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Active English Coursebook 2

Published by Scholastic Education International, 2021-02-10 06:22:09

Description: Active English Coursebook 2


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blows hard. We have to wear raincoats or carry umbrellas when we go outside. Animals, birds and insects also behave Why do you think differently according to the weather. Small insects take shelter insects, such as butterflies and dragonflies, when it rains? take shelter under leaves when it rains. Frogs, earthworms, rhinos and elephants love the rain. Giraffes and camels like sunny weather. Polar bears and seals are happiest in snowy weather. The weather is not the same all around the world. On the same day, it may be sunny and bright in Mumbai, cloudy in Paris and snowy in New York. The weatherman is a person who tells us on the radio or television what the weather will be like in the next few days. After you read Would you like to have the same kind of weather all through the year? Why? Reading Comprehension A. Circle the correct answer. 1. What is the passage mainly about? a. different types of weather b. why summer days are warm c. what causes rain shelter: a place where you can stay to protect yourself © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 49

2. What does the weatherman do? a. protects himself from bad weather b. tells us what the weather will be like in the next few days c. helps us to pack the right kind of clothes for a summer vacation 3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? a. Polar bears like snowy weather. b. Some animals like rainy weather. c. Different animals like different types of weather. B. Read the sentences below. Write T for True and F for False. 1. We wear light clothes in summer. 2. We use umbrellas when it is cold. 3. Dragonflies love rainy weather. 4. Giraffes like snowy weather. 5. The weather is not the same all around the world. 50 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Vocabulary sunny rainy windy cloudy snowy hot cold The words above tell us about the weather. Fill in the blanks with words about the weather. 1. I have brought my umbrella. It is a day. 2. Hold on to your cap. It is a day. 3. I want to swim in the cool water. It is a day. 4. I cannot see the sun. It is a day. 5. Put on your woollen coat. It is a day. W B Unit 5, page 22 Try it out Tell your partner about your favourite kind of weather and what you like to do in that weather. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 51

Grammar It is very cold in winter. We fly kites during summer. The school bus comes at 7 o’clock. My birthday is on 3 May. The words in, during, at and on are placed before nouns to tell us when something happens. Fill in the blanks with words that show when something happens. 1. It feels cold winter. 2. The days are longer summer. 3. The train leaves 10 o’clock. 4. The class is going to the zoo Friday. 5. I do my homework the evening. 6. We had lots of fun the trip. W B Unit 5, page 23 52 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

How is the weather in your city? Who left the tap on? What is your name? When did she leave? Where do they live? Which colour do you like? Why should you brush your teeth? The words in red are question words. We use them to ask different kinds of questions. Fill in the blanks with the correct question words. 1. did you eat for lunch today? I ate a sandwich. 2. does Jean live? She lives on Daisy Lane. 3. is reading the newspaper? My father is reading the newspaper. 4. do you wake up in the morning? I wake up at 6 o’clock. W B Unit 5, page 24 Try it out Pair up with a classmate. Imagine that you two are meeting for the first time. Ask questions to find out more about each other. (Hint: What is your name? Where do you live?) © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 53

Spelling A. Read the words below. Note the long ee sound. bee cheese deep feel feet green heel see seed tree B. Fill in the blanks with words from the word list above. 1. I wear socks on my  . 2. That is a tall  . 3. My bag is in colour. 4. A can sting you. 5. Look at this apple  . 6. Do all mice like  ? 54 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Listening Listen to the sentences about the weather. For each day, put a tick in the correct column. Sunny Rainy Cloudy Hot Windy Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Speaking Sam and Nicholas are discussing the weather. It was cloudy yesterday It is windy today. morning. Then, it was rainy. I feel cold. Try it out Talk to your partner about yesterday’s weather and the weather today. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 55

Writing Complete this letter to your friend in New York, telling her about the weather in your city. The words in the box will help you. what rains nearly every day during fried snacks rained all night the weather in New York computer games when the roads are wet and muddy at 6 o’clock how Dear , How are you? I am fine. You asked me about the weather in my city. It yesterday. the rainy season, it . I don’t like going to school when it rains because . My friends and I meet every evening to play. When it rains, we play board games or indoors. We also like to eat in rainy weather. is the weather like in your city? does it rain there? do you go to school when it rains? Please write a letter telling me about . Your friend, 56 W B Unit 5, page 25 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Review What did you learn? Tick. The words in, during, at and on are placed before nouns to tell us when something happens. We use question words to ask different kinds of questions. Some words have the long ee sound. Project Work Get into four groups to make a chart on the weather. Choose a particular type of weather (sunny, rainy, windy or cold). You may use a chart like the one below. Decorate your chart with drawings and pictures. Display your charts in class. Type of Words Things to Animals Food to weather that tell us do in this that eat in this snowy about this weather weather sledding, like this weather building a weather hot snow, ice, snowman, polar bears, chocolate, snowman, snowflake, making seals, soup, snowballs reindeer, roasts, sled, penguins snowstorm © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 57

6Favourite Food Before you read What is your favourite food? What is it made of? Stone Soup What was not nice about the village? Once upon a time, there was a village. It was a nice place to live in except for one thing. People did not like to share. One day, a visitor came to the village. “Hello! Does anybody have food to share?” he asked. “NO!” said everyone. “That’s OK,” said the visitor. “I will make stone soup for everyone.” He dropped a stone into a giant pot of boiling water and sniffed the broth. visitor: someone who has come to see a person or a place broth: soup made by boiling vegetables sniffed: smelled by taking in a lot of air through the nose or meat in water 58 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

“Mmmm! I love stone soup, but stone soup with cabbage is even better!” said the visitor. One man brought a cabbage and put it in the pot. The visitor said, “I once had stone soup with cabbage and carrots. It was delicious!” Why do you think A woman brought carrots and put them the woman brought in the pot. carrots for the soup? The visitor said, “I once had stone soup with cabbage and carrots and corn.” A boy brought corn and put it in the pot. Finally, the soup was ready. Everyone ate a big bowl. “Mmmm!” they all said. The soup made them so happy that they danced and sang all night long. From then on, the people in the village shared. And their very favourite thing to share was stone soup. –Kama Einhorn (a retelling) After you read Why do you think the soup tasted delicious? delicious: tasty 59 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Reading Comprehension A. Circle the correct answer. 1. Why did the man put a cabbage in the soup? a. The man did not need the cabbage. b. The visitor said stone soup with cabbage was delicious. c. The visitor asked him to bring cabbage to put in the soup. 2. Why did the people in the village dance and sing? a. They had won a soup-making competition. b. The visitor asked them to sing and dance. c. The stone soup made them happy. B. Complete the sentences. 1. The people in the village did not give the visitor any food to eat because . 2. The visitor made stone soup because . 3. After having the stone soup, the people in the village shared their things because . 60 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Vocabulary fork stove oven knife frying pan bowl cooking pot spoon These are some items we find in the kitchen. Fill in the blanks with the names of kitchen items. The pictures will help you. 1. The man put a stone into 3. Mum fries eggs in the the to make soup. . 2. The 4. Dad gave me noodles is sharp. in a . W B Unit 6, page 26 Try it out Pair up with a classmate and make a list of at least five other items that are used in the kitchen. Take turns to make a sentence with each of the words. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 61

Grammar The man brought a cabbage. A woman brought carrots. Nouns that refer to people or animals can be either male or female. Masculine nouns refer to males. Feminine nouns refer to females. Masculine Feminine father mother lion lioness husband wife peacock peahen Circle the correct noun for each sentence. 1. My ( son / daughter ) is a doctor. She works at her clinic. 2. The ( king / queen ) lives in the palace. He wears a golden crown. 3. Look at that ( peahen / peacock )! His tail is so beautiful. 4. My ( husband / wife ) is a teacher. He teaches Spanish. 5. The ( lioness / lion ) is hunting for food. Her cubs are hungry. W B Unit 6, page 27 62 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Try it out Add masculine and feminine nouns to the table. Make sentences with each noun that you add. Take turns to do this activity with a partner in class. Punctuation The visitor made stone I like apples, oranges, soup with cabbage, carrots, bananas, pineapples corn and a stone. and mangoes. When we write three or more words in a list, we use commas to separate them. Add commas where necessary. 1. Shawn plays cricket tennis football hockey and badminton. 2. We study English Maths and Science at school. 3. Turtles crabs shrimp and jellyfish live in the sea. 4. The show is on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. 5. Violet indigo blue green yellow orange and red are the colours of the rainbow. W B Unit 6, page 28 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 63

Spelling A. Read the words below. Note the long oa sound. boat coat float goal goat load loaf road soap throat B. Fill in the blanks with words from the word list above. The pictures will help you. 1. Row, row, row your  . 2. My sister bought a of bread.   3. Jack scored a  . 4. There are many shops along the  .   5. I feel warm in my woollen  . 6. This paper boat can on water. 64 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Listening Listen to the sentences. Tick the kitchen items you hear. Speaking Rita and Rebecca are talking about their family members. My grandmother is my My favourite person most favourite person. is my aunt. She brings She and my grandfather my brother and me live with my uncle. many presents. Try it out Talk to a classmate about your family. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 65

Writing Kevin is telling his friend how his family made dinner last night. Complete his story with the help of the pictures. Remember to add commas where necessary. First, we made a vegetable soup. I poured some water in a and my put it on the to boil. My chopped some carrots tomatoes potatoes and cauliflower with a and dropped these into the pot. Then, we baked a cake. I put some eggs flour and sugar in a big and stirred the mixture with a . I added some baking powder with a and mixed it well. We put the cake in the to bake. My fried some cutlets in the and dinner was ready! W B Unit 6, page 29 66 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Review What did you learn? Tick. Nouns that refer to people or animals can be either male or female. Masculine nouns refer to males. Feminine nouns refer to females. When we write three or more words in a list, we use commas to separate them. Some words have the long oa sound. Project Work Find out the recipe for lemonade. On a sheet of paper, make a list of the things you would need. Then, write down the steps to make it. Share your recipe with the class. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 67

7 Shapes Before you read Look around you. How many shapes can you see? Make a list of these shapes. The Shape of Things What is a circle? What is round? A coin rolling on the ground. A wheel is a circle, so is the moon, What other things A bottle cap, or a big balloon. are round? What is a square, with sides the same? The wooden board for a checker game. A slice of cheese, a TV screen, A table napkin to keep you clean. What is a rectangle, straight or tall? What shape The door that stands within your wall. is the board in your classroom? A dollar bill, a loaf of bread, The mattress lying on your bed. What is a triangle, with sides of three? A piece of pie for you and me. A musical triangle, ding, ding, ding, A slice of pizza with everything! checker (also chequer): a board game bill: banknote 68 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

These are the shapes seen everywhere: A triangle, rectangle, circle, square. If you look closely where you’ve been, You’ll surely see the shapes you’re in! –Meish Goldish After you read What is your favourite shape? Explain why you like it. Reading Comprehension A. According to the poem, the things below have different shapes. Write their names in the correct columns. coin door balloon moon wheel cheese slice checker game mattress table napkin loaf of bread piece of pie slice of pizza Circle Square Rectangle Triangle B. Draw a table like the one above in your notebook. Then, write down at least five more things under each heading. C. Name two other shapes that you know. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 69

Vocabulary A wheel is a circle, Rain, rain, go away, I love going to so is the moon, Come again the zoo, A bottle cap, or a another day. To see lions, tigers big balloon. and pandas too! The words in red have the same ending sound. Words that have the same ending sound are called rhyming words. Rhyming words are often used in poems. Write a rhyming word for each word below. 1. ball 5. hot 2. hen 6. town 3. rat 7. tub 4. pick 8. pin W B Unit 7, page 30 Try it out With a classmate, underline the rhyming words in the poem The Shape of Things. For each pair of rhyming words, think of two more words that rhyme with it. Make a two-line poem with your own pair of rhyming words. 70 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Grammar What shape are Please stack these I bought three new the mattresses? boxes in the corner. brushes yesterday. Birds like to sit on the The buses are ready branches of trees. to leave now. We add -es to nouns ending in ss, x, sh, ch and s to make them plural. Fill in the blanks with the plural form of the nouns given in the brackets. 1. We packed a few (sandwich) for the picnic. 2. (fox) have bushy tails. 3. Please put these (glass) on the table. 4. Who is that hiding behind the (bush)? 5. Today, we learnt about (gas) in the air. W B Unit 7, page 31 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 71

deer aircraft sheep fish Some singular nouns stay the same in their plural form. W B Unit 7, page 32 trousers shorts glasses jeans clothes scissors Some nouns are always plural. Circle the correct word for each sentence. 1. The tailor uses a pair of ( scissors / scissor ) to cut cloth. 2. We always wear new ( clothes / cloths ) on festival days. 3. Cut the ( bread / breads ) into slices for the sandwiches. 4. Have you seen my ( jeans / jean ) anywhere? 5. You can see plenty of ( deer / deers ) in this zoo. W B Unit 7, page 33 Try it out On a sheet of paper, list the nouns given above under the headings Always plural and Always singular. Share your lists with the class. 72 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Spelling A. Read the words below. They have the long oo sound. boot cartoon hoop moon noon pool roof soon spoon stool B. Fill in the blanks with words from the word list above. 1. He jumped into the swimming  .    2. She sat on a in the garden. 3. I have lost a  . 4. This is too big to eat with!    5. There is a full tonight. 6. I can draw a  . © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 73

Listening Listen to the riddle. Write the correct number for the picture that matches each riddle. 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. 74 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Speaking Teddy is talking about the castle he has made. This is my castle. The roof is a triangle. The towers are rectangles with triangles on top. The doors are squares. The windows are circles. Try it out Look around the classroom. What shapes do you see? Share your thoughts with a classmate. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 75

Writing A. Complete the poem on shapes with the help of the pictures. Who Am I? I am a , Look at me! Count my sides, One, two, three. I am a , All my sides are the same. You see me in a handkerchief, Can you guess my name? I am a , I have no sides at all! You see me in the sun and the moon And in your big round ball. I am a , I have four sides too! Two are short and two are long, I don’t know what to do! B. Write your own poem on shapes. Use rhyming words at the end of each line. Draw a picture to match the poem. W B Unit 7, page 34 76 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Review What did you learn? Tick. Words that have the same ending sound are called rhyming words. We add -es to nouns ending in ss, x, sh, ch and s to make them plural. Some singular nouns stay the same in their plural form. Some nouns are always plural. Some words have the long oo sound. Project Work Cut out a circle, square, rectangle and triangle from a sheet of paper. Fill each shape with a different colour. On another sheet of paper, paste the shapes to make the picture of an animal or thing. Try to use all the shapes in the picture you create. Display your picture in class. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 77

8The Mice and the Cat Before you read What is the best way to solve a problem? Talk about a problem you faced recently. Who Will Bell the Cat? Why are the mice having a The mice are having a meeting. meeting? Mouse 1: We have to do something about What do you think that nasty cat! the mice will do to Mouse 2: He has made our lives miserable! solve the problem? Mouse 3: He sneaks up and catches us in a flash. Mouse 1: What can we do? The mice begin to think. No one has any ideas. Finally, a young mouse speaks up. Young mouse: I know what we can do! Mouse 1: Tell us your idea, young mouse. Young mouse: The problem with the cat is that he’s so quiet. Let’s get a small bell and tie it around the cat’s neck. As soon as we hear the bell, we can run for cover. nasty: bad sneaks: moves about quietly and secretly miserable: very unhappy or uncomfortable 78 run for cover: rush away to hide somewhere © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Mouse 2: What a brilliant idea! Mouse 3: You’re so clever, young mouse! A wise old mouse stands up. He has a question. Wise old mouse: Which one of us will go to the cat and tie a bell on him? The mice become quiet. No one wants to bell the cat. After you read Do you think the young mouse’s idea was good? If you were one of the mice, would you offer to bell the cat? Reading Comprehension A. Circle the correct answer. 1. What did the cat do to the mice? a. He sneaked up and caught them. b. He made loud noises to frighten them. 2. What do you think happened when no one answered the wise old mouse’s question? a. The meeting came to an end. b. The wise old mouse belled the cat. B. Answer the following questions. 1. What was the young mouse’s idea? 2. What did the other mice think of this idea? bell the cat: tie a bell on the cat. This also means to try to do something really difficult. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 79

Vocabulary cat – kitten dog – puppy cow – calf duck – duckling horse – foal deer – fawn lion – cub kangaroo – joey The words in red are names of baby animals. Match the animals with their babies. 1. horse a. joey 2. kangaroo b. kitten 3. deer c. foal 4. cat d. cub 5. dog e. fawn 6. lion f. puppy W B Unit 8, page 35 Try it out Find out the names of more animals and their babies. Draw or paste pictures of any four of these animals and their babies on a sheet of chart paper. Display your chart in class. 80 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Grammar The mice will hold a meeting I shall put a bell around next week. the cat’s neck tomorrow. We use the helping verbs will or shall to talk about something we plan to do in the future. We usually use shall or will with the pronouns I and we. We use will with all nouns and the pronouns you, she, he, it and they. Fill in the blanks with will or shall. 1. The mice play when the cat is away. 2. We go to buy clothes on Friday. 3. I be eight years old next year. 4. You be sick if you eat too many toffees. 5. They walk in the park this evening. W B Unit 8, page 36 Try it out Imagine there is a problem in your school, such as litter in the playground or taps left running in the washroom. How will you solve the problem? © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 81

Punctuation Let us get a small bell and tie it around the neck of the cat. Let’s get a small bell and tie it around the neck of the cat. The problem with the cat is that he is so quiet. The problem with the cat is that he’s so quiet. You are so clever, young mouse! You’re so clever, young mouse! When we speak, we sometimes join words together to make a short form. We write the short forms of these words by joining them with an apostrophe ( ’ ). The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter or letters. Fill in the blanks with the short forms of the words given in the brackets. Remember to place the apostrophe correctly. 1. (We are) having a meeting today to discuss the nasty cat. 2. (I am) sure we can find a way to save ourselves. 3. “ (It is) not so easy,” said the wise old mouse. 4. (He is) right. Who will bell the cat? 5. (Let us) meet again tomorrow to think of another plan. W B Unit 8, page 37 82 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Spelling A. Read the words below. They have the long a-e sound. ate bake brake cake game grape plane sale snake tape B. Fill in the blanks with words from the word list above. The pictures will help you. 1. I am good at this  .   2. There are six candles on my  .  3. That is going to land.  4. I need some for my project.  5. There is one rotten in this bunch.  !  6. Look at that green © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 83

Listening Listen to the sentences. Write the correct number for each picture. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 84 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Speaking Mary and Andy are talking about what they will do on the weekend. I shall watch a film I will go to the zoo on Sunday. on Saturday. Try it out Pair up with a classmate. Take turns to talk about what you will do on the weekend. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 85

Writing The mice are having another meeting to talk about how to save themselves from the nasty cat. Complete the dialogues with the help of the words in the box. will creep up I’m sure this plan He’s too quick he’s sleeping You’re so clever I shall stand he will see me first Let’s tie the bell Mouse 1: There must be some way to warn us when the nasty cat is near. Young mouse: I know! on his tail instead of around his neck. Mouse 3: But how will we do that? for us! Young mouse: in front of him when . You behind and quickly tie the bell. If he wakes up, and try to catch me. You can run away after tying the bell. Wise old mouse: , young mouse! must be careful. will work, but we W B Unit 8, page 38 86 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Review What did you learn? Tick. We use the helping verbs will or shall to talk about something we plan to do in the future. We usually use shall or will with the pronouns I and we. We use will with all nouns and the pronouns you, she, he, it and they. We write the short forms of some words by joining them with an apostrophe ( ’ ). The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter or letters. Some words have the long a-e sound. Project Work Get into groups of four. Make a list of the things that you plan to do in the new year. Write them in a chart like the one below. Compare your chart with the other groups’ charts. Name clean my room I promise I will… wake up early Maya every day. do my homework every morning. Shafiq exercise every in time. visit my evening. grandparents help my parents more often. at home. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 87

9A Special Holiday Before you read What are the places you dream of visiting? If you had a magic wand to make your dream come true, what kind of holiday would you wish for? Holiday Memories Where did the poet go on When I was on holiday holiday? I went to Timbuktu, How did the poet I wrestled with a jaguar reach the moon? And boxed a kangaroo. I journeyed into jungles, I swam the deepest sea, I climbed the highest mountain And the monkey puzzle tree. I chatted to a seagull, I met a big baboon, I floated on a moonbeam Until I reached the moon. wrestled: fought with someone chatted: talked with someone in a boxed: hit with the fist friendly way journeyed: travelled moonbeam: a ray of light from the moon 88 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

I visited the planets, I lit up all the stars, I gossiped to a parrot, Travelling to Mars. I sailed across the ocean, I drove a Greyhound bus, I rode across the desert, On a hippopotamus. I heard a mermaid singing, I fought a killer shark, I grappled with a Grizzly, In a wild safari park. I chased a band of pirates, Completely round the bend. And now the summer’s over And so is this — THE END. –June Crebbin After you read Do you think the poet really did all these things? Why? gossiped: talked about someone 89 safari park: a park where wild animals mermaid: an imaginary sea creature that has a move around freely woman’s body and a fish’s tail instead of legs grappled: fought with bare hands; wrestled chased: ran after in order to catch © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 pirates: people who rob ships at sea

Reading Comprehension Circle the correct answer. 1. When did the poet go on holiday? a. during the winter vacation b. during the summer vacation c. during the Christmas vacation 2. Which animals did the poet see before he visited the planets? a. monkey, Grizzly, jaguar, shark and kangaroo b. jaguar, baboon and kangaroo c. baboon, Grizzly, monkey and kangaroo 3. How did the poet cross the desert? a. on a Greyhound bus b. on a moonbeam c. on the back of a hippopotamus 4. Which sea animal did the poet fight? a. a shark b. a whale c. a seagull 90 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Vocabulary I wrestled with a jaguar. I grappled with a Grizzly. I fought a killer shark. The words in red have almost the same meaning. Here are some more words with the same meaning. big/large pretty/lovely happy/glad shout/scream creep/crawl sad/unhappy Circle the word in the brackets that means the same as the underlined word. 1. Peter looked up at the big building. ( lovely / large ) 2. Anna is sad because her pet died. ( unhappy / glad ) 3. I shout when I see a spider. ( creep / scream ) 4. Ronnie bought a lovely dress for his sister. ( pretty / large ) W B Unit 9, page 39 Try it out Talk to your partner about your favourite animal or thing. Use different words with the same meaning. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 91

Grammar I climbed the highest mountain. (climb – climbed) I chased a band of pirates. (chase – chased) We add -d or -ed to the verb when we talk about something that happened in the past. This is called the simple past tense. I went to Timbuktu. (go – went) I swam the deepest sea. (swim – swam) I fought a killer shark. (fight – fought) Some verbs change completely when we use them to talk about something that happened in the past. Verb Simple past Verb Simple past break broke lose lost buy bought speak spoke feel write wrote felt Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense of the verb given in the brackets. 1. My mother (buy) me a new paintbrush. 2. He (lose) his ball in the park. 92 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

3. The teacher (speak) to us yesterday. 4. I (feel) scared when the lights suddenly (go) out. W B Unit 9, page 40 Try it out Pair up with a classmate. Take turns to tell each other about what you did in the morning before coming to school. What verbs will you use? I floated on a moonbeam Paul picked up an orange. Until I reached the moon. The orange was sour. The words a, an and the are called articles. We use the to talk about things that are only one of their kind. We also use the to talk about things mentioned earlier. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. 1. I saw elephant, lion and 2. monkey at the zoo. sun shines brightly in summer. 3. Wasim gave me a pretty box. I keep my earnings in box. 4. Dad bought me ice cream. ice cream was delicious! 93 W B Unit 9, page 41 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Spelling A. Read the words below. They have the long i-e sound. drive five fine hive life line ride time wide wife B. Fill in the blanks with words from the word list above. The pictures will help you. 1. The of us are friends. 2. Honeybees store nectar in a  . 3. What is the in the clock? 4. This is a road. It has four lanes. 5. My mother can me to school. 6. There is a long of people at the ticket counter. 94 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Listening Listen to the sentences. Write the correct number for each picture. 1. 3. 5. 2. 4. 6. Speaking Rose is talking about the dream that she had last night. I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt that I was sailing on the sea. Suddenly, the waves rose high up and my boat sank. A big dolphin swam up. I rode on the back of the dolphin all the way to the shore. Try it out Take turns to stand in front of the class and speak about a strange adventure you had in a dream. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 95

Writing The tips below help us to understand the parts of a letter. Write a letter to your friend about your idea of a perfect holiday. Here are some ideas to help you. Heading (your address and date) Greeting (name of the person you are writing to) Body (main message of the letter) • What kind of place would you like to visit? • What things would you like to carry with you? • What would you do on your holiday? Closing (your name) W B Unit 9, pages 42–43 96 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

Review What did you learn? Tick. We add -d or -ed to the verb when we talk about something that happened in the past. This is called the simple past tense. Some verbs change completely when we use them to talk about something that happened in the past. The words a, an and the are called articles. We use the to talk about things that are only one of their kind. We also use the to talk about things mentioned earlier. Some words have the long i-e sound. Project Work Get into groups of eight to make a holiday chart. Share your idea of a special holiday with each other. Write a few lines about each holiday and decorate the chart with drawings or pictures. Give it the heading Special Holidays and display it in class. © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1 97

10 A Lesson to Remember Before you read Why is it important to have friends? Talk about your friends and how you behave towards them. The Spider and the Beehive In a small African village lived a little boy Do you think Kofi called Kofi and a tricky spider called will agree to take Anansi. Kofi had a special gift. He could find Anansi? the best and sweetest fruit in the jungle. One day, Anansi asked Kofi, “Will you take me to the best plums?” Kofi agreed. He took Anansi to his favourite plum tree. Anansi ate up all the plums and did not share any! tricky: cunning plum: a small purple fruit 98 © 2017 Scholastic Education International (S) Pte Ltd ISBN 978-981-47-8112-1

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