ZIMMERMAN Fall 2020 community Quality educational, enrichment and recreation classes for preschool children, youth & adults in the Zimmerman community. www.728communityed.com 2
tatabbleleooff cconteennttss early childhood Featured Class: pages 2-4 NEW! CUSTOM CLASSES Early Childhood Family Education Customize your class and you choose who will attend! Feel safer knowing who will Discovery Learning Preschool be in the class with you. Register today for some of our top classes as a small group Little Learners • Parenting and we will arrange a date, time and location that works for you. Just for Kids | gr K-5, pg 8 $135 for group of up to 7; additional participants $19 (max 14) youth, pre K-12 Grateful for Grandparents | age 3-6, pg 4 $90 for group of up to 6; additional participants $15 (max 9) pages 5-11 Soy Candle Making Basics | ages 12+, pg 7 $114 for group of up to 6; additional participants $19 (max 15) Visual & Performing Arts • Athletics Aca- Embossed Foil Art | gr K-5, pg 7 demics • Crescendo • High School $114 for group of up to 6; additional participants $19 (max 15) Aquatics • Little Learners • Special Interest Instant Pot Cook-Along with Tess Georgakopoulos, pg 12 $290 unlimited participants adult » Copycat White Castle and Buffalo Chicken Sliders pages 12-13 » Chicken Tikka Masala and Curry Pot Time -- Gluten Free! » Instant Pot Holiday Menu Fitness • General Interest • Finance • Technology • Adult Basic Education Cheese Classes with Kerry Jerred, pg 13 GED • English as a Second Language $290 unlimited participants registration » Building a Cheese and Charcuterie Board » Bubbles and Brie page 14 our mission FALL 2020 View the Fall brochure online at To build community through citizen EXPERIENCE MORE! www.728communityed.com involvement and lifelong learning while or pick one up at your educating, inspiring and empowering EDUCATIONAL, ENRICHMENT & RECREATION CLASSES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN, YOUTH & ADULTS local school or business. ALL of our learners across ISD 728. &TAICNKUPESET&ROMSMOAINZK,EEODANCTLLIHANOSEMS, EES www.728communityed.com 21 Fall 201250 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
early childhood PARENTING SOLO - THE HARDEST JOB YOU'LL YOUNG PARENT PROGRAM FOR PREGNANT EVER DO ALONE ► AGE BIRTH-12 YEARS OR PARENTING TEENS If you're parenting solo for any reason - military duty, work situations (distance, shifts), » This program provides pregnant or parenting teens with information separation, divorce, loss of spouse or single parenting - you're welcome to attend! about pregnancy, birth, parenting and community resources. Bring your children and enjoy a meal together. Parents will meet together for parenting support and information while young children participate in early childhood activities. » It is open to ISD 728 students and area residents who may not be in School-age children will meet in another classroom for activities and support. Join at school. any time throughout the school year. Class is free but pre-registration is required. » For information or to register, contact ECFE at 763-241-3524, your Tuesdays Sep 29-Jun 8* | 5:30-7:30pm | $0 school counselor, school nurse or Ivan Sand Community High School. Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #ECSPARE01F20 *Not meeting Nov 3, 24, Dec 29, Mar 30 » Home visits are also available. » This program is co-sponsored by ISD 728, Ivan Sand Community High BIG... BUILDING BETTER BEHAVIORS FOR SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, CHILDCARE AND AT HOME School and ECFE; special events funding provided by Three Rivers Community Foundation. » BIG is an intervention and prevention program for preschoolers who » Classes are held at the Handke Center and are on-going during the are at risk of losing their childcare or preschool placement because school year. of negative behaviors. » Classes are free. » BIG works with parents, teachers and childcare providers to build NOT SO SCARY positive behavior skills. ► AGE BIRTH-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY » BIG is a Behavior Intervention Group including educators, emotional Take the scary out of bugs, snakes and bats while having Halloween fun! This health professionals and specialists to coordinate expertise and is a non-scary event with pumpkin decorating, treats, activities and family fun resources for success. on our Nature Explore Center! Non-scary costumes are allowed. Co-sponsored by ECFE and Friends of Sherburne Wildlife Refuge. Event is free, but please » For more information call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524. pre-register at www.isd728.org/ECFE-NotSoScary2020. » BIG is funded by ISD 728 Family and Children's Collaborative, a part Saturday Oct 31 | 1 session | 10:00am-1:00pm of Wright County Family Service. Handke Center Nature Explore Classroom \"ECFE ON WHEELS” HOME VISITS We will be taking the following steps during our ECFE classes » This program features visits to your home, or one-to-one visits at the ECFE center. to protect everyone: » Visits provide ideas for creative, fun, age-appropriate activities, as R We will limit the number of well as time to discuss children, family, ideas on child development, parenting and community resources. participants in each class. » Call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524 for more information. R We will have supplies for each person » There is no fee for home visits. to limit sharing. R Equipment, tables and chairs will be wiped down prior to arrival. R We will practice social distancing with seats 6 feet apart. R Hand sanitizer will be available. R Masks required for adults. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2020 2
early childhood DISCOVERY LEARNING EDVENTURE CLUB-DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL 2020-2021 ► AGES 3-5 Community Education offers childcare services to extend your child’s experience with Discovery Learning Preschool. Childcare is available for NEW! Due to the pandemic, we reached out to all Discovery Learning sites before and after your child’s preschool class. families with an ISD 728 district-wide survey. For the 2020-2021 school year, your child must be age 3 by Sep 1, 2020 Families were asked to indicate their interest and they must be participating in the Discovery Learning Preschool in learning models for Discovery Learning Program. When registering for childcare, you choose the times that work Preschool. The following is a brief overview of each of the formats best for your schedule. Registration is due on Monday the week prior to available in Zimmerman. attendance. This program is eligible for county assistance. ► OPTION 1 - DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL - With over 25 years of successful extended day childcare experience, we provide a quality program that complements the Discovery Learning FACE-TO-FACE LEARNING MODEL program curriculum. Students will be escorted between our childcare program and the Discovery Learning classroom by our high-quality staff. This is our regularly-planned programming where children attend school Snacks will be provided in the morning and afternoon. Students will need in a face-to-face model. We will continue with this option for those who to bring a lunch if they are attending during lunch or the full day. register unless the number of COVID-19 cases changes. We may need to continue programming in a hybrid (reduced number of days on-site If you have additional questions about the EdVenture Club-Discovery in smaller groups) with distance learning on non-attending days, or Learning Childcare Program, please contact the EdVenture Club office implement a distance learning model. If the program changes from face-to- at 763-241-3544. To register for these childcare options, please use this face to hybrid or distance learning, we will have childcare available during link to set up an account that will allow you to register: www.isd728.org/ any and all of the hybrid or distance learning times; availability may be EdVClub-Registration. limited due to space and staffing. Class times and days vary. A complete list of available class times and locations can be found on our website at EDVENTURE CLUB-DISCOVERY LEARNING www.isd728.org/DLPreschool. HYBRID/DISTANCE LEARNING CHILDCARE ► OPTION 2 - 100% DISCOVERY LEARNING ONLINE EdVenture Club Childcare will be available for students if ISD728 moves to the Hybrid or Distance Learning models due county data ACADEMY - PRESCHOOL OPTION PROVIDES LEARNING reported for COVID cases. Priority will be given to Tier 1 families for ACTIVITIES TO BE DONE AT HOME School Day care; School Day care will be available at no cost to Tier 1 qualifying families. Families interested in holding a spot in the Hybrid/ The learning activities will be curriculum-based, and will include digital/ Distance Learning Childcare program will need to pre-register and pay technology-based learning as well as hands-on activities. Students will a registration fee. This process will ensure that space, staffing and have the opportunity to interact with their teacher and other Discovery schedules will be ready if the District needs to transition to either the Learning Online Academy class members through virtual classroom Hybrid or Distance Learning models. The registration fee will be applied experiences (Google meetings, SeeSaw activities, etc.). Students will to the first week of Hybrid/Distance Learning Childcare. Deadline for have opportunities for large group discussions, small group activities EdVenture Club-Hybrid/Distance Learning Childcare has passed, and one-on-one check-in times with the instructor. These activities will however, you can register and be placed on a waitlist. We will continue be planned for three days a week (days to be determined). While many to accept families as space and staffing permits. To register for of the activities can be done to fit your own personal schedule, there EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Hybrid/Distance Learning Childcare will be scheduled \"live\" opportunities that each child/family can take part go to www.isd728.org/EdVClub-Registration. Email and/or phone in. (\"Live\" sessions will also be recorded and made available for later registrations will not be accepted. This program is offered at the Handke viewing.) Center, Rogers elementary, Otsego Elementary and Zimmerman Elementary. A $100 deposit is required at time of registration and will be » Register online for session ID #EPHDLP601F20 applied to your child's first week of care in this model. » The cost of Option 2 is: $122/month ERCeFaEd our G If the Hybrid/Distance Learning Childcare program is not implemented or you withdraw prior to needing the Hybrid/Distance Learning Childcare, BLO your registration fee will be refunded. 3 Fall 2020 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
early childhood LADYBUG MUSIC CLASS ► AGE INFANT-5 YEARS W/PARENT This fun class exposes families to wonderfully eclectic music in an environment that encourages participation and silliness through singing, instruments, dance and more! A Ladybug Music CD and digital downloads are included with the class. Additional siblings may attend at half price; siblings 6 months and under are free! Thursdays Nov 5-Dec 17* | 6 sessions | 5:30-6:10pm MCOOONKTIHESD-EKCINODREARTGINAGRTPEANRTEYN►TRYAWGE/P1A2RENT $99 1 Child/Adult; $148.50 2 Children/Adult; $198 3 Children/Adult Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Ladybug Music | #YEMLADY01F20 Come to our kitchen and use your creativity to decorate pre-purchased *Not meeting Nov 26 sugar cookies! You and your young culinary artist will enjoy all the learning experiences that come with mixing colors, using different G2-RKAITNEDFEURLGFAORRTEGNREANNTDRPYARWE/NGTRSA!N►DPAARGEENT textures, shapes, and so much more! Plus, you will be taking home cookies to share or to eat yourselves! This class is designed especially for preschoolers and their important grandparents! Spend time together creating simple arts and crafts Saturday Dec 5 | 1 session | 10:00-11:00am projects as we celebrate the important role grandparents play in the lives *$15 1 Child; $25 2 Children; $35 3 Children; $45 4 Children of their grandchildren! We'll make a fall-themed craft in November, and a Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #YEECDPY01F20 Christmas ornament in December. *All fees include 1 parent. Saturday Nov 21 | 1 session | 10:00-11:00am $15 1 Child/Adult; $24 2 Children/Adult; $33 3 Children/Adult Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #YEAGFGP01F20 Saturday Dec 19 | 1 session | 10:00-11:00am MY LITTLE HORSE CAMP ► AGE 2-5 W/ $15 1 Child/Adult; $24 2 Children/Adult; $33 3 Children/Adult PARENT Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #YEAGFGP02F20 This parent/child camp features horse safety, learning and fun! Learn EXPERIENCE THIS! about different horse breeds, colors and sizes, then help feed, care for and groom the horses. In addition, you will get to make your own horse treats and give them to the horses. Bring your camera to snap photos during pony rides. Proper attire includes sneakers or boots (closed toe and heel), long pants and layers depending on weather. Bring a water bottle. ASTM/SEI certified helmets provided. Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center is located at 6612 189th Lane NW in Nowthen. Wednesday Dec 30 | 1 session | 9:00-11:00am | $49 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHLITT02F20 AMERICAN RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONS PLEASE NOTE: ISD 728 Community Education is proud to offer the American Red The decision on whether a class will run is Cross Swimming and Water Safety program, which combines made 3-5 days before the class start date. the best in swim instruction with an even stronger emphasis on Register Early to help insure we don’t cancel drowning prevention and water safety - ideal for anyone who wants to enjoy the water safely, regardless of age, level, or skill. a class you are hoping to take. View available lessons online at www.728communityed.com. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2020 4
youth CONVENIENT FUN EDVENTURE CLUB-BEFORE/ EDVENTURE CLUB - NON-SCHOOL DAYS AFTER SCHOOL Fun enrichment activities or outings are offered on days that school is AFFORDABLE not in session for grades K-5*. Students are divided by grade levels for the planned activities, including art or science topics, physical education, SAFE games, academic-related activities and more. Students should bring a bag lunch and beverage and wear appropriate clothing for planned MORE THAN CHILDCARE activities. These activities, held 9:00am-3:00pm, are planned in a day EdVenture Club is a unique program that camp format; the sites are open 6:00am-6:00pm. Please note: In the event of low or high enrollment, sites may be combined or additional combines fun enrichment activities with extended sites opened. *Serving grade 6 at Prairie View Middle School. hours for your convenience! EdVenture Club Fee: 6:00am-6:00pm | $41/first child; $35 additional child(ren) in family provides a quality extended day experience ►FRIDAY NOV 20 | FALL HARVEST that complements the school day and includes Apple-picking, pumpkin-hunting, and corn mazes are just a few fall favorites. Join us as we learn about harvesting during fall time. enrichment activities for reading and math, ►MONDAY NOV 23 | FALL FUN physical education, science, art and more for Fall is a great time of year to cozy up indoors with crafting. Join us as grades K-5. we enjoy creating crafts for the autumn season. ► MORNING PROGRAM ►TUESDAY NOV 24 | AROUND THE WORLD FESTIVITIES Students attend between 6:00am and school starting time Monday All around the world, there are families gathering, special foods being through Friday. A variety of games, gym time, playground and other prepared and activities for all. Come join us as we learn about festivities choices are available. Enrichment activities are planned up to three in different parts of the world. times per week. Healthy snacks and juice are provided daily. ►WEDNESDAY NOV 25 | PUPPETS READ TO ME ► AFTERNOON PROGRAM Puppets are a great way to get crafty and creative with characters. Telling stories is a huge part of childhood, and so much more fun Students attend after school until 6:00pm Monday through Friday. Each with puppets. day includes enrichment and recreation activities as well as a healthy snack and juice. Site schedules listing activities by days and grade ►MONDAY DEC 28 | WINTER WONDERS levels are posted weekly. Brrr! It’s cold! Warm yourself by joining in the fun of creating some ZIMMERMAN AREA ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS enchanting winter-themed crafts. 6:00am to School Start Time After School to 6:00pm ►TUESDAY DEC 29 | MIGRATION AND HIBERNATION! 1 day/week $14 1 day/week $18 Where do animals go in winter? Find out which animals hibernate and which ones migrate during Minnesota’s winter months and why they do what they do. 2 days/week $21 2 days/week $30 ►WEDNESDAY DEC 30 | GRATITUDE 3 days/week $27 3 days/week $36 Gratitude, thankfulness, kindness, showing appreciation--do these words 4 days/week $34 4 days/week $42 all mean the same thing? When you do something that benefits others, you also benefit from the good deed. Just how does that work? Find out 5 days/week $38 5 days/week $48 why and how an attitude of gratitude can make all the difference! LOCATIONS ►THURSDAY DEC 31 | HAPPY INSTRUMENTS EDVENTURE CLUB-BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE Do you love music? Do you love making things? Let’s do both! We’ll create fun musical instruments we can actually play! Zimmerman Elementary (also serves Westwood students in the p.m.) Westwood Elementary (a.m. only) ► EASY ONLINE REGISTRATION! EDVENTURE CLUB-NON SCHOOL DAYS Secure your child's spot TODAY! Register online at www.isd728.org/EdVClub-Registration. Zimmerman Elementary (also serves Westwood students) EDVENTURE CLUB-INCLEMENT WEATHERCARE Hassan, Parker and Zimmerman Elementary Schools 5 Fall 2020 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
youth EDVENTURE CLUB-INCLEMENT WEATHER REGISTRATION INFORMATION AND POLICIES FOR CARE/SCHOOL CANCELLED INCLEMENT WEATHER CARE Inclement Weather Care/School Cancelled is offered from 6:30am- To be eligible to attend, families must pre-register and pre-pay for 6:00pm at Hassan, Parker and Zimmerman Elementary Schools on 3 days of Inclement Weather Care/School Cancelled; registration days school is cancelled due to inclement weather. To be eligible to deadline is November 2, 2020 for the 2020-2021 school year. attend, families must pre-register and must pre-pay for 3 days. » On days school is cancelled due to inclement weather, sites will 3-Day Fee: $107 first student; $95 additional student in family open at 6:30am. EDVENTURE CLUB-INCLEMENT WEATHER » If you have pre-registered for Inclement Weather Care/School CARE/2-HR LATE START Cancelled, but decide NOT to use care on a snow day, you will NOT be refunded your pre-payment. In the event of a 2-hour late start, before school EdVenture Club will be open 8am for those families already registered for before school care » If you have pre-registered for Inclement Weather Care/School that day. Cancelled and there are less than 3 snow days during the school year, your credit card will be refunded approximately May 1 for the EARLY DISMISSAL OF SCHOOL DUE TO days not used. INCLEMENT WEATHER » If there are more than 3 snow days during the school year, you will In the event school is dismissed early due to inclement weather, after have the opportunity to re-register for additional days. school EdVenture Club is cancelled. Parents/Guardians of EdVenture Club students must make arrangements to get their student home from » Pre-registration is necessary to assure appropriate number of staff school, as EdVenture Club will NOT have regular after school care on site; drop-ins will not be accepted. when school is dismissed early. » Children need to bring a lunch and beverage; a morning and EASY ONLINE REGISTRATION! afternoon snack and beverage will be provided. Secure your child's spot TODAY! Register online for EdVenture » If school across the state is cancelled by the Governor, EdVenture Club-Inclement Weather Care/School Cancelled and/or Inclement Club-Inclement Weather Care/School Cancelled will be closed. Weather Care/2-hour Late Start at www.isd728.org/EdVClub- InclementWeather. » If the Superintendent of ISD 728 Schools decides to cancel EdVenture Club-Inclement Weather Care/School Cancelled due REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR to dangerous weather and/or road conditions, we will close for the INCLEMENT WEATHER CARE IS safety of the children and staff. NOVEMBER 2, 2020! » If Governor or Superintendent closures apply, the day will not count as one of the billed Inclement Weather days. EDVENTURE CLUB-INCLEMENT WEATHER CARE PROGRAM ALERTS CAN BE FOUND: » With the District weather notifications » On the EdVenture Club Facebook page: www.facebook.com/728EdVentureClub » On the Community Education website www.728communityed. com in the @CE728ALERT Twitter feed. EDVENTURE CLUB-HYBRID/DISTANCE LEARNING CHILDCARE EdVenture Club Childcare will be available for students if ISD 728 moves to the Hybrid or Distance Learning models. Priority will be given to Tier 1 families for School Day care; School Day care will be available at no cost to Tier 1 qualifying families. Families interested in holding a spot in the Hybrid/Distance Learning Childcare program will need to pre-register and pay a registration fee. This process will ensure that space, staffing and schedules will be ready if the District needs to transition to either the Hybrid or Distance Learning models. The registration fee will be applied to the first week of Hybrid/Distance Learning Childcare. Deadline for EdVenture Club-Hybrid/Distance Learning Childcare has passed; however, you can register and be placed on a waitlist. We will continue to accept families as space and staffing permits. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2020 6
youth NEW! EMBOSSED FOIL ART ► GRADES K-5 ONLINE! EFK JUNIOR STEM CLUB ► GRADES K-4 Embossing is the art of producing raised designs on a surface. Create The Engineering For Kids STEM Club is going virtual! You and your art you can touch using various mediums and materials. Explore online friends will explore a different STEM topic each week led by patterns and textures to produce a unique piece you will treasure. an EFK teacher in a Zoom meeting. Kits will be available for pick-up at the Handke Center before the course starts and will contain almost Monday Dec 14 | 1 session | 3:45-4:45pm | $19 everything you need to complete each week's project. Have fun Zimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 1 | #YAFFOIL08F20 working \"together apart\" to solve each week's challenge! Lessons will be recorded in case a student is unable to make it to class. Additional BRICK BUILDERS: CATAPULTS ► GRADES 1-5 information including supplies needed and kit pick up details can be found online or will be included in your registration confirmation email. Build a catapult, dragster, and balancing beam using LEGO® bricks. Information regarding Zoom meeting access will be emailed prior to the Explore basic science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) beginning of class. concepts while you create, modify and play with your projects. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, Session 2 authorize or endorse this site or program. Tuesdays Nov 24-Dec 15 | 4 sessions | 4:30-5:30pm | $90 Online | Engineering for Kids STEM | #YTSOJRS02F20 Fridays Oct 30-Dec 11* | 4 sessions | 3:30-4:30pm | $65 Zimmerman Elem Gym Door 6C | Youth Enrichment League Topics #YTSBRBC05F20 » Acoustic Engineering - Claynocchio's Ears *Not meeting Nov 13, 20, 27 » Mechanical Engineering - Puff Mobile » Chemical Engineering - Witch's Brew NEW! DIY MOBILE PHONE HOLDER AND AIR » Electrical Engineering - Bug Bots PLANT POT ► GRADES 6-8 We will be taking the following steps Spend a couple of afternoons with your friends creating 2 unique clay during our classes to protect everyone: projects! In this two-day class, you will make a mobile phone holder and an air plant pot (plant included). Dream up different patterns and R We will have a smaller number of participants designs to decorate your projects. No prior experience required! in each class. Mon/Tue Nov 9 & 10 | 2 sessions | 2:45-3:45pm | $29 Zimmerman HS Rm 560 Art Door 1 | #YACCLBC05F20 R Parent/Child classes will be limited to 1 parent NEW! SOY CANDLE MAKING BASICS ► GRADES 6-8 or adult. Soy is a responsible choice for candles. It burns cleaner and produces R Participants will be reminded to wash their hands less soot than paraffin, is made from natural vegetables, and is 100% biodegradable. Learn the basics of candle making, from choosing wick before they enter the class area. size to adding scent and color, and make a candle to take home! R Masks required for participants age 5+. Monday Nov 16 | 1 session | 2:45-3:45pm | $29 R Equipment, desks, tables & chairs will be wiped Zimmerman HS Rm 560 Art Door 1 | #YAFCNDL05F20 down prior to the start of class. ATTENTION! R We will practice social distancing with participants If attending an after school class, please send permission to school informing staff at least 6 feet apart. that your student will be staying after. R Supplies will be provided for each participant to Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school and be picked up avoid sharing items. from EdVenture Club after the class. R Hand sanitizer will be available. 7 Fall 2020 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
youth EXPERIENCE THIS! ONLINE! LEGO® SUPERHEROES VIRTUAL CLASS ONLINE! CODING CLUB ► GRADES 2-4 ► GRADES K-5 Computer coding is the language that tells computers what to do. To the Batcave, Batman! What's the science behind your favorite heroes' It allows us to communicate with machines and create software powers? Explore gravity, aerodynamics, DNA, motion, and much more programs and apps. Online Coding Club is led by real teachers who as they are used in flight, super villain fights, and superhero vehicles. will help you learn coding skills in a fun and easy way. The program Information for the Zoom session and supplies needed will be in the has 5 levels with 6 lessons in each level, and starts with basic confirmation email you receive after registering. LEGO® is a trademark block programming. Students must complete all previous levels to of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or advance and register for next level. Basic typing skills, access to a endorse this site or program. Windows PC, high-speed Internet, and the ZOOM meeting website are necessary. Prior to the first class, you will receive an email from Wednesdays Nov 18-Dec 16* | 4 sessions | 4:00-5:00pm | $54 Tech Tac Toe with login information for the ZOOM meeting. Online | Snapology | #YTSLSVC01F20 *Not meeting Nov 25 » Level 1 shows how to handle user input, deal with motion and direction, and use your imagination to design characters. JUST FOR KIDS! ► AGE 5-10 » Level 2 keeps building on your knowledge of block No parents allowed! These kids-only events are perfect for parents programming, and adding random motion, basic loops, and who want to enjoy a night on their own. Students will have fun with our conditionals while you create your own game. trained staff playing games in the gym, creating crafts based on the night's theme, and having a snack. Please note any food allergies when » Level 3* continues working on programming fundamentals. registering. Deepen your knowledge of loops and conditionals, and learn about variables and game design techniques. November: Crazy for LEGO®s Friday Nov 6 | 1 session | 6:00-8:00pm | $19 » Level 4* introduces more intermediate concepts. Discover Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | #YGKJKID02F20 how to use random number elements, collision detection, and gravity. December: Art Party Friday Dec 11 | 1 session | 6:00-8:00pm | $19 » Level 5* continues deepening your knowledge of block Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | #YGKJKID03F20 programming and introduce some basic Python. Learn how to keep track of score using variables and assignment. * Levels 3-5 will be in the winter brochure. Level 1 Wednesdays Nov 4-Dec 16* | 6 sessions | 4:45-5:25pm | $90 Online | TechTacToe | #YTSCCL104F20 *Not meeting Nov 25 Thursdays Nov 5-Dec 17* | 6 sessions | 6:00-6:40pm | $90 Online | TechTacToe | #YTSCCL105F20 *Not meeting Nov 26 Saturdays Nov 7-Dec 19* | 6 sessions | 10:00-10:40am | $90 Online | TechTacToe | #YTSCCL106F20 *Not meeting Nov 28 Level 2 Tuesdays Nov 3-Dec 15* | 6 sessions | 4:45-5:25pm | $90 Online | TechTacToe | #YTSCCL201F20 *Not meeting Nov 24 Wednesdays Nov 4-Dec 16* | 6 sessions | 6:00-6:40pm | $90 Online | TechTacToe | #YTSCCL202F20 *Not meeting Nov 25 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2020 8
youth BABYSITTER TRAINING ► AGE 11+ OPEN GYM ► ALL AGES Are you new to babysitting or looking for ways to polish up your skills? Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work on their Gain the knowledge every prepared babysitter should have. Develop skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize with others who safe, fun and educational activities while focusing on preventing share an interest in athletics. Changes may be made to this schedule, so accidents, learning to care for children of various ages and taking always check before dropping a child off at the school. Youth under 11 care of yourself. Please bring a bag lunch. Parents are encouraged to must have a responsible adult in attendance. participate in the last 15 minutes of this class. Modifications to Open Gym for 2020-2021 due to COVID-19: Saturday Nov 14 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 » Bring your own equipment; shared equipment will not be available. Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | #YHBBBST02F20 » Bring a water bottle; drinking fountains are not available. » Masks are required for entry/exit—masks do no need to be worn HOME ALONE ► AGE 8+ during activity time in gym. » Social distancing to be practiced when possible. Is your child ready to be left home alone? It's a parent's responsibility to » Capacity limits per MDH guidelines. make sure children are prepared for emergency situations such as severe » Please bring exact change only; change for larger bills will not be weather, injuries, strangers at the door, etc. This class will spend time available. asking \"what if\" questions, coming up with ideas for activities to avoid boredom and discussing things all home-alone children should be aware of. Pay-at-the-door: $5/person Exact change only Saturday Nov 14 | 1 session | 9:00am-12:00pm | $29 Handke Center Rm 209 Door 5 | #YHHASHA02F20 all ages Sundays Sep 27-May 2* | 4:00-6:00pm HORSEBACK RIDING DAY CAMP ► GRADES K-12 Zimmerman HS Gym Door 12 *Not meeting Nov 22, 29, Dec 27, Jan 3, Apr 4 Spend the day riding, caring for and learning about horses! Learn balance and control in the saddle, how to groom, tack-up, lead, feed, do ages 11-15 and families w/children of all ages in-hand work and more! Proper attire includes sneakers or boots (closed Wednesdays Sep 30-May 5* | 7:00-8:30pm toe and heel), long pants and layers depending on weather. Bring a Zimmerman HS Gym Door 12 water bottle, a nut-free bag lunch, and snacks. ASTM/SEI certified *Not meeting Nov 25, Dec 30, Mar 17, 31 helmets provided. Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center is located at 6612 189th Lane NW, Nowthen. grades 9-12 and adult Wednesdays Sep 30-May 5* | 8:30-10:00pm Monday Dec 28 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $99 Zimmerman HS Gym Door 12 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC03F20 *Not meeting Nov 25, Dec 30, Mar 17, 31 Tuesday Dec 29 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $99 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC04F20 FALL 2020 View the Fall brochure online ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ADDITIONAL RECREATION at www.728communityed.com OPPORTUNITIES AND INFORMATION? EXPERIENCE MORE! or pick one up at your City of Zimmerman EDUCATIONAL, ENRICHMENT & RECREATION CLASSES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN, YOUTH & ADULTS local school or business. 763.856.4666 www.zimmerman.govoffice.com &TAICNKUPESET&ROMSMOAINZK,EEODANCTLLIHANOSEMS, EES www.728communityed.com 9 Fall 2020 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
youth BLIZZARD SKI SCHOOL ► GRADES K-12 CLASSIC | GRADES 5-12 Experience the ultimate in skiing, snowboarding and racing instruction Explore cool trails and terrain parks with experienced instructors during from beginners to experts! At seven local snow sports areas, top quality 4.5 hours of instruction with plenty of time to free ski or ride, too! adult instructors will teach you to improve your skiing or boarding on groomed runs and terrain parks! You provide your own food and gear Saturdays Nov 28-Feb 27* | 12 sessions | $399 (season-long discounts and rentals are available), they provide the rest! Sundays Jan 10-Feb 28 | 8 sessions | $299 *Not meeting Dec 26, Jan 2 Saturdays Nov-Feb* | 12 sessions OR Sundays Jan-Feb | 8 sessions *Not meeting Dec 26, Jan 2 TEEN SAMPLER PROGRAM | GRADES 7-12 Bus Pick-up Location: Can't commit to an entire season or just wanting to learn? This Saturday: shortened option is for you! 4.5 hours of instruction each trip. » Target (87th St NE, Otsego) » times to be determined Sunday: » JC Penney (13701 Grove Dr, Maple Grove) » times to be determined MITES | GRADES K-1, AGE 6 BY DEC 1 Saturdays Nov 28-Dec 19 | 4 sessions | $199 Sundays, Jan 9-23 | 3 sessions | $199 Make new friends with your same two instructors and small group of six friends all day long each week on exciting terrain. TEAM BLIZZARD | GRADES 5-12 Saturdays Jan 9-Feb 27 | 8 sessions | $499 ski only Ski Racing or Snowboard Team instruction. Intermediate to expert skiers Sundays Jan 10-Feb 28 | 8 sessions | $449 ski only stir up some friendly competition as you learn strategies and tactics for racing. SUPERMITES | GRADES 2-3 Saturdays Nov 28-Feb 27* | 12 sessions | $549 Make new friends with your same two instructors and small group of Sundays Jan 10-Feb 28 | 8 sessions | $449 eight friends all day long. Learn more and more skills to conquer the hill! *Not meeting Dec 26, Jan 2 Saturdays Dec 5-Feb 27* | 11 sessions | $499 APPRENTICE PROGRAM | GRADES 8-12 Sundays Jan 10-Feb 28 | 8 sessions | $449 *Not meeting Dec 26, Jan 2 Have you thought about teaching? Completing this program could take you to famous ski sites around the world! SUPERKYDS | GRADES 4-5 Saturdays OR Sundays | $549 Make new friends with your same instructor and small group of ten friends all day long. Develop skills at your own level and master bumps, REGISTRATION jumps, and carving turns! Register online at www.blizzardmn.com or call 763-559-EDGE (3343). Saturdays Dec 5-Feb 27* | 11 sessions | $499 Mention code: EKR20. Weekly Trip Fees: You will be contacted prior to Sundays Jan 10-Feb 28 | 8 sessions | $449 the trip each week for your reservation. Using a flexible pay-as-you-go *Not meeting Dec 26, Jan 2 trip fee structure, you pay a weekly trip fee of about $72 to cover round trip bus transportation and lift ticket. If you can't attend that week, you don't owe anything! 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2020 10
youth DRIVER'S EDUCATION ► AGE 15+ Are you ready to earn your driver’s permit and learn to drive? Start by completing the 30 hours of classroom instruction required by the State of Minnesota in our interactive, engaging classroom. Once you have your permit, schedule Behind the Wheel training from our State-licensed and certified instructors. Students must be 15 years old by the last day of classroom instruction. DRIVER EDUCATION POINT OF IMPACT WHY CHOOSE DRIVER’S EDUCATION THROUGH INFORMATION NIGHT COMMUNITY EDUCATION? Do you have a teenager that will soon finish their driver education class » Knowledgeable instructors who are licensed teachers with years of or has recently received their permit? Join us for a 2-hour parent course experience and training. They know the most effective ways to teach to learn more about driving laws and the process of licensure, as well as students and will help meet the learning needs of individual students. lessons to help YOU be the best driving mentor you can be. Course is free, but please register. » Multiple locations, dates and times that fit busy schedules. » Flexible registration and payment plan. (Please note: State law Thursday Oct 29 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $0 Zimmerman HS Media Door 1 | Willenbring | #YHPPOIN01F20 requires students be registered for Behind the Wheel before they can take the permit test. To be fully registered, full payment for We will be taking the following steps Behind the Wheel must be received by the last classroom day.) during our classes to protect everyone: » Supportive and educational Parent Class offered multiple times and locations throughout the year. R We will have a smaller number of participants Drivers under the age of 18 who complete Behind the Wheel instruction in each class. and are testing for a provisional driver’s license must submit a supervised driving log. The driving log must show that the teen has R Parent/Child classes will be limited to 1 parent completed at least 50 hours of supervised driving, 15 of which are nighttime hours. If a parent attends a parent class, the required number or adult. of supervised driving hours decreases to 40, 15 of which are nighttime hours. Also, watch your email along with information sent home with R Participants will be reminded to wash their hands your student, for important information regarding the Driving Log, the parent class and Behind the Wheel scheduling. before they enter the class area. Additional information for online classes: R Masks required for participants age 5+. » All classroom materials will need to be picked up from the Handke R Equipment, desks, tables & chairs will be wiped Center (1170 Main Street, Elk River) no earlier than one week prior to the start of course. down prior to the start of class. » Available pickup times are Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm. R We will practice social distancing with participants » If you need to arrange other pickup times, please contact the at least 6 feet apart. Community Education office at 763-241-3520 or communityed@ isd728.org. R Supplies will be provided for each participant to » A few days prior to start of class, students will be added to the Schoology Course. If student does not attend ISD 728, you will avoid sharing items. receive an email with the access code to join the Schoology course. R Hand sanitizer will be available. Complete Training Package: $349 (30 hours of classroom instruction, 6 hours of Behind-the-Wheel instruction) Payment plan available: $149 due at registration; $200 by last class Classroom instruction only: $110 ONLINE! Mon-Fri Nov 30-Dec 11 | 10 sessions | 3:00-6:00pm Online | Hudson | #YHDVDRI04F20 11 Fall 2020 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
adult EXPERIENCE THIS! GRAB-AND-GO! CRAFT KITS ONLINE! INSTANT POT COOK-ALONG CLASSES Create a beautiful fall-themed front door wreath or a spooky-cute box sign just in time for fall with these easy grab-and-go craft kits! Each kit includes Our Cook-Along Instant Pot classes are everything needed to complete your project. Kits available for pick-up at the scheduled for you to prepare each meal Handke Center, 1170 Main Street, Elk River, 8:30am-4:30pm. If you need for that evening's dinner. The instructor's to arrange a later pickup time, please contact Community Education at 763- recipes will be provided and you will 241-3520. receive an ingredient list a few days prior to the class along with your ZOOM EEK! Spider Kit | Pickup Sep 30-Oct 30 | $29 meeting link! Handke Center Door 5 | #AGREEKK01F20 INSTANT POT COOK-ALONG: CHICKEN TIKKA Thankful Wreath | Pickup Sep 21-Nov 30 | $29 MASALA AND CURRY POT TIME -- GLUTEN FREE! Handke Center Door 5 | #AGRTHFL01F20 Spice up your gluten-free menu with two delectable dishes in this NEW! GIFT WRAPPING TIPS, TRICKS AND Instant Pot cook-along class! Quick Chicken Tikka Masala and TECHNIQUES WORKSHOP Vegetarian Curried Lentils, both served with aromatic basmati rice, will add international flavor to your table. Choose one dish to make and Are you bored with the same old uninspired wrapping paper-covered gift watch a demonstration of the other, or make both if you have a second boxes at the holidays? With a mixture of demonstration and hands-on Instant Pot. practice, Amy will give you innovative gift-wrapping techniques and ideas to make your packages stand out! Bring a few gifts of all sizes to wrap Saturday Nov 7 | 1 session | 3:00-5:00pm | $29 -- we will provide the supplies and creativity! Vendors will be available for Online | Georgakopoulos | #AGCIPCC01F20 purchasing additional gifts to practice your wrapping skills. INSTANT POT HOLIDAY MENU Saturday Dec 5 | 1 session | 9:00am-12:00pm | $39 Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | Lathan | #AGRGWPT01F20 Looking for some options for a wonderful holiday menu made in your Instant Pot? This virtual demonstration class includes full-flavored faux roasted chicken, holiday mashed potatoes, spiced honey glazed carrots and pumpkin cheesecake. Make your holiday dinner stress- free so you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time with your family and friends. Saturday Nov 21 | 1 session | 3:00-5:00pm | $29 Online | Georgakopoulos | #AGCIPHM01F20 PLEASE NOTE: INSTANT POT COOK-ALONG: COPYCAT WHITE CASTLE AND BUFFALO CHICKEN SLIDERS The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date. Get your fast-food fix without leaving the house! Cook along with Tess Register Early to insure we don’t cancel and your friends in an online Instant Pot class featuring White Castle Copycat Sliders and Buffalo Chicken Sliders. Choose one for your cook- a class you are hoping to take. along, and watch a demonstration of the other. If you have a second Instant Pot, make both! We'll also bake quick slider rolls in the oven. Saturday Dec 5 | 1 session | 3:00-5:00pm | $29 Online | Georgakopoulos | #AGCIPSL01F20 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2020 12
adult ONLINE! MANAGING PRODUCTIVITY ONLINE! BUILDING A CHEESE AND CHARCUTERIE BOARD A growing number of employees are working remotely, requiring organizations to move from measuring time to measuring productivity Holiday entertaining is on the horizon! Impress and welcome your and outcomes. How do you monitor quality from a distance? Learn friends and family with these ideas for selecting and arranging cheese, ways that telecommuters communicate, and how to develop virtual meat, fruit, and other delicious condiments into a photo-worthy, mouth- teams. Update your skill set for a changing work environment! watering platter! Prior to the start of each class, you will receive an email with the ZOOM meeting link and a link to Padlet, a virtual real- Nov 2-27 | Average hours 16 | $245 time bulletin board. You do not need to create an account to use Padlet. Online | Draves | #ATOMAPR01F20 Thursday Nov 12 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $29 ONLINE! INTEGRATING SOCIAL MEDIA IN YOUR Online | Jerred | #AGCCHRC01F20 ORGANIZATION ONLINE! BUBBLES AND BRIE What goes into building a great social network? How do you select the right tool for your business? What is Ning? How do you know where to Get ready for your New Year celebration with this short virtual course spend your time? What's next? Will your company be a trend-setter or a on brie, and discover what cheeses go with your favorite bubbly trend-follower? beverages, including wine, cider, and beer. Local cheesemonger Kerry Jerred guides you through the world of artisan cheeses, from cheese Nov 2-27 | Average hours 16 | $195 selections to pairings. Prior to the start of each class, you will receive Online | Selke | #ATOISMO01F20 an email with the ZOOM meeting link and a link to Padlet, a virtual real- time bulletin board. You do not need to create an account to use Padlet. ONLINE CLASSES Thursday Dec 10 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $29 ISD 728 Community Education offers a wide variety of online Online | Jerred | #AGCBBRI01F20 classes and certificates. Start your online training and add a new skill set to your resume today! Registering for a certificate H.O.P.E. (HELPING OTHER PEOPLE EXCEL) program will automatically enroll you in the required courses and save you money. Classes included in certificate programs Our H.O.P.E. program provides, events, activities and classes designed can also be taken individually. specifically for youth and adults with developmental disabilities and enables participants to have social, recreational and educational Online learning is a fun, enjoyable and very productive way opportunities and experiences. Programs include day-trips, cooking, to learn. Millions of people are learning online each year. You crafts, exercise, self-advocacy, personal care and independence, and will engage with the instructor and other participants. It’s easy. making new friends. Community Education welcomes people of all It’s fun. You can participate any time of day or evening. The abilities to participate in any of these activities; however, participants online classroom is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The are asked to bring staff or family members if personal care assistance content (readings, audio lectures, slides) and self quizzes are is needed. Call us at 763-241-3520, or join our Facebook page (www. accessible for the entire course, so you can work ahead, or go facebook.com/CommunityEd.HOPE) to get on our mailing list or to back and review again, at your convenience. share ideas of what you’d like to see offered. After you register, login information will be sent to your email ADULT BASIC EDUCATION three days prior to the start of class. You will have a password and use your email address and password to gain access. Adult Basic Education offers FREE individualized instruction with basic skills review in math, writing and reading, College preparation, These pages highlight just a few of our online courses. Visit our Job preparation, Basic computer skills, GED and Adult High School online class website at http://www.yougotclass.org/catalog- Diploma. For more information, call 763-241-3400 x5525. complete.cfm/Elkriver to view all online courses offered. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) Learn and improve your English skills in speaking , reading, grammar, listening and writing. We have classes for beginning, intermediate and transitional levels. For more information, call 763-241-3400 x5525. 13 Fall 2020 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • 763-241-3520
registration ONLINE COMMUNITY EDUCATION ISD 728 FACILITY SCHEDULING www.728communityed.com Secure registration 24 hrs/day using Community Education Office Hours: q 763-241-3400 X5539 Visa, MasterCard or Discover. 8:00am-4:30pm, Summer Hours E facilities@isd728.org 8:30am-5:00pm, Labor Day-Memorial Day In Person, Mail, or Drop Box q 763-241-3520 EDVENTURE CLUB Handke Center E communityed@isd728.org 1170 Main St., Elk River 55330 q 763-241-3544 There is a 24-hour drop box by Door 5. ECFE & DISCOVERY LEARNING E edventureclub@isd728.org PHONE: FAX: ECFE Office Hours: ADULT BASIC EDUCATION 8:00am-4:30pm, Summer Hours 763.241.3520 763.241.3521 8:30am-5:00pm, Labor Day-Memorial Day q 763-241-3400 x5525 q 763-241-3524 E abe@isd728.org E ecfe@isd728.org WEATHER CANCELLATIONS LIVE CHAT EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING www.728communityed.com Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT During office hours q 763-241-3525 or check online at www.728communityed.com E ECScreening@isd728.org for possible weather related cancellations and other program updates. Full Name________________________________________________________ DETAILS » Some activities, supplies Email Address_____________________________________________________ or tickets are not refundable. (H) Phone______________________ (C) Phone_________________________ » Make checks payable to: Home Address____________________________________________________ ISD 728 Community Education » Adults are given priority for adult City__________________________________________ Zip________________ classes; ages 15-17 may register » Participants must be the correct if space permits. If participant is a child: age and/or grade by the last day Birthdate_ ___________________________ Age____________ Grade_______ of class. » We take photographs and Parent Names_____________________________________________________ videos to use in our marketing Emergency phone # & contact _______________________________________ » Cancellations must be made materials. Notify us in writing if Health concerns: __________________________________________________ at least 3 business days prior you do not wish to have photos to activities. Refunds or credits or videos in our publications. Class Information cannot be given for forgotten Class Title___________________________________Class #_______________ classes. Class Date/Time____________________________________ Fee ___________ GUARANTEE Payment o Check o Cash o MasterCard/VISA/Discover/AmEx We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. Card #__________ -___________- ___________- ___________ Exp_________ If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact Signature ________________________________________________________ the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the Early Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524. 763-241-3520 • Register online at www.728communityed.com • Fall 2020 14
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