▶Continued from page 52 Experience vs Training Biotechnology background. It was challenging in a good way thoughreally heart breaking. And also when Need two years internship training as since I was very eager to learn. Alsowe give out paternity results saying a Medical scientist in Human Genetics. to learn how to use new equipmentthe man is not the father in caseswhere the mother is deceased. Very Advice for people What qualificationssad for the child who might never considering this career. do I need?know who their father is. Need to be focused, enthusiastic and To be a medical scientist, oneCareer highlights? ready to learn and teach. It is more a needs at least an Honours degree work of passion than just a career. in Genetics and two years MedicalMy career highlight was when I Scientist internship training asqualified as a Professional medical Type of person that well as registering with the Healthscientist and registered with the would enjoy this kind Professional councilHealth profession council. Also of career?when I did my research project What are your careerto completion, and writing an Someone that has deep interest goals?article about it, which will soon be in Genetics, with the purpose ofsubmitted to a Medical Journal providing a service to the community My career goals to register for a Phd degree in Genetics and expand the3 important qualities Potential for growth - knowledge and skills I have in this field.that your position Where can your current Also be in a position to come up withrequires position lead? research project and train and teach more scientists and students in this field1 Pay attention to detail You can study further and work your way up with experience and skill you Does the Industry (and2 be a team player aquire along the way your type of position) that you are in, face3 be accountable for your work What challenges have gender bias? you had to overcome?In 1 sentence, describe Not really, but I think there are moreyour job? Acquiring new skills in human female Scientist than males. Genetics from a previousMy job is very interesting,demanding and requires speed andaccuracy|54 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
SAQA & NQF WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU Describe an Genuine Qualifications are important average day. Here is how you can help! My average day starts at around 06:30, I am SAQA CONTACT DETAILS SOUTH AFRICAN QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY an early bird. I receive samples in the laboratory THERE ARE A NUMBER OF WAYS IN WHICH that come for either YOU CAN GET IN TOUCH WITH SAQA. aneuploidy screening and paternity testing. Extract PHONE DNA from them and set up PCR technique. For HELPLINE: 0860 111 673 aneuploidy screening this technique is used to check EMAIL AND WEBSITE if there are any genetic abnormalities in the new @E-MAIL: HELP NQF.ORG.ZA born baby, prenatals and products of conception. SAQA WEBSITE: WWW.SAQA.ORG.ZA For Paternity testing is to check relatedness between SOCIAL MEDIA CONTACTS individuals. @TWITTER: SAQALIVEIs continuingeducation and further FACEBOOK: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/studies important in SOUTHAFRICANQUALIFICATIONSAUTHORITYyour type of career? SAQA HOUSE 1067 ARCADIA STREETYes it is very important to HATFIELD PRETORIAcontinue studying and keepingyourself informed at all times. Thetechnology that is used in medicalscience is always changing and asa medical scientist we are requiredto always come up with ways toimprove our testing procedures aswell as research. ■
with Nomfundo Molefe“ Do not be afraid to take risks and no one can do it for you but”yourself!NomMfoulnedfeo IT College CEO/Director|56 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Why did you choose Experience vs Trainingthis career? Experience goes a long well because it comprisesThere was a gap in the market and I saw an of being hands on. I lead my company throughopportunity experience, all the skills I learnt in my entire carrier.W hat training did you Advice for grade 11 and 12undergo, and where? learners considering this career?I have never done any training relating to IT Do not be afraid to take risks and no one can do it for you but yourself.What does your job entail? T ype of person that wouldMy job entails is to lead and implement the enjoy this kind of career?company’s long and short term goals andaligning them to the company strategy. Disciplined, organised, visionary.To ensure the company is well organisedand staffed. Potential for growth - WhereTo ensure the company’s expenditures is can your current position lead?within the authorised annual budget. The growth can be for the company.Describe an average day? What challenges have you hadGoing through all my emails, approving tasks and to overcome?reading reports. Taking the longest routes in certain achievementsWhat do you enjoy most? in the company because people of my colour are a minority in this industry.The atmosphere in the whole company is homely. Weare a neat family and understand each other’s problems. What qualifications do I need?What are the most enjoyable Business related skills.aspects of your position? What are your career goals?The fact that I am able to steer the company to thedirection it is at currently and make sure that so many It is to grow the company and have footprints infamilies are taken care of. all provinces.What is the least enjoyable part Does the Industry (and your typeof your job? of position) that you are in, face gender bias?The least enjoyable part of my job is that all challengeslend on my table and I need to have answers for A lot!everything. Also the fact being a female black ownedcompany requires that I work twice as much as everyone Is continuing educationelse to prove that we are just as efficient. and further studies important in your typeCareer highlights? of career? Definitely. ■Working for the well known bank and doing jobs for3 people.3 important qualities that yourposition requires?credibility, competence, and caring.In 1 sentence, describe your job?CEOs and diamonds are a lot alike: Most are flawedin some way, all are hardened and formed undercrushing pressures and intense heat, and they arejudged by degrees of quality. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 57
withRudi SpiesNTeocnhDneicsitarunctive Why did you choose this on each other. At the end of the day you have career? to complete reports and update the inspection schedule.I started out as a carpenter and the day I foundout that they are paying people to fly out to What do you enjoy most?an oilrig, tie a rope and then abseil down thederrick to do inspection work, I was sold! Working in an extreme environment with highly skilled people and the best equipment on the What training did you market. Oh and of course the food is good. undergo, and where? What is the least enjoyableI finished school at THS Drostdy and the part of your job?important subjects to have would be maths,science and technical drawing. Most of the Being away from home for long stretches at awork we do is at height, so I did my Rope time, missing birthdays and Christmases.access L1 - L3 at Toprope in Cape Town.Offshore survival is a must and that course Career highlights?was done at PENTEC along with a ProjectManagement course. Further I did Non- This job takes you to so many amazing jobsDestructive Testing (NDT) training through and places. From building stadiums in SouthNASA Cape Town (UT, UTM, MT, PT) and I Africa and Argentina to recoating a rig in thehave recently completed my NACE 3 (coating Adriatic ocean or doing training for Shell ininspection) this year, which took me sometime. Nigeria. I would have to say my highlightLastly, I have also completed my LOLER (lifting would be 2 years ago when I got the positiongear inspection) and advanced confined space of Maintenance and Inspection Supervisorrescue through Toprope. on the DS6 in Angola, at that stage the most advanced drilling ship in the world. What does your job entail? 3 important qualities thatMainly we do preventative maintenance your position requires?inspection. We have an Inspection schedulethat covers all the annual NDT inspection for Patience, we are working offshore, thingsthe whole rig stretched over a 1 year period. tend to take more time than usual and thingsWe also do all the rigging in of new equipment change all the time. You must be able to adaptand all the working at height for the rig. when plans change and stay calm when things go wrong. Integrity, we do a lot of inspection Describe an average day. work and people’s lives depend on how good we do it, there are no shortcuts and youEvery morning 2 meetings are held, where cannot allow yourself to be influenced by othersafety issues, scope of work and the areas that people or situations. A rope access team is awill be worked are discussed. After that I have tight group of people working in a potentiallyto start the Permit process for the area we are dangerous environment and we trust eachworking in for the specific job. Safety comes other daily with keeping each other safe.first! If it is working at height, I will then rig theropes and my team performs buddy checks You can’t be afraid of heights!|58 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
This job takes you to so Rudi Spies many amazing jobs and places. From building What qualifications do Istadiums in South Africa and need?Argentina to recoating a rig IRATA Rope Access L1-3; NDT (UT, UTM, ”in the Adriatic ocean PT, MT, EC); Offshore survival - These will In 1 sentence, get you started. Then later you can look at describe your job? some of these courses too: LOLER Lifting gear inspection; NACE 1-3 coating inspection;Keeping production on track and keeping OPITO Rigging; Confined space Rescue;people safe. DROPS inspection. Experience vs Training? Does the Industry (and your type of position) that you areWith good training you can start building in, face gender bias?the good work experience. But there is noreplacement for good experience in this job. None whatsoever. A dvice for grade 11 and 12 Is continuing education and learners considering this further studies important in career? your type of career?Like anything worth having this road will not Energy is a growing industry in solaralways be easy. Decide what you want to do farms, wind farms and oil productionand talk to people in the industry, make a planand stick to it. Get your inspection courses and will forever be changing. If youand certificates done early on as well as yourrope access. Remember, rope access is not don’t keep up, you will be left behind! ■a job, it is only a way of getting to where youhave to do the job and when you get thereyou still need a skill. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 59
with Sinenhlanhla Precious SikhosanaMSc AstrophysicsStudentWhy did you choose this career? Career highlights?Firstly it stands out because it is extremely Visiting Princeton university for a month andexciting. Secondly it contains a large number of doing a research project with leading scientists inunsolved problems which implies that there is my field. Wining first prize at research day at mystill room for many more discoveries to be made. current university.Lastly it appeals to my enquiring mind. 3 important qualities that yourWhat training did you undergo, position requires?and where? Discipline, perseverance and curiosityI completed a Bachelor of Science degree with majorsin Applied mathematics and Pure Physics. During my In 1 sentence, describe your job?Honours degree, I majored in applied mathematicswith my final project focusing on Cosmology. My It’s out of this world.current research focuses on using dark matter asa lens to see distant objects in the Universe. Experience vs Training?What does your job entail? Training involves a greater degree of supervision. Actual experience requires you to perform at anI study how the universe is expanding. This international research level with minimal (or zero)involves creating and verifying theories of how supervision.the universe formed. This is done using powerfultelescopes that take images of the universe. Advice for grade 11 and 12 learners considering thisDescribe an average day? career?Analysing data, developing algorithms, working You need to have a passion for this because iton developing a theory, calculations and referring counts for a lot.to academic papers. Once a week I meet with mysupervisor. Type of person that would enjoy this kind of career?What do you enjoy most? Those that have a passion for solving problemsCollaborating with other researchers, travelling and critical thinking.and meeting new people, Potential for growth - WhereWhat is the least enjoyable part can your current position lead?of your job? Astronomy is a leading science field in SouthSometimes it can be unpredictable. You are Africa at the moment. Projects like the Squaresolving a new problem so there is always a Kilometre Aray (SKA) and HERA offer numerouspossibility that you might reach a dead end opportunities. I can choose to become a dataafter months of work. scientist at one of these research projects or even|62 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
“ My current research Sinenhlanhla Precious Sikhosanafocuses on using darkmatter as a lens to see |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 63”distant objects in theuniverse.at other research companies. I could alsochoose to further my studies and becomean academic. Astrophysics PhD graduatescan also work in financial institutions, the ITsector, the medical imaging sector and thetelecommunications sector.What challenges have youhad to overcome?The main challenge has been societalpressure. This field is not as well-knownas other careers so initially people tried toconvince me to choose a career that was moremainstream.What qualificationsdo I need?A professional astronomer requires a PhD.Does the Industry (andyour type of position) thatyou are in, face gender bias?Most researchers in this field tend to bemale but this demographic is startingto change.Is continuing educationand further studiesimportant in yourtype of career?Yes, it is very important.Becoming the bestresearcher in my field isstrongly tied to the levelof study. Furthering youreducation allows youto become more versatile. ■
with Stuart DunlopBiological & Why did you chooseConservation this career?Scientist I had an interest in nature/wildlife from a young age. Having frequented many game reserves in my childhood, this interest strengthened over time and there was no other career path I could imagine. From the age of 5 I can remember having my bird field guide and binoculars handy wherever I went. While most other kids read non-fiction books and/or were playing computer games, I was reading field guides of nature and exploring my surroundings. What training did you undergo, and where? I studied a general Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in ecology at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in Pietermaritzburg. I continued my studies with Honours in ecology and finally at Masters (MSc) level I converted to a marine orientated degree in biological and conservation sciences with a particular interest in marine biology (fisheries science). What does your job entail? I am a fisheries scientist with a particular interest in linefish resource management and marine protected areas What do you enjoy most? I enjoy being out in the field diving, fishing and collecting relevant fisheries data from the oceans and estuaries. What are the most enjoyable aspects of your position? I get a great degree of satisfaction ▶Continued on page 66|64 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
▶Continued from page 64 it for the passion and love of nature, Describe an i.e. job satisfaction average day.communicating with people, listeningto their stories and sharing information Type of person that Despite what many peopleon the marine environment. I would enjoy this think, marine biologist’sfeel honoured when I am able to kind of career? spend a large proportionshare information the public finds of their time (about 85%)both interesting and life changing. Someone who is outgoing and in an office behind aSometime this is information that we passionate about conservation. computer analysing datamarine biologists take for granted and writing up projectbut when shared s the catalyst in Potential for growth - reports, proposals,someone becoming a citizen scientist. Where can your current articles and papers. So position lead? an average day would beWhat is the least spent doing this. However,enjoyable part It is endless. A Bachelor of Science when we are in the field,of your job? degree has no boundaries. One we spend time collecting can go from terrestrial ecology (i.e. data, often for hours eitherData entry. Whenever we go into the studying the fauna and flora on land) on the beach or offshorefield we record various biological data. to marine ecosystems (e.g. fish and on a boat. This can beAll of this needs to be captured onto a corals). tough at times, especiallycomputer and analysed. if the weather is bad. What challenges have However, my moto is anyCareer highlights? you had to overcome? bad day in the field is better than any good dayGetting a job in my field of interest The degree itself can take some time spent in the office!straight after my studies. It is tough out to complete. I studied to a Masterthere and getting the right job straight level which was 6 years. So the only Does the Industry (andaway does not happen often. challenge for me was sacrificing your type of position) spending time with friends and family. that you are in, face3 important qualities But it is all worth it now. gender bias?that your positionrequires What qualifications No. In the earlier years there might do I need? have been more males doing marineOne has to be passionate about what biology, but it is certainly not theyou do, have a love and understanding 1. Matric with exemption presently the case. Some of Southof nature and be able to teach. It’s 2. Bsc (Bachelor of Science Africa’s best scientists are female.pointless doing research if you cannot (3 years).share and teach others about it. One can become a marine biologist at Is continuing education this point. However, studying further and further studiesIn 1 sentence, describe will increase your chances of securing important in your typeyour job? a good job, so I suggest studying to of career? at least a Masters level (+-6 years).I am a fisheries scientist with a particular 3. Honours (optional, 1 year) Yes, absolutely. The more you studyinterest in linefish resource management 4. Masters (optional, 1-2 years) the easier it becomes to find a job,and marine protected areas 5. Doctor of Philosophy (optional, 2-4 years) especially one you will enjoy. ■Experience vs Training What are your careerExperience and training are equally goals?important in my opinion. Someonewith a degree (3 years) and 5 years’ My career goals are not to be theexperience is probably better off than CEO or Director of a company or earnsomeone with a Doctorate (+- 8 years thousands of Rand’s, but rather toof studying) and no experience. always have job satisfaction and be happy with the line of work I am in.Advice for peopleconsidering this career.Don’t expect to earn a large salary, do|66 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Geology Rocks !What is a Geologist and what do they do?Geologists work to understand the history of our planet, defining geology as the study of theearth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials and the processesacting upon them and the organisms that have inhabited the planet. An important part ofgeology is the study of how earth’s materials, structures, processes and organisms havechanged over time.I have Qualified As A Geologist....Now What?There are many fields you could specialise in once qualified as a Geologist, such as:crystallography; economic geology; engineering geology; environmental geology;geochemistry; geomorphology; mapping, marine geology, palaeontology and tectonics, toname a few.Where do I find out more?Contact the Geological society of South Africa for more information on geology and becominga Geologist: Email: [email protected] or visit their website:www.gssa.org.za www.facebook.com/GeologicalSocietyofSouthAfrica Did you know? The word “geology” comes from the Greek word “ge” meaning rocks and “logos” meaning knowledge, so Geology literally means knowledge of rocks.
with Taufeeq Dhansey “ I am Mother Nature’s private ”investigator Geologist|68 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Why did you choose What is the least Describethis career? enjoyable part of your an average day job? 4X4 driving, hiking,I am very interested in how the carrying a heavy bagEarth works. I love figuring out the Balancing the research work while that keeps gettingintricacies of an ever-changing trying to advance my career. heavier as moreplanet and how it affects life; and rocks are added,how life affects it. Career highlights? amazing landscapes, wild animals, strangeWhat training did you Running a field school for young rocks and a strangeundergo, and where? and inexperienced geoscientists and wonderful and having much of my field work World. Then, thereUndergrad in Geology (with resemble an Indiana Jones movie. are also the officehonours) and Analytical Chemistry days – which involve– UCT, Cape Town. 3 important qualities lots of reading andMasters in Geology – NMMU, Port that your position researching.Elizabeth. requires:Systems Analysis, Renewable What are yourEnergy – IIASA, Vienna. Analytical thinking, creative thinking, career goals?Early field work – All over South mental strength and an adventurousAfrica. spirit. Complete a PhD in applied geosciences and lead South AfricaWhat does your In 1 sentence, toward human-Earth sustainablejob entail? describe your job? development.Lots of field work to collect I am Mother Nature’s private Does the Industry (andgeological data – including; the investigator. your type of position)structure of rocks and mountains that you are in, faceand collecting samples of Advice for grade 11 gender bias?interesting rocks. This data is and 12 learnersthen analyzed in the office and considering this Yes, it is a major problem.laboratory. career? Is continuingThereafter, I need to process all Never forget your passion and love education and furtherthis data and determine the Earth’s of this planet and this universe. studies important inhistory, relative to the location I’m your type of career?working in. Applications of this is Type of person thatsubstantial, ranging from minerals, would enjoy this Absolutely. This is one of the mostenergy and water research. kind of career? important aspects. ■What do you Anybody who is crazy enough toenjoy most? think they can save the World.Working in distant and pristine Potential for growthlandscapes, trying to uncover the - Where can yoursecrets of Earth current position lead? Specialist researcher, leading large- scale research projects, e.g. across Africa. What challenges have you had to overcome? Most notably; financial and professional biasness. What qualifications do I need? Bachelors (with honours) in Geology. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 69
with Shaleen BikkaMAarqinueaMricirosbtiologistWhy did you choose What does your job into fish diseases, blood analysisthis career? entail? and treatments.I have always had an interest in I run the Quarantine Facility for As the Microbiologist I carry outScience and wanted a career in the uShaka Sea World Aquarium, diagnostic work on samples from allusing science as a career to make a all the fish come to Quarantine to the animals in our care eg; fish, turtles,difference in the world. undergo treatments and observation sharks, dolphins, penguins and seals. to ensure that they don’t carry any We test the hygiene of all the areasWhat training did you diseases. We also treat sick fish where animals are housed as wellundergo, and where? as well as stranded turtles. We as the quality of food they eat. All the undertake research pools that house animals are testedI have a Bachelor of Science degree for microbiological counts and loads.in Microbiology|70 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
What do you enjoy Advice for people Describe anmost? considering this career. average day.I enjoy seeing a stranded or sick Most people that I meet say; ‘When This is a very physicalanimal recover well enough to go I was young I wanted to be a Marine job and requires takingback to the Aquarium or the ocean. Biologist’ they often associate it with care of animals with dolphins and the beach and fun. It enormous attention toWhat are the most has howev er nothing to do with just detail. I have to monitorenjoyable aspects of having fun at the beach a marine behaviour and feedingyour position? science career is about conservation, as well as administer understanding animals and treatments as needed.Being a Senior Aquarist and Head willingness to get wet in salt waterMicrobiologist means that I lead two even on the coldest winter day. Taking care of strandedteams with a total of seven motivated animals is a verystaff members. I love motivating staff. Type of person that rewarding aspect of my job would enjoy this kind but it takes patience and1What is the least of career? dedication. We are like aenjoyable part of your trauma unit for fish, therejob? People who are not afraid to work is always something new with animals and in water. Someone to learn and do.It is very messy and I often smell like who constantly wants to learn and aa fish.. willingness to work long hours without Does the Industry (and being financially rewarded for the your type of position)Career highlights? extra hours worked. that you are in, face gender bias?The most memorable day for me was Potential for growth -the day we released rehabilitated Where can your current Males are considered physicallyturtles Kalua and India back to the postion lead? stronger than females and due toocean. the physical nature of handling If you have a Bachelor of Science animals, sometimes females cannotMy greatest accomplishment was degree so there is growth within the work without physical assistance.presenting my research findings on a Marine Conservation fields as well as Within my organisation we workbacteria I had isolated from the shell Aquaculture. as a team. There are numerousof Giant Spider Crabs which could female marine biologists who arepotentially cause disease. This was What challenges have pioneers and leaders in Marinepresented at the International Marine you had to overcome? conservation..Microbiology Conference 2015 inQuingdao, China. The main challenges I am facing in Is continuing my field of Fish Medicine is that it is education and further3 important qualities poorly researched compared to land studies important inthat your position animals. So many marine species your type of career?requires and parts of the ocean are hard to access which has resulted in the Yes it is always a bonus to upDedication, Patience and Accuracy. information being limited. If you need study within your chosen field. With to information you often have to look Marine Biology there is alwaysIn 1 sentence, describe beyond SA’s borders or develop room for research and experimentsyour job? research of your own by doing that can be undertaken as projects experiments. This is also what makesMy job can’t be called a job because it interesting. for additional qualifications. ■when you do something you love it isnot just a job it is my life. What qualifications do I need?Experience vs Training Any animal related Science DegreeI certainly think that experience is or Diploma can be useful in this field.key in this type of position. Handling Preferably a BSc in Marine Biologyanimals and getting a feel for theirbehaviour is not something you can What are your career goals?read in a book. It is a very hands-on I am content with my current positionpractical career; however a Science as although I am a Senior Aquaristor Conservation degree is essential and in management I am still handsfor a more thorough understanding on with animals in my care.of animals, water quality and theenvironment. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 71
with Sulaiman JacobsPEentgrioneleerumWhy did you choose at PetroSA was spent as a graduate in amount of hydrocarbon (oil or gas)this career? training (GIT), the first ten months of the in place, to calculate the recovery graduate program is spent in a class room factor, and the determination of theI did not choose this career, it chose me. with 8 other graduates from all around time scale which the hydrocarbon canI met a young lady who works at PetroSA the country most of them geologists. be recovered in. Other duties includeand she was impressed by me when I said During this time we underwent a rigorous the optimisation of production orI was doing my MSc. in physics at UWC. training in geology, the oil industry injection wells in a cost effective andWe exchanged contact details. I received a and geotechnical aspects needed on the safe manner, using the appropriatephone call a few days later inviting me for job. As a reservoir engineer I have not technologies available to us, developan interview. At the interview I was told undergone any formal training, all the and facilitate well testing, ensuringthat if I am successful, due to my unique training is on the job or comes from equipment are operating correctly etc.skill set and qualification I would be well journal articles or textbooks.suited to be a petroleum engineer. Describe an average What exactly does day at work?What formal training your job entail?did you undergo, My day starts off with a meeting, whereand where? The primary role of a reservoir/ we dial in to the ORCA a Floating, petroleum engineer is to estimate the Production, Storage and OffloadingThe first two years of my employment|72 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
As a scientist I thought my time would be spent“ ”in a lab looking at solutions in a test tube …(FPSO) vessel. During the meeting What is the least Experience vs Training:operational issues are discussed, and enjoyable dutiesany challenges which may arise on the of your job? In Petroleum engineering lots of on the jobrig. At the moment I am working on learning takes place. It is very importanta project, where I am collating all the I do not think there are any unenjoyable to have a higher qualification and thedata pertaining to all the production aspects of being a junior engineer, I personality traits needed to be an engineer,and appraisal wells of the producing view every task as a new challenge and but it is not necessarily to have a petroleumfields in PetroSA’s offshore exploration opportunity to learn new skills and to engineering degree. The concepts andblock. The data is stored in an MS better equip myself for working in the theories of petroleum engineering canAccess data base which is read into industry. easily be picked up through constantspecialised software (OilField Manager, engagement with co-workers or throughOFM) allowing the petroleum engineers Career highlights to reading of literature and textbooks.to view the location of each well date?with all the connecting data, and to Advice for grade 11 & 12perform calculations allowing them to One of the things that stand out most learners consideringcompare and predict present and future so far is getting an opportunity to this career?production. This project takes up a huge go offshore. This entails flying in apart of my day as I am training myself helicopter and spending two weeks on Education is important, more importantlyin OFM and the theory of petroleum a rig in the middle of the ocean (thank math and science; our country is in needengineering concepts. God for internet and WhatsApp). I of mathematicians and scientists. Work went to the rig to witness and learn hard at school. The world is your oyster.Other aspects of my day involves about well testing. A new gas well was There are so many opportunities out thereattending meetings discussing just drilled and completed and the time just waiting for you to grab it. Never giveproduction performance of all the came to determine the potential that up on yourself, and if at first you do notoffshore assets owned by PetroSA the well could flow. Time on the rig succeed, stand up and try again. Pray dailyas well as helping out senior staff moves really slowly if you do not keep and ask your Lord to open up your pathmembers with whatever queries busy, luckily there is always food and and make it easy for you.and problems they may need cake in the galley.assistance with. Type of personality that PetroSA has a print magazine, yeza would suite and enjoyWhat do you enjoy sithetha, which comes out monthly, this kind of career path?most about your job? another great milestone for me was being featured in the magazine as a To be an engineer, one needs anThe most enjoyable part of working as a “model for all the GIT’s” this after inquisitive mind, always questioningpetroleum engineer is the opportunities I had my first peer reviewed journal how things work and why, with a largeit has afforded me. I have had to go on article published and I shared the great and powerful imagination. Importantoffshore survival training, I have flown news with one of my mentors. I have qualities a petroleum engineer shouldin a helicopter and I have spent time subsequently had another journal article develop include analytical skills,offshore, these are all things I never published, both articles stem from work creativity, mathematical and problemexpected to do. As a scientist I thought done on my MSc. solving skills. Anyone considering thismy time would be spent in a lab looking career should enjoy learning, as there areat solutions in a test tube … Three important always new and exciting developments in qualities that your the industry one can learn fromWhat are the most position requires:enjoyable aspects of Potential for growth -your current position Respect, always respect you superiors Where can your current and co-workers; Patience-be patient position lead?As a junior engineer I am senior with yourself and your superiors;enough to get important projects land Perseverance- 9/10 times you will not As a junior the potential for growth ison my desk, but junior enough to still work in job or position of something infinite. There are two streams possible,be afforded the opportunity to learn you studied. This makes the learning technical and managerial. I would preferwhile I work on them. I enjoy the curve so much steeper. It will not always to stay in a more technical and hands oncontinuous learning and growth which be easy, push through the tough times role as that is what I enjoy. And withinbeing a junior affords me. and enjoy the easier times. the next few years I hope to be a senior reservoir engineer on my way to becoming a principal reservoir engineer. ■ |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 73
with Naadira HassimAeronauticalEngineerWhy did you choose planned. This involves making sure Therefore training in this case, beingthis career? that the project does exactly what it is education - established the basics and supposed to do. framework for my work. I often findI have a passion for aviation and flying myself going back to topics coveredobjects. What are the most at university as a starting point andIn this field I am able to influence the enjoyable aspects from there expand on what I currentlydesign of aircraft and contribute to of your position? know. Training/education is verymaking them better. This has always important in engineering; I have neverbeen my passion. The type of projects that we work on. We met an engineer that did not study it. are exposed to machines and technology Experience also assists in the mannerWhat training did you that most (can only dream of/only see in you carry out your work and your abilityundergo, and where? the movies/that blows my mind). to judge conditions. Books get you in engineering but experience help you inAfter completing my matric, I studied What is the least the application of the work.at the University of Witwatersrand, enjoyable partJohannesburg. I obtained my of your job? Advice for grade 11 andBSc Engineering (Aeronautical 12 learners consideringEngineering) Degree. I become an Paper work and writing up reports. this career?engineer in training at Denel Aviation I have never been a fan offor about 2 years and thereafter I was administration. Be prepared to work hard and to bepromoted to be an engineer. pushed beyond what you think are 3 important qualities your limits. Working in this industryWhat does your that your position is challenging but rewarding. It isjob entail? requires? never boring as the projects we work on always bring in a new challenge.I work in the design and development 1. Persistence, sometimes you work We work on some things that aresector where I aid other engineers in on a project that is not working out. completely new, which we neverthe development of new aircraft and You must have the ability to keep at it encounter in every project.technology or improving/modifying until you make it work.current aircraft. I am involved in both 2. Attention to detail – not just in Potential for growth -the design phase and the testing numbers but in everything because Where can your currentphase. you work on aircrafts that carry people. position lead?My interest within the aeronautical If you do not do it right people mightengineering field is aerodynamics. lose their lives. Engineers typically take 3 paths:Aerodynamics is the study of the air 3. Most of all enjoy mathematics and Becoming a Specialist: Specialistsflowing around a body. My job is to find science at school because that is what are those that find something thatways to make use of the airflow. we apply most of the time. they enjoy doing and endeavour to learn everything about it. IndividualsDescribe an average day? In 1 sentence, describe or companies then go to the specialist your job? when they cannot figure out theAn engineer’s life is dependent on specialist’s domain. Going intowhat project they are working in. Creative and analytical application. Engineering Management: TheyAt times it is in research phase or manage the projects including otherresearch analysis phase where Experience vs Training? engineers that support the project.everything is on the computer. At Thereafter they work themselvesother times you work on the testing In my experience the training I received up to managing divisions andphase, where you go and test what at university helped me to develop theyou developed to check if it works as approach that I use to tackle the work that I do. It provided me with base of knowledge which I have built onto.|74 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
“Waenadreteecxhpnoosleodgytothmaat’cshoinnelys seen in the movies”even companies. Leaving Is continuing Naadira Hassimthe engineering domain: education andCompanies outside of the further studiesengineering field recruit important in yourengineers to work in the type of career?business and financesectors. Engineers are This is the type of career insolution providers, therefore which you are continuallyare consistently hired learning. Engineers are trainedby businesses to solve to find solutions and are oftenorganisational issues. faced with situations in which they do not fully understandDoes the Industry what they are dealing with. Your(and your type mind needs to constantly learnof position) that and analyse new information.you are in, face Therefore furthering yourgender bias? studies in the form of masters or doctoral studies would help.There is a misconception that The more scope of engineeringengineers are predominantly you understand the bettermales, but I have met quite anumber of female engineers. you are at your job. ■More and more femalesunderstand the importanceof engineering. It is truly afantastic field that both malesand females can do well in. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 75
with Cecil FelixMSactiehnecmeatteicacsh&erWhy did you choose What does your When your learners just come andthis career? job entail? surprise you. Whether it be their marks you’ve never expected, a sweet orAt first I wanted to study Theology My work entails educating children, apple on your table not knowing whoto please my father but soon empowering children, developing put it there or when the learners dorealized that this was not for me. children to become responsible exceptionally well or they just say thankI received a bursary to study people who can take their place in you or when you see your learnersTeaching at our local college in society. Shaping their young minds succeeding in life. I am a primaryWorcester and took the opportunity. and encouraging them to follow school teacher usually learners willI always wanted to be involved in their dreams and goals. Developing forget you when they finish high schoolworking with the community and them socially, emotionally, physically, or go to university yet there are thoseworking with people this was my mentally, psychologically so that they learners that will come back and lookopportunity. As it was teaching I can equip themselves to cope with the how you are doing.was willing to give it a chance. challenges they going to face in their future life and the real world. Four years ago there where this learnerWhat training did you in my science club he was not the bestundergo, and where? What do you enjoy most? in science but willing to learn. He was so eager I made him team leader. WeI Studied four years at Söhnge You ever heard that saying in The -A- had the yearly science competitionCollege of Education where I Team “I love it when a plan comes which we won that year. This year he iscompleted my Diploma in Education together “? matric specializing in physics, and otherand one year after that my Higher sciences. These moments are priceless.Diploma in Education. A few years He started his own little science group.past and I realized I needed furtherdevelopment to do more. I continued This is what makes it worthwhile. Theremy studies at the University of the are so many examples too many toWestern Cape where I completed my tell. It’s priceless when they enter yourB.Ed. (Honor’s) degree. classroom full of life and so young and you meet them again when theirTeaching is one of those careers children are in your classroom. That iswhere change comes quickly and what makes teaching so different fromyou as a teacher must be able to any other career.work through the changes and equipyourself to cope with these changes. What is the leastIn order to be fully equipped I enjoyable partattended workshops, of your job?seminars presentedby the WCED as Unfortunately youwell as courses will at some stageoutside the WCED. experience where|76 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
you do not get the support from parents Type of person that wouldwhen you want to help learners and enjoy this kind of career?you don’t get the parents involvement.They just do not care .This is what The type of person consideringupsets me the most. teaching should be very passionate about teaching. You must love whatYou certainly will have your share of you do, working with all different typesdisciplinary problems and coping with people and the ways that people think.it in productive ways and mechanisms Remember everyone will not always.Remember the people setting up our agree with you. You must be assertivepolicies are not teacher’s and do not within the rules. Always be on top of yourrealize the consequences of each field. Learners will challenge you to seedecision they make. how much you know. Always be willing to learn from others.3 important qualities that What challenges have Cecil Felixyour position requires? you had to overcome? “The typeYou must be able to take leadership, The first two years of my teachingadapt, and be a hard worker. experience was the most difficult. I was of person teaching at a High School with learners consideringIn 1 sentence, almost as old as I was. The help I gotdescribe your job? was at a minimum but I made sure that I teaching had help from a few older teachers in my should be veryThe greatest , innovative , challenging home town. Had to travel 70km to school, fast changing, hardworking job every day and 70km back with the little passionatebecause you are creating lawyers, SGB salary I got. At that stage it was not aboutdoctors , entrepreneurs, ministers, about the money I believed in gainingprofessors , policemen , and even the most teaching experience I could get ”teachingpresidents for the future of our country. to apply for any contract or permanent post. During that time I lost my sister andExperience vs Training? mother due to illness. I decided to board at a colleague’s house.In teaching you can be qualified andhave the highest qualification but if you My luck changed in my fourth yearhave not taught you still have nothing. where I got a one year contract in my home town. I worked as hard as I couldWorking with those young minds is a to prove myself making myself availablecompletely different story; every day for all activities and committees at theis a learning curve. I am teaching for school. Ten years back I was appointedfifteen years and the most I have learnt permanently at this school.was in the first seven to ten years.I have started to settle in always What qualificationsequipping myself within my career. do I need?Learning from my colleagues -teachingskills, handling discipline, school You need a B.Ed. degree or Diploma infinances and the list is endless. EducationAdvice for grade 11 and Is continuing12 learners considering education and furtherthis career? studies important in your type of career?Teaching is not for everybody. Youmust have passion, leadership, It is very important. Education changesassertive abilities but also at the same every day the learners change, policiestime be subtle and understanding to the change, technology changes evenfact that each learner you are working history changes, science changeswith is different. therefore you must always update yourself in terms of being a teacher. ■ |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 77
with Betty NtlheSatellite Operations Betty NtlheTechnician at SANSA1What is your area of 6What is the biggest myth Frequency and satellite communication speciality at the SANSA? about your field of work? technology. Different types of satellites are being launched almost every weekI’m a Satellite Operations Technician. Engineering is viewed mostly as a and I have to stay informed of these “Male dominated industry” developments and the new knowledge2What criteria did you have they bring to the industry and our to meet to get your position 7What is the truth around community as a whole.at the SANSA? the above myth?I obtained the minimum required The number of women enrolling inqualification and then worked as an Engineering programmes is increasingintern to gain work experience and dramatically every year. Providingknowledge in microwave frequency encouragement and opportunity fortechnology. Microwave frequencies women in Science and Engineeringprovide for the transmission of all of is one of the most powerful ways ofyour important data because they can harnessing the scarce skills needed topenetrate haze, rain, snow, clouds develop our country.and smoke, these waves are good forviewing the Earth from space. During 8What do you have to do inmy time as an intern I had to work order to stand out in yourhard and made sure to get involved field of work?in numerous projects in line withmy duties. It paid off and I was later You have to be enthusiastic and self-appointed on a permanent basis. driven. You should try to market your skills and let your personality as3What tertiary qualification well as your ability to work hard does your job require? 9shine through.A National Diploma in Electrical What does a personEngineering or relevant experience of starting out in your fieldRadio Frequency, satellite technology,microwave and telecommunications have to do to climb the corporateprinciples and applications. ladder?4What important school It is not only important to recognize subjects are required for where your weaknesses lie, but ityour qualification? is critical to actively work towards improving your weaknesses, byMath and Science asking for help or advice. By having a good track record and varied skills5What was the biggest you will be able to attract more job adjustment you had to opportunities within or beyond yourmake when moving from field of study.school to work? 10 How do you keepThe Space Operations room runs abreast of developments24hrs every day, so working night shift of your profession?is one of my job requirements. I had tochange my sleeping patterns and that Technology evolves everyday with newwas really hard for me. advanced research and developments. I try to gain as much knowledge as I can and stay updated on new developments in the field of Radio|78 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
with Ziyaad IsaacsSystems Technicianat SANSA1What is your area of 3What tertiary Ziyaad Isaacsspeciality at the SANSA? qualification does your job require?Being new to SANSA, I don’t have aspeciality yet. My current field of work A National Diploma inis in geomagnetism. Electrical Engineering and a positive attitude.2What criteria did you have to meet to get 4What important schoolyour position at SANSA? subjects are required for your qualification?I had to be willing to travel toremote areas, have good experience Mathematics, Physical Sciencesin Electronics and the ability to and a little Geography.manage myself. 5What was the biggest your field of work? adjustment you had to make when moving from The best way to stand out in any school to work? field of work is to do it right and keep on trying to improve yourself I think the biggest adjustment for to keep up with new trends. me was how to act professional in the work place. You should 9What does a person know when to be serious starting out in your field and when it’s ok to crack a have to do to climb the joke. corporate ladder? 6What is the biggest Well, I would suggest you get as myth about your much experience as possible. The field of work? corporate ladder will always be missing a few steps so it’s up to That it doesn’t exist! Many people you to go out there and find those are not aware that space science steps you need to succeed. and technology is at the cutting edge in South Africa and that we 10How do you have a Space Agency. I always keep abreast of have a lot of explaining to do every developments of your time somebody asks what I do for profession? a living. Try your best to say yes to as many 7What is the truth around opportunities that come your way the above myth? and always be willing to help your colleagues especially when it means Space science and technology is stepping outside your comfort zone. a growing product of South Africa The more you help and the more you and it is getting bigger by the day. offer to do, the more you will learn, 8What do you have to do and that’s how you stay in tune. ■ in order to stand out in |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 79
with thomas bardillIT ManagerWhy did you choose this career? What do you enjoy most?I always had an interest in computers. My father I enjoy visually seeing how IT can be a businessand I used to program computer games. We used to enabler. From strategizing and implementing solutionsdisassemble old computers thereafter rebuild them to that make it possible for the entire organisation tosee if they would work. I would literally rush home from operate. Seeing how our internal staff operates theirschool just to work on computers that my dad and I computers, Internet mobility and knowing that IT madeowned. I would safely say my love for computers comes it all possible, those are some of the joys that come withfrom my dad’s love for fixing anything that was broken the kind of work we do. We bring life into the work place.around the house. What is the least enjoyable partWhat training did you undergo, of your job?and where? I don’t like reactive IT issues, what I mean by that is –B-Com in Information Technology at University of Cape when a problem occurs and I wasn’t able to foresee itTown. I then completed my BA (Hons) in Information before it would actually happened resulting in a lot ofTechnology at Cape Peninsula University of technology. chaotic rush and confusion. Sometimes systems will fail, and no one in the organisation would be able to work.Describe an average day? That is when you need to apply your thinking hat.A typical day would be dealing with one or 3 important qualities that yourtwo technical glitches and ensuring that our IT position requires:infrastructure is in alignment. If there are no issues, Inormally try to keep up to date with the industry norms, Passion is the most important one; you have to lovenew technologies and solutions. I would potentially what you do. IT is forever evolving and progressing, yourecognise solutions that will better enable our working constantly need to keep yourself up to date with newstructure for now and the near future. technologies, new techniques and ways of doing things. Two: - You need to be able to communicate. Three: - Patience and tolerance, we normally work with non-technical people and it takes a great deal of patience to understand why systems are not working and why it takes time to get them fixed. In 1 sentence, describe your job? Managing and over-seeing all IT infrastructure and IT services. Experience vs Training In IT would be 50/50 there are things that only experience can teach you especially from a practical point of view. One needs to understand that problems occur at any-time, how I go about diagnosis…. such occasions you learn via training. With that said certification is very important, you need a university degree to be employable.|80 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
So it is a good balance between getting yourself certified Thomas Bardilland getting proper training and experience. “ I would literallyAdvice for grade 11 and 12 learnersconsidering this career? rush home from school just to work onIf you can answer YES to all of the below questions, thenyou know you should be in IT. Do I love computers? Do I ”computers that my dadhave the patience to fix things when they are broken? AmI curious and constantly searching for new technologies to and I owned.better the current situation? industry even though there is an increasing number ofType of person that would enjoy this women whom occupy managerial positions and holdkind of career? prominent positions. When I was still at university there was a 70/ 30 ratio but there seems to be an encouragingInquisitive and curious individuals whom are transformation in women engaging in technology andconstantly seeking new solutions. IT is about merging infrastructure.all departments, providing solutions to the financedepartment, marketing, payroll, essentially the Is continuing education and furtherorganisation as a whole. studies important in your type of career?Potential for growth - Where canyour current position lead? Most definitely, IT is forever evolving, introducing new technologies, techniques and methods. Everything weBeing appointed as a CIO (Chief Information Officer) learn today might not be applicable in five years to come.which is an executive job title commonly given to You need to keep on educating yourself, progressinga person at an enterprise in charge of information and improving on your certifications, learntechnology (IT) strategy and the computer systems about new solutions, get educated, getrequired to support an enterprise objectives andgoals. This position would normally be in big corporate experience and keep up to date. ■companies or bigger organisations. Where they havevaries IT managers within the same division. i.e. ITTechnical Manager, IT Systems Manager, Sab Managerall working and reporting to the CIO.What qualifications do I need?A degree in Information Technology or a degree inComputer Science. If you have a specific interest inlearning Microsoft courses, you can get a MCSE Microsoftcertification or maybe your interest lies in networking youcan get a CompTIA N+ or A+ certificationDoes the Industry (and your typeof position) that you are in, facegender bias?Yes I would say IT is still very much a male dominated |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 81
A with Describe A normal d kitty uys the ward t and eating areer? the OT deo part of the when eati tional done agai ty to be be made i that focus Afternoon ence in all eg for arth ife altering for parentm a brain The only c at work. The that you o will need t makes it pital for What do s, in a What I enj ildren with communit for the to real pro mmunity entails thiell-being is becoming remember re KITTY UYS are long te sented that workatal, OCCUPATIONAL behind th sity of THERAPIST taken up, e Town, the value that is somoUniversity What is m in your p? Listening ton who has people, th from diffe sit up, use status andsplint for a the hand MAR h sed FIND rite.) Sportegia - FA e lowerve skills like T ity. Childrenalsy are that there hood. OT a e.g. to go to transce together t collective Career h Making a d individual 3 import position Good peo In 1 sent OccupationS SA |88 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
“irbseeatcrolympineigonpgtolepf.oinTlihdtiicsraeelalnyltsaaoiwllsuattriheoinn..sk. itnogreoault pthroebbleomx,safdavcoecdabcyy,iiigpnnn.ag.TtrShhatomeecmatneitvernoeitttuiimetetipgslelamsfatoibsierpgonahluitntbstptTOtnhulasauhercrewnnereectscodiuslofhelipipntrfneotpsjainteumtohbteriirreoyenedet.,unhatnaoesilotaytnhltthetVcAoihsraidcsaebritavrtpeheariayeapecspryetg.mapIsifrvreawotoetnrotafyiemnpfnsdgtetehsisfotifeooaepsrnlepe.notcsooscinbcslueipd, saeotriotinhnagatle an average day. problems that interfere with your ability to doWhat I enjoy embedded in a marginalised communityday starts with inteWrvehntyiondinid yothue thcinhgsothoatsaree important to you. It canto help with bathintg,htoiilsetcinag,reera?lso prevent a problem or minimize its effects.”otchtsofortionetsifsnesic,sedhsteotoilrnndontrkotetehthnsaki,ntwnhgsioaptwhniendccwaaapfaasieifelrtlihrohltcboeelawroadbrdvtrsgacosriaipendraityronliimlgikst.vnuape.iiapgltmnaTyiisekljsosuphoeseyureem.gsyooveifaptandtlaertatrtattbit.eahhhhtniiiTrlwnreeietyastiohrrdohauceacplireninpastvdptaiproivyiiroviecnnneeeeireoasggtnrmrsauustdmhcapihnslatadeafeyenionttInneycymrccioacdorigetaeafenounahfnilnenirgltssitsirlngjese.ijeawufoeThbetrcbfohityorioaefiorftsnnkoohmwircbnacyeigsluolcapaauhnnalftbaf.saihatdAnoenilicollndecdtgenhnkoirdarvogimeenleuibanmgigynygloheogs,urmuoeptlabuotlhetliipoteriiecnnboasgopllttyxlohe,aa.raewTtdashavolirospemcreaaoencnbttiymdale,ilmeasscstivethis youns are often taken urpehwaitbhilcitliantiicosn teacmantehxaptefroiecnucse othne variety of services that services that this career can offer. This will also give you an opportunity to see if occupational therapy is the right job for you. Although the university course can be challenging, there areo you enjoy mosti?n a hospital for punadtieerngtrsadwuiathtepahnydsqicualified thseorlauptiisotn. Asllare long term goals. Also many enlightening and rewardingjoy embedded in apmroarbglienmaliss,edin a pysoyuchiaavterictoudnoiti,sathink out of tthheebOoxT! students that work in the moments both as an undergraduatety is trying to find rsecalhsooolul tfioornschildren with special needs, community leave legacies behind that and qualified therapist. All you have tooblems faced by reaal pneuorpslien.gThhios me Tfoyrpteheofepldeerrsloy,notrheavtewnouldheanvjeobyorn other fruit when taken up, do is think out of the box!inking out the box,iandavobcraocay,der comthmisunkiitnydwohfecraergeeenr?eral allowing the community to see the Type of person thatg politically aware aoncdcaucptiavetioanndal weAll-sbgeeinnegriicsaas ditdsroeusnsdesd, a. persovnawluheoof occupational therapy. Now would enjoy this kindring that sometimes solutions genuinely wants to make a difftehraent cise.sTohmis ething I enjoy!!!!! of career?hehpmdmetaroaiaooenrletlftimlenfsothtotmehathihwactginweeaevcniiooxnkueigancnapegpnloabklIegsau?rmtoser.rthfpiraniAoeumoentjfnollionsuvcolcuoayaioenfetr!lenhsm!tis!dtt,h!edohy!asmiervfeonptaiwThWbpoujlrenfoeOudrcdorepaaeerharrajuinsiTsuowispi,srrrfhvitimipebsupoesat-tersyeuaeyyhlaosatr.pcwa.icpsulcnlr)rNoeaentilteoaaorehddestohtugSoddotifnneenigwnefneawstvnpononthdtageicttheieahogmrlrttieeoehsyenaosrras-,ioswtttctiqhkaroewuepeoiulaiigl.lelhrsklgean?shtreele.tiiaswmdmoWYnddisonmmletolyaceiaforohsrhnkuaao(lihcuiawpocrcpbnoolotyteoturyteaohhhnlbewvbptnpectawrsmtfbiheagauhaenhutao.egmtaeqaeiiitTettnortpgetirdiohndirvslhhaiuoocspbaorepbetp,aitnarasesudonrae(liasoeoeaioaawlrivkGtcmcpoisscnlrrelntrtilfpeesraenhelkydtioaiemlaivrthtsocsnrien)ycodearaceiseana-scfatdvdoe,evhnobowrbituikawdna,oar.rdiwd1enapgobwcopirianhenif2nydalrni.looinlrwitveelsgg,tl,hwdgtaturlteitsso,iohtstshnrliaosctdtndyodiecegchhtdawaraaoiiftllanslcifdooetetcyIhhrr,ririwnieeekslebneinnafenopieLtcpOWltaturigeisnoolhacfteroltexiw.oeyepskTcrgnaaAdputoohoi,tyrgsehate?enutapaphpsudnisaetanvigrtlhlinhoenrdalernieohideryetosmtcnig,srv,w,nucriogtoi.eflehicestnrd-rotoesonaesowmwsmdtcanmtamaoelhad?iedtrnernyaiadfiodffaknsdnfeimneedarrnsireeioreoucIirannunlpahvslcrnitgtositeoinahvwpigsungetueauirgasmfilsndnkontouahdsitadvhfnyianelvoedwtodirhfridstsoohulOepiruofekaeaTdrlrrs,e.ate As generic as it sounds, a person who genuinely wants to make a difference. This may not be on a world scale, but occupational therapists can really give new perspective, whether it is through daily function training, teaching coping strategies or providing children with important skills for everyday life. A person who chooses occupational therapy should also be dedicated, willing to work hard, innovative and is able to work in a team. wheelchair dexterity. Children with collective and societal issues. What qualifications do I need?R WHAT I dEisNabJilitOiesYlikeEcMereBbrEalDpaDlsEy aDre IN A Career highlights? of GINALISEgtroDeatoteCsdcOthooMeonl.aMbleUdNevIeTloYpmIeSnt eT.gR. toYIN You need a Grade 12 with science GMakTinOg a difference in the livesD REAL SOLUTIONS TO REAL PROBLinEdivMiduSals/groups/people and maths. This may vary at differentAT HBCIEENCDKOIBNMYGI NROatDAGhEneneUdoAswPerTcmaaLOrrtadiTnilLPtgbdoH.IaeETThyEehaOIsleCptnanBPwrAotLOsaiuthLvwEtXpbLieat.ahY,tritehTianAnintgHAtesgDr,evIWatSerVodeniAlteOasiEoteRiynnCeN.gEnin,AT.AC. r3t.IYLhe,iqSamtupoyirroetusarnptoqsiutailointies Universities, so it is best to contact Good people skills, Perseverance, each University. in the OT department till about lunchheetladsniaoigl/sindwlfgohfdareadwlorursiiesdfugonfnspemchivcrsisteeeee/osptnrlaai?svencnlaieonildtssiphgtsyIaleueihnnielnodidsvowhtuccbtp.oiewoivmohefpuausitiolnidebnrrloolewrndusnendhtkf,shraiiuestsewddelhm,eitnnroooehdcaOjrnneuwnnlTtigetnrnooisytrtihatho.ecbkgAiusacennaptfegeitominserngMDpgoUUweigrn.aecnneonboofcSdgoaiiwnoasrrevvueeracoiodeepsfhthtolmarrwnieaiiatssoonvprrtsroiihtetiittsnaptohmiytebetiaephl)e.nairsmlsiariiIestasratt,yennahieleas.essmdtolnatot?T,shyhriuttfissieehsoattgssyetrneuitprhateosohnorpltmgofbwiuayknitnsneeatefitt(aelsonls.ylkasytreroe,ncetdaohundioncyoo,osnfeOytiPypIuatmhnaotrcraocoecopuetttcbiboryp1eueuleprearanptcorcambescaohbneimtloeljiieototfoeyntmrnotmabtsoylei?otntdhhuniomae.ctrtIihaztienepecty,aetihtnrdhsfieneeaergllpsefssfseocwtchtrpiottasrhie.stbvoaeelrvenet a Does the Industry (and your type of position) tant qualities need to sdeeoonyotcsIhstaauucrtedoseniepertes?inncimjuifoiicpnoygdraetyad.nutcaintiyoonuarncAtdyodpfnvuerisotchfieedrefroirnpgetohpilse career. that you are in, facen requires that your gender bias? What More woman than men choose to become occupational therapist. Is continuing education and further studies important in your type of career? The Health Professions Council of South Africa is our statutory body and requires us to doople skills, Perseveramncoe,sPatti?ence The Health Professions CouncilVoifsSitoausthmany different occupational continuing education What I enjoy emAbferidcadeisdouinr satatutory body andthreqraupiryessuesttings as possible, so that activities every year intence, describe ymouarrgjoinba?lised comtomdouncoitnytiinsutirnyginegdutocation actyivoiutiecsaenveerxyperience the variety of order to register yearly. ■nal therapy helps to solve the year in order to register yearly. SCIENCE CAREERS SA 0 3 |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 89
with Jean StemmetDirector of Rugby Sports Science Jean Stemmet|90 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Play the sport for the passion, the A team“ does not matter. You learn the most from ”yourself when nobody rates you!Why did you choose organizing rugby days, various Career highlights tothis career? rugby games, trials and to give date? these boys the opportunity to testI retired from professional rugby their skills against “big schools” in Won interschool against Northernin 2013, and took a career in South Africa. Cape past 2years. 2014 -2015Rugby coaching. DiamantveldHigh School gave me an Describe an average Draw against Grey College 34 – 34opportunity to coach the 1st XV day at work?and be the Director of Rugby 11 Cravenweek u/18 Griquaat the School. I have a passion Pre –season players – 2015for coaching and to develop 04h15 – Alarmyoung schoolboys with the right 04h45 – Open Gym Waterkloof Prestige 7’sattitude, discipline and faith. 05h00 – Squad Training 1st XV Champs 2014I can share everything that I Squadhave been taught in my rugby 06h30 – Office important qualitiescareer with these youngsters. 07h00 – 13h30 Admin (Physio, that your positionCoaching also taught me a lot of doctors, organizing rugby games requires?how to approach and work with , sports days)different types of people and their 14h00 – U/14A Field session Discipline, Character and Faithpersonalities. 15h00 – U/15A Field Session 16h00 – 18h00 – 1st XV Field Experience vs Training:What formal training sessiondid you undergo, 20h00 – 21h00 – Preparing for You need to wear the jerseyand where? next day (practice preparation) before you hand it over, TrainingThe experience from my playing What do you enjoy Advice for gradedays gave me all the training most about your job? 11 & 12 learnersI needed. Also in my playing consideringdays I started the Gemsbok Kidz When the teams walk off the field this career?rugby development program for after a game and the smiles andyoungsters between the ages chats. Play the sport with passion; Being6 – 13 years which also prepared part of the A team does not matter;me for the big coaching job of Tours with the scholars to Because you learn the most fromDirector of Rugby. I have also various other schools are also yourself when nobody rates you!studied Marketing at Northlink on the list.TVET College that helped me Type of personalityto spread the word of Gemsbok What are the most that would suiteKidz and taught me the manner enjoyable aspects and enjoy this kindof how I not only approach but of your current of career path?work with possible sponsors from position?the private sector. Someone who believes in To give normal school boys great themselves; Is creative/differentWhat exactly does opportunities; to see them develop in their approach; Willing to takeyour job entail? to the next level not only in their constructive criticism and able ruby but personal lives too. to handle pressureI am the Director of RugbyDiamantveld High School. What is the least Potential for growth enjoyable duties - Where can yourI am responsible for every rugby of your job? current positionplayer in our school and to lead?develop and create opportunities The pressure when the team isfor every school boy to play by not performing that brings with “Big school” rugby it public criticism. structures; Provincial Rugby structures and Springbok Structure. ■ |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 91
with Q roscoe mclean Why di I grew u RMRMoocbesLccoeoahetnaictsRaonndics creative knack fo|0942 SSCCIEINECNECCEARCEEARRS ESAE R S S A artistic s so I wen Ma creativit design w interesti original Ik to be inv enginee Mechatr evolutio What tr where? After hig Grey Hig Enginee NMMU i joined U my Mast Eng) in M Laude. S Doctora What d I am prim towards undergr involved been suc research reading working test. My Intellige product time pro software expected conferen the acad
Q&araicntiIatWttnhhergnnehitieaastorddvhitelcieistsrIhcwoasycreerholisebbecuawtdheeahenpdaoaetiicsniawvvrraneadkcleelteihokumsnirswynywipegdafuayoo.eirentcnciorMdn.dh?tkkuepadRiwpkrIWtagMm,nyteoncermorfaerosrtebsoeeaehaoryuiopbmaeceatesurpps-nanvrpaecoraelsoeaatllttusdehyulhrttylmceipunesocitIscrlrc,titadtulhapiswevytoaiecosndsseirgbw,udiea,cdvleoitteeoesnoenlIonyeeoeodiw–sassosdc’ftrmrpItpdhgnbiksoetnIokhegywclfoeadeeiohyernsoelnsolhcebilaiaasee’wtegsnouetiouidlivmnaiwtnsnemxigwgnoeuntheolrdcgltinorndpronyinaainpktnsttfjraogshol.voei’tvkointpti.nideyropmsseIdMe.ltraiirve’noIetsnseec,iedpgjmordclPnoaeuehrhnjsyegincyoanDs?eaudCsbemaMpacaatwyitcrcleaeunnrnnrsboaobauaeteaenttndtddjronllruetotscnlstekri’tIdyiuildntyhbcisekwany,naal–eiscgeuetabgxgeyaargmslm.aeircesut-eanstareaineIecoitpnaodibrattnmaddmdle’rI-nnaslpdemgledly–ihysouectgyhsiwbsorIniiieclgoswheiasmaa.wadnnhthctsnAfmTWSygtlIvynadilhoaoadttyremeotdeiooeoeilulmeiwbrapmhpnRidrsaveneditlkbyweoenjtoeiseogioogeekon-ceetuohrfoabioy,rcoieerppkncenarhln.rorossPofosdarrdkibaef–smdtoodtnu.pnohptayeitwfi,cdgr,odnmreDoeriyisstpsnoniuiodetrf-rtfwpsu?,amtghhscslssyeteoecteIo…nieoeotcparraauiuyordyaneunekwnkerrobtdtopsgeetplifnaultwitinanoietnleusheyhnerdeetg’ods,ursleritdoatedatoebe?roclt.ptntnlkaruyhupoTfsli!olgtwyrathegenleI,uythntDehos’r5srdtOiisuets1deea.Nl%wwnleEdsf’sEtspwTtSkixlrTihnsoo,iplptliepaltyxoeiiirqntlarpneebnpucosonpumsupgqcpneroelsgjsgeeyitaoueeresmgtugttdcrotytiyooarihooselltutyiimotuiilnnnivtgeofsgmisgdegaevirthfleeioeflwytaiaonpdeopnitcgteinuwdeohneaccfonrkarjsrororeeoinsktsumeyeeirfin,dynonrsegoitdefotmnrmtoesyhle?…oihpanwtryueradoiohdnt,fsuriidnfkawnroegsdthtrnehtomythlrf,oo!aiosuuItntgr’a5ssthhb1easl%iletf. research. I knew pCraertetyerehariglyholingthhtast?I There are 3 thatacnodmkeeetnomminindd, w, ho is able toaconmd mmiot tnoths towards a single goal. wanted to be invoTlvherdeianreso3mtheathcionmgeliktoeminWd, inning the awawrodrkfoinrgbheasrtdfifnoar lmyoenatrhs and months engineering and eWnigninninegertihnegarweasredafrocrhbest fipnraol jyeecatrin my BEtnogw;aBrdesinagsinagwleargdoeadl. Potential for growth -id you choose thiisncMareecehra?tronics apnrdojeRcotbinomticysBwEnags; an (with a partner) 2 patents for a high- lWeahdepW?roehscaeinrteiocnalneyaod?ur currentup very interested inedveosliugntioanndof that. Being awarded (with a tpeacrhtnper)o2duct wePdoetveenlotipael dfo; rBgerinogwth -work, but I also found that I had a patents for a high-tech produacwt wareded my MSycoEunr gcuCruremntLpauodsiet.ionor science and criticaWl thhinaktingt. Mray inidnevgelodpiedd; you The Cum LaudeItrecocuolgdngiotioinnownaesofatwo directItiocnos.uld go in one of two directions.onektws?grivraynrrntoknhoaieonignnfegllosiorylsvwgineoksifcrcetpaeishhtaatdpnierhshsnnaoacrogaievindehdotnnptoetdl..sdtehtls(coenbyonRMoiideeedmgroewaevnaoibayrnesecrsniloeotretlleaoy’hztatebtuibswiricorrnesicuiesdunefnehgyieAMu(DEaWSBSarewdngnnPgtilanl.nnlaifciuhiaeindtsntnhurkMCzdhigoecasreteccedepDabothdrsaehaneGpharalebaInt)enlnhcgauoceeoaiwenrtotldsihrwenhgoeorgtv,smlcartaheiery,uuhehcndwi?mntu.angeldoaatrHishceFoonunniflEIehcdieocnd’rdEgEveh,snorihecnne,ogm,ssggsoiSbInatiiltanneifceyhlLhIapaII3apri(ltnnneheeeneMadrfeurooadtNtwtiieoeonurorsgeeimd1etsaifberordaMnrlheiubgiicilUrclrnnesltipgaeeui)rIgduihMBitw.eageKlgrmozotdleijiITse(lnonetg,bltZUnMrnhiyd(iyghmnihnhtsCjtBtucneNieoo.egailSwgrdoeinrieEuynCleegn.ng,vhbcteiadmmubnDhtqecMirtaPedwhnCEmtlgeiurUglyqesgoaaadiLf,D)ongcieow.ruKr?LsradidlwegtroplearataZeuneeee)moulcsrlidgdNtssdnriitrdneteokcmeeeemeoia,rirde.,InfiarairyCtpcsbena’lshruMctaetenothgitaSnyoghietacntIthpIayI3rwfiotnamvoontnEtdrunciihueoiatttrontyetoloeidgiryeshoqwngabomale1vumenjlitcalaurinCoeetdmgeuuoshfpwrlrubmtseewfteioaomtagyig?ninenrasjnhsrrrocdoaregfanoleedoitlgell,urbtsievnhtaDtidhengotr?geing.fsnobe.pc((epBgcBgrIpSWthnsBreechtniTarrrrrooapsiSaaoimehaecogcvaeemrqclddfschikirsiaadearwnenhduuiEe,etertsnipeee,ueaanclwtasaaogdoqietthr,oitgmsrnteeorrrsadut’eretC)cidsisiioosorennEtceoa)hkhlsrif.sntgnnoobradelaioYiScgipIosinoceaaconfnrctpwaia.np,sniatrnuittiTicedwent-ioenuacevheeiacenaelvtnhtoeilinqchettlmstco-abdsheriymofigueanlilouoornveieniiaceatitnnvdmengnindahtlahdeecadeessueoslaegieeeevDgctridnnrdrnsundtehioeonodtclhcAllepcet,ygayooitclatIginiorimnaBkydoneehrdoeSbxnsEpleWrrdISfhipnoDtoyceununepceeonBaeopieifmteogensassEgnnimoErdostechlccdhnepediiytieoitnckrd?tnaht.vsnglgeaeedeoayeindeeagpIndrdrcdaeyeraenatociagoitnnrrrasoceshdcBifcduneeotttfhqdoeutov-raodgrcehemaachperebanutinharpneecgdocepiaagarifeElirn?neondipl(dvenysrvBeoiae.gsorfomSsteriolefniiivcstniraSeiescesogEedhceancanrciicarsepiitacgnntnn.oahn)giAcTrnlo,eiecsochndrwaotaenudaadanhddesondeetwhygtourmhireegyceeilohtclear-ulydaUeSgiMmtlnrioKehin(enarZPePcScrgoNhoesihclfDry(hatyitBSnh)onaoEEcesoiDinlurctneileuzgau)rnsaIdl)Ir’cejbvbEidioeaeneenairsbdtingcMbn,hh,ismee.neEwteeFniecnyrlnrhlehtgowBhaustitapIeaarasbhoimiaptrnaanumnotniueewcrlfeUermybsdg?oosthokIeanhKyiel,ncienoinrfrncCredZpriiiiuwlvdtonecngoagruNhrsseoismtigsrirmtste.msialahbhoIovm(wryetdMeefanedrhduydersedSiiaanloccsPyaitynhneeshnsaauADuIdlrerrccncre,ewctcaihiwasqtfeoneuideucisrtrriaMitekhsinaenirifngnlcsrsugteIughtoltni.lahstnyemohstoMMeetcerretnneaaolywawlrirhcwnoagbcroodkareethnrirltgnskenleidwiicoeiidncnn.snnaehy.gaIbraariIlcfcyolhhelpyvaleienotoaroeTEyspliegwtorfnrhxpvuotsuhgiidpfseddiiirleicgnneaaueitsihneerecaedrecleetntalyy.hiliodrsysetadenydotiardnio,enugengvtouotgencraaeaiohltvnnlenrnxiiignucorrtpeoeeielvnny’tnnndwtceusgsnmste…aieimvhsrTenoerreinarTdmd.nstontraeehaobaabiueutrosgakseetonteoahoeriatlmimem.PatnFrieaiiphocosrnogntonaDuertrlndeertgtadhdnseeithgd,iehtoianoiwPMefpBsYasrsawupooqnohanaecdsuucDlsdstcihavgtniaihneseataroligrtsalslluon’eo.sdfcdr-ynIaue’ynfeistnsan,oeyngeitgluoneteis.kiudancoeIpcnteodrt’oasoBddeuosnerEaleiidinvtrnbnixteottgboecegorneueryBm(esglwsawSseihaonicttccedimhcrnuyloegelgeroeairpen!ftunaoditmreoadyr,duuoebBggausuaoThtrtsoeeidcsta’h)s.sdrcamcidneuysuasPntfheuiqDllluey, cwettairutcehrksinelsegaodrmtcbhheyosfproowofrawrohfnttiadnimywcduhioaenvctrh.athepiIaoen.rasrnocAmnegssodrytaasamtpnemodmEhpsiansirtxgoug,gphdtsreolauayormncdiatIdeudiaosnavttnpeeacteendesenctsvievndtsdiugraTodanrnnelaoemdnitwntea,nuinttogams aaMbtbtoPeaaheddccDckkifhggfseatrrurooterduuonennnntiddiatc.tsokenfayoynbBgyoowdoareuualucerRardhscddufeoeciogaleeboltefvplero,de’tstiyp.erniiycodonInsosuwaoirtstewrnidhdolaleoeeeniPnerrrwhlgtddtyoDoeio,thnsusetereucMnrudaoreaelunsgtate.hgrIt’sotyDf’suoyhonaooddutapeouincoutgossrg.uthy-IlftdtohyupeeIanordefupisont,srfiyatci(aeonn)dghireonerntseienoranrtrihacgtheiinowiasnloafotrlhlcpdeuu.osIbsrsileepicdaIrsea’emnnowtsiddnoheenimAaccxsorhryptcanieIdfnhficccadeatiytroaneseldtnhcteoeappcrnTreaeoahnepsddiegeseudeianricsmrsaeceanehitcortejeooyrxws,uuotthogerurnoanhrtliaswdrnoiulvi.nnlmeyegt…nyhieseeTmodoroebbrteeoictiaahmryhl.rebooapFaauuoovlcnrrelycktdtagehreunerredontta,audlyi-nenowdlruyostraaldrnepDrednooxoa’stpdseovie,smtberitiuoreehytnneicut)c’ossItennshe.odcfauesutalpsytutitossnrf,uyytiibln(auyagrotneaudnidny,ionfNMgtuaecroreeeettcsynathipntadgean!eliolc.rfaTlhbEeinsagtisund?eeenritnbgaissestfiollretoeingo. cArneassmfayomsrpteaoinmdsgtvsaga,nrnsaocddeItudseapastteneoeWinndsndgtfhauaujndyaoteleoowotnmtyto,aaaufIt’merbrdelpetoahsoiaysneionfpuodytmoerrRsidueocoerolbrftfs,noityesotto?lidcrue.saInwnlelyotehrdulednb,gdateeocnrksdegtirarfaofneludrMneAcWsendooctdomkiharnvnatekoetisrwhocialneerdidcdsge,feprouirt niEgNbnpngueolgteatniIatndteobteeheaenprllriliieli.bgnTvsehigheatceisstsh?aswsitsturihlidlseeepdnenruetyredboo.tauomseiinnftoaernrbitpnehMtirlstaiyeseets,dmclnli.hoseaAoamcldtnenttuu,iiyncoaeaoallnntcoetalyiwpnmatietbharielltiehtsy,te,banruniogtdthIttboelieved to produce journaIlraenadlly love beingcionnvcoelpvtesd, biunt you certainly anreene’tdvetoryand sticbkiatos. iAt.nTyohneerewiwthillthbeeright inteclolemctmuaitlment can make itnce papers to show cmuyttrinesgeaerdcghetoreseueaxsrepcfheur,lieeunsncpteiel. ycoiaullhyaivne real-wotroldugh aloncagacpatdahebemiliwticyarayen,sdebaucrotcmhD.mOiNtm’Tent cainnmaackaediet minic ■demic world. times research. |S C I E N C E C A R E E R S S A 0 3 SCIENCE CAREERS SA 95
West CoastAbout the West Coast km north of Cape Town, 10 km inland Dr Hendey’s research has beenFossil Park from Saldanha Bay. At the start of the continued by both local and international spring tourist season, visitors flock to scientists and what this research has• It is situated in a rehabilitated the area to see the wild flowers. revealed is truly remarkable: 100 species phosphate mining area covering of mammals including: 716 ha History of the Fossil Park • a bear• The Fossil Park is one of the The Fossil Park lies in an area that • three species of elephants few fossil sites in the world that is thought to have been the estuary • a giant pig allow for in situ viewing of fossil of the ancient Berg River 5million • short-necked giraffes remains. Along with the “Cradle of years ago. At that time the remains • at least 87 species of birds, Humankind” site at Sterkfontein of over 280 species of animals that in Gauteng, the Fossil Park lived around the estuary were buried including four species of penguin, forms part of a growing interest and preserved in the channel and three species of parrots four in palaeo-tourism in South floodplain sediments. Over time they species of owl, a woodpecker and Africa. The Park is comparable became fossilized. Eventually, the a mousebird to international palaeontological sea level dropped to present levels sites such as Riversleigh in and the coastline migrated seaward • 15 species of frogs Australia, the Ashfall Fossil Beds leaving the site of the ancient estuary • 8 species of reptiles in Nebraska, the La Brea Tarpits about 10 km inland, in the area now in Los Angeles, and The Dinosaur known as Langebaanweg. National Monument in Utah, USA. In the 1950s, the Chemfos mining• There are no sites in South Africa company started mining phosphate at that can compare to the Fossil Langebaanweg and in 1958 scientists Park with respect to abundance, were alerted to the first fossil remains age or species richness of fossils. that were discovered. Research on these remains was initiated by Prof• We are the ancient home of the Ronald Singer from UCT Medical Fossil Big Six School. Thereafter, expansion of the mining activities in the 1960’s• The fossil Park is one of the richest exposed huge deposits of fossils and Fossil Sites in the world because the South African Museum, under the we have the fossilized remains of leadership of Dr Brett Hendey, started animals from fresh water, terrestrial an intensive research project on these and marine environments which deposits. Besides the main fossil includes the fossils of the smaller assemblages from 5 million years vertebrates such as moles, mice, ago, there were marine fossil deposits lizards, chameleon and snake, as below that going back to about 10 well as fossils of invertebrates million years ago. such as snails.Where is the Fossil Park?The Fossil Park is situated atLangebaanweg, approximately 120|96 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
We offer: • Guided tours to the 5 million year old palaeontological site, our laboratory and on-site museum • Educational Tours to school and student groups • Tourist Tours to Tour Operators • Walking Trails • Cycle Routes • Play Park for children under 12 years old • Coffee shop which sells the best Lemon Meringue Tart in the West, Carrot Banana Cake, wonderful filter coffee and a range of light meals, including Roosterkoek with a variety of fillings and fantastic Fossil Park Breakfasts• 16 species of shark (identified With the halt in mining operations of Samancor, Mr Mike Salamon. In from teeth) in 1993, it was decided not to follow 2006, Iziko Museums and BHP Billiton the normal closure procedure that (the holding company of Samancor)• 3 species of bony fish; would have rehabilitated the mine formed the West Coast Fossil Park• and for agricultural use, but rather to Trust, which now owns the assets of• 60 species of marine implement a programme that would the park and manages its operations. ensure the preservation of the The entire park was given National invertebrates. fossils of the area. Thus in 1996 the West Coast Fossil Park project Heritage Site status in 2014. ■Many of the species described are commenced, in a joint ventureknown only from Langebaanweg. between the mining company Contact Details Samancor (the holding companyWe also have some understanding for Chemfos) and the South African Tel: 022 766 1606of the plants that grew at that time Museum (later part of Iziko Museums General Tours: contact Nadia -from analyzing preserved pollen and of South Africa). In 1998 the park [email protected]. The composition of animal was opened by the then Minister of Educational Tours and Groupand plant species has contributed to Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Tours: contact Wendya better understanding of the different Dr Pallo Jordan, and the Chairman [email protected] that existed at that time. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 97
with FREDERIC IGORE BIKANDOU-NDOUMADIRECTORat I & J ACCOUNTANTSWhy did you choose this with clients in different business Frederic Igore Typecareer? industries regarding their challenges that in tax and accounting. I then collect Career highlights andThere were many influences that went the required documents from them to date? of careerinto my decision to select this career that will help me to solve those Potentiafield. One of my early mentors was my problems. After collecting the Growing in my skills; Adding new growtfather who was also an accountant he documents I have to give instructions companies to my client list; Becoming canencouraged me to explore opportunities to my employees to process the a director and managing staff. positionin this field. He pointed me in the right documents. It is my responsibilitydirection by giving me some exposure to oversee the whole process, and 3 important qualitiesin accounting field through accounting I have to give the final touch and that your positionhome work as well the role of an check if the job is well done requires?accountant in the business world. Whilebeing at school I took a class with a What do you enjoy most Effectiveness, efficiency andteacher I really liked, he used to explain about your job? economically minded.accounting in a very interesting way thatcontributed for my decision to become I think I have my father’s blood in Experience vs Training:an accountant. me! I enjoy compiling the financial statements because this gives me My job would be impossible toWhat formal training did exposure to how the company is complete without the training that Iyou undergo, managed in detail. I can follow had at Boston. Some skills can beand where? this trail until the results of the learned on the job – accounting is company at the end of the financial not one of them. You need a trainingCertified Accounting Technician (CAT) year - which could be Profit or loss institution with a good methodology,through the Association of Chartered depending on how the company was as becoming proficient in accountingCertified Accountants. (ACCA). I managed during the year. is about understanding thestudied my qualification at Boston concepts, and tons of practice!City Campus & Business College, to What are the mostwhich I owe a large part of my success enjoyable aspects of While it is possible to managein my studies. It is an internationally your current position? people without training, anaccredited qualification. understanding of the work they need Currently I am a director of a to complete is essential in order toWhat exactly does company which gives me authority manage them fairly and effectively.your job entail? to manage others. I like the fact that I give instruction to others and they Advice for grade 11 & 12Being in accounting may not be execute my instruction which gives learners consideringexciting to some, but I have a me in return a sense of leadership this career?passion for this job! I use all aspects and achievement.of accounting that I learned in my Study hard and be focused.course at Boston. I manage staff, What is the least Investigate your post schoolliaise with companies and work with enjoyable duties opportunities now, don’t wait untilteams. I also complete work on my of your job? you have completed matric. Bostonown. So you have to be a people’s offers free careers counselling andperson as well as independent. I The least enjoyable duties of my job a career compass assessment, thatwork with numbers, worksheets, are travelling the long distances. will give you your own vision for youdocuments and with people! I hate driving long distances and future and provide a goal to work my job requires a lot of travelling. towards.Describe an average day Sometimes it will be to consult withat work? a client, or to respond to a problem that needs immediate attention fromBasically every day I consult management.|98 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
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How will SKA1 be bettethan today's best radioAstronomers assess a telescope’s performance by looking at LOFARthree factors. These are resolution, sensitivity, and surveyspeed. With its sheer size and large number of antennas, the NetherlandsSKA will provide a giant leap in all three compared to existingradio telescopes, enabling it to revolutionise our understandingof the Universe.WITH THE SKA WITH CURRENT RADIO TELESCOPES SKA1 LOW Australiax1.2SKA1 LOW LOFAR NL xSKA1 LOW SKA1 MIDx4SKA1 MID VLA SURVEY RESOLUTION Thanks to its sensitivi Thanks to its size, the SKA will see larger area of the skysmaller details, making radio imagesless blurry, like reading glasses help be able to observe m given time and so m distinguish smaller letters.
er telescopes?VLA The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the world’s largest radio telescope. It will be built in two phases - SKA1 and SKA2Very Large Array, USA - starting in 2018, with SKA1 representing a fraction of the full SKA. SKA1 will include two instruments - SKA1 MID and SKA1 LOW - observing the Universe at different frequencies. SKA1 MID WITH THE SKA WITH CURRENT RADIO TELESCOPES South Africa x8SKA1 LOW LOFAR NLx135 LOFAR NL x5SKA1 MID VLAx60D VLA SENSITIVITYY SPEED Thanks to its many antennas, the SKA ty and ability to see a will see fainter details, like a at once, the SKA will more of the sky in a long-exposure photograph at night map the sky faster. reveals details the eye can't see.
SKA1 MID - the SKA’s mid-frequency instrumentThe Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the world’s largest radio telescope, revolutionisingour understanding of the Universe. The SKA will be built in two phases - SKA1 and SKA2 -starting in 2018, with SKA1 representing a fraction of the full SKA. SKA1 will include twoinstruments - SKA1 MID and SKA1 LOW - observing the Universe at different frequencies.Location: Frequency range: 197 dishesSouth Africa 350 MHz to (including 64 MeerKAT dishes) 14 GHz Total or Maximum distance collecting between dishes: surface: 123 tennis 150km32,000m2 courts SKA1 MID Total raw data output: 2 terabytes per second 62 exabytes per yearx340,000 Enough to fill more than 340,000 average laptops with content every day Compared to the VLA, the current best similar instrument in the world: 4x 5x 60x the faster resolution more at mapping sensitive the sky