OTSEGOcommunityFall 2017 Quality educational, enrichment and recreation classes for preschool children, youth & adults in the Otsego community. www.728communityed.com2
table of contentsearly childhood Featured Class:pages 2-4 Robotics: Star Wars Droid BuilderEarly Childhood Family Education Discovery Learning Preschool ROBOTICS: STAR WARS DROID BUILDER ►Little Learners • Parenting GRADES 1-5 Using the Star Wars LEGO® Mindstorms Robotics Developer kit,youth, K-12 start with a simple droid mechanism and then move on to create and customize more ambitious droids that move and walk. We willpages 4-9 experiment with robotic programs that avoid light, seek light, are controlled by lights, that act as alarms, and more! RegistrationVisual & Performing Arts • Athletics • deadline is Oct 18.Academics • Crescendo High SchoolSpecial Interest • Aquatics • Little Saturday Oct 28 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $55Learners Prairie View Elem Main Entrance | Computer Explorers | #2900-2Fadultpages 10-13 Fitness • Trips • Arts • General InterestHobby • Finance • Health & SafetyParenting • Technology • Adult BasicEducation • GED • English as aSecond Languageregistrationpage 14 View the Fall brochure our mission online at To build community through citizenwww.728communityed.com involvement and lifelong learning whileor pick one up at your educating, inspiring and empoweringlocal school or business. ALL of our learners across ISD 728.1 Fall 2017 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
etaabrlelyofcchoilndtheonotsdłłINFANTS ► AGE 0-12 MONTHSHaving a baby can mean major adjustments in every area of your life.We are here to support you in this amazing and exciting transition.These relaxing and informative classes are led by a Parent Educatorand offer discussions on development, schedules and feeding. Comefor some uninterrupted time with your infant and an opportunity to meetother parents. This is a non-separating class. Class is free, but pleasepre-register.Fridays Sep 22-Dec 8* | 11:00am-12:00pm | 10 sessions | Free DROP IN PLAY ► AGE BIRTH-KINDERGARTENPrairie View Elem Rm A108 ECFE Entry | #705-F ENTRY*Not meeting Oct 20, Nov 24łłBIRTH TO THREE ► AGE BIRTH-36 MONTHS Are you looking for something fun and interactive to do with your child? Drop in at ECFE and play in one of the ECFE rooms, gym orEnjoy time with your child and be creative, engage in active play playground (when available). First-come, first-served; space is limitedand share in circle time activities. Parenting time will be in the child's to 25 total (adults and children). Family child care providers must meetclassroom in a non-separating atmosphere. child-to-adult ratios for the children they bring.Tuesdays Sep 19-Dec 5* | 9:00-10:15am | 11 sessions | $77 Fee: $2.50/child without pass; $10/5-day passPrairie View Elem Rm A108 ECFE Entry | #719-F*Not meeting Nov 21 Mondays Sep 18-Dec 4* | 9:30-11:00am Prairie View Elem Rm A108 ECFE EntryłłTODDLERS AND PRESCHOOLERS ► AGE 12 *Not meeting Nov 13, 20MONTHS-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY CHILDREN'S MUSEUMChildren learn from one another as they play and interact. Join us in a ► AGE 2 -KINDERGARTEN ENTRYgrowth opportunity for children to develop social, emotional, physicaland cognitive skills in a mixed-age group setting. Parents will discuss ECFE is taking a trip to the NEW Children's Museum. It is bigger, betterways to support developmental milestones, ways to make learning fun and bolder than ever! They have 10 all-new exhibits. The #1 mission ofand discipline techniques. This is a separating class. the Children’s Museum is to spark learning through play, so come and play with your child! We will board the bus at the Handke Center (DoorMondays Sep 18-Dec 4* | 6:00-7:30pm | 10 sessions | $70 5) at 9:00am and Rogers Elementary (Door 9) at 9:15am. ApproximatePrairie View Elem Rm A108 ECFE Entry | #713-F return time is 12:45pm in Rogers and 1:00pm at the Handke Center.*Not meeting Nov 13, 20Tuesdays Sep 19-Dec 5* | 10:30am-12:00pm | 11 sessions | $77 Wednesday Oct 11 | 9:00am-1:00pm | 1 session | $15/child; parent is freePrairie View Elem Rm A108 ECFE Entry | #714-F Handke Center Meet at Door 5, Rogers Elem Meet at Door 9 | #783-F*Not meeting Nov 21 STAGES THEATER- BEAUTY AND THE BEAST JRFridays Sep 22-Dec 8* | 9:00-10:30am | 10 sessions | $70 ► AGE 2-KINDERGARTEN ENTRYPrairie View Elem Rm A108 ECFE Entry | #715-F*Not meeting Oct 20, Nov 24 Join ECFE on a trip to see a “tale as old as time!” The fantastical story of transformation and true inner beauty at Stages Theater features Separating classes are classes where the parents some of the most popular songs ever written. Based on the originalmove to a different room for parent discussion and Tony Award-nominated Broadway production and the Academy Award- winning motion picture, this classic story of Belle and the Beast will fill children remain in their classroom for activities. your heart and stir your imagination. “Be our guest” as we board the bus at the Handke Center (Door 5) at 9:00am and Rogers Elementary Non-separating classes are classes where the (Door 9) at 9:15am. Approximate return time is 12:30pm in Rogers andparent discussion is in the room with the children. 12:45pm at the Handke Center Wednesday Dec 6 | 9:00am-12:45pm | 1 session | $15/person Handke Center Meet at Door 5, Rogers Elem Meet at Door 9 | #782-F2 2Fall 2015 • Register online at ww7w6.37-2284c1o-3m5m20un•ityReedg.icsotemr on•lin7e63a-t24w1w-3w5.72208communityed.com • Fall 2017
early childhoodADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP “ECFE ON WHEELS” HOME VISITSDo you have an interest in Early Childhood programs and want to connect »» This program features visits to your home, or one-to-one visits atwith other parents of young children? Do you have great ideas that you the ECFE center.are willing to share? Join the ECFE and School Readiness AdvisoryCouncil and get involved with the programs your child loves! To find out »» Visits provide ideas for creative, fun, age-appropriate activities,more, attend this Advisory Council information night and enjoy a light as well as time to discuss children, family, ideas on childdinner while learning about the council. Event is free, but please register development, parenting and community resources.by calling 763-241-3524 or email [email protected]. »» Call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524 for more information.Tuesday Oct 10 | 6:00-8:00pm | Free »» There is no fee for home visits.Handke Center Blesener Community Rm Door 5 BIG... BUILDING BETTER BEHAVIORS FORłłLOVE AND LOGIC SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, CHILDCARE AND AT HOMEDevelop effective parenting skills with Love and Logic! The Love and »» BIG is an intervention and prevention program for preschoolersLogic approach to parenting is built around the science of crafting caring who are at risk of losing their childcare or preschool placementand respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between because of negative behaviors.parents and their children is the root to a healthy, thriving relationshipbuilt on trust and understanding. Join our Parent Educator and discover »» BIG works with parents, teachers and childcare providers to buildpositive tools to raise happy and well-behaved children. positive behavior skills.Tuesdays Sep 19-Dec 5* | 6:00-7:30pm | 11 sessions »» BIG is a Behavior Intervention Group including educators,$15 Individual/$20 Couple emotional health professionals and specialists to coordinateHandke Center Rm 9 Door 5 | #781-F expertise and resources for success.*Not meeting Nov 21 »» For more information call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524.PARENTING SOLO - THE HARDEST JOB YOU'LL BIG is funded by ISD 728 Family and Children’s Collaborative, a part ofEVER DO ALONE ► AGE BIRTH-GRADE 5 Wright County Family Services Collaborative.If you're parenting solo for any reason-military duty, work situations, YOUNG PARENT PROGRAM FOR PREGNANTseparation, divorce, loss of spouse or single parenting-you're welcome OR PARENTING TEENSto attend! Bring your children and enjoy a meal together. Parentswill meet together for parenting support and information while young »» This program provides pregnant or parenting teens withchildren participate in early childhood activities. School-age children will information about pregnancy, birth, parenting and communitymeet in another classroom for activities and support. Join at any time! resources.Tuesdays Sep 19-Jun 5* | 6:00-8:00pm | Free »» It is open to ISD 728 students and area residents who may not beHandke Center Blesener Community Rm Door 5 | #780-F in school.*Not meeting Nov 21, Dec 26, Feb 6, Apr 3 »» For information or to register, contact ECFE at 763-241-3524, your school counselor, school nurse or Ivan Sand Community High School. »» Home visits are also available. »» This program is co-sponsored by ISD 728, Ivan Sand Community High School and ECFE; special events funding provided by Three Rivers Community Foundation. »» Classes are held at the Handke Center and are on-going during the school year. »» Classes are free. PARTICIPANT CHILDCARE EdVenture Club-Program Participant Care is available for classes that have this icon next to the title; see page 14 for fees and details on how to register for childcare.3 Fall 2017 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
early childhood EDVENTURE CLUB- NEW! COMMUNITY HELPER SATURDAY DISCOVERY LEARNING ► AGE 3-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY W/PARENT CHILDCARE Community helpers play important roles as they provide a service Community Education offers childcare to help people, animals and communities. In this class, we’ll explore services to extend your child’s experience different types of community helpers through books, arts and crafts,with Discovery Learning Preschool. Childcare is available at all music and an in-person visit by one or more local community helpers.Discovery Learning sites before and after your child’s preschool class. Sign up now for this fun-packed class!For the 2017-18 school year, your child must be age 3 by Sep 1, 2017and they must be attending the Discovery Learning Preschool Program. Saturday Dec 2 | 11:00am-12:30pm | 1 sessionWhen registering for childcare, you choose the times that work best $15/child; $10 for each additional child in same familyfor your schedule. Registration is due on Monday the week prior to Prairie View Elem Main Entrance | #7310-4Fattendance. This program is eligible for county assistance. Studentswill be escorted between our childcare and the Preschool classrooms MY LITTLE HORSE CAMP ► AGE 2-5 W/PARENTby our staff. Snacks will be provided in the morning and afternoon.Students will need to bring a lunch if they are attending during lunch. If This parent/child camp features horse safety, learning and fun! Learnyou have additional questions please contact the EdVenture Club office about different horse breeds, colors and sizes, then help feed, care forat 763-241-3544. To register for these childcare options, visit www. and groom the horses. In addition, you will get to make your own horseisd728.org/EdVentureClubParentPortal to set up an account and to treats and give them to the horses. Bring your camera to snap photosregister. during pony rides. Proper attire includes sneakers or boots (closed toe and heel), long pants and layers depending on weather. Bring bugDISCOVERY LEARNING-EDVENTURE CLUB FEES spray, sunscreen, water bottle, and a nut-free bag lunch and snacks. ASTM/SEI-certified helmets provided.7:00-9:15am or 3:15-5:30pm $10 Saturday Sep 30 | 9:00-11:00am | 1 session | $497:00am-1:15pm or 11:15am-5:30pm $22 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-5F Saturday Oct 21 | 9:00-11:00am | 1 session | $49 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-6F7:00-9:15am and 11:15am-5:30pm $287:00am-1:15pm and 3:15-5:30pm $387:00am-5:30pm $45 View the Fall brochure online at www.728communityed.com or pick one up at your local school or business. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2017 4
youth EDVENTURE CLUB EDVENTURE EDVENTURE CLUB - NON-SCHOOL DAYS CLUB ► GRADES K-5CONVENIENT FUN Fun enrichment activities and outings are offered on days that school is not in session for grades K-5*. Students are divided by grade levels AFFORDABLE for the planned activities, including art or science topics, physical education, games, academic-related activities and more. StudentsSAFE EdVenture Club is a unique program that combines should bring a bag lunch and beverage and wear appropriate clothing for planned activities. These activities, held 9:00am-3:00pm, are fun enrichment activities with extended hours for planned in a day camp format. Extended hours are available; the sites are open 6:00am-6:00pm. Please note: In the event of low or high your convenience! EdVenture Club provides a quality enrollment, sites may be combined or additional sites opened. (*Serving grade 6 at Prairie View Middle School). extended day experience that complements the Thursday Oct 19 | Monsters, Monsters Everywhere! school day and includes enrichment activities for Spend the day creating your own monster friends. reading and math, physical education, science, art Friday Oct 20 | Dragonology Create your own Instructional Guide about dragons, build a story and more for grades K-5 (also serving grade 6 at theater, and conduct a foaming dragon science experiment. Prairie View Middle School). Monday Nov 13 | Games Today we will be testing our motor skills!Morning Program:Students attend between 6:00am and school starting time Monday Monday Nov 20 | Fur, Feathers and Flippersthrough Friday. A variety of games, cards, gym time, playground, and Learn how and where animals live on our earth.other choices are available. Enrichment activities are planned up to 3times per week. Snack and juice are provided daily. Tuesday Nov 21 | Be Thankful Discuss, share and learn ways that we can express our thankfulnessAfternoon Program: with others.Students can attend after school until 6:00pm Monday-Friday. Eachday includes enrichment activities as well as a snack and juice. See Wednesday Nov 22 | Scienceschedule at your site for weekly activities. Put the laws of motion into play with homemade science contraptions that really work!Easy Online Registration!:Secure your child’s spot TODAY! Register online at Wednesday Dec 27 | Space is the Place!www.728communityed.com (Click on the EdVenture Club tab). A fun day of exploring and learning about space; what do you think… are aliens real? OTSEGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Thursday Dec 28 Fun with words! Creative Writing6:00am to School Start Time After School to 6:00pm Some silly, scary and suspenseful stories and illustrations that you create from one sentence story starters. Write and share with friends1 day/week $16 1 day/week $18 and family!2 days/week $25 2 days/week $30 Friday Dec 29 | Daliesque Art Join us and make squeezy, oozy, fuzzy and melty creations!3 days/week $32 3 days/week $36 REGISTRATION4 days/week $38 4 days/week $42 Secure your child's spot TODAY! Register online for Non-School Days5 days/week $44 5 days/week $48 Childcare at www.isd728.org/EdVentureClubParentPortal.PRAIRIE VIEW ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE SCHOOL NON-SCHOOL DAY FEES:6:00am to School Start Time After School to 6:00pm 6:00am-6:00pm | $40/first child; $34 additional child(ren) in family 9:00am-3:00pm | $30/first child; $26 additional child(ren) in family1 day/week $14 1 day/week $182 days/week $21 2 days/week $303 days/week $27 3 days/week $364 days/week $34 4 days/week $425 days/week $38 5 days/week $48Sibling DiscountAdditional students in a family profile will receive a 10% discount. LOCATIONSEDVENTURE CLUB-BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE Otsego Elementary NEW! Prairie View Elementary/Middle School EDVENTURE CLUB-NON SCHOOL DAYS Otsego Elementary NEW! Prairie View Elementary/Middle School5 Fall 2017 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
youthEDVENTURE CLUB-INCLEMENT WEATHER FAVORITE! PRAIRIE FIRE CHILDREN’SCARE/SCHOOL CANCELLED THEATRE: PETER PAN ► AGE 7-16Inclement Weather Care/School Cancelled is offered from 6:30am- Join us as we fly away to \"Neverland.\" We are teaming up with Prairie6:00pm at Hassan, Parker and Zimmerman Elementary Schools on Fire Children's Theatre to present an original musical version of thedays school is cancelled due to inclement weather. To be eligible to classic tale \"Peter Pan.” Please confirm your email address duringattend, families must pre-register and must pre-pay for 3 days. registration as program communications are sent electronically. Note: No refund will be given to any participant who auditions, receives a part3-Day Fee: $105 first student; $93 additional student in family and then withdraws from the production.EDVENTURE CLUB-INCLEMENT WEATHER Mon-Sat Nov 13-18 | $65 | #2200-1FCARE/2-HR LATE START Elk River HS Little Theater Door HIn the event of a 2-hour late start, EdVenture Club-Inclement Weather Auditions: Monday Nov 13 | 4:30-6:30pmCare/2-Hour Late Start will offer morning care from 8:00-11:30am at Some cast members may stay until 8:30pm on audition nighteach elementary school. To be eligible to attend, families must pre- for rehearsal. Parents should plan to stay until 5pm for programregister and pre-pay for 3 days of Inclement Weather Care/2-hour Late information.Start or child must be already registered and paid for EdVenture ClubAM care the morning of the 2-Hour Late Start. Rehearsals: Tue-Thu Nov 14-17 | 4:30-8:45pm3-Day Fee: $27 first student; $24 additional student in family Performances: Friday Nov 17 | 7:30pmEASY ONLINE REGISTRATION! Saturday Nov 18 | 11:00am A third show may be added depending on number of participants.Secure your child's spot TODAY! Register online for EdVenture Club-Inclement Weather Care/School Cancelled and/or Inclement Weather FUN WITH CANVAS: FROSTY THE SNOWMAN ►Care/2-hour Late Start at www.isd728.org/EdVentureClubParentPortal. GRADES K-5 REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR Young artists will create their own painting of a snowman on an 11x14 INCLEMENT WEATHERCARE IS NOVEMBER 3, 2017! stretched canvas. Please send permission to school informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture GUARANTEE Club after school; all students will be picked-up from EdVenture Club after class. We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524. Wednesday Nov 29 | 4:00-5:00pm | 1 session | $29 Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | KidzArt | #2400-4F763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2017 6
youthCRESCENDO YOUTH MUSIC TUTORING ► GRADES K-8The Crescendo Music Program, founded in 1991, provides individual ISD 728 Community Education tutoring classes offer supported,music lessons to students of all ages -- school age through adult. focused academics. Individual lessons encourage interactive learningSuccessfully running for over 25 years, we take the hassle and stress and student success, and create a positive, productive learningout of the student experience by providing all of the necessary tools for environment while promoting fun and engagement. Complete anhigh quality lessons at a reasonable price. From recruiting instructors interest form at www.isd728.org/CE-Tutoring to arrange for tutoring.to researching creative teaching methods, we deliver a pattern of Mon-Sat Sep 18-Dec 29 | 1 hour/weekconsistency and continued growth to our students. Our instructors are 8 weeks | $449highly qualified through education, training and experience. They are 12 weeks | $649passionate about music education and are active, lifelong learners in 16 weeks | $829their own profession. From cello to piano, beginner to advanced, weoffer a well-rounded wealth of talent to teach musicians at any level. HORSEBACK RIDING DAY CAMP ► GRADES K-12To foster growth, we encourage students to commit to our year-long Spend the day riding, caring for and learning about horses! Learnprogram; however, registration is open year-round. Music is purchased balance and control in the saddle, how to groom, tack-up, lead, do in-for students as lessons progress. Performance opportunities and an hand work and more! Proper attire includes sneakers or boots (closedend-of-the-year recital are offered to showcase student achievement. toe and heel), long pants and layers depending on weather. Bring bugLessons are held in district facilities staffed with trained, background- spray, sunscreen, water bottle, a nut-free bag lunch and snacks. ASTM/checked professionals. For additional program information and to SEI-certified helmets provided.request lesson visit us online at www.isd728.org/Crescendo_Music or Saturday Sep 23 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $99call 763.241.3520. Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-1F Thursday Oct 19 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $99INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE: Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-2F Friday Oct 20 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $99Flute | Guitar | Percussion | Piano | Strings | Voice | Ukulele Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-3F Monday Nov 13 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $99Private Lessons: $75/month Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-4FROBOTICS: STAR WARS DROID BUILDER ► LOCATIONSGRADES 1-5Using the Star Wars LEGO® Mindstorms Robotics Developer kit,start with a simple droid mechanism and then move on to createand customize more ambitious droids that move and walk. We willexperiment with robotic programs that avoid light, seek light, arecontrolled by lights, that act as alarms, and more! Registrationdeadline is Oct 18.Saturday Oct 28 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $55Prairie View Elem Main Entrance | Computer Explorers | #2900-2F Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center 6612 189th Lane NW, Nowthen7 Fall 2017 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
youthNEW! AFTER SCHOOL CRAFTIVITIES 5TH & 6TH GRADE PARTY► GRADES K-5 Grab your friends and dance the night away, or play basketball and otherThese classes combine fun activities, a creative craft to take home, and games. Concessions are available, so bring some spending money. Don'ta take-home activity -- all focused on character development and values. wait in line... pre-register today! For those who pre-register, the doorsStudents will use their imagination as they explore a different value each will open at 6:30pm; enter through Door U (gym entrance). For thosesession through inventive art. Register for all 4 Craftivities Art Classes who pay at the door, the doors will open at 7pm; and enter through Doorfor $49. T (commons). Volunteers are needed! Please register to volunteer by contacting Becky Hanson at the Community Ed office (763-241-3520).Mondays Oct 23, Nov 6, Dec 11, Jan 8 | 4:00-5:45pm | 4 sessions | $49Prairie View Elem Main Entrance | #2300-8Y Friday Nov 10 | 7:00-9:00pm* | 1 session | $5 Salk MS Gym Door U | #6355-1FThursday Oct 26, Nov 16, Dec 14, Jan 11 | 4:00-5:45pm | 4 sessions | $49 *Students that pre-register can enter at 6:30pm.Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | #2300-7Y EXPERIENCE THIS!Permission Slip: Please send permission to school informing staff thatyour student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVentureClub after school, have a snack, and transition to the class.Pick-Up: All students need to be picked-up from EdVenture Club at theend of class at 5:45pm.October - I Am Rockin'!Using stones and painted or cut-out phrases, build your confidence asyou create affirmation stones as a reminder of how unique and specialyou are!November - A Tree of Thanks AMERICAN RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONSIt's time to give thanks for things we are grateful for! Create a tree byadding colorful buttons representing things you are thankful for. Continue ISD 728 Community Education is proud to offer the American Redadding buttons at home. How full will your tree be after a month, or Cross Swimming and Water Safety program, which combinesyear? the best in swim instruction with an even stronger emphasis on drowning prevention and water safety - ideal for anyone whoDecember - Let Our Talents Shine wants to enjoy the water safely, regardless of age, level, or skill.Everyone has special talents that can be shared with others! Create a View available lessons online at www.728communityed.com.decorative candle holder as a reminder of how you can think of others bysharing your talents with friends and family.January - Colorful MindsRainbows are beautiful and can also be calming. Create a mosaicrainbow to remember to be mindful every day. Using visuals such asrainbows, practicing mindfulness helps increase concentration and self-awareness and improves focus.763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2017 8
youthDRIVER'S EDUCATION ► AGE 15+Are you ready to earn your driver’s permit and learn to drive? Startby completing the 30 hours of classroom instruction required by theState of Minnesota in our interactive, engaging classroom. Once youhave your permit, schedule Behind the Wheel training from our State-licensed and certified instructors. Students must be 15 years old by thelast day of classroom instruction.WHY CHOOSE DRIVER’S EDUCATION THROUGH OPEN GYM ► ALL AGESCOMMUNITY EDUCATION? Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work on »» Knowledgeable instructors who are licensed teachers with years their skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize with of experience and training. They know the most effective ways to others who share an interest in athletics. Changes may be made to this teach students and will help meet the learning needs of individual schedule, so always check before dropping a child off at the school. students. Community Education is not responsible for lost/stolen passes. »» Multiple locations, dates and times that fit busy schedules. Pay-at-the-door Rate: »» Flexible registration and payment plan. (Please note: State law Adult: $40/10-day pass or $75/20-day pass Students: $30/10-day pass or $55/20-day pass requires students be registered for Behind the Wheel before they Family: $79/10-day pass or $150/20-day pass can take the permit test. To be fully registered, full payment for Behind the Wheel must be received by the last classroom day.) all ages** »» Supportive and educational Parent Class offered multiple times Sundays Oct 1-May 13* | 4:00-6:00pm and locations throughout the year. Rogers MS Gym Door A *Not meeting Dec 24, 31, Apr 1Drivers under the age of 18 who complete Behind the Wheel instructionand are testing for a provisional driver’s license must submit a supervised grades 9-12 and adultdriving log. The driving log must show that the teen has completed at Wednesdays Oct 4-May 16* | 7:00-9:00pmleast 50 hours of supervised driving, 15 of which are nighttime hours. If a Rogers HS Gym Door Iparent attends a parent class, the required number of supervised driving *Not meeting Nov 22, Dec 27hours decreases to 40, 15 of which are nighttime hours. Also, watch youremail along with information sent home with your student, for important HOW TO GET INTO COLLEGE AND PAY FOR ITinformation regarding the Driving Log, the parent class and Behind the WITHOUT GOING BROKEWheel scheduling. College is one of the largest investments a family will make. UnderstandComplete Training Package: $339 the mistakes that result in poor academic and financial decisions thatPayment plan available: $139 due at registration, $200 by last class can add up to thousands of dollars. Learn what college really costsClassroom instruction only: $100 and how to reduce your costs. Discover common mistakes made whenBehind-the-Wheel training only: $280 (Call 763-241-3520 to register) selecting a college and how to prevent them, myths about college aid, how FAFSA works and how to get grants directly from the schools. ThisMon-Fri Sep 18-29 | 2:45-5:45pm | 10 sessions class is a must for parents of college-bound students.Rogers HS Rm B103 Door I | O'Connell | #3895-1F Tuesday Oct 17 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 sessionTue/Thu Nov 2-Dec 14* | 6:00-9:00pm | 10 sessions $19 Individual/$25 for 2-3 Family MembersRogers HS Rm B103 Door I | Johnson | #3895-3F Elk River HS Rm 105 Door A | College Inside Track Instructor | #3610-1F*Not meeting Nov 7, 23, 28 Tuesday Oct 24 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session PLEASE NOTE: $19 Individual/$25 for 2-3 Family Members Rogers HS Media Center Door I | College Inside Track Instructor | #3610-3F The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date.Register Early to help insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take.9 Fall 2017 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
adultYOGA NEW! YOGA POSTURE WORKSHOPAre you interested in learning the basic poses, correct alignment and Join Katie as she demonstrates the correct yoga postures for gettingbreathing techniques of yoga? No experience is necessary; all fitness the most benefit from our yoga classes. The goal of this NEW one-levels are welcome! You can gain strength, stamina and balance as you session class is to make your yoga experience the best it can be. Bringexplore this popular activity. Wear comfortable clothing and bring an a mat and water bottle, if possible.exercise mat and water bottle, if possible. Monday Sep 11 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $15 Individual/$25 Pair Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Miller | #5100-5FFridays Sep 15-Oct 20 | 4:30-5:25pm | 6 sessions Monday Oct 30 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $15 Individual/$25 Pair$35 Individual/$65 Pair Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Miller | #5100-6FThree Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-5F NEW! YOGA FOR BACK PAINFridays Nov 3-Dec 15* | 4:30-5:25pm | 6 sessions$35 Individual/$65 Pair Do you suffer from back pain in your daily living? Join our YogaThree Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-10F instructor Katie as she leads you through poses aimed at helping you*Not meeting Nov 24 with that back pain. Bring a mat and water bottle, if possible. Tuesday Sep 26 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $15 Individual/$25 PairPOWER YOGA Handke Center Cafeteria Door 5 | Miller | #5100-8FPower Yoga is a dynamic Vinyasa series, meaning breath is linked to YOGA WITH GENEVA 2.0movement, and is set to music. Options are given throughout class,making it ideal for anyone. Power Yoga will build strength, increase This fantastic combination class includes elements of static posture,flexibility and find focus. vinyasa flow and restorative poses to introduce variety. We will use yoga blocks (provided) to support correct alignment and deeper releaseMondays Sep 18-Oct 30* | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessions | $35 in restorative poses. Bring a mat and water bottle if possible.Individual/$65 Pair Tuesdays Sep 19-Oct 24 | 6:10-7:10pm | 6 sessionsOtsego Elem Music Rm Door 4 | Olson | #5102-1F $35 Individual/$65 Pair*Not meeting Oct 16 Otsego Elem Music Rm Door 4 | Walter | #5100-17F Tuesdays Nov 14-Dec 19 | 6:10-7:10pm | 6 sessionsMondays Nov 6-Dec 11 | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 Pair$35 Individual/$65 Pair Otsego Elem Music Rm Door 4 | Walter | #5100-18FOtsego Elem Music Rm Door 4 | Olson | #5102-2F EXPERIENCE THIS! NEW! SEAC COMMUNITY FORUM: “TAKING TIME FOR A BREATH” Mindfulness is intentionally bringing awareness to the current moment. National presenter, Mary T. Schmitz, MSW, LICSW and Mindfulness Education Specialist for ISD 728 will help participants understand what mindfulness is, and why it makes sense to practice it at school and home. Additionally, Mary T. will create a fun, safe space for participants to learn some mindfulness practices for self-care and to manage stress. Thursday Oct 12 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | Free Elk River HS Zabee Auditorium Door A | Schmitz | #5037-2F763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2017 10
adultNEW! BODYCOMBAT® EXPRESS BODYPUMP®BodyCombat® is a high-energy martial arts-inspired workout that is BodyPump® is for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast.totally non-contact. Punch and kick your way to fitness and burn up to Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BodyPump®740 calories during class! Release stress, have a blast and feel like a gives you a total body workout. Bring a water bottle, if possible.champ. Bring your best fighter attitude and leave your inhibitions at thedoor. Bring a water bottle, if possible. Thursdays Sep 21-Oct 26 | 9:30-10:25am | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 PairMondays Sep 18-Oct 23 | 9:30-10:15am | 6 sessions Three Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-3F$35 Individual/$65 PairThree Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-1F Thursdays Nov 2-Dec 14* | 9:30-10:25am | 6 sessions $35 Individual/$65 PairMondays Nov 6-Dec 11 | 9:30-10:15am | 6 sessions Three Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-8F$35 Individual/$65 Pair *Not meeting Nov 23Three Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-6F NEW! 3-2-1BODYSCULPT In 55 minutes, our 3-2-1 fit class will help you reach your fitness goals!An easy-to-follow class for all fitness levels! Goals are to strengthen Experience total body conditioning consisting of 3 minutes of cardioand tone your entire body using controlled movements and a variety endurance exercises, followed by 2 minutes of resistance training andof equipment including the body bar, dumbbells, ball, resistance bands finishing with 1 minute of core control. Bring a mat and water bottle, ifand more. Bring a mat and water bottle, if possible. possible.Saturdays Sep 16-Oct 21 | 9:00-9:55am | 6 sessions Mondays Sep 18-Oct 23 | 4:30-5:25pm | 6 sessions$35 Individual/$65 Pair $35 Individual/$65 PairThree Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-4F Three Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-2FSaturdays Nov 4-Dec 16* | 9:00-9:55am | 6 sessions Mondays Nov 6-Dec 11 | 4:30-5:25pm | 6 sessions$35 Individual/$65 Pair $35 Individual/$65 PairThree Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-9F Three Rivers Fitness Otsego | Three Rivers Fitness | #5105-7F*Not meeting Nov 25 WINE TASTING LOCATIONS Refine your love of wine as we showcase different regional wines from Three Rivers Fitness across the world. A POUR wine expert will guide you through a regional 9201 Quaday Avenue NE, Otsego education and tasting for each featured selection. POUR Cabernet Sauvignon 15704 90th St NE, Otsego Monday Oct 2 | 6:00-6:45pm | 1 session | $29 POUR Wine Bar and Bistro Otsego | #8700-1F Chardonnay Monday Nov 6 | 6:00-6:45pm | 1 session | $29 POUR Wine Bar and Bistro Otsego | #8700-2F Pinot Noir Monday Dec 11 | 6:00-6:45pm | 1 session | $29 POUR Wine Bar and Bistro Otsego | #8700-3F11 Fall 2017 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
adultCRESCENDO MUSIC NEW! COMMUNICATE MORE EFFICIENTLY WITH YOUR IOS DEVICESThe Crescendo Music Program, founded in 1991, provides individualmusic lessons to students of all ages -- school age through adult. iPhones and iPads do a lot of amazing things, but their communicationSuccessfully running for over 25 years, we take the hassle and stress benefits can be limited if you don't know how to use them! We will lookout of the student experience by providing all of the necessary tools for at 3-way calling and video chatting using FaceTime, discuss how to addhigh quality lessons at a reasonable price. From recruiting instructors multiple email accounts to Mail as well as the benefits of using differentto researching creative teaching methods, we deliver a pattern of email services, and explore features that will make staying in touch withconsistency and continued growth to our students. Our instructors are family and friends a breeze.highly qualified through education, training and experience. They arepassionate about music education and are active, lifelong learners in Monday Oct 2 | 6:00-8:00pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pairtheir own profession. From cello to piano, beginner to advanced, we Rogers HS Rm C101 Door I | Feld | #8010-12Foffer a well-rounded wealth of talent to teach musicians at any level. NEW! MANAGING YOUR DIGITAL LIFE WITHTo foster growth, we encourage students to commit to our year-long YOUR IOS DEVICESprogram; however, registration is open year-round. Music is purchasedfor students as lessons progress. Performance opportunities and an Let's face it, no one memorizes phone numbers anymore! Get a handleend-of-the-year recital are offered to showcase student achievement. on your digital contacts and calendars with your new Apple products!Lessons are held in district facilities staffed with trained, background- We will take an in-depth look at managing your contacts, calendars, andchecked professionals. For additional program information and to notes to better communicate with friends and family. Bring your devicerequest lesson visit us online at www.isd728.org/Crescendo_Music or (optional).call 763.241.3520. Tuesday Sep 19 | 6:00-8:00pm | 1 sessionINSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE: $25 Individual/$45 Pair Rogers HS Rm C101 Door I | Feld | #8010-11FFlute | Guitar | Percussion | Piano | Strings | Voice | Ukulele NEW! USING YOUR CAMERA TO THE FULLESTPrivate Lessons: $75/month POTENTIAL ON YOUR IOS DEVICESNEW! TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR More and more people are using their smart phone as their camera of choice. It's always with you. Uncover tips and tricks to take betterWhat is an executor, a personal representative, power of attorney, or a photos with your iOS device, as well as how to share and edit whatguardian? This class will help you understand the difference between you've perfectly captured. For iPhone and iPad users; bring your ownthese roles, who you should appoint, and what to do once you are device (optional).appointed. Question and answer time is included, and will be led byinstructor Steve Helseth, an experienced attorney practicing in estate Tuesday Oct 3 | 6:00-8:00pm | 1 session | $25 Individual/$45 Pairplanning and probate law. Rogers HS Rm C101 Door I | Feld | #8010-13FThursday Dec 7 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session | $29 Individual/$55 PairRogers MS Media Center Door A | Helseth | #8064-7F View the Fall brochure online at www.728communityed.com or pick one up at your local school or business.763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2017 12
adult ISD 728 Community Education partners with ed2go to offer online classes, making lifelong learning opportunities available to you from the comfort of your home. ed2go is a leader in online learning for adults. They provide the highest-quality online continuing education courses that are affordable through a network of more than 2,100 top colleges and universitites. Instructors are top professionals in their field. CE2U: COMPUTERS For more information, view classes, schedules and register go to www.ed2go.com/728commed-pro. Do you want to build new skills in a supportive, one-on-one setting? CE2U Computers offers individual computer instruction focused on ADULT BASIC EDUCATION the skills you desire on a schedule that works for you. Call Community Education at 763-241-3520 to receive information and a registration Adult Basic Education offers FREE individualized instruction with basic packet. Students must have a working computer, and the correct skills review in math, writing and reading, College preparation, Job program loaded on their computer. preparation, Basic computer skills, GED and Adult High School Diploma. For more information, call 763-241-3400 x5525. Available Sep 1-Dec 31 | 2 sessions | $159 Individual/$99 Second Person #8010-99F ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) NEW! TECH PROJECT WORKSHOP Learn and improve your English skills in speaking , reading, grammar, listening and writing. We have classes for beginning, intermediate and Are you working on a tech project and need help finding time and transitional levels. For more information, call 763-241-3400 x5525. someone to assist you? Here’s your perfect opportunity! This class allows you time to work on your project with assistance as needed from H.O.P.E. (HELPING OTHER PEOPLE EXCEL) our expert Joel. Get your questions answered so you can take your project to the next step! Our H.O.P.E. program provides, events, activities and classes designed specifically for youth and adults with developmental disabilities and enables Tuesday Nov 28 | 6:00-9:00pm | 1 session | $35 Individual/$65 Pair participants to have social, recreational and educational opportunities and Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | Feld | #8010-22F experiences. Programs include day-trips, cooking, crafts, exercise, self- advocacy, personal care and independence, and making new friends. PARENTING APART Community Education welcomes people of all abilities to participate in any of these activities; however, participants are asked to bring staff or family members For a variety of reasons, many children do not live in homes with both of if personal care assistance is needed. Call us at 763-241-3520, or join our their birth parents. In these situations, children often experience anger, Facebook page (www.facebook.com/CommunityEd.HOPE) to get on our sadness, guilt and grief. This class is in compliance with the standards mailing list or to share ideas of what you’d like to see offered. established by the Supreme Court for parent education programs. Saturday Oct 7 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65 PLEASE NOTE: Handke Center Blesener Community Rm Door 5 | #PA10 The decision on whether a class will run is Saturday Dec 2 | 8:00am-4:30pm | 1 session | $65 made 3-5 days before the class start date. Handke Center Blesener Community Rm Door 5 | #PA12 Register Early to help insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take.13 Fall 2017 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
tabrele gof icstorantieonntsONLINE COMMUNITY EDUCATION ISD 728 FACILITY SCHEDULINGwww.728communityed.com Community Education Office Hours: q 763-3400 X5539Secure registration 24 hrs/day using 8:00am-4:30pm, Summer Hours E [email protected], MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. 8:30am-5:00pm, Labor Day-Memorial Day q 763-241-3520 EDVENTURE CLUBIN PERSON, MAIL, E [email protected] DROP BOX q 763-241-3544 ECFE & DISCOVERY LEARNING E [email protected] Center1170 Main St., Elk River 55330 ECFE Office Hours: ADULT BASIC EDUCATIONThere is a 24-hour drop box. 8:00am-4:30pm, Year Round q 763-241-3524 q 763-241-3400 x5525PHONE: FAX: E [email protected] E [email protected] 763.241.3521 EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING WEATHER CANCELLATIONS q 763-241-3525 Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT E [email protected] or check online at www.728communityed.com for possible weather related cancellations and other program updates.Full Name________________________________________________________ DETAILS »» Some activities, suppliesEmail Address_____________________________________________________ or tickets are not refundable.(H) Phone______________________ (C) Phone_________________________ »» Make checks payable to:Home Address____________________________________________________ ISD 728 Community Education »» Adults are given priority for adultCity__________________________________________ Zip________________ classes; ages 15-17 may register »» Participants must be the correct if space permits. If participant is a child: age and/or grade by the last dayBirthdate_ ___________________________ Age____________ Grade_______ of class. »» We take photographs to use inParent Names_____________________________________________________ our marketing materials. NotifyEmergency phone # & contact _______________________________________ »» Cancellations must be made us in writing if you do not wish toHealth concerns: __________________________________________________ at least 3 business days prior have photos in our publications. to activities. Refunds or creditsClass Information cannot be given for forgottenClass Title___________________________________Class #_______________ classes.Class Date/Time____________________________________ Fee ___________ EDVENTURE CLUB-PROGRAM PARTICIPANT CAREPaymento Check o Cash o MasterCard/VISA/Discover/AmEx EdVenture Club offers on-site childcare for the children of programCard #__________ -___________- ___________- ___________ Exp_________ EdVenture Club offers on-site childcare for the children of programSignature ________________________________________________________ participants for selected classes. This program is supervised by EdVenture Club staff specifically trained in Early Childhood and School Age best GUARANTEE practices. Be sure to register by 5pm the Thursday prior to the week care is needed. We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with your FEES experience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood First Child - $4, Additional Children - $2.50 (Additional fees will apply if the Family Education office at 763.241.3524. care is needed for longer than a 2-hour period) HOW DO I REGISTER? Call 763-241-3520, online at www.isd728.org/EdvPPC or email deborah. [email protected]. Registration must be received by 5pm the Thursday prior to the week care is needed. Care is available for classes that have the Program Participant Care program icon next to the class title.2 14Fall 2015 • Register online at ww7w6.37-2284c1o-3m5m20un•ityReedg.icsotemr on•lin7e63a-t24w1w-3w5.72208communityed.com • Fall 2017
ISD 728 Community Education 1170 Main Street Elk River, MN 55330 EXPERIENCE MORE! REGISTER TODAY! CHILDCARE beforefosr chool anoftne-rscshcohool odlay&s grades K-5 Come GROW with us! OFFERED AT Meadowvale, Parker, Twin Lakes, Otsego, Prairie View, Rogers, Hassan, Zimmerman & Westwood Elementary Schools * Grades K-6 at Prairie View Elementary / Middle School.www.728communityed.com
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