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Home Explore Why Pursue Your Passion Instead of Chasing Money_

Why Pursue Your Passion Instead of Chasing Money_

Published by Roy Yerkes, 2021-11-24 16:24:02

Description: Why Pursue Your Passion Instead of Chasing Money_


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Why Pursue Your Passion Instead of Chasing Money? Maybe you have been asked in a job interview about your hobbies and interests, and you struggled to come up with an answer, or perhaps your dream of becoming a globe-trotting photographer, a fundraiser, or a professional sportsperson has been brought into the room. There may be times when you're able to engage in the activities you love on a regular basis, or maybe they're high on your bucket list. Or perhaps you have yet to find what makes you truly motivated. There have been many postings for pharmacist jobs in Australia and it has never been easier to pursue your passions, dreams and goals thanks to the modern wave of technology and the wide array of options available today. The Importance of Pursuing Your Passions Even if your passions and interests do not fit well with your studies, you may be able to incorporate them into your academic studies by applying for some pharmacist jobs in Australia. You can even pursue passions and interests while taking some courses that have credit-bearing options. Take advantage of all the incredible field trips your course may have to offer if you're studying Geography, for example. You will stay inspired and motivated as long as you choose academic studies that you enjoy. You should not choose a course of action based on what other people think; it's up to you as there have been a number of pharmacist jobs in Australia lately. Exploring New Possibilities When writing your CV, experiences involving your hobbies are often a great asset. If you're passionate about sport, you may have coached while studying at university. Be sure to list it on your resume. You can use it to show a large range of attractive qualities in an employee, such as leadership, teamwork, organization, reliability, and much more. You Feel Good When You Do It Simply put, if you enjoy what you're doing, you will enjoy it more and you'll be happier and healthier as a result! The Importance of Broadening Your Horizons At many pharmacist jobs in Australia, you may discover new and exciting things on your journey by pursuing your passions. Perhaps a dream trip to the Pacific will ignite a new love for rugby or raise awareness of global environmental issues. The Sense of Purpose It is more likely that you will want to continue doing something you love. To become the best version of yourself, you need a sense of purpose that ignites your passion and drives you to learn more.

The Importance of \"Liking\" Your Job During his 2005 commencement address at Stanford University, Steve Jobs told the graduating class, \"you can only do great work if you love what you do.\" But how does enjoying your work actually lead to success? A positive attitude and a love for what you do at work boost productivity and boost performance. In addition to being optimistic, motivated, and learning faster, making fewer mistakes, and making better business decisions, those who enjoy their jobs also tend to be better in business. Success Requires Positivity The key to getting into a state of flow is enjoying your work, according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a distinguished Hungarian psychologist. When you are \"in the zone\", you are experiencing flow. Ideas are flowing freely, and you are fully focused. Therefore, every time you receive a task and view it negatively, you are already making your task more difficult to complete. Having a positive feedback loop that fuels productivity is created when you do something you love. As your passion for the work increases, your drive for success will increase as well. Even the most tedious of tasks can be made fun if you learn how to make yourself love them. The work of Csikszentmihalyi shows that when you take on a task with a positive mindset and visualize the benefits you can reap from completing it, you are more likely to make steady, concentrated progress. This mindset allows you to be highly focused and completely absorbed in the task at hand, just like you would be if you were doing something you really enjoyed. The ability to devote yourself fully to a task and give it your all will lead to increased productivity and knowledge at work, resulting in success. I find it hard enough to complete work I don't enjoy with enthusiasm, never mind reaching the top of the field. I don't have the passion or drive to reach the top. I am more confident with tasks that are more natural and flow better. This applies to everything from writing emails to talking to large groups to creating presentations. Build confidence in yourself by adopting a positive mindset. You will be able to realize your full potential if you feel confident and secure about your work. Having a negative mindset leads to a lack of confidence and can lead to inefficiency. It is not only passion that drives you to enjoy your job, but it also helps you to overcome obstacles at work. Remember the positive effects of what you are doing whenever you hit a roadblock or begin to doubt yourself. With persistence, you'll produce quality work that'll elevate your career and bring you that much closer to your next goal. Let those motivation and drive propel you to that next milestone. Having the Determination Completing tedious assignments can make it difficult to maintain a positive and passionate mindset. In order to change your way of thinking, it is also necessary to change your way of

working. Your efforts will be meaningful if you live your organization's vision, work with your colleagues, and encourage positive change as a result. The mission or vision of every company is what drives them forward. Whether it's clothing the homeless or building happy, loyal customers while keeping costs low, raising your importance by working toward the common goal will keep your organization on the right path. Positive thinking and passion naturally come from seeing your part in the big picture and realizing your value. Realizing your own worth is important, but also knowing the capabilities of your teammates is equally as important. Work with your colleagues can foster enthusiasm for work, according to Paul A. O'Keefe, assistant professor of psychology at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. Those who worked with a partner had greater interest in the subject and a stronger desire to master it, according to a study conducted by O'Keefe. In other words, make your coworkers your motivators. Create interest and drive in your work by brainstorming, collaborating, and discussing. Start encouraging positive change around you by asking yourself, “What can I do to improve this situation?”. You can cultivate a passion for your duties by immersing yourself in your work. In addition to taking personal responsibility for your company's success, this passion will increase your engagement and job satisfaction significantly. When you work, you must adopt a particular mindset. Recognize the benefits you create for yourself and maintain a positive attitude. Consequently, success will become easier, and work will be more enjoyable.

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