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Home Explore Timelapse issue Deep Insight 2022

Timelapse issue Deep Insight 2022

Published by grace murenje, 2022-06-23 07:28:32

Description: Timelapse issue Deep Insight 2022


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Positivity Pledge l pledge to always use my time effectively. To be productive in my workplace and life. So, help me God.

Note from the Editor W e used to have a tuck- in time. There is a correlation on a facade but deep down you shop where I would between time, decision making and know the real ordeal. You become spend most of my change. I am not the same person so attached to what you have out- time, after school, serving cus- I was two years ago, a month grown to the extent of develop- tomers and binge reading stories ago. I have inevitably changed. ing a firewall of resistance to that on Wattpad, an application that I pain. What if I tell you there are would eventually become addicted We cannot stop time from moving befitting pairs compared to the to—a story for another day. We and neither can we avoid change. ones you are so willing to force would do a bi-weekly or monthly Change is not a fad! It’s a norm. yourself on with an ugly face and stocktaking that would enable us This is one major lesson that I beads of sweat trickling on that to determine the financial position learned. It’s a process that starts forehead? Believe me, there are! of the business and devise strat- with a decision. Whether you It’s a matter of time and your deci- egies for increasing our sales and decide to change or not, in the sion to take the road less trav- customer base. Over time, I have end, you still made a decision. elled. It does make a difference. come to realize the importance of You don’t just wake up a changed stocktaking not only in business person. No! It takes a lot but it’s Now, when I was a child, I used to but in my personal life. An act worthwhile when the process have a lovely pair of black sandals. that I would recommend anyone is directed to positive change. It so happened that one day… to do, normally termed reflection. Welp, my bad, that’s also a story Change is so uncomfortable that it for another day (smiles apologet- For the past three months or so, I can make you experience a roller ically). Gentle reader, I will leave would occasionally do a self-anal- coaster of emotions. Personally, you to peruse the stories in this ysis and deduce lessons that resistance to change was like that edition which I am certain will chal- made me realize I learned more nice pair of shoes that I loved but lenge you to ponder on your life. going through than on the other had outgrown. I kept on forcing I pray you do the need and start side. It’s quite interesting to note myself into them. Before you morphing into the person God how time has a way of manifest- know it I had blisters and I started created you to be. It’s ing events, people, traits, and so bleeding and staggering. After your time, yes you! on. We often hear, “Time will tell. excruciating pains and exhaus- Time will heal. Take your time” tion, I finally decided to embrace With love What is it about time that gives change and well, the rest is history. an assurance that it will divulge certain information or administer Sadly enough, some may Millicent R. Sibanda healing? choose to keep on forcing them- Everything in life is manifested selves into those kinds of shoes. Consequently, you keep putting Editor in Chief Editors Columnist Millicent R. Sibanda Ivy S. Chiworeka Takudzwa M. Makurumidze Terence Zizhou Managing Editor Craig T. Chimuthi Production Manager Grace Murenje Kelvin T. Tsoka



A CHANGE IN PERSPECTIVE by Rutendo E. Mafemba “You should come back home, I felt I’d come to the end of my- Classic case of misplaced trust. I talked to one of my friends self. So we agreed that I’d be and he says if you come back home in January after my final As I realized the consequences he’ll have a job ready for you. exams. of what I’d agreed to I began Because I’m not really sure what to pray to God that He would you’re doing there anyway.” Growing up I’ve always been fix my mistake and cause my unhealthily dependent on my dad to change his mind about I was in uni, second-year MBA. father. Not in an emotional way. me going home. That’s what I was doing. But I I leaned on him to make deci- was tired and I too was feeling sions for me; what to study in But God didn’t answer me, to my like I wasn’t doing anything sig- uni, what career path to take surprise, no matter how much I nificant at all. etc. Whenever I didn’t seek cried. That was soo unlike Him. his counsel I’d feel paralysed, Crimson eyes for a cardinal sin “That sounds like a great idea unable to know what to do at I thought to myself. But He had dad. I’d love to come back all. It was really bad that when changed my parents’ mind a home.” In my heart of hearts, I was away at uni, whenever I year ago when He had told me I suspected this is not what I was faced with challenges or I needed to be in North Cyprus was meant to be doing. But I seasons where I felt like I was a little longer, couldn’t He do it was tired. stuck, I would always want to again? Was He not that invested go back to my haven. Nothing in my destiny anymore? And unfortunately for me, my could affect me and everything dad had caught me right when would be sorted as long as I was in my parents’ house. 2 | DEEP INSIGHT

November passed and so did that I had been emotionally at- desirable happen. If we observe December. Certain events hap- tached to the place and the peo- our lives, we all have one such pened during these months that ple. I’d been holding on where event. Seemingly dark based I thought would sway my dad’s God was okay with me letting on our fleeting emotions and plan but the man was adamant go. I knew there was a time shortsightedness, looking like to have me home. A few days when I’d have to be separated it’s for our detriment. Not every before my departure I had a from my parental dependen- negative turnout of events ends conversation with another fa- cy, He had told me the time is there. God has been God a long ther I hold in high regard and coming but I thought I was just time, He knows what He’s doing. he told me to go back home. going to be cut off financially. He foresees our every decision In past times this would never Surely it didn’t require months and He knows how He’ll use it have been his response. Every and a whole plane ride across for the glory of His name. drop of life got sucked out of me. the continent to get it over with. Now there was really no hope. But what if sometimes all you In that moment, it also dawned need is a change in perspective? While still knee-deep in my mis- on me that God Himself was ery, I decided to take a walk and super laid back about all of this, What if that negative feeling I run a few errands in preparation He literally could have done felt in that moment of the phone for my departure. God asked me anything to stop this trip from call was the growth unaccounted a question as I strolled. Now He happening, He knows He has for that had taken place inside wanted to talk? ‘Are you sure the full permission to disrupt of me over time? What if it was you’re not just being stubborn my plans but instead He was the growth that was trying to tell about going back home because chilling on His throne watching me that I didn’t need my dad to you’re emotionally attached to me stress about a situation He make decisions for me anymore this place and the people?’ had already handled. He had by disapproving of my old ways just been waiting for the per- of unhealthy dependency? What Well… Geez Dad. fect opportunity to get a word if it was the transformed me that in and open my eyes. It was in felt uncomfortable with the fact Obviously, I was in denial. I was that moment that I decided to that I wanted to use home as on that “no Lord I’ll go if you let go because it seemed I was my port in a storm as I’d always tell me to go” tip so there’s no the only one holding on. If God done? What if the feeling was way this was an emotional at- Himself, the owner of this life not disapproval of me going tachment speaking. God hadn’t that I was living was not fussed home as I’d thought but rather given me the instruction to go… why on earth was I? of who’s leading I was trusting had He? I mean this had been to make such a move? my mistake, I had decided to In the last three months, the leave not Him. change I needed to propel What if some events that occur me forward in my destiny oc- in our lives are not to lead us As I continued to walk I realized curred because of one phone into growth but simply to reveal call on a bad day. It took one the growth that has already oc- undesirable event to make the curred? DEEP INSIGHT | 3

LITERATURE REVIEW Your story is different By Kelvin T. Tsoka T he first time I learnt review and looking for refer- People haven’t seen what you about a literature review ences. These references may have done therefore they can was back at university be people who have done “so deduce why there may be less studying Electrical Engineering. well” in life and this causes us financial growth currently. As a group of 4 students, we to aspire to attain such success. were tasked with a project for It’s important to note that they While it’s very important to apply our graduation. This experience are just a reference point, you some of the literature reviews, made me realize how we can have your own story. understand that this is your connect some aspects of the story. What no eye has seen, process of preparing a thesis Our literature review also en- what no ear has heard, what that is similar to life. compasses our peers who are no thought has conceived are doing quite well and yes it’s good the things set in motion for you. The literature review is a brief to get inspired but understand You are different and your story study of what others have done your story. No one except pro- is different. in the particular field you are fessionals in that field can look making your research on. This at a building’s foundation and Remain steadfast, they will come will involve giving references to give remarks about how elegant and ask to be like you but little the information that you have the huge hole they have dug do they know it’s impossible, mentioned in your literature re- is. Everyone always applauds they can only be themselves. view. It’s important to take note when the building has been When they show up remember that the purpose of the project raised and its exterior beauty to advise them of their story. is not to produce the same find- is revealed. The most important They have their own story to tell. ings but rather to do something aspect holds that beauty is less new. Likewise in our lives, we appreciated. That is how it is. spend time doing a literature 4 | DEEP INSIGHT



WE ALL HAVE 24 HOURS IN A DAY BUT HOW YOU SPEND THE DAY DETERMINES THE DIFFERENCE IN THE RESULTS YOU GET When I saw the theme pretty much useful in ev- not planned for. There- I was excited because I ery aspect of life. fore plan for your time, celebrated my birthday then submit those plans in April. It was a moment Time is a very expensive to the Lord and He will of gratitude, a time to be currency establish them. Howev- grateful, a time to eval- er, things may not go as uate myself, a time to Time is precious, time is planned and you may feel look at where I’ve been, priceless. Once gone it like you’re behind time. where I’m at, and where can never be regained. In some instances, time I am headed. I was just That puts a bit of pressure can be slow for you or looking at all that I have on us right? The pressure can go by very fast that been through, the good to do it right. The pres- you feel like you’re so far and the bad, the ugly and sure to do it perfectly. The behind. You ask yourself the beautiful. All of it has pressure to do it in time if others are doing it or helped shape me into the and on time. I learnt that have done it why not me? person I am today. As the best way to handle I have learnt to trust God I am getting older I am the pressure of time is with His timing and trust grateful for it all. I have to schedule and plan for in Him to make a way. If learnt valuable lessons things for how can you you hold on to Him it will about time, and they are use time wisely when it’s eventually work out for your good. DEEP INSIGHT | 7

Time well spent is time never and study your bible, take that cycles happening in your life lost course, spend time with family, and break them. Giving yourself and consistently do that workout to understanding the seasons in Someone once said, we all have routine...There’s a lot you can your life and how they operate 24 hours in a day but how you dedicate your time to, that will will help you to know what you spend the day determines the be of great benefit to you. have to do, when to do it and difference in the results you get. how to do it. What are you investing your There’s a time for everything time on? What things are you You only live do it putting your effort on? Where For there is a time for everything right you invest you will get rewards. under the sun. To everything, You yield from where you put there is a season. Learn to Do not live a life of regrets. Make your attention. You reap what identify seasons, cycles, and each second count. You want you sow. Therefore invest your patterns. It is important to know to start a business? You want time wisely. Dedicate your time which season you’re in. You to say yes to God’s calling on to the things that will build you, should know if it’s time to en- your life but you’re hesitant? You mould you and shape you into a ter a season, stay in a season, want to tell that beautiful girl you better person. Invest your time or exit. Recognize unhealthy love her? You want to start on in reading that self development patterns and deal with them that diet? You want to apply for book, have some quiet time accordingly. Identify certain that job? Do it!! Time waits for no one. Live life, love life, and 8 | DEEP INSIGHT

appreciate every moment as came and he became a ruler being a shepherd of sheep to it comes. Love whilst you still and saved his people. God being a shepherd of people. can. Serve God (especially knew that if Joseph was in in your youth) whilst you still Canaan, he wouldn’t be in a Your chance and time will can. Forgive, laugh, love. Go position to save his family from definitely come! Just be alert for your dreams. Live every the great famine. So he had and wise enough to recognize moment like it’s your last. That to be strategically positioned your season when it comes. way you will make it count. in Egypt. His journey was not It may come in an unlikely an easy one yet he made it. It package but be sure to use Chance and time happen to doesn’t have to make sense it for the greater good. David them all to you for it to work out. Just was not the strongest or the hold on to God’s promises and fittest person around but he Your turn will come! Timing and tell yourself it will happen for was the one who killed the being rightfully positioned can you too. Keep up the faith and giant. Don’t let your opportu- greatly determine how things never give up hope. When it nity go because it is not what work out for you. Joseph went didn’t make any sense, Sarah you thought it should be like. through a lot but his chance and Abraham waited for Isaac Seize it and use it. and he came. David went from DEEP INSIGHT | 9

KEEPING YOUR BRAIN HEALTHY By Anesu G. Mubaiwa The brain is one of the most brain controls memory, emo- complex and organised organ tions, conscious thought, and structures in the human body. every sensory perception that The structure- activity relation- regulates your body. Without a ship of brain cells is fascinating healthy brain, you would not be to study. Your brain has many reading this article right now be- important functions that serve to cause your brain gives meaning keep you alive. I can safely say to all the external stimuli you the Brain is the most important experience. organ in your body. It coordi- nates all crucial body activities There are several measures like breathing, digesting, and you can take to keep your brain respiration. The brain is like the healthy. A healthy brain results processor of your human system in a more productive and fulfill- and therefore any damage to ing lifestyle. On the other hand, the brain will subsequently lead an unhealthy brain is associat- to malfunctions in every other ed with a lack of coordination organ system in the body. Your and memory loss. Mental health conditions such as Dementia 10 | DEEP INSIGHT

and Alzheimer’s disease can to keep it in shape. Some studies oil. Eating healthy foods helps also occur progressively if you show that people who undertake maintain focus and slows down neglect your brain’s health. many mentally engaging tasks cognitive decline. People who are less likely to develop Alzhei- smoke and drink have also been The first thing you must do to mer’s disease as they grow up. said to increase their chances of keep your brain healthy is to Challenge yourself with a book, suffering from dementia in later get enough sleep. Sleep helps puzzle, or adventure now and stages of life. Sugary food and the body detoxify and clear out then. The process of learning alcohol are bad for brain cells. abnormal proteins in your brain. and memorisation helps keep Getting enough rest refreshes your brain healthy. Lastly, you must stay socially your brain as it is always working active because human beings to regulate your body functions. Managing your diet is another are not solitary organisms. Have Secondly, regular exercise helps important thing you must do to social groups where you inter- increase blood flow to the brain keep your brain healthy. It is act and learn from others. Be- and this is beneficial to the brain. advisable to eat a lot of plant- ing socially active helps keep People who exercise regularly based foods and whole grains. your brain active by learning are less likely to develop Alz- You have to make a deliber- new things and experiencing heimer’s disease. ate effort to avoid eating highly different sides of people and processed, fatty, meaty foods life. It guards against depression Furthermore, it is important to but rather consume healthy oils and stress, which contribute to stay mentally active to keep your like olive oil and omega-3 fish memory loss. brain healthy. Just like a muscle, you must keep your brain active DEEP INSIGHT | 11

ADVENTOUR 10 NATURAL WONDERS FOR YOUR BUCKET LIST We are communal creatures of the same species, but our geographical location determines socie- tal actions based on cultural and governmental laws. We are so similar, yet our little worlds are so dissimilar. Travelling to see places other than our hometown is essential for broadening our hori- zons. Travelling, whether domestically or internationally, can be an experience that is remembered for a lifetime. If your office and daily commute aren’t a fitting reminder of the planet’s extraordinary natural diversity, take some inspiration from these incredible scenes. Tulip fields in the Netherlands Victoria Falls The majority of tulip farms in the Netherlands The Zambezi River cascades over a 1.7-kilome- are located in the province of Flevoland’s tre-long cliff, making Victoria Falls, also known Noordoostpolder. Flower bulb fields along the locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya (the smoke that thun- coast of The Hague and Leiden up to Alkmaar ders), a breathtaking sight. With its highest-ever in the north are also excellent places to enjoy recorded flow rate of 12,800 cubic meters per these lovely flowers. second, a lot of water makes the 108-meter drop into the Zambezi’s gorges. 12 | DEEP INSIGHT

Hitachi Seaside Park Panjin Red Beach The Beach is located on the Liaohe River Delta Located in the city of Hitachinaka facing the in China, approximately 20 miles southwest of Pacific Ocean, it offers beautiful flowers in its Panjin City. The unusual colour of the vegetation well-kept, large gardens all year. Visitors flock makes it one of the most unique and fascinating to see narcissuses, tulips, and nemophila (baby beaches in the world, providing visitors with an blue eyes) in the spring. Poppies and roses incredible chromatic effect. bloom in early summer, and zinnias and sunflow- Bamboo Forest ers bloom later in the season. Ice tulips can be seen in the winter, providing a rich complement of flora throughout the year. Mendenhall Ice Caves The Ice Caves located at the Mendenhall Glacier Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, or Sagano Bamboo in Juneau, Alaska are natural ice formations Grove, is Japan’s most famous bamboo forest, tucked away in one of the most beautiful places located on the outskirts of Kyoto. It’s thought to on Earth. The caves come and go as mother be one of Kyoto’s most photographed locations, nature chooses and are accessible only to the as well as one of the most photo-shopped. most adventurous of travellers. DEEP INSIGHT | 13

Wisteria Flower Tunnel Tianzi Mountain The wisteria tunnels are in the Kawachi Fuji It offers breathtaking views of peaks that rise Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan, about six hours one after the other. It is dubbed “the Monarch from Tokyo. The private gardens are famous for of the Peak Forest.” Visitors can see the entire their wisteria, which includes 150 plants from 20 Wulingyuan Scenic Area from the mountain’s different species. summit. Black Forest Germany Zhangye Danxia Landform This is located in Germany. Summer in the Black The Danxia landscape of Zhangye has many Forest is ideal for those who enjoy hiking. There steep red cliffs, the majority of which are several are numerous long-distance trails throughout the hundred meters high, as well as multicoloured region. ridges of weathered strata that sometimes stretch to the horizon. These formations, which are sometimes smooth and sometimes sharp, stand out against the plains’ greens and greys, looking grand and magnificent, vigorous and virile. 14 | DEEP INSIGHT

BOOK CORNER SHORT BOOKS TO READ Who moved my cheese? Author: Spencer Johnson This book is a short read on dealing with change emotion- ally and methodically, and realizing when things are about to change. “Change is coming, be prepared, be adaptive, grab it with both hands!’ Sign Posts on the Road to Success Author: Essek William Kenyon The book inspires you to discover the abilities in you and manifesting them in an excellent manner. The New One Minute Manager Authors: Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson M.D. This is a guide to effective communication between man- agers and their employees. It focuses on the elimination of barriers to enable efficiency. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Author: Robin Sharma This is an interesting story of an attorney who travelled in search of spiritual peace in his not so balanced life. It is simple, but with very effective techniques that can be used for almost all areas of life. DEEP INSIGHT | 15

MOTION PICTURES I remember the story told Before success brought dignity Before dignity became immunity Before I earned a name in my community The flashes come passing like slides of motion pictures In the ’90s my guardian’s generation had the voice But now the button stick has turned to a sceptre The legacy still lives and the glory shouts The morals flowing into the veins of new shoots Saturated leaves transforming green into a glow These are the motion pictures of nurturing In my basement there’s nothing much to see, Not that there’s nothing inside But the same old pictures we once exhibited. I cannot keep up with the external world which is ever changing on morality So I wonder as I ponder inside a world I created in my mind for my emotional recuperation. These are the motion pictures, the stories which bring a combination of light and darkness, like negative and positive bringing beauty and harmony The process of combining two abstract forces to create a single outstanding joint The use of negative and positive effects to create a beautiful motion picture. I remember the story told before It’s the extension of the story you hear this day Now the story has occupied space in my conscience, it’s the elegance taking me out of the blue to the Dreamland. If mud can be moulded into a beautiful clay pot an experience can be learned from changing circumstances to be favourable. By Trevor Mukarati 16 | DEEP INSIGHT

TAKE A STEP BACK By Tanaka Chigomba Time is very essential but it is behind not in a way to remain keep yourself abreast of what such a fickle thing. I always ask stuck in our past but diligently is behind, present and what is myself how I got here because to find our mistakes so that we ahead. We fail in life by mak- I really can not keep an ac- learn from them and make bet- ing the same mistake countless count of time. I sometimes fold ter choices tomorrow. I realized times because we do not even my hands and look sideways I let go of many opportunities know we made a mistake. We and around when people ask because I was young and naive. do not realize how things have questions that need an adult I have made mistakes, a lot of changed over time when actu- only to realize that everyone them because I only lived in ally a lot has happened without is looking at me, I’m the adult. the moment. I then learnt that us even noticing. The gap be- Time flies. The events that I to have a clear picture of life took for granted have a much one should have a clear picture tween then and now is much deeper meaning now when I of what is ahead and what is look at the memory scrapbook. behind as well. Just like a car, bigger but we will not even All my mischief and ill manners it has a big windscreen for the that I used to see as normal driver to see the road and the know if we don’t reflect on childhood behaviours now feel traffic ahead. It also has oth- it. Some memories are painful like mistakes and they make er view mirrors to see what is and we can never get used to up a bunch of my experiences. coming from behind. What is them but we must always learn ahead matters the most, that’s from them and make tomorrow To go two steps further you why there is a bigger screen better than today and yesterday. should take one step back. to see what is ahead. It makes no sense, yes but it We hope for a better future if carries perfect meaning in life. However, if you are not care- we take the right steps. Always Before taking a step forward ful what is behind can hit you learn something from yesterday. we should always have a mo- hard from the back and moving Are you satisfied with your life ment to reflect on our past. Look ahead is delayed or becomes and how things are going so impossible. Always look back to far? Do you know where the mistake is? What would you change? What are you doing differently today? DEEP INSIGHT | 17

MOVIE REVIEW Movie Review by Ivy S. Chiworeka 18 | DEEP INSIGHT

Movie review: forgive our tresspasses Initial release: 17 February 2022 Director: Ashley Eakin Production design: Oleg M. Savytski Costume design: Anne Dixon Set decoration: Christina Kuhnigk I watched this movie two days killed because you were born to be forced into the grave. This ago after work, I was drained disabled! regime’s elimination was pure to bits but after I saw the title, evil, money was more important “Forgive our trespasses” I was The first part of the movie when than people. so intrigued. And you know what, sitting in class says a lot about I cried a lot. the regime. The boy, Peter says At bedtime prayers, he asks his disabled people should be killed. mother if we really should for- If you want a movie that plays His mother brushes this thought give those who trespass against a big role in emotions try this. It out of her son out of worry. But us. “Even the Nazis?” It’s an is a story of the Nazis regime, with time the law became cruel intriguing question, one with a the Hitler era. In this story, we and he had to fight for himself. I difficult answer. This makes us see a boy who has no limb feel like they changed his char- reflect on the daylight of today. (disabled). They believed that acter through his challenges. How would you answer it? God disabled people were wasting He fought for his right to live, he says we should forgive for we their resources so the way to wanted to be loved and be free. are all sinners, it is for Him to solve such was to kill all dis- Peter worries a lot, he didn’t ask judge not us. abled people. Imagine being to be born like this but he has DEEP INSIGHT | 19

IF I HAD KNOWN By Grace Murenje We never realize how much time we have wasted until we look and back and reflect. We start to notice the things we could have achieved in those weeks, months or even years. We spend time again regretting the poor decisions we made only for us to realize that we can’t cry over spilt milk. When l was young, around 7 years old, every time we would travel and my fa- ther would let me pack my bag. Yes, a 7 year-old packing her bag. Well, l enjoyed it. Unlike my mother who would do it herself, if you try to suggest which clothes you would prefer to carry, she would look at you with the eye that says, “Please go away, let me do the work.” 20 | DEEP INSIGHT

At one point, we embarked on a going to enjoy. At that moment satchel. It honestly sounded like journey and my father gave me l wasn’t feeling the heaviness a great idea. I threw them away two bags. The first bag was for of the bag. I remember on one and some of the stuff I deemed packing all the clothes l thought occasion l picked up a box along necessary. l would want. The second one the way. I imagined it as a per- was for other things l thought l fect dollhouse when l reached I begged my father to help me would need. (The kind of things my destination. Now l wonder carry my bag but he reminded that my mother regarded as what my father was thinking all me, “l told you to pack things junk.) This is where l would this while letting me carry all which you thought you need- go crazy. Knowing that we were these things. With a satchel on ed and know you will be able going on a holiday for a month l my back and a box in my hand, to carry.” With every passing wanted to carry all the toys and l was looking forward to a great hour, my bag was getting emp- things l wanted to play with. I holiday. tier. By the time we reached packed all my dolls, papers l had home, l was left with the Barbie doodled on and all the empty The essentiality of my belong- dolls only. All the empty tins l containers. I recalled that I had ings would only be proven after had carried, paper boxes and collected perfectly round stones we dropped off and started our aeroplanes l made, the multiple the previous week and l loved walking to the rural areas. Not colour pens (that used to write them so much that I carefully to sound like an old person but but had since dried up), all of packed them so they wouldn’t we used to walk for kilometres to them were long gone. squash my other belongings. get home, with the road passing through a mountain. Picture this: Now as l reflect, l realize my I was allowed to carry the sec- It’s around 30°C and a 7 year father wasn’t cruel by refusing ond bag on my own. With the old girl is carrying a satchel with to carry my bag, rather, he was excitement l had l felt like a a lot of dolls and stones and teaching me a valuable lesson. grown up packing my bags with a cardboard box going up the There are things we think mat- anything l wanted and finally mountain. Yes, that’s exactly ter only to realize after some being given the bag to carry to what it was like. After walking time that they don’t matter at and from the bus stop. Going for about 30 minutes, l realized all. Sometimes it takes pain for to the bus stop was the easiest the box wasn’t necessary at all us to come to that realisation or because it was early in the morn- so I threw it away. Now l was time will simply do its work. If ing, the sun was not yet up and left with a heavy satchel on my only we can get rid of the bag- my mind was occupied with all back. Struggling for my breath, l gage we are carrying so that the holiday activities that l was remember my father suggesting our journey in life can become that I throw away some of the lighter. unnecessary things l had in my WWW.DEEPINSIGHTMAGAZINE.COM DEEP INSIGHT | 21


Events keep unfolding speedily REST is also one of the lessons When it comes to the issue of in my life, sometimes l keep try- that l have come to embrace re- God speaking l have realized ing to catch up with the time but cently. I noticed that sometimes l that the speech of God is re- almost all the time I’m a victim ended up creating problems that leased through various means. that’s why l have to rewind. Just never existed. I remember one Now I desire to pay attention rewinding l see a lot of lessons time l was running late rushing because l noticed that God is l learnt even sometimes without to go out looking for my phone always speaking. Sometimes I noticing, but l thank God for the which was in my hand but if l find myself looking for a solu- events and encounters. had waited for a minute to take tion which God has already a breath l would have found my answered before it happened. 2022 has come with a lot of phone earlier. That’s what I’m Even as l study the word l keep blessings and challenges but now doing, every time l feel the seeing instances where God one of the beautiful things l have pressure mounting up, l take a spoke in various ways, through come to learn is that in as much break, stop working and enter a donkey, writings appearing on as l have always faced chal- into rest. a wall and so on. What l can lenges they never last forever. say is God is still speaking, I I came to realize for any person Also in line with the aspect of am learning and perceiving. to practice purpose a challenge work, l remember earlier in my is needed. If there is no chal- teenage years l got an under- The other vital aspect that l lenge there is no purpose. The standing of grace but year by came to realize even through challenge faced by someone to year l seem to get a deeper interactions with great friends is travel from continent to continent and clearer understanding. we should always be able to say to reach their destination within Specifically, this year, l came no. Not just saying no to people a few hours is solved by a pilot to realize most times l missed but saying no to anything that practising purpose. Even though an encounter with God because might act as a weapon of mass challenges inflict difficulties, I of trying too hard. l used to be- destruction to our purpose and always welcome them by not lieve that we have to pray hard dreams. It’s not always about panicking but with a ready mind or fast more. It’s not bad to fast being nice but sometimes if it’s of to practise purpose and that has or pray in a sense but doing it necessity to shout to the weapon always brought satisfaction. whilst you are expecting God of destruction then do so! Jesus Sometimes it’s hard for me to to answer because of that puts Jesus rebuked Peter when the keep up, especially when things a limitation on the move of God devil was using him, shout your go crazy and upside down. l and also missing the aspect of way out to Victory by resisting keep praying to God not to be grace. Grace unveils the things the devil, he will flee and be anxious but to recline. that are freely given to us of God. ready for the next season cause he will strike again. #truthteller@116 DEEP INSIGHT | 23

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