6 A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Practice Book It all adds up for every student and teacher Name NEW EDITION PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment provides individualized learning support and diagnostic performance Proven to be the world’s best practice Program Overview
PR1ME Mathematics has a unique framework with a focus on building skills and in-depth understanding of essential math skills.” Martha Murillo, 4th Grade Teacher, Saint Paul Primary School, Costa Rica The World’s Best Practice Outstanding Results PR1ME Mathematics incorporates the best teaching and learning practices from the three ¡Matemáticas al Máximo!, the Spanish version of PR1ME Mathematics, was adopted in global top performers, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea. Colombia by Barranquilla Secretaría de Educación in 2012 for its 74,000 K–5 students in the district. Students in Barranquilla using this program have shown significant improvement • Proven Approach in their mathematical comprehension and test results on Prueba Saber, the annual countrywide mathematics test, as compared to other cities in Colombia. Proven Success• Consistent Lesson Design • Teacher’s Guides with pedagogical instruction • Online ProfessioMnal Daevtehloepmmentatics is widely adopted in 42 countries and acknowINleCRdEAgSeE IdN AbDVyANeCdEDuScCOaRtEoS rs aroundPR1ME creates a the world topowerful environment fobr peremhieigr inhstlryuctsioun cancd peersfosrfmuanlcienleahdienglping stude35%nts 30% learn mathematics. Barranquilla, to mathematical success. Colombia ¡MateTmIMSáStGicRAaDsE 4aTlREMNDáSxINimMAoTH!,EMthATeICSSApCaHIEnViEsMhENvTersion of Average Scale Score 25%Mathematics, was adopted in Rest of Colombia Colombia by Barranquilla Secretaría de Educación in 20201% 2 for its 74,000 K–5 students in the Outstanding Results ConsistentTop Performers 15% 2016 district. Students in Barranquilla using this programSingapore have 1s0%hown sigScnoriefsiocf Aadvnantcedimfor sptudroentvs uesinmg ent Rest of ¡Matemáticas al Máximo! in Colombia Colombia 5% increased 16% from 2012 to 2016. Barranquilla, from the three Hong Kong Colombia 2016 rmance leading in their mathematical comprehension and test results on Prueba Saber, the annual60¡0Matemáticas al Máximo!, the Spanish version of PR1ME Mathematics, was adSooupthteKdoriena MENT Colombia by Barranquilla Secretaría de Educación in 2012 for its 74,000 K–5 students in the istent Top Performers countrywide mathematics test, as compared to other cities in Colombia.district. Students in Barranquilla using this program have shown significant improvement Singapore 0% 2014 Hong Kong 2012 South Korea in their mathematical comprehension and test results on Prueba Saber, the annual Year England US countrywide mathematics test, as compared to other cities in Colombia. Germany 550 England Dubai, UAE Average Scale Score Average Scale Score INCREASE IN ADVANCED SCORES US DECREASE IN INSUFFICIENT SCORES Chile Germany 2015 35% Scores of Advanced for students using Dubai, UAE Average Scale Score 25% Scores of Insufficient for students using ¡Matemáticas al Máximo! in Colombia Barranquilla, 20% ¡Matemáticas al Máximo! in Colombia 500 30% increased 16% from 2012 to 2016. Colombia 15% dropped 11% from 2012 to 2016. Rest of 10% 25% 2003 2007 2014 2011 Colombia 2012 2014 2012 Year Year 5% Year 20% Chile 0% 450 2015 15% 2016 10% 5% 400 0% 1995 DECREASE IN INSUFFICIENT SCORES 25% 20% Average Scale Score Based on Proven Pedagogy15% Rest of Colombia Barranquilla, Colombia 10% Scores of Insufficient for students using Used by the Global Top Performers¡MatemáticasalMáximo!inColombia 5% dropped 11% from 2012 to 2016. 0% Ma2t01h2 ematics is hi2g014hly 2016 MetacognitvLieoiaanrpnrionbglemmatshoelvminagtics effective because it incorYpearorates: Learning experiences • Singapore’s Mathematics based on the Readiness- Curriculum Framework in which mathematical problem solving is Engagement-Mastery modeAl ttitudes the central focus, and Learning Skills Processes Integrating • the best teaching and learning mathematics assessment practices from the consistent global by doing with instruction top performers in international mathematics studies such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study Concepts (TIMSS) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA): Singapore, Hong Kong and the Republic of South Korea. Source: www.moe.gov.sg Development and communication of mathemat ical thinking
It all adds up for every student and teacher Proven to be the world’s best practice Based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. Complete coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum. Supports learning to mastery of all students with a pedagogical framework and instructional design based on proven teaching and learning practices. Integrates assessment for learning so that every child can succeed. Offers a comprehensive, accessible suite of teaching and learning resources for flexibility in planning and instruction, and learning. 1
TM Supports learning to mastery for all students The future of work is here. The ongoing disruption to labor markets from the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been further complicated—and in some cases accelerated—by the onset of the pandemic- related recession of 2020. …the top skills and skill groups which employers see as rising in prominence… include groups such as critical thinking and analysis as well as problem-solving, and skills in self-management such as active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility.” The Future of Jobs Report 2020, World Economic Forum Mathematics is designed to specifically develop Critical thinking, Collaboration, Communication and Creativity. In building these 4Cs, Mathematics helps students and teachers grow in Confidence as they are motivated to learn and teach and to continue challenging themselves. TM works for every student and teacher. 2
Why TM works 1 Supports learning to mastery for all students because it incorporates a pedagogical framework and instructional design based on proven teaching and learning practices of global top-performing education systems. READINESS Learning Progression 1Principle Attitudes Metacognition Learning Progression Learning Progression 2Principle Processes 4Principle Skills GEMENT Concepts MASTERY Learning E NGA Progression 3Principle The central focus of the Mathematics Framework is problem solving. Learning progressions ensure focus and coherence in content using an instructional design that incorporates the Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model. Learning experiences based on the Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional model Learning mathematics via problem solving Development and communication of mathematical thinking and reasoning Learning mathematics by doing mathematics Focused and coherent curriculum based on learning progression principles 2 Integrates assessment for learning 3 Offers a comprehensive, to enable every child to succeed. accessible suite of teaching Formative and summative assessment and learning resources for tasks provide insights for effective flexibility in planning and teaching and learning. instruction, and learning. 3
TM Supports learning to mastery for all students Learning experiences based on the Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model The instructional design of each chapter comprises learning READIN experiences that consistently involve three phases of learning: Readiness, Engagement and Mastery, so that teaching and learning mathematics is effective, measurable and diagnostic. Every student is a successful Learning mathematics learner. Progression 1Principle Attitudes Meta MASTERY Learning Progression There are multiple opportunities in each lesson for students to consolidate and deepen their learning. 4Principle Skills Motivated practice Concepts MASTERY Practice book and digital practice exercises incorporate Learning systematic variation for students to achieve proficiency Progression and flexibility. page 3Principle 16 Reflective review Think About It and Math Journal encourage development and communication of mathematical thinking. page 10 Consolidation of learning Assessment and Reviews provide summative assessment for consolidation of learning. page 17 Extension of learning Mind Stretcher, Create Your Own and Mission Possible immerse students in problem solving tasks at various levels of difficulty. page 7 4
Every lesson is designed to develop deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency in every student. READINESS Fractions NESS Checking prior Let's Remember c) knowledge 1. Write the fraction of each shape that is shaded. Let’s Remember systematically a) b) assesses students’ grasp of the required prior knowledge 2. Complete the number line. and provides an accurate evaluation of their readiness to 47 48 51 52 learn new concepts or skills. 1 3. Write the missing numbers. Taking ownership of learning a) 15 ÷ 3 = b) 4 × 4 = c) × 4 = 12 f) ÷ 2 = 10 Explore encourages d) 14 ÷ = 7 e) 8 × = 24 mathematical curiosity and a positive learning attitude EXPLORE by getting students to recall the requisite prior knowledge, set learning goals and track their learning as they progress through the unit. page 6 Processes Janice spent 1 of her salary on food. She gave 1 of her 10 5 GEMENT salary to charity. What fraction of her salary did Janice spend? © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 acognition How can we solve this problem? s Discuss in your group and fill in columns 1 and 2. 1. What I already know 2. What I need to find out 3. What I have learned that will help me solve and learn Learning the problem Progression 231 2Principle ENGAGEMENT This is the main phase of learning for which Mathematics principally incorporates three pedagogical approaches to engage students in learning new concepts and skills. 3 ENGA Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach Both concept lessons and formative assessment are centered on the page proven activity-based Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach. 12 Gradual Release of Responsibility Concept lessons progress from teacher demonstration and shared demonstration to guided practice, culminating in independent practice and problem solving. Teacher-led enquiry Purposeful questions provided in the Teacher’s Guide help teachers to encourage students to investigate and explain and reflect on their thinking. page 11 5
a) 47 – 25 = My answer is correct. b) 89 – 46 = 40 and 6 is . 40 + 6 = TM Suppose the numberSisu1p0p.orts learning to mastery for all students Stage 1: 10 + 20 = 30 2. Add or subtract. n Stage 2: 30 – 5 = 25 a) 8 + 6 = b) 19 – 4 = c) 13 – 7 = way. LSetagaer3n: 2in5 +g20m= 4a5 thematics via problem solving c) 65 – 1In48Th1=e– 45 = 36 3. Add or subtract. You may use the number track to help you. numMabtheemr aistic3s6, pmrobolerme learning. stohlvaindgn)is1n0o5.t 3on5–ly 3a63go=7al o8f le9arn1in0g1m1 a1t2he1m3 a1ti4cs,15it is16als1o7 a tool for a) 9 + 3 = b) 11 – 2 = c) 5 + 8 + 3 = P1r0o+b3l6e=m46solving for productive struggleShe starts with the number 46. EXPLORE Mexico has 35 UNESCO World Heritage sites. to develop resilienceCompare the methods in steps 3Itaalynhads 555 U.NESCO World Heritage sites. Which method do you prefer? Why?How many more UNESCO World Heritage sites does © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-19-8 Italy have than Mexico? © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-19-8 e)2. P9la6n – 6EA2xtpt=hloe3r.ebAperngosinvwindeinergs of each chapter, f) 78 – 71 =How can we solve this problem? the op4p.oCrtuhneictyk 5. Plus Discuss in your group and fill in columns 1 and 2. to engage prior knowledge in problem solving, leading to independent thinking 1. What I already know 2. What I need to find out 3. What I have learned and greater ownership of learning. that will help me solve and learn the problem to... word problems involving addition and subtraction routine problem involving addition and subtraction 24 Throughout the chapter, >> Look at EXPLORE on page 24 again. students revisit the Fill in column 3. Can you solve the P B Chapter 2: Exercise 2.6 problem and persevere problem now? in solving it. 63>> Look at EXPLORE on page 24 again. Can you solve the problem now? What else do you need to know? Concept development Unit 4 Subtracting Fractions via problem solving You will learn to... Mathematical problems are used as contexts for introducing concepts and to develop deep • subtract fractions with the same denominator conceptual understanding. • subtract fractions with different denominators Concepts are introduced in Let’s Learn in 4.1 Subtracting fractions with the same denominator each unit via problems. Let's Learn Teachers lead students to investigate, a) Elaine had 5 of a loaf of bread. She used 1 of the loaf to make explore, and find answers on their own. 66 bread crumbs. What fraction of the loaf of bread was left? 5 and 1 are like fractions. 66 5 6 1? 6 5 – 1 = 4 Both 4 and 6 can be 6 6 6 divided by 2. 2 ÷2 3 © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 = 4 2 6 3 = ÷2 2 of the loaf of bread was left. 3 Remember to write your answer in its simplest form. To subtract like fractions, subtract only the numerators. The denominator remains the same. 255 6
There are 16 oranges in the basket. Compare the methods in steps 3 an Develops a problem-solving mindset — students canWhich method do you prefer? Why extrapolate from what they know and apply1. Understand their2. Plan 3. Answer 4. Check 5. Plus knowledge of mathematics in a rangeLet's Do of situations, including new and unfamiliar ones.Solve the word problems. Use or draw bar models to help you. Show your work clearly. Next, try solving each problem in a different way. Which method do you prefer? Why? Multiple opportunities for 1. Understand 2. Plan 3. Answer 4. Check 5. Plus problem solving at varying © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-19-8 1. Mrs. Clark bought some pies. levels of difficulty She gave 43 away and had 5 pies left. How many pies did she buy? ? Students learn to solve problems by applying 43 5 concepts, skills and processes learned to various problem situations both familiar and non-routine. 43 5 = pies. Each chapter ends with a problem-solving lesson. Unit 4 MPrrso.bClelamrkSboolvuignhgt Word problems You will learn to… Word problems help students recognize the role • solve a non-routine problem on multiplication that mathematics plays in the world by applying the concepts and skills they have learned within 2. Ke4n.1coMminpdletsetdre5tcohf ehirs project on Monday. He completed another 1 of his a context. 93 Non-routine problems pLroejte'scLteoarnnTuesday. What fraction of his project did he complete altogether oTnhberoethardea1y0ss?heep and chickens in a barn. Mind stretchers are specially crafted problems that require students to solve them using heuristics and The animals have 28 legs altogether. higher order thinking skills. How many sheep are there? Let's PHroawctmicaeny chickens are there? 1Solve the woUrdndperrsotabnled ms. ShoHwowyomuarnywaonrimk aclsleaarerltyh.ere? 1. Sonia pathientperodble3mo. f her roHWoohwamtmdoaonnIyhMleagvosenatdroeaftihnyed.r?eShaeltogpeathinetr?ed another 1 of 10 5 her room on Tuesday. On which day did she paint more? 22. A cake Pwlaans cut into 12 eIqcuaan ldpraiwecaepsic. tPuaremto ate 3 pieces. Tina ate 1 of 3 the cakew.haWt htoodao.te less? show the animals. 3. Tony used 5 of a roll of ribbon for a present. His sister used 1 of the same 3roll of ribWAbonors8knwoeturo.t tmheake aDbraoww1. 0Wchiractlefsratoctreiopnreosfetnhte10roallnoimf aribls8.bon did they use altogether? Suppose all the animals are chickens. 4. Ali cut a piece of woodDtrahawt2wleagss7fomr eevteerrylocnhgickinetno. two pieces. One piece© 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-19-8 8 was 1 meter long. How long was the other piece? 4 10 chickens have 20 legs. P B Chapter 11: Exercise 5.1 CREATE YOUR OWN Problem-posing tasks Mr. Lewis painted of a wall red. His daughter painted Create Your Own is a proven problem-posing of the same wall white. Was a greater fraction of the wall and problem-solving activity in which students are encouraged to explore, share failures and painted red or white? © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 successes, and question one another. In doing so, they become more confident in posing problems 129 and persisting with challenging problems. Read the word problem. Write the missing fractions. How did you decide what fractions to use? Next, solve the word problem. Show your work clearly. What did you learn? 262 Computational MISSION POSSIBLE thinking tasks Tucker has half of a symmetric figure drawn on a grid as shown below. Building on the mathematics concepts and He wants to program a bot to help him complete the figure. skills learned, Mission Possible tasks introduce The bot will color the squares that it lands on. students to computational thinking, an important foundational skill in STEM education. 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ABCD E FG Help Tucker complete the instructions for the bot. The bot should not return to a colored grid square. Use grid references and words such as turn right and turn left. Start at (D, 5). unit(s) to ( , ). Move forward -4813-20-4
TM Supports learning to mastery for all students Focus on the problem-solving method Mathematics explicitly teaches students to use various thinking skills and heuristics— problem-solving strategies—to solve mathematical problems. Heuristics in Mathematics Use a representation • Draw a picture Make a calculated guess • Make a list • Choose an operation Walk through the process Change the problem • Guess and check • Look for a pattern • Make a supposition • Use logical reasoning • Act it out • Work backwards • Restate the problem in another way • Solve part of the problem The bar model method The bar model method, a key problem-solving strategy in Mathematics, uses a representation to help students understand and draw mathematical concepts to solve problems. In arithmetic word problems, the bar model method helps students visualize the situations involved so that they are able to construct relevant number sentences. In this way, it helps students gain a deeper understanding of the operations they may use to solve problems. The model method lays the foundation for learning formal algebra because it enables students to understand on a conceptual level what occurs when using complex formulas and abstract representations. Arithmetic Problem Algebraic Problem 8
Develops a growth mindset in every student—the understanding that each effort is instrumental to growth and to be resilient and perservere when initial efforts fail. Focus on the problem-solving process Uniquely designed UPAC+™ to develop flexible problem solvers A unique 5-step Understand-Plan-Answer-Check-Plus™ (UPAC+™) problem solving process that ensures students’ problem-solving efforts are consistently scaffolded and students develop critical and creative thinking skills. The ‘+’ in the UPAC+™ problem-solving process is a crucial step that develops flexible problem solvers who can evaluate information, reason and make sound judgments about the solutions they have crafted, after considering possible alternative solutions. 1 Understand the problem. • Can you describe the problem in your own words? • What information is given? • What do you need to find? • Is there information that is missing or not needed? 2 Plan what to do. • What can you do to solve the problem? • Which strategies/heuristics can you use? 3 Work out the Answer. • Solve the problem using your plan in Step 2. • If you cannot solve the problem, make another plan. • Show your work clearly. • Write the answer statement. 4 Check if your answer is correct. • Read the question again. Did you answer the question? • Does your answer make sense? • Is your answer correct? • How can you check if your answer is correct? • If your answer is not correct, go back to Step 1. 5NEW + Plus • Solve the problem in another way. • Compare the methods. Which method do you prefer? Why? 9
TM Supports learning to mastery for all students Development and communication of mathematical thinking and reasoning Students are provided with opportunities to consolidate and deepen their learning through tasks that allow them to discuss their solutions, to think aloud and reflect on what they are doing, to keep track of how things are going and make changes when necessary, and in doing so, develop independent thinking in problem solving and the application of mathematics. Communicate THINK ABOUT IT reasoning via Think About It Sarah and David solve this problem in different ways. In Think About It, carefully crafted 5 + 1 = ? questions based on common conceptual 8 8 misconceptions or procedural mistakes are posed. Using question prompts as 5+1=6 scaffolding, students think about the question, communicate their reasoning 8 + 8 = 16 6 5+ 1=6 and justify their conclusions. 16 My answer My answer is . is 6 . 8 Sarah David Who is correct? so? Who is wrong? Why do you say Why do you say so? What did you learn about adding like fractions? © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 Think of a time in your daily life when you need to add fractions. P B Chapter 11: Exercise 3.1 252 Being able to reason is essential in making mathematics meaningful for all students. 10
Thinking mathematically is developed as a conscious habit. Express Name: Date: Name: Date: mathematical thinking with Math Journal Math Journal Math Journal 1. Explain what multiplication means. 1. Write three pairs of hundreds that make 1000. Math Journal tasks are © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-38-9 Current subscribers of PR1METM Mathematics Teaching Hub Grade 2 may print or photocopy this page for classroom use.2. Draw pictures to show 3 × 4. 2. Show how you can subtract ones or tens from a 3-digit designed for students to © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-39-6 Current subscribers of PR1METM Mathematics Teaching Hub Grade 3 may print or photocopy this page for classroom use. number with regrouping. use the prompts to reflect on, express and clarify their 3. Write two related multiplication facts. 3. Show how you can find half of a 3-digit even number. mathematical thinking, and to allow teachers to observe students’ growth and development in mathematical thinking and reasoning. Let's Practice Let's Practice 1. Write the missing numbers. Let's Practice 153A Task 1 requires studean) tsThteorecaoreu3nct ab1rs3y0inBthearechegsrtooup. 1. Write the missing numbers. find the total number of objects and complete Conceptt-hbeamseudltipjolicuarntiaonlinsgenttaesnkcses. a) TherPe raorec3 ceasrssin-ebacah sgreoudp. journaling tasks Task 2 requires 3×3= by threeCs otuont by threes: 3, 6, students to count cars altogether. complete the patternsT.here are 3×3= 9 Count by threes: 3, 6, 9 b) There are 3 flowers in each vase. There are 9 cars altogether. Teacher-led enquiry through purposeful questions1.2 Using dot cards Let's Learn Objectives: b) There are 3 flowers in each vase. • Observe the commutative and distributive Students learn through guided enquiry, a process duprroinpgertwieshoifcmhutlteipa5lic×ca3 th=ioenrs lead studentsCount by threes: to3, 6, ex, p5 ×l3o,= re15, investigateCount by threes: 3, 6, 9 , 12 , 15 mpuarpkiongsea••fubl‘RBoq3ueuimulladteoteuirmseptt’witopohorenom‘3msr2ut..luealtPlistCpnsiop’olitculsiTncaihmtnaetbrigtoeyaiotnahtnrprefheateuaecs rtbtompslecuooasomisfnftlpoegi3lwcefteaeuarsntlhaldelqtiodpguaeetetteharesnrsts..ioann2. sdCah)oure6Tneh,te9bl,lrpeyatahsr1tree2ietosot,1on5caso1mh5fslpoilswep,teee1r8sstsha.elstopgaaetttehnrenrs.d. and find answers on their own by posing commit the multaip) lic6,a9,tion fac, ts to m,e1m8 ory advance students’ reasoning and sense b) 18, 21, 24 , 27 , 30 b) 18, 21, , , 30 P B Chapter 10: Exercise 1.1 Materials: 1.2 Using PdB oCthacpaterr1d0:sExercise 1.1 • Dot Card F (B1M.210U.s1i)n:g dot cards © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-19-8 Let's Learn 3.2 Rounding numbers to the nearest ten 1 copy per grLoetu'spLe,arn© 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-19-8 a) There are 6 plates. There are 3 pears on each plate. How many pears are there altogether? Let's Learn 1 enlarged coa)pyThfeorer dareem6 polantestsr.ation a) Round the numbers 43, 49 and 55 to the nearest ten. 123 • Dot Card G (BMT1h0e.r2e)a: re 3 pears on each plate. 43 49 55 groupHo,w1 many pears are there altogether? 13 We can use dot cards to help us. 1 copy per 26 The dot card shows 6 groups of 3. 23 39 1 enlarged copy1for dem3onstration 4 12 5 15 6 18 40 50 3.2 Ro6u0 nding numbers to the •neaCroeusnttteersn 2 6 We can use dot cards to 6he× l3p=u1s.8 195 3 9 The dot card shows 6 groTuhpesreofa3re. 18 pears altogether. 4 12 5 15 43 is between 40 and 50. Let's Learn numSD(A•3g•Rbaaeresrco)ayksroCPuoSw::tutBpouWHBan:6r?o:tgcepthpwce(ee.3ehpirsr:1s)mca.:C2Hil1vne7aoo9esnen5wo6yac–n1cmrcge9hortat7oheucnT6ue6hniEy×pre3aLtbcxe.)3resg2tep'lose=r44I4oRrtLaRse333oaoei≈.s1ofui≈irassnraie8nsruu44rbei3dndt0e0eanhr1pwtteredhwe8nc1haes8arieentcpponetonnagpunhere4urmoo4d0a4rnue0bx0entnuirhemadsrasmrtneeasna4ttedd4t3bhiito3l5cottri,one0ones45.ksrt90.ghisgr.eaeenetnno.td4ae?h9a5t50hecr5e(erts6oh.t tnt)eheneI45.r3a5oniusreneaadpsrp4et3rso6tttxo0etimetnhnaeAbScHTDp.tenhlaeyalyaseaa4eryk0ervm.tscdrt::heetee?LHonr.eesdano(tetPurswoetsuudr.nastd3e3tccton,echoo6toewshuu,udo9enndn,ottwoset…tehtthrthsorch,es1eowa1e9icn85nrsdc6.oae6oumgtaournroceontsweh.tuhersporsroosswowfaon6tfrsheto3gheterowoodndueobpottechstcoecoaudafrnd3ortd..t). It is nearer to 40 than to 50. nearest teOn. bjective: or 3-digit 43 is 40 when rounded to the • Round a 2-digit 43 ≈ 40 nearest tenI round 43 to the nearest ten. ≈ is the approximation sign. 43 is approximately 40. 49 is between 40 and 50. Resources: It is nearer to 50 than to 40. • CB: pp. 14–15 49 is 50 when rounded to the nearest t•en. PB: p. 18 49 ≈ 50 49 is approximately 50. 55 is halfway between 50 and 60. Vocabulary: Take 60 to be the nearest ten. • a55pisparpopxroimximaatteelyl6y0. Stage: Pictorial Represe4n9 tisabettwioeenn 40 and 50. Point to each row of counters as you count. 55 is 60 when rounded to the nearest t•en. round 55 ≈ 60 Say: We can use a dot card to help usIt is nearer to 50 than to 40. nfeinaredst ttehn. e Ask: How many counters are there? (18) 49 is 50 when rounded to the (a) Stage: Pictorial Representatiotnotal number of counter4s9.≈ 50 b) Round 197 to the nearest ten. 49 is Say: 6approximately 50.groups of 3 are 18. 1I1188t99900is77755ni≈iiisssseGDsibI2b28hannt00e1aroart0v0ue0talefwrainwwiwtdwtreeohardvhedeeye2asntann0bhbsl1f0resrtoo9eosuttu0uhbtwurutnadnanee1dnddndeeu.etednteowmdond28nt1t00tenobso900te0o.tettath.honotneredllnsa4imne8e0b1aeea0reae.ristlknnth‘td44ea(an33t5.’)to0,hon‘ae4nnt9rheC’deaBaSeioHcnetnnoranapiaectuducvh.tckm1hneh1e‘h0ae5t4bsegf5initeneobrrru’ssoqt.ernotdeaulnariertnopnavlhranewdda.letr..lsgaoPwefucdottohrcckpeooyindpubo)onygftt55T5Rr1oae555oDo9ck0u≈iissefrnuo66has6d0D0a0pt1lrwoftw9doohsC7aneb.t.tynoe1aDb9rtCtt7ohehhrueteiwdsn2aenn0det0eeeerraFaddintrbreeh5t(oss0uttFrBtatteheetnMen(nede..Bn6e10MaI111c.t0r999eis777i1s.nrtii≈1sscet02e2ba)00nel.r00ee.1ttwrwo)tse5ohe5e2nins01a0ro9pt0uhpnaarS6WSAodnnxtaedistmgadro2kyai1t0trgto9e0:e:o0.ltyeh.WT:u6eh0:6p.nheeAas×arrbeeots3tsftieats=r3na.rt?eh1ce8(1t68Rm×ecu3poltr=iuepn1sliect8e)nartstaioatnilotosnegnettehnecr.e to find c) 197 © 2021 Scholastic Education I© 2n0t21erScnholaatistioc Endualcat(ioSn) IntPetrneatiLotnald(S) IPtSeBLtNd I9SB7N89-789-98811--484138-210-34-32-7 190 200 © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 Round 805 to the nearest ten. 805 neareSstateyn:.43 is between two tens—40 aSnady:5T0h.ere is 1 row of cc) oRuounndte805rsto.thTehneearreest taenr. e Gathe80r0ing inform810ation 805 ≈Ask: How many intervals are there3 cfromun4te0rstoin 1 row. I have sh8o05Mwank1inggromup88a0055otiisshfh81ae30lfww.mahyenbaerotwtuniecdeends80to0vtahinesdi8b10.le 43? (3) How many intervals are there from 43 to nearest ten. Tpolarcoeu.nIdf itaisn5umorbgerretaotethr,eronuenadreuspt .teIf5nit0, lios?ole(ks7sa)tthtIahsne45d3,igronitueinndathdreeoowrnnte.os 40 or to 50? (Nearer to 40) 800 810 805 ≈ 810 14 Stage: Abstract Representation To round a number to the nearest ten, look at the digit in the ones Say: Since 43 is nearer to 40 than it is to 50, we place. If it is 5 or greater, round up. If it is less than 5, round down. say 40 is the ten nearest to 43. When we round 14 43 to the nearest ten, we get 40. Write: 43 ≈ 40 (b) and (c) Stages: Pictorial and Abstract Say: We read this statement as ‘43 is Representations approximately 40’. Follow the procedure in (a). 11Explain that ‘≈’ is the approximation sign and it Conclude that to round a number to the nearest ten, we look at the digit in the ones place. If it is means ‘approximately’. Repeat the above procedure to show students 5 or greater, we round up. If it is less than 5, wCehapter 10: Multiplication Tables of 3 and 4 199
TM Supports learning to mastery for all students Learning mathematics by doing mathematics The activity-based Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach is a key instructional strategy advocated in the Singapore approach to mathematics learning. In Mathematics, the CPA approach is embedded in the learning experiences: Concept Development Objective: developing deep conceptual understanding: Let’s Learn Formative Assessment Objective: evaluating levels of understanding: Let’s Do Summative Assessment Objective: evaluating conceptual mastery and procedural fluency: Let’s Practice, Practice Book Exercises, Digital Practice Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach in concept development Each Let’s Learn segment provides a hands on, teacher-facilitated experience of concepts through the CPA stages. Throughout the activity, the teacher observes what the students say and do and provides feedback to students. Concrete Unit 3 Adding Fractions Students use manipulatives or other resources to solve a problem. Through these activities they explore and You will learn to... learn mathematical concepts and skills, individually or in groups, to construct meanings and understandings. • add fractions with the same denominator • add fractions with different denominators Pictorial Pictorial representation of the objects used to model 3.1 Adding fractions with the same denominator the problem in the Concrete stage enables students to see the connections between mathematical ideas Let's Learn and the concrete objects they handled. a) Diana ate 3 of a pizza. Peter ate 5 of the same pizza. Abstract 10 10 Once conceptual understanding is developed, What fraction of the pizza did they eat altogether? students learn to represent the concept using 3 and 5 have the same denominator. numbers and mathematical symbols. 10 10 They are called like fractions. 3 10 5 10 35 10 10 ? 3 + 5 = 8 Both 8 and 10 can © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 10 10 10 be divided by 2. ÷2 = 4 8 = 4 5 10 5 ÷2 They ate 4 of the pizza altogether. 5 Fractions with the same denominator are called like fractions. To add like fractions, add only the numerators. The denominator remains the same. 250 12
The CPA approach to mathematics instruction and learning enables students to make and demonstrate mathematical connections, making mathematical understanding deep and long-lasting. Concrete-Pictorial-Abstractb) Add 2 and 7 . 7 99 2 approach in formative assessm9 ent 9 2 + 7 = 9 2 ninths and 7 ninths 9 9 make 1 whole. Within each concept lesson, Let’s Do provides ?= + vital feedback to the teacher to understand the level of conceptual understanding of each Let's Do student and to make appropriate instructional 1. Add. Write each answer in its simplest form. decisions for students. a) b) + Let’s Do tasks are systematically varied and 1 + 4 = 2 + 1 = gradually increase in complexity. Task 1(b) 7 7 6 6 is more complex than Task 1(a) as it has an 6 additional step of simplifying the answer after adding the fractions. = Let's Practice 1. Add. Write each answer in its simplest form. a) 2 + 5 b) 1 + 2 8 8 3 3 b) Add 2 and 7 . 7 r ial-Abst ract approach 99 Concrete-Picto2 99 2 7 © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 7 1 6 3 9 9 10 10 12 12 in independent practice? = + = c) + d) + 9 2 ninths and 7 ninths make 1 whole. Let's Do Let’s Practice, Practice1. Add. Write each answer in its simplest form. Book Exercises and Digital Practice help students to trana)sition th+ eir undeb)rstandi+ng of concepts from pictorial to a14b4 s+t1r6a4 ct levels. f) 2 + 3 20 20 e) 1 + 4 = 2 + 1 = 7 7 6 6 6 = Let's Practice Exercise 3.1 Adding fractions with the same denominator 1. Add. Write each answer in its simplest form. Recap a) 2 + 5 b) 1 + 2 23 251 8 8 3 3 99 235 9+9=9 ? © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 c) 7 + 1 d) 6 + 3 When adding fractions with the same denominator, 10 10 12 12 add only the numerators. The denominator remains the same. e) 4 + 6 f) 2 + 3 1. Add. Write each answer in its simplest form. + 14 14 20 20 a) b) + 6 + 1 = 1 + 2 = 8 8 9 9 2. Shade and label the fraction bars to show the additions. Then, write each answer in its simplest form. 251 Coursebook Let’s Practice © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-27-3 a) 3 + 3 = 6 6 b) 2 + 3 = Digital Practice 10 10 c) 7 + 2 = 12 12 173 Practice Book Exercises 13
TM Supports learning to mastery for all students Focused and coherent curriculum based on learning progression principles Coherent framework, spiral curriculum Singapore’s Mathematics Curriculum Framework is at the center Learning Progression of the curriculum design of Mathematics. The framework Principle stresses conceptual understanding, skills proficiency and mathematical processes and duly emphasizes metacognition and attitudes. It also reflects the 21st century competencies. Mathematics has a focused and coherent content M framework and developmental continuum in which higher concepts and skills are built upon the more foundational ones. DesigAnttiNtudoeste: This spiral approach is expressed as four Learning Progression Principles that are a composite of the successful practices of the top performing nations. Learning Mathematics covers all the curriculum standards Progression and topics covered in the curricula of Singapore, Hong Kong and the Republic of South Korea. It also completely covers 4Principle Skills the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum. Additional topics are also available in the Teacher’s Hub for alignment Conce to selected education systems. Learning Progression Principle 14
The careful spiral sequence of successively more complex ways of reasoning about mathematical concepts — the learning progressions — makes the curriculum rigorous and effective for all learners. 1 1Learning Progression Principle Update graphicMetacognitionLearning Deep focus on fewer topics builds a Progression strong foundation. Processes 2Principle The early learning of mathematics is deeply focused on the major work of each grade—developing concepts underlying arithmetic, epts the skills of arithmetic computation, and the ability to apply arithmetic. 3 2Learning Progression Principle Sequencing within strands supports in-depth and efficient development of mathematics content. New learning is built on prior knowledge. This makes learning efficient, while revisiting concepts and skills at a higher level of difficulty ensures in-depth understanding. For example, in grade 1, whole numbers, number bonds, addition and subtraction are interconnected topics that are taught by building on prior knowledge. 3Learning Progression Principle Sequencing of learning objectives within a topic across grades is based on a mathematically logical progression. For example, learning of fractions is connected across grades. In grade 1, students learned to identify halves and quarters. In grade 2, the concept of fractions is extended to other proper fractions. In grade 3, equivalent fractions are introduced and students apply the knowledge of equivalent fractions to addition and subtraction of fractions. 4Learning Progression Principle Purposeful sequencing of learning objectives across strands deepens links and strengthens conceptual understanding. The ordering of content for one topic is frequently aligned to reinforce the content of another topic across strands. For example, in grade 1, telling time to the half hour is taught after the fractions chapter to reinforce the concept of halves and allow students to make connections between the two topics. 15
TM Assessment for learning summatiMveatahsesemsasmticesntesnwaibthleins setvruecrytiocnhiflodrteoUffseunccittciv5eeeDtdeibavycidhiniinntegggabranytdin5igndfoerpmeantdiveenat lnedarning. You will learn to… Formative assessment• divide numbers using the multiplication table of 5 5.1 Dividing by 5 Formative assessment is a vital part of the onLegto's iLnegar,ninteractive process by which teachers gather immediate insight about students’ leaDirvnidine g15tboooinksfointrom5 satancdks.support their teaching. Let’s Do This task assesses students’ understanding Let’s Do at each step of concept 15 ÷ 5 = 3 at the pictorial and abstra5c×t leve= 1ls5. development are formative and diagnostic assessments. They assess There are books in each stack. 15 ÷ 5 = the student’s learning and level of conceptual understanding to provide Let's Do timely feedback to teachers. 1. Divide. Use the related multiplication facts to help you. a) b) 4 × 5 = 20 7 × 5 = 35 20 ÷ 5 = 35 ÷ 5 = This task assesses students’ 2. Complete the related multiplication and division facts. understanding at the abstract level. © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-19-8 a) × 5 = 10 b) × 5 = 40 10 ÷ 5 = 40 ÷ 5 = Let's Practice Practice 1. Divide. Use the related multiplication facts to help you. a) b) Recap provides a pictorial and abstract 6 × 5 = 3r0epresentation of the5 c× o5 n=c2r5ete Purposeful Practice tasks in print and digital formats 30 ÷ 5 = carried out in the cla25ss÷. 5 = activity complement and extend learning. They encourage students to develop deep conceptual understanding and confidence 167 to work independently. Practice tasks also serve as formative and diagnostic assessment providing essential information to Exercise 5.1 Dividing by 5 students and teachers on learning progress. Recap Put 20 tomatoes equally into 5 baskets. 5 × 4 = 20 20 ÷ 5 = 4 20 ÷ 5 = 4 There are 4 tomatoes in each basket. 1. Divide. Use the related multiplication facts to help you. a) b) 8 × 5 = 40 9 × 5 = 45 40 ÷ 5 = 45 ÷ 5 = 2. Complete the related multiplication and division facts. a) b) × 5 = 10 × 5 = 35 10 ÷ 5 = 35 ÷ 5 = Easy to assign and with instant access, Digital Practice © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-26-6 3. Divide. b) 20 ÷ 5 = includes hints to support students and provides a) 5 ÷ 5 = d) 40 ÷ 5 = immediate feedback to teachers on students’ learning. c) 10 ÷ 5 = f) 50 ÷ 5 = e) 25 ÷ 5 = h) 35 ÷ 5 = g) 15 ÷ 5 = j) 30 ÷ 5 = i) 45 ÷ 5 = Online Chapter 8: Practice 5.1 Prac tice 107 16
• Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. on the method required to solve the problem, and the Teacher’s Guide problem-solving process. • Advocates active learning and adaptivity with self reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. Ta s k s a re ord e red by l eve l• Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- centered and teacher-directed approach designed to enable assessment of understanding of concepts and mastery of skills at every step of concept development • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum of difficulty framework to develop the pedagogical content knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching Teacher’s Guide 2 experience with interactive content for whole-class teaching, extensive resources for teachers and diagnostic practice and assessment for students. and are sys temat ically var ied• Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by to encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative solutions to mathematical problems. g r aTM dua2 llyTM TM d e e p eTeacher’s GunideReadiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gInseffective,measurableanddiagnosticwithalearner- t he s t udeForTeachers nt ’s TM TM TM A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong 2and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the TM 1A Teacher’s Guide TM 1B Practice Book TM 1A Coursebook curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 2development of problem-solving skills and by focusing TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Coursebook development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. on both the method required to solve the problem, and Practice Book the problem-solving process. • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum framework to develop the pedagogical content centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development and learning. and learning. t a n d i n g .For Students c oCoursebookin2parts nTeacher’s Guide in 2 parts c eNEWpEDITION tCoursebookin2parts uTeacher’s Guide in 2 parts a l NEWuEDITION n d e rNEWEDITIONsCoursebookin2parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Practice Book in 2 parts I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 Practice Book in 2 parts I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 9 789810 732912 9 789810 730642 Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 Enhanced support for effective implementation of 9 789810 744366 Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling teaching resources and online professional development Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Digital Summative assessmentHelping Children Around the World to Read and Learn NEW EDITION For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful NEW EDITION history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important Enhanced support for effective implementation of jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional Summative assessments enable teachers to assess student learningISBN978-981-4813-32-7 at the end teaching resources and online professional development of each chapter and beyond.www.scholastic.com Reviews Review 2 Reviews provide summative assessment 1. Write the missing numerals or numbers in words. and enable consolidation of concepts and skills learned across various topics. Numeral Number in words a) 50 forty-nine b) c) 68 one hundred d) 2. Count the tens and ones. Then, write the missing numbers. Tens Ones tens ones = 3. Arrange the numbers in order. 93 Begin with the greatest. 39 99 96 69 © 2021 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-4813-26-6 4. Complete the number patterns. a) 66, , 76, , 86, b) , , 44, , 36, 32 c) 37, , , 67, 77, d) , 85, , 79, 76, 113 Digital Assessment Digital Assessment provides topical, cumulative and progress monitoring assessments for evaluating fluency, proficiency and for benchmarking throughout the year. Chapter assessment Half-yearly assessment Quarterly assessment 17
TM Assessment for learning Meaningful insight to help every teacher help student succeed Auto-generated reports for Digital Practice and Assessment make data easily accessible and actionable to support every teacher’s instructional goals. Teachers can review high level reports at class level or dive into the details of each student, chapter, topic, concept and practice or assessment item. High-value learning analytics help teachers easily find learning gaps and gains. Reports for Practice Reports for Practice provide timely formative and diagnostic data on student learning that teachers can act on immediately to adjust instructional practices in an effort to address and maximize individual students’ learning. Monitor students’ learning Class Performance by Practice Report shows student performance on each practice. Identify students’ strengths and weaknesses Class Performance by Learning Objective for Practices Report shows student performance against learning objectives. Reports for Assessments Reports for Assessments provide in-depth mastery analysis in an easy to access and view format. Monitor progress Class Performance by Assessment Report shows student performance on each assessment. 18
Identify students’ strengths and weaknesses Class List by Learning Objective Report shows student performance against a topic or learning objective by aggregating the results for it across multiple assessments. Benchmark performance Class Result by Curriculum Stage Report shows student performance in assessments by chapter and curriculum stage, for teachers to compare students’ progress against the curriculum for each level. All class reports can be drilled down to the individual student level. Actionable, real-time reports accessible on the teacher’s dashboard help to monitor student progress and make timely instructional decisions. All reports in Digital Practice and Assessment can be printed for reporting by school administrators. When instruction is informed by insights from assessment, students are more engaged and take greater ownership of their learning. 19
TM Comprehensive suite of teaching and learning resources A comprehensive range of resources for grades 1 to 6 to support teaching, learning, practice and assessment in a blended, print or digital environment provides flexibility in planning and instruction, and learning. Student materials Coursebook TM TM TM TM TM TM Serves as a guide for carefully A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% 5 1Scholastic 3Scholastic Scholastic TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of Coursebook feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STEM. TM the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STEM. the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STEM. TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: teacher-facilitated learningScholastic constructed, • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to A world-class •pTreoacghersavmia pirnobcleomrpsoolvrinagttihnrogughththee shysitgemhaltyic ef•feDecvteilovpes metacognition in learners enabling them to A world-class •pTreoacghersavmia pirnobcleomrpsoolvrinagttihnrogughththee shysitgemhaltyic ef•feDecvteilovpes metacognition in learners enabling them to development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. on the method required to solve the problem, and the problem-solving process. • Advocates active learning and adaptivity with self • Advocates active learning and adaptivity with self reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum framework to develop the pedagogical content knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. experiences for students. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing centered and teacher-directed approach designed to framework to develop the pedagogical content Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional designon the method required to solve the problem, and the Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional designon the method required to solve the problem, and the knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Advocates active learning and adaptivity with self This coreenable assessment of understanding of concepts and problem-solving process. reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. problem-solving process. mastery of skills at every step of concept development • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching and learning. experience with interactive content for whole-class Coursebook• Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- teaching, extensive resources for teachers and diagnostic centered and teacher-directed approach designed to framework to develop the pedagogical content • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by practice and assessment for students. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. Coursebookcentered and teacher-directed approach designed to encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative mastery of skills at every step of concept development solutions to mathematical problems. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and mastery of skills at every step of concept development and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching Coursebook 1 TM • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by experience with interactive content for whole-class Coursebook 3 • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by experience with interactive content for whole-class Coursebook 5 encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative teaching, extensive resources for teachers and diagnostic encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative teaching, extensive resources for teachers and diagnostic solutions to mathematical problems. practice and assessment for students. solutions to mathematical problems. practice and assessment for students. TM component provides the content andcenteredandteacher-directedapproachdesignedto TM For Teachers TM TM For Teachers For Teachers TM TM 6 For Students TM TM TM TM TM 3 TM TM TM A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective TM TM TM TM Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design TM TM TM TM Teacher’s Guide A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Scholastic TM Mathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the TM 5 Teacher’s Guide 5 A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Teacher’s Guide 1Scholastic Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 5 TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 5and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the TM 1A Teacher’s Guide Scholastic TM 1A Teacher’s Guide curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in TM 5 Coursebook TM 5 Practice Book Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: TM 1B Practice Book curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in TM 1A Coursebook curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed 3and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 3 TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. 1 1and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in TM 1A Coursebook TM 1B Practice Book Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: the problem-solving process. • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Scholastic framework to develop the pedagogical content Coursebook knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. on both the method required to solve the problem, and development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. the problem-solving process. Teacher’s Guide• Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and on both the method required to solve the problem, and Practice Book centered and teacher-directed approach designed to Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum the problem-solving process. • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum the problem-solving process. • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum enable assessment of understanding of concepts and • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content framework to develop the pedagogical content framework to develop the pedagogical content framework to develop the pedagogical content mastery of skills at every step of concept development content to facilitate whole-class teaching. knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Coursebook • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design• Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book and learning. on both the method required to solve the problem, and on both the method required to solve the problem, and on both the method required to solve the problem, and centered and teacher-directed approach designed to Coursebook Practice Bookthe problem-solving process. centered and teacher-directed approach designed to the problem-solving process. the problem-solving process. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and centered and teacher-directed approach designed to centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum enable assessment of understanding of concepts and • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum mastery of skills at every step of concept development • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional enable assessment of understanding of concepts and • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional enable assessment of understanding of concepts and • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content mastery of skills at every step of concept development content to facilitate whole-class teaching. framework to develop the pedagogical content framework to develop the pedagogical content content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development content to facilitate whole-class teaching. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. and learning. and learning. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional For Students enable assessment of understanding of concepts and • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. content to facilitate whole-class teaching. content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development and learning. and learning. and learning. and learning. For Students Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard 9 789810 732912 9 789810 730642 Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful NEW EDITION 9 789810 732912 9 789810 730642 as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic NEW EDITION history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Name NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important Enhanced support for effective implementation of as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Enhanced support for effective implementation of jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. teaching resources and online professional development www.scholastic.com Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Name I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION Name I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 A world-class program incorporating the highly effective I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 A world-class program incorporating the highly effective NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful 9 789810 744366 9 789810 744366 9 789810 744366 Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of www.scholastic.com as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important 9 789810 730642 Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment instruction for all stages of read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. teaching resources and online professional development Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. 9 789810 732912 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com thCeoursebook lePraactice Boork nTeiacnher’s GuigdScfeeocevhdeorblaaagsctekicofrfotmheReDeCdiaAaugMdmciwataibanttohrloeirerdslsmsdg,-e-aEtctnhlPiagcerssiamseg(fapNefreremyocwtgeMinvrEaaetdtm-ihMRteieioamnanscdat)oiteniirrcsepyssoasmCr-upaEorrntdroiginevcaguelglnotuehfmmceioenrFhnserittag-rpmMuhreclaoytwsgiteoroeafnrrfmkyae.lcitBdtnhaiesvastseteriudgncnotoiwnonroaeflsfedearersscihg10na0no%dfwww.scholastic.comFocus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Digital Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Digital TM 2Scholastic TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% 4Scholastic NEW EDITION NEW EDITION NEW EDITION coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM TM feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundatioHnelfpoirnSgTECMh.ildren Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STHEeMlp. ing Children Around the World to Read and Learn the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STEM. process—readiness, engagementFor 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that:For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective• Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enablinag tthruesmtetdo name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learnerhasisettrnouarsbytleibndyg ntraheemmmeaitnioningleaforcnuinsge.dSocnhoelansctoicurcaognintginucehsildtrheins successful • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important development of problem-solving skills and by focusing to learn to development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. on the method required to solve the problem, and the on the method required to solve the problem, and the problem-solving process. problemISB-sNo9l7v8i-n98g1-4p8r1o3-c2e2-s8s. • Advocates active learning and adaptivity with self ISBN 978-981-4813-20-4 reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum enable assessment of understanding of concepts and framework to develop the pedagogical content mastery of skills at every step of concept development knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. • Uses t1e0ch0n%olocgoy vtoeernarigchethoefleCaarnminbgrainddgteeacPhrinimg ary Mathematics Curriculum Framework • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by experience with interactive content for whole-class encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative teachiInngc, eoxrtepnosirvae rteesosuCrcoesmfopr tuetaachteiros nanadldTiahginnokstiinc g and Math Journaling solutions to mathematical problems. practicBeuainlddasssaesSsmtreontnfgorFstouudenndtsa. tion for STEM Readiness-ENnEgWageEmCDeoInTtIu-OMrNassteerby mooodelkof instructional design ReadinNeEssW-EnEgDagITeImCOeoNntu-Mrassteerby mooodelkof instructional design ReNaEdWineEsDs-EITnIgOagNement-Mastery model of instructional designon the method required to solve the problem, and the problem-solving process. ISBN 978-981-4813-18-1 Coursebook• Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- centered and teacher-directed approach designed to enable assessment of understanding of concepts and mastery of skills at every step of concept development and learning. • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative solutions to mathematical problems. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinkinhgisptroorcyesbsy. remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to monitor, direct and communicate threeiratdhianknidnglopvreocteossl.earn, helping teachers carry out their important • Aredflveocctiaotnestoaocltsiavnedlescaarfnfionlgdeadntdhiandkianpgtipvriotycerjoewsbsaeisdtsh.aansneddlfsluopvpeorttoinlgeapranr,enhteslpinintgheteirarcohleerassctahreriyr out their important • Advocates active learning and adjoabpstiavnitdy swupitphorsteinlfg parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. child’s first teacher. reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. and mastery of concepts andwww.scholastic.com skills. • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum framework to develop the pedagogical content centered and teacher-directed approach designed to framework to develop the pedagogical content knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. mastery of skills at every step of concept development www.scholastic.com • Uses technology tionteenrraicc1hti0tvh0ee%cloenacrtoneinvntegfraoanrdgwteehaooclhefwi-nCcwglaaws.msschborlaisdtigc.ceomPrimary experience with Mathematics Curriculum Framework and learning. • Uses technolog1y0to0e%nriccoh vtheerlaeagrneinogfanCdatmeabchriindgge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework Coursebook 2 experience with interactive content for whole-class Coursebook 4 Coursebook 6 tperaacchtiicnega, enxdteanssseivsesmreesnotufrIocnercssoftourrdpteeonatrcsha. etres asnCd odimagpnousttiac tional Thinking and Math Journaling • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by teaching, extensIinvecroersopuorcreastfoersteCacohmerspaundtadtiaigonnoastlicThinking and Math Journaling encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative practice and assessment for students. Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM solutions to mathematical problems. Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM TM TM For Teachers For Teachers TM TM For Teachers For Students For Students For Students 2 TM TM 6 A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Digital Digital A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Digital TM TM TM TM Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design 4 TM TM TM TM Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Teacher’s Guide TM TM TM TM Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Teacher’s Guide A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Teacher’s Guide A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the TM 1A Teacher’s Guide TM 6 Teacher’s Guide TM 1B Practice Book TM 6 Practice Book TM 1A Coursebook TM 6 Coursebook curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed TM 4 Teacher’s Guide A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed TM 4 Practice Book 2 2and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in 6 6and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 4 TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 4and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in TM 4 Coursebook Scholastic Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design the problem-solving process. Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design the problem-solving process. Scholastic Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. on both the method required to solve the problem, and Scholastic Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum Coursebook framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. Coursebook framework to develop the pedagogical content • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design framework to develop the pedagogical content development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional Coursebook content to facilitate whole-class teaching. on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and mastery of skills at every step of concept development on both the method required to solve the problem, and on both the method required to solve the problem, and centered and teacher-directed approach designed to mastery of skills at every step of concept development the problem-solving process. • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum the problem-solving process. • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum enable assessment of understanding of concepts and • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. framework to develop the pedagogical content framework to develop the pedagogical content mastery of skills at every step of concept development content to facilitate whole-class teaching. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. and learning. and learning. mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development and learning. and learning. and learning. and learning. Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn 9 789810 732912 Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn 9 789810 730642 Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn 9 789810 732912 Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn 9 789810 730642 Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 744366 I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 744366 as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of For over 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 732912 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 730642 Name For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 Enhanced support for effective implementation of as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful 9 789810 744366 Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment www.scholastic.com 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn NEW EDITION For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful ISBN 978-981-4813-19-8 a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful ISBN 978-981-4813-21-1 a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful ISBN 978-981-4813-24-2 NEW EDITION history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important NEW EDITIONhistory by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONhistory by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. Incorporates Computational Thinking and Math Journaling read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. 100% coverage of Cambrwidwwg.sechPolraismtic.acormy Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com Incorporates Computational Thinking and Math Journaling 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM Incorporates Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM Practice Book TM TM TM TM TM TM Correlates to the A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective coursebooks andReadiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design 1Scholastic 3Scholastic 5 Scholastic TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% A world-class program incorporating the highly effective coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of Practice Book the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STEM. the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STEM. the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STEM. TM TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Scholastic A world-class program incorporating the highly effectiveScholastic A world-class program incorporating the highly effectiveScholastic contains exercises and reviews for• Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Readiness-Engagedmeveelopnmten-tMofaprsobtleemr-syolvimngoskdillsealndobfy ifoncsustinrguctiomnonaitlord, deirescitgannd communicate their thinking process. Readiness-Engagedmeveelopnmten-tMofaprsobtleemr-syolvimngoskdillsealndobfy ifoncsustinrguctiomnonaitlord, deirescitgannd communicate their thinking process. on the method required to solve the problem, and the Practice Bookon the method required to solve the problem, and the Practice Bookon the method required to solve the problem, and the problem-solving process. • Advocates active learning and adaptivity with self problem-solving process. • Advocates active learning and adaptivity with self problem-solving process. • Advocates active learning and adaptivity with self reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. reflection tools and scaffolded thinking processes. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- independent practice and formative• Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. mastery of skills at every step of concept development knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. mastery of skills at every step of concept development knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. mastery of skills at every step of concept development and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching experience with interactive content for whole-class • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by teaching, extensive resources for teachers and diagnostic Practice Book 1 • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by experience with interactive content for whole-class Practice Book 3 • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by experience with interactive content for whole-class Practice Book 5 encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative practice and assessment for students. encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative teaching, extensive resources for teachers and diagnostic encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative teaching, extensive resources for teachers and diagnostic solutions to mathematical problems. solutions to mathematical problems. practice and assessment for students. solutions to mathematical problems. practice and assessment for students. TM TM and summative assessments.TM For Teachers For Teachers TM For Teachers TM TM For Students A world-class program incorporating the highly effective TM TM For Students TM TM TM TM Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Digital TM TM TM 1 TM TM TM TM 3 TM TM TM TM 5 A world-class program incorporating the highly effective RDeiagditianless-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Teacher’s Guide Scholastic TM Mathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Teacher’s Guide Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Teacher’s Guide TM 1A Teacher’s Guide TM 1A Teacher’s Guide TM 5 Teacher’s Guide TM 1B Practice Book TM 1A Coursebook curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 1 Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 1and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 3 Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 3and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 5 Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 5and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. A world-class program incorporating the highly effective TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in TM 1B Practice Book Scholastic curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in TM 5 Coursebook TM 5 Practice Book Scholastic TM 1A Coursebook Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Coursebook • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. on both the method required to solve the problem, and and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. on both the method required to solve the problem, and and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. on both the method required to solve the problem, and the problem-solving process. the problem-solving process. the problem-solving process. Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum framework to develop the pedagogical content Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design framework to develop the pedagogical content Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design framework to develop the pedagogical content • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design• Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. Coursebook Coursebook development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development and learning. and learning. and learning. and learning. For Students and learning. and learning. Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 9 789810 744366 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 9 789810 744366 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 9 789810 744366 as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful 9 789810 732912 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 730642 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful 9 789810 732912 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 730642 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful 9 789810 732912 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 730642 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com A world-class program incorporating the highly effective 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Digital Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% 2Scholastic 4Scholastic 6 NEW EDITION TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% TM Mathematics (New Edition) is a proven core program that now offers 100% Scholastic NEW EDITION NEW EDITION coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM coverage of the Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. Based on research and TM Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of feedback from educators, the effective Readiness-Engagement-Mastery instructional design of For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STHEeMlp. ing Children Around the World to Read and Learn the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundatioHnelfpoirnSgTECMh.ildren Around the World to Read and Learn a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful the first edition is further strengthened and new features ensure a strong foundation for STEM. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that:For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. A world-class program incorporating the highly effective A world-class program incorporating the highly effective• Teaches via problem solving through the systematic Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional designdevelopment of problem-solving skills and by focusing Practice BookReNaEdWineEsDs-EITnIgOagNement-Mastery model of instructional design www.scholastic.com • Develops metacognition in learners enablinahgistthtrouersmytebtdoy name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learnerhasisettrnouarsbytleibndyg ntrahememmeaitnioningleaforcnuinsge.dSocnhoelansctoicurcaognintginucehsildtrheins successful • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to development of problem-solving skills and by focusing to learn to development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. monitor, direct and communicate their thinkinrgeapdroacensds. love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important monitor, direct and communicate threeiratdhianknidnglopvreocteossl.earn, helping teachers carry out their important on the method required to solve the problem, and the on the method required to solve the problem, and the problemISB-sNo9l7v8i-n98g1-4p8r1o3-c2e9-s7s. N• arAmedflveeocctiaotnestoaocltsiavnedlescaarfnfionlgdeadntdhiandkianpgtipvriotycewsseitsh. self NEWPEDraITIcOtNice Book NEW EDITIONproblem-solving process. ISBN 978-981-4813-25-9 • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum • rAedflveocctiaotnestoaocltsiavNneadlmescaearfnfionlgdeadntdhiandkianpgtipvriotycejowsbseistsh.ansedlfsupporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. on the method required to solve the problem, and the • rAedflveocctiNaotnaesmtoaoecltsiavnedlescaarfnfionlgdeadntdhiandjkoianbpsgtipavrniotdyceswsuspeitpsh.orsteinlfg parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. centered and teacher-directed approach designed to framework to develop the pedagogical content problem-solving IpSBrNoc97e8s-9s8.1-4813-27-3 enable assessment of understanding of concepts and knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. mastery of skills at every step of concept development Practice Book• Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- centered and teacher-directed approach designed to enable assessment of understanding of concepts and mastery of skills at every step of concept development • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum framework to develop the pedagogical content centered and teacher-directed approach designed to framework to develop the pedagogical content knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. www.scholastic.com mastery of skills at every step of concept development www.scholastic.com and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching and learning. • Uses technology to enrich the learning and teaching • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by experience with interactiPveRc1onMteEntMfoar twhhoelem-claastsics Digital Practice and Assessment Practice Book 2 • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by experience withPinRte1raMctEiveMcoanttehnet mforawthioclse-cDlaisgs ital Practice and Assessment Practice Book 4 • Promotes creative thinking and critical thinking by experiePncRe 1wMithEinMteraatcthivee mconattenict sfoDr wighoitlea-cllaPssractice and Assessment Practice Book 6 encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative pteraacchtiicnega, enxdteanssseivsesmreesnotufroceprssrftoourdvteiendatcesh.serisnanddivdiiadgunoasltiizc ed learning support and diagnostic performance encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative tperaacchtiicnega, enxdteanssseivspesmrreoesnvotuidfroceersssftouinrdtedenaitvcsh.iedrus aanldizdeiadgnloesaticrning support and diagnostic performance encouraging learners to innovate and craft alternative tperaacchtiicnegpa, renoxdtveansisdseivesessmreiesnnotdufriocverissdftouurdateelnaitzcshe. edrs alendadrniaignngostsicupport and diagnostic performance solutions to mathematical problems. solutions to mathematical problems. solutions to mathematical problems. TM TM For Teachers TM TM For Teachers TM TM For Teachers For Students For Students For Students TM TM TM TM 2 TM TM TM TM 4 TM TM TM TM 6 A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Digital A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Digital A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Digital A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Teacher’s Guide Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Teacher’s Guide Scholastic TM Mathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the Teacher’s Guide TM 1A Teacher’s Guide TM 4 Teacher’s Guide TM 6 Teacher’s Guide TM 1B Practice Book TM 4 Practice Book TM 6 Practice Book TM 1A Coursebook TM 6 Coursebook curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong A world-class program based on top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 2 Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 2and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 4 Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 4and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 6 Scholastic TMMathematics is a forward-thinking and innovative mathematics program based on the 6and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in TM 4 Coursebook curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in curriculum standards and effective teaching and learning practices of the global top-performers in Scholastic Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed Mathematics – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. It is adapted from the highly-acclaimed • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. and widely-proven PRIMARY MATHEMATICS Project developed by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective Scholastic TMMathematics is based on a pedagogical approach and instructional design that: A world-class program incorporating the highly effective on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional design the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Coursebook • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Coursebook • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Coursebook • Teaches via problem solving through the systematic • Develops metacognition in learners enabling them to Readiness-Engagement-Mastery model of instructional desi•gIns effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. development of problem-solving skills and by focusing monitor, direct and communicate their thinking process. Practice Book on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum on both the method required to solve the problem, and • Incorporates professional learning into the curriculum centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content the problem-solving process. framework to develop the pedagogical content enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. • Is effective, measurable and diagnostic with a learner- knowledge of educators to improve classroom practices. and learning. centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional centered and teacher-directed approach designed to • Uses technology to deliver interactive instructional enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. enable assessment of understanding of concepts and content to facilitate whole-class teaching. mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development mastery of skills at every step of concept development and learning. and learning. and learning. and learning. and learning. and learning. Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Coursebook in 2 parts Practice Book in 2 parts Teacher’s Guide in 2 parts Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn Name Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn I SBN 981- 07- 4436- 6 NEW EDITION For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 9 789810 744366 I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 9 789810 744366 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic I SBN 981- 07- 3291- 0 I SBN 981- 07- 3064- 0 9 789810 744366 as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful 9 789810 732912 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 730642 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of For over 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 732912 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 730642 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful 9 789810 732912 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic 9 789810 730642 For over 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic Enhanced support for effective implementation of history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONas a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful Readiness-Engagement-Mastery pedagogy read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to Digital PR1ME Mathematics Teaching Hub for additional jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important teaching resources and online professional development read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com 100% coverage of Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Framework www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Focus on Computational Thinking and Math Journaling Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment Builds a Strong Foundation for STEM PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports provides individualized assessment and diagnostic performance reports Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Coursebook Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn NEW EDITION Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn NEW EDITION For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful ISBN 978-981-4813-26-6 Name For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as ISBN 978-981-4813-28-0 Name For 100 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as ISBN 978-981-4813-30-3 Name NEW EDITION history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. provides individualized learning support and diagnostic performance NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important NEW EDITIONread and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important www.scholastic.com jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher. www.scholastic.com www.scholastic.com PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment PR1ME Mathematics Digital Practice and Assessment provides individualized learning support and diagnostic performance provides individualized learning support and diagnostic performance Digital Practice and Assessment Online opportunities for students to consolidate learning and demonstrate understanding. Student Hub Coursebook in on-line format with embedded videos to ensure that learning never stops. 20
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