Logging into pubhtml: • Browse to the following link: https://pubhtml5.com/login.php • Use the following credentials: o Username: [email protected] o Password: seis123 Uploading a book to pub HTML: • After logging in, search for the relevant folder in pub HTML under MY PUBS in the left toolbar. Click on “More” to see all the folder: • If it is a new batch of flipbooks, click on “+” and then “+New Folder” to create a new folder and name it accordingly
• Write the folder name and click on “Create” to create the new folder • After adding a new folder or inside an existing folder, you will see the following screen:
• Click on add a new book to create a new flipbook • Once you click on add a new book, the following screen will open with the option to browse a book (pdf file) and add it to flipbooks • Click on browse to browse for the book pdf in your local system or drag and drop the file • Once the file starts uploading you will see the upload progress bar
• The title and the description will be auto populated based on the pdf file name. You can change it if you want. •
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