ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT MESSAGE January is finally here. As we look forward to 2021, our thinking doesn’t have to stop at the end of these 365 days. Are you thinking ahead about what you will be doing in 2022, 2023, and beyond? We cannot foresee the future, but we can steer ourselves where we want to go. I think it is important that every Rotary club hold a strategic meeting at least once a year. Past RI Director Greg Yank, who has a lot of experience working with clubs on their plans, shares his viewpoint. A famous aphorism states, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Planning is essential to achieving success in all areas of life, including Rotary, and we’re getting better at it every year. Strategic planning for Rotary clubs works. I have helped many clubs find that pathway by working with them to build what I call a blueprint, a multiyear plan that answers the fundamental question: “What is our vision for our club?” The best RTN HOLGER KNAACK plans I have seen are those that are focused, when a club concentrates its resources on the best opportunities it has. Your Rotary club cannot be all things to RI PRESIDENT (2020-21) its members and to the community it serves; it has limited human, financial, and time resources. A successful plan factors in assets and limitations to chart the desired pathway for your members. Begin building a multiyear strategic plan by brainstorming with your club, asking, “What are our initiatives and priorities for the next two to three years?” Document your answers using action-oriented language that is specific, concrete, and measurable about the goals you want to achieve. Next, narrow down your initiatives to a core set of three to five priorities. Your club will then develop specific objectives for each initiative, outlining who will be involved, key milestones of achievement, how progress will be tracked, and a timeline for completion. Keep your plan short and simple. Then go out and do it. Review the progress you make toward accomplishing the initiatives, and revise as needed at least once a year. Rotary has a solid template to assist clubs in their planning, which you can find at We want to enrich and enliven our clubs with new discussions and ideas. But how do we attract the diverse professionals, from different backgrounds, ages, and experiences, who are all driven by as strong a sense of integrity as we are? Through strategic planning, we explore this question to define the very nature of our club and the value it offers to its members and to the community. Each club is different, and each club’s value will be unique. During the planning process, clubs may also find that some of the activities they used to do are no longer relevant or attractive. Once your club makes a strategic plan, it’s time to take action and carry out the necessary changes. When we do that — as we engage members in vibrant and active clubs that not only have fun but also serve their communities with projects that have real and lasting impact — our clubs grow stronger. And when we discover what makes our own clubs unique and build upon those core values in all our efforts, Rotary Opens Opportunities to enrich the lives of everyone. Source: [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 2 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
!\"य DRR तसनीम और मेरे ,यारे यवु ा सा0थय2, सव3 \"थम नव वष3 २०२१ ke 8लए मेर; शभु कामनाएँ @वीकार करA। आशा है Fक यह नई ख़8ु शयाँ लेकर आएगा।आज मनK े सोचा Fक मK अपनी रोPेQट से रोटर; के सफ़र के बारे मA सVं ेप मA कु छ 8लख।ूँ मेर; जीवन याZा ~ रोPेQट से रोटर; तक............[दल से......... मेरे यवु ा दो@त2....सेवा के पथ पर हो सकता है Fक मK के वल “एक” हूँ लेFकन मK Fफर भी “एक” हूँ। मK “सबकु छ” नह;ं कर सकता लेFकन मK Fफर भी “कु छ” तो कर ह; सकता हूँ और चँFू क मK “सबकु छ” नह;ं कर सकता हूँ तो मK उस “कु छ” के 8लए मना नह; क_ँ गा जो मK कर सकता हूँ।जो मK कर सकता हूँ वो मझु े करना चा[हए और जो मझु े करना चा[हए, ईaवर के आशीवाद3 से वो मK क_ँ गा......।’ मेरा bलैट िजस अपाट3मAट मA है वहाँ से गंगा नद; काफ़d नज़द;क है।मK अपने घर कd बालकनी मA खड़ा था और गंगा कd लहर2 को hनहार रहा था।बलु बलु के कं ठ कd मीठj आवाज़ कण!3 \"य लग रह; थी।गंगा Fकनारे से आती हुई ठं डी ठं डी हवा का झ2का आखँ ो को ठं डक दे रहे थे और मेरे बाल2 को सहला रहे थे।आप \"ाकृ hतक आनंद कd अनभु hू त कd तलु ना Fकसी अnय चीज़ से नह;ं कर सकते हK।इस शातं और एकातं वातावरण मA मK याद2 मA खो गया। सन १९८४, र!ववार का [दन। मेरे कु छ @थानीय 8मZ2 ने दरवाज़े पर आवाज़ द;।उnह2ने मझु े एक @वयमसेवी सगं ठन ROTARACT के बारे मA बताया और उसकd सद@यता का आमंZण [दया।मेरे माता !पता से मझु े सामािजक कायs के 8लए स@ं कार !वरासत मA 8मले थे।मझु े ज_रतमदं 2 कd सेवा के 8लए एक मचं कd ज़_रत थी। मनK े दो@त2 को तरु ंत अपनी सहमhत दे द; और रोटर; मA रोPेQट के माtयम से मेर; सेवा-याZा \"ारuभ हुई।मK vयारह वषs तक रोPेQट मA रहा जहां अ!व@मरणीय खwटे मीठे अनभु व रहे।सेवा के पथ पर यवु ा सा0थय2 के जोश, जोश मA होश खोना, आपसी मनमटु ाव, xवु ीकरण, दो गुट2 का बनना और Qलब का yबखर जाना जसै े कटु अनभु व थे। ये यादA आज भी पीड़ादायक हK परंतु ये अनभु व नेतzृ व !वकास के भी पहलू हK। रोPेQट मA अस{ं य सेवा कायs के सफ़र मA अपने “रोPेQट पटना 8मड टाउन” Qलब से दो मडं लाtयV (DRR: District Rotaract Representative) का चनु ा जाना आनदं दायक पल थे।मनK े रोPेQट के मंच से अपने कायs के बल पर हर Qलब एवं मंडल;य परु @कार को हर साल इतनी बार जीता Fक अतं त: मझु े मेरे उस समय के DRCC Rtn. Radha Raman ने \"hतयो0गताओं मA भाग लेने से मना कर [दया Qय2Fक वे अnय यवु ाओं को भी आगे आने देना चाहते थे।ये एक अ}छj सोच थी और मझु े yबलकु ल बthरु eा नLeहa;dलerगsाhथipा।quरaोPliेQtyटaमndA एnकotयtवुoाsकhेoतwौ-रoपffरitज.”ो सबसे बड़ी सीख 8मल; वो ये थी Fक “Rotaract in Rotary International is a platform to develop मझु े याद है Fक Fकतने सारे रोPेQट Qलब के यवु ा साथी जोश मA होश खोकर, अपने अहम कd सतं िु ट के 8लए कु छ ऐसा कर देते थे Fक एक तफ़ू ान के बाद कd शाhं त मA सब कु छ yबखरा हुआ नज़र आता था।Fकतने ह; अ}छे रोटेरेQट Qलब को बदं होते मनK े देखा। एक बार हमारे \"ायोजक रोटर; पटना 8मड टाउन Qलब ने हमA माच3 के माह मA Rotaract Week मA “ROTARACTOR’s NITE” के 8लए बलु ाया। Padmshree Rtn. Dr. R. N. Singh उस समय \"े8सडAट थे।पहल; बार रोटेर;यन सा0थय2 के बीच जाने का मौक़ा 8मला था। जब हम पटना के \"8सÇध होटल मौया3 के सभागहृ मA पहूँचे तो हमारा भÑय @वागत हुआ।हमारा शानदार \"ोÖाम हुआ और हमA बहुत सराहा गया। यह मेरे 8लए आज भी एक यादगार [दन है जहाँ हमारे रोटेÜरयन2 के @नेह, अपनzव और ,यार का \"वाह था।वो सब एहसास मेरे 8लए एक उz\"ेरक था और शायद मेरे मेर; लuबी रोटर; याZा कd नीवं वह;ं पड़ी।मनK े अ}छj संगhत के महzव को जाना और मन ह; मन ठान 8लया Fक अ}छे सफल, 8शáVत एवं कमठ3 लोग2 के साथ अ0धक से अ0धक सuपक3 मA रहूँगा ताFक मेर; सोच अ}छj हो, मेरे स@ं कार2 को बल 8मले और मK भी अपने जीवन मA ऊँ चा उठने और \"गhत के 8लए \"यzनशील रहूँ।आज मK जो भी हूँ, उसमA मेरे यवु ा रोPेQटर सा0थय2 एवं वÜरठ रोटेर;यन बंधओु ं का असीम योगदान है।To be continued in next issue of DNL.............. आशा है आप इसी तरह जीवन मA सेवा कायs को करते हुए आगे बढ़ते रहAगA। हम आपस मA बातA करते रहAगA। Happy New Year’2021 रोटरै%टवाद म+ आपका, PP Rtn. Dr. Sushil V. Poddar, MPHF DRCC | 2020-21 , RID 3250
#Rotaffairs || Zone 1 ROTARACT CLUB OF SARAN CITY • 6 #दसबं र 2020 को रोटरे-ट -लब ऑफ़ सारण Aसट5 ने अपने Jोजे-ट वLMदान 4.0 के तहत QरRवलगंज दAलत बLती मB अगलगी से पीTड़त 50 पQरवारW के बीच गमX कपड़W का Rवतरण Yकया। • 13 #दसंबर 2020 को रोटरे-ट -लब ऑफ़ सारण Aसट5 ने रो0 महताब आलम इदर5स के ज]म#दन के अवसर पर पौधरोपण Yकया। • 25 #दसंबर 2020 को रो+ै-ट -लब ऑफ़ सारण Aसट5 ने TडिL+-ट Jोजे-ट SECRET SANTA के तहत Yaसमस गर5ब और अनाथ बdचो के बीच के क काट कर मनाया और 100 से अeधक बdचो के बीच कॉपी कलम पBAसल चॉकलेट Aमठाइयां और कु छ जiर5 Yकताबे का भी Rवतरण Yकया। • 27 #दसंबर 2020 को रो+े-ट -लब ऑफ सारण Aसट5 एवं रोटर5 -लब ऑफ सारण के संय-ु त तlवाधान मB मेगा mनःशpु क LवाLqय जाँच AशRवर का आयोजन दAलत बLती बजै ू टोला QरRवलगंज,छपरा मB Yकया गया। ROTARACT CLUB OF NARKATIAGANJ • On 10th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Narkatiaganj celebrated World Human Rights Day. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Narkatiaganj distributed 100 blankets among people living in the slum. ROTARACT CLUB OF DR. HALIM HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL • 20 #दसंबर 2020 को रो+ै-ट -लब ऑफ़ डॉ हल5म कॉलेज ने \"एक च=मच कम चार कदम आगे\" सेAमनार मB भाग Aलया। ROTARACT CLUB OF M.G.C.U.B. • On 20th December 2020, Rotaract Club of M.G.C.U.B. distributed 100 blankets in nearby localities to the needy people. • On 21st December 2020, Rotaract Club of M.G.C.U.B. celebrated the birthday of its Club President Rtr Er. Harsh Vardhan Singh. • On 21st December 2020, Rotaract Club of M.G.C.U.B. met ZRS Aman Kumar of zone 1 and wished him safe and happy journey. • On 22nd December 2020, Rotaract Club of M.G.C.U.B. distributed blankets to the workers of M.G.C.U.B. at Zila School. • On 23rd December 2020, Rotaract Club of M.G.C.U.B. on the occasion of National Farmers Day honoured the farmers of Fursatpur village. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of M.G.C.U.B. on the occasion of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Diwas distributed Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta at Gandhi Maidan. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of M.G.C.U.B. distributed 50 pair of slippers to the needy people of Rupidh Village. • On 31st December 2020, Rotaract Club of M.G.C.U.B. organised ‘31st Night’ for its club members. ROTARACT CLUB OF R.B MEMORIAL SCHOOL OF NURSING • On 12th December 2020, Rotaract Club of R.B. Memorial School of Nursing organised a health care camp in Surhachatti ROTARACT CLUB OF MOTIHARI LAKE TOWN • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Motihari Lake Town planted Tulsi plants to make people aware of its medicinal and religious importance. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Motihari Lake Town celebrated Christmas with children in the Slum area. [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 7 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
#Rotaffairs || Zone 1 ROTARACT CLUB OF CHAPRA CITY • On 19th and 20th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Chapra City organised Chess Tournament in which 120 players participated. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Chapra City Distributed 20 Blankets. • On 28th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Chapra City celebrated Rtr Rajan Kumar Soni’s birthday by cutting the cake. • On 30th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Chapra City organised Blood Donation on urgent requirement in blood bank. • On 31st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Chapra City Distributed 500 Masks with Sanitizing to create awareness about the safety measures to be take care of during this Pandemic. ROTARACT CLUB OF MUZAFFARPUR • On 9th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Barasat Central distributed shawl to old people in slum area. • On 18th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur attended the online installation ceremony of Rotaract Club Bombay RID 3141. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Barasat Central and Rotaract Club MSIT hosted toy and blanket distribution drive. [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 8 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
#Rotaffairs || Zone 2 ROTARACT CLUB OF BIHARSHARIF • On 11th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Biharsharif exchanged letterhead with Rotaract Club of Patna Midtown. • On 17th & 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Biharsharif initiated blankets distribution drive among the needy. • On 23rd December 2020, Rotaract Club of Biharsharif under the District project Secret Santa donated room heater and heat blower at old-age home in Nalanda. ROTARACT CLUB OF PATNA NAVYA YUVIKA • On 31st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patna Navya Yuvika in collaboration with its Parent Rotary club donated winter clothes among the needful slum dwellers. ROTARACT CLUB OF PATNA MIDTOWN • On 6th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patna Midtown along with its parent Rotary Club initiated Annapurna Pariyojana to feed needy people. • On 11th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patna Midtown met DRS Rtr. Ayush Shaswat and received distinguished awards from District Assembly. • On 14th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patna Midtown exchanged letterhead with Rotaract Club of Biharsharif. • On 17th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patna Midtown in collaboration with Rotary Patna Midtown organised an online session on Homeopathy in day to day life. • On 18th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patna Midtown in collaboration with Rotary Patna Midtown organised a free dental check-up camp at Dr. Raushan Bhatt’s clinic. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patna Midtown in collaboration with Rotary Patna Midtown initiated blanket distribution drive among needy and poors. ROTARACT CLUB OF CHANAKYA • On 9th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Chanakya organised 'Christmas Miracle’ - A blanket and food distribution drive for underprivileged children. ROTARACT CLUB OF PATALIPUTRA YOUTH • On 16th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patliputra Youth donated wheel chairs to physically disabled people. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Patliputra Youth under District project ‘Secret Santa' celebrated Christmas with poor children. ROTARACT CLUB OF ROSIE'S RIVETERS • On 19th December 2020, on the occasion of Christmas, Rotaract Club of Rosie's Riverters organised a best from waste art and craft competition for School students. [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 10 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
#Rotaffairs || Zone 3 ROTARACT CLUB OF SINDRI • On 26th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Sindri held an online session in which members introduced the new students of batch 2020 of BIT Sindri with the Rotaract and its services. ROTARACT CLUB OF GIRIDIH SHAKTI • On 18th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Giridih Shakti fed food to birds & animals. ROTARACT CLUB OF GAYA CITY • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Gaya City on the occasion of Christmas prayed in the church and distributed candles, balloons, masks to people near the church. • On 26th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Gaya City created a beautiful wall painting at the center of the city with a beautiful message about 'what parents do' and 'what they get’. • On 1st & 12th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Gaya City celebrated the birthday of Rtr Komal Dhanuka and Rtr Ayush Kaushik respectively. • On 11th & 12th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Gaya City celebrated Club the wedding anniversary of their Treasurer Rtr Kumud Ranjan & Rtr Kajal Raj and ZRR Rtr Akash Jain & Rtr Priyanka Jain respectively. ROTARACT CLUB OF GIRIDIH GREATER YUWA • On 22nd December 2020, Rotaract Club of Giridih Greater Yuva distributed blankets to the needy people. ROTARACT CLUB OF MAURYA AURANGABAD • On 19th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Maurya Aurangabad donated Rs 25000 to the Gau Gyan Foundation Gaushala at Devkund Aurangabad, Bihar for fodder expenditure and other caretaking expenses of cows and calves. [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 12 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
#Rotaffairs || Zone 4 ROTARACT CLUB OF SOCIAL REVOLUTION • On 1st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Social Revolution along with Ranchi Administration celebrated Mission : One Million Smiles with cloth distribution drive in Ranchi as well as outside Ranchi. • On 6th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Social Revolution, under the mission 1 million smiles did a cloth distribution drive in the slums of Indira Nagar, Shiv Mandir, Jagannathpur and Dhurwa with the Ranchi Administration team. • On 13th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Social Revolution and Ranchi Administration team did a cloth distribution drive in the areas of Manatu, Kanke in Ranchi. • On 20th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Social Revolution conducted a webinar on the topic “Blood Cancer v/s Awareness” in association with DKMS BMST Foundation India. • On 24th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Social Revolution visited Srijan Help for Christmas celebration and distributed blankets, warm caps and santa caps. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Social Revolution organised a picnic outside the city with a motive to encourage people out there to keep their picnic spot and environment neat and clean. ROTARACT CLUB OF UNITED RANCHI • On 11th December 2020, Rotaract Club of United Ranchi in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Assam University, RID 3240 kept a session on “Art of Happiness” on zoom application. • On 13th December 2020, Rotaract Club of United Ranchi donated clothes under the District Administration project Mission One Million Smiles at Garha Toli, Kantatoli in Ranchi. They also distributed biscuits and fruits along with clothes to the people of slum area. • On 21st December 2020, Rotaract Club of United Ranchi participated in debate competition organised by Rotary Club of Ranchi on the topic “Government jobs are better or not.” • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of United Ranchi on the occasion of Christmas, distributed dry fruit packets including bread and snacks to 200 needy people of Pahari Mandir, Ratu Road Chowk and Gadikhana Chowk. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of United Ranchi in collaboration with Rotary Club of Ranchi Central under the District Administration project Mission One Million Smiles conducted a blanket distribution drive in the slums of Ravidas Toli of Kantatoli. 200 Blankets,300 large woollen caps and 200 small woollen caps were distributed. ROTARACT CLUB OF ROYAL RANCHI • On 3rd December 2020, Rotaract Club of Royal Ranchi in collaboration with Rotaract Club of DYPIMS organised a learning session under the title “Girls x Tech Branding Bootcamp” for all the girls. ROTARACT CLUB OF NIFFT RANCHI • On 9th December 2020, Rotaract Club of NIFFT in collaboration with the professors of NIFFT organised a small scale oath taking ceremony in which the professors and students took the oath against corruption. ROTARACT CLUB OF DAMODAR VALLEY • On 6th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Damodar Valley along with Rotary Damodar Valley distributed blankets in village named GOSA situated in Ramgarh Town. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Damodar Valley along with Rotary Damodar Valley organised a Christmas get together of Rotaractors & Rotarians. [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 14 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
#Rotaffairs || Zone 4 ROTARACT CLUB OF ST. XAVIER’S COLLEGE • On 2nd December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of Pollution Control Day organised a tree plantation drive and also distributed paper bags to the local vendors. • On 2nd December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College organised another event on the occasion of Pollution Control Day, in which rotaractors had to plant a sapling and take good care of them and also they were asked to send a picture. • On 3rd December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of World Handicapped Day organised a fun event at Cheshire Home. • On 4th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of Indian Navy Day prepared a video message in the honor of theguards of the sea. • On 5th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of International Volunteers Day organised a short video making competition on their volunteering experiences. • On 8th & 12th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of International Human Rights Day organised Mes Droits, an online jingle making competition and declared the result respectively. • On 8th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College organised a video editing and vlog making session under professional service avenue for the club members. • On 09th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of International Anti Corruption Day organised a webinar on Corruption and its aspects. • On 10th & 26th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College released its editorial initiative for the month of December as story making competition and declared the result respectively. • On 11th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of UNICEF Day, organised some fun activities at Shelter Home for children, for their enjoyment. • On 14th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of Energy Conservation Day presented an informative video glorifying the importance of Energy Conservation. • On 16th & 30th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College released its photography initiative for the month of December topic was Monochrome and declared the results for the same respectively. • On 21st December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College participated in a debate competition organised by Rotary Club topic for the same was Government Jobs are better or not. • On 23rd December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of Kisan Diwas organised a field visit to farm. • On 23rd December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College organised a trekking sport to Pithoria Pahar for the club members. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of Christmas visited Khula Ashray Shelter Home for kids to also enjoy the festival. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of Christmas and also under Project Secret Santa organised a quiz competition and gided secret gids to members. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, on the occasion of Christmas and also under Project Secret Santa sent Christmas and New Year's Greetings via mail to 32 clubs of different RIDs in 50 words sharp. • On 31st December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College participated in a zonal event Lantern of Hope which was organised to bring new year with positive hope. • On 16th & 21st December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College secured 1st position in FESTIVITIES , organised by Rotaract Club Of Churchgate and 3rd position in the event ROSHNI , organised by Rotaract Club Of Delhi Femina respectively. • On 14th , 16th , 18th and 21st December 2020, Rotaract Club of St Xavier’s College under professional service organised four battles of project ACE between team Dominators and Eliminators, Forerunners and Gladiators, Brigadiers and Conquerors, Aviators and Hustlers respectively. • Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College organised Quizeract for the month of December which is a quiz competition. Questions were uploaded daily on club’s Instagram handle the winner for the same for this month is Rtr. Nitin Raj. • On 31st December 2020, Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College initiated its project Shiksha after so long in which few members went to the Shelter Home and took classes. [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 15 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
ROTARACT CLUB OF RANCHI ICWAI • On 11th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Ranchi ICWAI distributed clothes to the needy at Tukupani, Simdega, Ranchi. ROTARACT CLUB OF BIT MESRA • On 28th December 2020, Rotaract Club of BIT Mesra organised “Bharat Darshan” an online event which aims to connect different cultures, traditions and communities. Prizes worth 55 thousand to be won and a bunch of giveaways worth 5 thousand too. #Rotaffairs || Zone 4 [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 16 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
ROTARACT CLUB OF LOYOLA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION • On 31st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Loyola College of Education distributed gifts to the poor on the streets. Blankets, food and other gifts were offered during festive season. ROTARACT CLUB OF TATANAGAR • On 21st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Tatanagar in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Karim City College distributed free sanitary pads in the under privileged areas of Devnagar #Rotaffairs || Zone 5 ROTARACT CLUB OF STEEL CITY • On 5th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Steel City distributed winter clothes to the needy. • On 14th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Steel City under their project Drishti along with her mother took pledge to donate their eyes. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Steel City, on the occasion of Christmas, visited underprivileged area and celebrated the occasion by cutting cake and gifted them stationaries and chocolates. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Steel City celebrated Christmas along with their fellow members and gave each other gifts. ROTARACT CLUB OF KARIM CITY COLLEGE • On 3rd December 2020, Rotaract Club of Karim City College celebrated 8th Charter’s Day with parent Rotary Club director of New Generation Rtn Gurpreet Kaur. • On 14th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Karim City College continued with their ongoing project Roti Day and served roti and sabji to the needy. • On 21st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Karim City College in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Tatanagar distributed sanitary pads in underprivilege areas. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Karim City College celebrated Christmas along with their Parent Rotary Club by distributing blankets, snacks and sweets to old age people. ROTARACT CLUB OF ARKA JAIN UNIVERSITY • On 6th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Arka Jain University in collaboration with Rotaract Club of PalmVille, organized a webinar on ‘Rain Water Harvesting’. • On 9th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Arka Jain University secured 1st position in ‘Punchayat’ a standup comedy event organized by Rotaract Club of Maharaja Agrasain. • On 13th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Arka Jain University participated in ‘LinkedIn Webinar’ organized by Rotaract Club of Ahmedabad Transcend. • On 20th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Arka Jain University in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Galgotias Educational Institutes, organized a webinar on women empowerment ‘Umang’. • On 22nd December 2020, Rotaract Club of Arka Jain University in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Coiimbatore Institute of Technology, organized ‘Time to Travel’, a webinar on jobs and further studies. • On 27th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Arka Jain University donated blood. • From 14th to 31st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Arka Jain University in collaboration with Rotaract Club of AKMV Shahabad Markanda, organized ‘All in One Creativity’, a platform to showcase the talents like painting, singing, graphic design etc. ROTARACT CLUB OF MRS. K.M.P.M VOCATIONAL COLLEGE • On 25st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Mrs. K.M.P.M Vocational College under the project ‘Secret Santa’ visited old age home and celebrated by cutting cake and singing songs with them. Fruits and sweet were also distributed. [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 18 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
#Rotaffairs || Zone 5 ROTARACT CLUB OF LSOYCOIALLACCROELWLEGE OF EDUCATION • On 14th December 2020, Rotaract Club of NSU Social Crew, on the occasion of Environment Conservation Day made an informative video on how we can save electricity at our homes. • On 22nd December 2020, Rotaract Club of NSU Social Crew started donation of donating atleast one pint of blood every month. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of NSU Social Crew, on the occasion of Christmas distributed clothes to winters. ROTARACT CLUB OF KALIMATI JAMSHEDPUR • On 2nd December 2020, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur, on the occasion of National Pollution Free Day planted saplings and pledged to reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide from the environment. • On 5th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur organized an election for the post of President and Secretary for Rota Tenure 2021-2022. Rtr Moushikha Singha was elected as President. • On 18th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur received a final copy of Sister Club Agreement with Rotaract Club of Thane Downtown RID 3142. • On 24th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur under the district project Secret Santa visited old age home to celebrate Christmas with them and also sent greetings to their friends from different clubs. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur donated approx 60 clothes and sweaters to the needy people in slum area. • On 25th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Vizag City donated 5 blankets to the needy people. • On 30th December 2020, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur organized a club picnic at Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jamshedpur and Chandil Dam, Jamshedpur to celebrate last meeting year 2020. • On 31st December 2020, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur celebrated birthday of Club editor and social media head . ROTARACT CLUB OF CHAIBASA • On 15th December 2020, , Rotaract Club of Chaibasa donated blood in an emergency situation. • On 22nd & 23rd December 2020 Rotaract Club of Chaibasa celebrated birthday of the club member Rtr Vinay Dodrajka and Rtr Pranay Agarwal respectively. The president gifted them a token of love. • On 27th December 2020, , Rotaract Club of Chaibasa distributed 50 blankets to the needy people. The program was sponsored by S.R. Rungta group. • On 28th December 2020, , Rotaract Club of Chaibasa distributed 150 masks to the children of village Kankosi. [email protected] / [email protected] / rotaract3250 Page No. 19 | The Chain – Monthly District Newsletter of RID 3250 | New Year Edition| December | 2020
3 ingredients to keep members happy By Barton Goldenberg, member of the Metro Bethesda Rotary Club, Maryland, USA I had the pleasure to be invited recently to an online Rotary discussion regarding member apathy. We were two past district governors, an assistant governor, two past club presidents – one from a large club and one from a smaller club— and a community service chair from a large club. The topic was why some (many?) Rotarians are reluctant to participate or get involved in Rotary activities. Based on a district-wide survey of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic I facilitated in June at the end of my governor year (results are posted on our district website), we knew we would be facing membership challenges this Rotary year, particularly around member engagement. Many clubs are honourably focusing on member acquisition by pro-actively reaching out to all parts of their local community. These clubs realize diversity is critical for long-term club health and engagement. Many of these clubs also have created a welcome process to ensure prospective members have a great experience when visiting a club or participating in a service project. Other clubs are focusing more on retention. Did you know Rotary lost as many members last year as they gained? All the effort we put into gaining new members exits out the back door when they leave Rotary. If your club is not focusing on retention you may be headed for trouble. To determine how best to keep members, consider the following reasons why Rotarians stick with Rotary year-after- year: § Fellowship: Many members, particularly older members, belong to Rotary for fellowship. But fellowship alone is unlikely to keep members engaged and provide individual growth. Relying solely on fellowship for member engagement can be risky since some members will leave Rotary and others die. The solution is to continually extend fellowship opportunities, like having older members mentor younger members, encouraging
members to participate in district conferences, or inviting them to attend the Rotary International Convention where they can make new connections. § Fundraising: Other members enjoy making donations to the club and/or The Rotary Foundation as their expression of member engagement. While giving is very important, a member may not be able to give every year, especially during this pandemic. It’s important to give them a reason to be excited beyond their ability to give, and to share how funds are being spent so they can be excited whether or not they can contribute. § Service Projects: These are a very effective way at getting members engaged. I belong to a club of 74 members. It was small not too long ago, which is why I believe small clubs can learn a lot from how larger clubs organize and manage service projects. We have at least 10-15 service projects going on at any one point in time, with 5-25 members participating in each project. If a project does not catch on, we drop it. If a lot of people are interested, we commit additional resources. One of the more important questions you will want to ask is: “Is my club offering the right service projects to our members, and what is the best way to determine this?” Nothing is more effective than regularly surveying your members. § Networking: Many join Rotary because of networking opportunities. To keep them, though, you will need to expand their networking opportunities beyond your club. Provide chances for them to participate in collaborative fundraising projects with other clubs and external organizations, or to participate in collaborations you have created between your club and the local Chamber of Commerce, Toastmasters, or other partner organizations. Many clubs also are increasingly focusing on the importance of continual member growth to drive long-term member engagement. During my governor year, I identified outstanding Rotarians that were being underused by their club and/or district, and as a result were getting apathetic. I offered them new positions in the district such as assistant governor or district committee chair positions. As a result, their apathy disappeared and they displayed a renewed Rotary spirit. In the private sector, we often create an individual growth plan for every employee to ensure satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term commitment. It makes sense to do the same for each member in your club. For example, which members have you identified as an emerging leader and invited to attend Zone Emerging Leader events? Which members have you invited to attend Rotary Leadership Institute courses? Which members have you identified to mentor Rotaractors? I encourage every club to focus on acquisition, retention, and growth. Once your club has this basic framework in place, you are ready to use it to determine appropriate next steps that will keep each member actively engaged. You can accomplish this by creating ‘member journeys,’ which describe the sequence of steps happy members have taken along their Rotary journey. Remember, members may join Rotary for one reason but over time learn to love Rotary for many reasons. Creating member journeys are particularly relevant to secure member engagement. About the author: Barton Goldenberg is past governor of District 7620, and a member of the Metro Bethesda Rotary Club. He has spent the past 35 years created and implementing customer strategy for global, best-in-class organizations. Contact Barton at [email protected] Source :
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