Since 1970, almost 310,000 square kilome- ters of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest have been lost due to human activity. The reduction has slowed in recent years as a result of positive action by South American governments, but it remains a problem. Logging and cattle farming are largely responsible for this vast amount of defor- estation. Nevertheless, the effect that this has had on the wildlife of the Amazon Rainfor- est is noticeable. Deforestation is not the only thing that causes animals to become endangered or extinct, climate change, il- legal hunting, and contamination are also playing a role in destroying habitats and endangering animals. But deforestation is the leading cause of extinction in the Ama- zon Rainforest. Every year, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) publishes a list of endangered animals. This list con- tains thousands of species in the Amazon Rainforest that are in danger of becoming extinct if nothing is done to protect them. Here are a few of the Amazon’s precious creatures that might not be around for much longer.
Published by Comm. Des. AnantU Ltd, 2022 2nd Floor, Anant National University All right reserved. This book is done as a part of college assignment and as an exploration to the field of publication design. This coffee tbale book is purely made out of educa tional purposes. No part of this pubication may be repro- duced in any form or any means without prior permission if the publisher. General Editor- Gauri Deshmukh Project Invigilator-Amitabh Pandey and Hemang Anglay Most of the contents of this book were taken from various sources. Prime source- Google Standard edition: ISBN 984-2-743823-933-1 Variant Books A Million edition: ISBN 983-2-3439548- 384-2
The Amazon Rainforest has one Deforestation is not the only But deforestation is the lead- This list contains thousands of of the highest levels of biodiver- thing that causes animals to ing cause of extinction in the species of Amazon Rainforest sity on earth and is home to hun- become endangered or extinct, Amazon Rainforest. Every year, Wildlife that are in danger of be- dreds of thousands of animal, climate change, illegal hunting, the International Union for the coming extinct if nothing is done bird, and insect species. Unfortu- and contamination are also play- Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to protect them. Here are ten of nately, this utopia of wildlife and ing a role in destroying habitats publishes a list of endangered the Amazon’s precious creatures vegetation is under attack and and endangering species of Am- animals. that might not be around for has been for some years now. azon Rainforest Wildlife. much longer in Perú. The culprits? Humans. AMAZON RAI
AR Amazonian jaguar is one of the Jaguars indirectly impact Ama- endangered species of Amazon zonian ecosystems through their Rainforest Wildlife. The jaguar is diet – they are top-predators, the largest feline in South Amer- and thereby influence vegetation ica and in the Amazon there are, patterns through their consump- unfortunately, currently many tion of herbivores. Conservation specimens. With a length (in- efforts to protect jaguars keep cluding tail) of up to 2.5 meters herbivore populations in check, it weighs up to 120 kilos. He is but also extend protection to a good swimmer, has nocturnal other species. habits and is a solitary animal.
It consists of a species of endem- A curiosity about this species ic monkey of Brazil, its weight is that its name was attributed is of more or less 800 grams. when an individual was taken to The popular name of the species Madame de Pompadour in 1754, comes from its mane that has a who called him le petit singe-li- very strong orange hue. Appears on which literally means little in the list of species that have a golden lion. great risk of extinction.
This adorable creature is one of Currently, it is considered that in the three big animals visitors Peru it is in danger of becoming hope to see in the jungle, along extinct, but in the rest of the with jaguars and the giant otter. areas inhabited by its population The hoofed mammals are sur- it is not much greater. Its main prisingly nimble given their bulky threats are the loss of its habi- appearance and they feed on tats such as logging and burning. clay licks found in the jungle.
Among the cutest animals in Indiscriminate hunting is its most the Amazon Rainforest Wildlife, representative threat, in addition giant otters can grow up to 1.7 to habitat destruction, water metres long and can be found in pollution and the action of fish- the waterways that run through ing in the area. Peru protects the the jungle. Thanks to its resis- species in several national parks, tant whiskers and a sharp eye, it such as the one in Manu National easily identifies the movements Park and in the Pacaya-Samiria of prey in the water.The otters National Reserve. feeds on fish mostly, playing an important role as a predator in ecosystems.
ARI The most noticeable feature of It is considered a vulnerable Although the Peruvian govern- KEY the Uakari monkey is its unusual, species and is included in the ment considers it a protected bright red face. Monkeys derive appendices of the Convention species, there is no program for their name from the Uakari tribe on International Trade in Endan- its conservation. that once lived in the Amazon gered Species of Wild Fauna and but is now extinct. This creature Flora (CITES).Poaching and de- can often be found lounging forestation are the main factors in the trees, feasting on fruits in its decline. hanging from branches.
The white-cheeked spider White-cheeked spider mon- T monkey (Ateles marginatus), keys share their genus with the also called the white-whiskered six other species of true spider spider monkey, is endemic to the monkeys.White-cheeked spider Amazon Basin in central Brazil. monkeys are the least studied Their range is bound by the Rio of the Brazilian spider monkeys. Tapajós, Rio Teles Pires, Rio Xin- White-cheeked spider monkeys gu, and Rio Amazonas. They live are mostly dark brown or black, in the lush, extremely biodiverse with white hair on their fore- lowland rainforests for which the head, chin, and, as their name region is known. suggests, cheeks.
So far we have looked at land The hyacinth macaw is a stun- animals, but we must not forget ning cobalt color all over its our winged friends that soar up body, with a ring of bright yellow above. Hyacinth macaw is an around its eye and the same astonishingly beautiful bird, with color yellow at the base and the feathers in rich blues and green. corners of its beak. It is often The main threat to the survival referred to simply as a “blue ma- of this magnificent bird is the caw.” The hyacinth is not twice illegal pet trade. Unfortunately, as large as other large macaws, there is a market for these birds though its big personality makes due to their splendour and this is other macaws seem like dwarves reducing the numbers found in in its presence. These birds can the wild. live to be more than 60 years old if cared for properly.
Published by Communication department at Anant National University
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