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Home Explore Winter 2 Brochure

Winter 2 Brochure

Published by ISD 728 Community Education, 2017-02-10 11:57:34

Description: Winter 2 Brochure


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IN THIS ISSUE YOUTH K-12ADULT 20 Swim Lessons 31 Before/After School Childcare4 Fitness 32 Non-School Days Childcare 8 Health | Safety 33 Little Learners 9 Parenting 34 Visual & Performing Arts 10 Arts 37 Special Interests 11 General Interest 39 Academics 12 Travel 41 Athletics 13 Finance 42 High School13 Technology 43 Driver's Education 16 Online Learning 18 Adult Basic Education & GED ROGERS RECREATION19 English as a Second Language (ELL)23 H.O.P. E. Adults w/ Developmental Disabilities 44 After School 45 Youth 47 Learn-to-Skate 49 All AgesAQUATICS REGISTRATION 20 Swim Lessons 22 Aqua Fitness 30 ECFE Registration | Sliding Fee Scale 22 Activities 50 Registration | Contact Us 51 Facility Locations EARLY CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE20 Swim Lessons24 Early Childhood Family Education FUN!25 Parenting27 Early Childhood Screening28 Discovery Learning Preschool30 Registration | Fee Information33 Little Learners2 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

WELCOMEWHAT'S NEW WITH COMMUNITY ED?FEATURED Featured Class Alert: Cake Wars ► age 3-12 w/parent CLASS Have you ever wanted to decorate a cake like a professional? Do you like competitions? Then you will definitely want to join pg38 this class! You and your teammate(s) will brainstorm designs, then strategically decorate your team’s cake using colorful bags of icing and a variety of metal decorating tips to create your masterpiece! Class fee includes parent and child. MARCH Upcoming Event: Career Exploration Fair CAREER FAIR ► grades 6-12 EXPLORATION11 Have you wondered what direction you want to take in life after high school? The Career Exploration Fair can help you discover SATURDAY, MARCH 11 career options and point you in the right direction! Admission is FREE! RSVP at GuaranteeWe guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with your experience,please contact the Community Education office at 763-241-3520, or the Early Childhood Family Education officeat 763-241-3524.Our MissionISD 728 Community Education is dedicated to building community through citizen involvement and lifelong learningwhile educating, inspiring and empowering ALL of our learners across ISD 728. Suggest a Class! Visit and fill out a short form to share your class idea with us!728CEadult • 728CEyouth ECFE728 • CE728ALERT 728communityed728ECFE • CommunityEd.HOPE Communityed728 3

ADULTS FITNESS EXPERIENCEIMPROVED ENERGY NCAOTMUPREETITION HEALTHPICKLEBALL ► ADULT OPEN GYM ► ALL AGESPickleball is a combination of ping-pong and tennis and is perfect for Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work onadults who are young at heart. Using our equipment or your own, you their skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize withcan play against others who love some friendly competition. Don't know others. Check in and pay upon arrival with the Open Gym clerk. Pleasehow to play? Don't let it stop you -- the first 15 minutes of each session note that changes may be made to this schedule, so always checkcan be used to share rules, practice and warm up. Play will be first- before dropping a child off at the school. Students (age 11+) whocome, first-served along with a rotation with others who show up to play. participate without parent participation MUST have a completed contact form on file. Youth age 10 and younger must be with a responsiblePay at the door: $3/day adult.Purchase passes online using the following course #:Season Pass - any day | $125 | #4425-1F Pay daily rate or buy passes at the door, or purchase 10-day or seasonSeason Pass - Sunday only | $54 | #4425-2F passes online using course #s listed below. Online purchases must beSeason Pass - Wednesdays only | $56 | #4425-3F made 5 days prior to first use of pass.Season Pass - Friday only | $38 | $4425-4F Pay at the door:Sundays Oct 2-Apr 30* | 4:00-6:00pm $4/day student; $5/day adult; $12/day family (6 max w/one adult)Handke Center Gym Door 5*Not meeting Apr 16 Pay online: Zimmerman Open Gym PassWednesdays Oct 5-Apr 26 | 5:30-7:30pm 10-Day Pass: $30/student; $40/adult; $79/family | #4100-42YHandke Center Gym Door 5 Season Pass (Sundays & Wednesdays): $95/person | #4100-43YFridays Oct 7-Apr 28* | 3:30-5:00pm Rogers Open Gym PassHandke Center Gym Door 5 10-Day Pass: $30/student; $40/adult; $79/family | #4100-1Y*Not meeting Feb 3 Season Pass (Sundays & Wednesdays): $95/person | #4100-2YAIKIDO all ages Sundays Oct 2-Apr 30* | 3:00-5:00pmLearn this Japanese martial art from a 6th-degree black belt! Aikido is Zimmerman HS Gym Door Ka defense system that teaches confidence and control with principles *Not meeting Apr 16based on harmonizing mind and body with a partner’s attack. Explorehand-to-hand, sword and staff techniques as you develop mental and Sundays Oct 2-Apr 30* | 6:00-8:00pmphysical discipline. There are no tournaments or competitions with this Rogers MS Gym Door Aprogram. *Not meeting Apr 16Thursdays Mar 16-May 11* | 7:30-9:00pm | 8 sessions | $69 families and students grades 5-8Elk River HS Wrestling Room Door A | Larson | #5101-2W Wednesdays Oct 19-Apr 26 | 7:00-8:30pm*Not meeting Apr 13 Zimmerman HS Gym Door K adults and students grades 9-12 Wednesdays Oct 19-Apr 26 | 8:30-10:00pm Zimmerman HS Gym Door K Wednesdays Oct 19-Apr 26 | 7:00-9:00pm Rogers HS Gym Door I4 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

FITNESS ADULTSINTRO TO HEALTH AND FITNESS We offer open gym opportunities for adults in Rogers and Zimmerman...stop by!Have you heard about 24Fit Bootcamp? Are you looking for an exercisegroup to work out with, hold you accountable, and help you get results? BODYPUMPYou will have the opportunity to visit with our current boot-campers ontheir experiences with us, and find out how we can help you with your BodyPump® is for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast.nutrition and fitness goals! Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BodyPump® gives you a total body workout. Check in at front desk.Monday Feb 6 | 6:00-7:00pm | 1 session | $0Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | Will | #5104-5W Thursdays Feb 2-Mar 9 | 9:30-10:25am | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 PairTuesday Feb 7 | 6:30-7:30pm | 1 session | $0 Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-1WZimmerman Elem Lounge Door 1 | Will | #5104-6W GENTLE YOGA RELAXMonday Mar 13 | 6:00-7:00pm | 1 session | $0Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | Will | #5104-7W This class offers a slower pace and is focused on stretching all areas of the body while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles.Tuesday Mar 14 | 6:30-7:30pm | 1 session | $0Zimmerman Elem Lounge Door 1 | Will | #5104-8W Wednesdays Jan 25-Mar 1 | 10:15-11:15am | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 Pair24FIT BOOTCAMP Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-5WDo you want to increase your metabolism and burn fat more efficiently? GENTLE YOGA STRENGTHThis class features Xtreme fitness challenges, fitness evaluation andcoaching, with a goal of complete body transformation. This class is for This class offers a slower pace and is focused on stretching all areasall fitness levels. of the body while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. We also work on strength training. Floor work will be optional.Mon/Wed/Thu Feb 13-Mar 9 | 6:00-7:00pm | 12 sessions | $0Lincoln Elem Gym Door 2 | Will | #5104-3W Fridays Jan 27-Mar 3 | 10:15-11:15am | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 PairTue/Thu Feb 16-Mar 9* | 6:30-7:30pm | 6 sessions | $0 Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-6WZimmerman Elem Gym Door 1 | Will | #5104-4W*Not meeting Mar 2 PLEASE NOTE:Mon/Wed/Thu Mar 20-Apr 6 | 6:00-7:00pm | 9 sessions | $0 The decision on whether a class will run isLincoln Elem Gym Door 2 | Will | #5104-1P made 3-5 days before the class start date. Register Early to insure we don’t cancelTue/Thu Mar 21-Apr 6 | 6:30-7:30pm | 6 sessions | $0Zimmerman Elem Gym Door 1 | Will | #5104-2P a class you are hoping to take.BODY SCULPTINGAn easy-to-follow class for all fitness levels! Strengthen and tone yourentire body using controlled movements and a variety of equipmentincluding the body bar, dumbbells, ball, resistance bands and more.Check in at front desk.Saturdays Feb 4-Mar 11 | 9:00-10:00am | 6 sessions$35 Individual/$65 PairThree Rivers Fitness | #5105-2WISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 5

ADULTS FITNESS YOGA SCULPT Walking can provide many of the same health This fun, yet challenging, class is a fusion of yoga, cardiovascular benefits associated with running. endurance, and strength training. Though intense, this class is designed for all fitness levels and ages. Yoga Sculpt will tone and shape yourPOWER YOGA body by targeting major muscle groups through anaerobic movements and compound training.Power Yoga is a dynamic Vinyasa series, meaning breath is linked tomovement, and is set to music. Options are given throughout class, Tuesdays Jan 24-Mar 7* | 7:05-8:05pm | 6 sessionsmaking it ideal for anyone. Power Yoga will build strength, increase $35 Individual/$65 Pairflexibility and find focus. Twin Lakes Elem Gym Door 3 | #5102-3WMondays Mar 20-May 1* | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessions *Not meeting Feb 14$35 Individual/$65 PairOtsego Elem Music Rm Door 4 | Olson | #5102-2W INDOOR WALKING*Not meeting Apr 17 Here's your opportunity to get moving with a healthy activity! ThisYOGA BASICS is an individualized program where you set the pace. Participants are welcome at any time during walking hours. We provide a safe,Are you interested in learning the basic poses, correct alignment and supervised route. Register for your preferred location, but walk at any ofbreathing techniques of yoga? No experience necessary to take this our sites! Join anytime; fee will be prorated.class, all fitness levels welcome! You can gain strength, stamina, andbalance as you explore this popular activity. Wear comfortable clothing Mon/Tue/Thu Dec 12-Apr 13* | 4:00-8:30pm | $59 Individual/$109 Pairand bring an exercise mat, if possible. Rogers MS Hallways Door A | #5140-1FMondays Jan 23-Mar 6* | 6:30-7:30pm | 6 sessions *Not meeting Mar 2, 7$35 Individual/$65 PairTwin Lakes Elem Gym Door 3 | #5102-4W Mon/Tue/Thu Dec 12-Apr 13* | 4:00-8:30pm | $59 Individual/$109 Pair*Not meeting Feb 20 VandenBerge MS Door N | #5140-4FTuesdays Jan 24-Feb 28 | 9:00-10:00am | 6 sessions *Not meeting Mar 2, 7$35 Individual/$65 PairFitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-3W Mon/Tue/Thu Dec 12-Apr 13* | 4:00-5:30pm | $59 Individual/$109 PairTuesdays Mar 14-Apr 18 | 9:00-10:00am | 6 sessions Zimmerman Elem Hallways Door C | #5140-2F$35 Individual/$65 Pair *Not meeting Mar 16Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-4W Mon/Tue/Thu Dec 12-Apr 13* | 5:00-8:30pm | $59 Individual/$109 Pair Zimmerman HS Hallways Door A | #5140-3F *Not meeting Mar 2, 7 WISE WOMEN’S BELLY DANCE CLASS Sometimes with age comes ...extra pounds? Women age 40+ can stay in shape while having fun! Belly dance is low-impact and improves your hip and upper body flexibility, while strengthening your core, back, abs and bones. Women of any age are welcome; however, the focus of this class will be on health and beauty benefits for women over age 40. Thursdays Jan 26-Feb 16 | 6:30-7:30pm | 4 sessions $35 Individual/$65 Pair Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Isenor | #5172-1W6 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

FITNESS ADULTSNEW! DANCE JAM More and more people are discovering the benefits of working out in the water.Be a rock star on the dance floor! This dance-based cardiovascularclass takes you on a journey of styles using simple to complex NEW LOCATION! AQUA FITchoreography. Club, hip hop, jazz and more lets you get down, getfunky, and drop it like it’s hot! Join us for this low-impact class that works a full range of motion using easy-to-follow choreography. This class also includes some toning.Sundays Jan 22-Feb 26 | 4:30-5:30pm | 6 sessions$35 Individual/$65 Pair Wednesdays Jan 25-Mar 1 | 9:00-10:00am | 6 sessionsFitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-1W $35 Individual/$65 Pair Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-7WZUMBA BASICS Thursdays Jan 26-Mar 2 | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessionsThis class is for the true beginner! Learn at a beginner's pace with $35 Individual/$65 Pairother beginners so you don't feel left behind. Burn calories, improve Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-8Wcoordination and get a full body workout. Wednesdays Mar 15-Apr 19 | 9:00-10:00am | 6 sessionsTuesdays Mar 14-Apr 18 | 7:45-8:45pm | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 Pair$35 Individual/$65 Pair Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-9WZimmerman Elem Cafeteria Door 1 | Severs | #5107-2W Thursdays Mar 16-Apr 27* | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessions EXPERIENCE THIS! $35 Individual/$65 Pair Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-10W BALLROOM DANCING FOR BEGINNERS *Not meeting Apr 13 Learn the most popular partner dances to get you out on the floor GUARANTEE at weddings parties and social events! Learn the Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing, Hustle and Polka to music commonly played at social We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses gatherings. and activities. If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact the Community Education Thursdays Feb 23-Mar 23* | 7:00-8:30pm | 4 sessions office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood $65 per person Rogers MS Cafeteria Door A | #5141-1W Family Education office at 763.241.3524. *Not meeting Mar 2LAP SWIM ► AGE 16+Get a great workout at the pool without having to pay membership fees.$5/day; $40/10-day pass; $75/20-day passPay at the door, or purchase pass(es) online using course #1300-1YSundays Sep 18-May 21* | 7:00-8:30pmVandenBerge MS Pool Door M*Not meeting Apr 16ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 7

ADULTS HEALTH & SAFETYł►łM4-HHSORUCRDRREIFVRERESIHMEPRROVEMENT PROGRAM REDISCOVER YOUR CONFIDENCEThis driver improvement program is presented by the Minnesota Do you struggle with self-confidence? Do you act in a way that youHighway Safety Research Center. Topics include visual techniques, think other people think you should act? The good news is that you canhabits, perception, attitude, communication, distracted drivers, new laws gain your confidence back and lead a successful and well-lived life.and more. You must have completed the eight-hour program to take Life Coach Karly will help get you on the right path to self-confidence.this class. Check with your insurance provider to make sure this course Rogers Senior Center is located at 12913 Main Street, Rogers.qualifies for the discount. Thursday Feb 16 | 7:00-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 PairTuesday Feb 7 | 12:30-4:30pm | 1 session | $22 Rogers Senior Center | Hall | #5037-2WHandke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | Sundeen | #5007-1W EXPERIENCE THIS!Wednesday Mar 29 | 12:30-4:30pm | 1 session | $22Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | Sundeen | #5007-2W P\"FEEAECLEINAGNSD\" -- HOW THEY CAN STEAL OUR JOYAMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION CPR/AED Depression, anxiety and stress often rule people's lives andDid you know the save rate in the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities is makes them miserable. More people than ever need counseling,five times the national average? The main reason is more lay persons have health issues and feel an overall dissatisfaction with theirare trained in CPR and Automated External Defibrillator's (AED). Learn life. Learning to understand and control your feelings will help youhow to do CPR and use AEDs and barrier devices on adults, children change how you think and act. Feel fulfilled and satisfied with yourand infants. life.Monday Jan 30 | 6:00-10:00pm | 1 session | $75 Saturdays Jan 21, Feb 11, Mar 4 & 25 | 9:00-10:00am | 4 sessionsHandke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | Neiss | #5005-1W $45 Individual/$85 Pair Handke Center Rm 112 Door 5 | Rothmeyer | #5037-1WAMERICAN RED CROSS STANDARD FIRST AID PARTICIPANT CHILDCAREBe prepared with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent,recognize, and provide basic care for injuries and sudden illnesses untiladvanced medical personnel arrive. Fee includes book and AmericanRed Cross certification.Monday Feb 6 | 6:00-10:00pm | 1 session | $79Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | Neiss | #5005-2W EdVenture Club-Program Participant Care is available for classes that have this icon next to the title; see page 50 for fees and details on how to register for childcare.EXPERIENCECHANGE SUPPORT HEALTH8 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

HEALTH & SAFETY | PARENTING ADULTS\"TAMING THE NEGATIVE VOICES WITHINDon't let those negative voices in your head get wild and out of control.Join us to learn how to tame these voices and find your happiness again!Thursday Mar 16 | 7:00-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 PairRogers Senior Center | Hall | #5037-3WTHE COURAGE TO CHANGE Our parenting classes help you develop effective parenting skills.Is it time for a change? Do you need to make some changes in your life,but just aren't sure how to get started? Life Coach Karly is going to helpyou do just that! Remember that change is an opportunity for growth. Areyou ready to grow?Tuesday Dec 20 | 6:30-7:30pm | 1 session | $19 Individual/$35 PairHandke Center Rm 107 Door 5 | Hall | #5037-4WłłLOVE AND LOGIC PARENTING APARTDevelop effective parenting skills with Love and Logic! The Love and For a variety of reasons, many children do not live in homes with both ofLogic approach to parenting is built around the science of crafting caring their birth parents. In these situations, children often experience anger,and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between sadness, guilt and grief. This class is in compliance with the standardsparents and their children is the root of a healthy, thriving relationship established by the Supreme Court for parent education programs.built on trust and understanding. Join one of our parent educatorsand learn how to use positive tools to raise happy and well-behaved Saturday Feb 4 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65children. This is an adult only class; childcare is available on-site for our Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #PA2participants--you must pre-register for childcare. Saturday Apr 1 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65Tuesdays Jan 24-Feb 28 | 6:00-7:30pm | 6 sessions Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #PA4$15 Individual/$20 CoupleHandke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | #781-W Saturday Jun 3 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65 Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #PA6 GUARANTEE PARENTING SOLO - THE HARDEST JOB YOU'LL EVER DO ALONE ► AGE BIRTH-GRADE 5 We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with your If you're parenting solo for any reason—military duty, work situationsexperience, please contact the Community Education (distance, shifts), separation, divorce, loss of spouse or single office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood parenting—you're welcome to attend! Bring your children and enjoy a meal together. Parents will meet together for parenting support and Family Education office at 763.241.3524. information while young children participate in early childhood activities. School age children will meet in another classroom for activities and support. Join at any time! Tuesdays Jan 3-Mar 7* | 6:00-8:00pm | 10 sessions | $0 Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #780-F *Not meeting Apr 11ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 9

ADULTS ARTS We provide the space and equipment, łłDANCE: ADULT BALLET AND TAP you provide the creativity! Explore fundamental classic ballet and tap movement skills. DevelopłłCERAMICS WORKSHOP AND STUDIO PACKAGE confidence, coordination, and musicality through simple exercises, creative routines and dance terminology. No dance experienceEnjoy an hour of instruction and an hour of independent creative time required. Students should wear proper dance attire: a fitted top andto focus on your artistic progress and talents. Collaborate with fellow bottom. Please bring both ballet and tap shoes.artists in a communal, energizing space. We provide the space andequipment, you provide the creativity! Fridays Mar 3-May 19* | 11:30am-12:30pm | 10 sessions | $65 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #8802-7PThursdays Mar 9-May 25* | 7:00-9:00pm | 10 sessions | $149 *Not meeting Mar 17, Apr 14Handke Center Lower Art Room Door 5 | #8804-1P*Not meeting Mar 16, Apr 13 łłDANCE: ADULT JAZZ AND HIP HOPłłOPEN STUDIO Have fun while learning the fundamentals of hip hop and jazz! You’ll dance to the latest beats while working on body isolations, bounce,Take advantage of this independent creative time to explore your artistic rhythm and movements influenced by some of today’s hottesttalents while collaborating with fellow artists. We provide the space and celebrities and dance choreographers. No dance experience required!equipment, you provide the creativity! Students should wear proper dance attire: a fitted top and bottom with comfortable shoes.Thursdays Mar 9-May 25* | 8:00-9:00pm | 10 sessions | $79Handke Center Lower Art Room Door 5 | #8803-1P Tuesdays Mar 7-May 16* | 11:30am-12:30pm | 10 sessions | $59*Not meeting Mar 16, Apr 13 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | DeMars | #8801-7P *Not meeting Apr 11łłCERAMICS WORKSHOP MOMMY AND ME PAINT NIGHT: YOU CHOOSE!Experiment with a variety of methods including hand building, coil, slab ► AGE 3-5 W/PARENTand wheel throwing - techniques that guarantee success with your firstefforts. Complete your design with a variety of glazing techniques for You and your child will inspire your inner artists and create a two-partthe finishing touch. Projects can be functional, sculptural or decorative. parent/child canvas masterpiece you both will love! Choose from four paintings to complete as a pair.Thursdays Mar 9-May 25* | 7:00-8:00pm | 10 sessions | $79Handke Center Lower Art Room Door 5 | #8801-1W Wednesday Jan 25 | 6:00-8:00pm | 1 session | $40*Not meeting Mar 16, Apr 13 Handke Center Lower Art Room Door 5 | BeeArtsy | #8700-2W UPCYCLED PALLET ARROWS Valentine's Day or any day, arrows are a great addition to your home decor. Create your own set, ready to display and be admired! Wednesday Feb 8 | 6:00-9:00pm | 1 session | $45 Handke Center Lower Art Room Door 5 | BeeArtsy | #8700-3W PARTICIPANT CHILDCARE EdVenture Club-Program Participant Care is available for classes that have this icon next to the title; see page 50 for fees and details on how to register for childcare.10 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

GENERAL INTEREST ADULTS The first evidence of crochet in history was in the early 19th łłCORD RUG CROCHET century, when it was referred to as ‘shepherd’s knitting’. Learn how to make a beautiful rug using macrame cord and simpleWINE AND CANVAS ► SPRING BLOOMS crochet stitches. Even if you have never crocheted, you can learn how by making this simple rug that is machine washable and will last forInspire your inner artist - NO painting skills required! Socialize and years. It also makes a great gift.sip wine as instructor Ericka guides you step-by-step to create yourpersonal work of art. POUR is located at 15704 90th St, Otsego. Tuesday Feb 7 | 6:00-9:00pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair Handke Center Rm 107 Door 5 | Decker | #8330-2WMonday Mar 13 | 6:00-8:00pm | 1 session | $35POUR Otsego | BeeArtsy | #8700-4W łłINTERMEDIATE CROCHETłłBASIC CROCHET Are you ready to learn some new crocheting skills, have fun and hang out with other budding fiber artists? We'll start to work on a shapedDo you want to learn a relaxing and inexpensive hobby? In this basic piece by making a beautiful open weave Lacy Beret. Some experiencecrochet class, you will learn about types of yarns and hooks, crochet with basic crochet stitches is helpful. Bring 180 yds yarn (worstedabbreviations, how to work on a flat piece, read a pattern, hold the weight - 4, or sock weight - 2) and a size I (5.5 mm) crochet hook.hook and yarn, tell right and wrong side, make basic and bobble Drapey yarn works best.stitches, and edging and finishing techniques. Bring one ball of cottonyarn (solid color, 2.5 oz.) and an E (3.5 mm) crochet hook; we'll be Tuesday Mar 7 | 6:30-9:00pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pairmaking a Nubbie Scrubbie face cloth or dish cloth. Handke Center Rm 107 Door 5 | #8330-5WTuesday Jan 10 | 6:30-9:00pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair SOAP MAKING 101Handke Center Rm 107 Door 5 | #8330-3W Discover the delight of homemade soap for yourself or for gifts! UsingBEGINNING CROCHET the cold process method, you will learn how to make soap through demonstration and participation. Color and scent your own raw soap toWould you like to make handmade gifts? Or do you just need a take home. Complete handouts and recipes provided.refresher? Join us for a fun and inspiring beginners crochet class. Youwill crochet your own infinity scarf and gain skills in reading a pattern, Wednesday Mar 8 | 6:30-9:00pm | 1 session | $39 Individual/$69 Pairholding the hook and yarn, working a round piece, basic stitches, Elk River HS Rm 352 Door H | Thomas | #8330-1Wjoining rounds, adding a new skein and weaving in ends. Bring twoskeins (or equal to 128 yards) of bulky yarn (smooth, solid color) and a JAMES C. CHURCH WORLD WAR II HISTORYcrochet hook size N (9 mm) or larger. SAMEREIREISC►ANSGFOIGFHOTRINBGROOKNET:WJAOPAFNREOSNETSWednesday Feb 8 | 6:30-9:00pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair When America entered World War II, all persons of Japanese ancestryHandke Center Rm 107 Door 5 | #8330-4W who were serving in the military were discharged. The United States rounded up 120,000 Japanese citizens and placed them in prison camps in remote locations. Yet, when asked to volunteer to serve in a segregated unit, thousands of them stepped up and became the most decorated unit in military history for their time and length of service. Sunday Mar 5 | 1:30-3:00pm | 1 session | $9 Individual/$15 Pair/$2 Student Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | Sudo | #8126-1W PLEASE NOTE: The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date. Register Early to insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 11

ADULTS TRIPS ADVENTURES TO EUROPE FEATURED TRIPS EXPERIENCE THIS! PARIS, NORMANDY, GIVERNY AND LOIRE VALLEY BENEFITS OF GROUP TRAVEL Jun 2017 $2299 Land Package only based on double occupancy; airfare additional Wondering what the benefits of group travel are? Why should you #6105-1F consider it? Is it really better than going on your own? Here are just a few reasons you should consider group travel opportunities: ESCAPE TO COSTA RICA »» Cost – Most hotels and airlines offer a discount for groups. Jun 13-22, 2017 »» Safety – When traveling in an unfamiliar place, it’s much $1999 Land Package only based on double occupancy; airfare additional #6105-2F safer to travel with a group. »» Expertise – Trips are carefully planned so all you have to PREMIER WORLD DISCOVERY FEATURED TRIPS do is sit back, relax and enjoy your vacation! They often HOLLAND TULIPS AND RHINE RIVER CASTLES have “insider knowledge” to make the most of your time and experience. Mar 27-Apr 6, 2017 »» Friendship and Socialization – Even if you are traveling $4,795-$6,695 per persion/double occupancy; includes round trip airfare with a friend or relative, a group trip is a great way to meet #6105-5F people and develop new friendships. MALTA AND SICILY EXPLORERADVENTURES TO EUROPE TRAVEL INFO NIGHT Nov 7-15, 2017Discover more about our featured travel locations…no jet lag $3395 per person based on double occupancy; airfare included | #6105-4Fguaranteed! Meet Arlette, your tour director, as she presents a “sneakpeek” at what you would experience on one of these tours, shares AMERICA'S CANYON LANDSphotos and answers your questions. Whether curiosity or a desire totravel drives you, everyone is welcome. There is no fee for this event, Sep 14-21, 2017but please register. $2625 per person based on double occupancy; airfare included | #6105-6FWednesday Feb 8 | 7:00-8:00pm | 1 session | $0 BRANSON, MEMPHIS, NASHVILLE \"AMERICA'SHandke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #6105-1W MUSICAL HERITAGE\"COLLETTE: TRAVEL INFO NIGHT Oct 25-Nov 2, 2017 $2595 per person based on double occupancy; airfare included | #6105-7FThis is your opportunity to find out more about two very exciting tripsplanned for 2017: Iceland's Magical Northern Lights and England's COLLETTE FEATURED TRIPSTreasures. Everyone is welcome--seasoned travelers and the curious,alike. Rogers Senior Center is located at 12013 Main Street, Rogers. ICELAND'S MAGICAL NORTHERN LIGHTSTuesday Feb 21 | 6:30-7:30pm | 1 session | $0 Nov 7-13, 2017Rogers Senior Center | #6105-2W $3399 per person based on double occupancy; airfare included #6105-8F FOR TRIP DETAILS ENGLAND'S TREASURES Contact Community Education at 763.241.3520 for more details on pricing options and a complete Aug 13-25, 2017 $4999 per person based on double occupancy; airfare included itinerary for any trip offered. #6105-9F12 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

EXPERIENCE FINANCE | TECHNOLOGY ADULTSAWARENESS PREPARATION INDEPENDENCEMEDICARE BASICS PARTS A-D łłCOMPUTER BASICS FOR BEGINNERSWill you be going on Medicare within the next year? Do you have Are you new to computers and need help with the basics? We will studyquestions about Medicare and what it covers? Get your Medicare the computer, mouse, cursor, keyboard, desktop and icons, recycle bin,questions answered here! personalizing the desktop, desktop shortcuts, the task bar and other features. You will leave this class with the confidence and skills to useTuesday Feb 7 | 6:00-7:30pm | 1 session | $9 Individual/$15 Couple your computer productively. Bring your own device.Rogers MS Media Door A | #8064-4W Tuesday Mar 7 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 PairSAVVY SOCIAL SECURITY PLANNING Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | #8010-10WThe decisions baby boomers make now can have a tremendous impact CE2U: COMPUTERSon the total amount of benefits they receive in their lifetime. To helpbetter understand the Social Security system, this workshop will cover Do you want to build new computer skills in a supportive, one-on-deciding when to apply for benefits, when to delay benefits, checking one setting? CE2U Computers offers individual computer instructionyour earnings record for accuracy, estimating benefits, minimizing taxes focused on the skills you desire on a schedule that works for you.on benefits and coordinating Social Security with your other sources of Call Community Ed at 763-241-3520 to receive information and aretirement income and your spouse's benefits. registration packet. Students must have a working computer with the correct program loaded on their computer.Thursday Feb 16 | 6:30-8:00pm | 1 session | $9 Individual/$15 CoupleElk River HS Media Center Door A | Ryther | #8064-2W Available Sep 15-Mar 30 $159 Individual/$99 Second person of equal skill levelTuesday Mar 21 | 6:30-8:00pm | 1 session | $9 Individual/$15 Couple Handke Center | #8010-99FZimmerman HS Media Door A | Ryther | #8064-3W CREATING SURVEYS WITH GOOGLE FORMSłłWRITE YOUR OWN HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVEAND POWER OF ATTORNEY Learn how to create and analyze surveys in your web browser; no special software required. Even better, multiple people can workIf you become incapacitated, who will carry out your wishes regarding on the same project at the same time and every change is savedyour health care and personal financial affairs? By having a plan, you automatically.get to make your own choices. Learn about and draft a Health CareDirective and a Power of Attorney. Participants will leave class with a Wednesday Feb 15 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pairvalid Health Care Directive and Power of Attorney. Participants should Rogers MS Computer Lab Door A | #8010-11Wbe comfortable using a computer. Some prep work is required; a packetwill be sent one week prior to class. PARTICIPANT CHILDCAREThursday Jan 26 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $35 Individual/$65 Pair EdVenture Club-Program Participant Care is available forHandke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | Helseth | #8064-6W classes that have this icon next to the title; see page 50 for fees and details on how to register for childcare.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 13

ADULTS TECHNOLOGY Customize your experience using Windows 10 to INTRO TO CHROMEBOOKS efficiently get the information you seek. How would you like to be online, check your email, Google HangoutCUSTOMIZING WINDOWS 10 with the grandkids, upload your pictures and never worry about viruses? A Chromebook may be right for you and it won't break the bank.Learn how to keep your web surfing private and make sure outsidecompanies are not using your operating system behind the scenes Monday Mar 13 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pairwhile applications are open. Customize your experience to efficiently Elk River HS Rm 135 Door A | #8010-16Wget the information you seek on a daily basis. Bring your logincredentials for the Admin side of your laptop. MICROSOFT EXCEL PART 2: FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONS BASICSMonday Feb 6 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 PairElk River HS Rm 135 Door A | #8010-14W Are you ready to move on from Part 1? Part 2 teaches you the four steps to a formula, the six steps to a function, math operators andDISCOVER CHROME APPS AND EXTENSIONS order of operation. We'll also focus on relative referencing, absolute referencing and how to do functions such as sum, average, minimum,We will explore apps and extensions that extend the functionality of the maximum and count.Chrome Browser and learn how to customize it to meet the needs ofall users. We will explore organization, reading, writing, screen readers Tuesday Jan 24 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pairand more. Rogers MS Computer Lab Door A | #8010-2WWednesday Jan 25 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair MICROSOFT EXCEL PART 3: PRINTING OPTIONSRogers MS Computer Lab Door A | #8010-4W AND GRAPHS GUARANTEE Congratulations! You have made it to Part 3. Now it is time to learn about print settings, page setup and orientation, print titles and print We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses area. In addition, you will learn how to use Excel as a database, sort and activities. If you are not satisfied with your and filter items, and create subtotals, charts and graphs. experience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Tuesday Jan 31 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair Rogers MS Computer Lab Door A | #8010-3W Family Education office at 763.241.3524. MICROSOFT EXCEL PART 4: ADVANCED TOPICS Are you an experienced Excel user who is ready for some advanced tips and techniques? This class will focus on advanced picture settings, adding comments, sharing options, document properties, drop caps, protecting a document using a password, and creating templates and forms. Tuesday Feb 7 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair Rogers MS Computer Lab Door A | #8010-9W I'm finally starting to feel comfortable working with the Microsoft products. These classes have taught me so much! Class Participant14 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

TECHNOLOGY ADULTSOPTIMIZING WINDOWS 7 EXPERIENCE THIS!\"Trim the fat and don't lose the meat.\" Optimize your computer by MICROSOFT WORD PART 1understanding what is using your precious resources. Optimize the harddrives with \"set and forget\" scheduled tasks to defragment and set up Most people take word-processing for granted. While we may stillcloud backup of important documents, photos and other information. write out our grocery lists, we expect to use a computer to createBring your login credentials for the Admin side of your laptop to class. the majority of our documents. Microsoft Word is designed to help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional-Monday Jan 23 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair looking documents. Its rich features and powerful tools can makeElk River HS Rm 135 Door A | #8010-13W your work easy, and even fun.ORGANIZING WITH GOOGLE CALENDAR Wednesday Feb 22 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session $25 Individual/$45 PairDoes saving time and getting organized sound good to you? This class Elk River HS Rm 135 Door A | #8010-6Wwill show you how with Google Calendar. MICROSOFT WORD PART 2Wednesday Feb 8 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 PairRogers MS Computer Lab Door A | #8010-5W Part 2 will show you how to work more efficiently by automating some tasks and use various methods to maintain consistencyUNDERSTANDING OS X between documents. You will create documents that include lists, tables, charts, graphics, and newsletter layouts. You willUnderstand how to backup your important data in Google, get rid of also merge data into documents to personalize correspondence,virus-like behavior without wiping your computer, learn about application envelopes and address labels. of data and extension understanding for multiple browsers. Wednesday Mar 8 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 sessionMonday Feb 27 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair $25 Individual/$45 PairElk River HS Rm 135 Door A | #8010-15W Elk River HS Rm 135 Door A | #8010-7WWORKING WITH GOOGLE DOCS MICROSOFT WORD PART 3Learn to work more efficiently using Google Docs, Google Sheets This class builds on the skills that you've learned in Parts 1 and 2.and Google Presentations. You'll get an overview of these three tools, Learn about advanced picture settings, adding comments, sharingbasics in each program and using Google Drive to store your files. options, document properties, drop caps, protecting a documentBasic computer experience is necessary. using a password, and creating templates and forms.Wednesday Feb 1 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pair Wednesday Mar 22 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 sessionRogers MS Computer Lab Door A | #8010-12W $25 Individual/$45 Pair Elk River HS Rm 135 Door A | #8010-8W PLEASE NOTE: The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date. Register Early to help insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take.Learn the basics or expand your knowledge of Microsoft Excel or Word.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 15

ADULTS ONLINE LEARNING EXPERIENCECONVENIENCE COMPUTER SKILLS CEU APPROVED COURSESCLASSROOM COMPUTING TOOLS FOR TEACHERS »» Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners »» A to Z Grant Writing »» Integrating Technology in the Classroom »» Get Grants! »» Teaching Smarter with SMART Boards »» Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom »» Creating a Classroom Website »» Grammar Refresher »» Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 in the Classroom »» Leadership »» Using the Internet in the Classroom »» Teaching Students with Autism: Strategies for Success »» Teaching Preschool: A Year of Inspiring LessonsLANGUAGES »» Empowering Students with Disabilities »» Understanding Adolescents »» Introduction to Teaching ESL/EFL »» Creating the Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Success »» Enhancing Language Development in Childhood »» The Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention »» Spanish in the Classroom ConnectionMATHEMATICS »» Creating Classroom Centers »» Survival Kit for New Teachers »» Introduction to Algebra »» Solving Classroom Discipline Problems »» Teaching Math: Grades 4-6 »» Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II »» Singapore Math Strategies: Model Drawing for Grades 1-6 »» Teaching Adult Learners »» Singapore Math Strategies: Advanced Model Drawing for Grades »» Teaching High School Students »» The Creative Classroom 6-9 »» Differentiating K-12 Assessments »» Singapore Math: Number Sense & Computational Strategies »» Get Assertive! »» Praxis Core PreparationSCIENCE CEU CREDITS »» Teaching Science: Grades 4-6 COURSES ARE APPROVED CEU CREDITSREADING AND WRITING FOR ISD 728 TEACHERS »» Common Core Standards for English Language Arts K-5 Courses on this page have been approved for Continuing »» Guided Reading and Writing: Strategies for Maximum Student Education credits for ISD 728 teachers. Upon completing a course with a passing score, you’ll get an award of completion that can be Achievement printed for approval by the District’s Assistant Superintendent of »» Ready, Set, Read! Educational Services for CEU credits. »» Teaching Writing: Grades K-3 & 4-6 »» Content Literacy: Grades 6-12 If you are a teacher from another district looking for approved »» Guided Reading: Strategies for the Differentiated Classroom CEUs, please consult with your district’s administration to »» Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies That Work determine if these courses qualify for your district.16 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

ONLINE LEARNING ADULTS Business and Entrepreneurship Courses Starting at $99! LANGUAGE AND ARTS Arts | Languages | Photography | WritingACCOUNTING AND FINANCE LAW AND LEGALAccounting | Capital Markets | Finance | Personal Finance andInvestments Business and Corporate | Criminal Law | LSAT Preparation | ParalegalBUSINESS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTBusiness Communications | Call Center | Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneurship | Health and Wellness | Job Search | PersonalGeneral Business Skills | Human Resources | International Business Enrichment | Personal Finance and Investments | Photography |Management and Leadership | Nonprofit | Operations Sales and Test Prep (GED, GMAT, GRE, SAT/ACT)Marketing SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTALCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS EnvironmentalAdobe | Corel | IBM | Microsoft | Quickbooks SCHOOLSDESIGN AND COMPOSITION Classroom Computing | Languages | Mathematics | Reading andGraphic and Multimedia Design | Photography | Print Design | Web Design Writing | Science | Test Prep | Tools for TeachersENGINEERING SERVICE AND HOSPITALITYBuilding Design | Business Skills | Environmental | Health & Safety Food and Beverage | Hospitality TrainingMaterials | Structural TECHNOLOGYGOVERNMENT Adobe | Business Strategies | Certification Prep | Cisco | ComputerLaw Enforcement Fundamentals | Computer Programming | Database Management Graphic and Multimedia Design | Microsoft | Networking andHEALTH CARE AND MEDICAL Communications | Operating Systems | Oracle | Security | System Architecture | Web Programming | Web Technology | WebsiteAlternative Medicine | Ambulatory Care | Ancillary | Dietitians and FundamentalsNutrition | EMS and Firefighters | Ethics, Legal and Compliance HealthCare Certificate | Health Information Management | Industry Specific | WRITING AND PUBLISHINGMedical Billing and Coding | Mental Health Conditions | Mental HealthEducation | Nursing | Nursing Specialization | Operational | Veterinary Publishing | Writing Courses Starting at $99! Register online at: 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 17

ADULTS BASIC EDUCATION EXPERIENCEJOB PREPARATION COMPUTER SKILLS ESL FOR ADULTSłłNEED A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? ►STATE STANDARD ADULT HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMAThe Elk River Learning Lab now offers 3 Adult Secondary Credential The 2014 Minnesota legislative session approved a third option forOptions. adults needing a secondary credential. This new state standard adult high school diploma is competency-based, aligning to Minnesota’s »» Which option is right for you? current K-12 graduation standards and embeds: »» Is there an option that is better than the others? »» How long will it take? »» College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) for Adult EducationSchedule an intake appointment with a staff member of the Elk RiverLearning Lab to answer these questions and determine the route best »» Academic, Career and Employability Skills (ACES) Transitionsfor you. Integration Framework►GED »» Northstar Digital Literacy StandardsThe four tests in the GED battery measure academic competencies The Minnesota State Adult Diploma Competency Domains include:similar to those required of a Minnesota high school graduate. The »» English Language ArtsState of Minnesota GED® Diploma cannot be earned or obtained on »» Mathematicsthe Internet or through correspondence programs. To take the official »» Career Development and Employability Skills, including Digitaltests, you must be 19 years of age or older and have a valid, current Literacy Skillsgovernment-issued photo ID. If you are 17 or 18 years old and are not »» Social Studiescurrently enrolled in high school, we can apply for your age waiver that »» Scienceallows you to take the official GED tests. The cost per subject areaof the GED is $30, but for a limited time the exams are being offered łłIMPROVE BASIC SKILLSat no cost to Minnesota residents. Official practice tests are $6 each.The Elk River Learning Lab will proctor the practice tests, provide Adult Basic Education (ABE) is for learners who need goal-specificinstruction to help you prepare for the exam, including distance learning basic skills such as brush-up in math, reading, or writing and basicopportunities, help you develop a study plan, and guide you through the technology skills.process of registering for the official exams to be taken at an approvedtesting site. »» Accuplacer and College Prep »» Returning to the workforce or changing careers►CREDIT RECOVERY DIPLOMA »» Helping children with homework »» ASVAB preparationCredit recovery diploma is available to qualifying adults age 18 and »» Keyboarding and Computer Basicsolder. In credit recovery, coursework for missing credits is completedin an independent study program or in small groups. High school FREE CHILDCARE!transcripts will be evaluated to determine which credits and courseworkis needed. Free on-site childcare is available for most Adult Basic Education and English as a Second Language classes. You must register at least 24 hours in advance. To register your child, call 763-241-3400 x5528.18 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ADULTS Bridget is a volunteer in the ABE/ESL program gaining skills ABE/ESL 2017 CLASS SCHEDULE while providing much needed support to staff & students! WINTER 2017INTRODUCING BRIDGET LYKKE »» Winter Schedule begins January 3Bridget recently began as a volunteer in the ABE/ESL program. She is »» Tues, Weds, Thurs: 8:30am-12:30pmusing this opportunity to not only give back to her community, but also »» Tues, Weds, Thurs: 1:15-3:15pmto gain skills and work experience for her resume. Bridget is building »» Weds: 4:00-8:00pmher computer skills while providing much needed support to staff and »» Fri: 9:30am-12:30pmstudents. There are many ways volunteers provide support. Many »» *Not meeting Apr 11, 12, 13 & 14volunteers work with learners one-to-one or in small groups while others Schedule subject to change based on attendance.prefer to do projects and provide clerical support. If you are interestedin learning more about volunteer opportunities, please contact ABE staff DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAMSat 763 241-3400 ext 5525. »» I-Pathways—prepare for the GED®JOIN OUR TEAM OF ABE AND ESL VOLUNTEERS »» Plato »» Skills TutorHere’s your opportunity to make a contribution to your community in »» Apexa personal way. Classroom and one-to-one volunteers are needed »» USA Learnsfor a variety of positions: classroom assistant, clerical assistant and »» Mindquesttechnology assistant. Work with individuals or small groups tutoring »» CSM Learnbasic skills or English as a Second Language. If you would like to learn »» Work-keysmore about becoming a volunteer, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at763-783-4920. CLASSROOM LOCATIONłłESL FOR ADULTS Handke Center - Room 221English as a Second Language (ESL) is training for individuals whose first CONTACT INFORMATIONlanguage is not English. Training is designed to help participants with:  Elk River Learning Lab »» Speaking Community Education at The Handke Center »» Reading 1170 Main Street, Elk River, MN 55330 »» Listening »» Writing q 763-241-3400 x5525 »» Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) E [email protected] »» Citizenship  »» Earning the Essential Skills Credential Coordinator: Pam MoriarityBeginning, intermediate, and advanced level classes or individualized Instructor: Sherry Smithinstruction is available. Instructor: Rallou Rice “The goal is not just to get your GED, but to move beyond. The aim is to become more independent and get better jobs.” ~ Tami OzegovichISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 19

AQUATICS LESSONS AMERICAN RED CROSS PRESCHOOL C ► AGE 3-5 The American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Preschool C increases proficiency and builds on the basic aquatic program teaches people how to be safe in, on or around skills learned in Preschool A and B while reinforcing water safety skills water and teaches individuals of different ages and and introducing additional water safety topics. Must have successfully abilities how to swim. In a logical progression, the program passed Preschool levels A and B to participate. covers the knowledge and skills needed for aquatic skill development. As participants develop these skills, they will LEVEL 1 ► AGE 6+ become safer and better swimmers. Level 1 orients participants to the aquatic environment to help them Signing up for a level above or below ability will only cause gain basic aquatic skills and develop positive attitudes and safe frustration for the student and class. Students who are in the practices in and around water. No skills prerequisites required. incorrect level will not be allowed to participate unless space is available in an appropriate class. LEVEL 2 ► AGE 6+ For more information about stroke requirements for each Level 2 builds on the basic aquatic skills, water safety skills and level visit our website at concepts learned in Level 1. Must have successfully passed Level 1 to participate.PARENT/CHILD 1 ► AGE 6 -24 MONTHS W/PARENT LEVEL 3 ► AGE 6+Parent/Child Level 1 familiarizes children with the water and teachesswimming readiness skills while providing safety information and Level 3 builds on the skills learned in Levels 1 and 2 to help participantsteaching techniques parents can use to orient their children to the achieve basic water competency in a pool environment. Must havewater. No skills prerequisites required. Child must be 6 months old and successfully passed Level 2 to participate.parent must accompany child in water. LEVEL 3.5 ► AGE 6+PARENT/CHILD 2 ► AGE 2-3 W/PARENT Level 3.5 allows students the opportunity to continue work on theirParent/Child Level 2 improves skills learned in Level 1 and teaches Level 3 skills without having to review all the skills required to pass.more advanced skills while continuing to build on water safety This level will work through skills at an accelerated pace and will beginknowledge. Child must feel comfortable with skills learned in Level 1 Level 4 skills when the whole class has mastered the skills of Level 3.and a parent must accompany child in water. LEVEL 4 ► AGE 6+PRESCHOOL A ► AGE 3-5 Level 4 improves participant’s proficiency in performing swimmingPreschool A orients participants to the aquatic environment to help them strokes introduced in Level 3. Must have successfully passed Level 3 togain rudimentary basic aquatic skills and develop positive attitudes and practices in and around water. No skills prerequisites required. LEVEL 5 ► AGE 6+PRESCHOOL B ► AGE 3-5 Level 5 helps participants refine their performance of all six swimmingPreschool B builds and improves skills learned in Preschool A while strokes. Must have passed Level 4 to participate.increasing water knowledge and safety topics. Must have successfullypassed Preschool A to participate. LEVEL 6 ► AGE 6+ Level 6 refines strokes so participants swim with greater efficiency and effectiveness over long distances. Includes how to prevent aquatic emergencies and introduces self-rescue techniques. Must have successfully passed Level 5 to participate.20 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

EXPERIENCE LESSONS AQUATICS LESSONS FAMILY FUN AQUA FITNESSSPRING I - SUNDAYS SPRING II - TUE/THUMAR 12-MAY 7* | 8 SESSIONS MAR 14-APR 6 | 8 SESSIONS*Not meeting Apr 16 Parent/Child 1 | 5:00-5:25pm | $49 | #1014-21W Preschool A | 5:30-5:55pm | $49 | #1011-21WParent/Child 1 | 3:15-3:40pm | $49 | #1014-11WParent/Child 1 | 5:00-5:25pm | $49 | #1014-12WParent/Child 2 | 12:15-12:40pm | $49 | #1015-11W Preschool B | 6:00-6:25pm | $49 | #1012-21WPreschool A | 12:45-1:10pm | $49 | #1011-12W Preschool C | 5:00-5:25pm | $49 | #1015-21WPreschool A | 2:15-2:40pm | $49 | #1011-11W Level 1 | 5:00-5:25pm | $49 | #1110-21WPreschool B | 1:45-2:10pm | $49 | #1012-11W Level 2 | 5:30-6:20pm | $69 | #1120-22WPreschool C | 4:30-4:55pm | $49 | #1013-11W Level 2 | 6:30-7:25pm | $69 | #1120-21WLevel 1 | 1:15-1:40pm | $49 | #1110-11W Level 3 | 6:30-7:20pm | $69 | #1130-21WLevel 1 | 2:45-3:10pm | $49 | #1110-12W Level 4 | 7:30-8:20pm | $69 | #1140-21W Level 5/6 | 7:30-8:20pm | $69 | #1150-22WLevel 2 | 12:15-1:05pm | $69 | #1120-11WLevel 2 | 4:00-4:50pm | $69 | #1120-12WLevel 3 | 2:15-3:05pm | $69 | #1130-11W VANDENBERGE POOLLevel 3 | 4:00-4:50pm | $69 | #1130-12WLevel 3.5 | 1:15-2:05pm | $69 | #1130-13WLevel 4 | 12:15-1:05pm | $69 | #1140-11W Lessons & Pool Activities are held atLevel 5 | 2:15-3:05pm | $69 | #1150-11W VandenBerge MS | 948 Proctor Rd Elk RiverLevel 6 | 1:15-2:05pm | $69 | #1160-11W »» Only swim wear may be worn in the pool. ALL SWIMMERS MUST SHOWER »» Spectator seating is open during lessons and open BEFORE ENTERING THE POOL swim. »» Showers are required by all participants before entering the pool. »» Use of water wings, floating toys, rafts, inner tubes, life jackets, etc. is not allowed. »» Shoes MAY NOT be worn on pool deck by participants or spectators. No food or beverages are allowed.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 21

AQUATICS LESSONS | FITNESSPRIVATE AND SEMI-PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS LAP SWIM ► AGE 16+► ALL AGES Get a great workout at the pool without having to pay membership fees.These lessons are for students who need more individual attention inorder to learn to swim and/or improve their skills to pass to the next level $5/day; $40/10-day pass; $75/20-day passof swim lessons. Focus will be on individual goals. Pay at the door, or purchase pass(es) online using course #1300-1YPRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Sundays Sep 18-May 21* | 7:00-8:30pm VandenBerge MS Pool Door MSundays Mar 12-Apr 23* | 3:15-3:45pm | 6 sessions | $175 *Not meeting Apr 16VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1301-11W*Not meeting Apr 16 OPEN SWIM ► ALL AGESSundays Mar 12-Apr 23* | 5:00-5:30pm | 6 sessions | $175 Grab your family and friends and head to the pool for some water fun! PlayVandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1301-12W games, practice swim skills, or just splash around. Lifeguard supervised.*Not meeting Apr 16 $5/person, $15/family (max 6 w/adult in water)SEMI-PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Pay at the door, or purchase pass(es) online using course #1300-2YSundays Mar 12-Apr 23* | 3:15-3:45pm | 6 sessions | $125 Sundays Sep 18-May 21* | 5:00-6:45pmVandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1302-12W VandenBerge MS Pool Door M*Not meeting Apr 16 *Not meeting Apr 16Sundays Mar 12-Apr 23* | 5:00-5:30pm | 6 sessions | $125 NEW LOCATION! AQUA FITVandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1302-11W*Not meeting Apr 16 Join us for this low-impact class that works a full range of motion using easy-to-follow choreography. This class also includes some toning.MINI PRIVATE LESSONS ► ALL AGES Fitness Evolution is located at 26275 Fremont Drive, Zimmerman.This shortened version of our private swim lessons offers an opportunity Wednesdays Jan 25-Mar 1 | 9:00-10:00am | 6 sessionsto master the few skills your student may have difficulty passing. $35 Individual/$65 Pair Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-7WFridays Mar 3-17 | 6:00-6:30pm | 3 sessions | $85VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1303-1W Thursdays Jan 26-Mar 2 | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 PairFridays Mar 3-17 | 6:35-7:05pm | 3 sessions | $85 Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-8WVandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1303-2W Wednesdays Mar 15-Apr 19 | 9:00-10:00am | 6 sessionsFridays Mar 3-17 | 7:10-7:40pm | 3 sessions | $85 $35 Individual/$65 PairVandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1303-3W Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-9WTRY IT SWIM TEAM ► GRADES 6-8 Thursdays Mar 16-Apr 27* | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 PairDo you really enjoy swimming and think you could excel at it? Find Fitness Evolution Zimmerman | #5555-10Wout what it's like to be on a competitive swim team. You will have team *Not meeting Apr 13practice three days per week for three weeks with a sample competitionat 5:00pm on Apr 6. Bring swimsuit and towel each day. PLEASE NOTE:Mon/Tue/Thu Mar 20-Apr 6 | 3:15-4:45pm | 9 sessions | $55 The decision on whether a class will run isVandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1900-1P made 3-5 days before the class start date. Register Early to insure we don’t cancelMon/Tue/Thu Mar 20-Apr 6 | 5:00-6:30pm | 9 sessions | $55VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #1900-2P a class you are hoping to take.22 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

HELPING OTHER PEOPLE EXCEL ADULTSWELCOME TO THE H.O.P.E. PROGRAM! Join us Feb 24 and a professional artist will show you step- by-step on how to paint a Cozy Snowman on canvas!From outings to events, activities and classes, we have a wide varietyto keep you busy. There are always some of your favorites and a few CLASSESnew ones to try. Winter Birthday Celebration »» These activities are designed for adults with developmental Winter Beach Party disabilities (age 18+). Game Night Be My Valentine Craft and Cards »» You can also access program information and register online at Pickleball 101 – Learn and Play Valentine Bingo and Treat Build It! Personalized Hook Project »» Participants are asked to register a staff or family member (age Scrap It! 16+) if personal care assistance is needed. Uno Tournament Cozy Snowman Canvas Art »» If attending alone, the participant should be able to function Basketball Games and Prizes independently in a group setting, follow simple directions, and Spring Season Kick-Off Party! communicate their needs. Let’s Cook! Hot and Tasty Breakfast Photo Booth Fun! »» All reasonable accommodations will be made to meet the needs of Zumba Basics the participants. St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Color Party and Cookies »» Please allow at least one week to make accommodations; this includes sign language interpretation. »» Community Education welcomes persons of all abilities to participate in any of the activities throughout this brochure. OUTINGS »» Jan 23 »» Jan 28 »» Feb 4 Valentines Day Dinner »» Jan 30 »» Feb 5 Super Bowl Party »» Feb 6 »» Feb 9 Bowling Party »» Feb 11 »» Feb 10 Sweetheart Dance »» Feb 13 »» Feb 12 MN Timberwolves Basketball Game »» Feb 17 »» Feb 16 Dinner and a Movie »» Feb 20 »» Mar 3 Prairie Fire Theater - Jack and the Beanstalk »» Feb 23 »» Mar 4 St. Cloud State University Hockey Game »» Feb 24 »» Mar 6 Volunteers of H.O.P.E. »» Feb 25 »» Feb 27 »» Mar 9 »» Mar 13 »» Mar 14 »» Mar 16 »» Mar 18 S pring Kick-O Party This is a Interested in learning more about our classes? FREE event, but Join our H.O.P.E. mailing list by calling 763.241.3520 please RSVP at (763) 241-3520. and receive additional class information.Monday, February 27 Get your Spring H.O.P.E. 6:00-8:00pm flyer hot off the press! VandenBerge MS We will unveil upcoming classes and Cafeteria, Door N outings as we enjoy a night of Bingo, prizes and treats! ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 23

EARLY CHILDHOOD ECFE EXPERIENCEFAMILY FUN NATURE DISCOVERYEARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION (ECFE) ► WHAT HAPPENS DURING PARENT DISCUSSIONFOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN BIRTH TOBEFORE KINDERGARTEN TIME?ECFE is based on the idea that the family provides a child’s first and »» While your child participates in the children’s time in the ECFEmost significant learning environment and parents are a child’s first and classroom with the Early Childhood Educator, you’ll meet withmost important teachers. Parents shape a child’s development and parents and the ECFE Parent Educator.set the stage for future learning and growth. That’s why ECFE offers avariety of classes that provide information, encouragement and support »» Parent discussion will be in the children’s room for parents withfor children AND their parents. young children; it will be in another room for parents with older children. »» ECFE offers hands-on learning opportunities for you to explore new experiences, meet other families, and grow and learn together »» It’s a comfortable situation where you’ll be able to talk about the with your child. joys and concerns of parenting. You’ll be able to take time to look at and consider many ideas. Research tells us that getting »» ECFE serves all families in the ISD 728 with children age birth to information and support for our role as parents is one of the most Kindergarten. important things we can do for ourselves and our children! »» All ECFE instructing staff have, at minimum, a four-year degree ► WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE CHILDREN’S TIME plus teaching licensure in Parent Education, Early Childhood Education or Early Childhood Family Education and provides the AND HOW WILL PARENTS BE INVOLVED? quality education parents expect. »» The children participate in activities in the classroom when moms,► WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE COME TO ECFE dads or caregivers participate in the discussion.PARENT/CHILD ACTIVITIES? »» The Early Childhood Educator prepares the room and activities gauged for the children’s ages. »» Staff will greet you and the room will be set up with age- appropriate activities. »» Both teacher-led and child-initiated activities are planned. »» In some classes parents take turns working with the teacher in the »» Usually there are three parts to the sessions: time together for parents and children, parent discussion time and children’s activity classroom. This provides an opportunity for parents to observe and exploration time. children’s time and how their child responds. It also provides an opportunity to learn more about children’s development and »» Non-separating classes are classes where the parent discussion is behavior. It’s a chance to get involved and have fun! in the room with the children. If you need more information, or would like to visit one of our ECFE »» Separating classes are classes where the parents move to a classrooms and meet an Early Childhood or Parent Educator, contact different room and children remain in their classroom for activities. the ECFE office at 763-241-3524 to schedule an appointment.► WHAT ARE THE ACTIVITIES? No one will be denied participation in ECFE programs because of »» Activities will be set up in the classroom. There will be a variety of inability to pay. Please call our office to ask questions, make payment activities depending on the ages of the children. plan arrangements, or to have fees reduced or waived. »» You and your child can choose what you want to try; we encourage you to “take your child’s lead” and enjoy the special time together. FREE NEW TO ECFE? »» At times we will do group activities with all parents and children. CLASS! Clip this coupon to get 1 free ECFE class of your choice! Discount does not apply to Discovery Learning or trips. Classes subject to space availability. Limit 1 coupon per family. Good for 2016-2017 ECFE classes only.24 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

MULTI-AGE | PARENTING EARLY CHILDHOOD►łłTAOGDED1L2EMRSONANTHDSP-RKIENSDCEHROGOALRETRESN SEPARATING & NON-SEPARATING CLASSESChildren learn from one another as they play and interact. Join us in agrowth opportunity for children to develop social, emotional, physical Separating classes are classes where theand cognitive skills in a mixed-age group setting. Parents will discuss parents move to a different room forways to support developmental milestones, ways to make learning fun parent discussion and children remainand discipline techniques. This is a separating class. in their classroom for activities.Saturdays Feb 4-Mar 4 | 9:00-10:30am | 5 sessions | $35Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #714-W Non-separating classes are classes where the parent discussion is inDROP IN PLAY ► AGE BIRTH-KINDERGARTEN the room with the children.Looking for something fun and interactive to do with your child? Drop inat ECFE and play in one of the ECFE rooms, gym or playground (when PARENTING APARTavailable). First-come, first-served; space is limited to 25 total (adultsand children). Family childcare providers must meet child-to-adult ratios For a variety of reasons, many children do not live in homes with both offor the children they bring. Save by purchasing a pass that can be used their birth parents. In these situations, children often experience anger,with Drop In Play or Saturday Morning Gym Time. sadness, guilt and grief. This class is in compliance with the standards established by the Supreme Court for parent education programs.Fee: $2.50/child without pass; $10/5-day pass Saturday Feb 4 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65Tuesdays Jan 3-Mar 7 | 9:30-11:00am Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #PA2ECFE Rogers Rm 122 Door 1 Saturday Apr 1 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65Wednesdays Jan 4-Mar 8 | 9:30-11:00am Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #PA4Zimmerman Elem Rm 165 Door 1 Saturday Jun 3 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65Thursdays Jan 5-Mar 9 | 9:30-11:00am Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #PA6Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 PARENTING SOLO - THE HARDEST JOB YOU'LLłłLOVE AND LOGIC EVER DO ALONE ► AGE BIRTH-GRADE 5Develop effective parenting skills with Love and Logic! The Love and If you're parenting solo for any reason—military duty, work situationsLogic approach to parenting is built around the science of crafting (distance, shifts), separation, divorce, loss of spouse or singlecaring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection parenting—you're welcome to attend! Bring your children and enjoybetween parents and their children is the root of a healthy, thriving a meal together. Parents will meet together for parenting support andrelationship built on trust and understanding. Join one of our parent information while young children participate in early childhood activities.educators and learn how to use positive tools to raise happy and School age children will meet in another classroom for activities andwell-behaved children. This is an adult only class; childcare is available support. Join at any time!on-site for our participants--you must pre-register for childcare. Tuesdays Jan 3-Mar 7 | 6:00-8:00pm | 10 sessions | $0Tuesdays Jan 24-Feb 28 | 6:00-7:30pm | 6 sessions Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #780-F$15 Individual/$20 CoupleHandke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | #781-W FEES TO0 EXPENSIVE? If you can't participate in a class due to the cost, please call our office at 763.241.3524. We can arrange to reduce or even waive the fee!ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 25

EARLY CHILDHOOD NATURE EXPLORE | PARENTINGWHAT IS THE ECFE NATURE EXPLORE CENTER? BIG... BUILDING BETTER BEHAVIORS FOR SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, CHILDCARE AND AT HOMEIt is a certified outdoor classroom space devoted to reconnectingchildren with the natural world through developmentally appropriate »» BIG is an intervention and prevention program for preschoolersnature education. who are at risk of losing their childcare or preschool placement because of negative behaviors.► WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? »» BIG works with parents, teachers and childcare providers to buildThere is a growing nature deficit occurring with children today. It positive behavior believed that in today’s scheduled, indoor, and screen-heavyenvironments children are not getting enough interaction with the »» BIG is a Behavior Intervention Group including educators,outdoors. By providing a complete mix of activities, children with a emotional health professionals and specialists to coordinatevariety of needs and learning styles are engaged. Research has shown expertise and resources for success.that high-energy children tend to be more focused when taught in anoutdoor natural setting as all their senses are being stimulated. »» For more information call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524. »» BIG is funded by ISD 728 Family and Children’s Collaborative, a► HOW CAN I HELP? part of Wright County Family Services Collaborative.Become a volunteer! It takes many volunteers to help maintain ourbeautiful and lush gardens at the Nature Explore Center. From Spring “ECFE ON WHEELS” HOME VISITSthrough Fall, volunteers gather several times a month to weed, trim andclean up the gardens. Call our coordinator, Liz, today at 612-578-0357 »» This program features visits to your home, or one-to-one visits ator stop in our office to sign up to be a volunteer! the ECFE center.DAD AND ME: WINTER FOREST »» Visits provide ideas for creative, fun, age-appropriate activities, as well as time to discuss children, family, ideas on childInvite your dad, grandpa, uncle or another special male in your life to development, parenting and community resources.share some fun time together on a Saturday morning. The morning willbe filled with fun winter forest activities. A story and snack will conclude »» Call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524 for more information.our winter forestland adventure. »» There is no fee for home visits.Saturday Mar 11 | 9:00-10:30am | 1 session | $5/child YOUNG PARENT PROGRAM FOR PREGNANTHandke Center NEC Door 5 | #729-W OR PARENTING TEENS »» This program provides pregnant or parenting teens with information about pregnancy, birth, parenting and community resources. »» It is open to ISD 728 students and area residents who may not be in school. »» For information or to register, contact ECFE at 763-241-3524, your school counselor, school nurse or Ivan Sand Community High School. »» Home visits are also available. »» This program is co-sponsored by ISD 728, Ivan Sand Community High School and ECFE; special events funding provided by Three Rivers Community Foundation. »» Classes are held at the Handke Center and are on-going during the school year. »» Classes are free. PARTICIPANT CHILDCAREEdVenture Club-Program Participant Care is available forclasses that have this icon next to the title; see page 50 forfees and details on how to register for childcare.26 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

SCREENING EARLY CHILDHOODWHAT IS EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING? INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 728 Early Childhood Screening is an The ECFE Blog is written by Ms. Angy and on occasion, a guest opportunity for children and their blogger. Ms. Angy has been teaching in the field of Early Childhood SCREENING parents to participate in a health and Education for over 19 years and is in her 7th year teaching School developmental screening after their Readiness. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and is in the third birthday. State law requires process of finishing her second graduate degree in Parent Education. screening for all children entering public She is also a very proud mother. Find the ECFE blog at school Kindergarten, ideally at age 3. NEEDS TO BE SCREENED? EXPERIENCE THIS!All children living in District 728 who are 3, 4, or 5 years old and arenot currently enrolled in Kindergarten need to participate in this freescreening program before entering Kindergarten, or have an equivalentscreening from a doctor. Children who attend Head Start or EarlyChildhood Special Education Services programs may not have toparticipate in Early Childhood Screening.REASONS TO SCREEN AT AGE 3 Valentine’ »» Screening assists your child to be ready for Kindergarten. 2.3.17 »» Health and developmental problems or concerns can be identified FUN FOR THE FAMILY earlier and help provided sooner; families may be referred to 5-8 pm community health and educational services including School Readiness and ECFE. food • games • prizes • book fair & more! »» Screening is free, easy and good for your child. Handke CenteWHAT HAPPENS DURING SCREENING AND WHATDOES IT INCLUDE? VALENTINE'S CARNIVALThe parent attends the entire screening process with their child. The The annual Valentine's Carnival is here! Bring your family for ascreening appointment includes: night of fun. There will be games, prizes and activities for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners to enjoy! Don't miss the »» A speech and developmental progress review by a screening basket raffle and Scholastic Book Fair! Pizza dinner available for specialist. purchase. »» A review of your child's vision, hearing, height, weight and Friday Feb 3 | 5:00-8:00pm | 1 session | Free immunization history with a health professional. Handke Center NEC Door 5 »» The parent/s will participate in a family factors interview to review the screening process and talk about any concerns they may have. »» A summary interview with parents.IS SCREENING REQUIRED?Minnesota state law requires that your child must be screened forenrollment in a public school. Children are not permitted to enterpublic school without having Early Childhood Screening and up-to-date immunizations. If you are planning to send your child to privateor home school, the screening is not required by law; however, we stillencourage you to participate. This is a wonderful opportunity for you tofind out how your child is developing.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 27

EARLY CHILDHOOD PRESCHOOL EXPERIENCE THIS! DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL ► AGES 3-5 Choosing the right preschool program is essential for giving your child the tools needed to be successful in school and in life. Discovery Learning Preschool, offered through ISD 728 Early Childhood Family Education, is a highly recognized and sought-after program with a 4-star rating from Parent Aware, an independent nonprofit organization of Minnesota business and community leaders focused on improving school readiness. ► A 4-STAR RATING IS AN INDICATOR A PROGRAM IS USING THE PRACTICES THAT BEST PREPARE CHILDREN FOR KINDERGARTEN. DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL: »» Is staffed by professionally-trained, caring teachers. »» Offers customized preschool experiences for your child in a safe and fun environment. »» Is part of the school district and has access to the district’s resources. »» Is conveniently offered in Elk River, Rogers and Zimmerman with a variety of daytime programming. »» Offers a transportation option to/from school. If your home address is within the ISD 728 boundaries, you can choose transportation for your child to morning or afternoon preschool classes for an additional fee. Transportation is provided by Vision Transportation, the vendor for all district busing. Transportation requests are processed by the Early Childhood office. For additional information, contact the Discovery Learning Preschool office at 763-241-3524. ► COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUMS AND UNPARALLELED RESULTS Discovery Learning Preschool has revolutionized its curriculum and embedded core fundamentals in all of the classrooms. Overall opportunities for learning are provided through individual and group times. Literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, technology, and process skills are part of the program curriculum, all while having FUN! ISD 728 Discovery Learning Preschool is seeing unprecedented results with their customized classroom experiences. Four-year-old students are tested and compared to peers across the state. The results speak for themselves; our preschool program is successful and prepares your child for a successful K-12 experience and provides the tools needed to become a fluent reader by grade three. ► PARENT EDUCATION AND INVOLVEMENT Core to our program is parent education. A professional and highly trained Parent Educator is assigned to each classroom. The Parent Ed component focuses not only on the child’s experience in preschool, but the family as a whole. If you need more information, or would like to visit one of our preschool classrooms and meet Parent Educator or preschool staff, contact the ECFE office at 763-241-3524 to schedule an appointment.HOW TO REGISTER FOR DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL CLASSESDiscovery Learning Preschool 2016-2017 registration is available online or forms can be downloaded from our website. If you do not have internetaccess, paper registration forms are available at the Discovery Learning/ECFE office. A $49 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration(or will be waived if requesting fee assistance). You will need to provide family and child information, emergency contact information, medical info(allergies, asthma, etc.) and Early Childhood Screening information when registering. If applying for reduced or waived tuition, income informationand verification is required; income guidelines are provided when registering online or on page 40 of this brochure. Information regardingDiscovery Learning registration for 2017-2018 will be mailed to district homes with children age 3-4 in January 2017.HAVE QUESTIONS?Need more information? Visit our website at; call the ECFE Office 763-241-3524 or email [email protected] ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

PRESCHOOL | CHILDCARE EARLY CHILDHOODDISCOVERY LEARNING PLUS CLASSES ► AGE 3-5 EDVENTURE CLUB-DISCOVERY LEARNING CHILDCAREIn addition to our regular classes for three- and four-year-olds, we offertwo new options for your child! Our new 3s and 4s Plus classes are for Community Education offers childcare services to extend your child’schildren who are older in their age group. The classes will work on skills experience with Discovery Learning Preschool. Childcare is available attargeting the specific age groups. In the 3s Plus class, classroom staff the Handke Center and Zimmerman Elementary before and after yourwill extend the social and emotional development of the child along with child’s preschool class.targeted academic skills. In the 4s Plus class, classroom staff will focuson Kindergarten readiness and provide differentiated instruction for For the 2016-17 school year, your child must be age 3 by Sep 1, 2016.each child. *Please note the date of birth for these classrooms: 3s Plus:Children born before December 1, 2012; 4s Plus: Children born before When registering for childcare, you choose the times that work bestDecember 1, 2011. for your schedule. Registration is due on Monday the week prior to attendance. This program is eligible for county assistance.DISCOVERY LEARNING EXTRA PRESCHOOL► AGE 4 With over 24 years of successful extended day childcare experience, we provide a quality program that complements the Discovery LearningDiscovery Learning EXTRA Preschool is a program focused on getting program curriculum. Students will be escorted between our childcarechildren ready for Kindergarten. The fee is based on a family’s ability program and the Discovery Learning classroom by our high-qualityto pay, or there is no fee. Children will develop vocabulary and learn staff. Snacks will be provided in the morning and afternoon. Studentsletter names and sounds while learning how to get along with other will need to bring a lunch if they are attending during lunch or the fullchildren and how to follow school rules. Transportation is provided. This day.program helps the child who may have one or more of the followingcircumstances: If you have additional questions about the EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Childcare Program, please contact Wendy at »» Comes from a low-income family 763-241-3400 X5528. »» Has English as their second language »» Has behavioral or developmental concerns To register for these childcare options, please use this link to set up an »» Is a foster child account that will allow you to register: »» Comes from a family with multiple challenges DISCOVERY LEARNING-EDVENTURE CLUB FEESTo qualify for Discovery Learning EXTRA: »» Family must live in ISD 728 (includes the cities of Elk River, 7:00-8:45am or 3:15-5:30pm $10 Otsego, Rogers and Zimmerman) »» Must be 4 years old on or before Sep 1, 2016 »» Does not qualify for Special Education Services »» Is not eligible for Head Start, or on a Head Start waiting list 7:00am-1:00pm or 11:15am-5:30pm $22 7:00am-1:00pm and 3:15-5:30pm $28 7:00am-5:30pm $38 Non school days (no DL classes)ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 29

EARLY CHILDHOOD REGISTRATIONFAQ REGARDING ECFE AND PRESCHOOL WHEN SHOULD I REGISTER? We take registrations untilREGISTRATION classes fill and take names for a wait list when necessary. RegistrationHOW DO I REGISTER? Discovery Learning Preschool 2016-2017 for the 2017-2018 school year will start Wednesday, Jan 18, 2017.registration is available online or forms can be downloaded from our WHAT IF I NEED TO CANCEL? If you need to cancel from awebsite. If you do not have internet access, paper registration forms areavailable at the Discovery Learning/ECFE office. A $49 non-refundable class, we will pro-rate the fee and issue a refund. There are no refundsdeposit is due at the time of registration (or will be waived if requesting for missed classes due to illness or inclement weather. Credits will befee assistance). You will need to provide family and child information, issued, if requested, for classes canceled due to inclement weather.emergency contact information, medical info (allergies, asthma,etc.) and Early Childhood Screening information when registering. DOES MY CHILD NEED TO HAVE UP-TO-DATEInformation regarding Discovery Learning registration for 2017- IMMUNIZATIONS BEFORE ATTENDING? Per Minnesota2018 will be mailed to district homes with children age 3-4 inJanuary 2017 law, up-to-date immunizations, or medical exemption, or a notarized objection letter must be submitted with registration and will be kept in the minor child’s record.WHAT ARE THE FEES? Fees are based on the number of times WHAT IF MY CHILD HAS SPECIAL NEEDS? We welcomethe class meets. If applying for reduced or waived tuition, income persons of all abilities to participate in our classes and activities. If anyinformation and verification is required; income guidelines are provided special accommodations are needed, please let us know at the timebelow. No one will be turned away because of inability to pay. Please you register. We are not able to provide transportation to classes unlesscall our office to ask questions, make other arrangements, or to have specifically noted.fees waived or reduced. ECFE CLASS SLIDING FEE SCALE # of persons Full Fee 80% of 65% of 15% of Waived Fee in household Full Fee Full Fee Full Fee $35,393 + $0 - 20,921 2 44,528 + $31,461 - 35,393 $29,102 - 31,460 $20,922 - 29,101 0 - 26,321 3 53,663 + 39,581 - 44,528 36,613 - 39,580 26,322 - 36,612 0 - 31,721 4 62,798 + 47,701 - 53,663 44,124 - 47,700 31,722 - 44,123 0 - 37,120 5 71,911 + 55,821 - 62,798 51,635 - 55,820 37,121 - 51,634 0 - 42,520 6 63,941 - 71,911 59,146 - 63,940 42,521 - 59,145More than 6 persons, 7,511 5,400 add this amount for 7,511 7,511 7,511each additional person Full Fee Waived Fee 80% of 65% of 15% of Reduced $90/month Full Fee Full Fee Full Fee $0/monthTuition Amount $110/month $0/month $129/month $72/month $59/month $14/month $0/month 2 day 2 hour $159/month $88/month $72/month $17/month $0/month 2 day 2 hour $269/month $103/month $84/month $19/month $0/month 3 day 2 hour $70/class $127/month $103/month $24/month $0/class 3 day 2-1/2 hour $56/class $215/month $175/month $40/month $0/class 5 day 2-1/2 hour $54/class $56/class $45/class $10/class $0/class ECFE $70/class $50/class $45/class $36/class $8/class $0/class ECFE $56/class $42/class $43/class $34/class $8/class $0/class $40/class $33/class $8/class ECFE $54/class $32/class $27/class $6/class ECFE $50/class ECFE $42/class30 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL CHILDCARE YOUTHEDVENTURE CLUB-BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL LOCATIONSMORE THAN CHILDCARE CONVENIENT FUN ELK RIVEREdVenture Club is a unique program that AFFORDABLE Lincoln Elementary (before school only)combines fun enrichment activities with Meadowvale Elementaryextended hours for your convenience! SAFE Parker ElementaryEdVenture Club provides a quality extendedday experience that complements the school (serves Lincoln after school)day and includes enrichment activities for Twin Lakes Elementaryreading and math, physical education,science, art and more for grades K-5. OTSEGO► MORNING PROGRAM Otsego ElementaryStudents attend between 6:00am and school starting time Monday ROGERSthrough Friday. A variety of games, gym time, playground and otherchoices are available. Enrichment activities are planned up to three Hassan Elementarytimes per week. Healthy snacks and juice are provided daily. Rogers Elementary► AFTERNOON PROGRAM ZIMMERMANStudents attend after school until 6:00pm Monday through Friday. Each Westwood Elementary (before school only)day includes enrichment and recreation activities as well as a healthy Zimmerman Elementarysnack and juice. Site schedules listing activities by days and gradelevels are posted weekly. (serves Westwood after school)► EASY ONLINE REGISTRATION!Secure your child's spot TODAY! Register online (Click on the EdVenture Club tab). ELK RIVER, OTSEGO & ROGERS ZIMMERMAN AREA ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS BEFORE SCHOOL 6:00am - school start timeBEFORE SCHOOL 6:00am - school start time # of days 1st Child Sibling(s) # of days 1st Child Sibling(s)1 day/week $16 $13 1 day/week $14 $112 days/week $25 $21 2 days/week $21 $183 days/week $32 $27 3 days/week $27 $234 days/week $38 $32 4 days/week $34 $285 days/week $44 $37 5 days/week $38 $34AFTER SCHOOL 3:30-6:00pm AFTER SCHOOL 3:15-6:00pm # of days 1st Child Sibling(s) # of days 1st Child Sibling(s)1 day/week $18 $16 1 day/week $18 $162 days/week $30 $27 2 days/week $30 $273 days/week $36 $32 3 days/week $36 $324 days/week $42 $37 4 days/week $42 $375 days/week $48 $43 5 days/week $48 $43 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 31

YOUTH NON-SCHOOL DAYS CHILDCAREEDVENTURE CLUB - NON-SCHOOL DAYS ► DAY WITH THE DINOSAURSFun enrichment activities and outings are offered on days that school Spend the day meeting and creating some special friends that roamedis not in session for grades K-5. Students are divided by grade levels the earth a very long time ago.for the planned activities, including art or science topics, physical Friday Mar 10 | 1 session | #6020-Weducation, games, academic-related activities and more. Studentsshould bring a bag lunch and beverage and wear appropriate clothing ► SCIENCE EXPERIMENTSfor planned activities. These activities, held 9:00am-3:00pm, areplanned in a day camp format. Extended hours are available; the sites Can you make pepper jump? How about scare it away? We will tryare open 6:00am-6:00pm. When registering, please include the course some fun and amazing experiments!number as well as the site/time preference listed below. For example: Thursday Mar 16 | 1 session | #6021-Wto register for “Glow with It!\" at Parker for 9:00am-3:00pm, your coursenumber would be #6018-1W. Please note: In the event of low or high ► GREEN SCIENCEenrollment, sites may be combined or additional sites opened. It’s St. Patrick’s Day! What kind of ‘green’ science and activities will youNON-SCHOOL DAY SITES/TIMES: be able to brew up? Friday Mar 17 | 1 session | #6022-W-1F or W Parker Elem, Door 3 9:00am-3:00pm A FUN SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM FOR GRADES K-5-2F or W Parker Elem, Door 3 6:00am-6:00pm SITE LOCATIONS *Parker also serves Lincoln and Meadowvale Hassan, Otsego, Parker, Rogers, Twin Lakes & Zimmerman-3F or W Zimmerman Elem, Door 5C 9:00am-3:00pm-4F or W Zimmerman Elem, Door 5C 6:00am-6:00pm Elementary Schools *Zimmerman also serves Westwood | 763.241.3544-5F or W Hassan Elem, Door E 9:00am-3:00pm-6F or W Hassan Elem, Door E 6:00am-6:00pm I like to give children a variety of activities and choices that will help them-9F or W Rogers Elem, Door 3 9:00am-3:00pm-10F or W Rogers Elem, Door 3 6:00am-6:00pm all to be successful.-11F or W Twin Lakes Elem, Door 3 9:00am-3:00pm Tracee— Site Leader-12F or W Twin Lakes Elem, Door 3 6:00am-6:00pm-13F or W Otsego Elem, Door 4 9:00am-3:00pm-14F or W Otsego Elem, Door 4 6:00am-6:00pmFEES:9:00am-3:00pm | $30/first child; $26 additional child(ren) in family6:00am-6:00pm | $40/first child; $34 additional child(ren) in family► GLOW WITH IT!Students will be making neon projects and playing games with glowsticks. Wear your favorite neon colors.Monday Jan 30 | 1 session | #6018-W► YOUNG INVENTORSAn inventor? Who, me? Come investigate the creative process.Monday Feb 20 | 1 session | #6019-W32 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

EXPERIENCE LITTLE LEARNERS YOUTHFRIENDSHIPS ART CREATIVITYLittle Learners - Classes offer guided, cooperative łłMOMMY AND ME PAINT DATEplay, self-expression through the exploration of ► AGE 3+ W/PARENTfine motor skills and activities to help build criticalthinking. Classes focus on creative problem-solving Make memories with your child while inspiring your inner artists - NOand imaginative play. painting skills required! Each artist will create an 11x14 stretched canvas masterpiece you will enjoy for years to come!łłLITTLE LEARNERS: MINI MUSICIANS► AGE 2-4 W/PARENT Valentine’s Heart Wednesday Feb 8 | 12:00-1:00pm | 1 session | $25Explore rhythm, tonality and beat as Little Learners learn to appreciate Handke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | KidzArt | #8500-2Wmusic and melody. Experiment with instruments, singing, dance andhands-on activities. Little Seahorse Wednesday Mar 22 | 12:00-1:00pm | 1 session | $25Fridays Feb 3-Mar 3 | 9:30-10:15am | 5 sessions | $45 Handke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | KidzArt | #8500-1PHandke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | #8400-3W ARTS AND CRAFT STUDIOTuesdays Feb 7-Mar 7 | 5:15-6:00pm | 5 sessions | $45 ► AGE 3-12 W/PARENTHandke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | #8400-1W Create a masterpiece! With various mediums and supplies to chooseł►łLAIGTETL2E-4LEWA/RPNAERRESN:TSENSORY SPROUTS from, you will be able to craft several pieces to take home. Prepare to get creative and messy.Your little learner is going to love getting their hands dirty as weEdVenture through inventive art. Activities will explore art, movement, Friday Mar 24 | 6:30-8:00pm | 1 sessiongames, songs and stories. $5 Individual/$20 Family (Max 6 w/at least 1 adult) Handke Center Cafeteria Door 5 | #6300-3PFridays Feb 3-Mar 3 | 10:30-11:15am | 5 sessions | $45Handke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | #8400-4W SPANISH IMMERSION - NATURAL WONDERS ► AGE 3-5Tuesdays Feb 7-Mar 7 | 6:15-7:00pm | 5 sessions | $45Handke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | #8400-2W This dynamic Spanish language and culture immersion program utilizes music, movement, games, dance, creative dramatics and art for PARTICIPANT CHILDCARE language learning. During this session, children will explore language tied to the natural environment in Minnesota, as well as exploreEdVenture Club-Program Participant Care is available for landscapes in other parts of the world. Child must be potty trained.classes that have this icon next to the title; see page 50 forfees and details on how to register for childcare. Mondays Feb 6-May 1* | 1:00-3:00pm | 10 sessions | $299 Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #8600-2W *Not meeting Feb 20, Apr 10, 17ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 33

YOUTH CE ACADEMYCE ACADEMY - Classes break away from commoncore subjects and open students’ minds to inventiveproblem solving and innovation through art. CEAcademy classes encourage creative, critical thinkingwhile learning to appreciate the complexity of thearts.KIDS AND CANVAS LITTLE SEAHORSE Experiment with a variety of clay methods and create► GRADES K-5 your own functional, sculptural or decorative project!Inspire your student’s inner artist - no painting skills required! Each artist CERAMICS WORKSHOP ► GRADES K-8will paint an 11x14 stretched canvas masterpiece that everyone will love.Please send permission to school informing staff that your student will Experiment with a variety of clay methods including hand building,be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school coil slab and wheel throwing - techniques that guarantee successand receive a snack. All students will be picked up from EdVenture Club. with your first efforts. Complete your design with a variety of glazingWestwood students should sign up for Zimmerman Elem, wait in front of techniques for the finishing touch. Projects can be functional, sculpturalthe Westwood office and will be bussed to Zimmerman. or decorative.Monday Mar 20 | 4:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $45 grades K-4Hassan Elem Rm A112 Art Door 1 | KidzArt | #2400-1P Thursdays Mar 9-May 25* | 5:00-6:00pm | 10 sessions | $79 Handke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | #8800-1PTuesday Mar 21 | 3:30-4:30pm | 1 session | $45 *Not meeting Mar 16, Apr 13Zimmerman Elem Cafeteria Door 5C | KidzArt | #2400-2P grades 5-8Wednesday Mar 22 | 4:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $45 Thursdays Mar 9-May 25* | 6:00-7:00pm | 10 sessions | $79Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | KidzArt | #2400-3P Handke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | #8800-2P *Not meeting Mar 16, Apr 13Thursday Mar 23 | 4:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $45Twin Lakes Elem Rm A108 Art Rm Door 3 | KidzArt | #2400-4P NEW! DUCT TAPE DESIGNS - PURSES, WALLETS AND BAGS ► GRADES 6-8KIDS AND CANVAS WINTER WONDERLAND► GRADES K-5 Grab your friends and stay after school to create purses, wallets, bags or phone cases out of colorful duct tape! We provide the tape and basicInspire your student’s inner artist - no painting skills required! Each templates, you provide the imagination. You will be able to make two orartist will paint an 11x14 stretched canvas masterpiece that everyone three projects for yourself, or to give as gifts. Bring a snack.will love. Please send permission to school informing staff that yourstudent will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Clubafter school and receive a snack. All students will be picked up fromEdVenture Club. Lincoln students should sign up for Parker, wait in frontof the Lincoln office and will be walked to Parker by staff.Monday Feb 6 | 4:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $45 Tuesday Jan 31 | 3:15-5:00pm | 1 session | $10Rogers Elem Rm A103 Art Door 3 | KidzArt | #2400-1W VandenBerge MS Cafeteria Door N | #4035-1WTuesday Feb 7 | 4:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $45 Tuesday Feb 14 | 3:15-5:00pm | 1 session | $10Parker Elem Art Rm Door 3 | KidzArt | #2400-2W Rogers MS Cafeteria Door A | #4035-3WWednesday Feb 8 | 4:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $45Meadowvale Elem Rm 135 Art Door 7 | KidzArt | #2400-3WThursday Feb 9 | 4:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $45Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | KidzArt | #2400-4W34 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

CE ACADEMY YOUTHNEW! DUCT TAPE DESIGNS - WEAR AND SHARE BALLET AND TAP ► AGE 3-10► GRADES 6-8 Explore fundamental classic ballet and tap movement skills in anStay after school with your friends to make fabulous wearables and atmosphere of discovery and fun. Develop confidence, coordination,magnificent gifts out of a variety of duct tape! We'll provide the tape and musicality and classroom etiquette through simple imaginative exercises,basic templates for you to make two or three projects to take home. creative routines and dance terminology. Classes are planned per ageBring a snack. group and increase in skill work at each level. Students should wear proper dance attire: leotard with tights or a fitted top and bottom. HairThursday Feb 2 | 3:15-5:00pm | 1 session | $10 should be pulled back. Please bring both ballet and tap shoes.Salk MS Commons Door S | #4035-2W Level 1 | age 3-4Thursday Feb 16 | 2:30-4:15pm | 1 session | $10 Mondays Mar 6-May 22* | 5:15-5:55pm | 10 sessions | $59Zimmerman MS/HS Cafeteria Door A | #4035-4W Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #8888-1P *Not meeting April 10, 17CRESCENDO YOUTH MUSIC Level 3 | age 7-8The Crescendo Music Program, founded in 1991 provides individual Mondays Mar 6-May 22* | 6:45-7:25pm | 10 sessions | $59music lessons to students of all ages -- school age through adult. Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #8888-3PSuccessfully running for over 25 years, we take the hassle and stress *Not meeting April 10, 17out of the student experience by providing all of the necessary tools forhigh quality lessons at a reasonable price. From recruiting instructors Level 4 | age 9-10to researching creative teaching methods, we deliver a pattern of Mondays Mar 6-May 22* | 7:30-8:10pm | 10 sessions | $59consistency and continued growth to our students. Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #8888-4P *Not meeting April 10, 17Our instructors are highly qualified through education, training andexperience. They are passionate about music education and are DISNEY MOVIN’ AND GROOVIN’ ► AGE 2-3active, lifelong learners in their own profession. From cello to piano,beginner to advanced, we offer a well-rounded wealth of talent to teach Bond with your little one while helping build motor skills and inspiremusicians at any level. creativity! This class incorporates music from your favorite Disney characters. We will focus on dance, movement and balance, whileTo foster growth, we encourage students to commit to our year-long teaching peer interaction, the dynamics of being in a group, taking turnsprogram; however, registration is open year-round. Music is purchased and other important life skills. Our instructor will keep the music andfor students as lessons progress. Performance opportunities and an curriculum moving while parents take an active role in encouraging,end-of-the-year recital are offered to showcase student achievement. supporting and guiding their little one. Students should wear properLessons are held in district facilities staffed with trained, background- dance attire: leotard with tights or a fitted top and bottom.checked professionals. For additional program information and tocomplete an interest form visit age 2-3 Tuesdays Mar 7-May 16* | 10:00-10:30am | 10 sessions | $49INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE: Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-5P *Not meeting Apr 11Flute | Guitar | Percussion | Piano | Strings | Voice | Ukulele age 4-5Private Lessons: $75/month Tuesdays Mar 7-May 16* | 10:35-11:15am | 10 sessions | $59 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-6P GUARANTEE Not meeting Apr 11 We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 35

YOUTH CE ACADEMY You are invited to attend the Jack and the Beanstalk performances on March 3 or 4.JAZZ AND HIP HOP ► AGE 3-10 PRAIRIE FIRE THEATER: JACK AND THEHave FUN while learning the fundamentals of hip hop and jazz body BEANSTALK ► AGE 7-16isolations, bounce, rhythm and movements. You’ll dance to the latestbeats while working on movements influenced by some of today’s It has been said that long ago there were separate worlds connectedhottest celebrities and dance choreographers. Classes are planned by a mystical beanstalk. Join us on this classic tale as we follow Jackper age group and increase in skill work at each level. Students should and his sister Jessie as they adventure up the beanstalk through thewear proper dance attire: leotard with tights or a fitted top and bottom worlds of “Orchestrania,” where all the people sing; “Featherville,”with comfortable shoes. Hair should be pulled back. whose inhabitants are most fowl; and “Giantland,” where they meet mischievous trolls and, of course, “The Big Guy.” Will Jack and JessieLevel 1 | age 3-4 save their village? Will the treasures be returned to their rightfulTuesdays Mar 7-May 16* | 5:15-5:55pm | 10 sessions | $59 worlds? Is the Giant a vegetarian? Find out in this un“bean”lievableHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-1P tale. Please confirm your email address during registration as program*Not meeting Apr 11 communications are sent electronically. Note: No refund will be given to any participant who auditions, receives a part and then withdraws fromTuesdays Mar 7-May 16* | 6:00-6:40pm | 10 sessions | $59 the production.Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-2P*Not meeting Apr 11 Mon-Sat Feb 27-Mar 4 | $65 | #2200-1W Elk River HS Little Theater Door HLevel 3 | age 7-8Tuesdays Mar 7-May 16* | 6:45-7:25pm | 10 sessions | $59 Auditions: Monday Feb 27 | 4:30-6:30pmHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-3P Some cast members may stay until 8:30pm on audition night*Not meeting Apr 11 for rehearsal. Parents should plan to stay until 5pm for program information.Level 4 | age 9-10Tuesdays Mar 7-May 16* | 7:30-8:10pm | 10 sessions | $59 Rehearsals: Tue-Thu Feb 28-Mar 2 | 4:30-8:45pmHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-4P*Not meeting Apr 11 Performances: Friday Mar 3 | 7:30pmTWINKLE TOES BALLET AND TAP ► AGE 2-5 Saturday Mar 4 | 11:00am A third show may be added depending on number of participants.Explore fundamental classic ballet and tap movement skills in anatmosphere of discovery and fun. We will focus on dance, movementand balance while teaching peer interaction, the dynamics of beingin a group, taking turns and other important life skills. Our instructorwill keep the music and curriculum moving along while parents takean active role in encouraging, supporting and guiding their student.Students should wear proper dance attire: leotard with tights or a fittedtop and bottom. Hair should be pulled back. Please bring both balletand tap shoes.age 2-3 w/parentFridays Mar 3-May 19* | 10:00-10:30am | 10 sessions | $49Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #8888-5P*Not meeting Mar 17, Apr 14age 4-5Fridays Mar 3-May 19* | 10:35-11:15am | 10 sessions | $59Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #8888-6P*Not meeting Mar 17, Apr 1436 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

CE PREP YOUTHCE PREP - Classes focus on basic life skills and well- BINGO AND PIZZA ► AGE 3-12 W/PARENTrounded experiences. Classes provide helpful, practicalknowledge to build confidence, character and overall Who doesn't love the luck of BINGO? You'll have the chance to winwellness. CE Prep believes in cultivating life-long some great prizes! Join us for a fun and exciting evening of BINGO andlearners to discover and serve true potential. pizza with family and friends!GIRLS ARE POWERFUL \"I AM\" WORKSHOP Friday Feb 17 | 6:30-8:00pm | 1 session► GIRLS, AGE 9-13 $5 Individual/$20 Family (Max 6 w/at least 1 adult) Zimmerman Elem Cafeteria Door 1 | #6300-1WThis workshop is designed to define and enhance the character of girlsby helping them identify their personal power. Covering everything from BABYSITTER TRAINING ► AGE 11+peer pressure and confidence to self-awareness and self-perception,girls will be introduced to the six Power Principles that are associated New to babysitting or looking for ways to polish your skills? Gain thewith memorable affirmations. knowledge every prepared babysitter should have. Develop safe,fun and educational activities, while focusing on preventing accidents,Saturday Jan 28 | 10:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $29 learning to care for children of various ages, and taking care of yourself.Handke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #2702-1W Bring a bag lunch.GIRLS ARE POWERFUL \"EMPOWERED TO BE Monday Feb 20 | 9:00am-4:00pm | 1 session | $59ME\" WORKSHOP ► GIRLS, AGE 9-13 Handke Center Lower Art Rm Door 5 | Peterson | #2500-3WAn extension of the \"I AM\" Workshop, this six-session course digs Saturday Mar 25 | 9:00am-4:00pm | 1 session | $59deeper into peer pressure and confidence, self-awareness and self- Rogers Elem Rm A103 Art Door 1 | Peterson | #2500-1Pperception. Girls will be introduced to the six Power Principles that areassociated with memorable affirmations. RENTALS-PARTIES & CELEBRATIONSThursdays Feb 2-16 | 6:00-8:00pm | 3 sessions | $59 USE SPACE AT OUR SCHOOLS FOR AN ULTIMATEHandke Center Community Rm Door 5 | #2702-2W PARTY OR CELEBRATION EXPERIENCE!HOME ALONE ► AGE 8+ »» Choose from themes including Party in the Pool, Princess or Superhero, Artistic Masterpieces, Jumpin’ Gym Time or yourIs your child ready to be left home alone? It's a parent's responsibility own make sure children are prepared for emergency situations such assevere weather, injuries, strangers at the door, etc. This class will spend »» Cost is $135 with Bounce House available for an additional fee.time asking \"what if\" questions, coming up with ideas for activities to »» We provide the facility and staff and you bring the food, utensilsavoid boredom and discussing things all home-alone children shouldbe aware of. Please send permission to school informing staff that your and decorations.student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Club »» To sign up, complete the Party Request Form on our websiteafter school and receive a snack. Dinner is not provided. Westwoodstudents should sign up for Zimmerman Elem, wait in front of the at office and will be bussed to Zimmerman. »» All requests must be submitted at least three weeks prior toThursday Feb 9 | 4:00-7:00pm | 1 session | $39 party date. Availability based on space and staff availability.Rogers Elem Rm A103 Art Door 1 | Sandvig | #2600-3W »» Party packages are for 2 hours. No latex balloons allowed. »» Questions? Call Community Education at 763-241-3520.Thursday Mar 9 | 3:30-6:30pm | 1 session | $39Zimmerman Elem Lounge Door 1 | Sandvig | #2600-1PISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 37

YOUTH CE PREP Cooking experiences can build student's knowledge and BAKER’S CHOICE - ONE SMART COOKIE! skills in science, math, reading and communication. ► GRADES 6-8CAKE WARS ► AGE 3-12 W/PARENT If you love to bake, stay after school for an afternoon of cookie creations. Make some classic favorites, as well as some that may beHave you ever wanted to decorate a cake like a professional? Do new to you. At the end of class you will take home a variety of purelyyou like competitions? Then you will definitely want to join this class! delicious cookies to share with your family. Bring a snack. Please alertYou and your teammate(s) will brainstorm designs, then strategically us of food allergies; we will be preparing cookies that may containdecorate your team’s cake using colorful bags of icing and a variety of peanut butter, nuts, milk and other common food allergens.metal decorating tips to create your masterpiece! Class fee includesparent and child. Tuesday Mar 21 | 3:15-5:00pm | 1 session | $15 VandenBerge MS Rm 244 Door N | #4035-11Page 3-5 w/parentTuesday Feb 21 | 5:00-6:30pm | 1 session | $49 Tuesday Mar 28 | 3:15-5:00pm | 1 session | $15Handke Center Lounge Door 5 | #2701-3W Rogers MS Rm 561 Door A | #4035-13Page 6-12 w/parent MY LITTLE HORSE CAMP ► AGE 2-5 W/PARENTTuesday Feb 21 | 6:30-8:00pm | 1 session | $49Handke Center Lounge Door 5 | #2701-4W This parent/child camp will feature horse safety, learning and fun! Spend the morning learning different horse breeds, colors and sizes.BAKER’S CHOICE - CUPCAKE CHALLENGE Participants will help feed, care for and groom the horses of Boulder► GRADES 6-8 Pointe. Bring your camera to snap photos during pony rides to conclude the class. Class fee includes parent and child. Proper attire includesIf you love to bake, stay after school for this cupcake challenge. You'll sneakers or boots (closed toe and heel), long pants and layers,bake some favorites and decorate them in a way that makes others depending on weather. Bring bug spray and sunscreen (if applicable),say, \"WOW!\" At the end of class, you will take home some scrumptious and a water bottle. ASTM/SEI certified helmets provided. Bouldertreats. Bring a snack. Please alert us of food allergies; we will be Pointe Equestrian Center is located at 6612 189th Lane, Nowthen.preparing items that may contain peanut butter, nuts, milk and othercommon food allergens. Saturday Mar 4 | 9:00-11:00am | 1 session | $49 Boulder Pointe Ranch Nowthen | #2707-5PThursday Mar 23 | 3:15-5:00pm | 1 session | $15Salk MS Rm 213 Door S | #4035-12P SCHOOL OF FISH ON ICE ► GRADES 3+Thursday Mar 30 | 2:30-4:15pm | 1 session | $15 Taught by pro angler and television show host Mike Frisch, studentsZimmerman MS/HS Rm 561 Door A | #4035-14P learn about lakes, finding fish and some great ways to catch them. They also learn how to tie a fishing knot and rig, and use a slip-bobber setup. Most importantly students leave class with the knowledge and skills to go ICE fishing! Class includes instruction, a workbook, rod and reel, tackle and more! Students can invite an adult (parent, grandparent, etc.) to attend at no additional cost. Please send permission to school informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school and receive a snack. Wednesday Feb 8 | 4:00-6:30pm | 1 session | $75 Rogers Elem Media Door 1 | #2799-3W38 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

CE UNIVERSITY YOUTHKARATE ► AGE 4-6 WEATHER CANCELLATIONS Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERTKarate is a great way for students to increase their sense of or check online at www.728communityed.comresponsibility, build self-esteem and decrease their willingness to for possible inclement weather cancellations oftake foolish risks. Choose martial arts to supplement your student’seducation and see how they benefit. Includes uniform. activities or late return time from outings.age 4-6 SPANISH IMMERSION ► GRADES K-4Tue/Thu Jan 31-Feb 16 | 6:25-6:55pm | 6 sessions | $45Twin Lakes Elem Cafeteria Door 3 | #2662-1W This dynamic after school immersion program uses music, movement, games, dance, creative dramatics and art to learn French or Spanish.age 7-11 Both new and experienced learners will grow in their understanding ofTue/Thu Jan 31-Feb 16 | 7:00-7:45pm | 6 sessions | $55 the language and culture through experiential learning, while exploringTwin Lakes Elem Cafeteria Door 3 | #2662-2W a different fun theme every semester. Please send permission to school informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will checkCHESS CLUB ► GRADES 1-8 in with EdVenture Club after school and receive a snack.Amaze your friends and impress your opponents! Increase your IQ Wednesdays Feb 8-Apr 26* | 4:15-5:15pm | 10 sessions | $199while having fun playing chess and competing for various prizes. Learn Meadowvale Elem Media Door 7 | #2709-5Wfrom Twin Cities Chess Club instructors who have years of teaching *Not meeting Mar 15, Apr 12experience. This is an excellent opportunity to develop or build yourchess skills. Thursdays Feb 9-Apr 27* | 4:15-5:15pm | 10 sessions | $199 Hassan Elem Media Center Door 1 | #2709-6Wgrades 1-5 *Not meeting Mar 16, Apr 13Saturdays Mar 18-Apr 29* | 10:00-11:00am | 6 sessions | $69Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #3400-4W Mondays Feb 6-May 1* | 4:15-5:15pm | 10 sessions | $199*Not meeting Apr 15 Twin Lakes Elem Media Door 3 | #2709-1W *Not meeting Feb 20, Apr 10, 17Thursdays Mar 23-May 4* | 4:30-5:30pm | 6 sessions | $69Rogers Elem Media Center Door 3 | #3400-1P*Not meeting Apr 13grades 6-8Saturdays Mar 18-Apr 29* | 10:00-11:00am | 6 sessions | $69Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #3400-5W*Not meeting Apr 15 PLEASE NOTE:All classes immediately after school will report to EdVentureClub at the end of the school day. A snack will be provided.If class ends prior to 6pm, students can be picked up at theEdVenture Club site. If classes end after 6pm, please plan to pick your child up at the classroom. There are many benefits of being bilingual including improved academic performance.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 39

YOUTH CE UNIVERSITYCE University - Classes offer supported, focusedacademics. Small class sizes encourage interactivelearning and student success. Lessons createa positive, productive learning environmentwhile promoting fun and social engagement.ADVANCED MINECRAFT: USING MODS, Are you ready to discover the world ofREDSTONE AND TEXTURES ► GRADES 4-8 LEGO® X HAMMERS & BALLERINAS?Minecraft offers an amazing world of endless possibilities limited only LEGO® X HAMMERS & BALLERINASby your imagination. Intermediate and advanced Minecrafters will learn ► GRADES 1-5how to expand their world’s abilities using popular game-enhancingmods. Learn more about Redstone, from basic mining and logic circuits The newest, coolest LEGO® projects are found here. Build anto more advanced circuits. Participate in building challenges. Build automated hammer, a bouncing ballerina, or design and build your owntraps, arrow launchers, faster rail systems and more. Please bring a “Mystery Contraption.” Students will build specific projects to investigatelunch and beverage. basic principles of levers, gears and pulleys, and then be asked to use what they have learned to design, build, test and modify their ownSaturday Mar 18 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $65 creations. Creative and engaging for any young builder! Please sendRogers MS Rm 562 Door A | Computer Explorers | #2900-8W permission to school informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school andLEGO® X GEAR JAMMERS ► GRADES 1-5 receive a snack. Lincoln students will wait in front of the office to be walked to the class at Parker. Westwood students will wait in front of theBuild a clock, a windmill and a powerful street sweeper. Design your office to be bussed to the class at Zimmerman Elem.own egg-beater and gear it up to make it blend faster. We will use ourstructures to investigate basic engineering concepts and components Tuesdays Jan 24-Feb 14 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $49of gearing. This is a pioneering class designed for adventurous LEGO® Twin Lakes Elem Rm E106 Music Door 3 | Youth Enrichment Leagueengineers. Please send permission to school informing staff that your #2800-2Wstudent will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Clubafter school and receive a snack. Lincoln students will wait in front of Fridays Feb 3-24 | 3:30-4:30pm | 4 sessions | $49the office to be walked to the class at Parker. Westwood students will Zimmerman Elem Rm 138 Door 5C | Youth Enrichment Leaguewait in front of the office to be bussed to the class at Zimmerman Elem. #2800-3WTuesdays Mar 14-Apr 4 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $49 Mondays Feb 6-Mar 6* | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $49Twin Lakes Elem Rm E106 Music Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League Hassan Elem Rm A113 Door 1 | Youth Enrichment League | #2800-4W#2800-7W *Not meeting Feb 20Wednesdays Mar 29-Apr 26* | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $49 Wednesdays Feb 15-Mar 8 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $49Parker Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League | #2800-1P Meadowvale Elem Band Rm 215 Door 7 | Youth Enrichment League*Not meeting Apr 12 #2800-5WFridays Mar 31-Apr 28* | 3:30-4:30pm | 4 sessions | $49 Mondays Mar 13-Apr 3 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $49Zimmerman Elem Rm 138 Door 5C | Youth Enrichment League Rogers Elem A106 Music Rm Door 1 | Youth Enrichment League#2800-2P #2800-6W*Not meeting Apr 1440 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

CE UNIVERSITY | ATHLETICS YOUTHMINECRAFT GAME DESIGNER ► GRADES 1-5 Minecraft is full of ways for players to hone specific, cognitive skills.Don't just play Minecraft -- turn it into a visual learning tool! Studentswill learn basic game design skills and advanced Minecraft features CE Athletics - Activities go beyond training, sportswhile they collaborate to build Adventure maps. This class emphasizes and fitness. Our core values help build character andcreativity, exploration and cooperative learning experiences. Students integrity, encourage social interaction, and promotewill be able to take their custom worlds home on a flash drive and will a positive physical self-image. CE Athletics offerbe able to continue to develop these worlds on their home computers. opportunities for cooperation, teamwork and setting personal and group-focused goals.Saturday Feb 25 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $65Handke Center Rm 212 Door 5 | Computer Explorers | #2900-6W SKI/SNOWBOARD TRIP - WILD MOUNTAIN ► GRADES 6-12POKÉMON MOVIE MAKING ► GRADES 1-5 You've got the day off of school! Hit the slopes with your friends andPick your favorite POKÉMON characters to star in your own stop- enjoy a winter playground at Wild Mountain with its mix of terrain formotion animation mini-movie. Action figures, props and backdrops will all levels, novice to expert. Choose the package that suits your available for filming. Handle all of the technical details including Bring bag dinner from home or money for concessions. No schoolusing a digital movie camera, filming scenes with stop-motion access upon return.animation, digital editing, and adding special effects and transitions.Student groups' final projects will be emailed to parents, or students Fee Options:may bring a USB jump drive the last day. $55 Lift Only $65 Lift & Ski RentalSaturday Jan 28 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $65 $69 Lift & Snowboard RentalZimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 1 | Computer Explorers | #2900-3W Monday Feb 20 | 8:30am-5:15pm | 1 sessionSaturday Feb 11 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $65 Rogers MS North Parking Lot | #6339-1WHandke Center Rm 212 Door 5 | Computer Explorers | #2900-4W Monday Feb 20 | 8:45am-5:00pm | 1 sessionWEDO ROBOTIC ENGINEERING ► GRADES 1-4 VandenBerge MS East Parking Lot | #6339-2WMake science come to life! Powered by the LEGO® Wedo systems Monday Feb 20 | 9:00am-4:45pm | 1 sessionand software, students working in pairs will explore the exciting world Zimmerman MS/HS Parking Lot | #6339-4Wof robotics to learn programming skill, engineering concepts and thenames of robot components. Your student will build LEGO® modelsfeaturing working motors, tilt sensors, motion detectors and the LEGO®USB Robotics Hub.Saturday Feb 18 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $65Rogers MS Rm 562 Door A | Computer Explorers | #2900-5WSaturday Mar 11 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $65Zimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 1 | Computer Explorers | #2900-7W PLEASE NOTE: The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date. Register Early to help insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 41

YOUTH CE ATHLETICS Can't wait to get on the slopes? Sign up now OPEN GYM ► ALL AGES for one of our Ski/Snowboard outings. Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work on theirHS SKI/SNOWBOARD CLUB ► GRADES 9-12 skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize with others. Check in and pay upon arrival with the Open Gym clerk. Please note thatSpend Friday nights with your friends and enjoy a winter playground changes may be made to this schedule, so always check before droppingat Wild Mountain with its mix of terrain for all levels, novice to expert. a child off at the school. Students (age 11+) who participate withoutChoose the package that suits your needs. Bring a bag dinner or money parent participation MUST have a completed contact form on file. Youthto purchase food. No school access upon return. age 10 and younger must be with a responsible adult.Fee Options: Pay at the door, or purchase 10-day or season passes online using$225 Lift Only course #s below. Online purchases must be made 5 days prior to first$240 Lift & Helmet use of pass.$300 Lift & Ski Rental$315 Lift, Ski Rental & Helmet Pay at the door daily rate:$310 Lift & Snowboard Rental $4/day student; $5/day adult; $12/day family (6 max w/one adult)$325 Lift, Snowboard Rental & Helmet Pay online:Fridays Jan 27-Feb 24 | 2:30-11:15pm | 5 sessions Zimmerman Open GymRogers HS Bus (East) Parking Lot | #3251-1W 10-Day Pass: $30/student; $40/adult; $79/family | #4100-42Y Season Pass (Sundays & Wednesdays): $95/person | #4100-43YFridays Jan 27-Feb 24 | 2:45-11:00pm | 5 sessionsElk River HS Bus (North) Parking Lot | #3251-2W Rogers Open Gym 10-Day Pass: $30/student; $40/adult; $79/family | #4100-1YWed/Fri Jan 27-Feb 24 | 3:15-10:30pm | 5 sessions Season Pass (Sundays & Wednesdays): $95/person | #4100-2YZimmerman MS/HS Parking Lot | #3251-3W families and students grades 5-8 Please note that changes may be made to Wednesdays Oct 19-Apr 26 | 7:00-8:30pm the Open Gym schedule, always check before Zimmerman HS Gym Door K dropping a child off at the school. adults and students grades 9-12 Wednesdays Oct 19-Apr 26 | 8:30-10:00pm Zimmerman HS Gym Door K Wednesdays Oct 19-Apr 26* | 7:00-9:00pm Rogers HS Gym Door I *Not meeting Dec 14 all ages Sundays Oct 2-Apr 30* | 3:00-5:00pm Zimmerman HS Gym Door K *Not meeting Apr 16 Sundays Oct 2-Apr 30* | 6:00-8:00pm Rogers MS Gym Door A *Not meeting Apr 1642 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

CE HIGH SCHOOL YOUTHDRIVER'S EDUCATION ► AGE 15+ ZAP THE ACT ► GRADES 10-12Are you ready to earn your driver’s permit and learn to drive? Start ACT test scores are widely used in college admissions and scholarshipby completing the 30 hours of classroom instruction required by the decisions. In this workshop, students will learn strategies for improvingState of Minnesota in our interactive, engaging classroom. Once you in all four sub-tests, take shortened practice tests that mirror thehave your permit, schedule Behind the Wheel training from our State- actual testing experience, and get suggestions for individualized study.licensed and certified instructors. Students must be 15 years old by the Seminars are carefully designed to help students do their personal bestlast day of classroom instruction. on the ACT. From past experience, students who take this workshop score higher on the ACT. A study guide and practice tests are included.WHY CHOOSE DRIVER’S EDUCATION THROUGH Students should bring a calculator and two pencils.COMMUNITY EDUCATION? Mon/Tue Mar 27 & 28 | 6:30-9:00pm | 2 sessions | $89 »» Knowledgeable instructors who are licensed teachers with years Rogers HS Media Door I | #3590-1P of experience and training. They know the most effective ways to teach students and will help meet the learning needs of individual Wed/Thu Mar 29 & 30 | 3:00-5:30pm | 2 sessions | $89 students. Zimmerman MS/HS Rm 119 Door A | #3590-2P »» Multiple locations, dates and times that fit busy schedules. Wed/Thu Mar 29 & 30 | 6:30-9:00pm | 2 sessions | $89 »» Flexible registration and payment plan. (Please note: State law Elk River HS Rm 105 Door A | #3590-3P requires students be registered for Behind the Wheel before they EXPERIENCE THIS! can take the permit test. To be fully registered, full payment for Behind the Wheel must be received by the last classroom day.) CAREER EXPLORATION FAIR »» Supportive and educational Parent Class offered multiple times ► GRADES 6-12 and locations throughout the year. Have you wondered what direction you want to take in life afterDrivers under the age of 18 who complete Behind the Wheel instruction high school? The Career Exploration Fair can help you discoverand are testing for a provisional driver’s license must submit a supervised career options and point you in the right direction! You will bedriving log. The driving log must show that the teen has completed at able to gather information and talk with professionals in a varietyleast 50 hours of supervised driving, 15 of which are nighttime hours. If a of fields including education, science and engineering, parksparent attends a parent class, the required number of supervised driving and recreation, public services, health care, large and smallhours decreases to 40, 15 of which are nighttime hours. Watch for Driving businesses, military, technology, law enforcement, marketingLog Instructions during the classroom instruction. and communications, finance, accounting, law, transportation and more. You can also get information on job shadowingParents: Watch your email, as well as items sent home with your student, opportunities. Admission is free, please RSVP at www.ISD728.for important information regarding the Parent Class and Behind the org/career-fair-2017Wheel scheduling. Registration is not required to attend a Parent Class,but please RSVP by contacting Community Education at (763) 241-3520. Saturday Mar 11- | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $0 Handke Center Gym Door 5Complete Training Package: $339 Payment plan available: $139 due atregistration, $200 by last classClassroom instruction only: $100Behind-the-Wheel training only: $280 (Call 763-241-3520 to register)Mon-Fri Feb 6-17 | 2:45-5:45pm | 10 sessionsRogers HS Rm B103 Door I | Hudson | #3895-2WMon-Fri Mar 6-20* | 2:30-5:30pm | 10 sessionsElk River HS Rm 105 Door A | Hudson | #3895-3W*Not meeting Mar 7Mon-Thu Mar 21-Apr 5* | 3:00-6:00pm | 10 sessionsRogers HS Rm B103 Door I | Hudson | #3895-1P*Class starts on Tuesday Mar 21ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 43

ROGERS RECREATION AFTERSCHOOL | YOUTH Basketball teaches coordination, BALL GAMES AND MORE ► AGE 3-6 concentration, and cooperation. Play a variety of sports and gym games that include the use of differentAFTER SCHOOL SPORTS CLUB - INDOOR sporting equipment. Learn to bounce dribble pass kick catch and more.TENNIS ► GRADES K-5 Loads of fun for everyone!It might be cold outside but we'll have the nets set up inside so you can age 3-4 w/parentbrush up on your tennis skills before summer. This engaging physical Mondays Feb 27-Mar 27 | 5:15-5:45pm | 5 sessions | $29activity is for beginners. Check in after school with EdVenture Club; a Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4001-4Wsnack will be provided. age 4-6grades K-1 Mondays Feb 27-Mar 27 | 5:50-6:20pm | 5 sessions | $29Mondays Feb 27-Mar 27 | 4:00-5:00pm | 5 sessions | $25 Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4001-2WHassan Elem Gym Door 1 | #2670-4W BASKETBALL BASICS ► GRADES 1-5grades 2-5Wednesdays Mar 1-Apr 5 | 4:00-5:00pm | 5 sessions | $25 If you have a child interested in getting started in basketball this is aHassan Elem Gym Door 1 | #2670-5W great opportunity for you! Learn the basics of dribbling passing shooting offense and defense. Mini games for skill building will make this a funAMAZING ATHLETES ► AGE 3-6 learning experience.Utilize the movements of sports to help children meet master and grades 1-2exceed their motor development milestones. By allowing children to Mondays Feb 27-Mar 27 | 6:30-7:15pm | 5 sessions | $35build skills at their own pace they become accustomed to sports and Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4031-1Wfitness in a way that will benefit them throughout adolescence and stickwith them into adulthood. Sports include basketball, baseball, golf, grades 3-5hockey, lacrosse, tennis, football, soccer and volleyball. Mondays Feb 27-Mar 27 | 7:20-8:05pm | 5 sessions | $35 Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4031-2Wage 3-4Tuesdays Feb 21-Mar 21 | 5:30-6:05pm | 5 sessions | $49 BASIC FOOTBALL INTRO SKILLS ► AGE 4-8Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4253-1W In this basic skills-based program your little athlete will learn to throwage 4-6 and catch the football as well as run and chase through mini-games andTuesdays Feb 21-Mar 21 | 6:15-6:50pm | 5 sessions | $49 challenges. Fundamental game rules will also be covered.Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4253-2W age 4-5 w/parent Thursdays Feb 16-Mar 23* | 5:30-6:15pm | 5 sessions | $29 Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4076-1W * Not meeting Mar 16 age 6-8 Thursdays Feb 16-Mar 23* | 6:25-7:10pm | 5 sessions | $29 Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4076-2W * Not meeting Mar 1644 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

EXPERIENCE YOUTH ROGERS RECREATIONFRIENDSHIPS TEAMWORK VARIETYGAMES AROUND THE WORLD ► AGE 3-9 SPORTS FOR BEGINNERS ► AGE 2-3 W/PARENTLearn some of the favorite games played around the world. Maybe one Your child is learning to move in a variety of ways. Combine thatwill become YOUR new favorite. movement with positive social interaction while introducing sports as part of a healthy active lifestyle. Activities will include the incorporationage 3-4 of basic sports equipment with fun new challenges. Parents must planMondays Jan 23-Feb 20 | 5:30-6:00pm | 5 sessions | $29 to participate with registered child; please make other arrangements forHassan Elem Gym Door C | #3223-1W siblings as they cannot be left unsupervised.age 5-7 Wednesdays Feb 22-Mar 29* | 5:15-5:45pm | 5 sessions | $25Mondays Jan 23-Feb 20 | 6:05-6:50pm | 5 sessions | $35 Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | #4254-1WHassan Elem Gym Door C | #3223-2W *Not meeting Mar 15age 7-9 SPORT SKILLS & CHALLENGES ► AGE 4-9Mondays Jan 23-Feb 20 | 6:55-7:40pm | 5 sessions | $35Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #3223-3W Your little athlete loves basketball one day soccer the next. In this class we will cover basic skills for a variety of sports including basketballMY FRIEND & ME - GYM CLASS ► AGE 4-GRADE 3 tennis soccer football and floor hockey. Each day will end with a scrimmage game. Parents must plan to participate with registered child;Do you love to play in the gym and want to share that time with a please make other arrangements for siblings as they cannot be leftfriend? Bring a friend and play different gym games and sports each unsupervised.week. You can bring the same friend each week or bring a someonenew each week. Permission/registration form for your friend is required age 4-5 w/parenteach week; form will be emailed to you one week before the start of Wednesdays Feb 22-Mar 29* | 5:50-6:35pm | 5 sessions | $29class. Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | #4254-2W *Not meeting Mar 15age 4-6Saturdays Mar 4-Apr 1 | 9:30-10:15am | 5 sessions | $35 age 6-9Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4250-1W Wednesdays Feb 22-Mar 29* | 6:45-7:30pm | 5 sessions | $29 Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | #4254-3Wgrades 1-3 *Not meeting Mar 15Saturdays Mar 4-Apr 1 | 10:20-11:05am | 5 sessions | $35Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4250-2W YOUTH VOLLEYBALL 1 ► AGE 4-6 GUARANTEE Volleyball 1 starts with basic skills using a variety of balls and mini- games working until skills progress to allow students to play a one- We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses bounce game. The height of net will be appropriate to age of players. and activities. If you are not satisfied with your Parents will be told ahead of time if games will be scheduled the experience, please contact the Community Education following week. Team shirt included. office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Saturdays Mar 4-Apr 29* | 11:00-11:45am | 8 sessions | $39 Family Education office at 763.241.3524. Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4050-1W *Not meeting Apr 15ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 45

ROGERS RECREATION YOUTH Volleyball is one of the few team sports invented in the OPEN GYM ► ALL AGES United States – along with baseball and basketball. Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work onYOUTH VOLLEYBALL 2 ► GRADES K-1 their skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize with others who share an interest in athletics. Please note that changesVolleyball 2 begins with one-bounce games and advances as skills may be made to this schedule; always check before dropping a child offimprove. The height of net will be appropriate to age of players. Class at the school. Pay at the door, or purchase 10-day or season passesincludes weekly practice with interleague scrimmages scheduled after online using course #s. Online purchases must be made 5 days prior tothe first 2 weeks. Team shirt included. first use of pass.Saturdays Mar 4-Apr 29* | 10:00-10:45am | 8 sessions | $39 Pay at the door-Daily Rate:Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4050-2W $4/day student; $5 day/adult; $12/day family (6 max w/one adult)*Not meeting Apr 15 Pay online:YOUTH VOLLEYBALL 3 ► GRADES 2-4 10-Day Pass: $30/student; $40/adult; $79/family | #4100-1Y Season Pass: $95/person | #4100-2YVolleyball 3 begins with one-bounce games and advances as skillsand game-play improve. The height of net will be appropriate to age of all agesplayers. Class includes weekly practice with interleague scrimmages Sundays Oct 2-Apr 30* | 6:00-8:00pmscheduled after the first 2 weeks. Team shirt included. Rogers MS Gym Door A *Not meeting Nov 27, Dec 25, Jan 1, Apr 16Saturdays Mar 4-Apr 29* | 9:00-9:45am | 8 sessions | $39Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4050-3W grades 9-12 & Adult*Not meeting Apr 15 Wednesdays Oct 19-Apr 26* | 7:00-9:00pm Rogers HS Gym Door IWINTER FUN KID FEST ► AGE 2-10 EXPERIENCE THIS!Spend Saturday morning with friends and family! Your child(ren) canparticipate in gym challenges or try their hand at fun carnival games. NEW! JUST FOR KIDS! ► AGE 5-10Other activities include a coloring contest, karaoke, bounce house andcrafts. Come early so you have time to try it all. No parents allowed! This kids-only event will be a perfect time for parents to enjoy a night on their own. Your child will have aSaturday Feb 25 | 10:00am-12:00pm | 1 session fabulous evening with our staff playing games, making a snack$4 pre-register/$6 pay at the door and creating crafts based on the theme. If you would like a longerRogers Elem Cafeteria Door 1 | #4906-1W evening out, select the gym option for an additional $5 which offers an additional hour. Gym time will include 30 minutes of planned large motor activities and 30 minutes of free play. Snack provided; please note food allergies when registering. Rogue One: A Star Wars Night Friday Jan 27 | 6:00-7:30pm | 1 session $10 class/$15 with gym option Rogers Elem Cafeteria Door 1 | #4906-3W Pikachu and You! Friday Feb 17 | 6:00-7:30pm | 1 session $10 class/$15 with gym option Rogers Elem Cafeteria Door 1 | #4906-2W46 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

LEARN TO SKATE ROGERS RECREATIONLEARN TO SKATE USA ► AGE 3-ADULT µ SNOWPLOW SAM – DISCOVER, LEARN & PLAY ► AGE 3-5 µLearn to Skate Basic Skills program is now called Learn to Skate USAand has been restructured to better fit the needs of all skaters. The Designed for new skaters who have rarely or never been on skates, thisnew program design will teach children and adults the fundamentals level will help pre-school skaters develop the preliminary coordinationof ice skating, build confidence, ensure success through a progressive and strength necessary to move on ice. Gloves, jacket, warm pants andcurriculum, and give each participant the foundation necessary to reach a bike or hockey helmet are required. No parents allowed on ice withouttheir recreational or competitive goals. Learn to Skate USA is backed US Figure Skating, USA Hockey, and US Speedskating. Registerusing MasterCard/Visa/Discover/American Express through the ISD »» Snowplow Sam 1: Designed for skaters with no experience;728 Community Education website at or by introduces how to stand, sit, fall and get up on and off the ice,phone at 763.241.3520. Registration deadline for all classes is three marching and dipping.days prior to start of the class. Fees will not be pro-rated for missedclasses and no refunds once sessions start, except for extenuating »» Snowplow Sam 2: Beginning process of marching, dipping whilecircumstances. Classes may be cancelled or combined if minimum moving. Includes wiggles, swizzles, weight shifting and glide.registration is not met. Note: Classes fill quickly, so register early as youare not guaranteed a spot if wait-listed. »» Snowplow Sam 3: Designed for skaters who can move along the ice in strides with long glides, multiple forward and back swizzlesClasses are taught by sanctioned instructors over the course of six in a row, snowplow stop and curves.weeks and are held at the Rogers Activity Center. Rental skates areavailable for $2 per pair per week, and bike helmets are available for »» Snowplow Sam 4: This new level focuses on pushing and$1 per week. Helmets are required for all Snowplow Sam, and Basic balance while moving forward and backward, two-foot glides,1 classes. All skaters should wear warm pants, jacket, and gloves. rocking horse and two-foot turns from forward to backward in placeHockey classes require helmets, hockey gloves, shin pads, and a stick (both directions).(other equipment is optional). No double-blade skates allowed, norare parents allowed on ice during lesson times. Exceptions must be BASIC SKILLS – FUNDAMENTALS ► AGE 6+ µapproved by skate director. Basic Skills has six progressive levels that teach the fundamentals ofIt is common for children to repeat a level before advancing to the next ice skating, providing the best foundation for figure skating, hockey,level, especially with the new skill sets being introduced. All skaters and speed skating. Basic 1 and 2 are introductory levels and Basic 3-6will be assessed the first day of class to ensure they are in the correct develop the fundamental skating skills, focusing on basic athleticism,classification; if not, they may be moved appropriately. Attendance is agility, balance, coordination and speed.important to learn new skills that build on previous classes. Pleasearrive 20 minutes early the first day of class to pick up name badge »» Basic 1: First of two introductory levels for new skaters with noand general information. Visit prior skating experience to build confidence while learning tofor complete outline of class descriptions or call 763.428.0975. Note: skate. Sit and stand on ice, marching, gliding, dipping, wiggles andPlease check skates to ensure sharp edges as this will make it easier to swizzles, and beginning snowplow stop.skate; skate sharpening is available at the arena for $4. »» Basic 2: Introduces scooter pushes, one- and two-foot glides, These programs are brought to you directly by rocking horse, backward swizzles, two-foot turns from forward to Rogers Parks and Recreation. Call 763-428-0975 or visit backward in place (both directions) and moving snowplow stops. for additional program info. »» Basic 3: Skaters learn basic fundamental moves through a series of progression--stroking, half swizzle pumps, moving two-foot turns, backward one-foot glides, backward snowplow stops, forward slalom and pivots. Participants should wear figure skates. »» Basic 4: Beginning advanced level skills; figure skates necessary and toe pick is used. Skills include inside and outside edges, crossovers, backward half swizzle pumps, backward one-foot glides, beginning two-foot spin and forward lunges. We currently offer Basic 4+, Basic 5 and Basic 6. These levels will be scheduled as requested.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 47

ROGERS RECREATION LEARN TO SKATE LEARN TO SKATE USA WINTER 2 µ SATURDAYS MAR 4-APR 22 | 6 SESSIONS Not meeting Mar 11, Apr 15 4980-2W Snowplow Sam 1 8:45-9:15am $69 $69 4981-2W Snowplow Sam 2 9:15-9:45am $69 $69 4982-2W Snowplow Sam 3 9:15-9:45am $69 $69 4983-2W Snowplow Sam 4 8:45-9:15am $69 $69 4984-2W Basic 1 9:15-9:45am $89 $89 4985-2W Basic 2 8:45-9:15am $89 $89 4986-2W Basic 3 9:15-9:45am $89 $89 4987-2W Basic 4+ 8:45-9:15am $89 4994-2W Hockey Prep Jr 1* 9:15-10:15am 4994-2Wa Hockey Prep Jr 2* 9:15-10:15am Neighborhood skating rinks will be open to the 4995-2W Hockey Prep Beginner 1 9:15-10:15am public mid-December (weather permitting) 4995-2Wa Hockey Prep Beginner 2 9:15-10:15am HOCKEY | AGE 4+ µ 4996-2W Hockey Advance 3 9:15-10:15am Our hockey curriculum is divided into two age brackets: Prep Jrs (ages4-6) and Prep Beginner/Advanced (age 7+). Both levels are designed to 4996-2Wa Hockey Advance 4 9:15-10:15am teach the same fundamentals of hockey skating, but at different paces.There are four badge levels in which skaters learn how to be proficient 4998-2W Adult Learn to Skate 9:45-10:15am and agile on the ice. Proper skating techniques for the game of hockeyare the focus; most elements are taught without a stick or puck. Class is *Jr hockey classes are for age 4-6; child must be able to march and60 minutes and uses stations or small groups based on the number of glide a full body length.skaters and abilities, along with some free time. It is recommended thatall new skaters complete Snowplow Sam 2 or Basic 1 before registering SPRING BREAK-AWAY HOCKEY ► AGE 4-10 µfor hockey. Hockey registrants MUST be able to stand, march andglide without help. Hockey helmet, shin guards and hockey gloves are League runs approximately mid-March through mid-May. Morerequired (other equipment optional). information is available on-line at, or contact Mike Bauer at 763-428-0974. Practice and home games are played at »» Hockey 1: Designed for beginner skaters who want to play hockey the Rogers Activity Center. but have little skating ability, yet are able to stand, march and glide on skates. Skills include basic hockey stance, fall/recovery, glides »» Mini-Mite: Suggested for age 4-6; must be able to skate. and dips, forward swizzles/double c-cuts, T-pushes, snowplow »» Mighty Mite (lower): Suggested for age 6-7; typically for players stop, half turns and proper stick holding. with 1-2 years hockey experience. »» Hockey 2: Learn forward strides using V-pushes, one-foot push »» Super Mite (upper): Suggested for age 7-8; typically for players and glides, forward c-cuts, backward hustle, swizzles/double c-cuts, moving snowplow stops, and scooting or skateboard moving into last year of Mites with at least 2-3 years of hockey pushes on circle. Beginning stick passing may be introduced. experience. Team registration highly recommended. »» Squirts: Typically for players age 8-10; this is a no checking and »» Hockey 3: A semi-advanced level in which the skater does lateral no slap shot level. Team registration highly recommended. crossovers, marches, forward and backward c-cuts on circle, forward inside and outside edges on half circles alternating feet, Never played before? Players are generally more comfortable playing backward snowplow stops and hockey stops. Skating with stick in at their own age level; however, the upper levels will have more hockey hand will be incorporated. experience, so make sure your player is familiar with game rules and can skate well. »» Hockey 4: Advanced skating level using quick starts, long crossover glides (both directions, forward and backward), hockey PLEASE NOTE: stops with speed, and Mohawk pivots from powerful, full strides. Skating with stick and puck may be added.. The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date.Contact Cherie at 763.428.0975 or email [email protected] for Register Early to help insure we don’t cancelinformation on adult skating lessons. a class you are hoping to take. 48 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

ALL AGES ROGERS RECREATIONINDOOR OPEN SKATE ► ALL AGES µ OUTDOOR OPEN SKATE ► ALL AGES µSundays Nov 6-May 7 | 4:00-5:30pm Neighborhood skating rinks will be open to the public mid-DecemberWednesdays Nov 9-May 10 | 11:45am-1:15pm (weather permitting). When the temperature drops to 20° below zeroWednesdays Nov 9-Mar 15 | 6:00-7:15pm with wind chill, the rinks will be closed. For more information, contact$4/skater; age 5 & under free Rogers Activity Center at 763-428-1033 or check online at www.$36/10-day punch card, or times are subject to change. Visit for updates. Triangle Park | 21400 Rouillard Avenue Rogers Hockey and Open Skate RinkSPECIAL EVENT INDOOR OPEN SKATE ► ALLAGES µ Warming House--Regular Hours Mon-Fri | 4:00pm-9:00pm Glow ’N’ Skate Saturdays | 10:00am-10:00pm Wednesdays Jan 25, Feb 25 | 6:00-7:15pm | $5/skater; includes glow Sundays | 12:00pm-9:00pm necklace Warming House--School/Holiday Vacation Hours Valentine Skate Mon-Fri | 10:00am-10:00pmSunday Feb 12 | 4:00-5:30pm | Wear red and white - skate free Saturdays | 10:00am-10:00pm Sundays | 12:00pm-9:00pmLeprechaun Glow ’N’ Skate MLK Day | 10:00am-9:00pmWednesday Mar 15 | 6:00-7:15pm | $5/skater; includes glow necklace President’s Day | 10:00am-9:00pmor wear mainly green and skate free Rogers Activity Center | 21080 141st Avenue RogersADULT HOCKEY ► AGE 18+ µ »» Use far back hallway of arena for ice entrance, warm-up and skate changing area.Fridays 11:45am-1:15pm »» Opens 30 minutes after the building opens and ends 30 minutes$7/skater; goalies free prior to the last indoor ice resurfacing. »» Not available during youth scheduled practice times [check on-POND HOCKEY µ line]. »» Outdoor ice may not be open on game nights.Visit for schedule and times; updatedweekly. EXPERIENCE THIS!NEW! ADULT LEARN TO SKATE µYou are never too old to learn to skate! Start with the basics in Adult 1 or jump in wherever your skills match. If you are unsure, the skatingstaff will assess you the first week and make sure your lessons meet your goals.Adult 1: Intro to skating with focus on falling/recovery, forward movement through march, glide and swizzles, dips and snowplow stops.Adult 2: Builds on forward motion with one foot glides and slalom movement, begin backward skating and two-foot turns.Adult 3: More advance skills using full forward stoking pushes, half-swizzles in both directions, and moving turns. Backward skating includeslong glides and backward snowplow stops.Adult 4: Edges, edges, edges – forward inside and outside both directions and feet, backward one-foot glides and half-swizzle pumps, andlastly, hockey stops.Adult 5/6: These levels focuses on full stroking techniques and crossovers both directions – forward & backward, right & left, clockwise &counterclockwise. Also learn T-stops, lunges, and turns if desired.Saturdays Mar 4-Apr 22 | 9:45-10:15am | 6 sessions |$89Rogers Activity Center | #4998-2W ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 49

REGISTRATION CONTACT USONLINE COMMUNITY EDUCATION ISD 728 FACILITY Community Education Office Hours: q 763-3400 X5539Secure registration 24 hrs/day using 8:00am-4:30pm, Summer Hours E [email protected], MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. 8:30am-5:00pm, Labor Day-Memorial Day q 763-241-3520 EDVENTURE CLUBIN PERSON, MAIL, E [email protected] DROP BOX q 763-241-3544 ECFE & DISCOVERY LEARNING E [email protected] Center1170 Main St., Elk River 55330 ECFE Office Hours: ADULT BASIC EDUCATIONThere is a 24-hour drop box. 8:00am-4:30pm, Year Round q 763-241-3524 q 763-241-3400 x5525 E [email protected] E [email protected]: FAX: EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING WEATHER CANCELLATIONS763.241.3520 763.241.3521 q 763-241-3525 For cancellations due to weather, follow our E [email protected] Twitter feed @CE728ALERT or visit our website at Cancellations are made one hour before start time.Full Name________________________________________________________ DETAILS »» Some activities, suppliesEmail Address_____________________________________________________ or tickets are not refundable.(H) Phone______________________ (C) Phone_________________________ »» Make checks payable to:Home Address____________________________________________________ ISD 728 Community Education »» Adults are given priority forCity__________________________________________ Zip________________ adult classes; ages 15-17 may »» Participants must be the correct register if space permits. If participant is a child: age and/or grade by the lastBirthdate_­ ___________________________ Age____________ Grade_______ day of class. »» We take photographs to useParent Names_____________________________________________________ in our marketing materials.Emergency phone # & contact _______________________________________ »» Cancellations must be made Notify us in writing if you doHealth concerns: __________________________________________________ at least 3 business days prior not wish to have photos in our to activities. Refunds or credits publications. cannot be given for forgotten classes.Class Information EDVENTURE CLUB-PROGRAM PARTICIPANT CAREClass Title___________________________________Class #_______________Class Date/Time____________________________________ Fee ___________ EdVenture Club offers on-site childcare for the children of program participants for selected classes. This program is supervised byPayment EdVenture Club staff specifically trained in Early Childhood and Schoolo Check o Cash o MasterCard/VISA/Discover/AmEx Age best practices. Be sure to register one week in advance of yourCard #__________ -___________- ___________- ___________ Exp_________ class’s scheduled start date.Signature ________________________________________________________ FEES GUARANTEE First Child - $4, Additional Children - $2.50 (Additional fees will apply if We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. the care is needed for longer than a 2-hour period) If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the HOW DO I REGISTER? Early Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524. Call 763-241-3400 ext. 5528, visit or email [email protected]. Registration must be done one week prior to the scheduled program. Care is available for classes that have the Program Participant Care program icon next to the class title.50 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |

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