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Home Explore Community-Zimmerman-Spring-Summer2018


Published by ISD 728 Community Education, 2018-03-20 09:51:08

Description: Community-Zimmerman-Spring/Summer 2018


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ZIMMERMAN Spring 2018community Quality educational, enrichment and recreation classes for preschool children, youth & adults in the Zimmerman community. www.728communityed.com2

tatabbleleooff cconteennttssearly childhood Featured Classpages 2-6 Early Childhood Family Education Discovery Learning Preschool Little Learners • Parenting youth, pre K-12pages 7-12 Visual & Performing Arts • AthleticsAcademics • Crescendo • High SchoolAquatics • Little Learners • Special Interestadult NEW! SPRING BASH ►GRADES 5-6page 13 Join your friends for a night of games, dancing or just hanging out! Concessions are available, so bring some spending money. Student IDFitness • Technology • Adult Basic required at check-in. Parents, please do not drop of your child beforeEducation GED • English as a Second 6:15pm, and be at the school by 8:30pm for pick-up. Drop off andLanguage pick up at Door T. Volunteers are needed! Contact Becky Hanson at 763-241-3520 ext 5507; free admission and concession item for yourregistration student when you volunteer! You must register as there is no walk-up admittance. Registration deadline is Monday, Apr 14 Friday Apr 13 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $5 Salk MS Commons Door T | #YVPFLNG01P18 SPRING/SUMMER 2018 View the Spring/Summer our mission brochure online at EXPERIENCE MORE! To build community through citizen involvement and lifelong learning whileEDUCATIONAL, ENRICHMENT & RECREATION CLASSES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN, YOUTH & ADULTS or pick one up at your educating, inspiring and empowering local school or business. ALL of our learners across ISD 728. PARTICIPANT CHILDCARE EdVenture Club-Program Participant Care is available for classes that have this icon next to the title; see page 14 for fees and details on how to register for childcare.21 SFaplrlin20g12501•8R•egRiestgeirstoenr loinnelinaet watwwww.7w2.87c2o8mcommumniutyneitdy.ecdo.mcom• 7•637-6234-12-4315-230520

early childhoodłłBIRTH TO THREE ► AGE BIRTH-36 MONTHSEnjoy time with your child and be creative, engage in active playand share in circle time activities. Parenting time will be in the child'sclassroom in a non-separating atmosphere. This class is free forchildren under 12 months; select waived fee when registering.Thursdays Apr 19-May 24 | 10:45am-12:00pm | 6 sessions | $42Zimmerman Elem Rm E102 Door 1 | #EEBIRTH03P18łłTODDLERS AND PRESCHOOLERS ► AGE 12MONTHS-KINDERGARTEN ENTRYChildren learn from one another as they play and interact. Join us in a INTERNATIONAL MUD DAY ► AGE BIRTH-growth opportunity for children to develop social, emotional, physical KINDERGARTEN ENTRYand cognitive skills in a mixed-age group setting. Parents will discussways to support developmental milestones, make learning fun anddiscipline techniques. This is a separating class.Thursdays Apr 19-May 24 | 9:00-10:30am | 6 sessions | $42 Join us for a day of splashing, rolling, squishing, sliding and makingZimmerman Elem Rm E102 Door 1 | #EETODDL08P18 mud pies in our mud kitchen. Bring a swimsuit, towel, a change of clothes and plan to get muddy! Rain or shine! Event is free, but please pre-register at IN PLAY ► AGE BIRTH TO KINDERGARTEN Friday Jun 29 | 3:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $0ENTRY Handke Center NEC | #EV1MUDD01P18 RSVP at you looking for something fun and interactive to do with yourchild? Drop in at ECFE and play in one of the ECFE rooms, the gym or MINNESOTA ZOO ► AGE 2-KINDERGARTENplayground (when available). First-come, first-served; space is limited ENTRYto 25 total (adults and children). Family child care providers must meetchild-to-adult ratios for the children they bring.Fee: $2.50/child without pass; $10/5-day pass* See your favorite animals from around the world at the Minnesota*accepted at any drop in play times/locations Zoo as you explore the tropics, sea life and more! Bring your lunch and spend the day with us at the Zoo. Let us do the driving! We willWednesdays Mar 7-May 23* | 9:30-11:00am board the bus at the Handke Center Door 5 at 9:00am and RogersZimmerman Elem Rm EC102 Door EC ECFE (Rogers Elementary Door 8) at 9:15am. Approximate return time*Not meeting Apr 4, 11 is 2:45pm in Rogers and 3:00pm at the Handke Center. Fee is per person. Please register each adult and child that plan to attend. Tuesday Mar 27 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $15/person Handke Center Door 5 / Rogers Elem Door 8 | #EVRMZOO01W18 Sell your unwanted children’s toys, clothes Separating classes are classes where the parents books, movies, furniture and gear! move to a different room for parent discussion and SATURDAY, APRIL 14 children remain in their classroom for activities. 9 am-1 pm Non-separating classes are classes where the Elk River High School parent discussion is in the room with the children. Vendor tags now available! To purchase vendor spots and seller tags visit or stop in the ECFE office at Handke Center. 763-241-3520 • Register online at • Spring 2018 2

early childhoodPARENTING APARTFor a variety of reasons, many children do not live in homes with both oftheir birth parents. In these situations, children often experience anger,sadness, guilt and grief. This class is in compliance with the standardsestablished by the Supreme Court for parent education programs.Saturday Apr 14 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65Handke Center Blesener Community Rm Door 5 | #ECAPART02W18PARENTING SOLO - THE HARDEST JOBYOU'LL EVER DO ALONE ► AGE BIRTH TOKINDERGARTEN ENTRY “ECFE ON WHEELS” HOME VISITSIf you're parenting solo for any reason -- military duty, work situations,separation, divorce, loss of spouse or single parenting -- you're »» This program features visits to your home, or one-to-one visits atwelcome to attend! Bring your children and enjoy a meal together. the ECFE center.Parents will meet together for parenting support and information whileyoung children participate in early childhood activities. School-age »» Visits provide ideas for creative, fun, age-appropriate activities,children will meet in another classroom for activities and support. Join as well as time to discuss children, family, ideas on childat any time! development, parenting and community resources. »» Call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524 for more information. »» There is no fee for home visits.Tuesdays Mar 6-Jun 5* | 6:00-8:00pm | $0 YOUNG PARENT PROGRAM FOR PREGNANTHandke Center Blesener Community Rm Door 5/Rm 10 Door 5 OR PARENTING TEENS#ECSPARE01W18*Not meeting Apr 3 »» This program provides pregnant or parenting teens with information about pregnancy, birth, parenting and communityBIG... BUILDING BETTER BEHAVIORS FOR resources.SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, CHILDCARE AND AT HOME »» It is open to ISD 728 students and area residents who may not be »» BIG is an intervention and prevention program for preschoolers in school. who are at risk of losing their childcare or preschool placement because of negative behaviors. »» For information or to register, contact ECFE at 763-241-3524, your school counselor, school nurse or Ivan Sand Community High School. »» BIG works with parents, teachers and childcare providers to build positive behavior skills. »» Home visits are also available. »» This program is co-sponsored by ISD 728, Ivan Sand Community »» BIG is a Behavior Intervention Group including educators, emotional health professionals and specialists to coordinate High School and ECFE; special events funding provided by Three expertise and resources for success. Rivers Community Foundation. »» Classes are held at the Handke Center and are on-going during »» For more information call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524. the school year. »» BIG is funded by ISD 728 Family and Children’s Collaborative, a »» Classes are free. part of Wright County Family Services Collaborative. PARENTING SOLO - THE HARDEST JOB YOU'LL EVER DO ALONE ► AGE BIRTH TO KINDERGARTEN ENTRY If you're parenting solo for any reason -- military duty, work situations, separation, divorce, loss of spouse or single parenting -- you're welcome to attend! Bring your children and enjoy a meal together. Parents will meet together for parenting support and information while young children participate in early childhood activities. School-age children will meet in another classroom for activities and support. Join at any time! Tuesdays Sep 19-Jun 5* | 6:00-8:00pm | $0 Handke Center Rm 10/Blesener Community Rm Door 5 #ECSPARE01W18 *Not meeting Apr 33 Spring 2018 • Register online at • 763-241-3520

early childhood EDVENTURE CLUB- DISCOVERY LEARNING SCHOOL YEAR With over 25 years of successful extended day childcare experience, EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning provides a quality program thatcomplements the Discovery Learning Preschool curriculum and extendsyour child’s preschool experience. Childcare is available at all DiscoveryLearning sites before and after your child’s preschool class.For the 2018-19 school year, your child must be age 3 by Sep 1, 2018 EDVENTURE CLUB-DISCOVERY LEARNINGand they must be participating in the Discovery Learning Preschool SUMMERProgram. EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Summer provides childcare inWhen registering for childcare, you choose the times that work best addition to fun projects, hands-on learning and recreational activitiesfor your schedule. Registration is due on Monday the week prior to while strengthening relationships in a structured, caring environment.attendance. This program is eligible for county assistance. Sliding fee We offer both full-time and part-time options. Full-time allows your childscale does not apply to EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Childcare fees. to attend our program five days a week from 7:00am-5:30pm. Part-time allows you to plan your child’s care around your schedule. Snacks willYour child is escorted between our childcare program and the Discovery be provided in the morning and afternoon. Students will need to bring aLearning classroom by our high-quality staff. Snacks will be provided in lunch each day. For Summer 2018, EdVenture Club-Discovery Learningthe morning and afternoon. Students will need to bring a lunch if they Summer will have sites at the Handke Center in Elk River and Rogersare attending during lunch or the full day. Transportation to and from Elementary School.EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Childcare is not available. Families areresponsible to transport when using EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning 2018 SUMMER DISCOVERY LEARNINGChildcare. EDVENTURE CLUB RATESIf you have additional questions about the EdVenture Club-Discovery Full-time Part-time Part-timeLearning Childcare Program, please contact the EdVenture Club officeat 763-241-3544. To register for these childcare options, please use this Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Fridaylink to set up an account that will allow you to register: DISCOVERY LEARNING 7am-5:30pm > 6 hrs/day < 6 hrs/day EDVENTURE CLUB RATES*7:00-9:15am or 3:15-5:30pm $10 Weekly Rate: $140 Daily Rate: $30 Daily Rate: $257:00am-1:00pm or 11:15am-5:30pm $22 Register for EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Summer online at Registration is due the7:00-9:15am and 11:15am-5:30pm $28 Monday before the week attending. The deadline for the first week of summer attendance is Monday, May 21, 2018. Child must have been7:00am-1:00pm and 3:15-5:30pm $28 enrolled in the Discovery Learning Preschool during the 2017-18 school year to attend during the Summer 2018. If you have any questions, please contact the EdVenture Club office at 763-241-3544.7:00am-5:30pm $38*Please Note: These fees are for 2017-18 school year and may change forthe 2018-19 school year. Registration and fee information for 2018-19 willbe available June 1, 2018. 763-241-3520 • Register online at • Spring 2018 4

early childhood DISCOVER A PLACE WHERE CHILDREN CAN EXPLORE, LEARN, LAUGH & GROW! Classes begin mid-September 2018 and end early June 2019. »» A $49 non-refundable deposit must be paid at registration. »» In the 3s classes, there is a parent/child day once/week; parents are required to attend these days. »» In the 4s classes, parents must attend parent orientation session and five parent education sessions throughout the year. »» Parent time provides time for parents to talk and learn with other parents and the Parent Educator. »» Optional busing is available. »» Students must be the correct age as of September 1, 2018. »» Class times may vary slightly from the published schedule. You will be notified of any changes.ZIMMERMAN 3sClass # Days Time Child Alone Days Mandatory3ZE01 8:45-11:15am Wed/Fri Parent/Child Day* Wed/Fri & Mon evening Monday 6:00-7:30PMZIMMERMAN 4sClass # Day # Days/Week Time Parent Involvement 5 8:45-11:15am Dates TBD4ZE01 Mon-Fri 4 8:45-11:15am Dates TBD 4 12:45-3:15pm Dates TBD4ZE02 Mon-Thurs4ZE03 Tue-Fri DISCOVERY LEARNING TUITION AND FEES Schedule Non- Monthly Monthly Tuition w/ Annual Annual refundable Tuition Transportation Tuition Tuition w/ 2 days/week; 2.5 Transportation hours/day + Deposit 1 day/week; 1.5 hours/day $1431 $49 $122/month $159/month $10984 days/week; 2.5 hours/day $2781 $49 $240/month $309/month $2160 $34565 days/week; 2.5 hours/day $49 $298/month $384/month $26825 Spring 2018 • Register online at • 763-241-3520

early childhoodREGISTRATION FOR 2018/19 DISCOVERY EXPERIENCE THIS!LEARNING PRESCHOOL CLASSES INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 728Discovery Learning registrations, for all locations, is online. If you donot have internet access, you may stop by the Discovery Learning SCREENINGPreschool office at the Handke Center and complete the forms online EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENINGusing one of our computers. A $49 non-refundable deposit is due atthe time of registration. If your first choice of class is full when you Register your child for screening online at, we recommend registering your child for your second choice ecscreening and follow the link “register my child for screening.” Afterand placing your child on the wait list for your first choice. There is no you have completed your child’s registration, you will receive a link todeposit required to be placed on a wait list and we routinely experience make your appointment at a time that is convenient for you. If your childchanges to registrations before school starts in the fall. has been screened in another district or was screened through Head Start or Public Health, please contact us at 763-241-3525.ONLINE REGISTRATION THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REQUIRES AVisit to register today! HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENINGPlease note, once you have begun the online application, you mustfinish it, it cannot be saved. It will take about 15 minutes to complete. FOR EVERY CHILD, BEFORE ENTERINGYou will be asked multiple questions regarding your child; some are KINDERGARTEN IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL.mandatory and others are voluntary. You will receive a receipt onceyour application is submitted.DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION IS AVAILABLE FORDISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL If your home or day care address is within the ISD 728 boundaries, you can choose transportation for your child to morning or afternoon preschool classes for an additional fee. Transportation is provided by Vision Transportation, the vendorfor all district transportation. Transportation registration forms will beemailed to you during the spring of 2018. All transportation registrationsare processed by the Early Childhood office - please do not send them toVision Transportation. Sell your unwanted children’s toys, clothes books, movies, furniture and gear! SATURDAY, APRIL 14 9 am-1 pm Elk River High School Vendor tags now available! To purchase vendor spots and seller tags visit or stop in the ECFE office at Handke Center.763-241-3520 • Register online at • Spring 2018 6

youth EDVENTURE CLUB ► GRADES K-5CONVENIENT FUN AFFORDABLESAFE MORE THAN CHILDCARE EdVenture Club is a unique program that combines fun enrichment activities with extended hours for your convenience! EdVenture Club provides a quality extended day experience that complements the school day and includes enrichment activities for reading and math, physical education, science, art and more for grades K-5 EDVENTURE CLUB - NON-SCHOOL DAYSMorning Program: Fun enrichment activities and outings are offered on days that school is not in session for grades K-5. Students are divided by grade levelsStudents attend between 6:00am and school starting time Monday for the planned activities, including art or science topics, physical education, games, academic-related activities and more. Studentsthrough Friday. A variety of games, cards, gym time, playground, and should bring a bag lunch and beverage and wear appropriate clothing for planned activities. These activities, held 9:00am-3:00pm, areother choices are available. Enrichment activities are planned up to 3 planned in a day camp format. Extended hours are available; the sites are open 6:00am-6:00pm. Please note: In the event of low or hightimes per week. Snack and juice are provided daily. enrollment, sites may be combined or additional sites opened.Afternoon Program: Monday Apr 2 | Sensory StationsStudents can attend after school until 6:00pm Monday-Friday. Each Do you like to get your hands dirty? This class is all about making andday includes enrichment activities as well as a snack and juice. See playing with some messy stuff!schedule at your site for weekly activities. Tuesday Apr 3 | Edible ScienceEasy Online Registration!: Experiment with things we eat! You might even learn something newSecure your child’s spot TODAY! Register online at about your favorite (Click on the EdVenture Club tab). Wednesday Apr 4 | Wolves of the SeaZIMMERMAN AREA SCHOOLS Like wolves, orcas are known to hunt in packs. You’ll get a chance to meet some of these creatures on the Internet and do some projects to6:00am to School Start Time After School to 6:00pm learn just how special they can be.1 day/week $14 1 day/week $18 Thursday Apr 5 | Trees What happens to the trees in the spring? How can you tell the age of a2 days/week $21 2 days/week $30 tree? Find these answers and create a mystical tree.3 days/week $27 3 days/week $36 Friday Apr 6 | Spring Has Sprung Ever wonder why the days in spring and summer get warmer and4 days/week $34 4 days/week $42 longer? Why do we get so excited at this time of year? Explore the seasons as we move from spring into summer.5 days/week $38 5 days/week $48 REGISTRATIONSibling DiscountAdditional students in a family profile will receive a 10% discount. Secure your child's spot TODAY! Register online for Non-School Days Childcare at LOCATIONS NON-SCHOOL DAY FEES:EDVENTURE CLUB-BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE 6:00am-6:00pm | $40/first child; $34 additional child(ren) in familyZimmerman Elementary (also serves Westwood students in the p.m.) 9:00am-3:00pm | $30/first child; $26 additional child(ren) in family Westwood Elementary (a.m. only) EDVENTURE CLUB-NON SCHOOL DAYS Zimmerman Elementary (also serves Westwood students)7 Spring 2018 • Register online at • 763-241-3520

youth ARE FIELD TRIPS INCLUDED WITH THE FEE? EdVenture Club-Summer provides weekly field trips. All students are automatically enrolled in the weekly field trip if they are scheduled to attend EdVenture Club-Summer on a day a trip is scheduled. Families not wanting to participate in a field trip can register their student to attend another site not going on a field trip for that day. Targeted Services and Special Ed-ESY students will not attend field trips as trip times conflict with class times. Field trips are usually scheduled: Thursdays: WestwoodEDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER WHAT FIELD TRIPS ARE PLANNING FOR SUMMER 2018?EdVenture Club-Summer is an exciting and engaging summer camp A full list of field trip destinations, dates and locations, visit our websiteprogram for students who have completed Kindergarten through fifth at Field trip destinations willgrade by June 2018. EdVenture Club-Summer provides weekly mini- be posted in late spring.camps five days a week and is conveniently located at Otsego Elem,Lincoln, Meadowvale, Twin Lakes, Hassan, Rogers and Westwood SWIM LESSONS 2018Elementary Schools. EdVenture Club-Summer features both full-timeand part-time options. Full-time allows your child to attend our program Another benefit to attending EdVenture Club-Summer is for your childfive days a week from 6:00am to 6:00pm. Part-time allows you to to attend American Red Cross swim lessons at no additional cost. Weplan your child’s care around your schedule. Youth will experience fun specifically set aside openings for our EdVenture Club-Summer youthprojects, hands-on learning, a weekly field trip and recreational activities to attend lessons for those in Level I-VI. Swimming lesson location iswhile strengthening relationships in a structured, caring environment. at the VandenBerge MS pool. Transportation by school bus will be provided; students attending Lincoln Elementary will walk toHOW MUCH DOES EDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER COST? VandenBerge MS. Registration for attendance in EdVenture Club- Summer does not automatically enroll your child in swim lessons; Full-Time Part-Time Part-Time you must complete a swimming registration form and submit it to the EdVenture Club office. You can find the swimming registration form at Mon-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Fri 6:00am-6:00pm > 6 hours/day < 6 hours/dayWeekly Rate: $150 HOW DO I REGISTER FOR EDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER? Daily Rate: $36 Daily Rate: $25 EdVenture Club-Summer registration is available online atARE ANY DISCOUNTS OFFERED? After receipt of your registration, additional materials will be mailed to you. You can also registerFamilies that schedule and attend a minimum of 9 weeks and pay the at the Community Education office (1170 Main Street, Elk River). The firsttotal fee for the entire summer by credit card prior to the first week of week's payment is due with registration. Once enrolled, payments are due byattendance will receive a 10% discount on the total summer cost. The 6pm on Mondays prior to the week attending; some exceptions may apply.10% discount will be processed during the last week of the program Registration deadline for the first week of summer is Monday, May 21, refund to original form of payment. To receive the discount includethe coupon found inside the 2018 EdVenture Club-Summer flyer along A FUN SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM FOR GRADES K-5 - The 2018 -with your payment in full. You may also download the coupon from our Lincoln, HMaSesIasWTdaOeEontsws&teLvwgaROoolooeCgEd&elAeErTmTslweIEemiOlnneetNmLanarteSyaknretysarEylementary EdVenture Club-Summerwebsite at registration is now OPEN! | 763.241.3544 763-241-3520 • Register online at • Spring 2018 8

youthLEVER DEVELOPERS ► GRADES 1-5 NEW! VIDEO GAME CREATION FOR KIDS ► GRADES 3-6Use LEGO® bricks to build a dragster, a balancing beam and a catapultthat you design, while exploring basic science, technology, engineering Make your very own video game! Learn how to code, then put your newand math concepts! Discover what levers can do and why they are skills to use to create your very own online game to share with yourconsidered a simple machine. After your project is built, modify it, create friends and family! Please come knowing how to navigate the Internetextensions for it and have fun making it work! LEGO® is a trademark (basic typing and mouse control) and a passion to work hard and have fun!of the LEGO® Group of companies and does not sponsor, authorizeor endorse this site or program. Please send permission to school Mon-Thu Jul 16-19 | 1:00-4:00pm | 4 sessions | $149informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will check Zimmerman HS Media Door 1 | Abamath | #YTVVGCK01S18in with EdVenture Club after school. NEW! VIDEO GAME CREATION ► GRADES 7-9Fridays Apr 20-May 11 | 3:30-4:30pm | 4 sessions | $55Zimmerman Elem Media Door 5C | Youth Enrichment League Gamer, coder, creator, puzzle-solver? Take your creativity and create an#YTSLEVD05P18 amazing video game to share with your friends and family! If you love playing games and often think of cool things you could do to make themGRASP ► GRADES K-8 even better, this is the place for you!The 9-week GRASP program helps keep your student's reading/math Mon-Thu Jul 16-19 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 4 sessions | $149skills sharp during the summer months. Students submit lesson answer Zimmerman HS Media Door 1 | Abamath | #YTVVGCR01S18sheets weekly to qualify for end-of-summer rewards. Workbooks,answer sheets and envelopes will be mailed to students or distributed BABYSITTER TRAINING ► AGE 11+at their school at the end of the current school year. Please order thegrade that corresponds to your student's 2017-2018 grade. You may Are you new to babysitting or looking for ways to polish up your skills?order a higher or lower grades if appropriate or recommended by your Gain the knowledge every prepared babysitter should have. Developchild's teacher. Returns or exchanges may be limited. Registration safe, fun and educational activities while focusing on preventingdeadline is Apr 20. accidents, learning to care for children of various ages and taking care of yourself. Please bring a bag lunch. Parents are encouraged togrades K-3 participate in the last 15 minutes of this class.Jun 11-Aug 24 | #YTGGRSP01P18Math Only | $35 Tuesday Jun 26 | 9:00am-4:00pm | 1 session | $59Reading Only | $35 Westwood Elem Rm A210 Door 1 | Peterson | #YHBBBST03S18Math & Reading | $59 Tuesday Jul 24 | 9:00am-4:00pm | 1 session | $59grades 4-8 Westwood Elem Rm A210 Door 1 | Peterson | #YHBBBST06S18Jun 11-Aug 24 | #YTGGRS401P18Math Only | $35Reading Only | $35Math & Reading | $59TUTORING ► GRADES K-8ISD 728 Community Education partners with Academic All-Star Tutoring(AAST) to provide one-on-one tutoring sessions that are tailored to fitindividual needs. Individual lessons encourage interactive learning andstudent success. Help your student gain confidence and take controlof their academic performance in a fun, encouraging environment withtrained and highly-skilled professionals. Please complete the onlineTutoring Information Form when registering so your student can bematched to the most appropriate tutor.June 11-Aug 31 | 8:00am-6:00pm$349-6 sessions$649-12 sessions$939-18 sessionsAcademic All-Star Tutoring | #YTTTUTR01S189 Spring 2018 • Register online at • 763-241-3520

youthBE PREPARED, NOT SCARED! ► GRADES K-2 NEW! HIP HOP DANCE PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA! ► GRADES K-5Young children who are taught basic emergency concepts can turninto heroes in emergency situations. Class topics include recognizing Let's Dance! Learn popular dance steps and choreography, and playan emergency and knowing what to do, calling 911, basic first aid fun dance games for cool prizes! Be the DJ, a dance teacher, judgetechniques, personal safety tips, tricky people and fire safety. Students and performer. You don't need experience to join this dance party! Justattend this class independently. Parents are encouraged to review the come and let your feet fly! Please send permission to school informingtake-home information and discuss it with their child. Students can bring staff that your student will be staying after. Students will check in witha snack. For after school classes, please send permission to school EdVenture Club after school.informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will checkin with EdVenture Club after school. Tuesdays Apr 24-May 15 | 3:30-4:30pm | 4 sessions | $55 Zimmerman Elem Music Rm Door 5C | The Artistic EdgeTuesday Mar 20 | 3:45-5:15pm | 1 session | $29 #YADHHDP01P18Zimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 5C | Fairclough | #YHFBPRE04W18 JETS CHEER CLINIC ► GRADES 2-11Thursday Aug 16 | 12:00-2:00pm | 1 session | $29Westwood Elem Rm A210 Door 1 | Fairclough | #YHFBPRE04S18 Don't miss the chance to try out for the Jets Competition Cheer Team! Tryout date is Mar 22.NEW! HOME ALONE BY INSPIRING YOUNGABILITIES ► AGE 8+ Mon/Tue/Thu Mar 19-22 | 5:00-7:00pm | 3 sessions | $30 Handke Center Gym Door 5 | Foster | #YMCJETS01P18Help your child develop the confidence and knowledge needed to feelsafe when the time comes for them to be left home alone! Whether foran hour after school or several hours a day during the summer, childrenshould feel comfortable being on their own. This workshop for childrenaddresses personal safety tips, tricky people, basic first aid, fire safety,handling the unexpected, Internet safety, gun safety, dealing withloneliness and boredom, storm safety, dealing with siblings, as well astrust and honesty.Thursday Aug 16 | 9:00-11:00am | 1 session | $29 CRESCENDO YOUTH MUSICWestwood Elem Rm A210 Door 1 | Fairclough | #YHHHOAL04S18 The Crescendo Music Program, founded in 1991, provides individualNEW! SPRING BASH ►GRADES 5-6 music lessons to students of all ages -- school age through adult. Successfully running for over 25 years, we take the hassle and stressJoin your friends for a night of games, dancing or just hanging out! out of the student experience by providing all of the necessary tools forConcessions are available, so bring some spending money. Student ID high quality lessons at a reasonable price. From recruiting instructorsrequired at check-in. Parents, please do not drop of your child before to researching creative teaching methods, we deliver a pattern of6:15pm, and be at the school by 8:30pm for pick-up. Drop off and consistency and continued growth to our students. Our instructors arepick up at Door T. Volunteers are needed! Contact Becky Hanson at highly qualified through education, training and experience. They are763-241-3520 ext 5507; free admission and concession item for your passionate about music education and are active, lifelong learners in theirstudent when you volunteer! You must register as there is no walk-up own profession. From cello to piano, beginner to advanced, we offer aadmittance. Registration deadline is Monday, Apr 9. well-rounded wealth of talent to teach musicians at any level.Friday Apr 13 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $5 To foster growth, we encourage students to commit to our year-longSalk MS Commons Door T | #YVPFLNG01P18 program; however, registration is open year-round. Music is purchased for students as lessons progress. Performance opportunities and an end-of- WEATHER CANCELLATIONS the-year recital are offered to showcase student achievement. Lessons are held in district facilities staffed with trained, background-checked Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT or check professionals. For additional program information and to request lessons online at for possible visit us online at or call 763-241-3520. weather related cancellations and other program updates. INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE: Guitar | Percussion | Piano | Strings | Voice | Ukulele Private Lessons: $75/month763-241-3520 • Register online at • Spring 2018 10

youth YOUTH STAND UP PADDLEBOARD ► AGE 10-17 Get in on the latest water craze and try Stand Up Paddleboarding! Learn balance and paddling technique, then move on to mini-exercises, obstacles and challenges. Our lake season is short, so get out and enjoy it! Wear appropriate water gear. Bring a life jacket if you have one. There will be a lifeguard on duty. Twin Lake is located on Halas Street NW in Nowthen. Tuesdays Jul 10-31 | 5:00-5:45pm | 4 sessions | $55 Twin Lake Nowthen | #QVSYSUP01S18NEW! LYNCH BASKETBALL LITTLE SHOOTERS ZAP THE ACT ► GRADES 10-12► AGE 7-11 ACT test scores are widely used in college admissions and scholarshipHoop it up and join this fun basketball clinic for boys and girls! Players decisions. In this workshop, students will learn strategies for improvingwill be organized by age, size, and skill level. Learn fundamentals and in all four sub-tests, take shortened practice tests that mirror thetechniques of ball-handling, shooting, rebounding and defensive work. actual testing experience and get suggestions for individualized study.Bring a water bottle, lunch and snacks. Seminars are designed to help students do their personal best on the ACT. A study guide and practice test workouts are included. StudentsMon-Fri Jul 30-Aug 3 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 5 sessions | $115 should bring a calculator and two pencils.Zimmerman HS Gym Door 12 | Lynch | #YMBLYNZ01S18 Wed/Thu Mar 28 & 29 | 3:00-5:30pm | 2 sessions | $89NEW! YOUTH TRACK AND FIELD CAMP Zimmerman HS Rm 119 Door 1 | Doorway To College | #YACZACT03W18► GRADES 3-6 AMERICAN RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONSThis three-week program provides a unique opportunity for elementary-age participants to learn the fundamentals of track and field while ISD 728 Community Education is proud to offer the American Redgaining exposure to the sport through competition. Athletes will compete Cross Swimming and Water Safety program, which combines thein meets against other teams in the North Metro Track and Field League best in swim instruction with an even stronger emphasis on drowning(Elk River, Princeton, Cambridge, St. Francis, and Zimmerman). prevention and water safety - ideal for anyone who wants to enjoy theParticipants are responsible for their own transportation to meets. water safely, regardless of age, level, or skill. View available lessons online at Jun 11-27* | 9 sessions | $55Bouley | #YMTYTAF01S18 EXPERIENCE THIS!*Practice dates: ZIMMERMAN MIDDLE SCHOOLMon/Tue Jun 11-26 | 9:00-10:30am | Zimmerman HS Track SPRING SPORTS ► GRADES 7 & 8*Meet dates and locations (transportation on own): Register online at:Wed Jun 13 | 6:30pm | Princeton HS Track Jun 20 | 6:30pm | Zimmerman HS TrackWed Jun 27 | 5:30pm | Princeton HS Track »» Softball »» Track & Field - Boys & Girls Please note: A sports physical is required for participation.  Physical dates can be checked on Parent Portal under the Health Tab and are valid for three years.11 Spring 2018 • Register online at • 763-241-3520

youthDRIVER'S EDUCATION ► AGE 15+ DRIVER EDUCATION POINT OF IMPACT INFORMATION NIGHTAre you ready to earn your driver’s permit and learn to drive? Startby completing the 30 hours of classroom instruction required by the Do you have a teenager that will soon finish their driver education classState of Minnesota in our interactive, engaging classroom. Once you or has recently received their permit? Join us for a 2-hour parent coursehave your permit, schedule Behind the Wheel training from our State- to learn more about driving laws and the process of licensure, as welllicensed and certified instructors. Students must be 15 years old by the as lessons to help you be the best driving mentor you can be. Class islast day of classroom instruction. free, but please register.WHY CHOOSE DRIVER’S EDUCATION THROUGH Wednesday Jun 27 | 6:00-8:00pm | 1 session | $0COMMUNITY EDUCATION? Zimmerman HS Rm 560 Door 1 | Willenbring | #YHPPOIN01S18 »» Knowledgeable instructors who are licensed teachers with years of ISD 728 DRIVER EDUCATION INFO NIGHT FOR experience and training. They know the most effective ways to teach POTENTIAL STUDENTS students and will help meet the learning needs of individual students. Getting a drivers license has changed greatly in the last few years! Our »» Multiple locations, dates and times that fit busy schedules. trained and state-licensed instructor will explain the process of taking a »» Flexible registration and payment plan. (Please note: State law Drivers Education course through ISD 728 Community Education and how to register for both classroom instruction and behind-the-wheel. requires students be registered for Behind the Wheel before they Learn about parent involvement, the permit and licensing process, and can take the permit test. To be fully registered, full payment for more. This class is for parents and potential students. Class is free, but Behind the Wheel must be received by the last classroom day.) please register. »» Supportive and educational Parent Class offered multiple times and locations throughout the year. Tuesday Apr 10 | 6:00-7:00pm | 1 session | $0 Zimmerman HS Rm 560 Door 1 | O'Connell | #AHIINFO01P18Drivers under the age of 18 who complete Behind the Wheel instructionand are testing for a provisional driver’s license must submit a supervised OPEN GYM ► GRADES 9-12 AND ADULTdriving log. The driving log must show that the teen has completed atleast 50 hours of supervised driving, 15 of which are nighttime hours. If a Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work on theirparent attends a parent class, the required number of supervised driving skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize with others whohours decreases to 40, 15 of which are nighttime hours. Also, watch your share an interest in athletics. Changes may be made to this schedule,email along with information sent home with your student, for important so always check before dropping a child off at the school. Communityinformation regarding the Driving Log, the parent class and Behind the Education is not responsible for lost/stolen passes.Wheel scheduling. Pay-at-the-door Rate:Complete Training Package: $339 Adult: $5/day, $40/10-day pass or $75/20-day passPayment plan available: $139 due at registration, $200 by last class Students: $4/day, $30/10-day pass or $55/20-day passClassroom instruction only: $100 Family: $12/day, $79/10 day pass or $150/20-day passBehind-the-Wheel training only: $280 (Call 763-241-3520 to register) Sundays Mar 4-May 13* | 4:00-6:00pmMon-Fri Apr 16-27 | 2:30-5:30pm | 10 sessions Zimmerman HS Gym Door KZimmerman HS Rm 560 Door 1 | O'Connell | #YHDDRIV01P18 *Not meeting Apr 1Mon-Fri Jun 18-29 | 8:00-11:00am | 10 sessions Wednesdays Mar 7-May 16 | 8:30-10:00pmZimmerman HS Rm 560 Door 1 | O'Connell | #YHDDRIV01S18 Zimmerman HS Gym Door K PLEASE NOTE: The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date. Register Early to help insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take.763-241-3520 • Register online at • Spring 2018 12

adult ISD 728 Community Education partners with ed2go to offer online classes, making lifelong learning opportunities available to you from the comfort of your home. ed2go is a leader in online learning for adults. They provide the highest-quality online continuing education courses that are affordable through a network of more than 2,100 top colleges and universities. Instructors are top professionals in their field. 24FIT ZIMMERMAN BOOT CAMP Online finance and technology include: »» Personal Finance Are you looking to crush your fitness goals but aren't sure where to »» Keys to Success Money Management start? Receive one-on-one coaching, fitness evaluations and a lot of »» Where Does All My Money Go? motivation. It is fun, free and for all fitness levels! Please arrive 15 »» QuickBooks 2016 Series minutes early the first night. Class is free, but please register. »» Introduction to Photoshop CC »» Intermediate Photoshop C6S Tue/Thu Apr 10-May 3 | 6:30-7:30pm | 8 sessions | $0 »» Introduction to Windows 10 Westwood Elem Gym Door 1 | Bouley | #AF2FZBC01P18 »» Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners »» Discover Digital Photography Tue/Thu May 15-Jun 7 | 6:30-7:30pm | 8 sessions | $0 Westwood Elem Gym Door 1 | Bouley | #AF2FZBC02P18 For more information, view additional classes, schedules and register go to Tue/Thu Jun 12-28 | 6:30-7:30pm | 6 sessions | $0 Westwood Elem Green Space | Bouley | #AF2FZBC01S18 H.O.P.E. (HELPING OTHER PEOPLE EXCEL) Tue/Thu Jul 10-Aug 2 | 6:30-7:30pm | 8 sessions | $0 Our H.O.P.E. program provides, events, activities and classes designed Westwood Elem Green Space | Bouley | #AF2FZBC02S18 specifically for youth and adults with developmental disabilities and enables participants to have social, recreational and educational opportunities and Tue/Thu Aug 7-30 | 6:30-7:30pm | 8 sessions | $0 experiences. Programs include day-trips, cooking, crafts, exercise, self- Westwood Elem Green Space | Bouley | #AF2FZBC03S18 advocacy, personal care and independence, and making new friends. Community Education welcomes people of all abilities to participate in any of SPRING/SUMMER 2018 View the Spring/Summer these activities; however, participants are asked to bring staff or family members brochure online at if personal care assistance is needed. Call us at 763-241-3520, or join our EXPERIENCE MORE! Facebook page ( to get on our mailing list or to share ideas of what you’d like to see offered. EDUCATIONAL, ENRICHMENT & RECREATION CLASSES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN, YOUTH & ADULTS or pick one up at your local school or business. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) Learn and improve your English skills in speaking , reading, grammar, listening and writing. We have classes for beginning, intermediate and transitional levels. For more information, call 763-241-3400 x5525. ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Adult Basic Education offers FREE individualized instruction with basic skills review in math, writing and reading, College preparation, Job preparation, Basic computer skills, GED and Adult High School Diploma. For more information, call 763-241-3400 x5525.13 Spring 2018 • Register online at • 763-241-3520

tabrleeogf cisotranttieon tsONLINE COMMUNITY EDUCATION ISD 728 FACILITY Community Education Office Hours: q 763-241-3400 X5539Secure registration 24 hrs/day using 8:00am-4:30pm, Summer Hours E [email protected], MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. 8:30am-5:00pm, Labor Day-Memorial Day q 763-241-3520 EDVENTURE CLUBIN PERSON, MAIL, E [email protected] DROP BOX q 763-241-3544 ECFE & DISCOVERY LEARNING E [email protected] Center1170 Main St., Elk River 55330 q 763-241-3524 ADULT BASIC EDUCATIONThere is a 24-hour drop box. E [email protected] q 763-241-3400 x5525PHONE: FAX: EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING E [email protected] 763.241.3521 q 763-241-3525 WEATHER CANCELLATIONS E [email protected] Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT or check online at for possible weather related cancellations and other program updates.Full Name________________________________________________________ DETAILS »» Some activities, suppliesEmail Address_____________________________________________________ or tickets are not refundable.(H) Phone______________________ (C) Phone_________________________ »» Make checks payable to:Home Address____________________________________________________ ISD 728 Community Education »» Adults are given priority for adultCity__________________________________________ Zip________________ classes; ages 15-17 may register »» Participants must be the correct if space permits. If participant is a child: age and/or grade by the last dayBirthdate­____________________________ Age____________ Grade_______ of class. »» We take photographs to use inParent Names_____________________________________________________ our marketing materials. NotifyEmergency phone # & contact _______________________________________ »» Cancellations must be made us in writing if you do not wish toHealth concerns: __________________________________________________ at least 3 business days prior have photos in our publications. to activities. Refunds or creditsClass Information cannot be given for forgottenClass Title___________________________________Class #_______________ classes.Class Date/Time____________________________________ Fee ___________ EDVENTURE CLUB-PROGRAM PARTICIPANT CAREPaymento Check o Cash o MasterCard/VISA/Discover/AmEx EdVenture Club offers on-site childcare for the children of programCard #__________ -___________- ___________- ___________ Exp_________ participants for selected classes. This program is supervised by EdVentureSignature ________________________________________________________ Club staff specifically trained in Early Childhood and School Age best practices. Be sure to register by 5pm the Wednesday prior to the week care is needed. FEES First Child - $4, Additional Children - $2.50 (Additional fees will apply if the care is needed for longer than a 2-hour period) GUARANTEE HOW DO I REGISTER? We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses Register online at or call 763-241-3520. and activities. If you are not satisfied with your Registration must be received by 5pm the Wednesday prior to theexperience, please contact the Community Education week care is needed. office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Care is available for classes that have the Program Participant Family Education office at 763.241.3524. Care program icon next to the class title.2 14Fall 2015 • Register online at7w6w3-w2.4712-83c52o0mm• uRneitgyiestde.rcoonmline• • Spring 2018

ISD 728 Community Education 1170 Main Street Elk River, MN 55330 EXPERIENCE MORE! A FUN SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM FOR GRADES K-56 am to 6 pm LOCATIONS Hassan, Lincoln, Meadowvale, Otsego Elem, Rogers, Twin Lakes & Westwood Elementary Schools

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