Danielle SimonORGANIZATIONS Pausa Bar & Cookery Salon Stilo31st Union Sam MaloufAmici's East Coast Pizzeria Sixto's CantinaAVMS Steiner's JewelryBlue Line Pizza Tennis StationThe Burlingamer Trina TurkCrack'd Toffee Company Vineyard VinesEquinox Your Party RentalsFiduciary Trust InternationalKerns Fine Jewelry *As of 9/20/17La Mienne

HILLSBOROUGH SCHOOLS FOUNDATIONTHANKS OUR 2017 CLASSIC SPONSORS SET SPONSOR $2,500 Delia Construction Inc The Right Approach to Education GAME SPONSOR $2,000 Jim Arbeed, Coldwell Banker POINT SPONSOR $1,500 Carmel Valley Tennis Camp Crystal Springs Uplands School Putnam Subaru of Burlingame LOVE SPONSOR $1,000 Wilkinson Construction Inc.

HILLSBOROUGH SCHOOLS FOUNDATIONTHANKS OUR 2017-2018 UNDERWRITERS DIAMOND LEVEL $10,000 Cardinal Education Hillsborough Concours d’Elegance GOLD LEVEL $5,000 Boston Private Coco Hassan, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage SILVER LEVEL $3,000 Andrew Iwach, M.D., Glaucoma Center of San Francisco Franklin Templeton Investments TITANIUM LEVEL $2,000 Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Anderson Yazdi Hwang Minton + Horn LLP Mollie Stone’s Markets Peninsula Ophthalmology Group: Drs. Koo and Chern The Studio Shop

2017-2018 REAL ESTATE AGENTS CHAMPION HSFEACH REACH PARTNER DONATES $7,500 TO THE HILLSBOROUGH SCHOOLS FOUNDATION THANK YOU REACH PARTNERS! Bijan Amini Quest Real Estate Phil Chen Sybarite Realty Denise & Cortney Laugesen Laugesen Team, Coldwell Banker Debbie Sharp The Sharp Group Casey Sternsmith Sternsmith Group For information about the REACH program Call HSF at 650.344.6685

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Hillsborough Schools Foundation Thanks The Hillsborough Concours Foundation for Their Generous Support!The 61st Hillsborough Concours will take place July 15, 2018 We proudly support Hillsborough Schools Foundation and applaud all those who inspire the next generation. - Penny Knu , Alexandra Pastor and all your friends at Fiduciary Trust 80 Years of Truly Personalized Wealth Management. For more information please contact Alexandra Pastor, Managing Director (650) 312-2271 or


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