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Home Explore KwaZulu Natal 2017 issue

KwaZulu Natal 2017 issue

Published by Charlton Peters, 2017-04-21 15:45:08

Description: South Africa's Leading Science Careers Magazine.
Distributed to every grade 11 and 12 learner via school principals, life orientation, mathematics and science educators at schools across the entire KwaZulu Natal province.
Quintiles 1-5.

Keywords: science,careers,further education,learning,career options,technology,dst,department,sansa,ska,schools


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Proudly Sponsored By:type of personALITY that Would enjoy Mandlakazi Ntoyithis kind of career? Chemical TechnologistSomeone with attention to detail, good communication skillsand someone who is able to reason in a pressurised “ Hands on workenvironment. that requires concentrationpotential for groWth - Where can and loveyour current position lead? for science”The potential for growth is endless. One needs to just applythemselves and always be willing to learn. My position canlead to a research and development position, production/qualitycontrol manager, regulatory affairs and many more.What challenges have you had toovercome?As much as I had background knowledge of nuclear chemistry,I had to learn the terminology of the industry (Nuclearindustry).What qualifications do i need?A National diploma Analytical Chemistry is the minimumqualification one can acquire but with the current competitivejob market a Btech Chemistry is much more desirable.What are your career goals?Continue learning the ins and outs of the pharmaceuticalindustry while furthering my studies inorder for me toeventually grow to more superior positions.DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPE OFPOSITION) THAT YOU ARE IN, FACE GENDERBIAS?No it does not. I have met all genders from school andalso in the continuing education and furtherstudies important in your type ofcareer?Very important as the industry keeps developing. The workthat we do keeps changing due to newer research and change inindustry regulations therefore one has to keep relevant bystudying further. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

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With Danielle TaljaardWHY DID YOU CHOOSE WHAT ARE THE MOST TYPE OF PERSON THAT Why did yTHIS CAREER? ENJOYABLE ASPECTS OF WOULD ENJOY THIS KIND YOUR POSITION? OF CAREER?I have a passion for adventure, athirst for knowledge, of all that this The most enjoyable part of my job A career in engineering has roommiracle of a universe has to offer would have to be the satisfaction for a whole spectrum of differentand the ever-growing field of of solving complex problems and personalities. If you have a keentechnology. By choosing this seeing the working end-result, sense of adventure, can thinkcareer I am lucky enough to when it all comes together. outside the box, can workcombine all my passions into an Secondly, is being able to be in independently and within a team,experience of a lifetime. the fortunate position where my then you will find this career engineering career, allows me to especially appealing.WHAT TRAINING DID YOU work in an outdoor environment asUNDERGO, AND WHERE? opposed to being office-bound. WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED?BEng (Electronic) degree obtained CAREER HIGHLIGHTS?from the University of Pretoria. Firstly, it is very important to take Being this early in my career I mathematics and physical scienceWHAT DOES YOUR JOB would have to say that my first at school and work hard at them.ENTAIL? highlight would be the start of my You can then go on to study career (going up on the stage electronic/computer/mechatronicEvery December a team of and receiving my degree, not engineering at a tertiary institute.engineers board a ship at the only serving as a reward for a lotCape Town harbour and travel of hard work put into attaining my EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING?across the Southern oceans to qualification, but also serving asAntarctica. Once in Antarctica, it a promise of a future of endless I believe these two conceptsis another journey across thick opportunities just waiting to be absolutely go to the South African research taken) Secondly, being selected Training is the gateway tobase, where the team live and as the radar engineer (one of ten gaining experience and withwork for the next 14 months. people) for the 56th South every new experience, moreAs an Antarctic Radar Engineer, African National Antarctic training is once again main responsibilities include Expedition, was a great honour The field of engineering isoperating and maintaining the and an amazing highlight. constantly evolving andradar instrumentation, which forms developing, so I think the agepart of the International ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 old advice of “Never stopSuperDARN Radar project, as well AND 12 LEARNERS learning” is very applicable andas maintaining the base itself CONSIDERING THIS you should find a learningalongside 9 other team mates. CAREER? opportunity in every experience you come across.DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE For this position I believe you firstDAY? and foremost need a willingness IS CONTINUING EDUCATION to learn, a sense of adventure AND FURTHER STUDIESCurrently I am in my training phase and a “make -the- best- of-every- IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPEand an average day for me is situation” type of attitude. OF CAREER?shadowing a well-experienced,Antarctic-radar-engineer regularly, 3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES I would definitely say so! In anywhilst working hands-on in the lab THAT YOUR POSITION field of engineering (especiallyon various interesting projects, in REQUIRES? Science and Technology), it ispreparation for the adventure to very important to continuecome. Lots of patience. educating yourself in order to The ability to think clearly stay on top of the competitionIN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE and logically. and keep up with the ever-growingYOUR JOB? The ability to communicate technology advancements. your ideas well.It is the most exciting andchallenging job at the sametime.SCIENCE CAREERS SA

Antarctic Radar Engineer& Type of person that would enjoy this kind of career? Career highlights?did you choose this career? What qualifications do I need? \"You should find a learning opportunity in every experience you come across\" academic research.  SCIENCE CAREERS SA

with Derek Lambert Why did y \" It does however require a strong person who is willing and able to work in often difficult and challenging conditions\" Derek Lambert Head of Programme, Marine Engineering|0 2 SCISENCCI EE NCACREEECRSA SRAE E R S S A

Why DID yOu ChOOSE WHAT IS THE LEAST TypE Of pERSON ThAT ThIS CAREER? ENJOYABLE PART OF WOulD ENjOy ThIS kIND YOUR JOB? Of CAREER? I was interested in the profession from the point of view that it The least enjoyable part of Anyone willing to take on a represented a technical challenge, the job (besides the paperwork challenge, and who is prepared to as well as being a great career involved) is the isolation of learn would enjoy marine being away from one's family engineering as a career. It does & where I could see new places for extended periods of time. however require a strong person, and meet different people. It can be difficult for many new one who is willing and able to work employees at sea to adjust to in often difficult and challengingaWhAT TRAININg DID yOu this. Many of the special days conditions. uNDERgO, AND WhERE? that land based employees Career highlights? take for granted (birthdays, WhAT quAlIfICATIONS I did the majority of my theoretical Christmas etc.), are spent at DO I NEED? studies at the Cape Peninsula sea, and this can take a little getting used to. In order to obtain a certificate ofdid you choose thisUcnairveeerrs?ity of Technology, competency as an engineering completed a year of workshop 3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES officer of the watch, one needs to training in Kimberley, and all the ThAT yOuR pOSITION complete at least S2 level required short courses in and REquIRES? theoretical studies, workshop around the Cape Town area. training, sea time and the The position requires one to be associated ancillary courses. WHAT DOES YOUR JOB responsible at all times for the progression through to the ENTAIL? safety of the personnel on board management levels of second and the ship. It also requires one to chief engineering officers will The profession entails the be accountable for your actions, require S4 theoretical studies and maintenance and management so that this safety aspect can be further sea time. of all on board equipment to maintained. Another important enable the ship to perform its trait required is integrity, so that EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING? intended function. Once away the training and mentoring of from port, the vessel needs to new staff and junior officers can Experience is very important in be completely self-sufficient, be maximized, and that as a order to progress through the and thus all aspects in terms of marine engineer, you can be ranks to Chief Engineer. Having propulsion, lighting, services to held in a high regard. the academic qualifications and people on board etc., are actually being able to do the job required to be operational at all WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE are two entirely different times. YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? things.Through passing on knowledge from one generation WhAT ARE ThE MOST The challenges I have had to to the next (in the manner ENjOyABlE ASpECTS overcome are the same seafarers do), one hopes that Of yOuR pOSITION? challenges that all younger when the opportunity arises, the generation students face today, incumbent will be sufficiently One of the most enjoyable aspects namely political interference. experienced to adapt to the role. of being at sea is the lifestyle that I entered the profession at a the profession affords. it is a very time when democracy in South IS CONTINUING EDUCATION different lifestyle at sea in Africa was in its infancy, and AND FURTHER STUDIES comparison to a profession on land. as a result of this, i found IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPE Things like traffic, meetings, work opportunities very limited. OF CAREER? hours, and all the items that irritate However, I soon learned that land based employees are not as challenges are just hurdles that Ongoing education is important in big a concern to seafarers. can easily be overcome through this type of career for professional persistence and hard work. growth. Marine engineering IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE requires a substantial support yOuR jOB? element for shore based professions, and by furthering Marine engineering is an ones qualifications, the movement interesting and challenging ashore if one so desires at a profession for individuals later stage is made easier. wishing to experience a life that affords them more freedom than other career paths. |S C I E N C E C A R E E R S S A 0 3 SCIENCE CAREERS SA

with Dr Tracey-Lee Austin WHY DID YOU WHAT TRAINING DID YOU WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? CHOOSE THIS CAREER? UNDERGO, AND WHERE? I am a Clinical Psychologist Neuroscience and A Masters degree in Clinical specialising in clinical psychopathology are the Psychology is a necessity, psychopathology, which means most interesting branches of preceded by an undergraduate that I study the brain and science. Each brain is unique, degree with Psychology as a psychological disorders in order towhat triggers pathology in one brain will major and an Honours degree understand causes of pathology andhave no effect on another brain. I have in Psychology. A PhD will how best to treat psychopathology.always been fascinated by the causes open doors but is not yet a I get to work with people from allof pathology, by what makes people tick necessary requirement. walks of life. I do therapy withand how best to help unique individuals. people who have psychologicalNow I get to live my dream of researching disorders and I get to teach and trainand teaching psychopathology and students in Psychopathology as wellhelping those who suffer from pathology. as conduct research in the field.Clinical Psychologist & PsychopathologistDr Tracey-Lee Austin | SCIENCE CAREERS SA

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? 3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES “I get to THAT YOUR POSITION explore theI get to explore the complexities of REQUIRES? mysteriesthe brain in order to understand both health of theand pathology. One of the best aspects of Empathy. human brain”my job is the fact that people open up to me Curiosity.and allow me to try to figure out how best to Patience. Psychology as a major, followedhelp them.Being able to work with people in by an Honours degree interms of both teaching and therapy. Seeing IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE Psychology, followed by a Mastersthe person sitting in front of me suddenly YOUR JOB? degree in Clinical Psychology.begin to understand why they do what theydo. Watching my students transform into I get to meet people from all walks WHAT ARE YOUR CAREERcurious scientists. The reward of being able of life who allow me into their lives GOALS?to help people to live more fulfilling lives. and I get to explore the mysteries of the human brain. South Africa is a country that has great need of people willing to work EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING: at grassroots level in order to develop potential. One of my goals is to train The coursework theory is very psychologists of excellence who are important in order to lay the culturally aware and eager to be the foundations and develop change that is needed for growth. understanding of the complexities of human behaviour. The practical DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR component is just as important as TYPE OF POSITION) THAT YOU it allows one to put theory into ARE IN, FACE GENDER BIAS? practice. This is a profession in which one will never know all there Not really.There are more women is to know. One needs to continually currently than men, but this seems to grow and develop one’s skills and be due to to the fact that more women knowledge. than men apply for the degree. ■ ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 AND 12 LEARNERS CONSIDERING THIS CAREER? Read as much as you can, talk to professionals, make sure that you have an interest in people. Be aware that this is a difficult field to get into as there are limited internship placements. You need good marks and good academic abilty. WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? Learning how to do research is a skill that takes a while to learn, but with the help of more experienced colleagues it becomes doable. WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED? Grade twelve with good marks is all that is needed to begin, along with determination and hard work. One needs to complete a three year undergraduate degree with ... |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

QAwith dr. ASHWIL KLEINPlant BiotechnologistWhy did you choose this career? What is the least enjoyable part of your job?I chose this career because it is very rewarding. “What is theuse of obtaining knowledge and not sharing it with anyone?” Administration. Although, it is an integral part of being aThis career allows me to train and contribute towards the lecturer/researcher. It significantly impacts on time thatdevelopment of our next generation of scientists, who have a could be well spent by assisting students and doingkeen interest within my field of study (plant biotechnology). experimental work. This develops knowledge, while adding to one’s pool of existing knowledge.aWnhdatWthraerine?ing did you undergo, career highlights?A doctoral degree in Biotechnology, with a specific focus onPlant biotechnology. • Being part of a dynamic group of plants scientist at UWC, that is making a significant impact on anWhat does your job entail? international level.A lecturer/researcher’s job consist of three interlinked parts. • Publishing good impact research in peer reviewedFirstly, it involves teaching undergraduate and postgraduate scientific, whilst performing routine administrative tasks atboth departmental and faculty levels. Secondly, you need to • Being part and contribute to the successful journey oflead and manage research projects within your area of my studentsspecialization. Lastly, you need to actively engage withinvarious community outreach programmes. 3 important qualities that your position requires?describe an average day? • Good presentation skills: This is essential for teaching andAn average day consist of presenting lectures to presenting your research at conferences.undergraduate and postgraduate students. Managing theadministration is also associated with it. The rest of the • Resilience: If you shrink at the mere hint of a criticism of yourday is dedicated to postgraduate student supervision i.e. work, then being a lecturer/researcher may not be right for you.Honours, Masters and Doctoral students. • Management and leadership: From the earliest stages of yourWhat do you enjoy most? academic/research career, you will need to manage your own projects and start to develop as a leader in your research field.I always enjoy the- interactive nature of my undergraduateclass and the “hands on” supervision of my postgraduate experience vs training?students. I also enjoy being in a very interactive classroomand laboratory setting. Developing new knowledge through There should be a correct balance between experience andexperiments is very rewarding. training. Being a lecturer/researcher is a lifelong learning process. You constantly learn and grow whilst withinin 1 sentence, describe your job? your position.Develop new knowledge through research and share this advice for grade 11 and 12knowledge with the next generation of scientists. learners considering this career? Be pro-active and work hard to achieve you career goals and don’t take anything for granted. Make the right career choices early in in life. If you love what you do, you don’t have a work a single day in your life.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

type of person that Would enjoy Dr. Ashwil Kleinthis kind of career? ” If you love whatThis career is for individuals that are very enthusiastic, you do, youenergetic and overall critical thinkers. Innovative strategies don’t have toshould always form part of your course curriculum and ”work a singleresearch planning. day in your life!potential for groWth - Where canyour current position lead?In this career, there is always an opportunity for growth.You determine your level of growth with your dedication,commitment and of course your scientific output in the form of peer reviewed journal articles.What challenges have you had toovercome?The fear of public speaking especially in front of largeaudiences. Part of the job entails teaching large classes and presenting your research outcomes to colleagues atconferences.What qualifications do i need?You need at least a Masters degree in any biological sciencediscipline, to become a lecturer/researcher. However, adoctoral degree is recommended especially if you want toestablish your own research group.What are your career goals?My goal is to make a meaningful contribution to society at large.My passion is plant science with specific emphasis using variousbiotechnology tools to improve essential/important food cropsagainst detrimental environmental changes such as drought stressand diseases. In doing so, we could significantly improve foodsecurity in South Africa and the entire African continuing education and furtherstudies important in your type of career?Yes. Learning is a lifelong process. You learn through theresearch you do and facilitate. Science is constantly evolvingand you need be up to speed with the change, otherwise youmight become irrelevant in your field of research. SCIENCE CAREERS SA

Q&A With Lucia MadzenaComputer Science Lucia MadzenaIntern at SANSA’s Describe an average day?Space Weather Centre Most of my day is spent programming which involves creating code to instruct Why did you choose this career? a computer on how to do a task. I create programs and systems for the SANSA Computers have fascinated me for most of my life. Space Weather Centre to assist in Growing up I really enjoyed watching movies that creating visual representations of the had scenes of hackers frantically working on their data they collect. laptops attempting to gain access to important information and systems. I thought it was so cool What do you enjoy most? how much you could do by using a computer. Computers are part of our everyday lives. Problem solving! Everything is becoming computer based these days, so I decided that I had to learn how to use What are the most enjoyable them better, which is why I chose to study aspects of your position? Computer Science. There are always problems to solve and many What formal qualification did ways of solving one problem, which means my you have to attain to enter into mind is always racing trying to figure out the this field? best solution which makes coming to work fun as I get to figure it all out. Every day there is I completed a BSc in Computer Science and something new to solve so I always need to Information Systems at the University of Venda. think outside the box to come up with new solutions. What does your job entail? A job in computer science entails a lot of things such as programming, computer networks, computer security, database development, website development etc.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

\"Everything is becomingcomputer based these days\"3 important qualities that Advice for grade 11 and 12your position requires? learners considering this career?Lots of patience, the ability to think There are many areas you can focus on whenclearly and logically and the ability to considering a career in computer sciences. Take thecommunicate your ideas well. time to do lots of research about what is available and find the best area to specialize in at universityType of personality that would which suits your personality and strengths.enjoy this kind of career? What challenges have youIf you are someone who loves problem had to overcome?solving and doesn’t give up until you havefound a solution then you will do very well During my first year at university I did not have myin this field. You also need to be someone own computer. I had to rely on using thewho enjoys staying up-to-date with new computers at university which was verytrends and have good communication challenging as I also had to share theseskills. computers with other students and could only do my work during the day. I could not work at homeExperience vs Training? in the evening which meant that I got less practice and in the field of programming you really doThey are both important. To take on big roles in need to practice as much as possible to learn thecompanies you need to have experience and to different programming languages.get experience you have to be willing to undergotraining. When there is a new application or new What qualifications do I need?technology being used, you have to undergotraining in order to become familiar with it. We You need to study Maths and Science at high schoollive in a fast paced world and you need to stay and obtain a minimum of 50% in Maths and Scienceupdated. but this does differ with each university so it is best to do your research on what the requirements are atIn 1 sentence, describe your job? a university you are interested in going to. If you do well in Maths and Science you can then study aBeing a computer scientist is the most exciting BSc Computer Sciences.and challenging job all at the same time. Is continuing education andPotential for growth - Where further studies important incan your current position lead? your type of career?Programming is like an entry door for any It is always important to further your scientist, you have to know at least After your BSc degree, you can do honours andone language of programming. From there you masters to get more experience in research andcan go on to be a software developer, system also to help in developing new technologies andanalyst, database developer, solutions architect skills.etc. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA


WHY DID YOU CHOOSE DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE WHAT CHALLENGES HAVETHIS CAREER? DAY? YOU HAD TO OVERCOME?There were many factors that An average day entails checking I had to overcome someinfluenced my decision to select this my emails and responding if challenges with regards to thecareer. My dad worked for a mining needed, before starting with my current project. This includescompany and used to share with me work for the day. Thereafter, I having to learn how to developwhat he does as a miner. He also continue with the design of my a project plan on my own andencouraged me to go to a technical current project, as well as running an entire project byschool, where I decided to do documenting some of our testing myself.mechanical technology as a subject high school, since my cousin also ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 ANDtold me about the shortage of 3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES THAT 12 LEARNERS CONSIDERINGengineers in our country. I enjoyed YOUR POSITION REQUIRES? THIS CAREER?the subject (mechanical technology)and in a way, itCwaraesetrhhaitgwhlhigichhts? Leadership ability. Study at a technical school andpointed me in the direction of a Technical competency. do mechanical technology as aMechanical Engineering course and Problem solving skills. subject, so that you can have aalso to explore the opportunities clear understanding about thewithin this field. EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING? career before considering studying it at a tertiary level.WHAT TRAINING DID YOU Training for me is betterUNDERGO AND WHERE? compared to experience. IS CONTINUING EDUCATION You get exposure to the AND FURTHER STUDIESI am studying Mechanical industry and learn many IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPEEngineering at the Cape Peninsula new things. When you OF CAREER?University of Technology. I acquired have experience, yousome training at the institution since will do everything based Yes, furthering your studies init offers both theory and practicals on what you know. You this field is very important as youfor students, but it also requires also get to be trained by need to gain the knowledge andstudents to undergo formal training professional engineers and know the principles related toat a company. I am currently doing get to know how things are mechanical engineering. Whenmy in-service training at Square done within the industry. you further your studies, you willKilometre Array South Africa (SKA This way you get to learn a be able to explore differentSA) in Pinelands, Cape Town as part lot of different aspects of the job. \"streams\" which you can chooseof my National Diploma in the field. from, once you have completed WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO the course related to this career.WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? I NEED? DOES THE INDUSTRY (ANDMy job entails doing some small National Diploma: Electrical YOUR TYPE OF POSITION) THATengineering projects which include Engineering (Electronics and YOU ARE IN, FACE GENDERdoing research based projects as Telecommunications). BIAS?well as designing parts, usingSolidworks software. TYPE OF PERSON THAT Yes, Mechanical Engineering is WOULD ENJOY THIS KIND mainly a male dominated field.WHAT DO YOU ENJOY OF CAREER? Most women quit engineering dueMOST? to men’s attitudes, being made to You need to be an inquisitive believe that engineering is not forI enjoy acquiring knowledge person, as engineers are often women and that \"it requires a man'son how different things work fascinated with how things work power\". I believe that the problemwithin the industry. This and the science behind the can be fixed by women themselvesincludes working on research operation. This also requires a and we should not be stopped fromprojects and actually learning critical thinker, because you exploring the field.more about radio astronomy, need problem solving skills tothan mechanical engineering. solve engineering related problems. IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE YOUR JOB? My job as a trainee entails applying theoretical skills to solve problems - this includes modeling parts in computer aided drawings. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

withMedical Scientist MicrobiologyWhy did you choose this career? Melendhran PillayI have always been passionate about the • Consult with medical personnel, physicians anddevelopment of scientific methods and health departments to develop diagnostic.medical diagnostic assays for the programmes that improve health outcomes.investigation of human diseases such asTB and HIV. A career as a Medical • Apply for funding by writing research grantScientist allows me to be at the forefront of proposal.preventative care and treatment of humandiseases. • Outgoing teaching and training. • Supervision of specialised testing programmesWhat formal qualification didyou have to attain to enter into of TB and HIV resistance testing.this field? Describe an average day?A minimum Bachelors of Medical Sciences(Honours), followed by a comprehensive • Monitoring of quality systems for all of thetwo year internship in the relevant Pathology specialised molecular diagnostic tests employedDiscipline. Completed a Masters in Science in the laboratory, i.e both internal and externaland a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medical controls, calibrations, threshold values etc.Sciences. • Analyse and interpret laboratory data and makeWhat does your job entail? a reliable diagnosis.• Develop new diagnostic tests for the • Report results onto the Laboratory Information treatment and therapeutic management System (LIS). of infectious diseases such as TB and HIV. • Conduct research experiments.• Methods are currently being used routinely • Teach and train University students, Registrars, for disease diagnosis for example HIV Genotyping, Line Probe Essays ( TB) at the Medical Technicians and Technologists. National health Laboratory Service ( NHLS). • Present in Academic meetings.• On-going research and development of ovel What do you enjoy most? and anti TB/HIV drugs. Making an accurate patient diagnosis• Understanding of the molecular mechanism in the shortest possible time. of Multi – drug resistance and host microbe interaction.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

What are the most enjoyable Is continuing education and furtheraspects of your position? studies important in this type of career?Teaching, training andtranslating research findings Yes, extremely important in order to stayinto patients health care. abreast.What is the least enjoyable part What type of personality wouldof your job? suite this career? Passion to help sick people. SomeoneInstrument downtime, which places with patience and determination.diagnostic testing on hold. What qualifications do I need?In one sentence, describe your job? Undergraduate and Postgraduate. University Degree with majors in pureConducting research to determine the and medical science.molecular mechanisms of human diseasesand implementation of new diagnostic tests Three important qualities that youraimed at improving overall human health. position requires?Career highlights? Perseverance, attention to details and proactive thinking.I commenced as an Intern MedicalScientist in the Department of Medical Advice for grade 11 and 12 learnersMicrobiology, NHLS, Inkosi Albert Luthuli considering this career?Central Hospital (IALCH). Qualified as a Science is the foundation for humanMedical Scientist with full registration with existence. Concentrate and excel inthe HPCSA. Involved with the optimisation science subjects.and development of TB diagnostic tests(LPA) and currently HIV Genotyping \"A career as a Medical Scientistassays (Department of Virology, NHLS, allows me to be at the forefront ofIALCH). Obtained a Masters in Medical preventative care and treatment ofScience and currently completing Doctoral human diseases\" - Melendhran PillayStudies in medical sciences.What challenges have you had toovercome?Financial challenges while studying atUniversity, and time management.Experience Vs Training?On-going training enhancesexpertise and develops experience. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

withObed Novhe \"I am the savior of the environment from mining related impacts\"EnvironmentalGeoscientist| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

Obed Novhe Environmental GeoscientistWhy DID yOu ChOOSE ThIS WhAT IS ThE lEASTCAREER? ENjOyABlE pART Of yOuR jOB?I am very interested in how theEarth works. I love figuring out The exploring and pilotingthe intricacies of an (field-trials) of treatment solutionsever-changing planet and how it for contaminated mine water sites.affects life and how life affects it. CAREER hIghlIghTS?WhAT TRAININg DID yOuuNDERgO, AND WhERE? Involved in a national mine water management project aimed at• Honours (Mining and Environmental identification and assessment of Geology) – University of Venda. mine water pollution, as well as development of sustainable mine• Msc (Environmental Geology) – water management solutions. University of Venda. 3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES• Post Graduate Diploma (Mining and ThAT yOuR pOSITION the Environment) – Ecole des Mine REquIRES: D’Ales (Ales School of Mine) (France). Patience, creativity and a love for outdoor environment orWhAT DOES yOuR jOB nature.ENTAIl? IN 1 SENTENCE,Geochemical assessment of DESCRIBE yOuR jOB?environmental impacts associatedwith mining activities (both active I am the savior of the environmentand abandoned mines), such as from mining related impacts.contamination of water resources asa result of acid mine drainage. The ADVICE fOR gRADE 11job entails lots of fieldwork, involving AND 12 lEARNERSmine pollution site visits, on-site CONSIDERINg ThISanalyses of mine water or receiving CAREER?streams and sample collection forboth water and solid samples (such They must have passion andas rocks, soil, mine residues). excel in physical science (especially chemistry).The samples collected are analysedfor geochemical and mineralogical TypE Of pERSON ThAT WhAT ARE yOuR CAREER gOAlS?composition (for solid samples), as WOulD ENjOy ThISwell as their potential to generate kIND Of CAREER? Contribute towards sustainable mine wateracid mine drainage or leach pollutants. management solutions in a South AfricanThe data obtained from both fieldwork An outdoor enthusiast. context by developing optimised passiveand laboratory are interpreted with treatment systems to remediatethe aid of computer programs, such pOTENTIAl fOR gROWTh - contaminated mine water and also toas geochemical modelling codes, GIS, WhERE CAN yOuR CuRRENT complete my PhD.excel, multivariate statistical analysis pOSITION lEAD?tools, to understand distribution, DOES ThE INDuSTRy (ANDtransport and fate of pollutants in the Specialist Environmental Geoscientist. yOuR TypE Of pOSITION) ThATenvironment. My job also entails yOu ARE IN, fACE gENDERrecommendation and implementation WhAT ChAllENgES hAVE BIAS?of measures to mitigate or manage yOu hAD TO OVERCOME?mine water pollution, such as passivetreatment of contaminated mine water. Vandalism of pilot (field) Yes experimental sites. IS CONTINuINg EDuCATION AND WhAT quAlIfICATIONS DO fuRThER STuDIES IMpORTANT IN I NEED? yOuR TypE Of CAREER? At least Honour in Geology Yes, it is very much important in or Geochemistry. the research environment.. ■| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

With OLMA TSAKANI MAKONTO“I am a surface and Why did you choose this What is the leastgroundwater career? enjoyable part of yourprivate investigator” job? I grew up in a village where there were always water shortages. I Traveling, exploring the country‘s decided to do hydrology so I water resources. could help solve the water problem in my community. Career highlights? What formal qualification Producing hydrogeological maps did you have to attain to using ArcGIS Softwares. enter into this field? In 1 sentence, describe I have an honors degree in your job? hydrology and water resources and Masters degree in hydrogeology. I am a surface and groundwater private investigator. What does your job entail? What do you enjoy most? A lot of field work to collect hydrologic and hydrogeologic data - groundwater I enjoy exploring the underground exploring (searching for water below water. Protecting the water the subsurface), doing pump tests ( to resources from contamination / determine the potential of the aquifer pollution. to yield water),aquifer characterisation, Surface and ground water sample 3 important qualities that collections to assess the water quality, your position requires: stream flow measurements to determine the rate at which water flow Ability to work in a team, ability to in the stream and water balance work under pressure (hard worker), studies. and analytical skills. Note: Aquifers are rocks which can Type of personality that contain water found underground. would enjoy this kind Surface water is water from rivers, of career? streams, lakes, etc. Groundwater is water from boreholes. Hard worker. A person who is not lazy to think and analyse Describe an average day. things. My average day depends on Potential for growth whether I am in the office or doing -Where can your fieldwork. If I am working in the current position lead? office, I do a lot of research. I write a report using the field data I had You can become a specialist collected. I also attend meetings. scientist in hydrogeology. What qualifications do Advice for grade 11 and I need? learners considering this career? BSC in geology or hydrology, but honours or masters in They must not let their passion hydrogeology. for protecting water resources fade away. What are the most enjoyable aspects of your What challenges have position? you had to overcome? Research, discovering new things The fear of walking in which could possibly lead to the bush thinking I will solutions to water pollution. meet snakes. Traveling, doing field work and writing scientific reports.

OLMA TSAKANI MAKONTO ?at), What are your career goals? I am planning to do my PHD in hydrogeology. Does the Industry (and your type of position) that you are in, face gender bias? NO, both males and females are suitable for this career. Is continuing education and further studies important in your type of career? Yes, as a researcher, it is highly recommended to study.

with Dr Paul FranklynChemistEnergy MaterialsWhy did you choose this career? Academic citizenship involves told me “It will not be possible completing administrative duties. because others have tried it, orI grew up in a house where my father was This includes science outreach something similar, before”. I alsoa scientist and so from a young age I learnt to the community, popularization enjoy the Eureka moment duringabout science, as it applies to all aspects of of science and designing or my teaching. This is when I seelife. Selecting a combination of Physics and maintaining the content of the the lights come on in a student,Chemistry came naturally to me when the courses I teach, to keep them as the work suddenly makeschoice needed to be made. It was then that topical and at the cutting edge. sense to them.I realised that Chemistry simply made Research is my favourite area.sense to me and that I relished the idea of It involves working with 3 important qualities thatworking on new materials. My choice of students from undergraduate your position requires?academia was a result of wanting to pursue through to doctoral. It alsomy own research interests. Not being involves me getting into the lab - Enthusiasm for science.bounded by the financial imperatives of and attempting to solve new - Imagination.a company. Essentially, I spent my youth problems. - Intellect – meaning bothdreaming of the impossible and wanting to I workuse my science background to make it a intelligence and intellectualreality. Lecturing and researching gives me curiosity.the opportunity to do just that, but also toattempt to inspire young students to realise primarilytheir dreams. Of course, having a healthydose of pyromania helped me make my on energychoice. materialsWhat formal qualification did youhave to attain? (thoseAlthough I was able to take up a position materialsin the School of Chemistry at theUniversity of the Witwatersrand with an involved inMSc in Chemistry, I needed to obtain myPhD to be able to become a lecturer. I “Science is allcollecting,obtained my MSc at Wits and my PhDfrom Cambridge University in England. creating or storingWhat does your job entail? energy) around you, and in my all the time”There are 3 aspects: lecturing, lab, weresearching and academic citizenship. attemptDuring lecturing, I see my role asteaching students to see beyond the to findbounds of the knowledge they have andto learn to expect more of themselves. materialsThrough this process, they will hopefullydevelop a hunger for investigating the that others Dr Paul Franklynworld they live in. My greatest success is have notwhen a student can see past the obviousand starts to question and seek tried yet.understanding of the world around them. What do you enjoy Experience vs Training? | SCIENCE CAREERS SA most? Training gives the background for I enjoy the Eureka moment! this work. Without adequate When I have an idea for a new education, you simply do not have research topic, seeing that idea the language (Scientific English or grow when a student “runs with it” Mathematics) to be able to explain in the lab and positive results what you are seeing. However, start emanating. The pinnacle of experience gives you the insight this for me is the moment when to understand the work. Without an idea I have had works out, experience, your knowledge is of despite all the people who have... little use.

“My job is to makediscoveries that canchange the world.”In 1 sentence, describe your Dr Paul Franklynjob? Potential for growth - What are your career goals?My job is to train, educate and Where can your currentprepare the next generation of position lead? I have two broad goals. One is toMaterials Chemists and to use develop technologies and materialsmy research to make discoveries My future promotions would lead that will radically change thethat can change the world. to Associate Professor and then availability of energy and clean water Full Professor. After that and if I within Africa. My lifetime career goalWhat are the most enjoyable choose to go into management, is to prepare enough materials andaspects of your position? there are options of becoming a study them sufficiently, that I may be deputy dean of faculty or able to contribute an understandingI love the opportunity to work on ultimately of becoming a deputy of why mixed metal oxide materialsthings where I know that I am vice chancellor. If you choose to form in the way they of the first people ever to stay within science and not goget to see something. We are into management, the future can Does the industry (and yourliterally the first people ever to lead to development of type of position) that you arefind some of the materials we partnerships with companies in, face gender bias?make. This is a humbling both locally and internationallyexperience. Another is the or even lead to creating spin-off There are many females who workchance to be the “mad scientist” companies, based upon the in the Chemistry department.during outreach activities and to research that is happening However, due to health and safetycarry out demonstrations within my group. considerations, pregnant women areinvolving flashes and bangs and not allowed within the laboratory duealmost turn science into wizardry. What qualifications do I to potential risks to the baby. This need? intrinsically can hinder their career.Advice for grade 11 and 12 That been said, there is nothing inlearners considering this Depending on how far you want the career path that will hinder thecareer? to go, you can stop at a BSc with progression of any gender. Chemistry or BSc Honours.ThisWork hard at all your subjects will allow you to work as a Is continuing education andand remain diverse. You have to technician in the laboratories. further studies important incultivate a sincere interest and a Adding an MSc allows you to your type of career?passion for the work. It will become a Junior Lecturer,whilerequire many years of study and you continue to head towards your Absolutely and your continuingdedicated work. In addition, you PhD. Only once you have a PhD or education does not end when youneed to develop a passion for a DSc, can you become a lecturer get your degree. Virtually every dayscience, which means you need in full. I am learning something new. ■to realize that science is allaround you, all the time.Type of personality thatwould enjoy this kind ofcareer?Someone who is curious andwants to find answers. A personwho is self-driven and notmotivated by an external rewardor their paycheck. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

With Toni SylvesterEducational Psychologist

Q&A What does your job entail? Advice for people considering this career.Why did you choose this career? As an Educational Psychologist my scope of practice guides me as to what I am legally Work hard, research your future careerI chose this career because it enables me to allowed to do. An educational psychologist choice thoroughly, do job shadowing tocapacitate and empower others. I am able works mainly within a development and learn more about the make individuals see their potential and learning environment and has to identifyassist them in achieving their goals. and diagnose barriers to learning, carry out Type of person that would enjoy psychological and therapeutic interventions this kind of career? and work closely with other professionals should they need to refer. The social, The person who would enjoy this career emotional and cognitive aspects involved in teaching are examined and the findings are would be someone who is dynamic and applied to improve the learning process. They are also expected to do research and responsible and non-judgemental. work in advocacy and policy development. They are expected do training and supervise Potential for growth - Where can and can be called upon to provide expert your current position lead? evidence. As an Educational psychologist thereWhat training did you undergo, and EExxppeerriieenncceevsv.sT.rTairnainingi?ng? are many career options; following anwhere? academic career, leadership and Whilst newly trained management, research, working forI completed a BA with majors in Psychology, educational psychologists government, school psychologist,Education and Criminology. After a few years I have the latest information community organisations or privatecompeted a HED (Higher Education Diploma) a—n—dTesakcihllisng, eoxf pmeerdiiecanlcsetuddents: practice.with School Guidance and Counselling and psytcuhtoorliaolgs ists have theBusiness Economics as my teaching subjects. a—d—vTaenatcahgineg owfarmd aronuyndms owriteh the What are your career goals?This was followed by a B.Ed. Honours (Special yeaprsosotgfraedxupaotespuareediantrtihc etraineesNeeds), FDE Behavioural Problems) and finally w—o— rMkienegtinegns:voinroenomr day I am at the final stage of academic studiesa M.Ed. (Educational Psychology for E—d—uhOconasctpeiiotpanelsraimlnpothsnetyhcpIrhovoivsilinotcogenitseotosmf teheetregistration). are wreitqhuthireesdtatffoabndedsisucpuessrvisissueesd being enrolled for a PHD which I would by aarmouonrde: seexrvpiceersi,etenaccehding and I CHOSE eduacraeatisotnhaatlnpeseydcimhporloovgeimset nt like to finish by 2017. I would like to make THIS d—u—riAnftgertnhoeoinr: tmraoirneiandgm.inistration Supaenrdvriessieoanrcihsaafterrenqoounirtewmiceenpter a positive contribution to the profession. CAREER throwuegehk.out your career. BECAUSE IT Does the Industry (and your type of ENABLES ME What do you enjoy most? position) that you are in, face gender bias? TO \"The diversity and interaction CAPACITATE with others. The work of an Educational psychology does not call for educational psychologist is varied AND and this is what I enjoy. Working specific gender. The profession is open to EMPOWER with learners, parents and teachers and also community anyone who qualifies. It has been seen as a OTHERS outreach.\" female dominated profession but we do 3 important qualities that your position requires have representation from other genders. — Insight — Patience Is continuing — Empathy education and In 1 sentence, describe your job? further studies important in your The job of an educational psychologist is a type of career? challenging, diverse, engaging and fulfilling occupation interacting with teachers ,learners Educational Psychology is a dynamic career, in schools to promote teaching and learning. one has to stay abreast of new developments in the field. You also have to be well versed with advocacy and policy changes which could have a direct effect on your scope of practice. It is important to attend workshops and training in a specific field so that you can become a specialist in that area of the work. Research in your area of interest, conference attendance, presentations and offering workshops are important as you will be adding to your own knowledge and become a specialist in your field. Registration with the HPCSA also compels you to attend continuous professional development (CPD) training.

with Reza Omar WWeellddiinngg IInnssppeeccttoorr && NNoonn DDeessttrruuccttiivvee TTeecchhnniicciiaannWhy DID yOu ChOOSE ThIS CAREER? CAREER hIghlIghTS?I had a background in engineering and wanted to There are many I’ve worked on every power plant infurther my career. I therefor decided to explore S.A including Koeberg nuclear power plant, flew toother avenues within the industry. I started my Mauritius to inspect a cruise liner and sailed backcareer at Chevron refinery. to.S.A that was enjoyable.WhAT TRAININg DID yOu uNDERgO, 3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES ThAT yOuRAND WhERE? pOSITION REquIRES?I studied at various institutions around S.A and Integrity,honesty and patiencequalified in liquid penetrant, magnetic testing,hardness testing, coating, wall thickness and digital EXpERIENCE VS TRAININg?radiography all level 2. Experience is key in this industry you need to knowIN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE yOuR jOB? what you looking at and what you looking for in order to make the right evaluationI give people the assurance that things are safe andkeep it that way ADVICE fOR gRADE 11 AND 12 lEARNERS CONSIDERINg ThISWhAT DOES yOuR jOB ENTAIl? CAREER?There are many answers but the obvious one would This is an excellent career field to pursue,be to make sure an item or component is safe to go especially if you are technically inclinedinto production TypE Of pERSON ThAT WOulD ENjOyDESCRIBE AN AVERAgE DAy? ThIS kIND Of CAREER?My day could consist of a normal 9 -5 or 24 hour Anybody that loves a challenge and learning newdepending on how critical the job at hand is or things everyday, the job never gets boring, there’s adepending if the component needs repairs or not new challenge everydayWhAT DO yOu ENjOy MOST? pOTENTIAl fOR gROWTh - WhERE CAN yOuR CuRRENT pOSITION lEAD?Finding a flaw in a component, knowing that I didmy job correctly an according to code. This career can take you anywhere in the world, there’s a great demand for NDT technicians all overWhAT IS ThE lEAST ENjOyABlE pART the worldOf yOuR jOB?Having to fail a welder that’s doing hisqualifications/codes….but that’s part ofinspection.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

WhAT ChAllENgES hAVE yOu \"This is anhAD TO OVERCOME? excellent career to pursue,I have failed a few courses which does especially iftake a toll on your moral and as well as you areyour pocket, but the main thing is I technicallybounced back and succeeded. inclined\"WhAT quAlIfICATIONS Reza OmarDO I NEED? Weilding InspectorStart off with a level 2 in magneticand penetrant testing, then grow fromthere, that’s your starting point.DOES ThE INDuSTRy (ANDyOuR TypE Of pOSITION) ThATyOu ARE IN, fACE gENDER BIAS?No not at all, I’ve worked with and trainedmany female technicians.IS CONTINuINg EDuCATIONAND fuRThER STuDIESIMpORTANT IN yOuR TypEOf CAREER?Yes most definitely the more yougrow your career the more respectedyou become across all facets of theindustry. ■ |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

withScientific TechnicianWhy DID yOu ChOOSE ThIS CAREER?  3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES ThAT yOuR pOSITION REquIRES?I am a very technically orientated individualand love the outdoors. Being a scientist alsodoes not requirealot of interaction as I am Technical knowledge of water treatmentvery introverted person. works and waste water treatment works. One has to be very persistent.WHAT FORMAL QUALIFICATION DID YOU Patience because not everything will HAVE TO ATTAIN TO ENTER INTO THIS FIELD? happen when you expect.BSc in earth science related fields. IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE yOuR jOB?WhAT DOES yOuR jOB ENTAIl? Ensuring that drinking water quality is safe forI am responsible for regulating municipal humans consumption and regulating wastewaterdrinking water treatment works and waste which is discharged to the environment.water treatment efficiently and effectively.I also ensure that nobody's health is at risk.I ensure that the municipalities treat the ADVICE fOR gRADE 11 AND 12drinking water to sans 241: 2015 drinking lEARNERS CONSIDERINg ThIS CAREER?water standard, whilst continuously If you were to consider going into a career inmonitoring the drinking water quality data.The wastewater treatment works are water quality definitely pay attention toregulated according to the National Water chemistry and earth sciences related class.Act also with the aim of ensuring that itdoes not negatively impact human health.  TypE Of pERSON ThAT WOulD ENjOy ThIS kIND Of CAREER?DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE DAY? A patient person.Analyzing data, developing algorithms, pOTENTIAl fOR gROWTh - WhERE CANworking on developing a theory, calculations yOuR CuRRENT pOSITION lEAD?and referring to academic papers. Oncea week I meet with my supervisor. In the section that I am currently working, there is no room for growth. This is mostlyWhAT DO yOu ENjOy MOST? due to improper structure, but in the field that I am in for example (water sector) there isAssisting municipalities with water much room for growth. This can lead tosafety planning. Water Safety environmental officer (specialized), controlPlanningis a process whereby the environmental officer, candidate scientist andmunicipalities have to rate potential then scientific manager.hazards which may negativelyimpact the drinking water. Theythen determine how they wouldproceed to ensure that this hazardis taken care of .| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

WhAT ChAllENgES hAVE yOu hAD TO OVERCOME? The main challenge has been societal pressure. This field is not as well-known as other careers so initially people tried to convince me to choose a career that was more mainstream. WhAT quAlIfICATIONS DO I NEED? Qualifications in Environmental and Water sciences with honors and masters. But it must be degree in sciences. DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPE OF POSITION) THAT YOU ARE IN, FACE GENDER BIAS? No IS CONTINUING EDUCATION AND FURTHER STUDIES IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPE OF CAREER? Yes it is if I want to be a specialist in my current field. Sandré Marcus  |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

With SHAUNDRE JACOBSWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL?CAREER? I lecture the theoretical and practicalI chose this career because I love sport concepts in sport science to universityand as late president Nelson Mandela stated, students (1st to 3rd year). I teach them\"Sport has the ability to change the world the theories and help them to applyand inspire people in a way that little else their knowledge within real worldcan.” Being in a position of change which situations.I am in, allows me to inspire the youngdynamic minds of the students whom I WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST?work with. Contributing towards thestudents growth really attracted me to I enjoy spending my time with the students.this job. In addition to this, being able to I delight in listening to their stories andinvestigate and research the scientific part engaging them on sport science related orof sport and Applied Kinesiology intrigued debated issues. Being with my students isme into following this career. the best part of my day.WHAT TRAINING DID YOU WHAT ARE THE MOST ENJOYABLEUNDERGO, AND WHERE? ASPECTS OF YOUR POSITION?I have a bachelors and honours degree Being able to work within a sportin Sport Science and both were attained environment is the most enjoyablefrom Stellenbosch University. In addition, aspect of my position.I attained my Masters degree in Science(Msc) from Ku leuven University in 3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES THATBelgium. I am currently completing my YOUR POSITION REQUIRES?Doctorate (Phd) in Sport Science at theUniversity of Stellenbosch. 1. You need to be a people’s person to engage with your students. 2. You must have good time management strategies in place. 3. You need to be very organized within your approach.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE YOUR JOB? Shaundre JacobsIt’s the best feeling in the world to be able to Biokinetics (Sports Science)share your knowledge and experiences and giveback in the form of sharing with the students and ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 AND 12within a formal setting such as lecturing. LEARNERS CONSIDERING THIS CAREER? EXPERIENCE VS. TRAINING? If you have a passion for lecturing at universityI feel all the experience I have gained level, you need to be well educated. Therefore,at previous places of employment and place your education high upon your priority list.especially working as a scientist for the sports You also need to be passionate about certainacademies within the Western Cape, has really subjects or fields. The passion which you haveshaped who I am and prepared me for this job. should be tangible and transferrable to making aAll the athletes I have worked with and seen difference in the lives of others. You need to addgrow over the years have contributed power to your purpose. I live by the quote ofpositively towards my life. Two factors I found Mohadma Ghadhi which reads, “Be the changeto be pertinent is: Focus on the education you want to see in the world”.offered at university and training withinvarious spheres helps tremendously. DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPE OF POSITION) THAT YOU ARETYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WOULD IN, FACE GENDER BIAS? ENJOY THIS KIND OF CAREER? Yes, sports is an industry dominated by males,The ideal personality would be someone who is therefore as a woman in sport you need toenergetic, fiery, upbeat and also has a flexible work hard to make it in the business. Womenway of being inquisitive and who is a critical also have a space in the sport fraternity. Wethinker. It does not matter if you are an introvert need women in sport and I urge the ladies toor an extrovert, you can become a master at rise up and get involved and not be afraid toyour trade or art by being who you are and venture into this male driven trade.remaining true to thine self as Sir WilliamShakespeare explained. “Be a lion to reachyour goals but be humble as an elephant.” |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

with Wendy TapleniWhy did you choose this What are the most Proudly Sponsored By:career? enjoyable aspects of your position?Funny thing is that this careerchose me. I studied Electrical When there is new software that weEngineering at Cape Peninsula can use to make our clients workUniversity of Technology and I better. We get a chance toended up being an IT support test it and find its limitations and pittechnician. I love this career falls. This also applies to hard ware.because it challenges me daily. Recently we have beenThere is always room for assembling and testing a videoimprovement. There is always a conference product. This was notnew thing to learn in Information difficult but it was like being onTechnology. holiday where you can experience something new yet familiar.What formal qualificationdid you have to attain to What is the leastenter into this field? enjoyable part of your job?Typically, you need a NationalDiploma in Information Technology My job involves working with clientsand a National Diploma in and meeting their requirements inElectrical Computer Systems. I terms of what they need, to be ablehave a National Diploma in to work. This sometimes gives us aElectrical Engineering. challenge. A client would be traveling the world and when theyWhat does your job entail? come back, they will have demands of software that they encounter onMy job consist of fixing broken their travels, which we sometimesdesktop computers and laptops. cannot have due to licenses.Some might be responsive butcorrupted and others might be Career highlights?dead. In these cases, we test eachcomponent. When we find the When I started this job I thoughtfaulty part, we either fix or replace that I would be bored and soit. We also solve software related far that has not yet happened.problems. The first challenge was the fact that I was coming from aDescribe an average day? deferent environment and at times that was my weakestA typical day can start with point. I made that my stronganything. It might be a quiet point because I had a big roomMonday morning, this is when we to learn the new concepts anddo reach on what’s new in the IT new software. I have receivedworld. This might be anything a recognition when I wasfrom new software that we can involved in the first videouse to new CPU. Out of the blue, conferencing project. Mosta user will call with a network importantly highlights is when Iconnection problem and other in was able to help delegatesspace of 2 seconds in-between from foreign country with theirwill want help with a Video software problem in a computerConferencing they want to do. that was in a foreign language.Another user would come in witha crashing laptop while you are In 1 sentence, describeabout to help the first user. your job?What qualifications do I My job is like a roller coasterneed? ride that is full of twist and turns and up and downs.ND: Information Systems.ND: Electrical Computer systems.|| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

What do you enjoy most? Type of personality that would enjoy this kind I have been doing this job for six of career? years and every time I think I have seen it all, I get a surprising If you are a person who likes a problem from a user. I mostly \"challenge after challenge\" and enjoy the teachable moments if you are a peoples person, when I encounter a new problem this can be your career of from an ordinary software or choice. computer. When this happens, I get in touch with the IT community Potential for growth - on line. Where can your current position lead?3 important qualities thatyour position requires: When I started, I worked on computers only and now I have1. You must be able to been exposed to web designing communicate clearly. This will and VC communication. I have enable you to communicate also been exposed to coding. with clients better and be able When you continue to grow your to get the information that is skills by going back to school required. and studying more, you open more doors for yourself to climb2. Time management: This will the IT ladder. help you to be able to Advice for grade 11 and learners considering this prioritize your work which will career? lead to your clients being With this career the sky is the limit. You need to dedicate and apply yourself fully, helped more quickly. This for you to be able to grow within this industry. Therefore, books alone are not requires self-discipline and going to take you to the destination you seek. Consider your personality before your work will be more you choose this career. Lastly practice and practice more. detailed –oriented. Meaning What challenges have your fault finding time will be you had to overcome? shortened. When I first started, I was not a good communicator due to shyness3. The ability to work alone and and my lack of confidence. When I with others: You are able to got over that I had to deal with fear get answers quickly buy of not knowing the answers to working with others. This client’s problems. promotes sharing of information amongst What are your career colleagues. That being said, goals? you also need to be able to work alone and that promotes I want to be an all-rounder in my confidence in yourself and field of work. Being able to do that makes it easy for one to web designing and being able to apply yourself in your work do networking and a system more. administrator. Experience vs Training? Does the Industry (and your type of position) Training for me was like a speed that you are in, face boat leaving a dock with me gender bias? trying to hold on from the back. The odds were against me and I Yes it does, due to it being had to make a choice, sink or previously known for being a swim. For a year I trained in order man’s industry for so long. Some to gain as much knowledge as I clients do not take you seriously could and lead with confidence due to you being a woman. I when attending to clients overcome that by proving myself problems. This helped me to to the client and going above gain trust with clients. and beyond what was asked of me. SCIENCE CAREERS SA ||

How will SKA1 be bettethan today's best radioAstronomers assess a telescope’s performance by looking at LOFARthree factors. These are resolution, sensitivity, and surveyspeed. With its sheer size and large number of antennas, the NetherlandsSKA will provide a giant leap in all three compared to existingradio telescopes, enabling it to revolutionise our understandingof the Universe.WITH THE SKA WITH CURRENT RADIO TELESCOPES SKA1 LOW Australiax1.2SKA1 LOW LOFAR NL xSKA1 LOW SKA1 MIDx4SKA1 MID VLA SURVEY RESOLUTION Thanks to its sensitivity Thanks to its size, the SKA will see larger area of the sky asmaller details, making radio imagesless blurry, like reading glasses help be able to observe m given time and so m distinguish smaller letters.

ero telescopes?VLA The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the world’s largest radio telescope. It will be built in two phases - SKA1 and SKA2Very Large Array, USA - starting in 2018, with SKA1 representing a fraction of the full SKA. SKA1 will include two instruments - SKA1 MID and SKA1 LOW - observing the Universe at different frequencies. SKA1 MID WITH THE SKA WITH CURRENT RADIO TELESCOPES South Africa x8SKA1 LOW LOFAR NLx135 LOFAR NL x5SKA1 MID VLAx60D VLA SENSITIVITYY SPEED Thanks to its many antennas, the SKA vity and ability to see a will see fainter details, like aky at once, the SKA will long-exposure photograph at night more of the sky in a reveals details the eye can't see. map the sky faster.

The South African MeerKAT radio SOUTH AFRICA’S telescope, currently being built MeerKATsome 90 km north-west of the smallNorthern Cape town of Carnarvon, is RADIO TELESCOPEa precursor to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope and will be integrated into the mid-frequency component of SKA Phase 1. The SKA Project is an international enterprise to build the largest andmost sensitive radio telescope in the world, and will be located in Africa and Australia.TIMELINE FOR MeerKAT CONSTRUCTION March QUOTATION June End 2014 2016 2017First antenna 16 antenna 64 antenna array installed array ready ready to do scienceLOCAL PARTICIPATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF MeerKAT »»The antenna positioner is made up of the 13.5 m effective diameter main reflector, and a 3.8 m diameter sub-reflector. In this design,Stratosat Datacom (Pty) Ltd, the contractor for the design, referred to as an ‘Offset Gregorian’ optical layout, there are nomanufacturing and acceptance of the MeerKAT Antenna struts in the way to block or interrupt incoming electromagneticPositioner, leads a technology consortium including international signals. This ensures excellent optical performance, sensitivitypartners General Dynamics Satcom (GDSatcom, USA) and Vertex and imaging quality, as well as good rejection of unwanted radioAntennentechnik (Germany). frequency interference from orbiting satellites and terrestrial radio transmitters. It also enables the installation of multipleAt least 75% of the contract value will be spent in South Africa receiver systems in the primary and secondary focal areas, andresulting in most of the MeerKAT antenna components being provides a number of other operational advantages. »»The combined surface accuracy of the two reflectors is extremelymanufactured in South Africa. high with a deviation from the ideal shape being no more than 0.6Key local suppliers include Efficient Engineering (pedestals and mm RMS (root mean square). The main reflector surface is madeyokes); Titanus slew Rings (azimuth bearing), Tricom Structures and up of 40 aluminium panels mounted on a steel support framework.Namaqua Engineering (back-up structure), Westarcor Engineering »»This framework is mounted on top of a yoke, which is in turnProfiling (receiver indexer); and Stratosat (reflectors). mounted on top of a pedestal. The combined height of theMeerKAT’s MAKE-UP pedestal and yoke is just over 8 m. The height of the total structure is 19.5 m, and it weighs 42 tons. »»The pedestal houses the antenna’s pointing control system.»»The MeerKAT telescope will be an array of 64 interlinked »»Mounted at the top of the pedestal, beneath the yoke, are an receptors (a receptor is the complete antenna structure, withthe main reflector, sub-reflector and all receivers, digitisers and azimuth drive and a geared azimuth bearing, which allow theother electronics installed). main and sub-reflectors, together with the receiver indexer, to»»The configuration (placement) of the receptors is determined by be rotated horizontally. The yoke houses the azimuth wrap, which guides all the cables when the antenna is rotated, and preventsthe science objectives of the telescope.»»48 of the receptors are concentrated in the core area which is them from becoming entangled or damaged. The structure allows an observation elevation range from 15 to 88 degrees, and an approximately 1 km in diameter. azimuth range from -185 degrees to +275 degrees, where north is at zero degrees.»»The longest distance between any two receptors (the so-called maximum baseline) is 8 km. »»The steerable antenna positioner can point the main reflector»»Each MeerKAT receptor consists of three main components: very accurately, to within 5 arcseconds (1.4 thousandths of a1. The antenna positioner, which is a steerable dish on a pedestal; degree) under low-wind and night-time observing conditions,2. A set of radio receivers; and to within 25 arcseconds (7 thousandths of a degree) during3. A set of associated digitisers. normal operational conditions.CONTACT US:SKA SA, 3rd Floor, The Park, Park RoadPinelands, Cape Town, 7405Tel: +27 (0) 21

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