ZIMMERMAN Spring | Summer 2022 community Quality educational, enrichment and recreation classes for preschool children, youth & adults in the Zimmerman community. www.728communityed.com 2
tatabbleleooff cconteennttss early childhood Featured Class: pages 2-3 CONFIDENCE CREW ► GRADES 3-5 Early Childhood Family Education Build a great foundation for self-love and confidence with this group for Discovery Learning Preschool girls. Learn about setting goals and achieving them. Discover how to Little Learners • Parenting appreciate yourself, have healthy relationships, communicate, identify and regulate emotions, find balance, collaborate, explore community service, and more! In each session, we will discuss wins and challenges, youth, pre K-12 allow time for leader and peer mentorship, and work on our physical activity goals with games and yoga swings. We carry each lesson on to pages 4-8 the next and continue to build on our skills. Visual & Performing Arts • Athletics Aca- Tue/Thu Jul 12-28 | 6 sessions | 9:00-10:30am | $179 demics • Crescendo • High School Zimmerman M/HS Choir Rm Door 1 | Meinert | #YGDCRWA03S22 Aquatics • Little Learners • Special Interest Tue/Thu Aug 2-18 | 6 sessions | 5:00-6:30pm | $179 adult Zimmerman M/HS Choir Rm Door 1 | Meinert | #YGDCRWA05S22 pages 9-17 CONFIDENCE CREW 2.0 ► GRADES 6-9 Fitness • General Interest • Finance • As teen girls grow, so do the challenges they face. We will learn Technology • Adult Basic Education about healthy relationship practices, identifying values/priorities, and GED • English as a Second Language establishing boundaries. We will also discuss self-love, confidence, and setting goals. Every session will be grounded in RESPECT -- respect for registration yourself and others. We will discuss wins and challenges, allow time for leader and peer mentorship, and work on our physical activity goals with page 18 games and yoga swings. View the Spring-Summer Tue/Thu Jul 12-28 | 6 sessions | 11:00am-12:30pm | $179 brochure online at Zimmerman M/HS Choir Rm Door 1 | Meinert | #YGDCRWB03S22 www.728communityed.com our mission or pick one up at your local school or business. To build community through citizen involvement and lifelong learning while educating, inspiring and empowering ALL of our learners across ISD 728. 21 SFaplrlin2g01|5Su• mRmegeirst2e0r2o2nl•ineReagt iwstewrwo.7n2li8nceoamt mwwunwi.t7ye28dc.coommmu•ni7ty6e3d-2.c4o1m-352•0 763-241-3520
early childhood BIG... BUILDING BETTER BEHAVIORS FOR STORY TIME AT SCHOOL ► AGE 3-5 SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, CHILDCARE AND AT HOME Let's read a story together and enjoy activities related to it! We'll » BIG is an intervention and prevention program for preschoolers make crafts, use puppets, go on scavenger hunts, and more! Children who are at risk of losing their childcare or preschool placement attending must be potty-trained. because of negative behaviors. Tuesday Jun 21 | 1 session | 9:00-9:45am | $15 » BIG works with parents, teachers and childcare providers to build Zimmerman Elem Media Door 1 | #YEESTAS01S22 positive behavior skills. Tuesday Jul 19 | 1 session | 9:00-9:45am | $15 » BIG is a Behavior Intervention Group including educators, Zimmerman Elem Media Door 1 | #YEESTAS02S22 emotional health professionals and specialists to coordinate expertise and resources for success. Tuesday Aug 16 | 1 session | 9:00-9:45am | $15 Zimmerman Elem Media Door 1 | #YEESTAS03S22 » For more information call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524. » BIG is funded by ISD 728 Family and Children's Collaborative, a LITTLE MESS MAKERS ART CAMP ► AGE 3-6 part of Wright County Family Service. Let creativity loose and leave the mess to us! Your little mess-maker will enjoy many artistic mess-making moments as they create marvelously YOUNG PARENT PROGRAM FOR PREGNANT OR messy masterpieces. We plan to paint with natural elements and a PARENTING TEENS variety of materials, making it a fun experience. Be sure to come in your painting clothes! Children need to be potty-trained to attend. » This program provides pregnant or parenting teens with information about pregnancy, birth, parenting and community Tue/Thu Jun 14-23 | 4 sessions | 10:00-11:30am | $59 resources. Zimmerman Elem Rm E105 Door 2 | #YEELLMS01S22 » It is open to ISD 728 students and area residents who may not be MY LITTLE HORSE CAMP in school. ► AGE 2-5 W/PARENT » For information or to register, contact ECFE at 763-241-3524, your Campers will get to ride a real horse, school counselor, school nurse or Ivan Sand Community High meet and learn about the different School. horses and learn how to groom the horses -- all with a focus on safety! In » Home visits are also available. addition, campers will create an art » This program is co-sponsored by ISD 728, Ivan Sand Community project and have an opportunity to make horse treats to feed their new High School and ECFE; special events funding provided by Three four-legged friends! Class fee includes parent and child, and parent/ Rivers Community Foundation. guardian is expected to remain with their camper during the entire » Classes are held at the Handke Center and are on-going during duration of the camp. Proper attire includes sneakers or boots (closed the school year. toe and heel), long pants and layers depending on weather. Bring a » Classes are free. water bottle. ASTM/SEI certified helmets provided. Camps are held rain or shine; facility has an indoor barn and arena. Boulder Pointe is \"ECFE ON WHEELS” HOME VISITS located at 6612 189th Lane NW, Nowthen. » This program features visits to your home, or one-to-one visits at Saturday May 14 | 1 session | 12:00-2:00pm | $59 includes adult the ECFE center. Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHLITT02P22 » Visits provide ideas for creative, fun, age-appropriate activities, Monday Jun 20 | 1 session | 12:00-2:00pm | $59 includes adult as well as time to discuss children, family, ideas on child Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHLITT01S22 development, parenting and community resources. Monday Jul 18 | 1 session | 12:00-2:00pm | $59 includes adult » Call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524 for more information. Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHLITT02S22 There is no fee for home visits. Monday Aug 1 | 1 session | 12:00-2:00pm | $59 includes adult Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHLITT03S22 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Spring | Summer 2022 2
early childhood DISCOVERY LEARNING EDVENTURE CLUB-DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL ► AGES 3-5 CHILDCARE FOR 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR Discover a place where children can explore, Community Education offers childcare services to extend your child’s learn, laugh and grow! Discovery Learning experience with Discovery Learning Preschool. Childcare is available for all Preschool, offered through ISD 728 Early Discovery Learning sites before and after your child’s preschool class. For Childhood Family Education, is a highly the 2022-2023 school year, your child must be age 3 by Sep 1, 2022 and recognized and sought-after program they must be participating in the Discovery Learning Preschool Program. with a 4-star rating from Parent Aware, an independent nonprofit organization of Minnesota business and community When registering for childcare, you choose the times that work best leaders using private sector strategies to improve school readiness. A for your schedule. Registration is due on Monday the week prior to 4-star rating is an indicator a program is using the practices that best attendance. This program is eligible for county assistance. prepare children for kindergarten. With over 25 years of successful extended day childcare experience, Discovery Learning Preschool offers professionally trained, caring we provide a quality program that complements the Discovery Learning teachers, customized preschool experiences for your child in a safe program curriculum. Students will be escorted between our childcare and fun environment and, as part of the school district, the program program and the Discovery Learning classroom by our staff. Snacks will has access to the district’s resources. Conveniently offered in Elk River, be provided in the morning and afternoon. Students will need to bring a Otsego, Rogers and Zimmerman with a variety of daytime programming, lunch if they are attending during lunch or the full day. Discovery Learning Preschool is sure to fit your child’s needs. HOW TO REGISTER Choose the program that works best for your family. All classes are Sep 2022-May 2023; specific class schedules will be sent August 2022. To register for before and/or after preschool childcare, please use this Register today at www.isd728.org/Preschool-Registration. link to set up an account that will allow you to register: www.isd728. org/EdVClub-Registration. If you have additional questions about the DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL 3S EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Childcare Program, please contact the EdVenture Club office at 763-241-3544. Registration for 2022-2023 3 days a week with a parent/child day once per week. opens June 1, 2022. Zimmerman Elem DISCOVERY LEARNING EDVENTURE CLUB Mon/Thu 8:30-11:00am & Tue 6:00-7:30pm DAILY RATES 2022-2023 Tue/Wed/Fri 8:30-11:00am DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL 4S 4 or 5 days a week with parent/child event days throughout the year. Zimmerman Elem Mon-Thu | 8:30-11:00am Tue-Fri | 12:45-3:15pm 7:00-9:15am or 3:15-5:30pm $12 7:00am-1:15pm or 11:15am-5:30pm $25 7:00-9:15am and 11:15am-5:30pm $32 7:00am-1:15pm and 3:15-5:30pm $32 7:00am-5:30pm (non-school days) $44 REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR 2022-2023 Please note: All EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Wrap-around DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL! childcare sites may have a designated maximum registration. Once that maximum registration number is reached, registration will be closed to new FOR A BROCHURE CALL US AT 763.241.3524. families; families interested in registering will be added to a waiting list in the order of receipt and will be contacted as space becomes available. 3 Spring | Summer 2022 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
youth WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF USING EDVENTURE CLUB- SUMMER PART-TIME? Using EdVenture Club-Summer part-time is a flexible option to meet a family’s needs and is built to fit around your schedule. You can choose 1-5 days per week and choose six hours or less per day for $25/day, or more than six hours a day for $36/day. Is your student attending summer Targeted Services or Special Ed-ESY? Our part-time EdVenture Club- Summer option conveniently wraps around their schedule. WELCOME TO EDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER! WHAT IF MY CHILD HAS SPECIAL NEEDS? EdVenture Club-Summer is an engaging summer camp program for Please indicate in the online student profile any special needs of your students who have completed Kindergarten through fifth grade by June child such as health or medical concerns, allergies, medications, etc., 2021. EdVenture Club-Summer provides weekly mini-camps five days and if your child has an IEP or receives special services during school. a week throughout the summer months and is conveniently located at (NOTE: As a District 728 program, our Community Education/EdVenture Hassan, Parker, Meadowvale, Otsego, Prairie View, Rogers, Twin Lakes Club-Summer staff may share any necessary information with other and Westwood Elementary schools. EdVenture Club-Summer features District 728 staff that will assist staff in providing the best experience for both full-time and part-time options and is available Jun 13-Aug 31, 2022. your child.) Full-time allows your child to attend our program five days a week from 6:00am to 6:00pm. Part-time allows you to plan your child’s care around WHAT WILL MY CHILD DO AT EDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER? your schedule where you can pick and choose which days they attend. Youth will experience fun projects, hands-on learning, a weekly field trip Each week features exciting new themes for students ranging from and recreational activities while strengthening relationships in a structured, cooking, acting, music and more with students participating in academic caring environment. and recreation activities on a daily basis. Free time is also available each day. Classes are divided by grade level at a 1:14 staff-to-student ratio. WHO CAN ATTEND EDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER? WILL YOU OFFER SWIM LESSONS AS YOU HAVE Students in public or private schools, in-district or out-of-district... DURING PAST SUMMERS? everyone is welcome! Children must have completed grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 by June 2022. Unfortunately, we will not be offering swim lessons during Summer 2022. The VandenBerge pool will be closed all summer while work is being WHY EDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER AND NOT DAYCARE? done on the building and we have no alternative space to offer weekday lessons. The benefits of EdVenture Club-Summer include sharing time with friends of the same age, new learning experiences, recreation activities, DO YOU OFFER A SIBLING DISCOUNT? special events and use of school facilities. The program also qualifies as a tax deduction. EdVenture Club-Summer offers a 10% discount for additional siblings. WHY ATTEND EDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER FULL-TIME, REGISTRATION 5 DAYS A WEEK? Register online at www.isd728.org/EdVentureClubSummer. Each week features a different mini-camp. Children benefit from five Registration opens April 1, 2022. days a week because they experience a fuller curriculum with hands-on experiences. They also have opportunities for connecting with friends, HOW MUCH DOES EDVENTURE CLUB-SUMMER COST? choice time and endless opportunities with our “activity boxes.” As a bonus, when you sign up for a full week the average daily rate is less Schedule Options First Child than the part-time daily rate. Full Time, Mon-Fri $173 2022-2023 EDVENTURE CLUB 6am-6pm Per week Registration for Fall 2022 EdVenture Club Before/After School and Non-School Days Part Time, Mon-Fri $41 will open on June 1, 2022. > 6 hours/day Per day . Part Time, Mon-Fri $29 < 6 hours/day Per day 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Spring | Summer 2022 4
youth MACRAMÉ SPRING WALL HANGING ► GRADES 3-5 SUCCULENT FAIRY GARDEN OR DINO PARK WORKSHOP ► AGE 6+ WITH ADULT Macramé is the classic craft of making knots using cords, rope, yarn or thread to create decorative or wearable items. Learn two easy macramé Follow Alison on a magical journey to create a unique and whimsical knots to make a delightful, Spring-inspired wall hanging. fairy garden or Dino Park. Bring your favorite adult to help you choose from a variety of planters and succulents to build your dream fairy Tuesday May 3 | 1 session | 3:30-5:00pm | $19 garden or Dino Park. One garden is included with each registration. If Westwood Elem A110 Art Room | #YAFMCRO02P22 you are registering as a parent/child combo, you can choose multiple gardens during the registration process. MONET ► GRADES K-5 Tuesday Jun 14 | 1 session | 6:00-7:00pm Explore the beautiful world of French painter Claude Monet. Discover $35 One Kit/ $65 Two Kits/ $95 Three Kits Impressionism and the use of negative space in art composition, then Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | Hake | #AAAFGGG01S22 create your own Impressionistic painting. LITTLE MESS MAKERS ART CAMP ► AGE 3-6 Tuesday May 17 | 1 session | 3:45-5:00pm | $19 Zimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 6C | #YAPMONT01P22 Let creativity loose and leave the mess to us! Your little mess-maker will enjoy many artistic mess-making moments as they create marvelously ACRYLIC POURING ► GRADES 3-5 messy masterpieces. We plan to paint with natural elements and a variety of materials, making it a fun experience. Be sure to come in your Let the paint and your creativity flow as we learn the art of acrylic painting clothes! Children need to be potty-trained to attend. pouring. Perfect for artists of all skill levels, this project is a fun (and messy) painting craft that produces beautiful results. You'll go home Tue/Thu Jun 14-23 | 4 sessions | 10:00-11:30am | $59 with a 10x20\" canvas. Zimmerman Elem Rm E105 Door 2 | #YEELLMS01S22 Tuesday Apr 12 | 1 session | 3:30-5:00pm | $25 NEW! WATERCOLOR ► AGE 6-12 Westwood Elem A110 Art Room | #YAPACLC01P22 Explore with watercolors! Learn different wet and dry techniques and MOTHERS' DAY MUG ► GRADES K-5 express your creativity. We will examine absorption, add watercolor on top of glue, and use different tools to apply watercolor. Please bring a Paint your own one-of-a-kind mug! Using a variety of food-safe glazes, water bottle and a peanut-free snack each day. personalize an unfinished clay mug for Mom, Grandma, or someone special. This project is fun to make and will brighten anyone's day. All Tue-Thu Aug 16-18 | 3 sessions | 9:00am-12:00pm | $79 supplies are included. Mugs will be left with the instructor to be fired. Westwood Elem A110 Art Room | #YAPWTCL02S22 Projects will be ready for pick-up on May 4 at the Handke Center, 1170 Main Street, Elk River, 8:30am-4:00pm. Wednesday Apr 13 | 1 session | 3:45-5:15pm | $15 Zimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 6C | #YAFMDAY02P22 ATTENTION If attending an after school class, please send permission to school informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school. Transportation: Westwood students will wait in front of the office; Westwood students will be bused to Zimmerman Elem for class. All students should be picked up from EdVenture Club immediately after class ends. 5 Spring | Summer 2022 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
youth EXPERIENCE THIS! GRASP ► GRADES K-8 SUMMER DRAMA CAMP - DISNEY'S The 9-week GRASP program helps keep your student's reading/math THE JUNGLE BOOK KIDS ► GRADES 3-8 skills sharp during the summer months. Grade K-3 students work from booklets and answer sheets; grade 4-8 students may choose the online The jungle is jumpin' with jazz in this exciting Disney classic! Join program in which lessons are viewed and completed online. Students Mowgli, Baloo, King Louie, and others as they restore peace to the submit lesson answer sheets weekly to qualify for end-of-summer jungle and stop the ferocious tiger, Shere Khan. You will have the rewards. Workbooks, answer sheets and envelopes will be mailed to opportunity to participate in all the elements of theater preparing for students or distributed at their school at the end of the current school this live show, including staging, singing, dancing, and costuming. year (for students choosing this option). Please order the grade that Each participant will receive a role and a t-shirt. Bring a lunch, a water corresponds to your student's 2021-2022 (current) grade. You may bottle, snacks, and appropriate painting attire. The proceeds from the order a higher or lower grade if appropriate or recommended by your performance go toward defraying the costs of the program. Tickets for student's teacher. Returns or exchanges may be limited. Deadline for $5 general admission for performance can be purchased online. registration is end of day on Monday, Apr 18. Mon-Thu Jul 11-20 | 7 sessions | 9:00am-4:00pm | $200 $39 Math only Elk River HS Zabee Auditorium Door A | Palashewski $39 Reading only #YATJNGL01S22 $69 Math & Reading Rehearsals: grades K-3 | #YTGGRSP01S22 Mon-Thu Jul 11-20 | 9:00am-4:00pm grades 4-8 | #YTGGRS401S22 Thursday Jul 21 | 10:00am-8:30pm ONLINE CODING CLUB LEVEL 1 ► GRADES 2-5 Performance: Thursday Jul 21 | 7:00pm Computer coding is the language that tells computers what to do. It allows us to communicate with machines and create software programs BEHIND THE CURTAIN SERIES - INTRO TO TECH and apps. Online Coding Club is led by live teachers who will help THEATRE ► GRADES 5-9 you learn important coding skills in a fun and easy way. Level 1 is an introductory class that shows you how to handle user input, deal with Are you interested in theater, but don't want to be on stage? Tech motion and direction, and use your imagination to design your own is the place for you! We'll build and paint sets, create and hunt characters. Basic typing skills needed, plus access to a Windows PC, for props, and make lighting and sound cues, all for this summer high-speed Internet and the ZOOM meeting website. production. Be part of the Production Team and help run the show! Bring a lunch/snack, water bottle, work gloves, safety glasses, Saturdays Apr 23-May 28 | 6 sessions | 9:30-10:10am | $90 and paint clothes. No flip-flops or sandals. The proceeds from the Online | Tech Tac Toe Staff | #YTSCCL101P22 performance go toward defraying the costs of the program. Tickets for $5 general admission for performance can be purchased online. NEW! MAGIC OF OPTICAL ILLUSIONS AND POTIONS ► GRADES K-5 Mon-Thu Jul 11-20 | 7 sessions | 9:00am-4:00pm | $125 Elk River HS Zabee Auditorium Door A | Hess | #YATBHND01S22 Are you curious about the world around you? How do your eyes work and why can they play tricks on you? What ingredients from your kitchen Rehearsals: can be used to make potions? Can you make pictures come to life? Try Mon-Thu Jul 11-20 | 9:00am-4:00pm all these things and more in this magical camp. Thursday Jul 21 | 10:00am-8:30pm Tue-Thu Jul 19-21 | 3 sessions | 1:00-4:00pm | $79 Performance: Westwood Elem A110 Art Room | #YTSMAGC02S22 Thursday Jul 21 | 7:00pm ATTENTION! Please use grade completed as of June 2022 when registering for all summer youth classes, camps and activities. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Spring | Summer 2022 6
youth CONFIDENCE CREW OPEN GYM! ► GRADES 3-5 OPEN GYM ► ALL AGES Build a great foundation for self-love and confidence with this group for girls. Learn Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work on about setting goals and achieving them. their skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize with Discover how to appreciate yourself, others who share an interest in athletics. Changes may be made have healthy relationships, communicate, to this schedule, so always check before attending. Youth under 11 identify and regulate emotions, find must have a responsible adult in attendance. balance, collaborate, explore community service, and more! In each session, we Pay-at-the-door: $5/person will discuss wins and challenges, allow Exact change only time for leader and peer mentorship, and work on our physical activity goals with all ages games and yoga swings. We carry each Sundays Oct 3-May 1* | 4:00-6:00pm lesson on to the next and continue to build on our skills. Zimmerman M/HS Gym Door 12 *Not meeting Mar 13, Apr 17 Tue/Thu Jul 12-28 | 6 sessions | 9:00-10:30am | $179 Zimmerman M/HS Choir Rm Door 1 | Meinert | #YGDCRWA03S22 ages 11-15 and families w/children of all ages Wednesdays Oct 6-May 4* | 7:00-8:30pm Tue/Thu Aug 2-18 | 6 sessions | 5:00-6:30pm | $179 Zimmerman HS Gym Door 12 Zimmerman M/HS Choir Rm Door 1 | Meinert | #YGDCRWA05S22 *Not meeting Mar 16 CONFIDENCE CREW 2.0 ► GRADES 6-9 grades 9-12 and adult Wednesdays Oct 6-May 4* | 8:30-10:00pm As teen girls grow, so do the challenges they face. We will learn Zimmerman M/HS Gym Door 12 about healthy relationship practices, identifying values/priorities, and *Not meeting Mar 16 establishing boundaries. We will also discuss self-love, confidence, and setting goals. Every session will be grounded in RESPECT -- respect YOUTH TRACK & FIELD CAMP! for yourself and others. We will discuss wins and challenges, allow time for leader and peer mentorship, and work on our physical activity goals (grades 2-6 completed) with games and yoga swings. Register @ Zimmermantf.com Tue/Thu Jul 12-28 | 6 sessions | 11:00am-12:30pm | $179 Zimmerman M/HS Choir Rm Door 1 | Meinert | #YGDCRWB03S22 Tue/Thu Aug 2-18 | 6 sessions | 7:00-8:30pm | $179 Zimmerman M/HS Choir Rm Door 1 | Meinert | #YGDCRWB05S22 ATTENTION! This 3 week program provides a unique opportunity for youth to learn the fundamentals of track and field while gaining exposure to the sport through competition. Athletes will Please use grade completed as of June compete in meets against other teams in the North Metro Track and Field League 2022 when registering for all summer (Elk River, Princeton, Milaca, St. Francis, and Zimmerman). Fee includes t-shirt & youth classes, camps and activities. ribbons to all participants. Bring a water bottle, good shoes, and a fun attitude! Practice dates: June 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28 | 9-10:30AM | Zimmerman H.S. Track Meet dates: June 15 | Elk River H.S. | 6:30PM June 22 | Zimmerman H.S. | 6:30PM June 29 | Elk River H.S. | 5:30PM Cost: $50/participant 7 Spring | Summer 2022 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
youth DRIVER'S EDUCATION ► AGE 15+ Are you ready to earn your driver’s permit and learn to drive? Start by completing the 30 hours of classroom instruction required by the State of Minnesota in our interactive, engaging classroom. Once you have your permit, schedule Behind the Wheel training from our State-licensed and certified instructors. Students must be 15 years old by the last day of classroom instruction. HORSEBACK RIDING DAY CAMP ► GRADES K-12 WHY CHOOSE DRIVER’S EDUCATION THROUGH COMMUNITY EDUCATION? Learn what it's like to have a horse for a day! Ride in the indoor and/or outdoor arenas, practice how to steer, stop, turn, walk, trot and canter » Knowledgeable instructors who are licensed teachers with years (depending on experience). You might also make horse treats, create a of experience and training. They know the most effective ways to craft project, or play games. And don't forget the time to feed and care teach students and will help meet the learning needs of individual for the horses. Proper attire includes close-toed shoes (no sandals), students. long pants and layers, sunscreen, a hat, bug spray, water bottle, a nut-free bag lunch, and snacks. You can also bring treats for the horses » Multiple locations, dates and times that fit busy schedules. (optional). Helmets are provided. Camps are held rain or shine. Boulder Pointe is located at 6612 189th Lane NW, Nowthen. » Flexible registration and payment plan. (Please note: State law requires students be registered for Behind the Wheel before they Friday Apr 15 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $105 can take the permit test. To be fully registered, full payment for Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC01P22 Behind the Wheel must be received by the last classroom day.) Friday Jun 17 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $105 » Supportive and educational Parent Class offered multiple times and Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC01S22 locations throughout the year. Monday Jul 11 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $105 Drivers under the age of 18 who complete Behind the Wheel instruction Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC02S22 and are testing for a provisional driver’s license must submit a supervised driving log. The driving log must show that the teen has Friday Jul 15 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $105 completed at least 50 hours of supervised driving, 15 of which are Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC03S22 nighttime hours. If a parent attends a parent class, the required number of supervised driving hours decreases to 40, 15 of which are nighttime Monday Aug 15 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $105 hours. Also, watch your email along with information sent home with Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | YGHDAYC04S22 your student, for important information regarding the Driving Log, the parent class and Behind the Wheel scheduling. Tuesday Aug 16 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $105 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC05S22 Additional information for e-Learning Classroom courses (online): » All classroom materials will need to be picked up from the Handke Center (1170 Main Street, Elk River) no earlier than one week prior to the start of course. Available pickup times are Monday- Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm. If you need to arrange other pickup times, please contact the Community Education office at 763-241-3520 or [email protected]. » A few days prior to start of class, students will be added to the Schoology Course. If student does not attend ISD 728, you will receive an email with the access code to join the Schoology course. PLEASE NOTE: Complete Training Package: $349 (30 hours of classroom instruction, 6 hours of Behind-the-Wheel instruction) The decision on whether a class will run is Payment plan available: $149 due at registration; $200 by last class made 3-5 days before the class start date. Classroom instruction only: $110 Register Early to help insure we don’t cancel ONLINE! Mon-Fri Jun 13-24 | 10 sessions | 8:00-11:00am | $349 a class you are hoping to take. Online | Hudson | #YHDVDRI01S22 Mon-Fri Jul 11-22 | 10 sessions | 6:00-9:00pm | $349 Zimmerman M/HS Rm 119 Door 1 | Waggoner | #YHDDRIV01S22 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Spring | Summer 2022 8
adult NEW! GRIEF Grief comes from losing something. It can come from something as small as a broken favorite teacup or as momentous as having a loved one die. This talk will discuss the effects that grief has on us, the stages that we go through, how to navigate the path through grief, and how to come to wholeness again without what was lost. Tuesday Jun 7 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $19 Online | Meadow | #AHMGREF01S22 ACUPRESSURE TO ASSIST WEIGHT LOSS NEW! LOVING KINDNESS MEDITATION Acupressure is an eastern healing technique that involves pressing Adults of all ages are welcome to participate in this 2,500-year-old or massaging key points on the body to stimulate energy flow through practice that helps us overcome self-dislike and builds self-love and self- pathways called meridians. In this virtual workshop, you will learn acceptance. Meditation also helps us act more gently and lovingly toward the main pressure points that help strengthen thyroid function, boost others, improves good relationships and helps heal problem ones, and metabolism, control appetite, decrease food cravings, reduce stress- teaches compassion and appreciating the good fortune of others. eating and strengthen the entire digestive system. Thursdays Apr 28-May 5 | 2 sessions | 10:30am-12:00pm | $19 Tuesday May 10 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $29 Online | Meadow | #AHHLKNM01P22 Online | Novak | #AHTAAWL01P22 NEW! LONELINESS SOOTHE THOSE ACHY JOINTS Loneliness can be one of the most difficult of all emotions to handle. Do you have achy joints? Whether you have arthritis, bursitis, or just creaky Loneliness is not just being alone; sometimes, solitude can be pleasant. joints, this workshop is for you! Joint lubrication exercises are simple and Loneliness carries the feeling of being cut off or alienated and lonely people easy, yet produce remarkable results by helping to free your joints of pain. often add to their distress by drawing away from others. Learn about steps You'll also discover which nutrients help keep your joints healthy. Wear you can take to get away from loneliness but still enjoy solitude. loose, comfortable clothing and be prepared to learn some exercises! Tuesday Jul 19 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $19 Thursday May 19 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $29 Online | Meadow | #AHMLNLN01S22 Online | Novak | #AHGAJNT01P22 NEW! HOW TO GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP For many of us, going to bed is the start of a fight to get to sleep. The more we fight, the harder it is for sleep to come. This class will offer methods that have helped many people get to sleep easily and will explain which kinds of sleep loss requires medical attention. You will receive an email with the video meeting link prior to class. Tuesday Aug 16 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $19 Online | Meadow | #AHESLEP01S22 ONLINE CLASSES NEW! UNDERSTANDING ANXIETY An email with online meeting Some psychologists have said that anxiety is the most difficult emotion information and link will be sent of all to handle, yet everyone experiences it. This class will explain some types of anxiety, give some self-help tips for managing minor anxiety, and prior to your online class. explain what treatment is available for severe cases. This class is great for anyone experience anxiety or learning how to support a loved one. Tuesday Jun 28 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $19 Online | Meadow | #AHSUNDA01S22 9 Spring | Summer 2022 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
adult NEW! LIVING AS AN INSPIRED SINGLE PARENT POWER OF VOLUNTEERING Now that there is a \"new normal,\" compliments of COVID-19 and other Are you finding yourself with extra time on your hands? A representative events, single parents are struggling to find their balance. This workshop from RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) will help you explore offers parents key ways to create a solid and personally rewarding possibilities for volunteer service, including positions with a limited or foundation to help them move forward onto the next phases of their lives. flexible time commitment. Learn how your desire for service can be matched with community needs. Find a rewarding experience that fits Thursday May 12 | 1 session | 6:30-8:00pm | $29 your life and your expertise. Online | Lynch/Albano | #ACPLISP01P22 Thursday May 12 | 1 session | 5:00-6:00pm | $0 HELP YOUR TEENS, TWEENS OR Zimmerman M/HS Media Door 1 | Brooks | #AGIPWRV02P22 20-SOMETHINGS CLEAR THEIR SKIN NATURALLY Is your child battling skin problems such as acne, breakouts, sun damage, dryness, or irritation? Learn how to help your child clear acne and blemishes quickly and effectively without medication. Discover how raw materials help build healthy skin cells, and receive recipes for shakes and smoothies that provide what is needed! A ZOOM meeting link will be sent prior to class. Thursday Jun 23 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $29 Online | Novak | #AHZCSKN01S22 A PARENT'S GUIDE TO TIKTOK NEW! ARMCHAIR TRAVELS: THEODORE ROOSEVELT NATIONAL PARK In this fun class, we will take a look at the fastest-growing social media app called Tik Tok used by millions each day. Learn how it's used and Theodore Roosevelt National Park is unique among National parks, as how parents can make it safer for their kids. We'll cover everything you it preserves not only the stunning landscape of the area but also the need to know as Tik Tok changes the future of social media. memory of an extraordinary person. Roosevelt visited the area in 1883 and went on to have a ranch there. Join our instructor as he shows you Wednesday May 18 | 1 session | 12:00-1:00pm | $25 landscapes, wildlife, and more in the park. Online | Welsh | #ACPTIKT01P22 Thursday May 19 | 1 session | 6:30-7:30pm | $25 CELL PHONES AND PARENTING - WHAT YOU Online | Grammond | #ARVTRSV01P22 NEED TO KNOW NEW! FADING ADS OF THE TWIN CITIES When your child has a Smartphone, there are key things you should know in order to keep them safe and secure. We'll help you understand Do you remember seeing old painted ads on the sides of buildings for recommended safety settings on popular social media apps, explore Coca-Cola, Grain Belt Beer, grocery stores, and warehouses? Our parental control apps, and simplify this complicated technology so that instructor, Jay Grammond, has been drawn to Fading Ads, or \"Ghost you and your child can use the phone safely without worry. Signs,\" for quite some time and in 2020 he signed a deal to publish a book about the topic. Join Jay as he takes you on a virtual walk around Tuesday May 31 | 1 session | 12:00-1:00pm | $25 the Twin Cities to view this sort of \"Art Gallery.\" Online | Welsh | #ACPCPPT01P22 Tuesday May 17 | 1 session | 6:30-7:30pm | $25 GUARANTEE Online | Grammond | #AGHFDTC01P22 We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Spring | Summer 2022 10
adult CREATIVE SUSHI ROLLING AND POKE BOWLS Discover how to make the perfect sushi rice, and discuss and brainstorm a myriad of fillings for sushi rolls, including vegetarian options, seasonal produce, and even leftovers. Practice the proper techniques for rolling a maki roll and a hand roll. Anything goes in creative sushi rolling -- no raw fish or sushi mat required. Wednesday Apr 20 | 1 session | 6:30-8:00pm | $35 Online | Scheck | #ADGSHPB01P22 HOMEMADE PIEROGIES INSTANT POT PASTABILITIES Perfect your Pierogies during this virtual cook-along class! Start with Lasagna, Creamy Broccoli-Cheddar Chicken with Pasta - OH MY! homemade dough and filling that will make your taste buds dance for Discover deliciously nutritious pasta dishes using the Instant Pot. Two joy! You'll also discover how to freeze these little dumplings and store Instant Pot dishes will be created during this class. Choose one for your them for a rainy day. cook-along and watch a demonstration of the other. If you have two Instant Pots, make both! Saturday Apr 30 | 1 session | 4:30-6:30pm | $35 Online | Georgakopoulos | #ADCHMPG01P22 Saturday May 14 | 1 session | 4:30-6:30pm | $35 Online | Georgakopoulos | #ADIPSTA01P22 NEW! EASY ETHIOPIAN/ERITREAN COOKING MAKE AHEAD MOLE AND MARGARITAS Ethiopian/Eritrean food is light, healthy, and flavorful, and ranges from very spicy to very mild. Experience the thrilling taste of exotic spices Gather with friends for a pre-Cinco de Mayo cocktail party! Whip up paired with vegetables, beans, and lentils, or meat sautéed with flavored drinks to sip with queso to dip. All while you create and simmer a divine butters and healthy oils. Every step in this virtual class is a delicious trip mole sauce made from re-hydrated fruit, chili peppers, spices, nuts, into the food culture of these historic countries. seeds and chocolate. Later, use your prepared sauce for Chicken Mole or Mushroom Mole Tacos. This sauce freezes well for future use. Tuesday Jul 12 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $29 Online | Selam | #ADGETHP01S22 Sunday May 1 | 1 session | 4:00-6:00pm | $35 Online | Scheck | #ADGMARG01P22 NEW! HOMEMADE EGG ROLLS AND SAMOSAS MONETIZE WEBSITES, BLOGS AND SOCIAL Enjoy restaurant-quality egg rolls and samosas made right in your own MEDIA WITH AFFILIATE MARKETING kitchen! These appetizers have flavors from around the world and can be a quick way to incorporate leftovers into something new and fun to eat. Make Learn how to earn income from selling other people's products by a variety of egg rolls, samosas, and dipping sauces in this virtual class. placing a merchant-provided advertisement link on your website and get a commission for every sale, click or lead. Discover where to find free Tuesday Aug 16 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $29 and low-cost opportunities, how to find high, recurring, and second-tier Online | Selam | #ADGEGSM01S22 commissions, and how to avoid scams. You'll also uncover secrets to increasing your site's ranking and visibility. WHAT'S FOR DINNER? Saturday Jul 16 | 1 session | 12:00-1:00pm | $25 ONLINE! COOK-ALONG CLASSES Online | Krusemark | #ANOWBSM01S22 The following will be sent via email prior to the class meeting date: • ingredient list (to allow time for shopping) • instructor recipes (if applicable) • informational materials (if applicable) • the Zoom meeting link 11 Spring | Summer 2022 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
adult NEW! EXPLORE 250 LEGITIMATE HOME-BASED BUSINESS IDEAS Are you tired of working for someone else? Turn your talents and hobbies into profits by starting a home business. Taught by a Chamber of Commerce Past President and award-winning business owner, this is a comprehensive business start-up workshop. Discover more than 250 legitimate home business ideas, mandatory legal documentation, ways to market your product/service, and how to take tax deductions. Thursday Jul 14 | 1 session | 6:00-8:00pm | $35 NEW! USING AMAZON'S KINDLE DIRECT TO Online | Krusemark | #AGJHMBS01S22 SELF-PUBLISH YOUR BOOK FOR FREE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO GETTING PUBLISHED Whether you're looking to publish a paperback-type novel or short ebook, this tutorial will teach you step-by-step how to create an Amazon Is your goal is to become a published freelance writer? This workshop KDP account, format your manuscript and upload it to the Kindle will guide you to, then past the editor's desk. Discover how to become platform. You'll discover how to create a book cover from available a published writer, submit manuscripts correctly, find the right publisher, templates, determine pricing and royalties, develop a sales pitch and write query letters and when and how to get an agent. Learn 100 ways write an author bio for your Amazon page. to make money as a freelance writer. Saturday Jul 16 | 1 session | 4:00-5:00pm | $25 Saturday Jul 16 | 1 session | 1:00-3:00pm | $35 Online | Krusemark | #AGKAKSP01S22 Online | Krusemark | #AGEGPBL01S22 NEW! MAKE MONEY WITH A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT/ NEW! EXPLORE 50 DIFFERENT SELF-PUBLISHING WORD PROCESSING BUSINESS OPTIONS If you can type, you can make money at home using your computer. You Self-Publishing is all the rage, but is it the best option for you? You will will discover how and where to find clients, how to advertise/market your discover the pros and cons of the self-publishing options, including services, home office equipment choices, and 100 ways to make money print-on-demand and e-book publishing, as well as Amazon options. with a computer. There is a definite need for your services! Pre-requisite: You will leave with a rated description of 50 self-publishing companies. \"Explore 250 Legitimate Home-Based Business Ideas.” Participants must attend \"Beginner's Guide to Getting Published\" before attending this class. Saturday Jul 16 | 1 session | 3:00-4:00pm | $25 Thursday Jul 14 | 1 session | 8:00-9:00pm | $25 Online | Krusemark | #AGE50PB01S22 Online | Krusemark | #AGJVAWP01S22 NEW! INTRODUCTION TO SCREENWRITING FOR TELEVISION OR MOVIES In this comprehensive session, you will learn about special screenwriting terms, formats for television and the big screen, and how to plot a story, develop characters, and execute your work in the proper screenwriting format. You will also get an inside look into the business of selling your script to agents and producers. ONLINE CLASSES Saturday Jul 16 | 1 session | 9:00-10:00am | $15 Online | Krusemark | #AGKSWTM01S22 An email with online meeting information and link will be sent prior to your online class. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Spring | Summer 2022 12
adult EXPERIENCE THIS! SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS NEW! FINANCIAL WELLNESS COURSE Driving new customer traffic to your website and promoting your business is imperative in today's technology world. Don't let your skillset Feeling like you don't know where to start when it comes to or company get left behind by missing the key social media rules you managing money? Whether you are just beginning your financial need to know! Learn how to craft a simple but effective social media journey or are wanting to help a young person in your life, we've marketing strategy, listen directly to customers, and implement tips to got you covered. This class has been designed for teens, young grow your business. adults, or anyone who has not received education on finances. Tuesday May 10 | 1 session | 12:00-1:00pm | $25 Wednesday Apr 27 | 1 session | 5:00-6:30pm | $25 Online | Welsh | #AWSSMDA01P22 Zimmerman M/HS Media Door 1 | Koenen | #ACPFNWL01P22 HOPE (ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES) Wednesday Aug 17 | 1 session | 5:00-6:30pm | $25 Zimmerman M/HS Media Door 1 | Koenen | #ACPFNWL01S22 Our HOPE program provides, events, activities and classes designed specifically for youth and adults with developmental disabilities and enables BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO STARTING A FREE BLOG participants to have social, recreational and educational opportunities and experiences. Programs include day-trips, cooking, crafts, exercise, Online blogging is a great way to get the word out about you, your self-advocacy, personal care and independence, and making new friends. service, your product, or information you want to share! You will learn Community Education welcomes people of all abilities to participate in any step-by-step how to start a free blog with WordPress, choose a template, of these activities; however, participants are asked to bring staff or family emphasize your blog content with a creative name, share your expertise, members if personal care assistance is needed. Call us at 763-241-3520, or and how to connect your domain/website. join our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/CommunityEd.HOPE) to get on our mailing list or to share ideas of what you’d like to see offered. Saturday Jul 16 | 1 session | 10:00am-12:00pm | $35 Online | Krusemark | #ATLBGFB01S22 ADULT BASIC EDUCATION NEW! HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN YOUTUBE Adult Basic Education offers FREE individualized instruction with basic CHANNEL skills review in math, writing and reading, College preparation, Job preparation, Basic computer skills, GED and Adult High School Diploma. Learn the basics to create and begin your very own YouTube channel. For more information, call 763-241-3400 x5525. Join the world's largest media platform to share your hobbies, advice, instructions, talents/gifts, and more with the world and your audience! ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) Wednesday Jun 1 | 1 session | 12:00-1:00pm | $25 Learn and improve your English skills in speaking , reading, grammar, Online | Welsh | #ATSYTBE01S22 listening and writing. We have classes for beginning, intermediate and transitional levels. For more information, call 763-241-3400 x5525. WRITING FOR ONLINE BLOGS, MAGAZINES AND View the Spring-Summer WEBSITES brochure online at You don't need a journalism degree or published articles to write for www.728communityed.com anyone's online blog, magazine or website. Some opportunities offer or pick one up at your exposure, while many pay well -- $1 a word or more! In this fast-paced local school or business. virtual course, you will learn how to find ideas, sources, and more than 1,000 opportunities that pay. Saturday Jul 16 | 1 session | 5:00-6:00pm | $25 Online | Krusemark | #ATLWBMW01S22 13 Spring | Summer 2022 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
registration ONLINE COMMUNITY EDUCATION ISD 728 FACILITY SCHEDULING www.728communityed.com Secure registration 24 hrs/day using Community Education Office Hours: q 763-241-3400 X5539 Visa, MasterCard or Discover. E [email protected] 8:00am-5:00pm q 763-241-3520 EDVENTURE CLUB E [email protected] q 763-241-3544 In Person, Mail, or Drop Box ECFE & DISCOVERY LEARNING E [email protected] Handke Center 1170 Main St., Elk River 55330 ECFE Office Hours: ADULT BASIC EDUCATION There is a 24-hour drop box by Door 5. 8:00am-5:00pm q 763-241-3400 x5525 q 763-241-3524 E [email protected] E [email protected] WEATHER CANCELLATIONS PHONE: FAX: EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT 763.241.3520 763.241.3521 q 763-241-3525 or check online at www.728communityed.com E [email protected] for possible weather related cancellations LIVE CHAT and other program updates. www.728communityed.com During office hours Full Name________________________________________________________ DETAILS » Some activities, supplies Email Address_____________________________________________________ or tickets are not refundable. (H) Phone______________________ (C) Phone_________________________ » Make checks payable to: Home Address____________________________________________________ ISD 728 Community Education » Adults are given priority for adult City__________________________________________ Zip________________ classes; ages 15-17 may register » Participants must be the correct if space permits. If participant is a child: age and/or grade by the last day Birthdate_ ___________________________ Age____________ Grade_______ of class. » We take photographs and Parent Names_____________________________________________________ videos to use in our marketing Emergency phone # & contact _______________________________________ » Cancellations must be made materials. Notify us in writing if Health concerns: __________________________________________________ at least 3 business days prior you do not wish to have photos to activities. Refunds or credits or videos in our publications. cannot be given for forgotten classes. Class Information Class Title___________________________________Class #_______________ Class Date/Time____________________________________ Fee ___________ Payment ONLINE CLASSES o Check o Cash o MasterCard/VISA/Discover/AmEx Card #__________ -___________- ___________- ___________ Exp_________ An email with online meeting Signature ________________________________________________________ information and link will be sent WEATHER CANCELLATIONS prior to your online class. Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT or check online at www.728communityed.com for possible weather related cancellations and other program updates. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Spring | Summer 2022 14
ISD 728 Community Education 1170 Main Street Elk River, MN 55330 EXPERIENCE MORE! aMaintain Reading & Math Skills Over the Summer! aConveniently Delivered to Your Home or Complete Online! aEarn Prizes & Certificates for Completing Assignments! SUMMER MATH & READING PROGRAM FOR GRADES K-8 More Info on Page 6 www.728communityed.com
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