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The Chain_August 2018_Literacy Edition

Published by ROTARACT 3250, 2018-09-10 12:17:55

Description: The Chain August 2018
Literacy Edition
Monthly Newsletter of District Rotaract Organisation 3250
Bihar & Jharkhand


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A monthly newsletter of District Rotaract Organisation 3250 August 2018-19 The Chain #TLT || The Literacy Edition

DRR Rtr Anmol Singhal Featured Contents Rtr Shivam Ashish DRR Journey Projects on FocusRtr Shubham Tanmay Ordinary to Transformers Rtr Akshay Gupta Theme Atricles Sponsored Project of Month Antaragni Slabs Rtr Surbhi MoreDRS Rtr Rahul Rajgadia DRRE Rtr Subham LalDRT Rtr Aditya KumarRtr Shadashiv KhatriRtr Prakash Modak Rtr Subham Ft BjRtr Tasneem [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

04 Warm Rotaract Greetings!! Kerala has faced a disastrous flood, which has ruined lives of many people We have successfully and we all have witnessed their pain. I completed the 2 months of this am very thankful to the entire district journey and would congratulate for donating sum of Rs.60,000 for the entire Rotaract Fraternity of Kerala Flood Relief and special thanks RID 3250 for making it a to Rotaract Club of Damodar Valley for wonderful one. their contribution of Rs.51,000. Such efforts not only show the true spirit of As promised, every month, Rotaractors but also show the nature of district will sponsor atleast one true human being. Incidents like these of the best projects. I whole where we have come across as a team heartedly congratulate Rotaract to play our part and help Kerala regain Club of Muzzaffarpur West for it's beauty and the people to start living getting sponsored for project in their lives normally, makes us all literacy field. Rest clubs, let's believe in humanity. gear up for bringing up more innovative ideas that would Lastly, I would congratulate all the clubs transform their lives for good. for doing a tremendous job through their projects and this time we have received reports from 37 clubs ,which sets the record to all time high. I wish you all good luck for your upcoming projects. Let's make this world, a better place to live in Keep Rotaracting!! Best Regards, RTR. ANMOL SINGHAL District Rotaract Representative RID 3250 [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

05 DRR Anmol Rtr Shivam It is our proud privilege to publish August Singhal Ashish 2018 issue of our district newsletter \"The Chain\". We sincerely appreciate the Rtr Shubham Rtr Akshay contribution of each Rotaractor of RID 3250 Tanmay Kumar Gupta and thank you for your support. September is literacy month and we are Rtr Surbhi DRS Rahul ready to serve and want every Rotaractor More Rajgadia to get involved. Literacy is critical to economic development as well asDRRE Subham DRT Aditya individual and community well-being. As a Lal Kumar Rotaracator, one is given the responsibility of cultivating and strengthening young Rtr Shadashiv Rtr Prakash minds. And while you might think you don’t Khatri Modak know anyone illiterate, think again – at least a quarter of our population is Rtr Shubham Rtr Tasneem considered ‘'functionally illiterate’'. Ft Bj Khan An essential component of this task is ensuring children are literate. So let's help someone to read and write effectively or acquire the basic skills and improve the future of everyone in society. But, this does not happen overnight and we need to help spark their literacy, and then keep it going by inspiring and encouraging them. Literacy is a crucial aspect of human life. Let's join hands together to work towards a better tomorrow. A lot of effort has gone into the making of this issue. We hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we have enjoyed making it. Any suggestions on this district newsletter would be most welcome. - Editorial Board The Chain 2018-19 (August) DNL of RID 3250 Bihar & Jharkhand, [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

Rotaract Club of AmrapaliRotaract Club of BuxarRotaract Club of Bettiah CentralRotaract Club of Bettiah Medical CollegeRotaract Club of Crescent BettiahRotaract Club of Dr. Halim Medical College, DarbhangaRotaract Club of MuzaffarpurRotaract Club of Muzaffarpur WestRotaract Club of SaranRotaract Club of Saran CityRotaract Club of Sarjug Dental College, DarbhangaRotaract Club of YuvaRotaract Club of BhagalpurRotaract Club of PupriRotaract Club of Mithila Minority dental College N hospitalRotaract Club of Chappra City Read Next

07#Rotaffairs || Zone 1 Rotaract Club of Saran City •5 अगस्त 2018 को क्लब के सदस्यों द्वारा के क काट कर फ़्रंे डशिप डे मनाया गया। •8 अगस्त 2018, 12 अगस्त 2018 और 22 अगस्त 2018 को रो० शनरव, रो० रोशित, रो० खिु ीद और रो० सधु ासां ु कु मार कश्यप के जन्मशदन के अवसर पर पौधारोपण और के क काट कर मनाया गया। • 9 अगस्त को रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ सारण शसटी के सदस्य ने 1 यशू नट रक्त सदर िॉशस्पटल मंे दान करके एक व्यशक्त की जान बचाई। • रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ सारण शसटी ने रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ काठमांाडू, रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ चादां परु (बांगा्लादिे ), रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ शतलोत्तमा (बाांग्लादिे ) और रोट्रेक्ट कलबु ॉ ईस्ट कोलकाता के साथ शमलकर अतंा रराष्ट्ट्रीय यवु ा शदवस के अवसर पर 12 अगस्त 2018 को शनबांध लखे न प्रशतयोशगता का आयोजन करवाया शजसमे 536 बच्चों ने भाग शलया। •14 अगस्त 2018 को रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ सारण शसटी के अध्यक्ष रो० सधु ाांिु कु मार कश्यप ने एक एनीशमया रोगी को रक्त दान करके उसकी जान बचाई। •15 अगस्त 2018 को रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ सारण शसटी द्वारा झडां ोत्तोलन शकया गया शजसमंे मखु ्य अशतशथ रोटेररयन श्याम शबिारी थे। साथ मे रोटरी क्लब ऑफ सरन के सदस्य भी मौजदू थ।े •15 अगस्त 2018 को रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ सारण शसटी द्वारा एक कायकय ्रम का आयोजन शकया गया शजसमें सदस्यों को दिे भशक्त किाशन और गीत गाने का मौका शदया गया। इस अवसर पर परु ुस्कार का शवतरण शकया गया। •17 अगस्त 2018 को रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ सारण शसटी के सदस्यों द्वारा पवू य प्रधानमांत्री श्री अटल शबिारी वाजपये ी जी के शनधन पर उनको श्रद्ाजंा शल अशपयत शकया गया। •19 अगस्त 2018 को रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ सारण शसटी के सदस्यों ने जोन 1 के ज़ोनल मीट में भाग शलया। •22 अगस्त 2018 को रोट्रेक्ट क्लब ऑफ सारण शसटी ने बकरीद के अवसर पर दारुल उलमू रजशवया मंे यतीम बच्चों के बीच मिीने भर की खाद्य सामग्री एवां वस्त्र का शवतरण शकया। [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

#Rotaffairs || Zone 108 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur • On 5th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur with local people served food, medicine, shelter for sanwariya. In which members served almost 60000 kanwariya. • On 5th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur and Rotaract Club of Ranchi ICWAi met and tie the friendship band for future bonding. • On 9th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur with Rotary Club of Muzaffarpur and Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West organised a rally and aware the people about the polio. • On 15th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur with Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West and RC Muzffarpur organize rally and unfurled the national flag at Rotary Gulamber. • Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur with Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West and Rotaract Club of Amrapali suceffully organised the official club visit of DRR on 18th August 2018 • On 19th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur attended zonal meet of zone 1, in which Rtr. Bahrat Muraka got the best lovable Rotaractor Award. Rotaract Club of Buxar • Rotaract Club of Buxar organised Marathon-2018 on 14th August 2018 in which 110 Athletics participated. • On The Occasion Of 72nd Independence Day Rotary Club of Buxar & Rotaract Club of Buxar on 15th August 2018 unfurl the national flag. • A one-day football match between Buxar & Banaras was organised by Rotary Club of Buxar on 15th August 2018. • On the eve of last Monday of “Saawan” Rotaract Club of Buxar & Rotary Club of Buxar organised Kar Seva for Kavariya on 19th August 2018. • A Sradhanjali Sabha was organised on The Death Of Sri Atal ji on 17th August 2018. • Club donated a sum of 5100/- INR for Kerala Flood Rilief Fund. Rotaract Club of Bettiah Central • Members of Rotaract Club of Bettiah Central Participated in teachers national builder awards programme at Rridhi Sidhi Hotel bettiah on 30th August 2018. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

09#Rotaffairs || Zone 1 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West • On 5th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West celebrated friendship day and distributed gifts among school students at Chandrasheel Vidhyapeeth, Knati, Muzaffarpur. • On 5th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West organised various competition at Shubham Viklang Kendra, Reva Road, Patahi, Muzaffarpur where members arranged Poem Competition, Drawing Competition and Indoor Games Competition & distributed chocolates as well as toys among them. • On 5th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur celebrated Polio Awareness Program where the members fed polio drops among children of under 5 years. • On the occasion of Polio Awareness Week, Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West along with Rotary Cub of Muzaffarpur arranged a Polio Awareness Rally & marched from Rotary Chowk to District Magistrate Office along with the members of World heath Organisation. • On 10th August 2018 the members of Rotaract Cub of Muzaffarpur West • arranged Kavariya Seva Shivir at Kafen Muzaffarpur where they served more than 10,000 Kavariya who came Muzaffarpur. Club provided Medicines, Eatable Items, Jucie, Water & Fruits for Kavariya. • A girl Shakshi Priya from Muzaffarpur was selected in top 15 for Miss India Teen. Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur arranged an online promotion for her voting on 13th August 2018 and as a result she got an award of Miss India Popular. • On 15th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur hoisted flag with Rotary Club of Muzaffarpur at Rotary Chowk and marched up to Muzaffarpur Club. Members distributed Jalebi among children. • On the occasion of Independence day Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur hoisted the national flag with the Students of Primrose Public school where the club secretary Rtr. Lokesh Pushkar gave an speech & made announcement to take an special classes for patriotism. • On the occasion of Independence Day the members of Rotaract Club of • Muzaffarpur West distributed more than 5000 flags among the citizen of India. • On 15th August 2018, Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur gathered at the opening ceremony of a shop of club member Rtr. Shubham Kumar. • On 14th August 2018, members of Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur former MLA Vijendra Chaudhray & Congress leader Sanjeev Singh to wish them a very happy Independence Day from club. • On 18th August 2018 DRR Rtr. Anmol Singhal & DRS Rtr. Rahul Rajgadia & ZRR Rtr. Saurabh Srivastava visited to the opening ceremony of the Shikhslay at Primrose Public School. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

#Rotaffairs || Zone 110 • On 18th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West arranged the official Club Visit of DRR along with Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur & Rotaract Club of Amrapali. • On 18th August 2018, Club members attended the installation ceremony of Rotaract Club of Amarpali. • Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West attended the zonal meet of Zone 1 on 19th August 2018, hosted by ZRR Saurabh Srivastava where the club secretary Rtr. Loeksh Pushkar got the best secretary award. • Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West arranged 20,500/- amount for Kerela Flood Relief. Rotaract Club of Amrapali • On the auspicious occasion of the Savan, on 5/8/2018, the Rotaract Club of Amrapali organized the Kaveriya Seva Camp in R.D.S College, Campus. • Rotaract Club of Amrapali celebrated Independence Day with parent body Rotary Club of Amrapali on 15th August 2018. • On 16th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Amrapali along with Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur and Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West did a joint meeting regarding DRR official club visit. • IPP Rtr. Ayush Shaswat along with ZRS Zone-3 hosted at Gaya by Members of Rac Gaya city DRR Rtr Anmol Singhal, DRRE Rtr Shubham Lal, President Rtr Kaushik Lal and Members of Rotaract Club of Gaya City on 17th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of Amrapali successfully completed official club visit of DRR & Board Meeting along with Board Members of Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur and Rotaract Club of Muzaffarpur West on 18th August 2018. • On 18th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Amrapali successfully completed 2nd Installation ceremony where outgoing President Rtr. Ayush Shaswat transferred all responsibility to incoming President Rtr. Aashutosh Kumar and Secretary Rtr. Ram Krishna. • On 19th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Amrapali attended Zonal Meet of Zone-1 “EKATRA” were the club got Maximum Registration Award. Also the IPP of Rotaract Club of Amrapali was awarded as active rotaractor and best new club award. • 21st August 2018, Rotaract Club of Amrapali Along with Parent body Rotary Club of Amrapali organised a Sawan Milan Program at Muzaffarpur Club where members participated in mehandi function for ladies and singing programs. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

रोटरी इटां रनेिनल का साक्षरता शमिन - Rtr Nikunj Kumar यनू ेस्को ने 7 नवबां र 1965 में ये फै सला शकया शक अतंा रायष्ट्ट्रीय साक्षरता शदवस िर वर्य 8 शसताबं र को मनाया जायेगा जो शकIPP, Rotaract Club of Saran City, RID3250 पिली बार 1966 से मनाना िरु ु िुआ। व्यशक्त, समाज और समदु ाय के शलये साक्षरता के बडे मित्व को ध्यान शदलाने के शलये परू े शवश्व भर मंे इसे मनाना िरु ु शकया गया। अतंा रायष्ट्ट्रीय समदु ाय के शलये वयस्क शिक्षा और साक्षरता की दर को दबु ारा ध्यान शदलाने के शलये इस शदन को खासतौर पर मनाया जाता ि।ै शिक्षा पर वशै श्वक शनगरानी ररपोटय के अनसु ार ये ध्यान दने े योग्य िै शक िर पााँच में से एक परु ुर् और दो शतिाई मशिलाएँा अनपढ़ ि।ै उनमंे से कु छ के पास कम साक्षरता कौिल िएै कु छ बच्चों की पिुचाँ आज भी स्कू लों से बािर िै और कु छ बच्चे स्कू लों मंे अशनयशमत रिते ि।ंै लगभग 58.6% की सबसे कम वयस्क साक्षरता दर दशक्षण और पशिम एशिया के नाम ि िमारे दिे मंे भी ये एक जशटल समस्या िै लशे कन िमारी ससां ्था रोटरी इटंा रनेिनल ने शजस प्रकार दिे से पोशलयो को मकु ्त करने में एक अिम् भशू मका शनभाईए उसी तरि अब इसका ध्यान सीधे तौर पर साक्षरता शमिन पर िणै ् अब रोटरी का लक्ष्य िै भारत को पणू य साक्षर बनानाण्भारतवर्य मंे रोटरी शिक्षा का अलख जगाने को प्रयासरत ि|ै इसके शलए रोटरी इटां रनिे नल ने शलटरेसी शमिन का गठन शकया िणै ् भारत मे भारी मात्रा मे शनरक्षर िैं । सामाशजक आशथयक एवंा जाशत जनगणना ; एसईसीसीद् द्वारा जारी शकए गए आकां डों से पता चला िै शक 2011 में ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में 31.57 करोड लोग शनरक्षर थ।े यि शवश्व में शकसी दिे में शनरक्षर लोगों की सबसे बडी सखां ्या ि।ै रोटरी ने अपने टीच इशंा डया प्रोग्राम के तित प्राइमरी स्कू लोंए ई.लशनिगं कक्षाए,ंा िपॅ ्पी स्कू ल्स, प्रौढ़ शिक्षा काययक्रमों, स्कू ल मे पनु रवापसी आशद काययक्रमों के जररये दिे से शनरक्षरता उन्मलू न की ओर सतत काययरत िै । शिक्षा पर सबका अशधकार ि,ै यि सभी नागररकों को को सलु भतापवू कय शमलनी चाशियणे ् इसी उद्दशे ्य को लेकर रोटरी के इस साक्षरता शमिन मंे शजसप्रकार से िम सभी रोट्रेक्टर सियोग करते आए िै जरुरत िै इसी क्रम और सतत प्रयास को बनाये रखने की |[email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

RAC Gaya CityRAC Maurya AurangabadRAC Patna Mid-TownRAC Patna SouthRAC BiharsharifRAC Patna CityRAC PataliputraRAC Patna YouthRAC Patna Aryans Read Next

14 Rotaract Club of Patna City • Rotaract Club of Patna City celebrated Friendship Day in Rajkiye Madhya Vidyalay, Kumhrar, Patna by distributing food stuffs on 5th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of Patna City participated in the installation ceremony of Rotary Club of Patna City on 6th August 2018 • RAC Patna City in association with Interact Club of St. Anne’s High School organised a workshop on 9th Aug. 2018 in which Nawab Jawaid Alam, National Co-ordinator of National Children Science Congress took the sessions. • RAC Patna City exchanged hand written Rakshabandhan greetings with Rotaract Club of Greater Tejpur, RID 3240.#Rotaffairs || Zone 2 Rotaract Club of Patna Mid-Town • Members went to slums and provided durable plastic( proper flax roll on which banners are printed) and also distributed food materials on 1st August 2018. • Started the Independence Day by flag hosting at “ALAM SHAHEB FOUNDATION”. Members also went to “blind school” and distributed them chocolate and biscuits. Apart from this club also marked its presence in different place of Patna during flag hosting and event. • Members went to Old Age home and orphanage and also sponsored their one time meal at both the places on 28th August 2018. • Club also organized its weekly Khichdi Drive in the end of the all the weeks of August at different spots of Patna. Rotaract Club of Gaya City • Rotaract club of Gaya City, on the occasion of Friendship’s day had organized a Fellowship dinner on 5th August 2018. All members exchanged friendship bands each other and the event followed by dinner. • Rotaract Club of Gaya City on the eve 72nd Independence Day a Community Meal was organized at adopted village Azad Bigha followed by Flag Hosting. Around 700 people including kids and adults were present. Flags, caps, and Badges were distributed to all the kids. • Rotaract club of Gaya City organized a Fund raising event the Charity Show of the movie GOLD at APR CINEMA on 19th August 2018. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

#Rotaffairs || Zone 2 Rotaract Club of Maurya Aurangabad 15 • Club celebrated Friendship Day with members on 5th August #rotaract3250 2018. • Club organized a discussion session with student on International Youth Day. • On the occasion on Independence Day, Members celebrated it at Sandesh Computers by Flag Hosting. Event followed by food stuff distribution also. • Club organized a condolence meeting on the death of former PM Atal Bihari Bajpayee on 17th August 2018. • Club organized photo session with Members and their family on the occasion of World Photography Day. • On 22nd August 2018, Members helped a person injured in accident. They took him to hospital. • Club celebrated Raksha Bandhan by attaching the bond of protection on 26th August 2018. • Club organized Dhyanchand Football Tournament on the occasion of National Sports Day. Rotaract Club of Biharshariff • On 3rd and 4th August 2018, club organized plantation drive at Khusrupur and Burgaon. The drive continued in Walrisaliganj and Pokarpur School on 9th and 11th August respectively. • Members visited to Pawapuri Jal Mandir on 11th August 2018. • Club organized Tree Plantation program on 13th August at GIP Girls School and Adarsh Madhya Vidyalay Pawapuri & on 15th ugust at Bharti Public School. • On the occasion of Independence Day, Members distributed Jalebi at Sadar Hospital, Biharshariff. • Club organized a condolence meet on the death of former PM Shri Atal Bihari Bjapayee on 17th August 2018. • Club participated in a Yoga program on 11th and 19th August 2018. • Member attended in National Builder Training Program on 29th August 2018. • Club organized plantation drive on 21st, 28th & 29th August at different places of Biharshariff. • Club celebrated the birthday of Rtr Rishu Kumar, Rtr Dharam Prakash & Rtr Prashant Bhadani in the month of August 2018. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition [email protected] August || 2018-19

#Rotaffairs || Zone 216 Rotaract Club of Patna Youth • Club celebrated birthday of president Rtr. Mayank kumar at PP Rtr. Priyank Verma’s Residence on 7th August 2018. • Club members volunteered at Health Checkup Camp on 11th August 2018, conducted by Rotary Patna at Rotary Bhawan, Patna in association with Doctors from PARAS HMRI Hospital, Patna. More than 100 patients took part. • Club celebrated Independence Day with parent Rotary Patna at Rotary Bhawan, Patna. Rotary Patna President Rtn C. B. Sharma hoisted the flag. The day was followed by cultural event and fellowship. • On 18th August 2018, club celebrated World Humanity Day by offering daily use products like toothpastes and tooth brushes, etc to rickshaw pullers • Club participated in an International Service Initiate – SEND IT ON by Rotaract Club of Bombay West, RID 3141 • PP Rtr Priyank Verma on his business visit to Gaya had an unofficial meeting with DRR Rtr Anmol Singhal and DRRE Rtr Shubham Lal over lunch. • On 22nd August 2018, club conducted mega free eye check up camp in association with Contacare Eye Hospital, Patna at Arya Kanya Madhyamik Uchya Vidyalaya. More than 200 students and staff members took part in the camp. Club felicitated Guest Doctors and School Administration with a token of gratitude in shape of saplings. • Club celebrated Rakhi at Rtr Tanvi’s Residence on Rakhsha Bandhan. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

A book in every child's handIn Rotaract District Organization 3250 we believe that everychild has the right to enjoy good books. And we believe theyshould have stories set in surroundings familiar to them and in alanguage close to their culture. We believe that to make booksaccessible to every child, the price points have to be very low.

A nation of children who love to read 19Research reveals that 1 in 3 primary Rtr. Subham Lalschool-going children cannot read DRR Elect, RID 3250fluently. Children who are unable toread are unable to learn, as they can’tunderstand what is being taught tothem. And that contributes to the highdropout rates in schools. Fortunatelymany non-profit organizations areaware of this problem, and are workingtowards getting children to read.However, once children do learn toread, it is critical to nurture that habit,so that they begin to enjoy it, andcontinue to read. To cultivate a readinghabit, it is essential for children to haveaccess to books and libraries.Donate-a-BookDonate a Book is a unique initiative tohelp bridge the gap between those whowant to help children read and thosewho need books for children. The ideais to build a Reading India together bydonating storybooks accessible tothousands of children and spread thejoy of reading. Our sole aim is to seemore Indian children read, and that iswhy every rupee donated underLiteracy Mission goes towards thebooks, and ensuring they reach thechildren for whom they are meant.I wish you all the very best and putforth my promise to support everysingle action at every walk of [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

RAC SindriRAC MBA VBU HazaribagRAC GN CollegeRAC GiridihRAC Giridih Next Gen Read Next

#Rotaffairs || Zone 3 Rotaract Club of Sindri 21 • On 11th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Sindri organised induction #rotaract3250 programme at Deshpande Auditorium, B.I.T. Sindri • The Rotaract Club of Sindri celebrated 72nd Independence Day at Metallurgical and Chemical Dept. in B.I.T. Sindri on 15th August 2018. • RAC Sindri arranged 2 units of B +ve blood on urgent demand for patient Ruby Devi at RC Hazra Memorial Hospital, Dhanbad on 27th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of Sindri organised ‘Vivartan’, the Post Installation Ceremony on 31st August 2018, where deligets from District 3250 marked their pracence • On 31st August 2018, Rotaract Club of Sindri witnessed the District Officials Club Visit in which our H’onble DRR Rtr. Anmol Singhal, DRS Rtr. Rahul Rajgadia, & ZRS (Zone-I) Rtr. Ayush Shashwat visited the Club. Rotaract Club of Giridih • On the occasion of Friendship day The Members of The Rotaract Club Of Giridih Celebrated Pre Friendship Day in collaborate with Rotaract Club Of Bombay Juhu Beach. Club celebrated by tied a friendship Band & distributed chocolates among the children of blind school & with the school staff. • Rotaract club of Giridih attended the installation ceremony of Rotaract Club of Calcutta Majestic & Rotaract club of East Calcutta RID 3291 on 4th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of Giridih exchanged letter head with Rotaract Club of Calcutta RID 3291 on 4th August 2018. • Rotaract club of Giridih have been successful signed 1st Inter District Sister Club Relationship with Rotaract club of Calcutta Majestic, RID 3291 • Rotaract Club of Giridih celebrated their club member Rtr. Govind Dangaich birthday at Old age home with the senior citizen by cutting the cake & distributing food stuffs among them on 10th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of Giridih attended installation ceremony of Rotary Club Greater Giridih on 11th August 2018, where the president of our club was honored by them. • On Sunday 12th August 2018 Rotaract Club of Giridih acknowledged their 28th installation ceremony. President Rtr. Akash Suman & Secretary Rtr. Summi Gupta & their team was installed during the occasion. • Rotaract Club of Giridih attended 61st installation ceremony of Parent Rotary club of Giridihon 12th August 2018. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition [email protected] August || 2018-19

#Rotaffairs || Zone 322 • On the eve of 72nd Independence Day, Rotaract Club of Giridih celebrated along with the students of our adopted school at Koldiha by hosting flag & distributed food stuffs. • On 15th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Giridih celebrated Rtr. Amit Singhania’s birthday along the students of our adopted school by cutting the cake & distributing stationery items among them. • On 18th Ausgust 2018, Rotaract Club of Giridih visited to Mission of Charity Orphanage & spent auspicious day with the kids. Club celebrated Treasurer Rtr. Suraj Tibrewal & club member Rtr. Abhijeet Sarkar’s Birthday on the same day. • Rtr. Anil Keshri Club Editor of Rotaract Club of Giridih donated B+ve blood on 19th August 2018 in an emergency situation patient is suffering from anemia diseases. • Rotaract Club of Giridih organized a fellowship party on 19th August 2018 on the occasion of birthday of three club members in the month of August. • Rotaract Club of Giridih paid floral Tribute to our Former Prime Minister of India Hon'ble Bharat Ratna shriAtal Bihari Vajpayee Sirwhodied on 16th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of Giridih was honoured by Red Cross Society on 23rd August 2018 for organizing blood donation camp. • On 26th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Giridih celebrated the Raksha Bandhan along with the 7th Battalion CRPF, the police officer by tied the Bond of love that is Rakhi. Registration Details for Rotasia Goa 2k19 [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

RILM's Adult Literacy Program Source: aims to impart functional literacy to Who is a Literate Adult?non-literate adults (15+ age) acrossIndia and then engage literate young According to the Nationaladults in skill development training Literacy Mission Authority,through various resource Government of India, aorganizations. literate adult is one who can:According to \"Education for All Global 1. Read aloud at a speed ofMonitoring Report, 2013-14: Teaching 30 words per minuteand Learning: Achieving Quality for 2. Read and understandAll\", published by the UNESCO, India road signs, posters andhas the highest population of non- newspapersliterate adults at 287 million, 3. Understand and copy 7amounting to 37% of the global total. words per minuteAlthough the Government of India 4. Take dictation at thelaunched the Saakshar Bharat speed of 7 words per minuteProgram in 2009, which aims to 5. Read and write numbersintroduce a variety of teaching- from 1 to 100learning programs for nonliterates and 6. Perform simpleneo-literates between 15-35 years of calculations - addition,age, in rural areas, the issue of subtraction, multiplicationilliteracy among the large number of and division.non-literate adults residing in theurban areas remains [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

25ACTIVITIES UNDER THE PROGRAM 2. SWABHIMAAN – Dignity Through Education1. DIKSHA - One-to-One Approach Swabhimaan envisions setting upIn this approach student-volunteers from Swabhimaan Centres (SC) acrossschools/colleges are engaged in providing India, in centralized locations, tofunctional literacy classes to non-literate impart functional literacy to non-adults (15+ age) over a period of 45-60 literate adults (15+ years).days. The learners are advised to appear Maximum 30 learners can befor the NIOS examination at the end of enrolled per batch and multiplethe project, which takes place in March batches can run in one SC. Theand August every year. On clearing the main resource person for thisexamination the learners are certified as intervention is the teacher, who isfunctionally literate. It is important to solely responsible for coordinatingnote that the ideal time to implement the project, tracking and reportingDIKSHA is during vacations (session the progress of the learners. It canbreak/summer vacation) as the students directly be implemented by Clubswould have time to engage in extra- or by NGOs identified either bycurricular activities. However it can be Clubs and/or RILM Office.implemented at other times of the year The learners appear for the NIOSas well, depending on the willingness of examination at the end of thethe school authorities. course. Basic Literacy Assessment under National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) The National Institute of Open schooling conducts a Basic Literacy Assessment every year in March and August. The learners enrolled in our Adult Literacy program appear this examination at the end of the literacy course. The learners need to be registered on the RILM website two months prior to the examiantion date. The learners are certified by the government as literate on clearing the Basic Literacy [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

RAC St. Xavier’s CollegeRAC NIFFT RanchiRAC Social RevolutionRAC Ranchi ICWAIRAC Damodar ValleyRAC KIMDSRAC BIT MesraRAC Ranchi City Read Next

27#Rotaffairs || Zone 4 Rotaract Club of Ranchi City • Club successfully conduct the DRR OCV along with DRS on 11th August 2018. Rotaract Club of Ranchi ICWAI • On 11th august club had its official club visit of DRR Rtr. Anmol Singhal at Club House Ranchi • Members from Rotaract Club of Ranchi ICWAI attended the installation ceremony of Rotaract Club of Nagpur on 25th August 2018. Rotaract Club of BIT Mesra • The 72nd Independence Day was celebrated in the grandest of scales by Rotaract Club of B.I.T. Mesra in the evening at the G.P Birla Auditorium. The festivities included musical and dance performances and a special cultural walk • Club attended the joint OCV of Zone 4 at Club House Ranchi on 11th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of B.I.T. Mesra conducted an orientation program for the newly admitted 2018 batch on 30th & 31st August 2018. Rotaract Club of Social Revolution • Club organized a multi district e-photography contest with the theme of “The real Jewels of India” on the occasion of world photography day. Rotaract Club of NIFFT Ranchi • On the occasion of independence day club hosted flag at college premises & club also attends celebration at NGO Kartavya • Club organized an event, \"Memories of Friendship\" on 19th August 2018,based on the past events of Friendship day and World Photography day as Good times. Rotaract Club of KIMDS • RAC KIMDS celebrated Adiwasi Diwas on 9th August 2018, in the college campus and facilitate Adiwasi employee working in our college. • Rtr. Rishav kumar participated in the Rakshabandhan celebration event of RAC Giridih with the CRPF cadets in Giridih [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

28#Rotaffairs || Zone 4 Rotaract Club of St Xavier College, Ranchi • Recruitment desk was set up in front of college auditorium from 6th to 8th August in which 280 forms were submitted by students spanning across all the departments of college. • Rtr. Lucy Soren got 2nd position in the Article Writing Competition organized on the occasion of Breast Feeding Day (1st August) by Rotaract Club of Kalimati, Jamshedpur. Rtr. Sanjna Kumari, also participated in the same. • A Blood Donation Camp was organized on 8th August 2018 in the college premises in collaboration with RIMS Ranchi. A total of 103 units were collected from college students. • President Rtr. Kumari Madhu, Rtr. Anuj Kullu and Rtr. Rohit Kumar Singh attended the felicitation ceremony of Rtn. Sunita Singh Choken, Rotary Club of Rewari, Haryana organized by Rotary Club of Ranchi. • Club successfully completed the DRR OCV at Rotary Hall on 11th August along with other clubs of Ranchi. All the Club Properties and Records were presented before the DRR and the DRS. Rtr. Sanjna Kumari was the master of ceremony. • 72nd Independence Day was celebrated in the adopted school, Rajkiyakrit Madhaya Vidyalaya, Tharpakhna. Chief Guest Dr. O.P. Agarwal hoisted the national flag. • On the occasion of Independence Day, Flag Making Competition was organized for the students of adopted school. • An Online Photography Competition was organized on World Photography Day in which 60 participation were received from across India from Rotaractors as well as Non- Rotaractors. • Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi successfully served as an Outreach Partner for the STARTUP QUIZ SEASON 1 organized by School Box Team on 18th August at YMCA Auditorium, Kantatoli. • On 19th August 2018, 100 candidates were called for interview after form selection process. Interview was conducted from 9am to 4 pm in two shifts in the Rotary Hall. • Five Donor Cards were arranged by the efforts of Rtr. Akram Ali, Shiksha Head and Rtr.Rohit Makan for the patients of RIMS, Ranchi during the month of August. • Under the supervision of Rtr. Akram Ali, Shiksha Head, a total of 15 classes were takenby 15 members of the club on regular basis in the adopted school, Rajkiyakrit Madhaya Vidyalaya, Tharpakhna. • Under the supervision of Rtr. Ashbah Jawed, Medicine Campaign Head, a total of 6 kg of medicine was collected. Members visited three schools during the whole month of August and conducted sessions in morning assembly to promote the campaign. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

29 • An online Quiz was organized on 25th August 2018 for the club members regarding the Facts and Figures of our Club. The Winner was rebated off some amount from monthly dues. • Rtr. Manish Kumar donated one unit blood at RIMS, Ranchi for a patient in an emergency condition on the day of Raksha Bandhan • 8 club members volunteered in the event SHRAWANI NATYOTSAV 2018 organized by Ranchi Traffic Police in the Marwari College Auditorium • On 25th August 2018, A Mango sapling was planted in the Nepal house area by 9 members under leadership of Rtr. Twinkle and Rtr. Vaibhav, Tree Plantation Coordinators • Rtr. Sachin Kumar donated one unit platelets at Seva-Sadan, Ranchi for a patient in need on 28th August 2018.#Rotaffairs || Zone 4 • On the occasion of National Sports Day, a session was organized in adopted school. The students were told about this day, Major Dhyan Chand Singh and Hockey too. A Kabaddi match was also organized between the students. • A sum of 5220 rupees was donated towards the Kerala flood victims. The amount comprised of 4800 rupees which was the district sponsorship for Sewa-Sangam along with 420 rupees from club fund. Rotaract Club of Damodar Valley • On 1st August 2018, Rotaract club of Damodar Valley along with Rotary Damodar Valley celebrated 1st anniversary of Rotaract club installation day. • Rotaract club of Damodar Valley celebrated weekly project roti day throughout the month of August. • On this day Rotaract Club of Damodar Valley completed weekly project swachhta mission and this day members cleaned Sai temple area. • On 12th August, Rotaract club of Damodar valley, Rotary damodar valley,Rotary club of Ramgarh and Indian medical association marched rallay around 3 km for the purpose of diabetes awareness. • Club completed its OCV on 13th August 2018 • Rotaract club of damodar valley along with Rotary damodar valley celebrated Independence Day at Rotary building. • Rotaract club of Damodar Valley along with Medical Reprensetative gave shardhanjali to former prime minister ATAL BIHARI BAJPAYE in the premises of Subhas chowk. • On 21st August 2018, Rotaract Club of Damodar Valley visited old age home to take some blessing by our grandparents. • Club proudly donated a major contribution of 51,000/- to Kerela Flood Relief Fund. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

Spitting – a bad habitOnce the English magazine, “The Week”, made a listof traits for which Indians are identified / known allacross the world. One of the important traits wasspitting.Yes, Indians spit a lot. If anywhere in the world, youfind a person spitting, 75 % chances are that he maybe an Indian.Spiting in common places is a common phenomenonin India. People will keep spitting whether they are ina garden or at bus stand or at railways station oranywhere else. After every 2 to 5 minutes, they willspit.The persons, who chew tobaccos or consume panmasala / beetle etc, spit very frequently, but even theperson who do not consume these dirty things, keepon spitting.Spitting is a very bad habit. It makes us dirty. Spittingat public places is unethical also. Moreover, thepersons, who spit, make the public places dirty.When I had come to Ranchi first time with my friendand trying to find out a rented house, I met with oneProfessor Saheb. He was having two flats and wantedto sublet. But he sublet one of the flat to me only, notto my friend because he found him (my friend)spitting a lot. He was of the opinion that since myfriend spit a lot, he would make his house dirty!In general also, the educated and well behavedpeople do not like the persons who spit a lot. It istreated as one of very bad habit.So, I advice the youngsters to avoid this habit. Neverspit at public places. Be a clean and likable person. -Rtn A. D. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy [email protected] August || 2018-19

RAC Mrs. KMPM Voc. CollegeRAC Jain college JamshedpurRAC Kalimati JamshedpurRAC KCCRAC ChaibasaRAC Tata Nagar Read Next

#Rotaffairs || Zone 5 Rotaract Club of Jain College 33 • On 12th August 2018 members participated in Joint OCV of Zone 5 #rotaract3250 at Karim City College Campus. • Club celebrated Independence Day on 15th August 2018 by performing cultural and patriotic performances at College Campus. • On this Raksha Bandhan Club took the word raksha literally and as sworn before to help Kerala, Club donated stuff on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan to Kerela Flood Relief Campaign. Rotaract Club of Tatanagar • Club celebrated Friendship Day on 5th August 2018. The motto was to promote friendship between parents and children. • Rotaract Club of Tatanagar completed their DRR official club visit along with 4 other clubs of Zone 5 on 12th August 2018. Total of 15 members were present on the same. • On 26th August 2018, club celebrated Raksha Bandhan with the men of black panther groups who too gives security in some or other ways. Rotaract Club of KMPM College • RAC KMPM VC celebrated its 2nd installation ceremony on 29th August 2018 at multipurpose hall of College. Members from Rotary Club of Dalma, RAC Kolkata ISD, RAC KCC, RAC Kalimati and ZRR of Zone 5 also marked their presence. • On 12th August 2018, Rotaract club of Mrs. K.M.P.M. Vocational college participated in joint official visit of zone 5 organised in the premises of karim city college. Rotaract Club of Kalimati • On the account of World Breastfeeding Week, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur organized an online Breastfeeding awareness Programme on 1st August 2018. This multidistrict programme recorded 11 participants across India. • On 1st August 2018, occasion of International Friendship Day, RAC Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online essay competition organised by Rotaract Club of Bhuj Midtown,RID 3054. • On the account of International Tigers Day, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online poster making competition organized by Rotaract Club of Krishna Valley, RID 3170. Rotaractor Akansga Ghosh bagged the third position in this competition. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition [email protected] August || 2018-19

#Rotaffairs || Zone 534 • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online World-Wide Photography Contest organized by Rotaract Club of Singhbad Road, RID 3131. • Rotaract club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online project titled Picturesque fortnight ‘Arches’, organized by Rotaract Club of Bombay Juhu Beach, RID 3141. • On 2nd August 2018, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur successfully executed its monthly project ‘No more diseases’ . Once again the Rotaractors targeted on dirty drainage areas and sprinkled disinfectants around them. • Rtr Anindita Das was awarded as Rotaractor of the month for the month of July, based on her commendable performance shown in the Club. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur successfully executed its regular project of clothes donation. Rotaractors collected 5 carton of daily clothes and matresses which were distributed in the needful slum areas of the city. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online Friendship Day quiz competition organized by Rotaract Club of Ladwa & Waknaghat, RID 3080. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur successfully executed its monthly project of promoting and spreading eco bags in the city. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur successfully executed its monthy project of ‘Washing hands in nearby schools’, in their adopted government school. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur successfully exchanged club’s official letterhead with Rotaract Club of Coastal Legacy, RID 3232. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur joined hands and congratulated Rotaract Club of Vishwahita, RID 3232 for the eight successful years of completion of their literacy project chithiram. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online Friendship week project, organized by Rotaract Club of Bombay Juhu Beach, RID 3141. Rotaractors posted their friends photograph with a solid caption. • On 5th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur celebrated Friendship Day by tying friendship bands to the community helpers on the streets of Jamshedpur. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online photography competition titled ‘Mirage’, organised by Rotaract Club of Saibaba Colony & Young Visionaries of RID 3011. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur actively participated in an online Friendship Day Competition, organised by Rotaract Club if Bhuj Midtown, RID 3054. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

#Rotaffairs || Zone 5 • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur successfully executed its monthly 35 project of tree plantation. The Rotaractors planted 7 different fruit bearing saplings in the premises of Sardamani Girls High School. #rotaract3250 • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online Vocabulary quiz competition on 6th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in Tamil quote saying project titled, ‘Thirukkural’, organised by Rotary International District 3232. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online essay competition on the topic-women empowerment. This was organised by Rotaract Club of Kolhapur, RID 3170. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an on online Flag photography competition, organised by Rotaract Club of Kolhapur Midtown Phoenix, RID 3170. • On 9th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur congratulated Rotaract Club of Saibaba Colony, RID 3201 for entering into the 29th year in Rotaract and Rotary International. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur exchanged threads of Friendship bands through postal service with Rotaract Club of Sri Aurobindo College , RID 3011. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Saibaba Colony, RID 3201 organised various online competitions under the theme Youth of India and social issues. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur witnessed the Official Club Visit of DRR Anmol Singhal alongwith other district officials on 12th August 2018. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online Independence photography competition titled ‘Positive India’, organized by Rotaract Club of Bhubaneshwar Royal, RID 3262. • On the account of World Photography Day, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online photography competition on the topic ‘Nature’. This was organized by Rotaract Club of Krishna Valley, RID 3170. • On the account of World Photography Day, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Saibaba Colony , RID 3201, organised and participated in an online photography competition titled ‘Silhouette’. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in Independence Day Special competition organized by Rotaract Club of Imagica Youth ,RID 3060. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur celebrated the 72nd Independence Day with their Parent Rotary Club, Rotary Club of Jamshedpur Dalma in the premises of their adopted government school. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition [email protected] August || 2018-19

#Rotaffairs || Zone 536 • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online Photography competition organized by Rotaract Club of Mohali, RID 3080. • On the account of World Photography Day, Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online Photography competition organized by Rotaract Club of St. Xavier’s College, RID 3250. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online video publishing competition titled,’Freedom to Happiness’, organised by Rotaract Club Of 3131. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online photography event titled, ‘Picture perfect’. The theme of the project was Traveller’s Insight ,organized by Rotaract Club of Deonar,RID 3141. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur donated a total sum of 2940 INR. for the stranded public in flood of Kerala. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online photography competition titled 'Picturesque-colour splash' organised by Rotaract Club of Bombay Juhu Beach, RID 3141. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in project ‘Swadeshanurag’, organised by Rotaract Club of Delhi Femina, RID 3011. Rotaractor Sanidhya bagged the first position in this competition. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur participated in an online photography competition organized by Rotaract Club of Roorkee Midtown, RID 3080. Rotaractor Akansha Ghosh bagged the first position in the competition. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur joined hands with Rotaract Club of K.V. Pendharkar College, RID 3142 for their fund raising project of selling Rakshabandhan threads made by Special class children. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur celebrated Birthday of their club member, Rtr. Yashwant Kumar and wished him sound health and good luck for future. • Rotaract Club of Kalimati Jamshedpur welcomed and greeted a guest from outer District. Rtr. Nagarjan , IPP of Rotaract Club of Madras Central,RID 3232 stepped down in Jamshedpur City to meet the Rotaractors of Jamshedpur. Rotaract Club of Karim City College • On the occasion of Friendship Day 5th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Karim City College, with the Interact Clubs of Baridih High School and Narbheram Hansraj English School visited the Orphanage “Mother Teresa Welfare Trust\". • On 12th July 2018, Rotaract Club of Karim City college, Jamshedpur hosted the joint Official Club Visit of Zone 5 at Karim City college. [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

37#Rotaffairs || Zone 5 • On 14th August 2018, Rotaractors of Karim City College, celebrated ‘Roti Day’ distributed Roti and Sabji near Aambagan, Sakchi and Masjid. • Rotaractors of Karim City college, celebrated Independence Day along with Rotaract Club of Calcutta Metropolitan RID 3291 and also with the Rotarians and the students of Deeksha Centre. • Rotaract Club of Karim City college, arranged two units of Blood for a Anemia patient. Rotaract Club of Chaibasa • On 1st August 2018, Members participated in 74th monthly blood donation camp with parent rotary club in the blood bank, Chaibasa. • Members from RAC Chaibasa attended the 6th West Singhbhum District open yoga competition on 5th August 2018 • On 12th August 2018, Rotaract Club of Chaibasa organized its OCV of the Rota Year 2018-19. • On 15th August 2018, Members distributed national flag and made a flag collection point for collecting the flags. • Members jointly participated in flag hoisting ceremony with parent Rotary Club on 15th August 2018. • On 15th August 2018, members jointly participated in flag hoisting ceremony with Chamber of Commerce Chaibasa. • Members jointly participated in flag hoisting ceremony with G.C. Commerce College, Chaibasa. • On 22nd August 2018, Club members participated in the Motivational Speech Program held jointly by RC and RAC Chaibasa. • Members with few guests tied the rakhi to the childrens of Samprekshan Grih and also provided them some gifts on 26th August 2018. • Members participated in GK and drawing competition, organised by giants college on 27th August 2018. Rotaractors of Zone 5 during Joint OCV of Zone 5 on 12th August 2018 held at Karim City College Jamshedpur [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

From Ordinary to Transformerसन 2007, स्वतंात्रता शदवस की पवू य सांध्या पर राचँा ी चपै टर ऑफ़ कॉस्ट एकाउंाटंेट्स के छात्र स्वतांत्रताशदवस के उपलक्ष में एक शवद्यालय में पाठन सामग्री के शवतरण की तैयारी कर रिे थे शजनमे मंै भीिाशमल था. अपने सभी सीशनयसय के साथ यि तैयारी करते िुए मझु े बिुत ख़िु ी िो रिी थीक्योंशकपाठन के अलावा इस तरि के कायों में मरे ी रूशच िरु ू से अशधक रिी थी.पवू य शनयोशजत कायकय ्रम के अनसु ार िमारे इशां स्टट्यटू के सभी छात्र तय शवद्यालय में अपने कायकय ्रमिते ु पिुचां े एवां पाठन सामग्री का शवतरण शकया. कु छ दरे पिात मझु े यि जानकारी शमली की यिशवद्यालय रोटरी इटां रनिे नल सांस्था के अगां रोटरी क्लब ऑफ़ रााँची के द्वारा साचं ाशलत िै शजसमे िमारेअध्यापक श्री अजय दीप वाधवा भी सदस्य थे, उन्िोंने िी िमे यिाँा आने के शलए प्ररे रत शकया था.स्वतांत्रता शदवस के अवसर पर झडंा ोतोलन के वक़्त संसा ्था के अन्य सदस्य भी विाां मौजदू थे और िमछात्रों के कायय को दखे कर काफी खिु िुए[email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

40 इसी दौरान रोटरी इटंा रनेिनल ससां ्था से जडु ने का प्रस्ताव वक़्त के साथ पाठन में व्यस्तता के कारण Rotaract मंे िम सब के समक्ष रखा. चशँाू क िमें इसकी जानकारी निी थी इस कारण िम सभी शजज्ञासा भरी नजरों से अपने मागदय िकय सशक्रयता कम िुई पर क्लब projects मंे भाग लने ा कभी रोटेररयन श्री अजय दीप वाधवा सर की तरफ दखे रिे थ.े निी छोडा. सन 2014 के अगस्त माि मंे िमारे क्लब के एक काययक्रम के पिात सर नंे िम सभी को शवस्तार से इसकी जानकारी दी एवां यि भी बताया की िमे जोडने की प्रशक्रया पवू य प्रोजके ्ट में तत्काशलक मडंा ल अध्यक्ष श्री सौरभ प्रसाद (जो मंे िी आरम्भ की जा चकु ी ि.ै शक अपने व्यवसाशयक कायों की वजि से राँाची मंे िी थे) से वक़्त बीतते गए एवां 4 माि पिात, सन० 2008 में रोटरी पनु ः मलु ाकात िुई एवां मरे ी शदलचस्पी मडंा ल के कायों मंे मडां ल 3250 के वाशर्यक अशधविे न में िम सभी volunteer बढ़ने लगी. मडंा ल अध्यक्ष ने भी एक बडे भाई की भांाशत मझु े की भशू मका शनभा रिे थे जिााँ िमें यि जानकारी शमली की िमे इन चीजों को जानने, समझने एवां सक्रीय िोने मंे परू ी मदद की रोटरी से जोडने की प्रशक्रया परू ी िो चकु ी िै एवां िमारे क्लब एवंा मझु े मडां ल 3250 का International Service का नाम Rotaract Club of Ranchi ICWAI िोगा एवंा Director एवां Rotasia Co-ordinator शनयकु ्त शकया. मझु े Charter अध्यक्ष िमारी सीशनयर सशु ्री ररधी आयाय िोंगी. कु छ मरे े गरु ु श्री अजय दीप वाधवा सर ने एक बात िमिे ा समझाई शदनों पिात अशधकाररक तौर पर रोटरी के एक meeting मंे थी की व्यशक्त, शविरे ् तभी िोता िै जब लोग आपके िमंे क्लब का Charter प्रदान शकया गया एवां सदस्यता शदलाई व्यशक्तत्व एवां व्यविार की वजि से आपका आदर करंे ना की गयी. क्लब रोटेररयन श्री वाधवा सर के मागदय ियन में कायय आपके पद की वजि से और मनैं े इस बात को िमिे ा करने लगा. 2 वर्य पिात सन० 2010 में मझु े अध्यक्ष के तौर पर क्लब की शजम्मदे ारी सौंपी गयी परन्तु तब तक िमें मडां ल गांभीरता से समझा ि.ै मडां ल अध्यक्ष के द्वारा मझु े पद शमलने 3250 एवां उससे जडु े शकसी भी तरि की कोई जानकारी निी के पिात मझु े कई अन्य बातें पता चलीं शजनका शजक्र मंै यिााँ थी. अध्यक्ष के तौर पर मरे ा सत्र बीत गया एवां अगले सत्र निी करना चािगँा ा परन्तु समय के साथ मनैं े ये समझ शलया 2011-12 के शलए रोट० प्रवीण कु ० शसिंा को क्लब का नया था की वो सारी बातंे असत्य थीं एवां शसफय मझु े बिकाने के अध्यक्ष चनु ा गया एवां उस सत्र के मडां ल अध्यक्ष श्री शबष्ट्णु भतु उद्दशे ्य से की गयी थी क्यंशाू क मैं मडां ल के कायों मंे परू ी तरि से के द्वारा िमसे सांपकय करके िमे मडां ल की मखु ्य धारा से जोडा शलप्त िो गया था. उस सत्र में मझु े Rotaract ने कई अपने गया एवंा िमारे क्लब, Rotaract Club of Ranchi शदए शजनका शजक्र मंै आगे कराँूगा. ICWAI को उस सत्र के मडंा ल अशधविे न के आयोजन की शजम्मदे ारी सौंपी गयी, शजसका नाम \"प्रशतज्ञा\" था. यि सत्र िमारे क्लब एवां खासकर मरे े शलए काफी खास था क्योंशक Rotaract से सबंा शां धत कई नई चीजंे जानने एवां समझने का अवसर प्राप्त िुआ. फलस्वरूप िमारा क्लब भी Rotaract की मखु ्य धारा से जडु चकू ा था एवंा इसका पणू य श्रेय तत्काशलक क्लब अध्यक्ष एवंा मडंा ल अध्यक्ष को जाता ि.ै [email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #rotaract3250 [email protected] August || 2018-19

41 एक िाम जब मैं और सौरभ भयै ा फोन पर वातालय ाप कर रिे थे तो उन्िोंने मझु से किा की शजस तरि से तमु ने मेरे सत्र में मडंा ल के प्रशत सशक्रयता शदखाई ि,ै मझु े लगता िै की तमु मडां ल अध्यक्ष बन सकते िो. मनैं े िसँा ते िुए इस बात पर गभंा ीरता से शवचार निी शकया परन्तु जब सन 2015 में मैं परू ी मंे आयोशजत Rotasia Kalinga 2015 में भाग लने े गया तो मझु े ये एिसास िुआ शक मझु े भी एक शदन अपने मडंा ल का मडंा ल अध्यक्ष के रूप में नते तृ ्व करना ि.ै विांा से लौटने के पिात मनैं े सौरभ भयै ा से इस बारे मंे शवस्तार से चचाय की और उनसे इन चीजों को समझने मंे सियोग माँागा. उन्िोंने शबलकु ल एक मागदय िकय की तरि मझु े सारी चीजों की जानकारी उपलब्ध करायीं एवंा मडां ल के कायय िैली को समझने मंे भी मदद की. उस सत्र के अशधविे न में मडां ल अध्यक्ष का चनु ाव िुआ एवंा मझु े सत्र 2016-17 की शजम्मवे ारी सौंपी गयी. मरे ी इस जीत मैं कई लोगों यथा, प्रवीण ओिदार, आलेख, आशदत्य, अनमोल, अशभर्के अग्रवाल, अनरु ाग एवां ररंाकू ने सक्रीय भशू मका शनभाई. सत्र के अतां मंे मरे े योगदान को ध्यान में रखते िुए मडां ल अध्यक्ष के द्वारा मझु े Best Rotaractor of the Year का अवाडय प्रदान शकया गया. समय के साथ अब वक़्त था अपने सपनों को एवंा मडंा ल को एक नया आयाम दने े का. वक़्त के साथ मझु े कु छ बातें स्पष्ट समझ आने लगीं थी की अगर मडां ल को एक नया आयाम दने ा िै तो िमे वक़्त के अनसु ार अपनी चाल बदलनी िोगी और पवू य की कु छ शमथ्याओंा को तोडना िोगा. एक िाम म,ंै आशदत्य और आलेख मरे े आने वाले सत्र के बारे में चचाय कर रिे थे और यि शनशित शकया की चशाँू क Rotary भारत मंे साक्षरता पर कायय कर रिी िै तो िम भी परु े सत्र इसी पर कायय करेंगे और 3250 मंे Rotaract Movement को एक नई शदिा दने े िते ु Brand Rotaract पर अपनी उजाय कंे शित करंेगे[email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

43 मरे े परु े सत्र मंे कई लोगों का प्रत्यक्ष एवां अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से योगदान रिा था, सब लोगों का धन्यवाद कर पाना तो असभंा व िै परन्तु कु छ लोगों को निी करना मरे ा उनके योगदान के साथ अन्याय िोगा. सवपय ्रथम मरे े पररवार को क्यांशू क उन्िोंने अपने अमलू ्य समय को मरे े शलए त्यागा, मरे े गरु ु रो० वाधवा सर को क्यांशू क उनका आिीवादय िमिे ा मरे े साथ था. बडे भाई सौरभ भयै ा, नीलाजंा न भयै ा, प्रवीण भयै ा एवंा नवनीत भयै ा शजन्िोंने िर वक़्त अपना साथ बनाये रखा. मरे े सभी रोट० भाई यथा, आशदत्य, आलेख, अनमोल, ररांकू , अशित, एवां सभु म जो एक स्तम्भ की तरि िर वक़्त मरे े साथ खडे थे. इतने समय व्यतीत करने के पिात रोट्रेक्ट ने मझु े ये एक पररवार शदया शजन्िोंने िर सभां व मझु े सियोग शदया और मैं जानता था की पररशस्थशतयाां शकतनी भी शवकट िोंगी, अगर ये अपने साथ िोंगे तो शदक्कतें एवां कशठनाईयाां फू लों की तरि प्रतीत िोंगी. अगला सत्र मरे े रोट्रेक्ट जीवन का अशां तम सत्र िै परन्तु यि अदभतु अतलु ्य अनभु व जो इस जीवन में मझु े प्राप्त िुआ िै वो मरे े शलए िमिे ा अनमोल रिगे ा[email protected] The Chain || Literacy Edition #[email protected] August || 2018-19

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