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OUR MISSION PROFESSIONAL STAFF To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy Patrick O'Hara Executive Director spirit, mind and body for all. pohara@asheboroymca.comGENERAL INFORMATION OUR FOCUS Shirley McDowell Executive Assistant • Youth Development • Healthy Living • Social Responsibility Joyce Deaton Administrative Assistant FACILITY HOURS Angela Lanier Business Manager Monday-Thursday: 5:00 am to 10:00 pm Friday: 5:00 am to 9:00 pm Saturday: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm Megan Clapp Membership & Marketing Director Sunday: 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm POOL OPERATING HOURS Robin Hatch Wellness Director Monday-Thursday: 6:00 am to 9:00 pm Friday: 6:00 am to 8:00 pm Saturday: 8:15 am to 6:00 pm Shawn Columbia Aquatics Director/ Sunday: 1:15 pm to 4:45 pm Competitive Swim Director *See current pool schedule for times and updates. Joe Taureck Youth & Adult Sports Director Celena R. Fleming Community Development Director HOLIDAY CLOSURES Morris Ebanks Maintenance Supervisor • Easter Sunday • Thanksgiving • July 4th • Christmas Eve Jeanette Rollins Nursery Supervisor • Labor Day • Christmas Day Virginia Moore Senior Program Coordinator INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY If the YMCA opens late or closes early due to Kathryn Simpson Front Desk Supervisor inclement weather, the following will go into effect: • YMCA will open only at 10:00 am or 1:00 pm Gina Powell Information Specialist • If opening at 10:00 AM – Classes, nursery & Camp Chill Out will be available as scheduled. • If opening at 1:00 PM – No classes or Camp SECURITY CAMERAS Chill Out will be available. Nursery will open as Surveillance Cameras are installed inside and outside scheduled that afternoon. the YMCA. Cameras are for the safety and protection • After School will only be offered if of our members and non-members. schools are in session. Any delays or closings are sent to Fox 8, News 2, and WKXR (local radio station). The YMCA will also post any1 delays or closings on social media, send emails to subscribers in our software system, post onto our website and send text alerts as well. To be sure you are up-to-date on the latest news, sign up for text alerts, follow us on social media, and check with Front Desk to be sure we have your email address.
1/2 MILE OUTDOOR COMMUNITY GET INVOLVED!WALKING PATH WITH FITNESS STATIONS • Volunteer: You can get involved and give backThe Randolph Hospital Community Health to the community by becoming a YMCAFoundation ½ Mile Community Walking Path is open volunteer. The YMCA is dependent on ourfor all YMCA members and the community. dedicated volunteers. From serving on*Please follow rules on path. committees, to coaching, to assisting with programs such as Special Olympics, our volunteers touch the lives of many peopleCOMMUNITY OUTREACH GARDEN throughout Asheboro and Randolph CountyOur garden is made up of volunteers who share a of gardening and are committed to serving theneeds of the community and the YMCA. Produce is If you’d like to volunteer contact Celena Flemingdonated to local charities. If you are interested in for more information at 336.625.1976 ext. 2012participating, contact Virginia Moore for more or email to be added to our volunteer email list.information. • Donate: If you desire, you can contribute to the GENERAL INFORMATION YMCA through a personal donation. Donations are tax deductible. To make a donation contact Angela Lanier at 336.625.1976 ext. 2005.DARKNESS TO LIGHT YMCA’S CAPITAL CAMPAIGNThe Randolph-Asheboro YMCA has partneredwith Darkness to Light, a nationally acclaimed • EDWARD M. ARMFIELD SR. Fitness Centernon-profit, to bring its award-winning • ANN & BILL HOOVER Community Roomprevention program, Stewards of Children, to • WELLS FARGO Group Exercise Roomour community. Stewards of Children is a • SUSAN & CHARLIE BOSSONG, CHARLESthree-hour training designed to educate adultson how to recognize, prevent, and react GEORGE BOSSONG II, & SAMUEL LORENZresponsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse, BOSSONG Lobbyemphasizing child safety is every adult’s • KEITH CHRISCO FAMILY & EMPLOYEES ofresponsibility. ASHEBORO ELASTICS Yoga/Pilates Room • FRAN & WARREN KNAPP Senior/Teen CenterINVEST IN PEOPLE SCHOLARSHIP FUND • H. CLAY & WAVIE M. PRESNELL FOUNDATION NurseryThis year thousands of children and adults will • SAM K. RAMSEY/CHICK-FIL-A Special Needs Restroomcome to the Randolph-Asheboro YMCA for • KIP SCHRODER Youth Roomfriendship, exercise, fun, education, camp, • MAX JARRELL & FAMILY Chapelsports and parties. Many others will not be able • GEORGE & HAZEL JOHNSTON Steam Room,to afford the cost of the programs and services Sauna, & Whirl Pool Areathey need. We want to make sure that everyone • BARBARA OWENS Librarywho needs a YMCA program has the chance to • SAM BOSSONG Playgroundparticipate. People who qualify are not turned • WILLIAM MOORE HENDRICKS, M.D. FAMILY & FRIENDSaway because of the inability to pay, but these Racquetball Courtsprograms do cost money. The funds raised inour annual ‘Invest in People Campaign’ are used Thank you to everyone who has contributed towardsto provide scholarships for children, adults, the Capital Campaign. We could not have done itseniors, single parents, and others with special without you!needs who lack financial resources. Campaignfunds fill the gap to pay the cost of providing 2these programs. For more information on howyou can be a hero to those less fortunate,contact Patrick O’Hara or Angela Lanier to makea tax-deductible contribution.
YMCA Membership MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Membership to Membership categories are established to meet your the YMCA is easy specific needs. Members can pay membership fees and offers you the by annual payment or by monthly draft. A new best value in joining fee is due when signing up. Please contact the enjoying the many YMCA for more information about membership, rates facets of our and specials. Also, feel free to visit at any time we organization. are open for a tour of the facility with one of our Moreover, it friendly staff members! makes you part of the YMCA. YMCA members, represented by our volunteer Board of Directors, guide YOUTH YOUNG ADULT ADULT the future of our YMCA and have a voice in our operation. Since the YMCA is a membership Ages 18 & Under ( 19-25 ) ( 26-59 ) organization, it offers programs first to our members, and then to the public on a space-available basis. In SINGLE PARENT * HOUSEHOLD * addition, we strive to offer many free or reduced services and activities to our members. One Adult + dep child(ren) 2 Adults + dep child(ren) NEW MEMBER JOINING FEEYMCA MEMBERSHIP The new member joining fee is a one-time fee * (Parent and dependent children 18 and under along with College that is due at the time of joining and is used to Students 19-22 upon proof of 12 semester hours attendance each maintain the equipment and make necessary semester). Children over 22 may not remain on this repairs to the building. If you are employed by membership,but may join as a Young Adult with no joining fee. one of our Corporate Members, please provide Adults joining together on the same membership must show proof proof of employment (ID badge or check-stub) in of same residency. order to waive this fee. Non-corporate past SENIOR ADULT ** SENIOR COUPLE ( 60+ ) 1 Adult 60+ **Age 60 and older. We provide a discount for Seniors 60+, therefore there is no corporate category for a Senior Adult Membership. Contact Shirley McDowell for more info. members who rejoin after a 30 day lapse in SILVERSNEAKERS and SILVER&FIT membership will be considered a new member A membership option offered through many and pay the new member joining fee. Insurance supplements. Check with your supplemental insurance company to see if you are Joining fees will be waived for college students upon eligible for membership through the SilverSneakers proof of 12 semester hours attendance. Proof must be or Silver&Fit Programs. provided at the time of joining. MONTHLY DRAFT SCHOLARSHIP Bank Draft is a convenient monthly membership Financial assistance is available through our ‘Invest fee automatically deducted from a savings or in People’ scholarship fund. Scholarships are checking account. Your initial payment when available based on availability of funds for those joining includes the one-time New Member who qualify. To apply, pick up an application at Joining Fee along with the prorated first month front desk and return with proof of income. of membership. To participate in the bank draft, you must provide a voided check at the time of joining. If you do not have checks or wish to be drafted from a savings account, your bank should CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP be able to provide you a letter that includes the The Randolph-Asheboro YMCA offers local name on the account, account number, routing businesses and organizations an opportunity to help number and whether it is a savings or checking their employees become healthier in spirit, mind account. and body with Corporate Memberships. At no cost Cancellation of your membership requires a to the employer, employees can join the YMCA with 30-day written notice to the Front Desk of the significant savings; the joining fee for all Corporate YMCA. Phone communications of cancellation Members will be waived. Depending on the size of will NOT be accepted or validated. the company, there is an option to save 5-10% on membership. If you are employed by one of our Corporate Members, please provide proof of3 [The YMCA reserves the right to deny access or employment (ID badge or check-stub) in order to waive membership to any person who is a registered sex this fee. offender.]
YMCA AMENITIES A MEMBERSHIP WITH BENEFITS YMCA MEMBERSHIPFacilities Include: A YMCA Membership gives you so much 4 more than just a place to work out!• Fitness & Wellness Center Membership gives you opportunities to save Fitness Equipment & Machines time and money! Group Exercise Studio • Reduced Member Pricing on various Mind & Body Studio Indoor Cycle Studio Programs & Events BeastMode Training Center • Member Only Priority Registration• Community Room • No Contracts!• Aquatics Center • Fitness Equipment • FREE Fitness Orientations Jr. Olympic Size Indoor Heated Swimming Pool Whirlpool with Personalized Instruction Sauna Steamroom • (6) FREE Weekly Wellness Connections Splash Pad (Zero-depth Water Activity Park)• Three-Court Basketball Gymnasium • FREE Access to over 100 Group Exercise• Racquetball Courts Classes every week on land and water• Senior/Teen Center• Nursery/Playground • Fitness Challenges & Wellness Seminars• Locker Rooms • Lap Swim, Open Swim, & Family Swim Times Adult Only (Ages 18+) & Family• Special Needs Restrooms (Includes Showers) • FREE Child Care while you work out• Chapel • FREE Lockers for Daily Use• Christian Library • Reciprocal Membership at other Y’s across NC• Outdoor Playground • AWAY Privileges at other YMCA’s outside NC• Picnic Shelter • FREE Access to our Christian Library• ½ Mile Outdoor Community Walking Path with Fitness Stations • FREE Wi-Fi for Members OnlyGUESTS • Member - Only eventsNon-Members can utilize the YMCA facilities on adaily basis by paying a daily guest fee. Ages 16 and LOCKER RENTALSup will need a photo ID to leave at front desk for theduration of their visit. Members can bring in guests Half-lockers are available at front desk forat a reduced rate. members to use on a daily basis. You must bring your own lock to keep items secure while you use the facilities. When you leave, you must take your belongings and lock with you. A limited supply of locks are available for daily use at front desk. For your convenience, we do offer locker rentals on full lockers. Rent per year is $72 for full lockers. Fees are pro-rated to the end of the year at the time of rental and are billed in January for the next full year. CHRISTIAN LIBRARY There is something for everyone in our Christian Library. Men, women, youth and children enjoy fiction, biographies, Christian issues or Bible history. Members may check out a book by signing the card in the book and giving it to the front desk staff. Books can be checked out for up to four weeks. *The Randolph-Asheboro YMCA also has a Christian Emphasis Committee to help emphasize the “C” in YMCA.
Limousine transportation is also available for purchase within a 6 mile radius of 105 Worth Event Centre. Contact Celena Fleming for more information.• Saturday, January 7, 2017: 6:00-10:00pm • Friday, May 12, 2017• Saturday, February 4, 2017: 6:00-10:00pm The Sam Bossong Golf Tournament is held everyParents, do you need a break? Then bring your year in memory of Sam Bossong, a long-timechildren to the Y for a night out! Children 5-11 supporter of the Randolph-Asheboro YMCA. Theyears old enjoy swimming, games, and other Asheboro Jr. Women’s Club is the official host offun activities. Dinner and snacks are provided this event. The 18th Annual Sam Bossong Golffor all participants. Don’t forget your swim suit Tournament will be held on Friday May 12, 2017,and towel! with all the proceeds going to the Randolph- Asheboro YMCA’s ‘Invest in People’ AnnualCost: $15 for members Scholarship Campaign. Contact Patrick O’Hara for $25 for public further information.There is a $5 discount per child if enrolled in • Saturday, May 20, 2017: 8:00am-4:00pmthe After School Program.• Friday, January 27, 2017 19-21 Inclement Weather Date: May 20, 2017 Saturday, January 28, 2017 • Saturday, April 1, 2017 May 20, 2017 The Randolph-Asheboro YMCA will rent 6 foot tables5 with surrounding space for only $15 at our community yard sale. This event is held from 7am - Noon in the at 105Worth Event Centre. YMCA’s side paved parking lot. (In case of rain, event will be held in the basketball gymnasium.) Bring all your items for sale, keep all your profits, and we’ll handle all advertising and set-up. All table rental proceeds will benefit the “Invest in People” Scholarship program. Please contact Celena Fleming at (336) 625.1976 ext. 2012 for more info.
classes, swimming, Senior/Teen Center• Saturday, June 3, 2017: 9:00am • Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016: 8:00am - 3:00pm 4ththey Invest in People• August 12, 2017 FREE SUMMER FAMILY MOVIEThe 1st Annual Randolph-Asheboro Fall Volleyball NIGHTS ON THE SPLASH PADClassic was held in 2009. The tournament was open • Friday, June 23, 2017: dusk, approx 9:00pmto both JV and Varsity teams, and has become • Friday, July 14, 2017: dusk, approx 9:00pmsuccessful and a yearly tradition. We hosted our 8th • Friday, August 4, 2017: dusk, approx 9:00pmAnnual Tournament in August of 2016, and hope to These events are FREE and open to thecontinue the tournament for years to come. All ENTIRE community! Please come and enjoyproceeds from the tournament benefit the YMCA family activities and Splash Pad FUN beforeScholarship Fund. These funds allow the YMCA to the movie, 7:30 - 8:15pm. Also please bringcontinue the philosophy of never turning anyone enough seating for your family to sit in andaway due to lack of ability to pay. plan to be seated by 8:45pm (this will help avoid disruptions during the movie).• Friday, August 11, 2017: 6:00 - 8:00pm Concessions will be available for sale. COOKIES & STORY TIME with SANTA • Sunday, December 4, 2016: 2:00 - 3:00pm Bring the entire family to visit with Jolly Ole St. Nick, enjoy some yummy cookies and listen to the reading of a few Christmas stories! • December 26, 27, & 28 2016• November 12, 2016: 8:00am - 4:00pm 7 6help us give back to the community! The Y is opento the community to enjoy fitness, group exercise
• Life Fitness Fly/Deltoid Machine• Life Fitness Glute Machine• 10 Pairs Fixed Barbells 20-120 lbs• Rubber Bumper Plates 520 lbs• Life Fitness Smith Machine• Life Fitness Linear Leg Press• Life Fitness Chest Press• Hammer Strength Iso Lateral Shoulder Press• Hammer Strength Seated Dip• Hammer Strength Iso Lateral Leg Curl• Hammer Strength Iso Lateral Leg Extension• Life Fitness PowerMills• SciFit Total Body Exerciser
One-hour sessions are $20/Members. Contact thetrainer of your choice directly to schedule anappointment.Dates and Sign-Ups are located in the FitnessCenter.
FITNESS & WELLNESS Fitness & Wellness GROUP FITNESS Whether you are a novice or a long-time exerciser, we can provide what you need for a year-round fitness program. The YMCA has a state of the art Group Exercise Studio, Indoor Cycle Studio and a Mind & Body Studio. Classes which are free to members include: Bootcamp, Cardio Kick-box, Zumba®, Kettlebell Pump, Yoga, Pilates, Indoor Cycling, Tabata, Power-Cut, Jillian Michaels Bodyshred and many more classes are scheduled throughout the day for your convenience. Check out our Group Exercise schedule for a complete list and times. We recommend bringing a water bottle, towel and appropriate workout shoes for all classes. Group Exercise Studio Our state of the art Group Exercise Studio is a large multi-functional room that is great for group fitness as well as private workouts. Group exercise is a great way to get moving, make friends and stay motivated. We have a class for every level! Examples of classes provided : Kettlebell, Tabata, Power-Cut, Zumba®, and Kidz Dance Party Mind and Body Studio Our unique studio offers the right atmosphere and classes that will connect mind, body and spirit. The instructor will guide you through a workout that teaches correct technique and form to maximize results. Examples of classes provided : Yoga and Pilates Indoor Cycle Studio Our indoor cycle studio is equipped with 20 Keiser bikes with certified instructors that will help you burn calories while riding to motivating music! Indoor biking has proven that human against machine workouts are better in groups. Cycle classes are great fun for all levels of fitness because you control the intensity of your workout. BeastMode Extreme Internal Training Center BeastMode is a core strength and conditioning program that is designed to be broad, general and inclusive. Elements of track and field, gymnastics, and weightlifting are combined in short, intense daily workouts to maximize results for any individual. BeastMode teaches functional movement patterns, which is to say, movements that you find in real life: pushing, pulling, squatting, jumping, throwing, carrying and so on. • Scalable to fit any committed individual, regardless of experience • Can be used for elderly individuals looking for a healthy life • Used by athletes seeking to improve performance • BeastMode is for ANYONE that wants to change their life, AND is willing to work hard to make that change9 • Check the monthly schedule to see • Free for Randolph-Asheboro YMCA Members specific days/times of classes. • Every participant must complete a series of TWO Intro classes to attend a regularly scheduled class.
Active Older Adults OTHER ACTIVITIES & EVENTS: ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS SENIOR/TEEN CENTERONGOING SENIOR ACTIVITIES Open for Seniors Monday-Friday 8am to 12pm*Check the monthly calendar to see specific All ages M-F 5:30pm - 7:30pm,days/times of activities. Sat. 8am - 12pm & Sun. 1pm - 4:45pmPICKLEBALL *Please note hours vary seasonallyCombination of tennis, badminton, ping-pong, and Includes Ping-Pong, Foosball, Billiards, Airracquetball. One of the fastest growing sports in Hockey, Wii Game Consoles, 4 ExergameAmerica. Fast paced and easy to learn. Bikes and Xbox Game Systems, ComputerKNITTING GROUP Learning Center, TV/Lounging Area, FreeShare knitting & crochet ideas and skills with fellow Coffee served in mornings for Seniors.friends of fiber. New to the hobby? This group canhelp teach you how. A starter kit can be purchased OTHER SENIOR EVENTS INCLUDE:for $10 or bring your own supplies. • Pot Luck LunchesSENIOR BINGO • Holiday Luncheon“BINGO!” Play Bingo with Virginia Moore, YMCA • Holiday Craft FairSenior Programming Director. Win Prizes! Meet new • Field Tripspeople! • Wellness Seminars for SeniorsSOMEONE TO CAREJoin us for a bible study, devotions and prayergroup. This is a very relaxed atmosphere. Bringyour praises!WALKING CLUBMeet Virginia at the covered bridge between the ½Mile Community Walking Path and the playground.Don’t let bad weather stop you – we can also walkthe perimeter of the Basketball Gym during badweather.GAME TIMECard games, board games, puzzles and other SeniorCenter games to open play. Bring a game or hobbyof your own as well to enjoy with friends.DROP-IN CRAFT TIMELet’s get crafty! Enjoy making various and seasonalcrafts with other seniors. Occasional special guestartists.SENIOR DAYSSenior Appreciation Days are held at various timesthroughout the year as a time to socialize andfellowship with other Senior members as well asparticipating in various seminars, activities, and lunch.COOPERATIVE OUTREACH GARDENWe need your help tending the garden! Our garden ismade up of volunteers who share a love of gardening andare committed to serving the needs of the communityand the YMCA. Produce is donated to local charities. 10
Aquatics Center Fin’s Splash Pad Features: We offer open swims for the family, fitness lap Magic Touch Bollards Aqua Dome swimming, swimming classes, team competition, Foaming Geysers Power Volcano special populations, and aerobics. We have an Bullfrog Power Spinner aquatics program for everyone! INDOOR POOL Ground Geysers Rainbow Water Tunnel Bucket Trio Our pool at the Randolph Asheboro YMCA is host Water Cannons to a wide variety of aquatic activities. We have an indoor, 25-meter, six-lane pool, heated year round, along with a steamroom, sauna, and whirlpool. OPEN SWIMMING SWIMMING LESSONS (All Ages)AQUATICS Check our schedule for open swim sessions. It’s a The YMCA is known for swimming instruction. We have great time for the family to play in the pool. Open sessions throughout the year and classes to meet all sessions are scheduled throughout the week and ability levels. weekends for your enjoyment. Look for schedule at Fall Session dates available in August. Spring Session front desk. dates available in February. Summer Session dates available in April. Early Bird Registration is available for LAP SWIMMING members. Fees: $35/Members $55/Public Swimming laps is a great way to get fit! Check the schedule for lap swimming times. Look for schedule PARENT & INFANT/TODDLER SWIM at front desk. 64 lengths = 1 mile or 32 laps = 1 mile LESSONS (Ages 6 months - 3 Years) WATER AEROBICS Designed to introduce the very young to a comfortable, reassuring atmosphere in the water. Parents learn Join us in the water for aerobics. Water aerobics are teaching skills while working with their children in the a great low-intensity way to get fit through exercises water, under the supervision of an instructor. that develop cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength. Varied times make it easy to get involved. PRESCHOOL SWIM LESSONS Classes available: (Ages 3 to 5 Years) Water Aerobics, High Energy Aqua, Aqua Dance, Arthritis Aerobics, Seniors in Motion, and No Sweat Fitness SPLASH PAD Helps youngsters respect and enjoy the water by learning basic swimming skills and water safety. The Randolph-Asheboro YMCA has the first interactive water park in Asheboro. This zero depth water park is designed for all ages. Water park PROGRESSIVE SWIM LESSONS activities include spraying, splashing, dumping, and (Ages 6-12 years) walk through features. This outdoor water addition Beginning programs are for those with little or no houses 15 various water features. previous swimming experience. Skills include beginning Summer campers and after-school children get to strokes, rotary breathing, and water safety. enjoy the splash pad on a regular basis. Some of ADULT SWIM LESSONS (Ages 13 years & up) our special events include youth sports night, Back to School Bash, Community Day, Outdoor Family This class is for all skill levels, from the water-shy to those who wish to improve stroke mechanics. Movie Night and other theme parties. The splash pad makes a great venue for birthday parties that are held at the Y. Birthday Parties and Group PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS (All Ages) Events also available (see parties & facility rentals When group lessons do not meet your needs, try our section p.17) one-on-one instruction. Contact Shawn Columbia to The Shark Tank concession stand offers cool schedule an appointment. refreshments, including slushies, popcorn and other Fee: $20 per 30-minute lesson / Members snacks for the family. For assistance while using the $25 per 30-minute lesson / Public Splash Pad, see one of your friendly Water Rangers. or $110 for (6) 30-minutes lessons / Members (save $10)11 $145 for (6) 30-min lessons / Public (save $5)
SWIM TEAM POOL RULES & GUIDELINES Under the • Respect others. leadership of Head Coach and • Shower before entering pool Aquatics Director, Shawn Columbia, • No running in pool area. Walk at all times, including our competitive when jumping or diving. swimmers are offered the option • Coast guard approved flotation devices only. (No of swimming with inflatable devices such as water wings) the US year-roundteam, Fin Aquatics (FAST). Swim team emphasis is on • Dive only in 9 and 10 feet marked areas.personal skill improvement, as well as goodsportsmanship and team spirit. Dedication, teamwork, • Forward jumps/dives only, no flips. Do not jump intodiscipline and goal setting are objectives of the the pool until the person ahead of you is out of theprogram. YMCA membership and the ability to swim way.25 meters without stopping are required. The YMCA,for the past seventeen years, has had representation • Horseplay is not State and National Championships and hadnationally ranked swimmers. • No standing or sitting on shoulders. No throwing one another.FAST Swim Team Times: Monday-Friday, variousgroups and times. Contact Shawn Columbia for more • Profanity is not allowed in the facility/pool.information at League Recreational Swim Team: Contact • No pulling, playing or sitting on lifelines, laneShawn Columbia for information, months of June and July. ropes or lifeguard equipment.(The summer league team had an undefeated record in 2011and won the League Championship for 2012 and 2014.) • Kickboards and fins may be used for lap swimming AQUATICS or instruction only.LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION • Starting blocks are for instructional and specialThis program teaches the basic skills to become a events only. Do not use blocks to exit pool.lifeguard. Fee includes textbook and CPR/First Aidcertifications and pocket mask. • Food, drinks, gum, glass containers and pets are not allowed in the pool area.Minimum Age: 15 YearsSessions: Spring, dates available in March. • Youth must pass a swim test before swimming inContact Front Desk for information and dates. deep water or using mask and snorkel.CPR for the PROFESSIONAL RESCUER • Children 11 and under must be with a parent orCERTIFICATION ONLY guardian at least 18 years old. Parent/guardian must be on the pool deck or in the pool.Sessions: Spring, dates available in March.Contact Front Desk for information and dates. • Remove band-aids before entering the pool.SCUBA • Use ladders and steps properly. No playing or loitering on the stairs.Scuba diving is something to treasure. Dive into anew hobby or brush up on old techniques. Classes • Shower after each visit to the sauna or steamare held year round and include three classroom room before entering the pool.sessions, three swimming pool sessions at theYMCA pool and four open-water dives. You can • No excessive yelling.also plan a SCUBA camp or SCUBA birthday party.All classes and dives are taught and supervised by • No slapping the water with the noodles.Dean Prevo, certified master SCUBA diver/trainer.Call Mr. Prevo at 336-456-6630 for more • During family swim times, youth 17 and underinformation and class dates. must have a parent or guardian on the pool deck. • Swimmers who must wear diapers must wear approved tight-fitting water diapers and/or rubber pants. • Youth ages 12-17 must have a parent/guardian present in the steamroom and sauna. Those under the age of 11 are not allowed in the steamroom & sauna. • Lifeguards are here to protect your life and will 12 discipline anyone breaking the rules. The guard on duty has the last say in what is allowed. This is for your own safety.
Child Care Nothing is more important than our children and the YMCA strives to provide numerous activities and programs to meet their needs. NURSERY Ages 6 weeks - 6 years Let the YMCA Nursery Staff provide quality AFTER SCHOOL FUN CLUB care for your child while you use our YMCA facility. Our nursery provides care during Meet your friends \"After School\" and be a part of prime exercise times. Using the nursery at the the various activities available to youth in grades YMCA means you can check on your child at K-5. Our After School Program includes any time and don’t have to worry about homework time, snack time, arts and crafts, finding a sitter while you work out. There is a devotions, sports, swimming, fitness fun, and many four-hour time limit per day for this service. other individual and group activities. Nursery rules and guidelines are available Transportation Available at: from our nursery staff. • Balfour Elementary Nursery Hours: • Lindley Park Elementary Monday - Thursday 8:00 am – 1:15 pm • Guy B. Teachey Elementary • Charles McCrary Elementary 4:00 pm – 8:30 pm • Donna Lee Loflin Elementary • Southmont ElementaryCHILD CARE Friday 8:00 am – 1:15 pm There must be a minimum of 6 children registered and 4:15 pm – 7:30 pm attending from each site in order to continue transportation from these sites. Transportation is limited at all sites. Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Nursery Hours may change to accommodate schedules. Fees: Members using facility (on-site) - Free Members leaving the facility will be charged $5 per hour for the first child and $3 per hour for each additional child. Guests: $3 per hour per child for non-members. Non-members are NOT allowed to leave the YMCA. Late Pickup: $1 per minute per child for each minute Basic Schedule after posted closing time. 3:00-3:15 pm Drop-off & Free Play 3:15-3:30 pm Snack K-2nd SENIOR / TEEN CENTER Ages 6 years and older 3:30-3:45 pm Snack 3rd-5th 5:30-7:30 pm Monday-Friday 3:45-4:30 pm Homework (assistance is available) 8:00 am-12:00 pm Saturday 4:30-5:30 pm Structured Games & Activities 1:00-4:45 pm Sundays 5:30-6:00 pm Dismissal & Pick-up A supervised area for children while parents are *Every minute past 6 pm is $1 per minute per child late using the facility. pick-up fee. Scheduled Activities *Please note times vary seasonally. • Friday-Swimming Day K-5th (please send a swimsuit The Senior/Teen Center provides fun activities including the Wii, Ping-Pong, Air Hockey, and towel) Foosball, 4 ExerGame Bikes and XBox Game • Detailed schedules released monthly. Schedule is subject to change. Systems and a computer lab for children to enjoy and more. Costs: Members: $205/Mo; Public: $285/Mo Second Child/Members: $185/Mo Second Child/Public: $265/Mo Guidelines: • Free for Members & Paying Guests *There is a one-time $25 Registration Fee due with the 1st • Parents are required to sign their child in month's fee upon registering your child for the After School Fun Club Program. upon arrival and out upon leaving. * Document where they can be found in the July 1-14: Early Bird Registration - $0 Registration13 facility in case of emergency. Fee + $5 off 1st month per child • Behavior guidelines must be followed. July 15-31: Free Registration Save $25 per child
CAMP CHILL OUT CAMP SCHEDULEThese are day care sessions scheduled to coincide 7:00-8:30 am - Arrival/Supervised Free Playwith regular school closings, and some holidays. 8:30-9:30 am - Call to Order/Devotions/Camp Chill Out sessions (7am-6pm) are designed foryouth who are regularly enrolled in our After School SnacksPrograms, and for those who are not. This camp 9:30-Noon - Camp Activities/Field Tripsprovides children with fun and safe activities which Noon-1:00 pm - Lunchinclude structured games, field trips, swimming, arts 1:00-3:00 pm - Camp Activities/Field Trips& crafts, movies, and more. 3:00-4:00 pm - Snack 4:00-6:00 pm - Classroom Centers/COSTSMembers: $20/day $95/full week Teen Center/Pick-UpPublic: $30/day $120/full week*There is a one-time $15 Registration Fee due with PAST THEMES HAVE INCLUDED:the first daily fee upon registering your child for theCamp Chill-Out Program. All About Me Splish Splash(Register Free: July 1-31) Great Outdoors Hoop Dreams SUMMER DAY CAMP Sports of All Sports Artsy Smartsy Youth ages 5-12 will be My Y Olympics Game Show Fanatics involved in devotions, Science Seekers Mysteries, Maps & Riddles new friend- ships, theme- Mostly Grossly Under the Big Top related activi- ities, field Hollywood Glitz Dinosaur Relics CHILD CARE trips, arts & crafts, sports, COUNSELORS IN TRAINING (CIT)4-H, swimming, team oriented games and much more! An excitingGroups are divided by age: leadershipClimbers: 5-6 opportunityHikers: 7-8 for teensMountaineers: 9-10 ages 13-15Xtremes: 11-12 to interact with youngerCampers will participate in their designated group campers,activities as well as camp-wide events. learn expectationsEarly Bird Registration is April 1-14. of counselors, assist with day camp and doSave $5 per child on the first week of camp and pay team building activities. Teens build character,no registration fees. knowledge, their volunteer resume and enhance their opportunity to excel in life withFree Registration April 15-30: Save $30 per child. this program.Day Camp Costs - Members: $95/week; Teens interested in this program need to Public: $120/week submit a CIT Application April 1-30. Interviews will be scheduled in early May with teens thatPart-Time Day Camp Costs (MWF only) - Members $65/week; applied for the CIT program. Once a teen has Public: $90/week been interviewed the program directors will contact their references and then notify him or*There is a one-time, non-refundable, non-transferable her if they were selected to be a CIT. All teens$30 registration fee for all students who participate in the program. selected to be in the program will be required to attend a CIT training session. CIT Costs: Members: $55/week Public: $80/week 14
Youth Sports Early Bird Registration (Members Only) is Nov. 21-27 Registration: Nov 28, 2016 - January 2, 2017 Organized youth sports provide a valuable Season: January 17 - February 16, 2017 opportunity to help our children build healthy Fee: $30/Members; $50/Public spirits, minds and bodies. Our programs center around participation, growth and incorporating MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL (8-18 YRS) the values of respect, honesty, caring and All Players must be enrolled in responsibility. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, Randolph County, Asheboro City your child can find a place on a YMCA team! A Schools or Homeschool and be late fee of $10 will be applied if a registration is 8–18 years of age to be eligible. accepted past the deadline. We encourage Games are Tuesday and Thursday parents to volunteer to coach! nights. Early Bird Registration (Members Only) is April 3-9. Registration: April 10 - May 22, 2017 Season: June 6 - June 29, 2017 Fee: $15.00 for members and public Sponsored by United Way of Randolph CountyYOUTH SPORTS YMCA REC SOCCER (3-18 YRS) T-BALL (3-4 YRS) MODIFIED T-BALL (5-6 YRS) The YMCA in conjunction with C-BALL (7-11 YRS OLD) Central Carolina Soccer Club (CCSC) offers Fall and Spring Instructional T-Ball league with Soccer for 3 -18 year olds. (CCSC emphasis on sportsmanship and fair is a member of NCYSA, North play. All games are played on Monday, Carolina Youth Soccer Association.) Tuesday and Thursday evenings. All games are played on Saturdays. Contact the front desk for more information. Fee: Basic coach pitch baseball ( C-Ball ) with emphasis $50 for YMCA members and $65 for the public. on sportsmanship and team play. All games are Spring Season played on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Early Bird Registration (Members Only): Jan. 9-15 evenings. Registration: January 16 - February 13, 2017 Early Bird Registration (Members Only): April 3-9 Late Registration: Thru February 20, 2017 Registration: April 10 - May 15, 2017 Season: March 18 - May 13, 2017. Season: June 6 - July 27, 2017 Fall Season Fee: $35/Members; $55/Public Early Bird Registration (Members Only) is June 26 - July 2 Registration: July 3 - July 31, 2017 YOUTH VOLLEYBALL (3rd-12th grade girls) Late Registration: Thru August 7, 2017 Season: September 2 - October 21, 2017 Girls youth volleyball league to learn fundamentals and proper technique. WINTER INDOOR CO-ED SOCCER (3-18 YRS) Registration includes free skills This fast-paced, off the wall soccer game is played in camp. Games are played Tuesday or the YMCA gymnasium. All games are played on Thursday evenings. Saturdays. Early Bird Registration (Members Only) is Nov. 21 - 27 Fall Season Registration: Nov. 28, 2016 - Jan. 2, 2017 Early Bird Registration (Members Only): August 25-31, 2016 Season: January 21 - February 18, 2017 Registration: September 1-25, 2016 Fee: $30/Members; $40/Public Season: October 10 - November 10, 2016 Fee: $30/Members; $45/Public YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE (5-11 YRS) Spring Season Introduction to team basketball. Games will be played on Early Bird Registration (Members Only): February 22-28, 2017 8 foot goals for 5-8yr olds and 10 foot goals for 9-11yr Registration: March 1 - 26, 2017 olds. Games are played on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Season: April 25 - June 1, 2017. 15
Adult Sports OVER 30 CO-ED INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE ADULT SPORTSAre you an adult who loves the competition of a good This league is for adults, 30 and over. Play willgame of basketball, soccer or volleyball? From daily be 6 vs. 6, full court. Games played on Friday\"pick-up\" basketball games to organized league play, nights. League is limited to the first eight teams.the YMCA packs a full schedule of adult sports. Fee required at registration. Late registration not permitted. All teams must have one female on OPEN RACQUETBALL field at all times. Two Racquetball courts are Team Registration: Dec. 5, 2016-Jan.9, 2017 now available for play. The Season: Friday nights, Feb. 17- April 21, 2017 courts may be reserved for Cost: $400 Per Team of 10 45-minute sessions, no more Coaches Meeting: January 16, 2017 at 6:30 pm than two days in advance by YMCA members only. MEN’S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Racquetball leagues, tournaments, and open This league is for men agescourt times are available for members. The courts will 18 and up and out of highbe available during regular YMCA hours. Racquetballs school. Games played onand a limited number of loaner racquets and goggles Saturday nights. League iswill be available so members can “try it before you buy limited to the first eightit.” For individual lessons, contact Patrick O’Hara. teams. Players must register as a team.Children ages 8-13 must be supervised by a playingadult 18 years or older. Children 7 years and younger Team Registration: Dec. 5, 2016-Jan. 9, 2017are not allowed on the courts. Season: Sat. Nights, Feb. 18- April 22, 2017 Cost: $400 Per Team of 10Open racquetball is held: Coaches Meeting: January 16, 2017 at 6 pm • Mondays 9:15am-12:15pm; 5:30pm-8:30pm • Wednesdays 5:30pm-8:30pm OPEN VOLLEYBALL • Thursdays 6:15pm-9:50pm • Saturdays 8:00am-10:15am Come join in the fun at our evening open volleyballOPEN PICKLEBALL sessions. This is for adult members and guests ages There are no fees, no 16 and over. Volleyball runs registration, no referees, just from 7-10pm Mondays and friendly competition and good Thursdays. (Days may vary in summer months.) exercise for adult members. A Members and Paid guests only. $6 guest fee. court is reserved on Mondays and Thursdays, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm for this activity. (Days may vary in summer months.) Members or paid guests only. $6 guest fee for pickleball players ONLY.For more information on any of these programs, contact Joe Taureck at 625.1976 16 Weather Hotline: 336-332-0082
Birthday Parties Have your next birthday party at the YMCA! There are several options to choose from. Parties must be scheduled 2 weeks in advance. To schedule your next party call Celena Fleming at (336) 625.1976.PARTIES & FACILITY RENTALS BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGES POOL PARTY PALOOZA * Party reservations are made September-May *The pool is not privately reserved for parties, but on Saturday and Sunday afternoons only. the party room is. Payment is due in full two weeks before the event. Package 1: With this reservation, lifeguards are * Parties may bring in additional food and provided for the pool for one hour. Also included beverages. is the use of the birthday party room for one hour with a quarter sheet birthday cake, utensils, plates, * Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, napkins, table cloths, and party decorations for up fireworks, grills and weapons are PROHIBITED! to 20 people. Members: $120 Public: $160 RAZZLE DAZZLE PARTY ROOM (Additional hours of swimming may be added for $25 per hour) Package 1: This reservation includes the use of the birthday party room for two hours with a Package 2: With this reservation, lifeguards are quarter-sheet birthday cake, utensils, plates, provided for the pool for one hour. This reservation napkins, table cloths, and decorations for up to includes the use of the birthday party room for one 20 people. hour with half-sheet birthday cake, utensils, plates, Members: $75 Public: $115 napkins, table cloths, and party decorations for up to 40 people. Package 2: This reservation includes the use of Members: $150 Public: $190 the birthday party room for two hours with a (Additional hours of swimming may be added for one-third sheet birthday cake, utensils, plates, $25 per hour) napkins, table cloths, and decorations for up to 32 people. SPLASH PAD BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGES Members: $95 Public: $135 Splash Pad Party & Group Event reservations are Package 3: This reservation includes the use of booked during the summer (Mid-May - August) on the birthday party room for two hours and a Fridays 7:00-9:00 pm, Saturdays 5:00-7:00 pm and one-half sheet birthday cake, utensils, plates, Sundays 5:00-7:00 pm. Additional reservation dates napkins, table cloths, and decorations for up to available June: Mondays & Wednesdays (6-8pm) 45 people. and July: Mondays through Thursdays (6-8pm) Members: $115 Public: $155 * Parties may bring in cake, food and beverages. GAME ROOM GALA Two hour reservation: One hour in the Teen * Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, fireworks, Center with an Attendant and one hour in the grills and weapons are PROHIBITED! party room with a quarter-sheet birthday cake, utensils, plates, napkins, table cloths, and party SPLASH PAD BIRTHDAY PARTY decorations for 20 people. Members: $110 Public: $150 This reservation includes the use of the Splash Pad for two hours with two Splash Pad water rangers. Members: $135 Public: $200 Notice: Payment for parties and lock-ins are due 2 weeks in advance. If payment is not received at least 217 weeks in advance, the event will be cancelled. There is a $50 cancellation fee for any party or group event.
Facility Rental/Group EventsSPLASH PAD GROUP EVENT LOCK-INS PARTIES & FACILITY RENTALS This With this reservation is reservation, two reserved for lifeguards are churches, provided for two civic organizations, hours. The gymnasium and lobby areas are clubs, available for use the entire night. The schools, and Senior/Teen Center and classroom are available until midnight with a buildingother non-profits. Includes the use of the Splash supervisor. Lock-in reservations are scheduledPad for 2 hours and includes two Splash Pad Water on Friday nights; check-in is at 7pm untilRangers for up to 100 people. check-out at 7:30am Saturday morning.Cost: $100 Rental Fee: $400SPLASH PAD FIELD TRIP The Community Room is designed as aWith this reservation daycare groups can visit the comfortable corporate meeting space withsplash pad during regular operating hours. seating for 55 people. When the CommunityCost: $3 per child Room is available, we would like to work with other community organizations to provide a SHELTER RENTAL space for meetings, classes, trainings, holiday events, conferences, community events, andThe Shelter/Picnic area with restrooms may be club holdings.reserved on availability during facility hours. *Groups Cost: $15 per hour for first 3 hours; $10 permay bring in cake, food and beverages. (Alcoholic hour each additional hour.beverages, tobacco products, fireworks andweapons are prohibited. This is the only area wheregrills are permitted.)Members: Free Public: $25 BAPTISMS Room Includes: • 60 inch flat screen smart television withThis reservation includes the use of the YMCA Pooland Locker Rooms for one hour. A lifeguard will be connections for laptops & DVD playersprovided for half an hour for the actual baptismal • WiFiservice. Baptisms are scheduled on Sundays before • Kitchenette with ice machinethe YMCA opens or immediately after it closes. • Other amenities available upon request.Cost is $50 Contact Megan Clapp at (336) 625.1976 for Contact Celena Fleming at (336) 625.1976 ext. more information on renting the Community 2012 for more information on any YMCA Space Room Rental, Party Packages or Group Events. 18
CODE OF CONDUCTIn order to ensure a wholesome, safe, family environment, it is vital that members, program participants andguests behave in a manner that reflects our value of caring, respect, honesty and responsibility. Suspension ortermination of membership or program privileges may result from any violation of our Code of Conduct.Members should report any infractions to a YMCA Director or front desk staff.1. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, vaping 8. Non-members, 16 and over, must leave a pictureproducts, concealed or visible weapons and illegal ID and sign a guest waiver upon their arrival. This is for the safety of our members and non- drugs are not permitted on YMCA property. members.2. Profanity or threatening language is not permittedin the facility or on YMCA property. Abuse of 9. Soap showers are required prior to entering the pool, whirlpool, steam room and sauna.YMCA facilities or equipment will not be tolerated.3. Clothing must be appropriate to the activity. Shirts The YMCA will not tolerate any form of harassment must be worn throughout the facility: except in the of or by any employee, vendor, member, program pool, sauna, steam room, whirlpool and locker participant or guest, based on religion, color,rooms. Shirts are optional for males in the gymnasium national origin, sex, age, or disability. as long as underwear is not exposed. Swimming No skateboards, skates, or non-motorized scooters attire is limited to the pool area. No revealing are allowed on YMCA property. clothing allowed. 12. A $35 fee will be charged for any returned4. The Fitness Center is for members ages 15 and monthly membership drafts or returned checks. over. Youth ages 10-14 may only enter this area Please provide us a 30-day period for any with a parent/guardian after having a parental change in bank draft information. waiver signed, and completing the required equip- 13. Locks are not provided for lockers; however, there ment training. are limited locks available at front desk for daily5. No fighting or horseplay is allowed in the facility. use. Locks left on unrented lockers will be cut off.6. Members and guests, 11 years old and under, not Full lockers may be rented; half lockers are for enrolled in a scheduled, supervised program or daily use only. The YMCA is not responsible for activity or accompanied by a parent or guardian locks or contents of the lockers. Do not leave (18 years old and older), may not remain in the items in an unlocked locker. No refunds on locker YMCA facility. rentals.7. Members or guests, 12-14 years old, not enrolled 14. Cell phone usage is not allowed in the pool or locker in a scheduled, supervised program or activity or rooms. accompanied by a parent or guardian (18 years oldand older), may not remain in the YMCA for morethan three hours a day. 15. The YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. REGISTRATION/REFUND POLICY1. Program registration must be done in person at the front desk. 7. If refunds are warranted on classes or programs, program The only exception is youth sports where mail-in registration and participants will receive a 75% refund. 25% will be kept payment is permitted, due to the volume of participation. for administrative costs.2. Registration must be completed by each program deadline date. 8. Once a class or program begins, no refunds will be granted. If a late registration is taken, a late fee will be applied. Earlyregistration is strongly encouraged to ensure space. 9. Membership dues are not refundable or transferable.3. Full program fees must be paid at the time of registration. Forms 10. Membership on the monthly draft plan requires a 30 day or mail-in registrations will not be accepted without payment. written notice for cancellation to stop the draft.4. The YMCA reserves the right to cancel any class or program due Membership cancellations must be done in person, in to insufficient registration. If the YMCA cancels a class, a full writing, at the front desk.refund or class credit will be made. 11. If refunds are warranted please allow 2 weeks for5. Classes or programs cancelled due to inclement weather will be turnaround and fees will be withheld for processing.rescheduled when possible. Call the YMCA for makeup dates. 12. Photo, film footage, and/or tape recording of myselfYouth sports participants should call coaches, or the YMCA or my family may be used for publicity purposes for thehotline at (336) 332.0082. following, but not limited to: Social Media, Promotional6. The YMCA reserves the right to make price/program changes Materials, Program Guide, etc.without notice. The YMCA will make every opportunity to informthe public of changes whenever possible.
A BETTER YOU MAKES A BETTER US Randolph-Asheboro YMCARandolph-Asheboro @YMCAAsheboro Randolph-Asheboro randolphasheboroymca Randolph-Asheboro YMCA YMCA YMCA
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