ł2-5łTWW/IPNAKRLEENTTOES BALLET AND TAP ► AGE ARTS YOUTHBond with your little one as we explore fundamental classic ballet łłDANCE: BALLET AND TAP ► AGE 3-10and tap movement skills in an atmosphere of discovery and fun. Wewill focus on dance, movement and balance while teaching peer Explore fundamental classic ballet and tap movement skills in aninteraction, the dynamics of being in a group, taking turns and other atmosphere of discovery and fun. Develop confidence, coordination,important life skills. Our instructor will keep the music and curriculum musicality and classroom etiquette through simple imaginativemoving, while parents take an active role in encouraging, supporting exercises, creative routines and dance terminology. Classes areand guiding their little dancer. Students should wear proper dance planned per age group and increase in skill work at each level.attire: leotard with tights or a fitted top and bottom. Hair should be Students should wear proper dance attire: leotard with tights or a fittedpulled back. Please bring both ballet and tap shoes. top and bottom. Hair should be pulled back. Please bring both balletage 2-3 w/parent and tap shoes.Fridays Sep 15-Dec 1* | 10:00-10:30am | 10 sessions | $49Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-5F Level 1 | age 3-4*Not meeting Oct 20, Nov 24 Mondays Sep 11-Nov 27* | 5:15-5:55pm | 10 sessions | $59Fridays Dec 8-Feb 16* | 10:00-10:30am | 10 sessions | $49 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-1FHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-5W *Not meeting Nov 13, 20*Not meeting Dec 29age 4-5 w/parent Mondays Dec 4-Feb 26* | 5:15-5:55pm | 10 sessions | $59Fridays Sep 15-Dec 1* | 10:35-11:15am | 10 sessions | $59 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-1WHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-6F *Not meeting Dec 25, Jan 1, Feb 19*Not meeting Oct 20, Nov 24Fridays Dec 8-Feb 16* | 10:35-11:15am | 10 sessions | $59 Level 2 | age 5-6Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-6W Mondays Sep 11-Nov 27* | 6:00-6:40pm | 10 sessions | $59*Not meeting Dec 29 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-2F *Not meeting Nov 13, 20 Explore the fundamental classic ballet and tap movements in an atmosphere of discovery and fun! Mondays Dec 4-Feb 26* | 6:00-6:40pm | 10 sessions | $59 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-2W *Not meeting Dec 25, Jan 1, Feb 19 Level 3 | age 7-8 Mondays Sep 11-Nov 27* | 6:45-7:25pm | 10 sessions | $59 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-3F *Not meeting Nov 13, 20 Mondays Dec 4-Feb 26* | 6:45-7:25pm | 10 sessions | $59 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-3W *Not meeting Dec 25, Jan 1, Feb 19 Level 4 | age 9-10 Mondays Sep 11-Nov 27* | 7:30-8:10pm | 10 sessions | $59 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-4F *Not meeting Nov 13, 20 Mondays Dec 4-Feb 26* | 7:30-8:10pm | 10 sessions | $59 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8888-4W *Not meeting Dec 25, Jan 1, Feb 19ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 51
YOUTH ARTS University studies have shown that music instruction has a positive impact on school-age children and teenagers.łłJAZZ AND HIP HOP ► AGE 3-10 CRESCENDO YOUTH MUSICHave FUN while learning the fundamentals of hip hop and jazz.You’ll dance to the latest beats while working on body isolations, The Crescendo Music Program, founded in 1991, provides individualbounce, rhythm and movements influenced by some of today’s hottest music lessons to students of all ages -- school age through adult.celebrities and dance choreographers. Classes are planned per age Successfully running for over 25 years, we take the hassle and stressgroup and increase in skill work at each level. Students should wear out of the student experience by providing all of the necessary tools forproper dance attire: leotard with tights or a fitted top and bottom with high quality lessons at a reasonable price. From recruiting instructorscomfortable shoes. Hair should be pulled back. to researching creative teaching methods, we deliver a pattern of consistency and continued growth to our students. Our instructors areLevel 1 | age 3-4 highly qualified through education, training and experience. They areTuesdays Sep 12-Nov 28* | 5:15-5:55pm | 9 sessions | $54 passionate about music education and are active, lifelong learners inHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-1F their own profession. From cello to piano, beginner to advanced, we*Not meeting Oct 31, Nov 7, 21 offer a well-rounded wealth of talent to teach musicians at any level.Tuesdays Dec 12-Feb 27* | 5:15-5:55pm | 10 sessions | $59 To foster growth, we encourage students to commit to our year-longHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-1W program; however, registration is open year-round. Music is purchased*Not meeting Dec 26, Feb 6 for students as lessons progress. Performance opportunities and an end-of-the-year recital are offered to showcase student achievement.Level 2 | age 5-6 Lessons are held in district facilities staffed with trained, background-Tuesdays Sep 12-Nov 28* | 6:00-6:40pm | 9 sessions | $54 checked professionals. For additional program information and toHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-2F request lesson visit us online at www.isd728.org/Crescendo_Music or*Not meeting Oct 31, Nov 7, 21 call 763.241.3520.Tuesdays Dec 12-Feb 27* | 6:00-6:40pm | 10 sessions | $59 INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE:Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-2W*Not meeting Dec 26, Feb 6 Flute | Guitar | Percussion | Piano | Strings | Voice | UkuleleLevel 3 | age 7-8 Private Lessons: $75/monthTuesdays Sep 12-Nov 28* | 6:45-7:25pm | 9 sessions | $54 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-3F PARTICIPANT CHILDCARE*Not meeting Oct 31, Nov 7, 21 EdVenture Club-Program Participant Care is availableTuesdays Dec 12-Feb 27* | 6:45-7:25pm | 10 sessions | $59 for classes that have this icon next to the title; see pageHandke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-3W 66 for fees and details on how to register for childcare.*Not meeting Dec 26, Feb 6Level 4 | age 9-10Tuesdays Sep 12-Nov 28* | 7:30-8:10pm | 9 sessions | $54Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-4F*Not meeting Oct 31, Nov 7, 21Tuesdays Dec 12-Feb 27* | 7:30-8:10pm | 10 sessions | $59Handke Center Stage Door 5 | #8889-4W*Not meeting Dec 26, Feb 652 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com
ARTS YOUTHNEW! AFTER SCHOOL CRAFTIVITIES Mondays Oct 23, Nov 6, Dec 11, Jan 8 | 3:30-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $49► GRADES K-5 Zimmerman Elem Art Room Door 5C | #2300-1YThese classes combine fun activities, a creative craft to take home, Mondays Oct 23, Nov 6, Dec 11, Jan 8 | 4:00-5:45pm | 4 sessions | $49and a take-home activity -- all focused on character development and Prairie View Elem Main Entrance | #2300-8Yvalues. Students will use their imagination as they explore a differentvalue each session through inventive art. Register for all 4 Craftivities Tuesday Oct 24, Nov 14, Dec 12, Jan 9 | 4:00-5:45pm | 4 sessions | $49Art Classes for $49. Meadowvale Elem Art Rm Door 7 | #2300-3Y Parker Elem Art Rm Door 3 | #2300-2YPermission Slip: Please send permission to school informing staff thatyour student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Wednesday Oct 25, Nov 15, Dec 13, Jan 10 | 4:00-5:45pm | 4 sessions | $49Club after school, have a snack, and transition to the class. Rogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | #2300-5Y Twin Lakes Elem Art Rm Door 3 | #2300-4YTransportation: Lincoln students will wait in front of the office to bewalked to the class at Parker. Westwood students will wait in front of the Thursday Oct 26, Nov 16, Dec 14, Jan 11 | 4:00-5:45pm | 4 sessions | $49office to be bussed to the class at Zimmerman Elementary. Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | #2300-6Y Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | #2300-7YPick-Up: All students need to be picked-up from EdVenture Club at theend of class at 5:45pm (Zimmerman Elementary at 5:15pm).October - I Am Rockin'! RENTALS-PARTIES & CELEBRATIONS!Using stones and painted or cut-out phrases, build your confidence asyou create affirmation stones as a reminder of how unique and special USE SPACE AT OUR SCHOOLS FOR AN ULTIMATEyou are! PARTY OR CELEBRATION EXPERIENCE!November - A Tree of Thanks »» Choose from themes including Party in the Pool, Princess orIt's time to give thanks for things we are grateful for! Create a tree Superhero, Artistic Masterpieces, Jumpin’ Gym Time or yourby adding colorful buttons representing things you are thankful for. own idea.Continue adding buttons at home. How full will your tree be after amonth, or year? »» Cost is $135 with Bounce House available for an additional fee. »» We provide the facility and staff and you bring the food, utensilsDecember - Let Our Talents ShineEveryone has special talents that can be shared with others! Create a and decorations.decorative candle holder as a reminder of how you can think of others »» To sign up, complete the Party Request Form on our websiteby sharing your talents with friends and family. at www.isd728.org/CE-PartyRequest.January - Colorful Minds »» All requests must be submitted at least three weeks prior toRainbows are beautiful and can also be calming. Create a mosaicrainbow to remember to be mindful every day. Using visuals such as party date. Availability based on space and staff availability.rainbows, practicing mindfulness helps increase concentration and self- »» Party packages are for 2 hours. No latex balloons allowed.awareness and improves focus. »» Questions? Call Community Education at 763-241-3520.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 53
YOUTH ACADEMICSEvery girl needs to know that they are beautiful, unique, NEW! GRANDMASTERS OF CHESS ► GRADES K-5 smart, confident, determined and powerful. Have you ever heard of the Fried Liver Attack? Youth EnrichmentGIRLS ARE POWERFUL - I AM WORKSHOP ► League’s coaches explain basic to complex chess concepts and helpGIRLS, AGE 8-13 students practice them in chess puzzles and games as they improve their understanding of the concept. Class ends with students playingEvery girl needs to know that she is Powerful, Beautiful, Smart, 20-30 minutes of chess. Fee includes ChessKid.com membership forConfident, Unique and Determined. Two of the most POWERFUL the chess session, prizes and puzzle sheets. Please send permissionwords that you can use are I AM... what you put after them shapes who to school informing staff that your student will be staying after; studentsyou are. We will explore Girls Are Powerful’s six power principles and will check in with EdVenture Club after school.conclude with an inspirational, skill-building art project. Thursdays Nov 2-Dec 14* | 4:15-5:15pm | 6 sessions | $89Saturday Oct 7 | 10:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $29 Twin Lakes Elem Media Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League | #2800-2FZimmerman MS Media Door A | Girls Are Powerful | #2702-1F *Not meeting Nov 23Saturday Oct 28 | 10:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $29 Tuesdays Nov 7-Dec 19* | 4:15-5:15pm | 6 sessions | $89Rogers MS Media Door A | Girls Are Powerful | #2702-2F Rogers Elem Media Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League | #2800-1F *Not meeting Nov 21Saturday Dec 2 | 10:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $29Handke Center Art Rm Door 5 | Girls Are Powerful | #2702-3F CHESS CLUB ► GRADES 1-8GIRLS ENGINEERING, MATH, AND SCIENCE Amaze your friends and impress your opponents! Increase your IQ(GEMS) ► GRADES 6-8 while having fun playing chess and competing for various prizes. Learn from Twin Cities Chess Club instructors who have years of teachingJoin Salk's GEMS club and explore engineering, math and science. We experience. This is an excellent opportunity to develop or build yourcelebrate all girls as we learn together, build friendships and complete chess skills. Two options to choose from—8 sessions or 24 sessions.fun science experiments and challenging engineering, math andtechnology activities. grades 1-5 Saturdays Sep 30-Nov 18 | 10:00-11:00am | 8 sessions | $99Mondays Oct 9, Nov 6, Dec 11, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 16 & May 14 Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #3400-12F3:00-4:30pm | 7 sessions | $55Salk MS Rm 525 Door S | #2900-9F Saturdays Sep 30-Mar 24 | 10:00-11:00am | 24 sessions | $275 Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #3400-11F *Not meeting Nov 25, Dec 23 Saturdays Dec 2-Jan 27 | 10:00-11:00am | 8 sessions | $99 Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #3400-13F *Not meeting Dec 23 grades 6-8 Saturdays Sep 30-Nov 18 | 10:00-11:00am | 8 sessions | $99 Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #3400-12Fa Saturdays Sep 30-Mar 24 | 10:00-11:00am | 24 sessions | $275 Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #3400-11Fa *Not meeting Nov 25, Dec 23 Saturdays Dec 2-Jan 27 | 10:00-11:00am | 8 sessions | $99 Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | #3400-13Fa *Not meeting Dec 2354 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com
ACADEMICS YOUTHINTRO TO GAME CODING ► GRADES K-3Working in pairs, you will image, create and share an interactive 2D videogame using your favorite characters. Choose from Undertale, Pokémon,Nintendo, Minecraft or classic characters like Donkey Kong, Pac-Man,Sonic and Mario! First, you’ll learn to use the Scratch website, then createa working arcade style game, picking which main character to use. Bringa USB drive to save your games on the last day, or they can be emailedto parents. Registration deadline is Sep 21.Saturday Sep 30 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $55Westwood Elem Rm A210 Door 1 | Computer Explorers | #2900-1FGEAR ENGINEERS ► GRADES 1-5 Learn computer programming by creating, designing and programming your own video game.This STEM class follows four components: Teach It! Build It! ExploreIt! Play It! Students are taught the basic STEM engineering concepts MINECRAFT GAME DESIGNER ► GRADES 1-5behind each project. They use LEGO® bricks to build a trundle wheeland merry-go-round, and design an amusement park ride, then use Turn Minecraft from a game into a visual learning tool! Master basicthat project to explore the basic engineering concepts (gearing). Finally, game design skills while working in pairs to build in-game dungeons,they play with their project and have fun working with it. LEGO® is a adventure maps and other Minecraft-themed features. Class has atrademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, strong emphasis on creativity, exploration and cooperative learningauthorize or endorse this site or program. Please send permission to experiences. Registration deadline is Nov 9.school informing staff that your student will be staying after; studentswill check in with EdVenture Club after school. Saturday Nov 18 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $55 Handke Center Rm 107 Door 5 | Computer Explorers | #2900-3FTuesdays Oct 17-Nov 7 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $55Twin Lakes Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League | #2800-4F ROBOTICS BUILDERS ► GRADES 1-5Wednesdays Oct 18-Nov 8 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $55 Let the battles begin! Designed by the experts at MIT, LEGO®Meadowvale Elem Music Rm Door 7 | Youth Enrichment League Wedo Robotics’ unique system teaches you about simple machines,#2800-5F engineering, programming and more. Construct a Catapult, Ninja Star, Tank, Battle Axe, Crossbow, Battering Ram, Fighter Plane and more!Thursdays Oct 26-Nov 16 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $55 Registration deadline is Dec 7.Hassan Elem Music Rm Door 1 | Youth Enrichment League | #2800-7F Saturday Dec 16 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $55Fridays Oct 27-Nov 17 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $55 Rogers Elem Media Door 1 | Computer Explorers | #2900-4FZimmerman Elem Music Rm Door 5C | Youth Enrichment League#2800-8F ROBOTICS: STAR WARS DROID BUILDER ► GRADES 1-5Mondays Nov 27-Dec 18 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $55Rogers Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League | #2800-3F Using the Star Wars LEGO® Mindstorms Robotics Developer kit, start with a simple droid mechanism and then move on to createWednesdays Nov 29-Dec 20 | 4:15-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $55 and customize more ambitious droids that move and walk. We willParker Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League | #2800-6F experiment with robotic programs that avoid light, seek light, are controlled by lights, that act as alarms, and more! Registration PLEASE NOTE: deadline is Oct 18. The decision on whether a class will run is Saturday Oct 28 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $55 made 3-5 days before the class start date. Prairie View Elem Main Entrance | Computer Explorers | #2900-2F Register Early to insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take.ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 55
YOUTH SPECIAL INTERESTS EXPERIENCE THIS! MY LITTLE HORSE CAMP ► AGE 2-5 W/PARENT NEW! OLYMPIC FENCING ► AGE 7+ This parent/child camp features horse safety, learning and fun! Learn about different horse breeds, colors and sizes, then help feed, care for This class introduces students to the fundamentals of fencing and groom the horses. In addition, you will get to make your own horse through fun and organized activities performed in a non-threatening treats and give them to the horses. Bring your camera to snap photos environment. With an emphasis on skill building, concentration, self- during pony rides. Proper attire includes sneakers or boots (closed discipline and fun, these classes enhance motor skills, and social toe and heel), long pants and layers depending on weather. Bring bug and perceptual growth by teaching safe, age-appropriate foil fencing spray, sunscreen, water bottle, and a nut-free bag lunch and snacks. skills. Equipment provided. Participants need to wear long pants and ASTM/SEI-certified helmets provided. tennis shoes. Saturday Sep 30 | 9:00-11:00am | 1 session | $49 Thursdays Sep 14-Oct 26* | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessions | $89 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-5F Lincoln Elem Cafeteria Door 2 | Minnesota Sword Play | #7400-1F *Not meeting Oct 19 Saturday Oct 21 | 9:00-11:00am | 1 session | $49 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-6F Thursdays Nov 2-Dec 14* | 6:00-7:00pm | 6 sessions | $89 Hassan Elem Cafeteria Door 1 | Minnesota Sword Play | #7400-2F HORSEBACK RIDING DAY CAMP ► GRADES K-12 *Not meeting Nov 23 Spend the day riding, caring for and learning about horses! LearnTUTORING ► GRADES K-8 balance and control in the saddle, how to groom, tack-up, lead, do in- hand work and more! Proper attire includes sneakers or boots (closedISD 728 Community Education tutoring classes offer supported, toe and heel), long pants and layers depending on weather. Bring bugfocused academics. Individual lessons encourage interactive learning spray, sunscreen, water bottle, a nut-free bag lunch and snacks. ASTM/and student success, and create a positive, productive learning SEI-certified helmets provided.environment while promoting fun and engagement. Complete aninterest form at www.isd728.org/CE-Tutoring to arrange for tutoring. Saturday Sep 23 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $99 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-1FMon-Sat Sep 18-Dec 29 | 1 hour/week8 weeks | $449 Thursday Oct 19 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $9912 weeks | $649 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-2F16 weeks | $829 Friday Oct 20 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $99KARATE ► AGE 4-11 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-3FKarate is a great way for students to increase their sense of Monday Nov 13 | 9:00am-3:00pm | 1 session | $99responsibility, build self-esteem and decrease their willingness to Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Boulder Pointe | #2707-4Ftake foolish risks. Choose martial arts to supplement your student'seducation and see how they benefit. Learn all about horses - different breeds, feeding, caring for and grooming. Bring your camera for the pony ride!age 4-6Tue/Thu Oct 10-26 | 6:25-6:55pm | 6 sessions | $45Twin Lakes Elem Rm E108 Door 3 | Cornelius | #2662-1Fage 7-11Tue/Thu Oct 10-26 | 7:00-7:45pm | 6 sessions | $55Twin Lakes Elem Rm E108 Door 3 | Cornelius | #2662-2F56 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com
SPECIAL INTERESTS YOUTHSCHOOL OF FISH ON ICE ► GRADES 3+ Learn the basics of babysitting at our one-day babysitting classes!Taught by pro angler and television show host Mike Frisch, studentslearn about lakes, finding fish in winter, and great ways to catch them. BABYSITTER TRAINING ► AGE 11+They also learn how to tie a fishing knot and rig, and use a slip-bobbersetup. Most importantly, students leave class with the knowledge and Are you new to babysitting or looking for ways to polish up your skills?skills to go ICE fishing! Students take home their own ice rod and reel, Gain the knowledge every prepared babysitter should have. Developtackle box with tackle, School of Fish 32-page full-color workbook, safe, fun and educational activities, while focusing on preventingsnack pack and MORE! Students may invite an adult (parent, accidents, learning to care for children of various ages and takinggrandparent, etc.) to attend with them for free. Please send permission care of yourself. Please bring a bag lunch. Parents are encouraged toto school informing staff that your student will be staying after when participate in the last 15 minutes of this class.applicable. Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school. Saturday Oct 7 | 9:00am-4:00pm | 1 session | $59Wednesday Nov 1 | 3:30-6:00pm | 1 session | $55 Handke Center Rm 212 Door 5 | Peterson | #2500-1FZimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 5C | Fishing the Midwest | #2799-1F Friday Oct 20 | 9:00am-4:00pm | 1 session | $59Saturday Nov 4 | 1:00-3:30pm | 1 session | $55 Rogers Elem Lounge Door 3 | Peterson | #2500-2FHandke Center Lounge Door 5 | Fishing the Midwest | #2799-2F Monday Nov 13 | 9:00am-4:00pm | 1 session | $59Wednesday Nov 8 | 4:00-6:30pm | 1 session | $55 Handke Center Rm 210 Door 5 | Peterson | #2500-3FRogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Fishing the Midwest | #2799-3F Saturday Dec 2 | 9:00am-4:00pm | 1 session | $59HOME ALONE ► AGE 8+ Handke Center Rm 212 Door 5 | Peterson | #2500-4FIs your child ready to be left home alone? It's a parent's responsibility to EXPERIENCE THIS!make sure their children are prepared for emergency situations, such assevere weather, injuries, strangers at the door, etc. This class will spend 5TH & 6TH GRADE PARTYtime asking \"what if\" questions, coming up with ideas for activities toavoid boredom and discussing things all home-alone children should Grab your friends and dance the night away, or play basketballbe aware of. Please send permission to school informing staff that your and other games. Concessions are available, so bring somestudent will be staying after when applicable; students will check in with spending money. Don't wait in line... pre-register today! For thoseEdVenture Club after school. who pre-register, the doors will open at 6:30pm; enter through Door U (gym entrance). For those who pay at the door, theSaturday Sep 30 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 1 session | $39 doors will open at 7pm; and enter through Door T (commons).Handke Center Rm 212 Door 5 | #2600-1F Volunteers are needed! Please register to volunteer by contacting Becky Hanson at the Community Ed office (763-241-3520).Thursday Oct 26 | 4:00-7:00pm | 1 session | $39Parker Elem Lounge Door 3 | #2600-2F Friday Nov 10 | 7:00-9:00pm* | 1 session | $5 Salk MS Gym Door U | #6355-1FThursday Nov 30 | 3:30-6:30pm | 1 session | $39 *Students that pre-register can enter at 6:30pm.Zimmerman Elem Lounge Door 1 | #2600-3FThursday Dec 14 | 4:00-7:00pm | 1 session | $39Rogers Elem Lounge Door 1 | #2600-4FISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 57
YOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Selecting the right college or university to fit your needs OPEN GYM ► ALL AGES is a decision that takes time, thought and planning. Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work onHOW TO GET INTO COLLEGE AND PAY FOR IT their skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize withWITHOUT GOING BROKE others who share an interest in athletics. Changes may be made to this schedule, so always check before dropping a child off at the school.College is one of the largest investments a family will make. Understand Community Education is not responsible for lost/stolen passes.the mistakes that result in poor academic and financial decisions thatcan add up to thousands of dollars. Learn what college really costs Pay-at-the-door Rate:and how to reduce your costs. Discover common mistakes made when Adult: $40/10-day pass or $75/20-day passselecting a college and how to prevent them, myths about college aid, Students: $30/10-day pass or $55/20-day passhow FAFSA works and how to get grants directly from the schools. This Family: $79/10-day pass or $150/20-day passclass is a must for parents of college-bound students. Season (Zimmerman only): $95/registrantTuesday Oct 17 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session all ages**$19 Individual/$25 for 2-3 Family Members Sundays Oct 1-May 13* | 4:00-6:00pmElk River HS Rm 105 Door A | College Inside Track Instructor | #3610-1F Rogers MS Gym Door A *Not meeting Dec 24, 31, Apr 1Monday Oct 23 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session$19 Individual/$25 for 2-3 Family Members Sundays Oct 1-May 13* | 4:00-6:00pmZimmerman HS Media Door A | College Inside Track Instructor | #3610-2F Zimmerman HS Gym Door K *Not meeting Dec 24, 31, Apr 1Tuesday Oct 24 | 6:30-8:30pm | 1 session **Note: Youth under 11 must have a responsible adult in attendance.$19 Individual/$25 for 2-3 Family MembersRogers HS Media Center Door I | College Inside Track Instructor | #3610-3F ages 11-15 and families w/children of all ages Wednesdays Oct 4-May 16* | 7:00-8:30pmZAP THE ACT ► GRADES 11-12 Zimmerman HS Gym Door K *Not meeting Nov 22, Dec 27ACT test scores are widely used in college admissions and scholarshipdecisions. In this workshop, students will learn strategies for improving grades 9-12 and adultin all four sub-tests, take shortened practice tests that mirror the Wednesdays Oct 4-May 16* | 7:00-9:00pmactual testing experience, and get suggestions for individualized Rogers HS Gym Door Istudy. Seminars are designed to help students do their personal best *Not meeting Nov 22, Dec 27on the ACT. From past experience, students who take this workshopscore higher on the ACT. A study guide and practice test workouts are Wednesdays Oct 4-May 16* | 8:30-10:00pmincluded. Students should bring a calculator and two pencils. Zimmerman HS Gym Door K *Not meeting Nov 22, Dec 27Wed/Thu Oct 4 & 5 | 6:30-9:00pm | 2 sessions | $89Elk River HS Rm 105 Door A | Doorway To College Instructor | #3590-1F GUARANTEE We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524.58 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTHDRIVER'S EDUCATION ► AGE 15+Are you ready to earn your driver’s permit and learn to drive? Startby completing the 30 hours of classroom instruction required by theState of Minnesota in our interactive, engaging classroom. Once youhave your permit, schedule Behind the Wheel training from our State-licensed and certified instructors. Students must be 15 years old by thelast day of classroom instruction.WHY CHOOSE DRIVER’S EDUCATION THROUGH Are you ready to earn your driver's permit and learn to drive?COMMUNITY EDUCATION? RHS MUSIC LESSONS ► RHS STUDENTS, »» Knowledgeable instructors who are licensed teachers with years GRADES 9-12 of experience and training. They know the most effective ways to teach students and will help meet the learning needs of individual Music lessons are available to Rogers High School music students students. in band or choir before school, during band or choir, and after school. Please complete an interest form at www.isd728.org/RHS_ »» Multiple locations, dates and times that fit busy schedules. MusicLessons indicating your preferred schedule and a representative »» Flexible registration and payment plan. (Please note: State law from ISD 728 Community Education will be in touch with you to schedule your private, semi-private, or one-time lesson with a qualified requires students be registered for Behind the Wheel before they instructor. If you have any questions, please contact the RHS band or can take the permit test. To be fully registered, full payment for choir directors, or the Community Education office at 763-241-3520. Behind the Wheel must be received by the last classroom day.) »» Supportive and educational Parent Class offered multiple times Fall Session | Sep 18-Nov 10 and locations throughout the year. Winter Session | Nov 27-Jan 26 Spring Session | Feb 5-Mar 30Drivers under the age of 18 who complete Behind the Wheel instructionand are testing for a provisional driver’s license must submit a supervised Private Lessons | $240/sessiondriving log. The driving log must show that the teen has completed at Semi-Private Lessons | $120/sessionleast 50 hours of supervised driving, 15 of which are nighttime hours. If a One-Time Lesson | $35/lessonparent attends a parent class, the required number of supervised drivinghours decreases to 40, 15 of which are nighttime hours. Also, watch your Lessons available for:email along with information sent home with your student, for important Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, French Horn,information regarding the Driving Log, the parent class and Behind the Percussion and VoiceWheel scheduling. ISD 728Complete Training Package: $339Payment plan available: $139 due at registration, $200 by last class ELK RIVER - OTSEGO - ROGERS - ZIMMERMANClassroom instruction only: $100Behind-the-Wheel training only: $280 (Call 763-241-3520 to register)Mon-Fri Sep 18-29 | 2:45-5:45pm | 10 sessionsRogers HS Rm B103 Door I | O'Connell | #3895-1FMon-Fri Oct 23-Nov 3 | 2:30-5:30pm | 10 sessionsElk River HS Rm 225 Door A | Hudson | #3895-2FTue/Thu Nov 2-Dec 14* | 6:00-9:00pm | 10 sessionsRogers HS Rm B103 Door I | Johnson | #3895-3F*Not meeting Nov 7, 23, 28Mon-Fri Dec 4-15 | 3:00-6:00pm | 10 sessionsZimmerman HS Rm 560 Door A | O'Connell | #3895-4FISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 59
ROGERS RECREATION YOUTH EXPERIENCEFRIENDSHIPS ATHLETICS COMMUNITYAMAZING ATHLETES ► AGE 3-6 SPORTSTERS ► AGE 2-6Utilize the movements of sports to help your little athlete meet, master This program is designed to energize and encourage children toand exceed their motor development milestones. By allowing children participate in sports and games. Basic bowling, T-ball and soccer skillsto build skills at their own comfort pace, they become accustomed and good sportsmanship are emphasized.to sports and fitness in a way that will benefit them throughoutadolescence and stick with them into adulthood. Sports include Mini Sportsters | age 2-3 w/parent participationbasketball, baseball, golf, hockey, lacrosse, tennis, football, soccer and/ Wednesdays Nov 8-Dec 13* | 5:20-5:50pm | 5 sessions | $29or volleyball. Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4251-1F *Not meeting Nov 22age 3-4Mondays Sep 25-Oct 23 | 5:30-6:05pm | 5 sessions | $55 Little Sportsters | age 3-4 w/parent participationHassan Elem Gym Door C | #4253-1F Wednesdays Nov 8-Dec 13* | 5:55-6:25pm | 5 sessions | $29 Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4251-2FMondays Oct 30-Dec 4* | 5:30-6:05pm | 5 sessions | $55 *Not meeting Nov 22Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4253-3F*Not meeting Nov 20 Sportsters | age 4-6 Wednesdays Nov 8-Dec 13* | 6:30-7:15pm | 5 sessions | $35age 4-6 Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4251-3FMondays Sep 25-Oct 23 | 6:15-6:50pm | 5 sessions | $55 *Not meeting Nov 22Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4253-2F BASKETBALL SKILLS ► AGE 5-9Mondays Oct 30-Dec 4* | 6:15-6:50pm | 5 sessions | $55Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4253-4F Your young athlete’s game improves with practice! Dribbling, passing,*Not meeting Nov 20 shooting, offensive and defensive moves used in mini games will help them build their skills.BALL SKILLS FOR BASKETBALL ► AGE 3-4 Beginner | age 5-7This class introduces basic motor skills used to play basketball. Your Thursdays Oct 5-Nov 2* | 6:05-6:50pm | 4 sessions | $29little athlete will learn to bounce, pass, and move with the ball, work with Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4031-2Fa partner and more. *Not meeting Oct 19Thursdays Oct 5-Nov 2* | 5:30-6:00pm | 4 sessions | $25 Intermediate | age 7-9Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4031-1F Thursdays Oct 5-Nov 2* | 6:55-7:40pm | 4 sessions | $29*Not meeting Oct 19 Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4031-3F *Not meeting Oct 19 GUARANTEE We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with yourexperience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524.60 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com
YOUTH ROGERS RECREATION OPEN GYM ► ALL AGES Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work on their skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize with others who share an interest in athletics. Changes may be made to this schedule, so always check before dropping a child off at the school. Pay at the door: Adult: $5/day, $40/10-day pass or $75/20-day pass Students: $4/day, $30/10-day pass or $55/20-day pass Family: $12/day, $79/10 day pass or $150/20-day pass Join your friends and neighbors for fun activities and prizes all ages while wearing your favorite costume at the Haunted Dash! Sundays Oct 1-May 13* | 4:00-6:00pm Rogers MS Gym Door AKICKBALL ► GRADES 1-3 *Not meeting Dec 24, 31, Apr 1Join the club! Learn the game and the skills needed to play kickball grades 9-12 and adultwhile having fun with friends. Each day will include a warm-up and Wednesdays Oct 4-May 16* | 7:00-9:00pmpractice, and end with dividing into teams to play a game. Rogers HS Gym Door I *Not meeting Nov 22, Dec 27Thursdays Oct 5-Nov 2* | 4:30-5:15pm | 4 sessions | $25Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #4001-1F NEWBIE TENNIS ► AGES 5-10*Not meeting Oct 19 Newbie players will learn to hold the racket then move on to forehandWednesdays Nov 8-Dec 13* | 4:30-5:15pm | 5 sessions | $29 and backhand swings. Fabulous and fun mini-games each day will keepHassan Elem Gym Door C | #4001-2F players excited for lessons. Please bring your own junior racket; if you*Not meeting Nov 22 don't have one we can provide one for class use.NEW! NET SPORTS ► AGE 5-9 Saturdays Sep 16-Oct 14 | 10:35-11:20am | 5 sessions | $35 Rogers MS Tennis Courts | #4030-2FYour young athlete will have the opportunity to play mini games andactivities while improving their volleyball and tennis skills. ROOKIE TENNIS ► AGES 6-12age 5-7 Rookie players have the basics down and will begin the process ofWednesdays Sep 27-Oct 25 | 5:30-6:15pm | 5 sessions | $35 learning to serve and volley. Players will begin to score their ownHassan Elem Gym Door C | #4030-1F matches and participate in mini-games. Please bring your own junior racket; if you don't have one we can provide one for class use.age 7-9Wednesdays Sep 27-Oct 25 | 6:25-7:10pm | 5 sessions | $35 Saturdays Sep 16-Oct 14 | 11:25am-12:10pm | 5 sessions | $35Hassan Elem Gym Door C | #4030-5F Rogers MS Tennis Courts | #4030-3F WEATHER CANCELLATIONS POWER TENNIS ► AGES 8-12 Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT or check online at www.728communityed.com Power tennis players will continue to refine their skills by working on their for possible weather related cancellations forehand, backhand, serves and volleys. Players will improve their skills and other program updates. with footwork, speed and technique. Favorite mini-games and matches will challenge each power player to do their personal best. Please bring your own junior racket; if you don't have one we can provide one for class use. Saturdays Sep 16-Oct 14 | 9:45-10:30am | 5 sessions | $35 Rogers MS Tennis Courts | #4030-4FISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 61
ROGERS RECREATION YOUTH Learn to Skate USA gives participants the foundation to reach SNOWPLOW SAM – DISCOVER, LEARN & PLAY their goals in both recreational and competitive skating. ► AGE 3-5 µLEARN TO SKATE USA ► AGE 3+ µ This level is for new skaters who have rarely or never been on skates. It is designed to help the pre-school skater develop preliminaryLearn to Skate USA is designed to fit the needs of all skaters. This coordination and strength necessary to move on ice. Gloves/jacket/program teaches children and adults the fundamentals of ice skating, warm pants and a bike or hockey helmet are required. Parents are notbuilds confidence, ensures success using a progressive curriculum, allowed on ice without permission.and gives each participant the foundation to reach their goals in bothrecreational and competitive skating. Learn to Skate USA is endorsed »» Snowplow Sam 1: Designed for skaters with no experience;by US Figure Skating, USA Hockey and US Speed Skating. There is no introduces how to stand, sit, fall and get up on and off the ice,pro-rating of fee for missed classes and no refunds once sessions start, marching and dipping.unless approved by the skating director. Classes may be cancelled orcombined if minimum registration is not met. Registration is through »» Snowplow Sam 2: Beginning process of marching, dipping whileISD728 Community Education website or via phone at 763.241.3520. moving. Includes wiggles, swizzles, weight shifting and glide.Registration closes three days prior to start of session. Register earlyas classes fill up quickly. »» Snowplow Sam 3: Designed for the skater that can move along the ice in strides with long glides, multiple forward and backClasses are taught by sanctioned instructors over the course of 5-6 swizzles in a row, snowplow stop and curves.weeks and are held at the Rogers Activity Center. Helmets are requiredfor all Snowplow Sam, Basic 1-2 and hockey classes. All skaters should »» Snowplow Sam 4: Focuses on pushing and balance while movingwear warm pants, jacket and gloves. Hockey classes also require forward and backward, two-foot glides, rocking horse, and two-foothockey gloves, shin pads and a stick (other equipment is optional). No turns from forward to backward in place (both directions).double-blade skates allowed, nor are parents allowed on ice duringlesson times; exceptions must be approved by the skate director. Rental BASIC SKILLS–FUNDAMENTALS ► AGE 6+ µskates are available for $2/pair daily and bike helmets are availablefor $1. Please check skates to ensure sharp edges as this will make These six progressive-level classes teach the fundamentals of iceit easier to skate; skate sharpening is available at the arena for $4. skating, providing the best foundation for figure skating, hockey andPlease allow 10-15 minutes for sharpening time. speed skating. Basic 1 and 2 are introductory levels and Basic 3-6 develop the fundamental skating skills, focusing on basic athleticism,It is common for children to repeat a level before advancing to the agility, balance, coordination and speed. Helmet is required for Basic 1next level. All skaters will be assessed the first day of class to ensure and 2.they are in the correct level; if not, they may be moved appropriately.Attendance is important to learn new skills that build on previous »» Basic 1: First of two introductory levels for new skaters with noclasses. Please arrive 20 minutes early the first day of class to pick up prior skating experience to build confidence while learning toname badge and general information. skate. Sit and stand on ice, marching, gliding, dipping, wiggles and swizzles, and beginning snowplow stop.Visit http://www.RAC.rogersmn.gov for complete outline of classdescriptions or call 763.428.0975. »» Basic 2: Introduces scooter pushes, one- and two-foot glides, rocking horse, backward swizzles, two-foot turns from forward to backward in place (both directions), and moving snowplow stops. »» Basic 3: Skaters learn basic fundamental moves through a series of progression -- stroking, half swizzle pumps, moving two-foot turns, backward one-foot glides, backward snowplow stops, forward slalom and pivots. »» Basic 4: Beginning advanced level skills; figure skates necessary and toe pick is used. Skills include inside and outside edges, crossovers, backward half swizzle pumps, backward one-foot glides, beginning two-foot spin and forward lunges. »» Basic 5 and 6: Figure skates required; contact the skating director for scheduling options. Are you an adult interested in learning to skate? Contact Cherie at 763.428.0975. These programs are brought to you directly by Rogers Parks and Recreation. Call 763-428-0975 or visit www.RAC.rogersmn.gov for additional program info.62 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com
YOUTH ROGERS RECREATIONHOCKEY ► AGE 4+ µ All skaters will be assessed the first day of class to ensure they are in the correct level.Our hockey curriculum is divided into two age brackets: Prep Jrs (age4-6) and Prep Beginner/Advanced (age 7+). Both levels are designed to LEARN TO SKATE USA FALL 2 SESSION µteach the same fundamentals of hockey skating, but at different paces.There are four badge levels in which skaters learn how to be proficient SATURDAYS OCT 21-NOV 25 | 6 SESSIONSand agile on the ice. Proper skating techniques for the game of hockeyare the focus; most elements are taught without a stick or puck. Class #4980-2F | Snowplow Sam 1 | 8:45-9:15am | $69uses stations or small groups based on the number of skaters and #4981-2F | Snowplow Sam 2 | 9:15-9:45am | $69abilities, with some free time. It is recommended that skaters have #4982-2F | Snowplow Sam 3 | 8:45-9:15am | $69completed Snowplow Sam 2 or Basic 1 before registering for hockey. #4983-2F | Snowplow Sam 4 | 9:15-9:45am | $69Hockey registrants must be able to glide. Hockey helmet, shin guards, #4984-2F | Basic 1 | 8:45-9:15am | $69 hockey gloves and a stick are required (other equipment optional). #4985-2F | Basic 2 | 9:15-9:45am | $69 #4986-2F | Basic 3 | 9:15-9:45am | $69 »» Hockey 1: Designed for beginner skaters who want to play hockey #4987-2F | Basic 4+ | 9:45-10:15am | $69 but have little skating ability, yet are able to stand, march and glide #4994-2F | Hockey Prep Jr 1 | 9:15-10:15am | $89 on skates. Skills include basic hockey stance, fall/recovery, glides #4994-2Fa | Hockey Prep Jr 2 | 9:15-10:15am | $89 and dips, forwards swizzles/double c-cuts, T-pushes, snowplow #4995-2F | Hockey Beginner 1 | 9:15-10:15am | $89 stop, and proper stick holding and passing. #4995-2Fa | Hockey Beginner 2 | 9:15-10:15am | $89 #4996-2F | Hockey Advance 3 | 9:15-10:15am | $89 »» Hockey 2: Learn forward strides using V-pushes, one-foot push #4996-2Fa | Hockey Advance 4 | 9:15-10:15am | $89 and glides, forward c-cuts, backward hustle, swizzles/double c-cuts, moving snowplow stops, scooting or skateboard pushes OPEN SKATE SCHEDULE µ on circle. Beginning stick movement with puck and passing will be introduced. Sundays Sep 3-Dec 17 | 4:00-5:15pm »» Hockey 3: A semi-advanced level in which the skater does lateral Wednesdays Sep 6-Dec 27 | 11:45am-1:15pm crossovers, marches, forward and backward c-cuts on circle, forward inside and outside edges on half circles alternating feet, Wednesdays Sep 13-Dec 27 | 6:00-7:15pm backward snowplow stops, and hockey stops. Stick and puck skating/handling straight and curves in – both directions will be See Special Event open skate schedule on page 64. introduced. »» Hockey 4: Advanced skating level using quick starts, long crossover glides (both directions, forward and backward), hockey Open Skate schedules are subject to change. stops with speed, and Mohawk pivots from powerful, full strides. Focus will be on proficiency in both directions with and without Visit our website at www.RAC.rogersmn.gov for updates. stick and puck. $4/skater; age 5 and under freeLEARN TO SKATE USA FALL 1 SESSION µ $36/10-day punch cardSATURDAYS SEP 9-OCT 14* | 5 SESSIONS Winter Learn to Skate classes will resume January 20, 2018; watch for delivery of the*Not meeting Sep 30 Community Education Winter brochure with#4980-1F | Snowplow Sam 1 | 8:45-9:15am | $60 your local paper on Saturday, December 2#4981-1F | Snowplow Sam 2 | 9:15-9:45am | $60#4982-1F | Snowplow Sam 3 | 8:45-9:15am | $60 to view class schedules and to register.#4983-1F | Snowplow Sam 4 | 9:15-9:45am | $60#4984-1F | Basic 1 | 8:45-9:15am | $60#4985-1F | Basic 2 | 9:15-9:45am | $60#4986-1F | Basic 3 | 9:15-9:45am | $60#4987-1F | Basic 4+ | 9:45-10:15am | $60#4994-1F | Hockey Prep Jr 1 | 9:15-10:15am | $80#4994-1Fa | Hockey Prep Jr 2 | 9:15-10:15am | $80#4995-1F | Hockey Beginner 1 | 9:15-10:15am | $80#4995-1Fa | Hockey Beginner 2 | 9:15-10:15am | $80#4996-1F | Hockey Advance 3 | 9:15-10:15am | $80#4996-1Fa | Hockey Advance 4 | 9:15-10:15am | $80ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 63
ROGERS RECREATION YOUTHADULT AND POND OPEN HOCKEY µ Don't miss the last outdoor movie of the season... The Secret Life of Pets on September 9th!Visit www.RAC.rogersmn.gov for schedules; updated weekly. MOVIE @ DUSK µAdult Open HockeyFridays 11:45am-1:15pm* Do not miss our last outdoor movie for the season…The Secret Life$7/skater; $50/10-day punch card of Pets. Bring a blanket and/or lawn chair and enjoy the night! FreeGoalies free for Adult Hockey popcorn! Be sure to call our weather hotline at 763-428-0960 for*Not meeting Nov 24 possible weather related cancellations.OUTDOOR SKATE µ Saturday Sep 9 | 7:45pm/dusk Triangle Park/Veteran’s MemorialNeighborhood skating rinks will be open to the public mid-December(weather permitting). The warming house to rink will close when ROGERS FARMERS MARKET µtemperature is 20 degrees below. For more information, contactRogers Activity Center at 763-428-1033; check our website www.RAC. Rogers Farmers Market is still open and going strong. Come get yourrogersmn.gov, or www.facebook.com/cityofrogers. fall pumpkins, squash, gourds and more. The market is located near the Veteran’s Memorial and Triangle Park. Visit www.farmersmarket. EXPERIENCE THIS! rogersmn.gov for updated information. SPECIAL EVENT OPEN SKATE µ Wednesdays through Oct 4 | 3:00-6:30pm 12724 Main Street Rogers Back to School Sunday Sep 10 | 4:00-5:15pm LOCATIONS Free admission if wearing Rogers’ Royals apparel Rogers Activity Center Glow-n-Skate 21080 141st Avenue, Rogers Wednesdays Sep 27, Oct 25, Nov 29, Dec 27 | 6:00-7:15pm Triangle Park/Veteran’s Memorial $5 fee includes glow necklace 12724 Main Street, Rogers Haunted Glow-n-Skate Sunday Oct 29 | 4:00-5:30pm $5 fee includes glow necklace Gobbler Skate Wednesday Nov 22 | 6:00-7:15pm Free admission with a non-perishable food item for local Food Shelf Skate with Santa Sunday Dec 17 | 4:00-5:15pm Free hot chocolate with paid admission $4/skater; age 5 and under Free $5/skater for Glow-n-Skates No skate punches accepted for Glow-n-Skates Watch for other special event dates on our website and facebook page at www.RAC.rogersmn. gov or www.facebook.com/cityofrogers.64 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com
ADVERTISEMENTS SEAC Community Forum 2017 EVENT SCHEDULE Mindfulness, intentionally bringing awareness to the current All events are FREE and open to the public! moment, has been receiving a lot of attention! What is Mindfulness? September 2017 Why practice Mindfulness at school and home? September 9, 10am-12pm National presenter, Mary T. Schmitz, MSW, LICSW, & Mindfulness Education Wildflower Tour - Refuge Headquarters Specialist for ISD 728 will share how Mindfulness may be supportive for September 16, 8am-11am how children learn, along with noticing what often interrupts that Bird Tour - Oak Savanna Learning Center process; namely, mismanaged emotions and lack of focus. You will also learn some Mindfulness Practices for self-care & stress management. September 30, 10am-3pm Wildlife Festival - Oak Savanna Learning Center Mindfulness with Mary T. Schmitz “Taking Time for a Breath” October 2017 October 12, 2017 October 14 & 15, 6am-9am 6:30-8:30 Sandhill Crane Tours - Oak Savanna Learning Center (Reservation Required) Zabee Theater, ERHS Are you interested in Plan to attend this nature photography? FREE Community Event! The Sherburne National Wildlife RefugeGREAT RIVER ENERGY EXPLORERS Photography Club meets every 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm College is expensive! Investigate careers now at the Oak Savanna Learning Center. before you jump into a college program. LOCATIONS Our FREE Great River Energy Explorers informational sessions Refuge Headquarters is located off Sherburne CR 9, five miles west of Hwy. 169. The Oak Savanna can help 7th-12th graders Learning Center is located ¼ mile west of Refuge determine a career path with a HQ off Sherburne CR 9. Refuge HQ and Eagle’s Nest Nature. Store hours are 8am-4pm variety of career topics, fun Monday–Friday. Closed federal holidays. interactive games, tours & more. Friends of Sherburne NWR 2017-2018 Kick Off Meeting* www.exploresherburne.org Tuesday, October 10 | 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. www.facebook.com/SherburneRefugeFans Great River Energy, Elk River Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge & Friends of Sherburne 17076 293rd Ave, Zimmerman, MN 55398*Free Dinner during Kick Off Meeting! **High school seniors who attendat least 5 sessions will be eligible to apply for a $1,000 scholarship. RSVP TODAY AT: WWW.ISD728.ORG/ENERGYEXPLORERSISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 65
REGISTRATION CONTACT USONLINE COMMUNITY EDUCATION ISD 728 FACILITY SCHEDULINGwww.728communityed.com Community Education Office Hours: q 763-3400 X5539Secure registration 24 hrs/day using 8:00am-4:30pm, Summer Hours E [email protected], MasterCard, Discover or AmEx. 8:30am-5:00pm, Labor Day-Memorial Day q 763-241-3520 EDVENTURE CLUBIN PERSON, MAIL, E [email protected] DROP BOX q 763-241-3544 ECFE & DISCOVERY LEARNING E [email protected] Center1170 Main St., Elk River 55330 ECFE Office Hours: ADULT BASIC EDUCATIONThere is a 24-hour drop box. 8:00am-4:30pm, Year Round q 763-241-3524 q 763-241-3400 x5525 E [email protected] E [email protected]: FAX: EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING WEATHER CANCELLATIONS763.241.3520 763.241.3521 q 763-241-3525 Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT E [email protected] or check online at www.728communityed.com for possible weather related cancellations and other program updates.Full Name________________________________________________________ DETAILS »» Some activities, suppliesEmail Address_____________________________________________________ or tickets are not refundable.(H) Phone______________________ (C) Phone_________________________ »» Make checks payable to:Home Address____________________________________________________ ISD 728 Community Education »» Adults are given priority forCity__________________________________________ Zip________________ adult classes; ages 15-17 may »» Participants must be the correct register if space permits. If participant is a child: age and/or grade by the lastBirthdate_ ___________________________ Age____________ Grade_______ day of class. »» We take photographs to useParent Names_____________________________________________________ in our marketing materials.Emergency phone # & contact _______________________________________ »» Cancellations must be made Notify us in writing if you doHealth concerns: __________________________________________________ at least 3 business days prior not wish to have photos in our to activities. Refunds or credits publications. cannot be given for forgotten classes.Class Information EDVENTURE CLUB-PROGRAM PARTICIPANT CAREClass Title___________________________________Class #_______________Class Date/Time____________________________________ Fee ___________ EdVenture Club offers on-site childcare for the children of program participants for selected classes. This program is supervised byPayment EdVenture Club staff specifically trained in Early Childhood and Schoolo Check o Cash o MasterCard/VISA/Discover/AmEx Age best practices. Be sure to register by 5pm the Thursday prior toCard #__________ -___________- ___________- ___________ Exp_________ the week care is needed.Signature ________________________________________________________ FEES First Child - $4, Additional Children - $2.50 (Additional fees will apply if the care is needed for longer than a 2-hour period) GUARANTEE HOW DO I REGISTER?We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. Call 763-241-3520, online at www.isd728.org/EdvPPC or email If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact [email protected]. Registration must be received by the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the 5pm the Thursday prior to the week care is needed. Early Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524. Care is available for classes that have the Program Participant Care program icon next to the class title.66 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com
SITE LOCATIONS REGISTRATION 45 Community Education & ECFE 1 Handke Center 1170 Main St., Elk River 20 Freemont Ave. 21 22 2 Elk River Senior High School 900 School St., Elk River 46 4th St. SW 3 Hassan Elementary School ZIMMERMAN 14055 Orchid Ave., Hassan 169 4 ISD 728 District Office Dodge Ave. 11500 193rd Ave. NW, Elk River 7 Elk Lake Rd. Highland Rd. 4 5 Ivan Sand Community High School 1 16 193rd Ave. NW 1232 NW School St., Elk River 19 2 6 10ELK RIVER 5 18 6 Lincoln Elementary School School St. 600 School St., Elk River 10 13 Proctor 1 Line Ave. 7 Meadowvale Elementary School Twin Lakes Rd. 12701 Elk Lake Road, Elk RiverMISSISSIPPI RIVER Main St. 8 North Community Park 13750 Bittersweet Street, Rogers 90th St. 10 85th St. 169 9 Otsego Elementary School Nashua Ave. NE 8125 River Road NE, Otsego Parell Ave. NE 101 10 Parker Elementary School Parish Ave. NE 500 School St., Elk River 11 9 OTSEGO 11 Prairie View Elementary/Middle School & ECFE 12220 80th St NE, Otsego 169 12 Rogers Activity Center19 10 21080 141st Ave., Rogers 13 Rogers Elementary School & ECFE 12521 Main St., Rogers 14 Rogers High School 21000 141st Ave., Rogers 15 Rogers Middle School 20855 141st Ave., Rogers 23 Rogers Senior Center 12913 Main St., Rogers 101 16 Salk Middle School 36 11970 Highland Road, Elk River CROW R I V ER D AY T O N 17 Triangle Park 12 14 21400 Rouillard Blvd., Rogers 94 3 144 14115st Av8e. 18 Twin Lakes Elementary School 10051 191st Avenue NW, Elk River 19 VandenBerge Middle School 948 Proctor Road, Elk River ROGERS 23 John Milless Dr. 19 VandenBerge Pool 948 Proctor Road, Elk RiverMap not to scale Memorial Dr.Main St. 94 20 Westwood Elementary 81 13651 Fourth Ave. S., Zimmerman 17 21 Zimmerman Middle/High School 13 25900 4th St.W., Zimmerman 22 Zimmerman Elementary School & ECFE 25959 4th St.W., Zimmerman ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | www.728communityed.com 67
ISD 728 Community Education1170 Main StreetElk River, MN 55330 REGISTER TODAY! CHILDCARE beforefosr chool naoftne-rscshcohool odlay&s grades K-5 Come GROW with us! OFFERED AT Meadowvale, Parker, Twin Lakes, Otsego, Prairie View, Rogers, Hassan, Zimmerman & Westwood Elementary Schools * Grades K-6 at Prairie View Elementary / Middle School.