Western Cape issue 2017
Xwww.maths .comTop Class Online Maths Tuition R 100 per month for all 364 video lessons! [email protected] ! 6 Demo video lessons illustrating full tutoring system Hosting South Africa’s top online Maths tutoring system developed by South African educators for South African learners The world’s most resourceful Maths websiteResources from Gr 1 to Gr 12 & University MathsPackaged with all 3 grades – Grades 10, 11 & 12• Access to all 364 video lessons • Full solutions to each test• Notes for all lessons • Re-tests to improve mark• Testing after each lesson • Progress reports for all tests• Marking after each test & re-testsNow parents can monitor their children’s progress online !
InspirationalThandile VuntuTThandile Vuntu is 29 years old He hopes to encourage the youth to A: It is very challenging but I grew and from Hermanus. He is consider pursuing a career in space currently working at SANSA science or engineering. up believing that independence is as an Educator with the the greatest way to grow as a Science Advancement team. \" I am always excited to have person. From time to time we meet the opportunity to travel to different people along the road andHe studied BSc Chemical Science in areas where I know that there those people have differentCape Town and is currently enrolled is a great need for people like characteristics and also bringfor a postgraduate certificate in myself to give guidance to different influences into your life. ItScience Communication at learners, especially in the is always important to stay true toStellenbosch University. He always disadvantaged communities your values and not be shaken bywanted to be a mentor or role model and schools, encouraging anyone. Our lives are alwaysto younger learners because this is learners in their schooling and changing but it is important tosomething he had wished for while also helping them to believe in differentiate between right andgrowing up. In his last few years of themselves and to know that wrong and to stay focused on yourhigh school he would visit SANSA, everything is possible as long goals.which was then known as the as you put your mind to it.\"Hermanus Magnetic Observatory, Q1: If you could sit down withfor extra classes in Mathematicsand Physical Science. the young you as he was about to begin Matric, what would youThrough his interaction with the Q1: What is your greatest say to him?scientist and engineers who worked achievement to date? a: Make sure you study hard atat SANSA he became very interested A: Obtaining my BSc and working for university to ensure you get goodin science and technology and thus grades. Put together a plan ondecided to study Chemical Science. SANSA in Hermanus are my greatest what you would like to do onceAfter finishing his degree he was achievement so far. I also really enjoy you have finished your studiesvery fortunate to become a volunteer being able to go out to schools and be and set clear goals for your future. an ambassador for SANSA.There is aat SANSA through the SAASTA saying that charity begins at home, so Q1: Advice for grade 11 and 12program in 2014. it always gives me joy knowing that learners considering this career?Through hard work and dedication within my area I am able to give back a: Space science is becominghe then got a permanent post at to my community and motivate the future generation. very popular amongst SouthSANSA in 2015 in the same African learners. The South African space sector is growingdepartment in which he was a Q1: Far away from family support, quickly so now is the perfect timevolunteer. Thandile's current job to choose a career in spaceentails educating learners about is it daunting to face the in lifestyle science and technology sector.space science and technology and study work?through practical activities linkedto the school curriculum.|10 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Science Educatorat SANSA |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 11
Choosing a Qualifications gi i 11 e r v e 11 t i o 11 scareer Whatever your choice of SASSETA l e a r n i n g education is or will be, alwaysYour choice of career will shape your life, make sure that the service programmesso it is important that you take time to provider, university, college orconsider your options. Many young South private educational provider is There are a number of different ways thatAfricans have limited access to reliable accredited, and offers recognised those who want to enter the Safety and Securityinformation on their options for education training (you can verify with the Sector can get the skills they need.The followingand training after school, as well as careers Department of H i g h e r Education are different learning programmes offered byand career pathways. and Training). SASSETA.To guide you in making the perfect choice Recognised qualifications tearnershiesof study, there are certain steps that you available in South Africa:may want to follow to find out what type Learnerships are structured trainingof career suits you best. three or four years programmes that combine theoretical learning of h i g h e r education offered provided by an accredited training institution Step 1: Self-assessment by universities. These are with practical work experience gained with an referred to as undergraduate employer. This learning experience is designedTake time to understand what you are all degrees and may be followed to enable learners to achieve a nationalabout. What are you good at? What do by postgraduate qualifications qualification.The awarding of the qualificationyou enjoy doing? What would give you such as Honours, Masters or is both theoretically and practically based.career satisfaction? What type of person P h D of which the duration is aare you? What subjects have you studied m i n i m u m of one year e a c h . A learnership is not a qualification, but aat school? learning route towards achieving a A nationally-recognised qualification. The idea is Step 2: U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e w o r l d of three-year q u a l i f i c a t i o n , offered that people learn the details of an occupation by U n i v e r s i ti e s of Technology by practicing all its aspects under the work that offers both theoretical guidance of an experienced and qualified and practical t r a i n i n g . After person (normally referred to as a mentor) and Gather as much information as possible obtaining a National Diploma, are designed to promote the transfer of about options available to you. l e a r n e r s may enroll for BTech learning to the workplace. degree. Understand what qualifications options Learnerships are based on legally binding are available to you (for example degree, Qua I ification agreements between the employer, the learner, diploma, certificate or learnership). offered by an accredited provider and the training provider. The agreement spells at higher education level, out the tasks and duties of each party to the Utilise every possible source including both theoretical and learnership agreement and what happens in available to you to research careers practical aspects. The duration case of disputes. that you are interested in. Contact of the courses may vary. educational institutions. Speak to Anyone can apply for a learnership. your life orientation teachers at One-year Learnerships are available for both employed school. Attend career expos. or less at Further or H i g h e r and unemployed learners and are not restricted Education level offered by to any occupation or age group. There is no fee Find out where you can study what an accredited provider which charged for a person to be on a learnership. The interest you. University of Technology, includes both practical and skill employer must pay a learner allowance to Technical Vocational Education and orientated training. unemployed learners selected for a learnership. Training (TVET) College and a private Employed learners who already have a salary training provider. do not qualify for a learner's allowance. The duration of a learnership takes a minimum of Get as much information as possible one year. on important issues such as admission requirements, deadlines for application, If you are unemployed when the learnership fees, bursary schemes or loans begins, there is no guarantee of a job on available and duration of study. successful completion of the learnership. The employer who offers you workplace learning is not obliged to offer you a job. But with a qualification and a minimum one year workplace experience, you will be in a better position to get a job than before.
Bursaries Recosnition of Prior L e a r n i n sA BURSARY is financial assistance to study Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) refers to the assessment of the skills, knowledge and capabilitytowards a registered and/or recognized held by a person, regardless of how, when and where the learning occurred. The assessment is donequalification with a registered and accredited outside of a formal learning programme, and may draw on experiential and other forms of evidence.institution. The purpose of the SASSETA bursaryis to assist students in greatest need, to RPL allows a person to obtain a qualification, based on an assessment of the person's past trainingcontinue to study and to relieve the financial and work experience, whether obtained formally or informally. Any person who believes that theypressure for them. Students who have already have extensive experience in a particular occupation can follow the RPL path. In thisregistered with a public institution in a field of instance, you would identify the qualification that best suits your experience, then you would bestudy which is regarded as a scarce skill in the assessed by an accredited education and training provider according to the requirements of theSafety and Security Seta qualify qualification. This will identify where there are gaps in your experience, which you can addressto apply for SASSETA bursary. through credit-bearing skills programmes to acquire the qualification.Internships What is Work tnresrared tearntnsInternships are programmes designed to give fWILJ?university graduates an opportunity to extendtheir academic qualifications with structured WIL refers to a departure point of applied learning that focuses on work experienceworkplace exposure and specialized training. (i.e. acquiring work-related skills) under supervision and/or mentorship in the workplace.Candidates are placed in stakeholder companies It is a learning programme that focuses on the application of theory in an authentic, work-basedand government organizations on a full-time context.basis for eight to 12 months. The purpose is toprovide the learner with workplace experience Aims of WILthat builds on the qualification. Internships are To expose students to the real workplace while still studying.ideal for graduates or for those with tertiary To assist students to gain general work experience in a professional work environment.qualifications who lack practical experience. To help students develop a range of valuable generic skills.Skills ercarammes To make the transition from student to employee easier.Skills programmes are shorter learning SASSETA REGISTERED LEARNERSHIPS ANDprogrammes that are a stepping stone to QUALIFICATIONSa full qualification. They are job-focusedtraining interventions and are often Title of qualification/learnership NQFintroduced in response to a skills need in a - ��-�� levelparticular industry where an urgent job isrequired but employees do not have the skills Law Enforcement Sheriffing 5to do it. Skills programmes are important as 6they are building blocks towards a full National Diploma: Joint and Multi-operationsqualification - all credits gained make up thebuilding blocks for a full qualification. National Diploma: Legal Interpreting 5 National Certificate: Multi-national Safety and Security Operations Management 5APPrenticeshiPs National Certificate: Paralegal Practice 5An apprenticeship is a technical trainingsystem that includes practical and theoretical National Certificate: Resolving of Crime 5training. Apprenticeships are offered in Basic Policing Training 5particular trades such as diesel mechanics,bricklaying and electricians. After passing a National Certificate: Road Safety Development 5trade test, the learner or employee isrecognized as an artisan. Apprenticeships Attorneys Practice 7are different from learnerships in that theyare job-oriented rather than career-oriented Corrections Science 4and relate to a specific trade. Diploma in Court Services Management 5 Electronic Security Technician 4 FETC: Road Traffic Law Enforcement 4 General Security Officer's Learnership 3 Post-graduate Certificate: Trade Mark Practise 7 Further Education and Training Certificate: Use of Firearms 4 Further Education and Training Certificate: Firearms Maintenance 4 National Certificate: Family Law 5 National Certificate: Criminology 5 Human Resources Management and Practices Support 4 Human Resources Management and Practices 5 National Certificate: Forensic Science 5 FETC: Road Traffic Law Enforcement 4 Aviation Security Specialist 4 Further Education and Training Certificate: Sp@cialist S@curity Practices 4 Close Protection Specialist 4 -
SCARCE AND CRITICAL SKILLS IN THE SAFETY SECURITY SECTORS c a r c e s k i l l s is when there are not e n o u g h s k i l l e d p e o p l e to do a p a r t i c u l a r job w i t h i n an i n d u s t r y .C r i t i c a l s k i l l s refers to p a r t i c u l a r c a p a b i l i t i e s n e e d e d w i t h i n an o c c u p a t i o n , for e x a m p l e , f o r e n s i c s c i e n c e ( P o l i c e Officer - n e g o t i a t i o n s k i l l s ) .Scarce and critical s k i l l s list for the Safety and Security Sector OCCUPATION DEFINITION M I N I M U M SUBJECTS ENTRY INSTITUTION REQUIREMENTProfessionalCivil Design, construct, supervise, M i n i m u m of 50% or more in both Maths and Nelson MandelaEngineer operate, and maintain large Physical Science. Metropolitan University.Criminologist c o n s t r u c t i o n projects and Every a p p l i c a n t m u s t write a n a s s e s s m e n t systems, including roads, test. b u i l d i n g s , airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water s u p p l y a n d s e w a g e treatment. iA criminologist studies crime Be a h i g h - s c h o o l g r a d u a t e . U n i v e r s i t y of S o u t h H o l d a b a c h e l o r ' s d e g r e e from a c c r e d i t e d Africa ( U N I S A ) . and law. I t is a s o c i o l o g i s t or s o c i a l scientist who c o l l e g e or u n i v e r s i t y . specialises in c r i m i n o l o g y Pass a t h o r o u g h background check. studies social behaviours.Interpreter Interpretation involves Good language s k i l l s in E n g l i s h (spoken a n d Short Learning P r o g r a m m e at U N I S A® t r a n s l a t i n g oral speech into written). another l a n g u a g e . Court G o o d l a n g u a g e p r o f i c i e n c y ( s p o k e n ) i n at and Wits L a n g u a g e S c h o o l a n d is SASSETA i n t e r p r e t e r s work w i t h i n the l e a s t o n e o t h e r l a n g u a g e from a n y of the accredited. j u d i c i a l system. official South African languages, South African S i g n Language, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German, Mandarin, Arabic, S h o n a or S w a h i l i . Other foreign African l a n g u a g e s on request A National S e n i o r Certificate (Grade 1 2 ) or equivalent. B a s i c c o m p u t e r literacy (Word, internet, YouTube a n d e m a i l ) . �- -Technical and Associate Professional ·Air Space Air Space Control Operators South African citizens between 1 8 and 21 1 8 m o n t h s t r a i n i n g at A i rController operate the radar, man the years (inclusive) when starting Basic Military S p a c e C o n t r o l S c h o o l atl n te r n a l operations room a n d make Training. AFB Waterkloof,Auditor meteorological observations. C l a s s i f i e d m e d i c a l l y fit for d u t y by the including Basic Military@ I n s t i t u t e for A v i a t i o n Medicine. T r a i n i n g at A i r Force Completed Grade 1 2 with E n g l i s h as a Gymnasium. passed subject, M a t h e m a t i c s ( N S C level 4) and Geography essential. The i n t e r n a l a u d i t o r assists For candidates who matriculated in 2007 U n i v e r s i t y of m a n a g e m e n t to h e l p a c h i e v e or before: Technologies. the a i m s a n d o b j e c t i v e s of N a t i o n a l S e n i o r C e r t i f i c a t e or e q u i v a l e n t the o r g a n i s a t i o n , e s p e c i a l l y qualification. regarding risk m a n a g e m e n t , 50% H i g h e r G r a d e or 60% Standard Grade i n t e r n a l control a n d corporate in A c c o u n t i n g . governance. For candidates who completed the NSC in 2008 and thereafter: N a t i o n a l S e n i o r C e r t i f i c a t e or e q u i v a l e n t qualification. M i n i m u m of 5 0 % in A c c o u n t i n g .
OCCUPATION DEFINITION M I N I M U M SUBJECTS ENTRY INSTITUTION REQUIREMENTServices and sales Traffic officers enforce the South African citizen. Metro Police road rules and signs. Ensure Grade 1 2 or equivalent. Department Academy:Traffic a safe passage in traffic and No criminal record.Officer that all road users, including Code B driving Licence (manual JHB, Durban, pedestrians, use our roads in transmission). Tshwane. an orderly and safe manner. Medical certificate confirming that a person The m a i n purpose of traffic may do strenuous exercises. Traffic Training officers is to ensure the safe Not older than 35 years of age. Colleges: and free flow of traffic to prevent road crashes and Boekenhoutkloof, deaths on our roads. Limpopo, KZN, Mangaung, Gene Lauw.Security A security officer secures No academic qualifications. Accredited ServiceOfficer premises and personnel by Good standard of general education will be Providers. patrolling property; helpful. monitoring surveillance Security Industry Authority licence. equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry. Obtains h e l p by sounding alarms.S k i l l e d agricultural, forestry, fishery, craft and related trades workersElectrician An electrician p l a n s , i n s t a l l s, A pass in Mathematics, Physical Science Registered TVET and maintains wiring from® private homes to power and a language. College for further stations. University entry requires a good pass in four studies: University of subjects including Mathematics, Geometry, Technology. Science and a language.Locksmith Losksmith is a professional Grade 1 1 with no specific subjects. School of Advanced who works with locks on Be 1 8 years of age. Locksmith (SASSETA8 doors, windows, safes, etc. Accredited). install, repair, and adjust locks in everything from cars to office b u i l d i n g s , and they also offer services to people who are locked out or i n d i v i d u a l s who want to consult with someone about I their security systems.Diesel Diesel mechanics diagnose Be at least 1 6 years old. SETA registered TVETMechanic and repair the mechanical Possess a Grade 1 0 Certificate. Colleges. and electrical faults of diesel@) vehicles and machinery. Diagnose engine trouble, dismantle the engine when necessary, and replace or repair defective parts. They reassemble the engine and repair mechanical and electrical faults in construction machinery.Bricklayer Bricklayers build and Mathematics and English. SETA registered TVET m a i n t a i n a range of Colleges.Ci) structures including internal and external walls on b u i l d i n g s etc. They also deal with the repair and refurbishment of existing brickwork.
With Khululwe Twala@ TVET COLLEGES Why did you choose to study Quality at a Public TVET College? education and training Firstly, the trade of my choice was is offered at Public offered at the Public TVET College and TVET Colleges, further to that it wasn’t a difficult choice which the to go to a Public TVET College because youth of they have been known to produce South Africa excellent artisans throughout the country strongly need. for many years. Now I am employed at Elinem Construction which is in \"Most TVET College Newcastle. have a dedicated (WIL) Work IntegratedKhululwe Twala Learning Unit, which places their top | SCIENCE CAREERS SA achieving students into Internships and Apprenticeships at host companies. \"
What course/courses What are some of the NC(V) Are there any relationshipsdid you choose to study? Programmes offered at between Public TVET Colleges and Public TVET Colleges? Universities or Universities ofEngineering and Related Technology in South Africa? • Civil Engineering and BuildingDesign (Boilermaking) course Construction (Plumbing, Yes, I have seen some students beenin the National Certificate Bricklaying and Carpentry);(Vocational) Programme. accepted at Higher Institutions, if they have • Electrical Infrastructure excelled in their studies at a Public TVETWhat exactly is the National Construction; College.Certificate (Vocational)? • Engineering and Related Design Upon completion of your course /The NC (V) Qualification is a (Boilermaking, Welder, Fitting studies, where can your further and Turning, Motor Mechanics); studies lead?programme designed to provideboth theory and practice, thus • Primary Agriculture; I see myself next moving in the directiongranting students an opportunityto gain work experience during • Safety in Society; of studying at a University. I would like tothe period of study. Practical take up the Metallurgy Engineeringexperience may be gained in • Finance, Economics and programme because I have a strongeither a simulated or real Accounting; background, knowledge and first-handworkshop environment. experience within steel fabrication. • Tourism;Describe an average day Is the job market easily accessibleat a Public TVET College? • Hospitality; with a qualification achieved at a Public TVET College?An average day would entail • Information Technology.attending classes for the 7 different Yes it is very accessible. There are manysubjects offered in the NC (V) For list of all courses offeredProgramme. On an average day, we at Public TVET Colleges, opportunities. Our country requires morewould spend most of our time in the please visit: artisans, especially with the current shortageworkshop doing practicals. We get to of skilled people within South Africa.work on state-of-the-art machinery http://www.fetcolleges.co.za/and equipment in our field of study. Site_C ollegeCourses.aspx What advice would you give to grade 11 and 12 learners,What do you enjoy most? How many subjects are considering further education at required in each level of the a Public TVET College?As challenging as it is, what I enjoy National Certificate (Vocational) qualification? Quality education and training is offeredmost is fusing metals together usingtools that produce high temperatures. 7subjects. at Public TVET Colleges, which we the youthBoilermaking can be a lot of fun. of South Africa strongly need. The practical (3 Fundamental Subjects and training and exposure within the workshops isDo students have the opportunity 4 Vocational Subjects). something that cannot compare. I firmlyto experience work situations believe that you will not acquire as muchduring the period of study? Are study bursaries at practical training at University, as you would at Public TVET Colleges easily a Public TVET College.The school learnersYes, they do because we are attainable and do they have would be making a good choice because they to be repaid? will gain first-hand experience and do theaccommodated with workshops that have same work, as is done wthin industry. My finalall the necessary tools. All the workshops NSFAS Bursaries Schemes are advice is: “Never fail to reach your dreams”.are workplace simulated environmentsThis means that the equipment and available at Public TVET Colleges SCIENCE CAREERS SAmachines we have in our workshops, and most students take this routeare similar to those found in within the and apply for these bursaries.industry. Yes, they do because we are According to my experience youaccommodated with workshops that have don’t have to pay back the fundsall the necessary tools. All the workshops after completing your studies.are workplace simulated environmentsThis means that the equipment andmachines we have in our workshops,are similar to those found in within theindustry.
WWW.CCT.EDU.ZA COLLEGE OF CAPE TOWNDEVELOPING SKILLS IN AFRICA ANGOLA CELEBRATING 15 BURUNDI 15 YEARS OF CAMEROON TVET EXCELLENCE YEARS DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC ACCREDITED TECHNICAL AND OF CONGO VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND SKILLS ERITREA DEVELOPMENT IN: ETHIOPIA GABON ART & DESIGN KENYA BEAUTY THERAPY MALAWI BUILDING & CIVIL ENGINEERING MAURITIUS BUSINESS STUDIES MOROCCO EDUCATION & TRAINING NAMIBIA ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING NIGERIA HAIRCARE REPUBLIC OF CONGO HOSPITALITY RWANDA INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION SUDAN TECHNOLOGY TANZANIA MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ZAMBIA TRAVEL & TOURISM ZIMBABWECollege of Cape Town for TVETThe College is a public Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET) College, under the Department of Higher Education & Training.Based in the Mother City, The College of Cape Town is South Africa’s oldest Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institution, with a proud historydating back to the beginning of the 20th century. The College is committed to being an institution of excellence that develops the potential of clients throughquality Education and Training in response to the skills development needs of the country. Their vision is to be the preferred provider of FurtherEducation and Training.Four former technical colleges (the Athlone, Cape, Sivuyile and Western Province Technical colleges) were officially merged on 1 February 2002 to becomethe College of Cape Town. This arose from a rationalisation in TVET Colleges in which some 150 colleges around the country were reduced to 50.Why the College of CapeA leading provider of Education and Training focussing mainly on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), the College has much to offerstudents and prospective partners as an alternative to Basic and Higher Education and Training. Qualifications include skills programmes as well as technical,vocational and occupational training that lead to recognised, accredited qualifications that are in high demand by commerce and industry throughout SouthAfrica.The qualifications offered by the College are accredited, affordable and quality assuredby Umalusi, various SETAs and SAQA.Faculties offered include Art & Design, Beauty Therapy, Building & Civil Engineering, Business Studies, Education & Training, Electrical Engineering, Haircare,Hospitality, Information & Communication Technology, Mechanical Engineering, as well as Travel & Tourism.Students can receive qualifications that range from Certificates to Higher Certificates, Diplomas, UNISA B.Ed Degree (Foundation Phase), Skills Programmesand Learnerships. The College is also an Accredited Trade Test Centre for various disciplines.Training Campuses ContactThe College is situated in the central area of the Peninsula, with Email: [email protected] located in Athlone, Cape Town’s city centre, Crawford, Gardens, Tel: +27 21 404 6700Guguletu, Pinelands, Thornton and Wynberg. The Central Office is located Info Centre: 086 010 3682 (SA only)in Salt River, Cape Town. The College also has three residences. Fax: +27 21 404 6701/086 615 0582 Physical address: 334 Albert Road, Salt River, Cape Town 7945 Postal address: PO Box 1054, Cape Town 8000 Website: www.cct.edu.za086 010 3682 . 021 404 6700 . [email protected] College of Cape Town - Inspiring Minds CCT_Official
Does it feel LlikOeSyTouorubt rthanerdei?ng is getting SA's Leading Science Careers Magazine LAZER FOCUSED www.sciencecareerssa.co.zaSCIENCE CAREERS SA
21stArtisanWhy STuDy AT A puBlIC situated, providing accessibility to Annually prospective students fromTVET COllEgE? satisfy the immediate need for skills and further training. Artisan skills various provinces flood the gates of“It definitely is cool to be a 21st training are one of the ways that these colleges to experience all theCentury Artisan” – These words were can improve the socio-economic different courses the TVET Collegesspoken by the Deputy Minister environment of the community that have to offer.Mduduzi Manana of the Department the potential students are a part of.of Higher Education and Training Students, who are not able to study(DHET) during the opening ceremony There are 50 Public TVET Colleges due to financial constraints, now haveof the WorldSkills SA National in South Africa and six in the the opportunity to apply for financialCompetition which was held in early Western Cape that assist with the assistance, if they meet the criteria2017 in Durban. The Technical development of skills. The DHET’s as set out by DHET and the bursaryVocational Education and Training announcement of the “Decade of funder. Those who wish to apply for(TVET) Colleges are seen as the the Artisan” has been an initiative a bursary must also adhere to alllive-blood of artisan skills training, not that gives prospective students the criteria to be successful. Onceonly in South Africa, but the world at the opportunity to discover what the application has been approved,large. These higher education the TVET sector is all about. students can enjoy peace of mindinstitutions are part and parcel of the and focus on their studies withoutcommunities in which they are having any fear of financial concerns.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA
The Public TVET Colleges offer cosmetology, the world truly is their The studentsqualifications such as National oyster. who study at theDiplomas, National Certificatesas well as National Certificate The students who study at the TVET Colleges(Vocational) (NC (V)). To obtain an PublicTVET Colleges also have also have accessNC (V) qualification, a grade nine access to student support servicespass is required and after three that look after the health / wellness to studentyears this qualification will be of the students, as well as any support servicesequivalent to a grade 12 senior academic support they might need. that look aftercertificate / N3. NC (V) courses are Should the student experience anyvocationally driven in a specialised personal challenges they can make the health /field and can give the student use of a student support officer ’s wellness of theaccess to study other National service.Certificate courses. students.Some of the Colleges in the “Education is the core business at Apply now at any of the 50 Nationalcountry, have accredited trade PublicTVET Colleges and with TVET Colleges todaytest centres that will allow any that comes other responsibilities or visit the TVET College website onstudent who wishes to become to help support the students to www.fetcolleges.co.zaa qualified artisan to attempt become the best at what they settheir trade test. Once they out to become,completed their trade testsuccessfully, they will then be So what more do you need?awarded a red seal as an Students have a variety of courses toindication of their training and choose from, many qualifications thatexpertise in the artisan trade. will suit their level of education, as well as the opportunity to be placedWith so many Colleges and courses in the industry. Also they have anto choose from prospective students opportunity to adjust to College lifecan realise their dreams. Amongst with the support of people that areother courses in the fields of design, centred around their academic andeducation, information technology,business, hospitality, tourism, safety, personal well-being. ■health, engineering, hair care and SCIENCE CAREERS SA |
Above: SKA SA Managing Director, Dr Rob Adam and joins the ranksMinister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor on the of the world’sSKA site outside Carnarvon in the Northern Cape great scientific instruments through its First Light image A montage of the MeerKAT First Light radio image and four zoomed-in insets. The two panels to the right show distant galaxies with massive black holes at their centers. At lower left is a galaxy approximately 200 million light years away, where hydrogen gas is being used up to form stars in large numbers.
MeerKAT FIRST LIGHT IMAGE OF THE SKY with the sKAThe MeerKAT First Light image of the Through MeerKAT, South Africa is MeerKAT is a precursor to the Squaresky, released by Minister of Science playing a key role in the design and Kilometre Array (SKA) and follows theand Technology, Naledi Pandor, development of technology for the KAT-7 telescope which was anshows unambiguously that MeerKAT SKA. The South African team of engineering test-bed for MeerKAT.is already the best radio telescope of more than 200 young scientists, MeerKAT is funded by the Southits kind in the Southern Hemisphere. engineers and technicians, in African Government and is a South collaboration with industry, local and African designed telescope with 75%Array Release 1 (AR1) provides 16 of foreign universities and institutions, of its value sourced locally. MeerKATan eventual 64 dishes integrated into has developed the technologies and will be an integral part of SKA Phasea working telescope array. It is the first systems for MeerKAT. These 1. An important aspect of the SKA sitesignificant scientific milestone include cutting edge telescope decision in 2012 was that MeerKATachieved by MeerKAT, the radio antennas and receivers, signal would be part of the sensitive SKAtelescope under construction in the processing, timing, telescope Phase 1 array, which will be the mostKaroo that will eventually be management, computing and data sensitive radio telescope in the world.integrated into the Square Kilometer storage systems, and algorithms for Upon completion at the end of 2017,Array (SKA). data processing.” MeerKAT will consist of 64 dishes and associated instrumentation. SKA1In a small patch of sky covering less In May 2016, more than 150 MID,will include an additional 133than 0.01 percent of the entire researchers and students, two-thirds dishes, bringing the total number forcelestial sphere, the MeerKAT First from South Africa, met in Stellenbosch SKA1 MID to 197.Light image shows more than 1300 to discuss and update the MeerKATgalaxies in the distant Universe, science programme. This will consist The SKA is an international effort tocompared to 70 known in this location of already approved “large survey build the world’s largest radioprior to MeerKAT. “Based on the projects”, plus “open time” available for telescope – one hundred times moreresults being shown, we are confident new projects. An engineering test sensitive than any current radiothat after all 64 dishes are in place, image, produced with only 4 dishes, telescope. The scale of the SKAMeerKAT will be the world’s leading was made available just before that represents a huge leap forward in bothtelescope of its kind until the advent of meeting. engineering, and research andSKA,” says Professor Justin Jonas, development towards building andSKA South Africa Chief Technologist. “The scientists gathered at the May delivering a unique instrument. meeting were impressed to see whatMeerKAT will consist of 64 receptors, four MeerKAT dishes could do,” As one of the largest scientificeach comprising a 13.5-meter says Dr Fernando Camilo, SKA endeavours in history, the SKA willdiameter dish antenna, cryogenic South Africa Chief Scientist. “They bring together a wealth of the world’scoolers, receivers, digitizer, and other are astonished at these exceptionally finest scientists, engineers and policyelectronics. The commissioning of beautiful images, which demonstrate makers to bring the project to fruition.MeerKAT is done in phases to allow that MeerKAT has joined the big SKA will be built in two phases – SKA1for verification of the system, early leagues of world radio astronomy”. and SKA2 – starting in 2018. SKA1 willresolution of any technical issues, and include two components – SKA1 MIDinitial science exploitation. Early Minister Pandor says: “South (to be built in South Africa) and SKA1science can be done with parts of the Africa has already demonstrated its LOW (to be built in Australia); they willarray as they are commissioned, even excellent science and engineering observe the Universe at different radioas construction continues. AR1 skills by designing and building frequencies.consists of 16 receptors, AR2 of 32 MeerKAT. This telescope, which isand AR3 of 64, expected to be in predominantly a locally designed For more information, contact us:place by late 2017. and built instrument, shows the SKA SA world that South Africa can compete 3rd Floor, The Park, Park RoadDr Rob Adam, Square Kilometre in international research, Pinelands, Cape TownArray South Africa (SKA SA) engineering, technology and 7405Managing Director, says: “The science.Government is proud of our www.ska.ac.zalaunch of MeerKAT AR1 and its first scientists and engineers forresults is a significant milestone for pioneering a radio telescope that willSouth Africa. lead to groundbreaking research.”
studentfunding|46 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
CAN’T AFFORD TO STUDY AFTER TVET College. Applications may also be done onlineSCHOOL? APPLY FOR FINANCIAL at selected higher education Institutions.ASSISTANCE FROM NSFAS. You may qualify for funding if you are:Are you in need of financial assistance to study • A South African citizen with financial need asat a University or Technical Vocational Education determined by NSFAS means test. You will haveand Training (TVET) College? The National to provide proof of your family’s household income.Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) can helpon the road towards your dream job. NSFAS is • Accepted for admission to study your first highera government student loan and bursary scheme. education qualification at a public university orNSFAS provides loans and bursaries to eligible TVET College.needy and academically deserving students. NSFAS loans have a really low interest rate and areNSFAS has funded over 1.5 Million South Africans repayable once you start working. Depending onfrom 1999. The Scheme continues to grow from your results, up to 40% of your NSFAS loan may beR441 million in 1999 to R8,5 billion in 2013. converted into a bursary, and that amount does not need to be repaid.Apply for a NSFAS study loan or bursary through For more information please visita Financial Aid Office at a public University or Call: 086 00 67 327 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nsfas.org.za NSFAS is a registered credit provider in terms of the national credit act 34 of 2005 (NCRCP 2655) |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 47
WHY YOU SHOULD STUDYScience is Here are our top reasons in order to sustain the growing global amazing! It is for getting your nerd on: population. We are running out of fossilalso one of the fuels which are critical to the efficiency oftoughest subjects 1Be a modern-day hero: The single our industry, farming and supply chains.at school. greatest reason why we should Fresh water is becoming increasinglyScience-y careers study Science, is to ensure humanity’s scarce, with many of the world’s greatestare diverse and sustainable survival on earth! Ecosystems rivers no longer running into the sea.exciting, but are in crisis mode, the planetary weather Diseases are becoming increasinglyrequire years system is changing rapidly, and humanity resistant to antibiotics. The air in manyof vigorous is failing to coexist in harmony with Indian and Chinese cities are verging onacademic other species. World food production unbreathable. The Great Pacific Garbagecommitment. If has to double in the next thirty years,it’s so hard toget somewherewith Science,why should youstudy it?|38 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Patch has become an unfathomable 3Be adventurous: Science gets Visit online crowd funding platformsmass of floating junk that is destroying you places! I can only speak from such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo,our oceans. The use of fossil fuels my experience - my engineering and appraise the exciting Science-yis polluting our air and adding to the background, which is firmly rooted in inventions that are being funded.Greenhouse effect. Science, has opened a door to great The tech scene is mushrooming with adventure and exploration. I have skunkworks and hackathons that areBefore you despair, there is a silver worked on four continents and have creating radical innovations. It is anlining: every one of these problems can been exposed to a diversity of incredible exciting time to be part of Science andbe improved, and even solved, through experiences that a ‘normal’ office job Technology, and if you want to be at theScience! If you are passionately would never allow. Would you like to cusp of making cool things that make aconcerned about this Planet and about work in jungles? Study Natural Sciences. big difference, study Science!a healthy future for Humanity, get stuck A life of studying volcanoes or auroras,into your Science studies and aim for a perhaps? Study geosciences. Would you 6Be a modern-day hero (#2): SouthScience-y career that will equip you to like to ply you mind to solving massive Africa has a growing deficit of expertmake a difference! problems and driving innovation? Study Science teachers. If you are passionate engineering! Would you like to work with about Science, and passionate about2Be smart: The study of Science killer whales? Study zoology! making a difference, teaching is a encourages problem-solving massively rewarding career path thattenacity that helps you to understand Science-y careers and research is becoming increasingly lucrative.the world around you. I have always allow you visit places that would not Remember, supply and demand dictateexplained to my students that Science be accessible through other fields going rates - if there are fewer expertilluminates one’s path, and that going of study. Whether you want to go to Science teachers around, the demandthrough life without Science is similar Antarctica or to outer space, Science for expertise leads to increased fees.to driving your car along dark roads - is the way to get there. Become a Science teacher, a thoughtyour headlights might light your way leader and a role model!forward, but they don’t illuminate the 4Diversity and flexibility: Fromworld around you. You travel onwards dentistry to plasma physics, 7Wealth: More than a fifth of thewithout ever understanding the context Science-y careers offer vast planet’s wealthiest people on theof your journey. opportunities for professional career Forbes 2015 list studied an engineering development and diversification. degree, according to a recent survey byStudying Science makes you Engineers are welcomed into the the Approved Index platform. A quartercomfortable with the unknown, and financial sector, due to their problem- of the Forbes top-hundred have Sciencegives you the confidence to say: “I solving ability and analytical way of as a foundation for their work.don’t know the answers, but I will find thinking. Many academic physicistsout!” Science is gracious to naivety teach, perform ground-breaking 8Discovery: Science research isbut does not condone the apathy of research and consult private clients a field that allows you to discoverindifference: it allows you to say “I in the same work week. Medical the unknown. The deep oceans aredon’t know, but I want to find out”, but professionals diversify into the legal field unexplored, nanotechnology anddoes not tolerate the attitude of “I don’t to become patent attorneys or medical photonic crystals have so many secrets,know and I don’t care”. lawyers. However on the flip side, it’s and we’re still not sure whether there is rare for a professional with a ‘non- any form of life outside near-earth space.Science is highly structured, but Science-y’ background to bridge into the Imagine being the person that publisheswelcomes change - it constantly Science-based career fields. a peer-reviewed article to tell the worldadjusts its views based on what is about a brand new discovery, or a newobserved. This approach teaches you 5Inventions: Science-y careers revelation in our understanding, or a life-to evolve your thinking by constantly create an intellectual and business altering breakthrough in technology.testing and investigating information, environment that is conducive towhich makes you a well-rounded problem solving and invention. Look This is a call to action for young history-human being and empowers you at all the exciting inventions of the last makers, and for a new wave of heroes towith an ethical approach to others: it twenty years that have completely save this world and make a difference. Ienables you to discern the difference transformed our lifestyles. The Internet,between your opinions, facts, and the everyday use of GPS, mobile encourage you to become part of it! ■to acknowledge the opinions and phone technology, PC’ and touch-beliefs of others without immediately screen displays are but a few. This James Hayes Founder – Science Clinicaccepting or rejecting them. technological progress was made possible due to Science. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 39
Limo Extreme, one of Cape Town’s premium Limousine companies, is offering you the chance to win a night in style. Enter the Limo Extreme competition and stand a chance to win A limo ride to the Value of R7 500 “Limousine Extreme – The Largest Hummer Limousine Fleet in the Western Cape” Prize includes: Chauffeur, 2x Sparkling Juice/Wine and Red Carpet. The Limousine will be available from 18:00 – 24:00 Seats 10To enter: sms your name, province you live in and school you attend to 0734881484.Competition closes: 7 July 2018E&OE, Terms and conditions apply.
It's about a \"Career in IT\" with: Mark CohenChief Technology Officer of Domain GroupIT SystemsDeveloperWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS CAREER? CAREER HIGHLIGHTS?I always had a passion for technology – not just using My career highlight is that I have been in thisit but actually breaking things open to see how they industry for 25 years, and I love my job. I haveworked from the inside. In the process of my career never been bored or wished that I had selectedgrowth a few items have been rendered unusable, a different career.and my family had to pay a price for being supportiveof my IT career growth! I am so fortunate that there IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE YOUR JOB?was an avenue for me to properly develop internationalskills, and to forge a career in an industry I am I coordinate technology across 6 differentpassionate about. Being able to continue to grow in IT, businesses and across the country for a 250learn new skills and be part of exciting new products million dollar business.has ensured job satisfaction for me. EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING?WHAT FORMAL QUALIFICATION DIDYOU HAVE TO ATTAIN, AND WHERE? In the early days of a career – experience is great, but you don’t reach higher levels withoutI started off studying engineering, and then after a the training and qualifications. It’s much easier tofew years switched to a degree in IT. This got me a reach higher levels with good quality qualifications.great start into the industry. However, because IT isso fast growing, and always changing, there are ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 AND 12 LEARNERSopportunities to enter the industry without specific CONSIDERING THIS CAREER?formal qualifications. This is an industry where youcan create a career with “building blocks”, ie, you Two IT Diplomas will ensure you get the job of yourcan qualify with individual CompTia and Microsoft dreams. Both are accredited by the CHE (Councilmodules and international exams, and begin on Higher Education). My advice? Follow yourworking in an IT company or department. passion. If you are lucky enough to have a passion for something you can earn a good living out of,WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? the world is your oyster. Work hard at school. Do as well as possible in Maths, and get loadsSystems developers create, maintain, audit and of practice in order to understand the mathsimprove systems to meet the needs of the company. concepts well.They test both hardware and software systems anddiagnose and resolve system faults. It is a pressurised TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WOULDjob that often strays beyond the average 9am – 5pm ENJOY THIS KIND OF CAREER?day. Developers will also create diagnostic programs,and design and write code for business systems. Systems developers’ jobs are generally of a highly complex and technical nature, and itWHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? requires talent in computer science and mathematics.The world of IT is high tech – We get to test andplay with new ‘toys’. We work on the latest POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH - WHERE CANtechnology in order to ensure we meet our client’s YOUR CURRENT POSITION LEAD?needs. We do a lot of problem solving which isalways awesome when you are able to solve an I am currently managing a team – growth at thisissue for your client, and we are involved in high tech stage for me is to keep updated in all IT skills,development that other people will just read about. and to coach and mentor new employees to achieve their full potential.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA
3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES THAT YOUR Mark CohenPOSITION REQUIRES? CTO of Domain GroupThinking laterally, creatively and with discipline.Working with teams. Perseverance. & Consultant toWHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED? Boston City CampusAs many of the international IT skills as you can Proudly Sponsored by :gather, A+ and N+ are a great starting point.And moving on to programming for those thathave the mathematical skills.DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPEOF POSITION) THAT YOU ARE IN, FACEGENDER BIAS?I would like to say no – at least not in mycompany. We are a true team. Eachmember is valued equally.IS CONTINUING EDUCATION ANDFURTHER STUDIES IMPORTANT INYOUR TYPE OF CAREER?In this industry? This is a lifelong learningindustry! If you want to do a degree ordiploma and then finish with your studies?– do not enter the IT industry!Describe an average day?\"In an average day I will be involved in all aspects ofrunning a business, managing a team, dealing withclients, sourcing new clients, reviewing product anddevelopment, bookings for out of town companymeetings with head office or new clients, dealingwith unexpected issues which are normal in IT.\" |SCIENCE CAREERS SA
SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL DEFENCE FORCE VISION MILITARY A Kraal of intellectual innovation ACADEMY and wise warriors “Arm yourself through knowledge” MISSION An academic-military institution that provides world class military contextualised higher education through teaching and learning, research, community interaction and professional military development. VALUES Transparency Accountability Integrity Respect Fortitude Cohesiveness PatriotismFACULTY OF MILITARY SCIENCE ENQUIRIESUNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH Communication Officer: +27 22 702 3004 Your knowledge partner Faculty Officer: +27 22 702 3085 Fax Number: +27 22 702 3060 Postal Address: Military Academy Private Bag X2, Saldanha, 7395 Republic of South Africa Website: http://www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/milscience
General Prerequisites There are five programmes presented at certificate and degree level in the followingAn appropriate BMil or other comparable B-degree,approved by the Senate for this purpose, and •BMil Programme in Technology and Defenceapproval by the Senate, or Executive Committee Management.acting on its behalf, to register for the Bmil Honoursprogramme. A final mark of 60% in the prescribed •BMil Programme in Technology.major subjects. •BMil Programme in Security and •BMil Programme in Human and Organisation Development. •BMil Programme in Organisation and Resource Management.INTRODUCTION UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES THROUGHThe Military Academy, situated in the West Coast town INTERACTIVE TELEMATIC EDUCATIONof Saldanha, is a training unit of the South AfricanNational Defence Force (SANDF) and houses the The entry requirements for Interactive TelematicFaculty of Military Science, University of Stellenbosch. Education are as follows:It provides university education and professionalmilitary development for young, career-orientated * Candidates must be computer literate by the time theyofficers. This education will equip them with knowledge, commence with their studies.analytical skills and insight, thus enabling the SA * Compliance with the minimum academic entranceNational Defence Force not only to cope with a fast requirements as prescribed by the University ofchanging environment, but also to meet the Stellenbosch.demands of the future. On successful completion of * Matriculation or conditional exemption with a Dthe undergraduate studies the student is awarded a aggregate.B Mil degree from the University of Stellenbosch. * Compliance with the minimum programme-specific entrance requirements as prescribed by the University ofOPTIONS OF STUDY AT THE MILITARY Stellenbosch. * Recommendation by the Military Academy Selection ACADEMY Board. * Residential undergraduate studies The Interactive Telematic Education option * Undergraduate studies through interactive offers the following three programmes: telematic education • BMil Programme in Security and African Studies. * Postgraduate Studies (residential and modular) • BMiI Programme in Human and Organisation Development.RESIDENTIAL UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES • BMil Programme in Organisation and Resource Management. The general and academic entrance requirements for full-time residential studies (degree/certificate) are as The Interactive Telematic Education study option follows: allows students a maximum of six years to complete their studies. This option is available to all members * Successful completion of the Officers' Formative of the SANDF and PSAP of the DOD. Candidates will course within the candidate's Service and in the be expected to attend a residential phase of one week rank group of Candidate Officer or Midshipman per semester every academic year at the Military (SAN) to Lieutenant or Sub Lieutenant (SAN) on Academy. entering the Military Appropriate medical classification. * Matriculation or conditional exemption with a D aggregate. * Compliance with the minimum programme-specific entrance requirements as prescribed by the University of Stellenbosch Academy Selection. * Recommendation by the Military Board.
Prowith Prof Yusuf Osman Why DID yOu WhAT TRAININg DID yOu DESCRIBE AN AVERAgE DAy? ChOOSE ThIS CAREER? uNDERgO, AND WhERE? To ensure all the patients have been Prosthodontics is a specialty of The basic training after matric is screened and to attend to staff/ Dentistry. You first have to be a Dentistry and the degree is a B. ChD patient inquiries or problems which dentist with some general practice and takes five years followed by a may arise on the day. Treat patient's experience before you specialize. year of Community service. It was main complaints which areThere are six specialties in Dentistry but preferable for me to then do some extractions, draining of abscess,Prosthodontics was the most appealing to me. general dentistry for at least 2 years. treatment of dry sockets, emergencyThe name means \"false teeth\" and the specialty I then qualified as a Dentist at UWC root canal treatment, and immediateinvolves replacing parts of a tooth, the whole tooth, and was among the first class that denture treatment.and even all the teeth. The reason I choose this graduated. Thereafter, four years’specialty is because I saw how people's lives are full time (UWC) specialist trainingchanged by just \"fixing\" their smiles. (M. ChD) as a Prosthodontist.Prosthodontist tre | SCIENCE CAREERS SA
oudly Sponsored byWhAT DO yOu ENjOy MOST? Responsiveness: This type of work Sometimes is expensive and out of the reach of especially forBeing able to help people Often when most patients and therefore you need young people ifpeople come to a Prosthodontist, they to use service as many people as you can offerare desperate and have had numerous much of the time. them the optionattempts at saving their teeth. Being Team player: Prosthodontics is to keep theirable to help these patients is very especially reliant on a team own teeth rathergratifying. approach. You need the Oral than go to false Hygienist, the Dental Technician teeth they are3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES and Dental Assistant and the general even gratefulThAT yOuR pOSITION dentist to provide the optimal care because there isREquIRES? for the patient. nothing betterEmpathy: You are the last resort for IN 1 SENTENCE, ”than your ownmost patients and therefore need to DESCRIBE yOuR jOB? teeth.understand their predicament. A natural smile for life. IS CONTINUING EDUCATION AND FURTHER STUDIES IMPORTANT EXpERIENCE VS TRAININg: IN YOUR TYPE OF CAREER? Training is the cornerstone of the Yes. Life would be boring if you stopped profession. This is the fall back learning. You have to challenge yourself. position whenever challenged in President Mandela once said \"I have practice. Experience is gained over climbed this mountain, now I have to climb time and builds on the training that the next one\".Also for on-going registration you received. with the Health Professions Council of South Africa you have to get at least 30 ADVICE fOR gRADE points of on-going learning per year. 11AND 12 lEARNERS CONSIDERINg ThIS DOES ThE INDuSTRy (AND yOuR CAREER? TypE Of pOSITION) ThAT yOu ARE IN, fACE gENDER BIAS? Work hard. In life whatever you do you need the right attitude and if Yes, previously the whole Dentistry you are committed to assisting profession was dominated by White, males people work at it and you will however over the years this has changed. receive the rewards. The saying is Our classes now are 50/50 or even more \"Attitude will give you Altitude\". females. ■ WhAT ChAllENgES hAVE yOu hAD TO OVERCOME? |SCIENCE CAREERS SA Sometimes people expect the impossible. With aging comes certain natural changes and some people expect you to restore them to what they looked like when they were 20 years old. However, with good explanations they understand the limitations of the specialty. WhAT quAlIfICATIONS DO I NEED? The same as the qualification to enter Dentistry as that is the only way to become a Prosthodontist.
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Q’s and A’sWEinnd gTuribnineeerWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS Boris WanschuraCAREER? is to manage and structure training related industry, people are passionate about greenI was born and lived my whole life in Germany. aspects, like meeting with key decision and sustainable ways of living in general.When I finished school with Abitur, which making people from industry, to better un- Helping our students to understand this newqualifies you to enrol at any university, I basi- derstand what the needs and requirements technology and how to install, maintain andcally had no idea what I wanted to do. I was for technicians of this new RE technology are operate it gives me great pleasure.very good at mathematics and physics, but and how I can address and tailor our trainingdidn’t want to miss out on the practical side modules to this. Additionally, I manage and WHAT ARE THE MOST ENJOYABLEof it. That’s why I chose to study mechani- organize short courses and workshops for ASPECTS OF YOUR POSITION?cal engineering at a University of applied people from the relevant industry.sciences. Working in a small team of professionals where DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE DAY? decisions making processes are still quick andWHAT TRAINING DID YOU efficient, is great fun. I can bring in my ownUNDERGO, AND WHERE? I usually start my day by checking my emails ideas and feel well respected in my team. and calendar. I try to answer as many emailsI studied mechanical engineering at Kiel as possible and prepare for myself later meet- WHAT IS THE LEAST ENJOYABLEUniversity of Applied Sciences in Germany. ings before I have my first cup of cappuccino PART OF YOUR JOB?My first contact to the Renewable Energy with my colleagues. We would then typically(RE) industry was my last semester industry discuss what needs to be done or talk about There is not much that I don’t enjoy in myproject at one of the wind technology lead- RE industry related news. Back behind my job. I’m not that kind of person that woulding companies REpower Systems (today desk I research, develop and put together work only to make a living. If things don’t goSENVION). After working abroad in South new learning, teaching and training material well for too long I would try to change themAfrica for a year in the heavy metal industry for our long and short term courses we offer or simply move on. You can only be good inmade me realize I wanted to know more here at SARETEC. what you are doing when you enjoy doing it.about RE technology, especially wind driven The only thing I would like to change is theenergy converters. I enrolled for a 2 year in- In the afternoon I sometimes have meet- way I commute to work. For time and safetyternational Master of Science programme ings with people from the RE industry to reasons I need to take my car. Back then inin Wind Engineering at Kiel/ Flensburg discuss topics around our training, or new Germany I enjoyed the organized, reliableUniversity of Applied Sciences and success- ideas for the training facility. and safe public transport.fully graduated last year. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? CAREER HIGHLIGHTS? WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? The cappuccino that our very fancy fully automated German Miele coffee machine My current position at the new South AfricanI develop and review the teaching, training produces! Besides that, I enjoy working with Renewable Energy Technology Centreand learning material for the occupational like-minded people. Especially in the REcertificate of the Wind Turbine/ Solar PVService Technician course at SARETEC.Besides that, one of my main responsibilities|| SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Q’s and A’s(SARETEC). Developing and shaping TYPE OF PERSON THAT WOULD passport. You got to play by the rules and bethe first recognized qualification to ENJOY THIS KIND OF CAREER? patient. Career wise, being a first and secondbecome a Wind Turbine Service time dad while you are busy finishing yourTechnician is a unique opportunity. In this particular field as a Wind Turbine master’s degree and trying to find a job was Engineer or Service Technician you have to probably one of the best experiences in my3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES THAT have many skills. You must be fit for climbing life, although the most challenging.YOUR POSITION REQUIRES? up 100 meter wind turbine towers; a service lift is not always available. You have to be WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO IFirst, you need a good understanding of how able to understand mechanical and electrical NEED?electrical and mechanical components of this components of the system when operating,new RE technology work. Second, you have to servicing or performing fault-finding. You The Master of Science degree in Windfeel comfortable to speak in front of students also might be ending up fixing damaged Engineering is an international study pro-and last, you have to be passionate about what wind turbine blades in 50-100 meter heights, gramme held in Kiel and Flensburg in Northyou teaching. Only then, you will succeed. which requires knowledge on how to handle Germany. The programme is open to inter- and repair composite materials. You got to be national students, having finished a 4-year IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE YOUR an “all-rounder”. Bachelor of Engineering programme. There JOB? are many study programmes offered around POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH - the globe and even here in South Africa, toIn my job I develop the necessary theoreti- WHERE CAN YOUR CURRENT become involved with RE technology. If youcal and most important practical training for POSITION LEAD? want to become a Wind Turbine ServiceWind Turbine and Solar Photovoltaic Service Technician, you should have at least one theTechnicians to get them 100% ready for the I foresee a huge demand for engineers and following trades: Electrician / Mechatronics /work they have to perform on site, some- technicians for RE technologies. With the Millwright / Fitters and Turners / NDip Mechtimes in 100 meters height. DoE’s current Renewable Energy Independent / Electrical / Mechanical with +/- 3 years Power Producer Procurement Programme Experience or applicableEXPERIENCE VS. TRAINING? (REIPPPP) that started 2011, a total of 6327 MW capacity in four and a half rounds of com- WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER GOALS?Nothing in the world beats professional work petitive bidding has been awarded, of whichexperience; doing hands-on work shows if about 1709 MW is already connected to the Becoming a technical expert for wind turbineyou really understand what you are doing. grid and feeding in much needed electricity. and solar technology.But proper work planning and understand- The minister of Energy has even made a newing what is behind the technology requires determination of additional 6300 MW capac- IS CONTINUING EDUCATIONclass-room training and reading books. In my ity for RE technology. AND FURTHER STUDIESexperience, the best solution is a mix of both, IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPE OFlearning in class and being able to apply it in WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE YOU CAREER?the workshop straight away. This is our con- HAD TO OVERCOME?cept here at SARETEC. “Chalk & Talk” is easy Yes, it is very important as an engineer toto do, but it is the practical exercises in our Being a foreign national in this county is keep up to date with the technology andworkshop that adds value to our courses and surely not easy. There is a lot of paperwork refresh your basic knowledge in terms of en-will give the student confidence to perform required to get the right stamp in your gineering principles.good work on site.ADVICE FOR PEOPLE CONSIDERINGTHIS CAREER?Working in the field of RE energy technologyis a lot of fun. You need to think “green” andsometimes I see myself as an “ambassador”for RE when convincing the people aroundme how much sense these new technologiesmake and how fortunate the people of SouthAfrica are with the countries abundanceof wind and sun resource. A Wind TurbineEngineer or Service Technician has to havemany talents. SCIENCE CAREERS SA ||
with What d
CPUT MARITIME STUDIESDo you want to see the world? With this internationally recognised qualification, you will betrained to work aboard ships, with your duties ranging from navigating to supervising cargooperations in the ports. You may just get employed by the Merchant Navy as a navigator.South African Maritime Safety Authority NON-FORMAL COURSES(SAMSA) accredited coursesFORMAL COURSES Offshore Survival & Firefighting 5 daysMaritime Studies Offshore Survival & Firefighting (Refresher) 2 1/2 daysMaster Unlimited CoC – Chief Mate CoCDeck Officer CoC Competence in Survival Craft other than Fast Rescue Boats - now CISC (old PISC) 4 daysEngineering: Mechanical (Marine)Chief Engineer Officer CoC Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR) 2 days– 2nd Engineering Officer Engineer Officer of the Watch CoC Personal Survival Techniques (PST) 2 days– ND: Engineering: Mechanical (Marine) Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR) Admission requirements for formal courses (Refresher) 1 dayThe minimum admission requirements are, a nationalsenior Certificate, with: Personal Survival Techniques (PST) (Refresher) 1 day• English First Additional language (rating 4);• Mathematics (rating 4); and FRB Coxswain 4 days• Physical science (rating 4) OR HUET 1/2 day• N4 pass with a minimum of 60% for Mathematics N4 and Engineering Science N4, as well as the Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain 3 day minimum language requirements of the University. GMDSS (GOC) 10 days GMDSS (GOC) (Refresher) 5 days Electronic Navigation Systems (ENS) Operational Level 5 days Electronic Navigation Systems (ENS) Management Level 5 days Competence in Survival Craft other than Fast Rescue Boat (Refresher) 1 dayCLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: Postal address30 SEPTEMBER 2017 Department Maritime Studies & Survival Centre, GrangerExamination Centre for SQA/MCA (UK LAP) Bay Campus, PO Box 652, Cape Town, 8000, South Africaand IWCF Associations: AMERC, GB TRUST,IAMI, IASST, NSRI, RCYC, RYA, SAIMENA, Maritime Studies Survival CentreSAOGA, SOMMSA, Nautical Institute +27 21 440 5752/80 +27 21 440 5715/16 [email protected] [email protected] +27 21 959 6767 www.facebook.com/cput.ac.za [email protected] @cput www.cput.ac.za @wearecputThis information is subject to change based on approval and accreditation of HEQSF aligned qualifications during 2017/8. Admission creating futuresrequirements may therefore differ between the existing qualification and the HESQF aligned qualification. Please consult the CPUT websiteor faculty for updated information. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this pamphlet; however theUniversity reserves the right at any time, if circumstances require to make changes to any of the published details.ATHLONE BELLVILLE CAPE TOWN GEORGE GRANGER BAY MOWBRAY WELLINGTON WORCESTER
Why did you choose this My current position had exposed Type of personality that would career? me to the upstream oil and gas enjoy this kind of career? The maritime industry offers a unique career that offers you national and apart from being a normal Master Be open to a variety of experience Mariner. This is the 4th largest and be organized and& internationally recognised oilfield in the world and the biggest dependable, show self-discipline, qualifications. In this industry you will in the middle east. I enjoy project act dutifully, and finally, aim for find jobs with high level of development, leading people, to achievement. responsibility and good advancement prospects. Most of all one will find train and develop people and Potential for growth - job satisfaction and be open to a working with a multinational Where can your current wide variety of careers both at sea workforce. position lead? and ashore. What is the least enjoyable What formal qualification did you have to attain to enter into part of your job? Senior management positions in this field? international organizations. Being away from home is never an To start an exciting maritime career you will need to register for the Diploma in easy thing so one has to make What challenges have Nautical Studies at the Durban University of Technology. To qualify as a Master adjustments. This is overcome with you had to overcome? Mariner you will need to complete the my passion for the maritime industry. prerequisite sea-time and a number of In the maritime industry you tend ancillary short courses. To be eligible for Career highlights? to work with a multi-cultural the Diploma in Nautical Studies you will workforce. It takes time to know, need to obtain good marks in Grade 12 Served the maritime industry for 30 understand and respect people’s in English, Physical Science and years that included 10 years sailing culture and belief’s. Mathematics. at sea. Obtained Master Mariner. Spent 18 years in Transnet as Tug Does the Industry (and your What does your job entail? master, Senior Pilot, Harbour type of position) that you are Master, Port Manager and Regional in, face gender bias? I am currently a Harbour Master Senior Operations Manager. working internationally in the middle Currently working internationally Maritime industry is quite open these east working on Special Projects in within the Oil anWdhGataqsuIanldifuicsatrtyio. ns do I nedeady?s and there are many women at the Oil and Gas industry. This is a sea today. There are women that are new concept of building artificial ships’ captains, and in all marine islands with harbours that are used 3 important qualities that ranks in Transnet. The middle east for drilling oil. I manage the entire your position requires: has also seen this change and have offshore Marine Logistics for this development project. Passion, Innovation and women in marine. The gender bias Confidence. seems to be a thing of the past. Describe an average day? Internationally, the industry in general are encouraging women to Lead the marine team, engage In 1 sentence, describe your pursue maritime careers. with various contractors, job? managing traffic entering , transiting and leaving the oil Enjoy the Experience. Is continuing education and field, manage the port and further studies important in harbour construction. Experience vs Training? your type of career? What do you enjoy most? A huge difference. Knowledge + This depends on how motivated an Experience = Competence, so both individual is. There is never an end When I get up eveErxypmeroiernnicnegv, sI Tloroaikning are extremely vital in the maritime to education and the quest for forward to going to work. With this industry. knowledge. Every day we learn positive attitude, you day is already something new and we must grasp happy. I look forward to the new Advice for grade 11 and 12 the opportunity to learn with both challenges that we encounter on a learners considering this hands. Maritime industry has seen daily basis. I enjoy transferring my career? a lot of technological changes in knowledge to my sub ordinates. recent years including introduction Must focus and have passion of mega ships, and all these bring What are the most enjoyable for what you want to do. The new challenges. One needs to aspects of your position? maritime industry is an exciting keep in line with industry changes industry with various job and education plays a vital role. opportunities locally and internationally. Set your goal and work towards it. Maritime industry is a rewarding career. SCIENCE CAREERS SA 0 3
SPORT SCIENCE IS SOMETHING YOU DO, NOT ONLY SOMETHING YOU STUDY The Stellenbosch Sport Science Department was the first of its kind in Africa and this year we celebrate 80 years of excellence. The Department is situated in the picturesque town of Stellenbosch on the banks of the Eerste River. It boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped laboratories, an outdoor and indoor pool, indoor sports halls and a modern gymnasium. Turn your passion for Sport and Exercise into a career and become a: Sport Coach, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness instructor, Sport Manager, Sport Performance Analyst, Teacher, Biokineticist, Kinderkinetist, Sport Scientist, Sport and Exercise Researcher The Department of Sport Science offers a BA in Sport Science and a BSc in Sport Science. You also have the option to broaden your knowledge and expertise by completing an Honours degree in Biokinetics, Kinderkinetics or Sport Science. Stellenbosch …. a name synonymous with excellence in Sport and Exercise Science CONTACT US / ASK YOUR QUESTIONS : Tel: 021 8084723 / e-mail: [email protected] / website: http://www.sun.ac.za/education facebook: Department of Sport Science – Stellenbosch University Enrol at Stellenbosch University’s Department of Sport Science and contribute in making South Africa a great sporting nation.
Q&AAUDIOVISUALTECHNICIAN HENRY RUDZANI MOKONEWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS through the Academy in association with client’s needs is a very fulfilling part of theCAREER? Height Wise. job.I chose this career because of Cristo WHAT DOES YOUR JOB CAREER HIGHLIGHTSHattingh, one of the Top South African Live ENTAIL?Sound Engineers. I was doing my Matric I graduated as a Live Sound Engineer inin 2010 and at the same time working as I just joined a Company that specialises 2012 and have been involved in a numbera gardener for the Hattingh family, when I in Audio Visual doing installations, setup, of projects. Besides mixing on gigs as ahad a chat with Cristo. He told me about programming of Audio Visuals from simple freelance engineer, I have done some in-his professional life as a Sound Engineer. projectors to matrix video walls and video stallations I’m very proud of. I did the firstThis brought back the memories when we conferencing. I also do onsite service and Universal Music Recording Studio, a bigwere growing up in the rural areas, when equipment maintenance. From time to installation in Lagos - Nigeria for a 6000we used to make guitars out of cans and cut time I also do consultations on the audio seat church, installed a Recording Studiopaint buckets to make drums and jam like side of the business. in Angola, an Audio Visual installation forrock stars. Unfortunately we knew nothing a Oil Company in Accra - Ghana and cur-about recording, mixing and mastering. By DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE DAY. rently busy with a project in Rwanda. I havethe time we finished, I realised this is what also been involved with installations at theI want to be. In the morning I get job cards from the University of Tshwane, Johannesburg and sales director or the technical director. the Wits digital classrooms.WHAT TRAINING DID YOU Mostly these require attending to customerUNDERGO AND WHERE? service calls. Should there be an installa- 3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES tion scheduled for that day, we go out and THAT YOUR POSITIONI got the George Sr. Bursary in 2011 and install, setup, program and provide the in REQUIRES?did my Diploma at the Academy of Sound house training.Engineering in Johannesburg, with special 1. Positive attitude in everythingfocus on Live Production. I did Pro Tools WHAT ARE THE MOST 2. Hard work and team player101 up to 210V. The academy prepares you ENJOYABLE ASPECTS OF 3. Punctualityfor the industry very well. As a live sound YOUR POSITION?engineer, you’re equipped with extensive IN ONE SENTENCE DESCRIBEknowledge from simple things like solder- Assisting different clients, each with unique YOUR JOB.ing audio cables to Front of House band needs. Due to having done my sound en-mixing and Production Management. I gineering course and now working in the Interesting and challenging, giving mealso did my working at heights certificate audio visual industry, makes this interest- room to keep learning as technology ing. Being able to sort out most of the advances.|| SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Academy of Sound Engineering B.Sc. in Sound Engineering Technology [NQF Level 7] [SAQA ID: 92060] Focusing on the engineering science of sound. Equipment design Studio design System design Acoustics Computer programming Advanced IT Media networks for audio and video Advanced audio and video software applications Capturing and processing sound Advanced and surround sound mixing Audio Technology Qualifications Higher Certificate in Audio Technology. [NQF Level 5] [SAQA ID: 83488] Diploma in Audio Technology. [NQF Level 6] [SAQA ID: 88262] For more info contact us: [email protected] or 011 482 9200 Academy of Sound Engineering is accredited by the following bodies:International accreditation: AVID as a Pro School. Apple as an Authorized Training Centre for Education.South Africa: Council on Higher Education (HEQC Reference no: H/PR271/E001CAN, E003CAN, E005CAN).Academy of Sound Engineering (PTY) Ltd (ASE). [registration] 1997/008334/07 [VAT] 4760197717 [directors] Cristo Hat-tingh, Nick Matzukis, Timothy Kraft (MD). ASE is registered as a private higher education institution in terms of section 54(1)(c) of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (ActNo. 101 of 1997) and Regulation 16(4)(a) of the Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions 2002, to offer its registered programmes at thefollowing site of delivery: A. Johannesburg, Auckland Park (SABC) Premises. ASE is registered to offer the following programmes: (1) B.Sc. Sound Engineering Technol- ogy (2) Diploma in Sound Engineering (3) Higher Certificate in Audio Technology (4) Diploma in Audio Technology (5) Higher Certificate in Television and Screen Media (6) Diploma in Television and Screen Media. Registration certificate No. 2009/HE07/011
Q&AEXPERIENCE VS TRAINING? the greatest tool is your ears. I remember struggling to cope with simple codes and“They say experience is the best teacher”, intervals during music classes. With hardbut in this industry I think only learning work and help from lectures, it becomethrough experience is not the best, as you easy. Clients can be difficult at times.may become content to do something ina particular way with little understand- WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO Iing why and the possible consequences. NEED?Getting formal training is in my opinion, theway to go. When you turn that knob, you You need a Matric certificate to enroll atknow for sure what your doing and what most training institutions.to expect. Through training one can easilydeal with questions that may be asked. WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER GOALS?ADVICE FOR PEOPLECONSIDERING THIS CAREER. I want to be a jack of all trades, to be a Production and/or Project manager.Study, Study and make yourself availablefor anything that comes your way. In other DOES THE INDUSTRY AND THEwords, get out there to volunteer while TYPE OF POSITION THAT YOUsurrounding yourself with people that can ARE IN, FACE GENDER BIAS?lead you positively. Not at all, the sky is the limit. In the earlyTYPES OF PEOPLE THAT stages of coming into the industry, you mayWOULD ENJOY THIS CAREER. require some muscular strength. When I started, I was a volunteer at Sound GP andAnyone with a passion and love for music. the task available was loading the truck butYou should also be patient, be prepared to later I got a chance to mix at a church andgo the extra mile and work hard. You must the rest is history. I went to Nigeria and thenot have a short temper. project Manager was a women. We are cur- rently busy on a hotel project in RwandaPOTENTIAL FOR GROWTH- and the Head of Audio Visual is a lady. DidWHERE CAN YOUR CAREER a Studio installation in Ghana and the re-POSITION LEAD? cording engineer owner is a lady. Allot of conference coordinators or Audio VisualThere is always room to grow in this in- Facilitators are women. I have seen allotdustry. With my current position, one can of ladies behind the mixing desk in Southmove up to be the designer of projects, Africa.as far as audio and visuals are concerned.You can also look at being the best live IS CONTINUING EDUCATIONmix engineer, get involved with Sales and AND FURTHER STUDIESDistribution, be a Project or Production IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPE OFManager or even get involved as a lec- CAREER?turer. It’s not just a matter of installingspeakers and amplifiers as they need to 100% Yes! I’m currently studying Projectbe matched by considering the clients management and doing various productneeds, the target audience and volume courses that are available in the industry.issues that may arise. While I am not in the live events industry, when I hear of a new mixing desk on theWHAT CHALLENGERS HAVE market, I make sure I get some training.YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? You will never know what the future holds. If you keep on studying, you’ll be able toThe biggest was background. I had to train tackle what the industry throws at you.my ears big time. As a sound engineer, SCIENCE CAREERS SA ||
QA& With Lucia MadzenaComputer Science Internat SANSA’s Space WeatherCentre Why did you choose this career? Lucia Madzena Computers have fascinated me for most of my life. Describe an average day. Growing up I enjoyed watching movies that had scenes of hacker’s frantically working on their Most of my day is spent programming laptops to gain access to important information which involves creating code to instruct and systems. I thought it was so cool how much a computer on how to do a task. I create you could do by using a computer. Computers programs and systems for the SANSA are a part of our everyday lives. Everything is Space Weather Centre to assist in becoming computer based these days so I creating visual representations of the decided that I had to learn how to use them data they collect. better which is why I choose to study Computer Science. What do you enjoy most? Problem solving! What formal qualification did you have to attain to enter into this field? What are the most enjoyable aspects of your position? Although i was able to take up a position in the school of chemistry at the University of the There are always problems to solve and many Witwatersrand with an MSC in Chemistry, I ways of solving one problem, which means my needed to obtain my PhD to be able to becomes mind is always racing trying to figure out the lecturer. I obtained my MSC at Wits and my PhD best solution which makes coming to work fun from Cambridge University in England. as I get to figure it all out. Every day there is something new to solve so I always need to What does your job entail? think outside the box to come up with new solutions. A job in computer science entails a lot of things such as programming, computer networks, computer security, database development, website development etc.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA
\"Everything is becoming computer based these days\"3 important qualities that your Advice for grade 11 and 12 learnersposition requires? considering this career?Lots of patience, the ability to think There are many areas you can focus on whenclearly and logically and the ability to considering a career in computer sciences. Take thecommunicate your ideas well. time to do lots of research about what is available and find the best area to specialize in at universityType of personality that would enjoy which suits your personality and strengths.this kind of career? What challenges have you had toIf you are someone who loves problem overcome?solving and doesn’t give up until you havefound a solution then you will do very well During my first year at university I did not have myin this field. You also need to be own computer. I had to relying on using thesomeone who enjoys staying up-to-date computers at university which was very challengingwith new trends and have good as I also had to share the computers with othercommunication skills. student and could only do my work during the day. I couldn’t work at home in the evening which meantExperience vs Training? that I got less practice and in the field of programming you really do need to practice asThey are both important. To take on big roles in much as possible to learn the differentcompanies you need to have experience and to programming languages.get experience you have to be willing to undergotraining. When there is a new application or new What qualifications do I need?technology being used, you have to undergotraining in order to become familiar with it. We You need to study Maths and Science at highlive in a fast paced world and you need to stay school and obtain a minimum of 50% in Maths andupdated. Science but this does differ with each university so it is best to do your research on what theIn 1 sentence, describe your job? requirements are at a university you are interested in going to. If you do well in Maths and ScienceBeing a computer scientist is the most exciting you can then study a BSc Computer Sciences.and challenging job all at the same time. Is continuing education and furtherPotential for growth - Where can your studies important in your type ofcurrent position lead? career?Programming is like an entry door for any It is always important to further your studies.computer scientist, you have to know at least After your BSc degree, you can do honours andone language of programming. From there you masters to get more experience in research andcan go on to be a software developer, system also to help in developing new technologies andanalyst, database developer, solutions architect skills.etc. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA
with Mahlatse KganyagoEOabrstehr va t i o n sScientistWhy did you choose Image classification to retrieve land job is that I wake-up each day tothis career? cover information, Remote Sensing learn about things I do not know, research, tutorial development, that’s what research is about!I was fascinated by the fact Science advancement , i.e. exhibitions Knowing what I don’t know, givesthat through the use of satellite and career guidance, developing me the greatest pleasure and thetechnology, we can extend our eyes capacity of others through training motivation to open my eyes evento have a bird-eye view of the earth, courses and developing tutorials, when others are asleep.that allows us to manage and monitor report writing and presenting.natural resources such as Forests, What is the leastGrasslands, rivers, etc., infrastructure Describe an average day? enjoyable partsuch as settlements, roads, etc. of your job?and disasters such as veld fires, On an average day, I first check myfloods, etc. I was attracted to this emails to ensure that I do not miss Uh….the least enjoyable part ofcareer because of my passion for the out on some important and/or urgent studying…from the top of my head,environment and the craving to know communications and then reply when I would say working long hourshow satellite technological innovations necessary. Effective communication because you just can’t wait to seecan help in solving some of the major is essential in this field. I then read if the results are what you wereenvironmental challenges such as at least 2 research articles on remote hoping for. As a result, I had to cutclimate change. sensing topic of interest, or read out on a number of unproductive my own work to ensure that simple but “nice-to-have” social activities,What training did you grammatical and typing mistakes like watching T.V., visiting friendsundergo, and where? are removed. Then, I analyse my every now and then, going out a data – this involves displaying lot, etc. I definitely do not enjoyI enrolled for BSc. In Environmental images, developing rules for mapping thinking about work and working onand Resource studies at University Invasive alien plants, testing weekends and after hours, whichof Limpopo, this lasted 3 years. I different methods to determine are the reality when you are in thethen enrolled for BSc. Honours with which one works best, learn open Earth Observation research.the same University and it lasted 1 source software and attend to otheryear. In both qualifications, Remote administrative issues, like attending Career highlights?Sensing and GIS were one of the meetings, writing minutes, etc.major subjects. Awarded: ‘Most promising What do you Young Scientist’ by SANSAWhat does your job enjoy most? Earth Observation.entail? The most interesting part of my 2 International conferenceMy job entails, Image processing, presentations; 1 international Journal ▶Continued on page 34|32 SCIENCE CAREERS SA