Australian Government Structures Governor-General Representative for the Queen in Australia Ceremonial Role Prime Minister Head of the party which forms the government in power. Federal Parliament Senate – Upper House 12 Senators from each state and 2 from each territory (76 Senators) Elected by the voters Reviews legislation House of Representatives – Lower House Elected members by the electorates (148 members) Initiate legislation Federal Parliament debates and votes on legislation for Australia. visit
Australian Government Structures Governor State representative for the Queen Premier Head of the party which forms the government State Parliament Legislative Council – Made of members elected by voters from different districts. Legislative Assembly – Made of members elected by voters from different electorates. State Parliament debates and votes on legislation for their states or territories. visit
Australian Government Structures Mayor Head of the local council Local Council Made of councillors elected by people living in the local area. Deals with concerns and matters within the local area. visit
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