The Amazon Rainforest has one of Deforestation is not the only But deforestation is the leading This list contains thousands of the highest levels of biodiversity thing that causes animals to be- cause of extinction in the Amazon species of Amazon Rainforest on earth and is home to hundreds come endangered or extinct, cli- Rainforest. Every year, the Inter- Wildlife that are in danger of be- of thousands of animal, bird, and mate change, illegal hunting, and national Union for the Conserva- coming extinct if nothing is done insect species. Unfortunately, contamination are also playing tion of Nature (IUCN) publishes a to protect them. Here are ten of this utopia of wildlife and vegeta- a role in destroying habitats and list of endangered animals. the Amazon’s precious creatures tion is under attack and has been endangering species of Amazon that might not be around for for some years now. The culprits? Rainforest Wildlife. much longer in Perú. Humans. AMAZON RAI
AR Amazonian jaguar is one of the Jaguars indirectly impact Ama- endangered species of Amazon zonian ecosystems through their Rainforest Wildlife. The jaguar is diet – they are top-predators, and the largest feline in South Amer- thereby influence vegetation pat- ica and in the Amazon there are, terns through their consumption unfortunately, currently many of herbivores. Conservation ef- specimens. With a length (in- forts to protect jaguars keep her- cluding tail) of up to 2.5 meters bivore populations in check, but it weighs up to 120 kilos. He is a also extend protection to other good swimmer, has nocturnal species. habits and is a solitary animal.
It consists of a species of endemic A curiosity about this species monkey of Brazil, its weight is of is that its name was attributed more or less 800 grams. The pop- when an individual was taken to ular name of the species comes Madame de Pompadour in 1754, from its mane that has a very who called him le petit singe-lion strong orange hue. Appears in the which literally means little golden list of species that have a great lion. risk of extinction.
This adorable creature is one of Currently, it is considered that in the three big animals visitors Peru it is in danger of becoming hope to see in the jungle, along extinct, but in the rest of the ar- with jaguars and the giant otter. eas inhabited by its population The hoofed mammals are sur- it is not much greater. Its main prisingly nimble given their bulky threats are the loss of its habitats appearance and they feed on clay such as logging and burning. licks found in the jungle.
Among the cutest animals in the Indiscriminate hunting is its most Amazon Rainforest Wildlife, gi- representative threat, in addition ant otters can grow up to 1.7 me- to habitat destruction, water pol- tres long and can be found in the lution and the action of fishing in waterways that run through the the area. Peru protects the species jungle. Thanks to its resistant in several national parks, such as whiskers and a sharp eye, it easily the one in Manu National Park identifies the movements of prey and in the Pacaya-Samiria Na- in the water.The otters feeds on tional Reserve. fish mostly, playing an important role as a predator in ecosystems.
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