The Good Samaritan Health Center ANNUAL 15REPORT CLOSING THE 13 YEAR GAP
Closing the 13 Year GapWhen you think of people who have life expectancies of over a decade shorter than you, yourmind probably goes to a third world country halfway across the globe. You think of individualsand families who are living in countries with very few doctors or hospitals and have limited accessto basic resources such as electricity and water.However, to find someone who is expected to live 13 years less than you, you don’t have tocatch a plane to another country... instead you simply need to drive a few blocks down thestreet.The life expectancy gap in Atlanta is drastic and much of the reason for the gap is lack of accessto quality, holistic healthcare. Your partnership with The Good Samaritan Health Center, alsoknown to our community as Good Sam, allows us to provide vital solutions to address thisenormous problem.As you navigate the pages ahead, you will discover how your investment with GoodSam throughout 2015 allowed us to provide not only life-saving medical care for theseneighborhoods, but also dental services, mental health counseling, access to fresh produceand more. You’ll also learn how we need your support in the years ahead to close this lifeexpectancy gap.
Exploring the Atlanta Life Expectancy Gap:The above map of the city of Atlanta shows therepresentation of data from a recent study by the VirginiaCommonwealth University on average life expectancy, atbirth, of different Atlanta Zip codes. For more
2015SNAPSHOT27,025PATIENT INTERACTIONS90% 68% 56% HISPANIC OUR INTERACTIONSADULTS FEMALE Medical Care - 12,22110% 32% 30% AFRICAN Dental Care - 7,597CHILDREN MALE AMERICAN Dispensary - 2,128 8% CAUCASIAN Social Services - 1,502 3% ASIAN Specialty Care - 1,354 3% OTHER Community Outreach - 841 Mental Health - 755 Health Education - 536 Homeless Care - 9111,500 PROFESSIONAL 6,329POUNDS OF FRESH VOLUNTEER HOURS PRODUCE PROVIDED TO VALUE OF $310,046.37 THE COMMUNITY
A LETTER FROM OUR FOUNDERDear Friends, In light of this shocking 13 year life expectancy shortfall, GoodThirteen years is a really long time, especially when considered as Sam’s recent objective and long4,748 days or 113,952 hours. We do not usually think of our lives range goal is to “move the lifein terms of “chunks of time.” Rather, we think of life as a continuum… expectancy needle” by closinguntil we are faced with the prospect of limited time remaining and this life expectancy gap. Wehow to purposefully spend these precious few days or months. endeavor to accomplish this goal by engaging more of ourWe may say that we would read more to our children or neighbors by becoming theirgrandchildren, enjoy the salty air of an ocean breeze and the “doctor,” increasing our healthsound of the rhythmic crashing of the waves, spend a meal with education programs and outreach, growing our urban farm anddear friends talking of how it used to be, celebrate holidays and farmer’s market by making fresh foods available to those we serve,traditions with family, take a stroll with our sweetheart along the and by adding a physical fitness program in 2016.Chattahoochee, or volunteer at Good Sam. The prospect of limitedtime causes us to pause and seriously contemplate how we would Some may challenge this “moving the life expectancy needle” goallive differently, fully, and completely. as too idealistic. Well, I am almost 62 years old and therefore, understand the misplaced idealism of youth. Neither our staff nor IGood Sam’s neighbors living in Vine City, English Avenue and believe this lofty goal is misplaced or impossible to achieve. Rather,other immediate area face life with a thirteen year deficit! Yes, each it is realistic and doable... with considerable effort and prayer.person living on the Westside lives 13 fewer years, on average, Besides, no one has ever made a change without trying. Withthan someone who lives in a more affluent part of town. It is a fact God’s grace we are going to try to give our neighbors 13 morethat Zip code does more to determine life expectancy than genetic purposeful years to spend in meaningful ways.code. This dramatic difference is due to multiple factors includinglower education rates, higher crime and illegal drug use, poor Sincerely,employment rates, single parent households, poor nutrition, lack ofaccess to healthcare, lower incomes, and lack of safe parks. Dr. Bill Warren FounderWhen Good Sam moved seven years ago to Hollowell Parkway,one of our goals was to become the “doctor” for our neighbors. In “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly”so doing we would provide affordable, accessible healthcare in a -John 10:10compassionate, understanding environment all while living out Jesus’New Testament message of caring for the poor, the least among us.
“A Spiritual Samaritan lives knowing that ifwe were to leave this world tomorrow, we were the best humans we could be and we touched the lives of as many souls as possible. We are not asked to be perfect. We are asked to make a difference.” -Molly Friedenfeld Pictured here, three day old Zion, born on Superbowl Sunday, who was one of over 90 babies to go through the Good Sam Prenatal Program in 2015.
HOMELESS LIFE EXPECTANCY GAPFor someone experiencing homelessness, the average life and investments in this vital program, in February 2016 weexpectancy gap grows from the already drastic 13 years of the expanded to two Fridays per month. This gives us the capacityneighborhoods we serve, to an average of nearly 30 years. to serve and encounter more homeless patients, and continue toWith the constant battle of not knowing when you will get give Atlanta’s homeless the care that they need and deserve.your next meal or where you will lay your head, many of thehomeless do not consider health to be a priority. Doctor visits are The impact that Good Sam is making is nothing shortdeemed only necessary in the case of an absolute emergency, of phenomenal. “When I come to Good Samaritan, I amand sometimes by then it may be too late for treatment. This is treated like a real and precious human being. You can tell themthe reality that approximately 7,000 people in metro your long—and sometimes sad—story about your past andAtlanta face on a daily basis. they do not have any judgment,” says John, one of our regular homeless patients. “They are wonderful people who allowedAccording to the National Coalition for the Homeless, “Poor me to evaluate things in my life from a better perspective. Theyhealth is both a cause and a result of homelessness.” On August make you want to change your life and want better28, 2015, Good Sam took on the challenge of providing for yourself. I loosened up on the inside, so now I am able tospecialized care for this fragile population. Our homeless be free about how I feel on the outside. I can appreciate morepatients receive free medical care, dental services and mental because of the honest people and positive spirits at Good counseling. The goal is to provide long-term care so God sends the right people to the right place at just the right time,we can see our patients’ health improve over time with return and I have God to thank for sending me to Good Samaritan tovisits and follow-ups. The patients who are seen come in receive the care that they have to give.”with years of neglected medical issues, and one visitis just not enough. We aim to provide the full circle of health(medical, dental, counseling, and health education), so that thevision of sustaining a better quality of life is not just a dream but areality.The Good Samaritan Health Center’s homeless program began Written by Ms. Morgan Barneswith100% of our employees making donations out of their Morgan is a current AmeriCorps Member servingpersonal paychecks in an effort to raise enough money tolaunch the program. With the collaborative effort of our staff at the Good Samaritan Health Center in theover $11,000 was raised. Initially, we were able to operate one capacity of Outreach Coordinator.Friday per month. However, because of generous partnerships ANNUALREPORT 2015 | PAGE 7
ANOTHER CHANCE AT LIFE“I’ve always loved animals,” says David*, a regular World War II. It was during this time that life as hepatient at our homeless program, “from the time I was knew it changed forever - for the second time. Witha small boy in Hungary I had a special relationship defeat imminent, David’s family fled to Berlin wherewith the beautiful birds that filled our yard. I could his father, formerly a highly decorated general, waswhistle a certain way and they would fly down from forced to take a job as a mechanic. Eager to leavetheir tree and land in my hand. I loved taking care of the devastated country, their family immigrated tothem.” Chicago where his father began working at car manufactures in the city.David was born in pre-war Hungary to a coal miningfamily. When David was three years old his father was Over the next several years David’s parents, in ankilled in a mining accident and his mother, unable attempt to start a completely new life, began puttingto provide for him and his five siblings, put him up him in and out of group homes. “After the third timefor adoption. He vividly remembers the day his life being sent to one as a teenager,” he says, “I finallychanged forever, “I saw this big black car coming decided that my life would be better on mydown the road. This man and woman in very nice own, so I left.”clothes got out and my mom walked me to them witha suitcase. I didn’t know what mom had done until she Spending the next eight years on the road he workedhanded the suitcase to them. Confused I asked her on and off before joining up with a group of men whowhat was going on and she replied that life would be would lead David down a dangerous path. “I didn’tbetter for me now, and that she would come visit. I know God then - all I knew was life on thenever saw my mom again.” road. Being given away as a child, fleeing Hungary, being forced out of my adoptive house… there was noAdopted by a highly decorated military family, consistency so when this group of men offered evenDavid moved to the capital city where he slowly a glimpse of unity to me I took it, no matter the cost.”grew accustomed to his new life. It was during these Over the next several months this group of men woulddays that David first discovered his love for animals. go on to commit numerous crimes across the South,“I had animals in the yard all the time,” he recalls, eventually being arrested and sentenced to prison.“pigs, goats, cows and birds, oh how I loved the But David’s story was far from over, as it oftenbirds.” In addition to these wonderful memories, is when Jesus comes into the mix.these years were also full of fear as Hungary entered
“The first part of my prison sentence I was angry and ANNUALREPORT 2015 | PAGE 9upset,” David says as he remembers those days, “but as Ilearned about the grace and love of Jesus my life beganto turn around. I found my love for God’s creation again.”Those childhood memories of calling the birds down fromthe trees at his home in Hungary came flooding back asDavid began to find injured and abandoned birds onthe prison yard and raise them, feed them and free them.And, like so many years ago, whenever David wouldwhistle they would often fly back into his hand, much tothe surprise of his prison guards. David has since beenreleased and now struggles to find not only a job andhousing, but also healthcare solutions, which is whereGood Sam has stepped in.“If I could, I’d let you hear my bird song,” Davidsays through missing teeth, “but give me a fewmonths and I’ll be back! Then I’ll let you hear it!”In addition to the quality medical care David is receivingat our homeless program, he is also beginning his dentaltreatment plan where our team will provide him with ahealthy smile, and healthy whistle, once again.Good Sam serves thousands of patients every year, andevery patient has a story. Your partnership with GoodSam allows us to redeem stories like David’s by providingquality, Christ-centered healthcare.*Patient name changed for privacy.
2015FINANCIALSINCOME EXPENSES $3,255,026 $3,282,66169% CONTRIBUTIONS 86% PROGRAMSContributions from Individuals, Businesses, Full Circle of Health programChurches, Foundations and Special implementation, support services,Events. monitoring and evaluation.24% REVENUE 9% FUNDRAISINGMost patients of Good Sam pay a Good Sam is entirely funded by privatenominal fee for services provided to them donations, receiving no governmentand their family members. support.7% INVESTMENTS 5% MANAGEMENTGood Sam holds a Board Designated Payroll, rent and utilities, office equipmentEndowment Fund. and supplies, professional services and fees.
A LETTER FROM OURBOARD CHAIRDear Friends,As I reflect on 2015, I am both amazed and humbled by the individuals, organizations,foundations and churches that chose to invest in the mission of Good Sam. While ourstaff has done, and continues to do, an extraordinary job of stewarding the resourceswe have with excellence, we also know that the only way we are able to continuallyexpand the Full Circle of Health is through your generosity.As you see in this report our financials and patient statistics were strong in 2015, whichhas led our Board of Directors to approve plans for another exciting year of growth in2016. As this report arrives at your door, contractors are busy finalizing the plans forseveral new additions to our facility. The focal point of this new expansion is a physical fitness center, which through a partnershipwith Urban Perform will provide fitness classes and a workout space for our neighborhood. Additionally we are building a large,covered farmers market that will be instrumental in delivering the produce from our farm to the community. Finally, we are addingtwo new medical suites to accommodate even more patients.All of these additions, as well as our continued medical, dental, mental health and health education services, will allow Good Samto make an even bigger impact on our neighbors in Atlanta, working hard to close the 13 year life expectancy gap for those weserve. It is only because of your generosity, support and partnership that we are able to fulfill our mission of spreading Christ’s lovethrough quality healthcare to those in need. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff of Good Sam, we are humbled andgrateful to you for putting your faith in us to steward your support of this great ministry.Thank you and God bless you for being a Good Samaritan,Kirk McAlpinChairman of the Board ANNUALREPORT 2015 | PAGE 11
Pictured here, one ofthe children from ourpartner PAW Kids picksfresh produce during aneducational experienceon the Good Sam farm.
FARMING FOR GOODIt was a few days before Thanksgiving and the farm team had In an effort to serve more patients than ever before, thespent hours harvesting, washing, and storing fresh produce from market will be open nearly every day that Good Sam isthe Good Samaritan Urban Farm and Market. The flyers had serving patients. This way, patients that only visit the doctorbeen circulated, the produce table was set, and we were ready or dentist once every few months will be able to shop at thefor the patients to arrive. I could not have anticipated the amount market whenever they are on site. In terms of marketing andof joy that I was to experience while providing fresh, naturally programming, we have partnered with the local non-profit,grown produce to a community of people that needed it most. Wholesome Wave Georgia, to provide double-value coupons for market shoppers who use SNAP/EBT Food Stamps. ForAs market day moved on, we encountered numerous patients every $1 that a SNAP/EBT customer spends, they receiveand community members who were elated to receive their $2 worth of produce. Lastly, we are also partnering with theThanksgiving collard greens, herb bundles, and pecans at nutrition team at Good Sam to promote “Food Rx,” a foodsubsidized prices. While I loved seeing our produce fly off the prescription program in which enrolled patients are given markettable, it was the connection to people that struck my heart in the discount coupons and recipes for preparing fresh food in healthydeepest way. This is what farming is all about – feeding ways. Through the Food Rx program, the Good Sam nutritionpeople. And at Good Sam, it is about feeding people the very team will be able to track specific health outcomes for patientsbest food at prices that they can afford. as they’re related to food.The mission of the Good Sam Urban Farm and Market is to grow There are many exciting initiatives on the horizon for the Goodquality produce for our patients and local community members Samaritan Urban Farm and Market this year as we seek toand to sell that produce at affordable prices. As the farm enters further close the 13 year life expectancy gap through providingits fourth year of production, we are well-positioned to not healthy food options to our community. Make plans to stoponly be a highly productive urban farm, but to build innovative by and visit our market this spring, summer and fallconnections between wellness and food access for patients. to say hello to our farmers and pick up some freshOver the course of the next few months, we will be sowing a produce!variety of seeds for spring and summer production includingtomatoes, peppers, eggplant, arugula, carrots, radishes, Written by Ms. Bethaney Herringtonturnips, and more. We have started many of these seeds in our Bethaney is the Farm Manager for thegreenhouse and are on schedule to open the market in late April2016. Good Samaritan Urban Farm and Market. See Bethaney’s story at
2015 DONORS&PARTNERSWHY I GIVE INDIVIDUAL DONORS Mr. and Mrs. James Bell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Abblitt Ms. Lois BerdausA DONOR’S STORY Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Abernethy Mr. and Mrs. James BerryhillI’ve known about the work of the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams Mr. and Mrs. Joel BickerstaffGood Samaritan Health Center Mr. and Mrs. Blake G. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Binionand admired the founder, Dr. Bill Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Adams Ms. Susan BledsoeWarren, and his family for many Dr. Harold Alexander Mr. and Mrs. George C. Blountyears. But it wasn’t until I came for Ms. Kelly Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bootha tour of the center in July of 2015 that I was blown away Dr. Elizabeth Boswell, the compassionate, holistic care offered from a posture of Mr. Jonathan Gellin Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bowmandignity towards all patients – regardless of their background or Ms. Carolee Allen Ms. Brigitte Bowserincome status. Mr. William Allen Mr. Bert Brannen Dr. and Mrs. Carlos S. Alvarado, M.D. Ms. Nancy P. BredbeckGood Sam is a first-class facility with first-class doctors offering Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bridges, Jr.first-class care. Good Sam’s work also overlaps with my other Mrs. Latrisha Anderson Ms. Kerry Brinkphilanthropic interests, and I have helped them establish a Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Ms. Evanne L. Brockpartnership with the Emory Brain Health Center to help Good Mr. Jerry Atkinson Dr. and Mrs. Keith Broome, D.D.S.Sam staff & volunteer providers identify early signs of aging Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Austin Ms. Frances C. Brughand degenerative diseases. Brain health is an important part of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ayres Mr. Edwin Bryantthe Full Circle of Health and closing the life expectancy gap for Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ball Mr. and Mrs. James Bryantlow-income populations. Mrs. Lana Ball Mr. and Mrs. Brad Buky Mr. Mark Barbour Ms. Judith L. BurgeFor me, Good Sam is a smart investment because they Mr. and Mrs. William Barnett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkeare providing an excellent service for our City and emerging as Ms. Rachel Barnett Ms. Cynthia W. Burtona thought leader on how to care for the working poor. It is my Mrs. and Mr. Elizabeth Baughman Dr. Victor Caceresjoy to support this excellent, Christ-centered ministry. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baynes Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Callahan, M.D. Ms. Betsey Beach Mr. William T. CaltonMrs. Mary Rose Taylor Lockhart Mrs. Kayron Bearden Mr. Walker Candler Ms. Amy BecklenbergPictured above from left to rightMr. Dennis Lockhart - President of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Chair of the Emory BrainHealth Center (BHC) Advisory Board. Mrs. Mary Rose Taylor Lockhart - Strategic Advisorto Emory Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC), Member of BHC Advisory Board. Dr.Allen Levey - Director of Emory ADRC, Member of Emory BHC Leadership Team.
2015 DONORS&PARTNERSMr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Candler Mrs. Reese Currie Mrs. Sherry Farrugia Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr.Ms. Lola Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Waller Dalton Ms. Pat Fiol Mr. and Mrs. James HatcherMr. and Mrs. John A. Carlos Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Scott Florence Mr. and Mrs. Scott HawkinsMr. and Mrs. Ned Case Ms. Suzanne Dansby Mr. Harrison Florence Dr. and Mrs. William B. Hawkins,Mr. and Mrs. James Caswell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Darden Mrs. Phoebe ForioDr. and Mrs. Wright Caughman Mr. Joseph T. Davis Mrs. Lisa Fuller D.D.S.Mr. and Mrs. Phil Chambless Ms. Varietta Davis Mr. Geoffrey Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Charles HeinzMr. Mark Chandler Dr. and Mrs. Tony M. Deloach, D.D.S. Ms. Allie Funk Dr. and Mrs. Armand HendeeMr. and Mrs. James P. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennis Mr. and Mrs. David Gambrell Mr. Richard HendrixMr. and Mrs. John B. Chapman Dr. Olivia W. Dennison Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Gavulic Ms. Mary HerringtonMr. Kyle Chapman Mrs. Joy Derrer Ms. Lois Givens Ms. Stacey HillMr. and Mrs. Carroll Chapman Mr. and Mrs. James Deupree Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Glover Mr. and Mrs. Bill HolbyMr. and Mrs. Camden Cherbonnier Ms. Betty Dewberry Mr. Randy Godfrey Ms. Vicky Y. HolcombeMr. Robert C. Christenson Mr. and Mrs. Brent Dey Mr. Spencer Godfrey Mr. Nicholas HollMr. and Mrs. Hal Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Mark DiCristina Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gordon III Mr. and Mrs. Scott HouserMr. and Mrs. Madison Cole, Jr. Ms. Laura Dilly Mr. William Greene Dr. and Mrs. Stephen HouseworthMr. and Mrs. Michael Collison Ms. Danie Dinardo Mrs. Nena Griffith Robin N. HowardMr. and Mrs. Terrence Cook Ms. Deborah R. Dobson Ms. Naomi Grishman Mr. and Mrs. Henry HowellMrs. Jessica Cook Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doster Mrs. Tanya M. Griszell-Stephens Mr. and Mrs. William HoytMr. and Ms. Burt Cousar Mrs. Renee Drexler Mrs. and Mr. Debbie Guy Mr. James HushMr. and Mrs. Robin S. Cox Mr. and Mrs. James L. Drinkard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hallenberg Dr. and Mrs. K. Hutchinson, D.M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Craft Mr. and Mrs. John Dryman Mr. John Hamilton Ms. Jan J. IrwinMs. Nicole Crepaz Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dudley Mr. Dave Handy Mrs. Mary Bailey IzardMs. Valerie Croft Mrs. Catherine Dukehart Mr. Mervin Hankey Ms. Nina JacobsMr. and Mrs. Terrence L. Croft Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dutson Dr. and Mrs. William M. Hardy IV Dr. and Mrs. William Jarrett IIMrs. Anne Culberson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eberbaugh Mr. and Mrs. David J. Harper, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren JobeMs. Connie Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eddins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Harris Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. JohnsMr. Bradley Currey, Jr. Mr. Brandon L. Esco Ms. Sherry D. Harris Mrs. and Mr. Latrica Johnson Ms. Sharon Johnson ANNUALREPORT 2015 | PAGE 15
2015 DONORS&PARTNERSMs. Kathryn Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Lee, Jr. Ms. Karen Michael Mr. William A. Parker, Jr.Ms. Mary E. Jones Mr. Robert P. Lepp Ms. Ann E. Middelthon Mr. Richard ParkerMr. and Mrs. Robert Jones Ms. H.H. Lester Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Middelthon Mr. and Mrs. Michael PaticchioDr. and Mrs. Milnor Jones Mr. Dean Lin Mr. and Mrs. Simon G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. David PattilloMs. Jerlyn Jones Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Miller, Jr. Ms. Carol PhilyawMr. Rahil Kamath Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Loescher Ms. Kameron Milner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas PogueB. Kania Ms. Ethel L. Lollie Ms. Amy Mininberg Ms. Ann Margaret PointerReverend Paul Kaplanis Mr. and Mrs. John H. Luckett Mr. Robert Morris and Mrs. Suzanne PooleMs. Mairen C. Kelly Mr. Steven Luxenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jim PorterMr. Colin Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Madden Ms. Elisabeth Groth Mr. William Pritchard, Jr.Mr. Arthur Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manley Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Morris Ms. Joan QuillenS. Kerr Ms. Linda Markwell Mr. David Mosby Ms. LaShawn RaglandMr. and Mrs. Mark Kilduff Ms. Katherine Marshall Mr. Colin Mulholland Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMrs. Andrea King Mr. and Mrs. James F. Martin Mr. K. G. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Al ReddickMr. and Mrs. Samuel D. King Ms. Cathy Martin Mr. Carl Mullis Mr. and Mrs. David ReevesMr. Rohit Kirpalani Mr. Ryan Mason Mr. James Musselwhite Ms. Sarah RhodesDr. and Mrs. Robert Kistenberg Ms. Michelle Maurice Mrs. Jane D. Naish Mr. and Mrs. Bill RileyMs. Winifred G. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McAlpin Ms. Ashley Narvaez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ripley, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Klenbort Mr. and Mrs. George W. McCarty III Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Naylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas RoddyMr. and Mrs. Robert Koch Mr. Roger McCollum Mrs. Jody Noland Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. RollinsMs. Barbara J. Koller Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCord Miss Amy Noonkester Ms. Karen RoseMr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Koporec Mrs. Kathryn McGrew Mr. and Mrs. Larry Norwood Mr. and Mrs. William B. RosenbergDr. Carolyn Krieger Mr. and Mrs. Ron McNaughton Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien and Ms. Katherine RosenkranzMr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kruger Mr. and Mrs. Chris McNeil Ms. Laura RussellMr. and Mrs. Craig A. Lacey Mr. and Mrs. Mal McSwain Family Mr. and Mrs. Earl RyanMr. and Mrs. James W. Laney Mr. and Mrs. Peyton McWhirter Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Oglesby Mr. Ronald B. SandbergMr. and Mrs. Joel Langsfeld Mr. and Mrs. Barry McWhirter Mr. James O’Hara Dr. and Mrs. Rein SaralMr. and Mrs. Robert D. Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McWhirter, Jr. Ms. Peggy Orson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Frank Lazenby Dr. Leslie Meyers-Joseph, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Owens, Jr. Mr. Daniel Schipper Ms. Barbara J. Park Dr. Marcia Parker
2015 DONORS&PARTNERSMr. Eugene D. Scott Mr. Ryan Summers Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Williams LSM Consulting LLCMr. Mark Sheerin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taratus, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Williams Mark III SignsMr. and Mrs. Joseph Shelton Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taratus Mrs. Denise Willis McWhirter Realty PartnersDr. and Mrs. John Sieweke Ms. Elvira Tate Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson Mike Miller Solutions IncMr. and Mrs. Richard Simms III Dr. and Mrs. William M. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wilson Mimedx Group, Inc.Mrs. Nickie Singleton Ms. Aliah Thomas Ms. Debi T. Wilson Palmetto Warehouse CompanyMr. and Mrs. Charles R. Smith III and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Thompson Mr. Oran D. Woodall Piedmont Healthcare Mr. and Mrs. James J. Tinguely, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodall, Jr. Rose Garden Club Family Mrs. Keri Tolleson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Woods Sherrill & Hutchins FinancialMr. John E. Smith II Ms. Diana S. Travelute Mr. Robert W. WorthingtonMs. Meme Smith Ms. Guillermina Treyo Mr. and Mrs. Zachry S. Young Advisory, IncRev. and Mrs. Randolph Q. Smith Dave Tuttle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmerman SunTrust One Pledge CampaignMs. Jane Snow Mr. Josef Vernable United Way of Greater AtlantaMrs. Laura S. Spearman Mr. Leonard T. Wagner BUSINESS & ORGANIZATIONS United Way SuncoastMr. and Mrs. James Spratt, Jr. Mr. Bruce F. Walker and Mrs. Betsy Altegra Health Operating Company USA Social Security AdministrationMr. and Mrs. James Sproull, Jr. Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Wells Fargo BankMrs. Pearl L. Squires B. WalkerMrs. Veronica Squires Mr. James M. Walters Foundation, Inc. CHURCHESMr. Randel Stair Ms. Catherine Warren Benning Construction Co. Atlanta Westside PresbyterianMr. and Mrs. Richard E. Steed Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Warren Chastain Park Garden ClubDr. and Mrs. Alex Stein Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Warren Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority ChurchMr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens Mr. William C. Warren III G. Ben Turnipseed Engineers Buckhead ChurchMs. Elaine Still Dr. and Mrs. William C. Warren IV Godfrey International LP Cathedral Philoptochos AnnunciationMs. Ellen Stines Mr. and Mrs. William C. Warren V Home By Dark Productions ChristChurch PresbyterianMr. and Mrs. Hamilton Stockton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Weddell HP Your Cause, LLC First Baptist Church of McDonoughMr. and Mrs. Meade Stone, Jr. Dr. N. Spencer Welch and Integrity Janitorial Cleaning Services, Johnson Ferry Baptist ChurchMr. and Mrs. Meade Stone III Kairos ChurchMs. Jennifer Stump Mrs. Leigh Hale Welch Inc. Mount Vernon Baptist ChurchMr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Stump Dr. and Mrs. James Wellman, M.D. Kaiser Permanente Northside Bible ClassMs. Katie Stump Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wharton Lenovo Employees Care Northside United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Colin White LHW Designs Inc. ANNUALREPORT 2015 | PAGE 17
2015 DONORS&PARTNERSOak Grove United Methodist Church The Daniel P. Amos Family Foundation Pattillo Family Foundation, Inc. Men’s Fellowship Foundation, Inc. Jesse Parker Williams Foundation The Philip and Irene Toll Gage John & Mary Franklin FoundationPresbyterian Women of Northwest Dougald W. Hudson Charitable Trust John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Foundation Presbyterian Church Edward Colston Foundation, Inc Charitable Foundation, Inc The Ray & Mary Elizabeth Lee The Emily Winship Scott Foundation JP Morgan Chase FoundationPresbyterian Church in America The Estate of Albert Steiner Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta Foundation Foundation EZ Agape Foundation Lanier Goodman Foundation Robert & Polly Dunn Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Lloyd and Vivian Noble Ronald C. Hart Family Foundation,Wesley Fellowship Sunday School Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Class The Fraser-Parker Foundation Foundation Inc. The GE Foundation The Luther and Susie Harrison Royal Society of RabbitsFOUNDATIONS Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry The Sara and Fred Hoyt CharitableThe 2492 Fund FoundationThe A.E.M Family Foundation Foundation Madeline & Howell Adams, Jr. TrustArchibald & Elaine Boyce Memorial Goizueta Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Evelyn and Frank Gordy Foundation Charitable Trust The Shearon & Taylor Glover Foundation Greater Atlanta Dental Foundation MagMutual Foundation Inc.Atlanta Foundation Greater Saint Louis Community The Mark C. Pope III Foundation Foundation, Inc.The Austin Family Foundation The Martha & Wilton Looney Somerset Foundation, Inc.Bank of America Matching Gifts Foundation Stuart and Eulene MurrayBertha & Hix Green Foundation H Foundation Foundation, Inc.Besse Johnson & George Blanton Harry Kramer Memorial Fund Mary Allen Lindsey Branan FoundationAllen Foundation Hawkins Foundation, Inc. Susan G. Komen for the CureThe Brooks Family Charitable Lead Healthcare Georgia Foundation Foundation Howard C. Warren Charitable Lead The Mary Ryan & Henry G. Kuhrt Greater Atlanta Annuity Trust The Teague Family FoundationCatherine Candler Warren Annuity Trust Foundation Thomas H. Pitts Trust Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Trust The McWhirter Family Foundation Travelport Charitable Matching Charitable Trust It’s The Journey, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. FoundationCatholic Foundation of North The Iverson Family Fund The National Christian Foundation Program J. Marshall and Lucile G. Powell National Christian Foundation Tull Charitable Foundation Georgia Vinings Rotary Charity Fund, Inc.CLC Foundation, Inc. Charitable Trust Orlando Walter and Judy Hoyt Family FundCommunity Foundation for Greater James Starr Moore Memorial National Philanthropic Trust The Westerstroms Charitable Trust Northern Trust Matching Gift William Josef Foundation Atlanta, Inc. Wilson Family FoundationDancy H. & Charles S. Wynne Fund Program WISH Foundation, Inc.
2015 HONORS&MEMORIALS“I am so grateful for the multitude of people from all IN HONOR OF Mr. John Michael Boswellwalks of life who support the mission of Good Sam. Dr. Elizabeth Boswell, MDWe receive donations from patients, volunteers, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Alby Mr. Robert Morrison andfoundations, Atlanta businesses, and generous Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasserphilanthropists who, like us, believe that quality Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arnold Ms. Elisabeth Grothhealthcare should be available to everyone. We rely Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Robin S. Coxon your financial support to open the doors every Mr. and Mrs. John Arnoldday. Truly, you are our Good Samaritan” Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. William Bridges Mrs. Ruth Arnold Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson John Luckett Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold CEO Mrs. Shellie Arnold Mr. and Mrs. L. Ferber Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burke Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Austin Mr. Dave Handy Ms. Rachel Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Bland Byrne Mr. and Mrs. William Barnett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Asa G. Candler V Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hallenberg Mr. Robert S. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cartus andPictured from left to Ms. Edythe P. Bird Familyright Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Black, IIIMr. John Luckett Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Ned CaseChief Executive Officer Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holbyof the Good Samaritan Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserHealth Center.Mrs. Donna Andrews Mr. and Mrs. James Caswell, Jr.Executive Director of the Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMagMutual Foundation.Dr. Bill Warren Mr. Mark ChandlerFounder of the Good Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WarrenSamaritan Health Center. ANNUALREPORT 2015 | PAGE 19
Wu Chen 2015 HONORS&MEMORIALSMs. Nicole Crepaz Dr. and Mrs. Brown Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Faurot Ms. Reeves T. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Glover Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Dougald W. Hudson Charitable Mrs. Lisa Fuller TrustMr. and Mrs. Ron Cofield Dr. Wendy Dickinson Ms. Suzanne Dansby Reverend and Mrs. WalterMr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Mrs. J.P. Garlington Henegar Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Bill HolbyMr. and Mrs. Madison Cole, Jr. Ms. Dardanella Dilly Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green Mr. and Mrs. Bill HolbyMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Ms. Laura Dilly Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Zachry S. Young Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon Mr. Robert S. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. William C.Mr. and Mrs. Morris Copeland Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson HughesMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. Samuel Oliver Drinkard Mr. and Mrs. Rencher Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Rick Crosier Mr. and Mrs. James L. Drinkard Gutteridge Mr. and Mrs. John IrbyMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mrs. Catherine Dukehart Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Warren Mr. Joe Guy Mr. and Mrs. Doug IvesterCruikshank Mr. William C. Warren III Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn AustinMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mrs. Don Dutson Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hardin Mr. and Mrs. C.O. JenkinsMr. and Mrs. Bob Currie Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. Mark Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eastham Mr. and Mrs. David J. Harper, Mr. Ed JonesMr. Erik Daniels Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mrs. Hollis Easley Mr. and Mrs. Mal McSwain Mrs. Nettie Mae KelleyMr. and Mrs. Buddy Dardan Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. Glenn AustinMr. William C. Warren III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eddins, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Greg KerrMr. and Mrs. Oscar Davis Jr. Mrs. Paul M. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Bill HolbyMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. Charles Loudermilk Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMrs. Joe Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Ken SheppardMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Family Mr. and Mrs. George C. Blount
2015 HONORS&MEMORIALSMr. and Mrs. Bill Luesing Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter Mr. and Mrs. J. StriblingMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. William C. Warren III Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Douglas Lybrook Dr. Mark Mohney Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Ramsey Ms. Katie StumpMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Ms. Jennifer StumpMr. and Mrs. Bill MacPhail Miss Tracy Monk Mr. Lou Rawls Mr. and Mrs. Jim SutterfieldMr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. John Maddox Ms. Aleesa Naish Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Redd Mr. Clarence Taylor, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eddins, Jr. Mrs. Jane D. Naish Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonDr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip NaishMr. Jefferson Manley Mrs. Jane D. Naish Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Tim TimberlakeMr. and Mrs. Jim Manley Mr. and Mrs. Tim Naish Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eddings, Jr.Mrs. Frank McClain Mrs. Jane D. Naish Mr. and Mrs. David Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Don TomberlinMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. Bowie Nunnally Dr. Michael Roach Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonDr. Helen M. McSwain, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. TravisMs. Allie Funk Mr. and Mrs. C. Talbott Mrs. William E. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMrs. Evan T. Mathis, Jr. Nunnally Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Edward WaitsDr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rowe Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Matthew Mrs. John O. Neill Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. WareMiddelthon Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. ArnoldMr. and Mrs. William B. Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Padgett Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M. WareMr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. ArnoldMcCutcheon Mrs. Charles H. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Zachry S. Young Mrs. Rebecca WarnerMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Meade Stone III Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMrs. Morgan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Pipkin and Family Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WarrenMs. Katherine Rosenkranz Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Meade Stone Jr. Mr. Mark Chandler Mr. Michael C. Stone Mr. Walker Candler ANNUALREPORT 2015 | PAGE 21
Mr. Howard C. Warren IN MEMORY OF Ms. Nancy Grumann Mr. and Mrs. John LangsfeldMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Warren Dr. and Mrs. Keith Broome, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Joel LangsfeldMr. William C. Warren III Mrs. Sara Adkerson Mr. and Mrs. Brad Buky Mr. Brett Hamilton Mrs. Eleanor MartinDr. and Mrs. William C. Warren IV Mrs. Mary L. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Klenbort Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth TaratusMr. and Mrs. Terrence L. Croft Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lazenby Ms. Nina JacobsDr. and Mrs. Stephen Houseworth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Naylor Mr. Joseph F. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Ms. Nancy P. Bredbeck Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ownes, Jr.Mr. William C. Warren III Mr. William C. Warren III Mr. and Mrs. James F. MartinMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Warren Mr. Harry L. Cashin, Jr. Mr. Joseph T. Davis Mrs. and Dr. Jean RozemaMs. Elaine Still Mr. William C. Warren III Mr. and Mrs. James J. Tinguely, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Laney Mrs. C. Chapman Mr. John HamiltonMr. and Mrs. John Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Champan Mr. John Hamilton Mr. Hal SmithMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Ms. Mary Ruth Collison Mr. and Mrs. Simon G. Miller Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collison Ms. Judith L. BurgeMr. Tom Willingham Ms. and Mr. Deedy Cousar S. Kerr Mr. James E. SproullMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Ms. Burt Cousar Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Weddell Mr. and Mrs. James Sproull Jr. Mr. Raymond Cronen Ms. Barbara J. ParkDebi and S. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hallenberg Mr. James O’Hara Ms. Marion VucheticMr. and Mrs. Matthew Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drinkard Mr. Richard Parker Dr. and Mrs. Keith Broome, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Drinkard Ms. Carolee AllenMr. and Mrs. Charles Woodall, Jr. Ms. Mary L. Fink Mr. Carl Mullis Mrs. Mary R. WarrenMr. Oran D. Woodall Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Owens, Jr. Ms. Betsey Beach Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Darden Ms. Cecelia Grubb B. Kania The Shearon & Taylor GloverMr. Oran D. Woodall Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Cook Ms. Kathryn JohnsonMr. Mark Chandler Mrs. Kim Collison Ms. Lola Carlisle Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David ReevesMr. Dom Wyant Mrs. Janet HicksMrs. Robert S. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter Mr. William D. Young Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bridges, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Zachry Young Mr. Frank Holby Mr. William C. Warren IIIMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Doug WilliamsGood Samaritan Staff Mr. Fredrick A. Hoyt Jr. and Mr.Mr. and Mrs. David Harris Fredrick A. Hoyt III Dancy H. & Charles S. Wynne Fund
A LABOR OF LOVEEach day at Good Sam dozens of volunteers across all areas of our facility worktogether to further the impact of our mission. While we celebrate the medical anddental providers who regularly invest their time and talents with Good Sam, wealso know it would not be possible without the countless others who, using their ownunique gifts and talents, contribute to the overall vision of spreading Christ’s lovethrough quality healthcare to those in need. Doctors, dentists, nurses, counselors,dieticians, administrators, fundraisers, accountants, educators, marketers, janitors,farmers, students, interns, grant writers, designers, guest services members,Women’s Auxiliary Team Members, outreach coordinators and prayer teammembers are just a few of the roles it takes to effectively meet people at the provideholistic care.A simple “thank you” is not enough to express the enormous amount of gratitudeour board, staff and patients have for those who invest their time in addition to theirfinancial resources. We understand and appreciate the sacrifice it takes for you tolive out the call of the Good Samaritan story. 2015 VOLUNTEER PROVIDERSMEDICAL PROVIDERS Dr. Melissa Gerhart Dr. Brunilda Nazario Dr. Maria YiDr. Henry Blair Dr. Rajni Gunnala Dr. Anu Murthy Dr. Jen ZublerDr. Melissa Briggs Dr. Nancy Ilgenfritz Dr. Georgina PeacockDr. Joseph Cavanaugh Dr. Jeanine Jones Dr. Louis Prevosti DENTAL PROVIDERSDr. Tiffany Colarusso Dr. Shelly Kim Dr. Allison Roensch Dr. Anthony DeLoachDr. Harold Alexander Dr. Robert Kistenberg Dr. Scott Santibanez Dr. William B. HawkinsDr. Elizabeth Boswell Dr. Iris Kolla Dr. Michael Smith Dr. Kenneth HutchinsonDr. Dan Callahan Dr. Rachel Kornrich Dr. Robert Spector Dr. Michael McDevittDr. John Cantwell Dr. Stephen Law Barbara Sweeney, NP Renee Pettitt, RDHDr. Mark Carmon Annie Maher, NP Dr. David Taylor Dr. Jim WilliamsDr. Bob Cucher Dr. Allen McDonald Dr. James Wellman Dr. Hanna YouOlivia Dennison, CCC, SLP Dr. Helen McSwain Dr. Deborah WendlandDr. Medinah Faldon Dr. Leslie Meyers-Joseph Dr. Ramona White ANNUALREPORT 2015 | PAGE 23
THE GOOD SAMARITAN HEALTH CENTER INC. NON PROFIT1015 DONALD LEE HOLLOWELL PKWY. ORGANIZATIONATLANTA, GA 30318 U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 641 CONNECT WITH US ONLINE GIVING @AtlantaGoodSam VOLUNTEERING Veronica Squires @GoodSamAtl 404.783.2869 For information on volunteering [email protected] with Good Sam email us at: [email protected] Samaritan Health Center p: 404.523.6571 Hours of Operation1015 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy. f: 404.523.6574 Monday-Thursday ... 7:45am to 4:00pmAtlanta, GA 30318 Friday-Saturday ........ 7:45am to 12:00pm
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