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Home Explore Annual Report

Annual Report

Published by msmart, 2015-08-25 10:18:58

Description: PESA 2014-15 Annual Report


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2014annual report

contents04 year in review08 chairman’s letter11 president’s letter14 annual meeting16 energy educators18 emerging leaders22 austin legislative summit24 washington, d.c. fly-in26 foreign service officer training29 credit interchange division30 financials32 executive committee37 committee chairmen38 board of directors40 member companies46 past chairmen50 anti-trust policy

4 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 year in review In the 2014-15 membership year, we were honored to welcome more than 2,000 attendees to 30 industry events presented by 57 member and customer companies, elected officials and industry influencers.> The 2014 Energy Educators Sporting Clays Shooting Tournament proceeds help support the IPAA/PESA Energy Education Center, which includes four Petroleum Academies and the Energy Institute High School.

> PESA’s Explorers of Houston Committee, chaired by Robert Workman of DistributionNOW, honored Whiting Petroleum with the 2014 Explorers Award for technological innovation and leadership in the industry.> PESA Emerging Leaders Executive Leadership series allows individuals to share details of their journey to success and best practices for the next leaders of the energy industry. Legendary Texas A&M football coach Richard Copeland “R.C.” Slocum shared his leadership principles October 15, 2014, with PESA membership.

> PESA Executive Committee 2014-2015Program Name Date Attendees City Companies Presenting2014 PESA Annual Meeting 4/2 - 4/5/14 117 Tucson, AZ Shell, Continental Resources, Raymond James & Houston, TX Associates, EOG Resources, IHS, Chevron, Simmons &2014 HR Seminar 4/14/14 61 Houston, TX Company International2014 PESA HR Roundtable 4/26/14 12 Houston, TX BP2014 FSO Energy Industry Training 4/28/14 41 Houston, TX Weatherford, Chevron, Halliburton, FMC Technologies, Houston, TX ConocoPhillips, James A. Baker III's Institute for PublicEmerging Leaders Special 5/13/14 26 PolicySessions 7/24/14 97 Houston, TX LegalWATCHPESA Executive Address- Top Golf Weir Oil & Gas Houston, TX Citi, BP, Exxon, Weatherford, James A. Baker III’s Institute2014 FSO Energy Industry Training 8/4/14 44 Lafayette, LA for Public Policy, Halliburton, FMC Technologies, The Sinclair Group, Wood Group Mustang, Raymond James &2014 PESA HR Roundtable 8/20/14 23 Houston, TX Associates2014 Gulf Coast- Louisiana District 9/18/14 49 IPAAMeeting Houston, TX Murphy Oil Houston, TX Baker Hughes, Cobalt International Energy, RaymondOil & Gas 101 9/22 - 9/23/14 257 Orange Beach, AL James & Associates, DistributionNOW, FMC Technologies, Houston, TX Halliburton, National Oilwell Varco, The Sinclair Group,USO Reception 9/22/14 20 Houston, TX Viking Oil Tools, Wood Group MustangExecutive Leadership with R.C. 10/15/14 170 USOSlocum 10/22 - 10/24/14 44 Texas A&M2014 CID Annual Meeting 10/29/14 13 Doré & Associates, National Association of Manufacturers2014 PESA HR Roundtable 10/31/14 118 Deloitte Tax LLPPESA Energy Educators SportingClays Tournament

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 7Companies that presented at PESA meetings include: Program Name Date Attendees City Companies Presenting2014 Legal Seminar 11/7/14 50 Houston, TX Beck Redden LLP, FMC Technologies, Cameron, Littler Employment & Labor Law Solutions Worldwide,The Explorers of Houston Honor 11/19/14 96 Houston, TX Weatherford, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLPWhiting Petroleum Corporation 12/11/14 113 Houston, TX Whiting Petroleum CorporationGulf Coast Texas District Meeting 12/11/14 14 Houston, TX Occidental Oil & GasGulf Coast - TX District Meeting: 12/17/14 20 Houston, TX U.S. State Dept's Energy Res. BureauBriefing from the U.S. State Dept 1/20/15 52 Houston, TX Pearl MeyerPESA HR RoundtableExecutive Leadership Seminar SOLID Executive CoachingAdvancing to the Next Level ofSuccess 2015 27 Houston, TX2015 PESA Executive LeadershipProgram - Year Long 2/2 - 2/4/15 20 Austin, TX Marathon Oil, API, Texas Railroad Commission, Texas2015 PESA Austin Legislative 2/18/15 166 Senate, Texas House of RepresentativesSummit 2/18/15 172015 Supply Chain Seminar 2/19/15 124 Houston, TX ConocoPhillips, PacWest Consulting Partners, RowanHR Roundtable 23 Companies plc, Spectra EnergyPESA Executive Address Series 2/22 - 2/24/15 842015 PESA Washington, D.C. 3/3/15 112 Houston, TX Lee Hecht HarrisonFly-In 3/5/15 2010Mid-Continent District Meeting TOTAL Houston, TX Noble Energy16th Annual PESA Explorers ofHouston Golf Tournament Washington, D.C. Hess, ConocoPhillips, U.S. Oil & Gas Association, America's Natural Gas Alliance, National Ocean Industries Association, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate Denver, CO Simmons & Company International Houston, TX

8 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014letter from the chairmanThe oilfield service and supply sector has to retire in the next 10 years, the Energy Paul Coppinger is the Weir Oil & Gasplayed an integral role in the energy rev- Educators Committee takes its role se- Divisional Managing Director for theolution of the United States, contributing riously. Together with our partner, IPAA, Weir Group PLC. Prior to his role aspowerfully to the economy and strength- PESA renewed its commitment to the DMD, Paul was the President of theening our geopolitical position. IPAA/PESA Energy Education Center. Pressure Pumping business within theYet, we now face a challenging market The Center’s four Petroleum Academies Oil & Gas Division, having joined Weirand must approach the new environ- and Energy Institute High School pro- in 2011 as President of SPM. Prior toment with a delicate balance of manag- vide students with a multidisciplinary, ad- joining Weir in 2011, Mr. Coppinger wasing costs and maximizing opportunities. vanced academic experience in science, the President of the Energy Group forWith the innovations of hydraulic frac- mathematics and technology. This edu- ten years at Circor International, Inc.turing and horizontal drilling, the United cation along with externships at PESA Paul has been a Director of the Petro-States is now the world’s largest produc- member companies will equip students leum Equipment & Services Associationer of natural gas, and this has changed for degrees and careers in engineering, since 2007 and presently is the associ-the game for our industry. However, the geology, geophysics and global energy ation’s Chairman. Previously he was thereality is that with oil hovering at $50/ management. Mid-Continent District Chairman andbarrel, we are exposed to more geopo- As we look to the future, it is thrilling most recently Vice Chairman. Mr. Cop-litical risk. We must also counter poten- to see the Emerging Leaders Commit- pinger served on the Board of Prosep,tially aggressive regulatory mandates tee shine so brightly for the association. Inc. from 2007 through 2013.and increasingly strident anti-drilling As the energy industry continues to Mr. Coppinger is a native Texan and at-movements with focused education on strengthen the U.S. economy, we know tended Texas Tech University where hethe safety of our technologies and bene- future generations must be prepared to received a Bachelor of Science Degreefits of energy security. lead. This year, we identified high per- in Petroleum Engineering in 1984.As the industry has evolved, so has PESA. formers within our member companiesWe have seen exciting changes and ad- for leadership development opportuni-vancements for the association over the ties through executive coaching. PESApast year, allowing us to expand our ex- also created certification and educationisting programs and create new oppor- programs designed to equip participantstunities to advocate for and advance the with knowledge and skills that capitalizepriorities of our member companies. on our industry’s success and build theThis year, our Explorers of Houston Com- industry’s workforce of tomorrow.mittee recognized and honored Whiting Given the uncertain regulatory and leg-Petroleum Corporation for demonstrat- islative environment, PESA’s advocacyed excellence in technological innova- efforts have never been more import-tion and leadership in the industry. ant. Member company executives haveFor the past 21 years, PESA has co-spon- prioritized meeting with elected officialssored a Foreign Service Officer Energy and thought leaders at both the stateIndustry Training with the U.S. Depart- and national level to promote oilfieldments of State, Energy and Commerce. service and supply sector priorities. ThisThis year, PESA reached a new mile- year, we held the first-ever Austin Legis-stone, having trained more than 550 lative Summit, a successful Washington,federal government officers to prepare D.C. Fly-In, and engaged with individualthem for embassy posts in energy inten- members of Congress for policy discus-sive countries around the world. sions. The newly re-designed PESA web-As one of the most unique and impact- site also contains a policy center, createdful benefits we provide to members, the to inform and educate members on is-Credit Interchange Division (CID) allows sues critical to our sector.members with professional credit divi- PESA is proud to represent a diverse in-sions to exchange up-to-date confiden- dustry of more than 1.3 million, generat-tial ledger experience to assess custom- ing more than $277B in revenue. PESA iser credit worthiness. The CID program engaged in a thoughtful evolution withremains strong, and conducted a suc- the industry, continuing to promote ourcessful annual meeting with economic sector’s achievements in innovation, joband legal experts. creation and energy independence.Our commitment to developing thenext generation of industry leaders is in- Paul Coppingergrained in the fabric of PESA. With over50 percent of our workforce projected Divisional Managing Director Weir Oil & Gas

“At PESA, we have seenexciting changes andadvancements for theassociation over the pastyear, allowing us to expandour existing programs andcreate new opportunities toadvocate for and advancethe priorities of our membercompanies.”

“Along with our industry, PESA stands on the precipice of change. Through innovation, we contribute to economic growth, help reduce the deficit and have reshaped the geopolitical landscape. PESA members will lead the industry through its next evolution.”

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 11letter from the presidentThe oilfield service and supply sector has orities: “Driving Innovation,” “Creating As president, Beyer leads PESA’s effortsa history of building on existing technol- Jobs” and “Securing Independence.” supporting priorities of the energy indus-ogy to innovate and transform. In line We are now working to effectively de- try’s oilfield service, supply and manufac-with our member companies, PESA is liver a more broad understanding of the turing organizations, advocating for andevolving and transforming with today’s strength of the service and supply sec- supporting this sector’s achievements inindustry. tor by aggregating data on global and job creation, technological innovationUnder the board’s leadership, we took national jobs, revenue and economic and economic stability. Previously, Beyernecessary steps to support this evolu- impact. served as director of member and boardtion, reconfiguring ourselves to promote Understanding the current market en- relations with the National Association ofsector priorities and serve as a stronger vironment, we are conscious to focus Manufacturers (NAM), collaborating withresource for our members. This effort be- on programs that garner the best out- NAM member companies on targetedgan with a strategic decision to change comes for the future of the association. priority legislative issues and advocacyour name to Petroleum Equipment & We expanded our presence in Denver, efforts, many in the energy industry.Services Association, more accurate- further developed our emerging leaders Highlights of Beyer’s career include 15ly representing our association. Along program and enhanced strategic part- years in Washington, D.C. serving inwith this name change, we went through nerships with aligned trade associations the U.S. Senate, White House – Execu-a process to frame focus around three such as NOIA, IPAA, STEER and API. We tive Office of the President and multipleprimary achievements of PESA mem- also created an opportunity to support Cabinet agencies. Beyer also has exten-ber companies: Innovation, Jobs and veterans in our industry, working closely sive experience in public affairs, workingIndependence. We created a new logo with the USO and member companies to at Burson-Marsteller Public Affairs andwith a tagline reflecting these drivers sponsor transitioning military personnel leading a Washington-based public rela-and signaled a visual evolution of the at Oil & Gas 101. tions firm for over six years. Significantorganization. Finally, in preparation for PESA stands on the precipice of change experience in Presidential campaignsthe association’s more public profile, we and it is PESA members who will lead the also provides depth to her background.overhauled and redesigned the website, association through its next evolution. Beyer holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Latinwhich went live early in the 4th quarter. This sector’s achievements in innovation American Studies and Spanish from theWith a solid foundation set, we launched driven by an entrepreneurial spirit will University of Texas at Austin.PESA’s social media channels and began lead our association to new implement a phased communications Our mission is to serve as the unifyingplan to establish PESA as an information voice for the service and supply sector,resource, connect with key influencers, bring awareness to critical issues and ad-and highlight the accomplishments of vocate on our members’ behalf. Thankour member companies. Over the next you for trusting me to honor the past andyear, we will continue to expand these build on the foundation of this great as-efforts and leverage the new online ac- sociation.tion center to educate and inform our We are PESA.membership on issues critical to the sec-tor.We have created five video assets as a Leslie Shockley Beyerresource to tell PESA’s history and com-municate our key priorities. “We Are PresidentPESA” showcases the history and resil- PESAience of our sector and provides a newtake on what our industry contributes tothe nation’s fabric. The additional videosare issue-driven around PESA key pri-

A New Look for PESAIn 2014, PESA unveiled a new name, logo and an internationally award-winning website.

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 13social mediaPESA launched social media on 4 platforms, to engage with members and industry influencers,garnering more than 298,000 total impressions.29t8o,t0a0l 0 +105,879 +102,500 Facebook Impressions Twitter Impressions 7/24/14 - 3/19/15 9/24/14 - 3/20/15 +69,178 +20,993 LinkedIn Impressions Google+ Impressions 9/15/14 - 3/19/15 9/15/14 - 3/19/15multi-media assetsThroughout the year, PESA created five videos to help tell our story and advocate on behalf ofthe oilfield service and supply sector. The videos were included in a video brochure that waspresented at our Washington, D.C. Fly-In.

14 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014annual meeting 2014The 2014 PESA Annual Meeting brought a host of excellent however, many of the oil service business segments arespeakers. The meeting began Thursday, April 3, with too fragmented and at some point a reconsolidation wavekeynote speaker Mark Papa of EOG Resources addressing will unfold.the meeting’s theme “The Road to North American EnergyIndependence.” He said that U.S. oil growth will slow and John Hollowell of Shell presented Pursuing DeepwaterNorth America will likely not become fully oil independent Growth in the Americas. Hollowell believes that theby 2020. Wall Street has overstated expectations of challenge of maintaining the base may well exceed thePermian oil growth. Still, Mr. Papa said the shale revolution challenges in the next the best overall U.S. economic news in ±50 years.Top quality shale plays (Marcellus, Eagle Ford, Bakken) will “PESA member companies have playedget dramatically better with additional time and technology. a major role to the E&P’s success-to-dateMarginal shale plays will remain marginal, i.e. technology in deepwater through technology andwill provide only slight improvement. The North American innovation.”gas market will improve, but not until ≈ 2018+.Domestic oil activity levels are likely to remain high as John Hollowell, EVP of Deep Water for Shell in the AmericasE&P’s pedal faster and faster to show production growth.Domestic post completion oil opportunities will be very Steve Thurston of Chevron North America E&P Companylarge (pumping, chemicals, compression, etc.). Domestic gave an update on deepwater Gulf of Mexico andgas activity will likely accelerate around 2018+. deploying new technologies.The panel on Thursday moderated by Paul Coppinger,Weir Oil & Gas, addressed onshore topics. Rick Muncrief Thurston said that the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater presentsof Continental Resources said the SCOOP (South Central a great opportunity with great challenges, “World-Class”Oklahoma Oil Province) is a new, high-impact resource Petroleum Basin with 77 billion barrels of oil equivalentplay with world-class resource shale. There is up to 400’ (BBOE) discovered and less than 45 BBOE produced.of oil-rich shale, more than the Cana Field. The play is an Challenges of deepwater development include expensiveexcellent siliceous and highly fractured reservoir validated drilling ($1MM/day) and complex wells, deepestby 300 industry SCOOP wells. Continental is the dominant developments in the world and complex reservoirs withleaseholder with roughly 400,000 net acres. variable recovery factors.Continental is again focused on tripling production andproved reserves over the next five years – a repeat of their Vision and commitment to develop technology now arefirst five-year plan. Given the company’s larger size today, essential to achieve success in the’s ambitious, but Muncrief believes it is completely doablebecause of the premier assets on which it is based. Susan Farrell of IHS outlined the offshore outlook and challenges. She said that the U.S. unconventional supplyJames Wicklund of Credit Suisse spoke to the industry’s success story is well known, with U.S. crude oil productionchanging outlook. Wicklund said Credit Suisse believes increasing by ~45 percent over 2011 to end in 2013. Thethat major oil companies are shifting spending from surge of light crude in the U.S. from shale production isoffshore deepwater to onshore unconventionals as they expected to continue and is changing U.S. and globalaccelerate spending on higher return, faster payback oil markets. U.S. light imports are nearly backed out.projects. Wicklund says that big fields are getting even Louisiana Light Sweet (LLS) is trading at a discount tobigger with wells per section up 220 percent, the costs Brent. Globally, Non-OPEC oil supply is growing fasterper well are up less than five percent and the resource than global oil demand. But, 3 million barrels per day ofpotential is up 256 percent. oil offline is counter-balancing the surge in U.S. supply into the global market. Majors need portfolio diversification and deepwater remains an important part of growth strategy.John Daniel of Simmons & Company International sharedperspectives on the U.S. land market and considerationsfor capital equipment providers. He said recent industrytrends have E&P capital spending off to a healthy start.In the near term outlook, Daniel believes that costpressures will precede a pricing recovery. Longer term,

“Fact: What is normal today was impossible 10 years ago Belief: What is impossible today will be normal 10 years from now” Steve Thurston, VP of Chevron North America E&P Company

16 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014energy educatorsProviding a Firm Foundation for the Next Generation of America’s Energy ProfessionalsFrom early childhood education programs to secondary and Development Brad Wise presented to the freshman class.higher education STEM programs, Energy Educators helps Leslie spoke to the class about developing a career in thePESA member companies channel member resources and energy industry and the opportunities created by STEMknowledge, promote the industry with an aim to attract education at the high school level. Brad gave an overviewnew talent and positively influence public opinion. of supply chain and led the class in an interactive role play.The Energy Educators Committee is committed to IPAA/PESA Energy Education Centerbecoming a leading source of education for and about the Guest speakers representing member companies gaveoil and gas industry. Led by Energy Educators Chairman of their time to speak to students on technical and careerPat Bond (LTR), the committee has accomplished a great topics. Our appreciation goes to: Baker Hughes, Flexpipedeal over the past year. Systems, Halliburton, Schlumberger, Stress EngineeringRenewed Commitment to Education and the Texas Railroad Commission.One of PESA’s most significant commitments to STEMeducation is through the IPAA/PESA Education Center. Students discover how engineering, geosciences andAs part of this program, PESA membership supports four technology work together in the energy industry throughpetroleum academies in Houston and Fort Worth, as well field trips to energy companies, museums and collegeas the Energy Institute High School (EIHS) in Houston. campuses. These 12 different industry organizationsThis year, PESA renewed its commitment to the IPAA/PESA provided field trip locations:Education Center in the amount of $150,000 each yearthrough 2020. This significant level of support will allow us »» Core Laboratories »» Oceanstar Museum,to continue funding the petroleum academies and EIHS. »» Eaton GalvestonEnergy Institute High School »» HalliburtonPESA participated in the Guest Lecturer Series on »» Houston Museum »» Quicksilver Rig TourSeptember 3, at EIHS. The goal of the Guest Lecturer »» Texas A&M UniversitySeries is to provide students the ability to make more of Natural Science, »» University of Houstoninformed career choices in the areas of math, science Weiss Energy Hall »» Weatherfordand the emerging technology concepts available in our »» National Oilwell »» Women’s Globalindustry. VarcoDuring the school year, industry professionals volunteer to »» Oceaneering Leadership in Energyshare the vast career opportunities that are available within Conferencethe petroleum industry. PESA President Leslie Beyer andDistributionNOW Vice President of Marketing & Business Students participated in energy themed competitions through: »» Shell sponsored STEM Showdown Occidental »» Schlumberger & University of Houston sponsored PetroChallenge Engineering /Robotics Competitions »» VEX, 3D Camp World Affairs Council and Energy Summit sponsored by PESA

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 17The 2014 Student Externship Training Program provided a The purpose of the award is to recognize outstandingjob shadowing opportunity for engineering and geosciences academy campus personnel who demonstrate excellencestudents at Houston and Fort Worth petroleum exploration and a commitment to the academy program on theirand production companies, along with PESA member campus. Leslie Beyer presented the Teacher of the Yearoilfield service, supply and manufacturing companies. Award to Jeff Stear, the Lead Teacher in the IPAA/PESA70 externs in 23 companies in two cities gained valuable Petroleum Academy at Milby High School in Houston.firsthand experience from the following companies: Alumni Mixers The first Petroleum Academy class is graduating from»» Apache »» PEC Safety Management college in May 2015. In an effort to place these students»» Cameron »» Schlumberger with member company job opportunities, two mixers»» Core Laboratories »» Shell were held for IPAA and PESA HR professionals, Petroleum»» DistributionNOW »» Smith Academy graduates and current academy seniors.»» El Paso »» Valerus OTC Award»» FMC Technologies »» W&T Offshore The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) announced»» Gulf Publishing »» EOG Resources the 2015 beneficiary of the Annual OTC Dinner—the IPAA/»» Halliburton »» Harbison-Fischer PESA Energy Education Center for the benefit of EIHS.»» Marathon Oil »» Ulterra “The OTC Dinner Executive Advisory Board’s aim is to»» MI-SWACO »» Weir Oil & Gas make a difference in people’s lives,” says Kevin McEvoy,»» National Oilwell Varco »» XTO CEO of Oceaneering, PESA Board Member and Chair of»» Newfield Exploration 2015 Annual OTC Dinner Executive Advisory Board. “The Board selected this year’s charity because of its strongOver three weeks, the externs attended executive-level commitment to advance STEM education through hands-meetings, used advanced equipment and learned about on, project-based learning with a specific focus on thethe oil and gas business firsthand. The extern program energy industry.”stems from the IPAA/PESA Petroleum Academies, and onlythe top achieving students qualify. Upon completion of theprogram, each student received a $1,000 scholarship fromthe company where they worked.The program not only provided a unique platform for “It is through the contribution ofimmersing our future workforce into the excitement and corporations, like those involved withchallenges of the energy industry but also integrated the Annual OTC Dinner, that the IPAA/the skills and career information students learned in our PESA Energy Education Center is able topetroleum academies. This innovative student externship support the educational initiatives at theprogram serves as a powerful tool to stimulate the interest Energy Institute High School.”of the next generation of energy professionals who willdrive this industry forward.Each year an award is made to an exceptional educator Galen Cobb, Vice President of Industry Relations at Halliburtoninvolved with the IPAA/PESA Petroleum Academy Program.

18 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014emerging leadersAs the energy industry continues to strengthen the U.S. Executive Address Serieseconomy, we know future generations must be prepared PESA Emerging Leaders Executive Leadership series allowsto lead. This year, we identified high performers within individuals to share details of their journey to success andour member companies for leadership development best practices for the next leaders of the energy industry.opportunities through executive coaching.Executive Leadership Development Program PESA Chairman Paul Coppinger, Weir Oil & GasThe PESA Emerging Leaders Committee announced a PESA members shed their coats and ties for the 9thyearlong leadership program for member companies’ Emerging Leaders Executive Address held this summerhigh performers. On January 20, 2015, the program got at TopGolf. PESA Chairman Paul Coppinger, Divisionaloff to a great start, as 50 PESA members engaged in an Managing Director, Weir Oil & Gas, shared his knowledgeinteractive, half day Executive Coaching & Leadership and experience of three decades in oil and gas after whichDevelopment Seminar. everyone headed outside for a TopGolf tournament.Throughout 2015, participants will receive access to self-coaching cloud-based systems, tools, resources, leadership Attendees said they appreciated the opportunity toand behavioral assessments, coaching, webinars and network in a relaxed environment. Ronnie Kott of Cameronmentorship. A certificate of completion will be awarded said, “Paul delivered great career advice and valuableafter program requirements are met. leadership lessons at the Executive Address.” Rollie McGinnis of Auge Industrial Fasteners said the Executive Address at TopGolf was his favorite event in the two years

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 19he has been active in PESA. “It was exciting to see so for Amoco and to land a C-suite position at Noble Energy.many new and young faces, and I hope this address is an Today, she says that she embraces her role as a femaleindication of future PESA events,” he said. leader in a male-dominated industry. “There’s strength in it.Mr. Coppinger identified five themes he felt were important There’s something I can bring to the company because ofto share with young professionals in the oil and gas industry. it.” FMC Technologies was the event’s corporate sponsor.Integrity Differentiation Corporate Communication Seminar Emerging Leaders hosted a special session May 13 withWork-Life 5 Themes Creating Eartha Jean Johnson of LegalWATCH. Brian Swagerty ofBalance For Success Your FMC Technologies, Inc. chaired the meeting. The session covered Business Correspondence: How to Stay Out Operating of Court, the News and Jail. Ms. Johnson shared best Model practices during the seminar focusing on risk mitigation, communications and electronic communications. LeadershipAs you progress through an organization, the complexitiesand stress grow exponentially making integrity critical todecision making. To differentiate yourself, Mr. Coppingeradvised focusing on your current job and doing that job tothe best of your abilities and more opportunities will come.On the topic of leadership, Mr. Coppinger suggestedcreating a reputation in your organization that makespeople want to work for you. Creating your operatingmodel begins with picking a great team. Find a balancebetween being in the detail, thinking strategically anddelegating based on job scope. Work – Life Balance isimperative for the sustainability of how you’re working.Develop your entire life, work, family, hobby, church,charity, relationships with friends and family.“R. C.” SlocumLegendary Texas A&M football coach Richard Copeland“R. C.” Slocum shared his leadership principles October15. Slocum served as the head football coach at TexasA&M University from 1989 to 2002, and is the most winningcoach in Aggie football history. Slocum spoke of respectthrough leadership from his coaching experience and howthat could apply to any organization. Hannon Hydraulicswas the event’s corporate sponsor.Susan Cunningham, Noble EnergyWith over 30 years of industry experience, SusanCunningham, Executive Vice President of Environment,Health & Safety Regulatory and New Frontiers at NobleEnergy, recalled her challenges of climbing the corporateladder in a male-dominated industry. She dealt withgender challenges by not acknowledging them. It’s anattitude she says helped her break many firsts in her career,including being the first woman to head an overseas office

20 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014emerging leadersOil & Gas 101PESA created certification and education programs like Oil & Gas 101 to pass on the knowledge of our membercompanies in their areas of expertise to our industry’s future leaders.Sponsored by PESA’s Emerging Leaders Committee, the Oil & Gas 101 seminar held March and September 2014provided an overview of the exploration, drilling and production phases of oil and natural gas wells.PESA member companies Auge, DistributionNOW, Energy & Specialty Distribution, FMC Technologies, Gardner Denver,LTR, NOV, Oceaneering, Oil States International and Weir Oil & Gas sponsored 30 transitioning military servicemen whoare interested in joining the oil and gas industry. One veteran said, “The course enlightened me on how the industryworks. Thanks for providing retiring and transitioning military a seat. In addition to learning the industry vocabulary, I wasable to talk with those in the industry which was tremendously helpful.”The following companies contributed subject matter experts for the Oil & Gas 101 training:Company Speaker Topic Baker Hughes Ed O’Malley, Director Applications Completions and Engineering, Sales and Operations Support Flow EquipmentCobalt International James Geary, Sr., Exploration Geologist Introduction toEnergy, Inc. Geology and SeismicCredit Suisse James Wicklund, Managing Director - Energy Markets Energy ResearchDistributionNOW Brad Wise, Vice President, Marketing and Introduction to Business Development Supply ChainFMC Technologies, Inc. Dennis Pham, Field Development Subsea Drilling and Manager - Major Tenders ProductionHalliburton Bob Moran, Vice President, Government Energy Policy 101 and External AffairsHARC & Environmentally Andra Wilcox, Energy Production Environmental and SocietalFriendly Drilling Systems Issues of Oil & GasNational Oilwell Varco Karl Appleton, Business and Technology Rig Systems and Director Drilling the WellSinclair Group Steve Jacobs, Sr. Vice President - History of the Industry and Oil & Gas Emerging TechnologiesSchlumberger Mark Teel, NeXT Engineering Director Completions and Flow EquipmentViking Oil Tools Wes Heiskell, President and CEO Well Intervention and Well End-Of-LifeWood Group Mustang Chris Doss, P.E., Process Engineer, Refining 101 Downstream

austin legislative summitPESA member company executives and high performers engaged with policy makers andinfluencers in the Texas Legislature during the Austin Legislative Summit.This February, PESA leaders met with elected officials and industry thought leaders forThe Austin Legislative Summit to discuss issues affecting the service and supply sector.This event was the first of its kind on the state level for PESA, designed to enhance ouradvocacy efforts in the region.Austin Legislative Summit Energy Policy Briefings »» Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter »» Texas Railroad Commissioner Ryan Sitton »» Deb Mamula, Office of the Lt. GovernorState of the Industry Panel »» Andrew Biar, Strategic Public Affairs - Moderator »» Hugo Gutierrez, Marathon Oil »» Tommy Foltz, HBW Resources »» Royce Poinsett, Gardere Wynne Sewell LLPTexas Energy Policy Update »» Sen. Carlos Uresti »» Rep. Jim Keffer »» Rep. Phil KingPrivate Member/Staff Meetings »» Sen. Judith Zaffirini »» Rep. Drew Darby »» Rep. Ken King »» Rep. Tracy King »» Rep. J.M. Lozano »» Rep. Tan Paker »» Rep. Drew SpringerAttendees also enjoyed an interactive lobbying exercise with Tara Anderson of theAmerican Petroleum Institute. The session was designed to give participants a greaterunderstanding of how elected officials make decisions and emphasized the need for theoil and natural gas industry to speak up and promote sound energy policies.“I found the Austin Legislative Summit to be very useful time spent. I met some representatives that are responsible for districts that we operate in. I intend to continue my communication with these individuals and reach out to them when I am in their respective districts.”Pat Bond, PESA Energy Educators Chairman and President & COO of LTR

24 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014washington, d.c. fly-inMembers Tell the PESA Story of Jobs, Technology and IndependenceWithout question, this is a challenging time for our sector “The 2015 Fly-In was highly effective inof the industry. The price of oil trading at a six-year low getting our message across about thesupports the need for broad crude exports, pro-growth tax energy equipment supply and servicepolicies and a responsible regulatory environment. industry’s priorities, including job creation, innovation, energy independence, safetyRepresenting more than 1.3 million jobs in over 80 and education.”countries, 22 PESA member company executives tookthe message of job creation, technology and stability to Kevin Crowley, President & CEO of Forged ProductsWashington, D.C., during the Association’s sixth annualFly-In this February. Over a period of three days, PESA We are looking to lawmakers to use hearings andmet with more than 30 members of Congress and their legislation to turn up the heat on regulators, and are takingstaffers, Washington-based customer representatives, U.S. that message to state capitols and Washington, D.C.Department of State officials and industry thought leaders Unnecessary hurdles in the path of our industry’s economicto discuss critical issues affecting the service and supply development will only serve to hinder the American energysector. renaissance.U.S. Representatives, Senators, Congressional staffers and “The PESA Washington, D.C. Fly-Intrade associations all shared a singular message: The most was excellent and one of the strongestimportant action you can make in the political process is programs we’ve ever had. We met withto take your story to Washington, D.C. Now, more than a very wide variety of representatives,ever, it is critical that we use our unified voice to bolster including members of Congress, industryour advocacy efforts and support policies that will affect association leaders and numerousthe energy industry. committee and staff leaders. It was a packed, well-organized program over the“I had the pleasure of attending the sixth three days for the PESA attendees, and PESA Fly-In in February of this year and our voice was heard in a very effective way must say that it was the best one yet...The during an important time in our industry. I access to Congressional Representatives, am thankful that PESA has stepped up its Senators and their staff to explain how advocacy role and appreciate the strong PESA and its member companies work to leadership from Leslie Beyer and Bob provide jobs, energy security and advance Moran to assure our message is effectively the nation’s economy was unsurpassed. In communicated to policy makers.” addition, the informational sessions with other trade associations and customers Galen Cobb, Vice President of Industry Relations at Halliburton made the entire experience one that benefits PESA and the oilfield services Congressional leaders must use legislative and/or legal companies that make up our organization. action to temper some of the Administration’s regulatory I recommend that all member companies zeal as it considers clamping down on methane emissions, consider participating in the future.” strengthening standards for hydraulic fracturing and requiring unattainable ozone metrics. Domestic drillingRobert J. Ryan, Deputy General Counsel of Stallion Oilfield advances have been a bright spot for the U.S. economy, and our industry is a leader in self-regulation, constantlyThis is a challenging time for our sector of the industry and maintaining a focus on the Health, Safety and Environmentwith the increased financial hardships it is even more critical goals of each member company.that we use our unified voice and turn up the advocacyefforts.

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 25PESA Legislative Agenda and update our policies to reflect our current resourceOverreach of Federal Regulations abundance. PESA supports efforts to lift the crude exportThe Administration has and continues to release a series of ban.regulations that will significantly impact the oil and naturalgas industry. PESA supports a responsible regulatory Fair Trade Issuesenvironment that factors in economic and workforce During the first half of the year, Congress will consider aimpacts. The coming rules include: bill to set the necessary rules for passage of trade bills and then consider the soon to be concluded Trans-Pacific »» First-ever federal standards addressing methane Partnership (TPP) trade agreement. The first expected emissions piece of trade legislation is fast-track trade authority, formally known as Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). It sets »» Stricter federal controls on hydraulic fracturing out an expedited path and an up-or-down vote in Congress »» Drilling requirements in the Arctic for any trade deal. »» New rules governing oil shipped by trains »» Tougher standards on offshore drilling technology Offshore Drilling Access »» Tighter ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards The Department of the Interior (DOI) recently released a Draft Proposal for the 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf (NAAQS), which could be the most costly regulation (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program. The plan would in history open up one lease sale area 50 miles off the mid-Atlantic coast. However, it will ban drilling in portions of the ArcticApproval of Exports of LNG and Crude Ocean’s Beaufort and Chukchi Seas and continue to leaveThe House passed legislation that would expedite the the eastern Gulf and Pacific unexplored. Studies suggestprocess for approving LNG export permits, and the Senate that opening the Atlantic offshore could create nearlyis also looking to move similar legislation. In addition, 280,000 new American jobs and inject tens of billions ofChairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources dollars into our economy. Under the current five-year plan,Committee, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), is continuing oil and gas exploration is banned in 87 percent of ourto prioritize crude exports. The Committee is examining offshore areas. PESA supports greater access to offshoreavenues in which the President could allow for exports as resources, supporting domestic energy production in anwell as potential legislative strategies to lift the decades environmentally safe manner.old ban. In the House, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) introducedHR 702, legislation that looks to lift the crude export ban

foreign service officer trainingPESA & the U.S. Department of StateFor the past 21 years, PESA has co-sponsored a Foreign Service Officer Energy IndustryTraining Session with the U.S. Departments of State, Energy and Commerce. The week-long training familiarizes Foreign and Civil Service Officers with the energy industry tofacilitate informed energy decisions at their embassy posts around the world, specificallyin energy-intensive countries.Member and customer companies along with nationally-recognized educationalinstitutions provide experts, materials and equipment for the training program. To date,PESA has trained more than 550 federal government officers.Member companies donate their time, personnel and facilities to give FSOs a hands-onoverview of the petroleum industry. In return, PESA member companies gain valuable,educated contacts in the FSO community.Highlights of the Spring FSO training included the James A. Baker III Institute forPublic Policy; a half-day with ConocoPhillips’ exploration and downstream team; a tourof Weatherford’s drilling rig; lunch at Chevron, a tour of Halliburton’s Research andDevelopment Center; and a tour of the FMC Technologies, Inc. production floor.Highlights of the Summer FSO training included the James A. Baker III Institute forPublic Policy; Citi Trading Floor; Weatherford’s drilling rig; a briefing on security from BP;Halliburton’s Research and Development Center; ExxonMobil; and the FMC Technologiesproduction floor.

50 graduatesU.S. State Defense of Energydepartments Commerce USAIDcurrently assigned in Angola | Azerbaijan | Brazil | Bulgaria Cameroon | Canada | China | Gabon Guatemala | Iceland | Iraq | Mexico Mozambique | Nigeria | Paraguay Romania | Russia | Saudi Arabia Sudan | Taiwan | United Arab Emirates Uruguay | Vietnam | Washington, D.C.

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 29credit interchange divisionSpeakers at this year’s CID annual meeting includedPaul Coppinger, Divisional Managing Director, WeirOil & Gas; Dr. Chad Moutray, Chief Economist,National Association of Manufacturers; and Carl DoréJr., President, Doré Law Group.PESA Chairman Paul Coppinger spoke about theprogress that PESA was making to provide membercompanies with additional resources to highlight theissues affecting our industry and to provide a platformfor advocacy efforts.Dr. Moutray provided an overall outlook for theAmerican economy and discussed a number ofthe drivers required to sustain a recovery within themanufacturing sector: export sales, a skilled workforce,raw material costs and steady levels of investment.Carl Doré gave insight into how credit personnelcould mitigate the risk inherent in their companies’operations by capturing and documenting the properinformation at various stages of their interactions withcustomers.Repeating a successful segment from the previousyear’s annual meeting, senior CID member creditmanagers shared their expertise by providing usefulinformation and leading group discussions in separatebreakout sessions. This year’s topics included tips fornegotiating, managing international risk and examiningthe various credit risks in the lifecycle of a well.There were also presentations to discuss best practicesand provide information on recently added features ofCID’s credit reporting system that were given by PESAand Mike Meyers, ABC-Amega.

30 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014financialsThroughout the association’s strategic growth and $608,745 and expenses decreased 20 percent to $287,706change in 2014, PESA has remained financially sound, from $361,479. netting $225,301 in income. The membership committee Overall revenue was down four percent due to investmentmanaged to not only keep pace with PESA member activity, while our operating revenue was up one mergers but add to total membership in 2014. We have seen exciting changes and advancements forAs a result, member dues were up $58,300 for the year, the association over the past year, allowing us to bettertotaling $1,173,250. The Credit Interchange Division serve our membership. From a financial standpoint, PESAgained three member companies in 2014. is poised to be a strong voice in the industry for decadesUnderstanding the current market environment, we are to come. This success would not be possible without activefocused on programs that result in the best outcomes for member engagement. Thank you for your continuedthe future of the association. PESA’s programs continue support and I look forward to seeing you at future PESAto be a premier source in identifying and communicating events.trends and developments in the oilfield service and supplysector industry. In the 2014-15 membership year, we were Dave Warrenhonored to welcome more than 2,000 attendees to 30industry events presented by 57 member and customer PESA Treasurercompanies, elected officials and industry influencers. President & CEOEvents with the highest attendance this year were Oil Energy Alloys& Gas 101, 2015 Supply Chain Seminar and EmergingLeaders Executive Leadership Address with R.C. Slocum.Meeting revenue was down one percent to $603,053 fromFinancial Overview 2014 2013 2012Operating Revenue $2,319,683 $2,294,561 $2,249,564Investment Activity $66,158 $187,214 $260,268Total RevenueExpenses $2,385,841 $2,481,775 $2,509,832Net Income $2,160,540 $1,944,335 $2,302,362AssetsLiabilities $225,301 $537,440 $207,470Unrestricted Net Assets $4,782,399 $4,783,581 $4,316,713Cash and InvestmentsEmployees $461,257 $682,778 $753,350Member Companies $4,321,142 $4,100,803 $3,563,363 $4,537,687 $4,634,337 $4,140,038 6 6 6 210 206 208

32 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014executive committeePaul Coppinger, Chairman Divisional Managing Director, Weir Oil & GasPaul Coppinger is the Weir Oil & Gas Divisional Managing Director for the Weir Group PLC. Prior to his role asDMD, Paul was the President of the Pressure Pumping business within the Oil & Gas Division, having joined Weirin 2011 as President of SPM. Prior to joining Weir in 2011, Mr. Coppinger was the President of the Energy Groupfor ten years at Circor International, Inc.Paul has been a Director of the Petroleum Equipment & Services Association since 2007 and presently is theassociation’s Chairman. Previously he was the Mid-Continent District Chairman and most recently Vice Chairman.Mr. Coppinger served on the Board of Prosep, Inc. from 2007 through 2013.Mr. Coppinger is a native Texan and attended Texas Tech University where he received a Bachelor of ScienceDegree in Petroleum Engineering in 1984.Gary Halverson, Vice Chairman President, Drilling & Production Systems, Cameron Sr. Vice President, Cameron InternationalGary Halverson was named President, Drilling & Production Systems in October 2013. In October 2012, he wasnamed Sr. Vice President of Cameron International. Most recently he held the position of President of SurfaceSystems since October, 2005.Gary joined Cameron in 1978 and has held numerous management positions throughout his career in the U.S. andoverseas. He served as Director of Sales and Marketing for Asia Pacific Middle East based in Singapore, GeneralManager of Latin America, Vice President and General Manager for the Western Hemisphere based in Houston.Gary is a graduate of Odessa College. He serves as Vice Chairman on the executive committee of the PetroleumEquipment & Services Association (PESA), and is also on the board of the general committee of special programs(GCSP), American Petroleum Institute (API), Well Control Institute (WCI) and U.S. delegate to the World PetroleumCongress (WPC).Johan Pfeiffer, First Vice President Vice President, Surface Technologies, FMC TechnologiesPrior to assuming the  role of Vice President of Surface Technologies for FMC Technologies Inc. in January of 2012,Mr. Pfeiffer was Vice President of Global Surface Wellhead since June 2010. Before his role as Vice President, Mr.Pfeiffer was General Manager for Subsea activities in Europe, Africa and the Common Wealth of IndependentStates (CIS), as well as Managing Director of FMC Kongsberg Subsea AS since 2007.Mr. Pfeiffer also draws upon leadership expertise gained from global management positions held with the companyincluding General Manager for FMC Technologies Surface business in the Americas, Director of Subsea Customersupport based in Bergen, Norway and General Manager Surface Latin America based in Caracas, Venezuela. Hejoined the company in 1993 as a Business Analyst in Philadelphia.Mr. Pfeiffer is a graduate of the Swiss Institute of Technology where he received a degree in Material Sciences.In 1993, Johan earned a Master’s Degree in International Studies from the University of Pennsylvania’s LauderInstitute and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.Christopher E. Cragg, Past Chairman Senior Vice President, Operations, Oil States International, Inc.Christopher E. Cragg is the Senior Vice President, Operations of Oil States International, Inc. He has held thisposition since May 2006. He also serves as President of Oil States Energy Services. From February 2001 until May2006, Mr. Cragg was the Vice President—Tubular Services of Oil States International, Inc. Mr. Cragg was ExecutiveVice President—Chief Financial Officer of Sooner Inc., a predecessor of our Company (“Sooner”), from December1999 to February 2001. Mr. Cragg also served as President of Sooner from October 2003 until May 2006. FromApril 1994 to June 1999, he was Vice President and Controller of Ocean Energy, Inc., an independent oil and gasexploration and production company, and its predecessor companies. Mr. Cragg served as Manager—InternalAudit with Cooper Industries, a manufacturer of diversified products, from April 1993 to April 1994 and as asenior manager with Price Waterhouse, a public accounting firm, from August 1983 to April 1993. Mr. Cragg is adirector and serves on the audit and compensation committees and, beginning in February 2011, as Chairmanof the compensation committee of Powell Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: POWL), a company that manufactures andservices electrical energy systems. He received a B.B.A. degree from Southwestern University and is a CertifiedPublic Accountant.

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 33executive committeeRobert Workman, Explorers of Houston President & CEO, DistributionNOWRobert Workman was named Chief Executive Officer for DistributionNOW in early 2014. Prior to this role, beforeDistribution Services spun-off from National Oilwell Varco (NOV), Mr. Workman was Group President starting inJanuary 2001 for the Distribution Services business unit at NOV. The Distribution Services business unit at NOVincluded over 300 Distribution Service Centers located in 26 countries and generated an excess of $4.5 billion ofannual revenue. From July – December 2000, Mr. Workman held the title of Vice President, Operations and wasthe Manager of International Services from January – June 2000. From 1991 through 1999, Mr. Workman heldvarious positions including General Manager of National Oilwell de Venezuela, Product Manager for the IndustrialPump Division (IPD), Sales Manager for the International Services Department and Sales Representative in theBryan, TX Branch.Mr. Workman earned his MBA from Rice University in 2005. He was a Director of LSNOW (National Oilwell Varco’sjoint venture with the government of Gansu Province in Lanxhou, China), and is Past Chairman of the PetroleumEquipment & Services Association (PESA). Mr. Workman is also a member of various industry organizations suchas the American Petroleum Institute (API), the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC), the NationalOcean Industries Association (NOIA) and the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA).Galen Cobb, Emerging Leaders Liaison Vice President, Industry Relations, HalliburtonGalen Cobb is vice president industry relations for Halliburton and is responsible for the company’s industryrelations global activities. He has worked for Halliburton for over thirty-nine years serving in various executivemanagement positions in operations, marketing, sales and business development.From 1991 to 1994, he was Director CIS and China with oversight in establishing Halliburton’s presence andoperations in these emerging markets. Later he was named Director Executive Sales and Business Developmentwith expanded responsibilities for the worldwide development and promotion of Halliburton’s services andproducts. In his current position, Mr. Cobb has broad responsibilities that include managing the company’s industryrelations, energy trade policy issues, executive client relations and trade organization oversight.Cobb serves in leadership positions on numerous industry trade association and civic boards including: PetroleumEquipment & Services Association Past Chairman and Executive Board, Independent Producers of AmericaAssociation, Board of Trustees, National Ocean Industries Association Board of Directors, Academy of PetroleumExploration and Production Technology Board Chairman, Spindletop International Board of Trustees, GreaterHouston Conventions and Visitors Bureau Executive Board, Industry Sector Advisory Committee to the U.S.Department of Commerce, World Energy Cities Partnership Board and Chairman of the USA National Committeefor the World Petroleum Congress. Additionally Cobb serves on the company boards of TxIS and DistributionNow.Galen is a graduate of Oklahoma Christian University, 1974.Dave Warren, Treasurer President & CEO, Energy AlloysDave Warren co-founded Energy Alloys in 1995 and has been its President and CEO since inception, and is todayits largest shareholder. Energy Alloys is a global supply chain solution provider to oil and gas manufacturersand service companies worldwide. Under Mr. Warren’s leadership, the company has remained entrepreneurialand customer-focused, while expanding value-added services and product lines to become the industry’s leadingprovider of creative supply chain solutions to customers in major oilfield manufacturing centers around the world.Before joining Energy Alloys, Mr. Warren gained extensive experience in field operations, oilfield tool manufacturing,technical sales and product development and business development at companies such as NL Atlas Bradford,Wilson Industries and Pipeco Services. He has more than 35 years of expertise in the oilfield industry. Mr. Warrenreceived the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2007 Award in the Energy category in the Houston andGulf Coast area and was further named a national finalist for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2007Award in the Energy category.He serves on the Petroleum Equipment & Services Association’s Executive Committee as Treasurer. He is also amember of the Board of Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston Bauer College. Mr. Warren holds afinance degree from Louisiana State University and attended the University of Houston MBA program.

34 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014executive committeeBurk L. Ellison, Gulf Coast District – TX President, Energy Branches, DistributionNOWMr. Ellison is President, Energy Branches for DistributionNOW. Prior to this role, he was President of NationalOilwell Varco’s Distribution Services business unit from September 2011 to April 2014. He had also served in therole of Senior Vice President of Upstream/Midstream Sales and Operations when National Oilwell Varco formedNOV Wilson. Mr. Ellison began his career with National Supply Company in 1980 as a Store Trainee and hasworked his way through the organization, holding various Operations and Sales positions.Douglas A. Polk, Gulf Coast District – LA Vice President, Industry Affairs, Vallourec USA CorporationAs Industry Affairs Vice President, Douglas Polk is responsible for the company’s North American industry relationsactivities including managing trade policies, business development, executive client relations, trade organizationoversight and government relations. Polk began his oilfield career with Halliburton serving in various field andtechnical sales roles. With over 30 years Vallourec service, Polk has been in executive management positions insales, marketing, operations and business development. He was later named as Vice President of VAM USA, aVallourec and Sumitomo joint venture.Polk serves on numerous industry, trade association and civic boards including the National Ocean Industries As-sociation (Executive Committee, Treasurer and Government Affairs Committee), the American Petroleum InstituteGeneral Membership Committee, the Steel Manufacturers Association (Trade Committee), Committee on Pipeand Tube Imports (Chairman 2014-2015), American Association of Drilling Engineers (Executive Steering Commit-tee), the Petroleum Equipment & Services Association (Gulf Coast Chairman, Membership Chairman, InternationalTrade Committee Co-Chair), the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (Houston - Crimson and Gold Committee)and the Independent Producers Association of America (Offshore Committee).Polk is also the former Treasurer and long-time Board member of Reach Unlimited, an organization devoted to pro-viding day-hab facilities and group homes for developmentally disabled adults. Polk is a graduate of Lyon College(Economics) and the Tulane MBA program. He has attended executive programs at Harvard and Rice University.He is a graduate of the Institute of Politics and Government (Little Rock, AR), and the IPAA Executive Leadershipprogram from the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. He served in the United States MarineCorps from 1972-1974.Saeid Rahimian, Mid-Continent District President & CEO, Energy Group, Gardner Denver, Inc.Saeid Rahimian joined Gardner Denver on July 30, 2013. He is President and Chief Executive Officer of the com-pany’s Energy Group, and Corporate Vice President. Mr. Rahimian, age 57, was most recently Executive Vice Pres-ident, and Corporate Executive of Kennametal, Inc., and was responsible for leading Kennametal’s Infrastructurebusiness group serving the energy and mining markets. Prior to joining Kennametal, Mr. Rahimian was Presidentof Robbins & Myers Energy Services Group, and Senior Vice President at Robbins & Myers, Inc. In 30 years of ser-vice at Robbins & Myers, Inc., Mr. Rahimian held numerous business, sales, marketing and engineering leadershippositions. Mr. Rahimian is a member of the Executive Committee & Board of Directors of Petroleum Equipment &Services Association (PESA), and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He holds a Bachelor of Sciencedegree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Evansville, and a Master of Science in Mechanical Engi-neering from The Ohio State University. In addition, he is a graduate of the Harvard Business School AdvancedManagement Program. Mr. Rahimian is the 2009 recipient of the Alan G. Loofbourrow Business AchievementAward from The Ohio State University, and a Distinguished Alumnus of the College of Engineering. He is basedin the Gardner Denver Energy Group’s headquarters in Houston, TX.

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 35executive committeePat Bond, Energy Educators President & COO, LTRPat Bond is President and Chief Operating Officer at LTR, a privately held oilfield services company withheadquarters in Odessa, TX. In his 30 year career, he has held a variety of positions in operations, management,engineering and business development. Pat is a board member of various industry and non-profit organizationsand in particular chairs the Energy Educators committee at Petroleum Equipment & Services Association. He holdsa B.S. degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.Leslie Shockley Beyer, President President, PESAAs President, Beyer leads PESA’s efforts supporting priorities of the energy industry’s oilfield service, supply andmanufacturing organizations, advocating for and supporting this sector’s achievements in job creation, technologicalinnovation and economic stability. Previously, Beyer served as director of member and board relations with theNational Association of Manufacturers (NAM), collaborating with NAM member companies on targeted prioritylegislative issues and advocacy efforts, many in the energy industry.Highlights of Beyer’s career include 15 years in Washington, D.C. serving in the U.S. Senate, White House –Executive Office of the President, and multiple Cabinet agencies. Beyer also has extensive experience in publicaffairs, working at Burson-Marsteller Public Affairs and leading a Washington-based public relations firm for oversix years. Significant experience in Presidential campaigns also provides depth to her background.Beyer holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Latin American Studies and Spanish from the University of Texas at Austin.

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 37committee chairmenCorporate Counsel Advisory Co-Chair Executive Human RecourcesBrad Eastman Paul M. Coppinger Tobias GlueckVice President Divisional Managing Director Vice PresidentDeputy General Counsel Weir Oil & Gas HR Surface SystemsCameron Cameron Explorers of HoustonCorporate Counsel Advisory Co-Chair Robert R. Workman ManufacturersMark D. Wolf President & CEO Robert E. (Bob) FunkAssistant General Counsel & Assistant DistributionNOW President & CEOSecretary W-Technology LinkFMC Technologies, Inc. Finance Dave Warren QualityCredit Interchange Division President & CEO Gary DevlinDoug Dunlap, CCE Energy Alloys Vice PresidentDirector Quality and Customer ExperienceCredit & Collections–North America Government Relations CameronArcher Well Company, Inc. Bob Moran Vice President ServiceEmerging Leaders Government and External Affairs Terry M. LechingerBrian Swagerty Halliburton PrincipalGlobal Surface Wellhead Stress Engineering Services, Inc.Product Manager Health, Safety & EnvironmentFMC Technologies, Inc. Arthur Leuterman Supply Chain Director Gary KilponenEnergy Educators Occupational Health & Environment Vice PresidentPat Bond M-I SWACO Global Supply ChainPresident & COO Valves & MeasurementasurementLTR Cameron

38 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014board of directorsGULF COAST DISTRICT Larry Kerr Bruce L. RossJames Bement Vice President & General Manager Managing Partner Petroleum & Industrial Pumps OFS Energy Fund, LLCSenior Vice President Gardner Denver, Inc.Drilling Kirk SheltonForum Energy Technologies Michael Kowalski Group PresidentKevin Crowley President & COO Completion & Production Solutions Sunbelt Steel Texas National Oilwell VarcoPresident & CEOForged Products, Inc. Terry M. Lechinger S. (Soma) SomasundaramRobert Drummond Principal President & CEO Stress Engineering Services, Inc. Dover EnergyPresidentNorth America Paul E. Mahoney Gary W. StratulateSchlumberger COO CEOScott DuBois Norris Production Solutions Axon Energy ProductsCEO M. Kevin McEvoy Dave WarrenPremier Pipe President & CEO President & CEODavid Dunlap Oceaneering International, Inc. Energy AlloysPresident & CEO Lynn Perrin Richard L. WilliamsSuperior Energy Services, Inc. President PresidentBrad Eastman IDG Energy & Specialty Distribution Baker Hughes Incorporated Holdings, LLCVice President Otto Windholz Jr.Deputy General Counsel Johan PfeifferCameron President & COO Vice President Consolidated Pressure Control, LLCBurk L. Ellison Surface Technologies FMC TechnologiesPresidentEnergy Branches Douglas A. PolkDistributionNOW Vice PresidentRobert E. (Bob) Funk Industry Affairs Vallourec USA CorporationPresident & CEOW-Technology Link Dennis ProctorJorge Goudet CEO Hunting PLCPresidentAuge Industrial Saeid RahimianGary Halverson President & CEO Energy GroupSenior Vice President & President Gardner Denver, Inc.Drilling & Production SystemsCameron Michael ReadPat Herbert President Teledyne Oil & GasExecutive ChairmanJDR Cable Systems Ltd. J. Wayne RichardsWilliam H. Howard Jr. President & CEO GR Energy ServicesChairman of the Board & CEOHouston Plating & Coatings, LLC

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 39board of directorsMID-CONTINENT/ROCKIES AT LARGE Doug Rock (1998)DISTRICT Charles E. Jones (2013) James L. Bryan (1997)Bradford S. Baker Christopher E. Cragg (2012) Russell E. Ginn (1995)CEOChickasaw Distributors, Inc. Senior Vice President President & CEO Operations REG Aero, LLCPat Bond Oil States International, Inc. Joseph H. Netherland (1994)President & COO John T. Gremp (2011)LTR Jack Murphy (1993) Chairman, President & CEOPaul M. Coppinger FMC Technologies Gilbert H. Tausch (1991) James D. Woods (1989)Divisional Managing Director Bill Coates (2010)Weir Oil & Gas Chairman Emeritus Vice President, Sales & Marketing Baker Hughes IncorporatedBob Greenwood Schlumberger Robert H. Smith (1988)International Sales Manager Robert R. Workman (2009)Bestolife Corporation William E. Bradford (1987) President & CEORip L. Martin DistributionNOW Philip Burguieres (1986)General Manager David Barr (2008) Vice ChairmanAztec Tubular Products Houston Texans PresidentJack Rogers Dennis Tool Thomas H. Cruikshank (1984) J. W. Neely (1982)President Galen Cobb (2007)PCS Ferguson-Beauregard W. C. Walker (1981) Vice PresidentC. Richard Sivalls Industry Relations J. E. Chenault (1978) HalliburtonPresident George A. Helland P.E. (1976)Sivalls, Inc. Jack B. Moore (2006) Senior AssociateFrank Smith Chairman, President & CEO Cambridge Energy Research Cameron AssociatesPresidentPlatinum Vapor Control Robert L. Potter (2005) J. C. Bergin (1975)Michael Waters Craig Ketchum (2004) J. P. Harbin (1974)President & CEO MRC Global E. H. Clark Jr. (1973)SOR, Inc. George I. Boyadjieff (2003)Bob Weber Sheldon R. Erikson (2002)Area Sales Team LeaderDistributionNOW Director Cameron Loren K. Carroll (2001) Smith International, Inc. Rhys J. Best (2000) Chairman of the Board & CEO Seren Management LLC Peter D. Kinnear (1999) Zeke Zeringue (1999)

40 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014member companiesAcme Industries Archer Wireline, Inc. BJ Process & Pipeline ServicesGuy Cassidy, President An Archer Well Company DivisionElk Grove Village, Illinois Doug Dunlap, Director Martyn Bates, VP & Region Manager Credit & Collections - North America AmericasAFGlobal Corporation Houston, Texas Houston, TexasMark Mitchell, PresidentOil & Gas Great White Pressure Control, LLC BJ Services Company, U.S.A. Houston, Texas An Archer Well Company J.W. Stewart, Chairman, President & CEO Doug Dunlap, Director Houston, TexasAlixPartners LLP Credit & Collections - North AmericaBob Sullivan, Managing Director Houston, Texas BJ Tubular Services DivisionNew York, New York David Harris, Manager Ari-Armaturen USA, L.P. Business DevelopmentAll-Pro Fasteners, Inc. David Melcher, Sr. VP Houston, TexasTom Shelton, President Sales & MarketingArlington, Texas Houston, Texas Boyden Global Executive Search James N.J. Hertlein, Managing DirectorAPE Oil Field Services Aries Freight Systems L.P. Houston, TexasBob Taylor, President Jeff McIntyre, President & CEOHouston, Texas Houston, Texas C&J Energy Services, Inc. Don Gawick, COOArcher Well Company, Inc. Auge Industrial Houston, TexasDoug Dunlap, Director Jorge Goudet, PresidentCredit & Collections - North America Houston, Texas Casedhole Solutions, Inc.Houston, Texas A C&J Energy Services Company Austin White Lime Company Ed Keppler, VP & General ManagerArcher Directional Drilling J. O. Robinson, General Partner North RegionServices, LLC Austin, Texas Houston, TexasAn Archer Well CompanyDoug Dunlap, Director Aztec Tubular Products CameronCredit & Collections - North America Rip Martin, General Manager Gary Halverson, Sr. VP CameronHouston, Texas Crowley, Texas & President - Cameron, Drilling & Production SystemsArcher Drilling, LLC Baker Hughes Incorporated Houston, TexasAn Archer Well Company Richard Williams, PresidentDoug Dunlap, Director North America Capital One BankCredit & Collections - North America Houston, Texas William P. Herrington, Executive VPHouston, Texas Energy Service Banking Basic Energy Services Houston, TexasArcher Oil Tools, LLC Mike Dye, VP & Assistant TreasurerAn Archer Well Company Financial Services Caterpillar Oil & Gas Doug Dunlap, Director Fort Worth, Texas Wayne T. Zemke,Credit & Collections - North America Market Intelligence ManagerHouston, Texas Bestolife Corporation Marine & Petroleum Power Division Bob Greenwood, International Sales Houston, TexasArcher Pressure Pumping, LLC ManagerAn Archer Well Company Dallas, Texas SolarDoug Dunlap, Director A Caterpillar Oil & Gas CompanyCredit & Collections - North America BJ Chemical Services Division Wayne T. Zemke,Houston, Texas Gene Brock, Division VP Market Intelligence Manager Technical Services Marine & Petroleum Power DivisionArcher Survey & Inspection, LLC Houston, Texas Houston, TexasAn Archer Well CompanyDoug Dunlap, Director BJ CoilTech CDI Energy ProductsCredit & Collections - North America Dennis Atchley, Region Operations Dave Gerrie, PresidentHouston, Texas Manager Humble, Texas Houston, Texas

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 41Centrilift Norris FMC Technologies, Inc.Nelson Ney, President A Dover Energy Company John T. Gremp, Chairman,Claremore, Oklahoma Daryl Harrington, President President & CEO Tulsa, Oklahoma Houston, TexasChickasaw Distributors, Inc. Bradford S. Baker, Chairman & CEO Norriseal FMC Subsea TechnologiesSperry, Oklahoma A Dover Energy Company John T. Gremp, Chairman, Jack Lee, Sr. VP & Managing Director President & CEOComplete Production Services, Houston, Texas Houston, TexasInc. Joseph C. Winkler, Chairman & CEO PCS Ferguson-Beauregard FMC Surface TechnologiesHouston, Texas A Dover Energy Company Johan Pfeiffer, VP Jack Rogers, Managing Director Surface TechnologiesConsolidated Pressure Control, LLC Tyler, Texas Houston, TexasOtto Windholz Jr., President & COOConroe, Texas Dupré Energy Services LLC Forge USA Cornelius Dupré, Chairman & CEO Wade Brougher, PresidentCudd Energy Services Houston, Texas Houston, TexasRichard Hubbell, PresidentMidland, Texas Ellwood City Forge Forged Products, Inc. Jeffrey Nystrom, President Kevin Crowley, President & CEOCustom Rubber Products, LLC Ellwood City, Pennsylvania Houston, TexasTony Leal, PresidentHouston, Texas Endeavor Management Forum Energy Technologies Michael Shook, Executive VP C. Christopher Gaut, Chairman & CEOCyclone Steel Services, LLC Houston, Texas Houston, TexasSteven F. Lesikar, President & CEOHouston, Texas Energy Alloys Forum Energy Technologies Dave Warren, President & CEO James Bement, Sr. VPDistributionNOW The Woodlands, Texas DrillingRobert Workman, President & CEO Houston, TexasHouston, Texas Energy Fishing & Rental Services Arthur Potter, President Future Pipe IndustriesDistributionNOW Houston, Texas Grady Harrison, Regional Executive VPBurk Ellison, President Houston, TexasEnergy Branches Enventure Global Technology Inc.Houston, Texas David Crowley, Director, President & CEO Galtway Industries Houston, Texas Josh Lowrey, VPDouglas-Westwood Inc. Business Development Industry AffairsMike Haney, President Exceed Oilfield Equipment Houston, TexasHouston, Texas Chengxun Xin, President Houston, Texas Gardner Denver, Inc. - EnergyDover Energy GroupS. (Soma) Somasundaram, President & First Reserve Corporation Saeid Rahimian, President & CEOCEO William E. Macaulay, Chairman & CEO Energy GroupThe Woodlands, Texas Houston, Texas Houston, TexasC-Tech Flexitallic Group, Inc. Gardner Denver, Inc. – AltoonaA Dover Energy Company Jerry Lastovica, President & CEO Saeid Rahimian, PresidentAlex Perri, President & Managing Kingwood, Texas Energy GroupDirector Houston, TexasEdmonton, Alberta Flexpipe Systems Dane Lee Broussard, President Gardner Denver, Inc. - DFW 2Harbison-Fischer Houston, Texas Saeid Rahimian, PresidentA Dover Energy Company Energy GroupKenny Fischer, Sr. VP Houston, TexasCrowley, Texas

42 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014member companies(continued)Gardner Denver, Inc. – Odessa Hannon Hydraulics, Inc. Bold Production Saeid Rahimian, President Wade Reed, President & CEO An Integral Oilfield Solutions CompanyEnergy Group Houston, Texas Glen Wind, CEOHouston, Texas Houston, Texas Hannon Offshore DrillingGardner Denver, Inc. – Quincy Equipment Terra Oilfield Services Saeid Rahimian, President A Hannon Hydraulics Company An Integral Oilfield Solutions CompanyEnergy Group Wade Reed, President & CEO James Wingo, CEOHouston, Texas Houston, Texas Conroe, TexasGardner Denver, Inc. - Tulsa Hart Energy Integrated PetroleumSaeid Rahimian, President Richard A. Eichler, CEO Services, Inc. Energy Group Houston, Texas Bryan Suprenant, PresidentHouston, Texas Houston, Texas Holland 1916GE Oil & Gas Jim Stradinger, President & Partner INTEQ Chuck Chauviere, President Liberty, Missouri Randolph Phillips, VPDrilling Systems Houston, TexasHouston, Texas Hoover Container Solutions Donald W. Young, Chairman & CEO Intervale CapitalGEC Advisors LLC Houston, Texas Charles Cherington, PresidentJonathan B. Fairbanks, President Houston, TexasHouston, Texas Houlihan Lokey Cory Daugard, Managing Director IronGate Energy Services, LLCGR Energy Services Dallas, Texas Jennifer True, Corporate Credit ManagerJ. Wayne Richards, President & CEO Houston, TexasSugar Land, Texas Houston Plating & Coatings, L.L.C. William H. Howard Jr., Chairman & CEO JDR Cable Systems Ltd.Gray Wireline Services, Inc. South Houston, Texas Pat Herbert, Executive ChairmanMark Harris, President & CEO Houston, TexasFort Worth, Texas Hughes Christensen Gary Rich, President Jet-Lube, Inc.Greene, Tweed & Co. The Woodlands, Texas Greg L. Havelka, PresidentRon Callaway, VP & General Manager Houston, TexasOilfield Hunting PLCHouston, Texas Dennis Proctor, CEO Key Energy Services, Inc. The Woodlands, Texas Dick Alario, Chairman, CEO & PresidentGreene’s Energy Group, LLC Houston, TexasRobert Vilyus, CEO Hunting Energy Services-SubseaHouston, Texas Technology Lake Oilfield Services, Inc. A Hunting Company Douglas Cain, PresidentGulf Publishing Company/ Dane Tipton, General Manager San Antonio, TexasWorld Oil Stafford, TexasJohn Royall, President & CEO LegalWATCHHouston, Texas IDG Energy & Specialty Eartha Jean Johnson, President Distribution Holdings, LLC Houston, TexasHalliburton Lynn Perrin, PresidentGalen Cobb, VP Houston, Texas Lime InstrumentsIndustry Relations Rob Stewart, PresidentHouston, Texas Integral Oilfield Solutions Houston, Texas Mark Provine, CEOHamilton Group Houston, Texas Supreme Electrical Services, Inc.Bruce Billeaud, Controller A Lime Instruments CompanyPEI KW International Rob Stewart, PresidentLafayette, Louisiana An Integral Oilfield Solutions Company Houston, Texas Don Ray, President & CEO Houston, Texas

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 43Liquid Frameworks NedCorp Industrial Fasteners PennWell/Oil & Gas JournalTrent Derr, President & CEO Jack L. Kulasa, President Roy Markum, VPHouston, Texas Spring, Texas Custom Publishing Houston, TexasLockton Marine & Energy Newpark Resources, Inc.David de Roode, VP & Member of LLC Frank Lyon, VP Pioneer Energy ServicesHouston, Texas Technical Services John S. Huitt, Director of Credit The Woodlands, Texas San Antonio, TexasLoneStar GroupSantosh Mathilakath, President & CEO Newpark Drilling Fluids, LLC Pioneer Production Services, Inc.Houston, Texas A Newpark Resources Company A Pioneer Energy Services Company Joe Gocke, VP Joe Eustace, PresidentLTR Finance & Planning San Antonio, TexasTed Hogan, CEO Katy, TexasOdessa, Texas Pipeco Services Newpark Mats & Integrated Gene Hunt, VPLTR Services, LLC SalesPat Bond, President & COO A Newpark Resources Company Houston, TexasOdessa, Texas Tom Joines, Gulf Coast District Manager The Woodlands, Texas Platinum Vapor ControlMamé USA, LLC Frank Smith, PresidentDavid W. Ashworth, VP Oceaneering International, Inc. Fort Worth, TexasSales - North America M. Kevin McEvoy, President & CEODallas, Texas Houston, Texas PPHB LP Ray Brown, PartnermcaConnect OFS Energy Fund, LLC Houston, TexasDavid Huether, VP Bruce Ross, PartnerSales & Energy Solutions Houston, Texas Precision Drilling Company L.P.Sparta, New Jersey Shelley Hutchinson, Director OFS Portal LLC Credit & CollectionsMcCoy Global William (Bill) Le Sage, CEO Houston, TexasJim Rakievich, President & CEO Houston, TexasEdmonton, Alberta, Canada Premier Pipe Oil States International Scott DuBois, CEOMinco Inc. Christopher E. Cragg, Sr. VP Houston, TexasJim Cheatham, President & Owner OperationsConroe, Texas Houston, Texas Preng & Associates LLC David E. Preng, PresidentMorgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Oil States Energy Services Houston, TexasC. Erik Hawes, Partner An Oil States International CompanyLIT - Intellectual Property Group Christopher E. Cragg Sr. VP Profire Energy Inc.Houston, Texas Operations Brenton Hatch, CEO Houston, Texas Lindon, UtahNabors Completion & ProductionServices Oil States Industries, Inc. PwC -Larry Heidt, Chairman An Oil States International Company PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPHouston, Texas Charles Moses, President Marc Waco, Principal & Advisory Arlington, Texas Dallas, TexasNabors Drilling USA, LP A Nabors Completion & Production OneSubsea Ram Design LLCServices Company A Cameron & Schlumberger Company Richard Romero, VPLauri McDonald, Director of Credit Mike Garding, CEO Broussard, LouisianaHouston, Texas Houston, Texas Ranger Machining, LLCNational Oilwell Varco Oracle Jim Briggs, PresidentClay Williams, President & COO Brook Crichton, Regional VP Houston, TexasHouston, Texas Houston, Texas

44 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014member companies(continued)Raymond James & Associates, Inc. FRAMO Scientific Drilling Canada, Inc. Michael Chevalier-White, A Schlumberger Company A Scientific Drilling InternationalManaging Director Dan Domeracki, VP CompanyInvestment Banking Global Accounts & Industry Affairs William (Bill) Wade, President & COOHouston, Texas Houston, Texas Houston, TexasRBC Capital Markets Schlumberger Geoservices Scientific Drilling Controls Ltd. Shauvik Kundagrami, Co-Head A Schlumberger Company A Scientific Drilling InternationalU.S. Energy Investment Banking Dan Domeracki, VP CompanyHouston, Texas Global Accounts & Industry Affairs William (Bill) Wade, President & COO Houston, Texas Houston, TexasRPC, Inc.Allyson Leonard, Credit Manager M-I SWACO Select Energy Services, LLCHouma, Louisiana A Schlumberger Company John Schmitz, CEO Steve Orr, President Houston, TexasCudd Energy Services Houston, TexasA RPC Company Sentry InternationalClint Walker, Executive VP NExT Mark Burris, PresidentMidland, Texas A Schlumberger Company Wichita, Kansas Dan Domeracki, VPPatterson Services, Inc. Global Accounts & Industry Affairs Seven Lakes TechnologiesA RPC Company Houston, Texas Shiva Rajagopalan, President & CEORick Hubbell, President Westlake Village, CaliforniaSpring, Texas SERVCO A Schlumberger Company Sigma Fasteners, Inc. RYCO Energy Solutions, Inc. Dan Domeracki, VP Cris Jandl Baker, VPWolfgang H. Thoene, President Global Accounts & Industry Affairs Houston, TexasHouston, Texas Houston, Texas Simmons & CompanyS&S Plating Company/ Smith Bits International Coating Dynamics A Schlumberger Company Matthew Pilon, Managing DirectorGregory L. Andrews, VP Dan Domeracki, VP Corporate FinanceHouston, Texas Global Accounts & Industry Affairs Houston, Texas Houston, TexasExpreSS Bolt & Gasket Sinclair GroupA S&S Company Smith Services Steve Jacobs, Executive VPSteve Brust, General Manager A Schlumberger Company Oil & GasHouston, Texas Dan Domeracki, VP The Woodlands, Texas Global Accounts & Industry Houston, Texas Sivalls, Inc.Matt Pitner, Area VP C. Richard Sivalls, PresidentOil & Gas Thomas Tools Odessa, TexasHouston, Texas A Schlumberger Company Dan Domeracki, VP Sooner Pipe, LLCSCF Partners Global Accounts & Industry Affairs John Shoaff, PresidentAndrew L. (Andy) Waite, Managing Houston, Texas Houston, TexasDirectorHouston, Texas WesternGeco LLC SOR, Inc. A Schlumberger Company Michael Waters, President & CEOSchlumberger Tony Bowman, President Lenexa, KansasRobert Drummond, VP Gatwick, United KingdomGeoMarket Manager, NGC Southwest Oilfield Products Houston, Texas Scientific Drilling International, Inc. Paul DeWeese, CEO William (Bill) Wade, President & COO Houston, TexasSchlumberger Houston, TexasDan Domeracki, VP Spencer StuartGlobal Accounts & Industry Affairs Brad Farnsworth, Executive SearchHouston, Texas Houston, Texas

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 45Stallion Oilfield Services Ltd. Surefire Industries, LLC Vallourec USA CorporationCraig Johnson, CEO & President C. Jim (Jamie) Stewart IV, President Douglas A. Polk, VPHouston, Texas Houston, Texas Industry Affairs Houston, TexasSalty’s Disposable Wells Teledyne Oil & GasA Stallion Oilfield Services Company Mike Read, President Vallourec-SerimaxCraig Johnson, CEO & President Daytona Beach, Florida Vallourec USA CorporationHouston, Texas Douglas A. Polk, VP TETRA Technologies, Inc. Industry AffairsStallion Heavy Haulers Stuart M. Brightman, President & CEO Houston, TexasA Stallion Oilfield Services Company The Woodlands, TexasCraig Johnson, CEO & President Vallourec CanadaHouston, Texas Texas Pipe Works, Inc. Vallourec USA Corporation Kenneth P. Oberholz, President Douglas A. Polk, VPStallion Offshore Quarters Navasota, Texas Industry AffairsA Stallion Oilfield Services Company Houston, TexasCraig Johnson, CEO & President Texas Steel Conversion, Inc.Houston, Texas Brian Binau, President Vallourec Drilling Products USA Houston, Texas Vallourec USA CorporationStallion Oilfield Construction Douglas A. Polk, VPA Stallion Oilfield Services Company Tidewater Inc. Industry AffairsCraig Johnson, CEO & President Jeffrey M. Platt, President & CEO Houston, TexasHouston, Texas New Orleans, Louisiana Vallourec Tube AlloyStallion Production Services TIW Corporation Vallourec USA CorporationA Stallion Oilfield Services Company Steve Pearce, President Douglas A. Polk, VPCraig Johnson, CEO & President Houston, Texas Industry AffairsHouston, Texas Houston, Texas Top-Co Cementing Products, Inc.Stallion Rockies Ltd. Philip Vogel, CEO VAM USAA Stallion Oilfield Services Company Houston, Texas Vallourec USA CorporationCraig Johnson, CEO & President Douglas A. Polk, VPHouston, Texas Trinidad Drilling Ltd. Industry Affairs Steve Abney, VP Houston, TexasStallion Solids Control Finance & AdministrationA Stallion Oilfield Services Company Spring, Texas W-Technology LinkCraig Johnson, CEO & President Robert (Bob) Funk, President & CEOHouston, Texas Axxis Drilling, Inc. Houston, Texas A Trinidad Drilling CompanyStream-Flo USA LLC Steve Abney, VP Weatherford International Ltd.David Bat, President Finance & Administration Bernard J. Duroc-Danner, Chairman,Houston, Texas Spring, Texas President & CEO Houston, TexasMaster Flo Valve (USA) Inc. U. S. Steel Tubular Products, Inc.A Stream-Flo USA Company George Thompson, VP Weir Oil & GasFrank Koeck, General Manager Tubular Commercial Paul Coppinger,Houston, Texas Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Divisional Managing Director Pressure PumpingStress Engineering Services, Inc. URS JW Williams Fort Worth, TexasTerry Lechinger, Principal Steve Russom, PresidentHouston, Texas Waller, Texas Wells Fargo Energy Group Bret West, Executive VP & Division HeadSunbelt Steel Texas Utex Industries, Inc. Houston, TexasMichael Kowalski, President & COO Mike Balas, President & CEOHouston, Texas Houston, TexasSuperior Energy Services, Inc.David D. Dunlap, President & CEOHouston, Texas

46 | PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014past pesa chairmenW.L. Childs (1933 -1934) Rodney Durkee (1954 -1955) E.H. Clark Jr. (1973 -1974)Reed Roller Bit Company Lane-Wells Baker Oil Tools, IncJ.A. Crawford (1934 -1935) M.E. Montrose (1955 -1956) J.P. Harbin (1974 -1975)Republic Supply Co. of California Hughes Tool Company Halliburton CompanyJ.A. Geismar (1935 -1936) Rainey Elliott (1956 -1957) J.C. Bergin (1975 -1976)National Supply Company Jones & Laughlin Supply Company Republic Supply CompanyW.J. Morris (1936 -1937) Grover Kilgore (1957 -1958) G.A. Helland Jr. (1976 -1977)Continental Supply Company Halliburton Company Weatherford International, Inc.John M. Crawford (1937 -1938) W.J. Powell (1958 -1959) E.J. Hagstette (1977 -1978)Parkersburg Rig & Reel Company Continental Emsco Company Camco, Inc.J.L. Shakeley (1938 -1939) W.O. Wilson (1959 -1960) J.E. Chenault (1978 -1979)Jones & Laughlin Supply Company Wilson Supply Company Oilwell Division - U.S. Steel CorporationE.S. Dulin (1939 -1940) E.A. Johnson (1960 -1961) James R. Lesch (1979 -1980)Byron Jackson Company Schlumberger Well Services Hughes Tool CompanyE.W. Gildart (1940 -1941) W.H. Larkin (1961 -1962) Ralph W. Noble (1980 -1981)Norvell Wilder Supply Company Larkin Packer Company Milchem, Inc.Earl W. Miller (1941 -1942) W.J. McWilliams (1962 -1963) W.C. Walker (1981 -1982)American Iron & Machine Works Republic Supply Company Mid-Continent Supply CompanyF.F. Murray (1942 -1943) H.H. Peters (1963 -1964) J.W. Neely (1982 -1983)Oilwell Division - U.S. Steel Corporation Technical Oil Tool Company Smith International, Inc.Fred J. Sprang (1943 -1945) A.W. Rose (1964 -1965) Lee A. Drake (1983 -1984)Sprang & Company Byron Jackson Pump Division Continental Emsco CompanyHugh Glen (1945 -1947) M.F. Hazel (1965 -1966) T.H. Cruikshank (1984 -1985)Emsco Derrick & Equipment Company Oilwell Division, U.S. Steel Corporation Halliburton CompanyArdon B. Judd (1947 -1948) A.C. Polk (1966 -1967) E.C. Broun Jr. (1985 -1986)Republic Supply Company Dowell Division, Dow Chemical Co. Baker Hughes IncorporatedA.W. McKinney (1948 -1949) W.J. Bovaird (1967 -1968) Philip Burguieres (1986 -1987)National Supply Company Bovaird Supply Company Cameron Iron Works, Inc.Guy A. Thompson (1949 -1950) P.L. Myers (1968 -1969) W.E. Bradford (1987 -1988)Bethlehem Supply Division Hughes Tool Company Dresser-Rand CompanyTed Sutter (1950 -1951) John B. Meritt (1969 -1970) Robert H. Smith (1988 -1989)Baker Oil Tools, Inc. Byron Jackson Pump Division National-OilwellF.M. Mayer (1951 -1952) R.C. Rieder (1970 -1971) James D. Woods (1989 -1990)Continental Supply Company Continental Emsco Company Baker Hughes IncorporatedMason B. Jones (1952 -1953) B.R. McNulty (1971 -1972) Gary D. Nicholson (1990 -1991)S.M. Jones Company Dia-Log Company LTV ENergy Products CompanyD.D. Bovaird (1953 -1954) R.E. Etnyre (1972 -1973) Gilbert H. Tausch (1991 -1992)Bovaird Supply Company Machinery & Equipment Division - Armco Camco International, Inc.

PESA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 | 47past pesa chairmenDale P. Jones (1992 -1993) William Coates (2010 -2011)Halliburton Company SchlumbergerJack Murphy (1993 -1994) John T. Gremp (2011 -2012)Dresser Industries, Inc. FMC Technologies, Inc.J.H. Netherland (1994 -1995) Chris Cragg (2012 -2013)FMC Corporation Oil States InternationalRussell E. Ginn (1995 -1996) Charles E. Jones (2013 -2014)The Flexitallic Group, Inc. Forum Energy TechnologiesMax L. Lukens (1996 -1997) Paul Coppinger (2014 -2015)Baker Hughes Incorporated Weir Oil & GasJames L. Bryan (1997 -1998)Dresser Industries, Inc.Doug Rock (1998 -1999)Smith InternationalZeke Zeringue (1999 -2000)Input/Output, Inc.Peter D. Kinnear (1999 -2000)FMC Technologies, Inc.Rhys J. Best (2000 -2001)Lone Star Technologies, Inc.Loren K. Carroll (2001 -2002)M-I L.L.CSheldon R. Erikson (2002 -2003)CameronG.I. Boyadjieff (2003 -2004)Varco International, Inc.L. Craig Ketchum (2004 -2005)Red Man Pipe & Supply CompanyRobert L. Potter (2005 -2006)FMC Technologies, Inc.Jack B. Moore (2006 -2007)CameronGalen Cobb (2007 -2008)HalliburtonDavid Barr (2008 -2009)Baker Hughes IncorporatedRobert Workman (2009 -2010)National Oilwell Varco

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