Foley Catheters, Chest tubes, CVC, PICC Catheters Any tube Grip-Lok is a registered trademark of TIDI Products, LLC Dialysis Catheters
Catheter Securement Application of Grip-Lok 3601CVC for Universal CVC Securement Grip-Lok 3601CVC is a catheter stabilization device that is strong enough to lock catheters securely in place, yet versatile enough for almost any securement situation. Grip-Lok is applied in the same simple manner as a bandage and can be easily placed on skin with gloved hands. • Soft and flexible fabric design improves patient comfort. • Provides superior securement for both horizontal and vertical lifting accidental line pulls. • Simple to apply, inspect and adjust lines, tubes and catheters. • Hypoallergenic, breathable and latex-free to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and skin irritation. Prepare the skin according to the standard hospital protocol for dressing application. Skin prep or hair removal may be required on some patients for better adhesion. Skin must be CLEAN and DRY prior to Grip-Lok application. 12 Open the top fabric over-strap and remove the inside Slide the Grip-Lok under the catheter centering the hub in release liner. the exposed base adhesive area. 3 4 Secure the fabric over-strap down over the catheter and While holding the Grip-Lok and catheter in place with one press around and on top of the catheter and lumens to firmly attach the adhesive. hand, remove the bottom release liner from one side and adhere to skin. Then remove the other bottom release liner and secure that side to skin. SCAN เพอ่ื รับชมวิธีการใชส้ ินคา้ Grip-Lok 3601CVC can secure on the chest or neck. Contact us : บริษทั แนชเชอเรลิ มเี ดยี จำกดั 68/1 ซ.เย็นอากาศ2 ถ.เยน็ อากาศ แขวงช่องนนทรี *** สามารถเขา้ ไปรับชม Video การใช้สินค้าได้ใน Youtube โดย search หวั ข้อตามน้ี เขตยานนาวา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10120 Grip-Lok® Universal CVC Securement - Neck Animation - 3601CVC Tel: 02-249-3202-3 Grip-Lok is a registered trademark of TIDI Products, LLC. Patent Pending MM00049 Rev. 4 2015-03
Application of Grip-Lok ® MCGLPICC Securement Device Prepare the skin according to the standard hospital protocol for dressing application. Skin must be CLEAN and DRY prior to Grip-Lok application. For full instructions, please consult the IFU at STEP STEP 12 Lift the top fabric over-strap and remove the inside Secure the fabric over-strap on the catheter and release liner. Slide the Grip-Lok under the catheter while press around and on top of the catheter and lumens to centering the hub above the adhesive area. firmly attach the adhesive. STEP STEP 34 While holding the Grip-Lok and catheter in place with Lastly, remove the remaining bottom release liner and one hand, remove the bottom release liner from one side secure that side to the skin. Gently press down around and adhere to skin. the edges and on the surface of the Grip-Lok to ensure the adhesive connects to the skin and catheter. Removal If necessary, to remove the Grip-Lok device, first loosen the adhesive by rubbing an alcohol swab along the top edges of the device. Once damp, slowly detach the Grip-Lok from the skin. SCAN เพอื่ รับชมวิธกี ารใชส้ นิ คา้
SCAN เพ่ือรบั ชมวิธีการใชส้ นิ คา้ Universal Peripheral IV and Arterial Catheter Securement Grip-Lok 3300MIV for winged and 3300MART for non- winged applications secure the catheter and Luer hub from the top, bottom and sides. The unique wrap-around design provides securement that maintains optimal catheter insertion angle and provides protection for the skin from hard plastic parts. Overall length: 3.5” (8.9cm) Patent Pending PRODUCT # DESCRIPTION U/M 100/bx 3300MIV Universal Winged Peripheral IV and Arterial Catheter Securement Device, Sterile, 100/bx Individually Packaged with 1 Tape Strip 50/bx 100/bx 3300MART Universal Arterial and Peripheral IV Catheter Securement Device, Sterile, Individually Packaged with 1 Tape Strip 3300MIV-KIT-1* IV Start Kit Sterile Packaged with 1-Grip-Lok 3300MIV, 1 Tape Strip, 1-2.37” x 2.75” Transparent Dressing,1 Rolled Tourniquet, 1 Prevantics 1.0mil Swab, 2 Gauze Sponges 3300MIV-KIT-2 IV Start Kit with 1-Grip-Lok 3300MIV, 1 Tape Strip, 1-2.37” x 2.75” Transparent Dressing * Not available in Canada and the EU 3300MIV and 3300MART will secure 3300MIV and 3300MART will secure By securing both the catheter and Luer ported catheters. needleless connectors. connector, the 3300MIV and 3300MART maintain insertion angle. Grip-Lok Securement Devices |
Arrow ® CVC Grip-Lok for Arrow CVC will secure subclavian access at the hub and will also fit alternative catheter attachment points. Designed for Arrow-Howes CVC hubs. Arrow is a trademark of Teleflex Incorporated. Overall length: 3.5” (8.9cm) Patent # 8,500,698 PRODUCT # DESCRIPTION U/M 3303MCS-TA Grip-Lok Medium for Arrow CVC Securement, Sterile, Individually Packaged With 1 Tape Strip 50/bx Medcomp ® Dialysis CVC Grip-Lok for Medcomp Dialysis CVC will secure the Medcomp and other popular dialysis catheters at the hub. Designed for Medcomp Dialysis hubs. Medcomp is a trademark of Medical Components Inc. Overall length: 3.5” (8.9cm) Patent # 8,500,698 PRODUCT # DESCRIPTION U/M 3308MCS-MC 50/bx Grip-Lok Medium for Medcomp Dialysis CVC Catheter Securement, Sterile, Individually Packaged SCAN เพอ่ื รับชมวธิ กี ารใชส้ ินคา้ Grip-Lok Securement Devices |
Catheter Securement Application of Grip-Lok 3400LFC for Large Foley Catheter Securement Grip-Lok Large Foley Catheter securement (3400LFC) does not utilize adhesive to secure the catheter in place. This design secures the catheter in a channel created by a foam insert and the fabric loop over-strap. The loop over-strap is divided in half and is placed on both sides of the catheter bifurcation crotch. Grip-Lok is applied in the same simple manner as a bandage and can be easily placed on skin with gloved hands. • Soft and flexible fabric design improves patient comfort. • Provides superior securement for both horizontal and vertical lifting accidental pulls. • Simple to apply, inspect and adjust tubes, lines and catheters. • Hypoallergenic, breathable and latex-free to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and skin irritation. Prepare the skin according to the standard hospital protocol for dressing application. Skin prep or hair removal may be required on some patients for better adhesion. Skin must be CLEAN and DRY prior to Grip-Lok application. 12 Open the top fabric over-strap and position the catheter Separate the two sides of the fabric over-straps. between the foam strip and the strap so that the catheter bifurcation crotch is centered. Pull the paper backing from 4 one side of the Grip-Lok and secure to skin, then the other. 3 Secure one side of the top strap over the catheter at the Secure the other side of the top strap over the drainage bifurcation crotch. lumen. The catheter is secured and the degree of rotational, and limited horizontal movement can be adjusted by applying the top fabric over-straps in a tighter fashion. SCAN เพอื่ รับชมวธิ กี ารใช้สินคา้ Grip-Lok 3400LFC and Contact us : บริษทั แนชเชอเริลมเี ดยี จำกดั the 3600PFC will also fit 68/1 ซ.เย็นอากาศ2 ถ.เย็นอากาศ แขวงชอ่ งนนทรี triple lumen catheters. เขตยานนาวา กรงุ เทพมหานคร 10120 Tel: 02-249-3202-3 *** สามารถเข้าไปรบั ชม Video การใชส้ นิ คา้ ได้ใน Youtube โดย search หัวขอ้ ตามนี้ Grip-Lok® Large Foley Securement - 3400LFC Grip-Lok is a registered trademark of TIDI Products, LLC. Patent Pending MM00049 Rev. 4 2015-03
Catheter Securement Application of Grip-Lok 3400L for Large Universal Catheter and Tubing Securement Grip-Lok Large (3400L) offers firm securement of Foley catheters, chest tubes, and any tube, line or catheter sized between 6 and 13mm in diameter, except pure silicone materials. Grip-Lok is applied in the same simple manner as a bandage and can be easily placed on skin with gloved hands. • Soft and flexible fabric design improves patient comfort. • Provides superior securement for both horizontal and vertical lifting accidental pulls. • Simple to apply, inspect and adjust lines, tubes and catheters. • Hypoallergenic, breathable and latex-free to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and skin irritation. Prepare the skin according to the standard hospital protocol for dressing application. Skin prep or hair removal may be required on some patients for better adhesion. Skin must be CLEAN and DRY prior to Grip-Lok application. 12 Pull the paper backing from one side of the Grip-Lok. Open the top fabric over-strap and remove the paper liner Then pull the paper backing from the other, to secure to expose adhesive strips. the Grip-Lok in desired position on the skin. 4 3 Place the catheter centered on the bottom adhesive area. Secure fabric over-strap over the catheter so that it is Contact us : บรษิ ัท แนชเชอเรลิ มเี ดยี จำกดั placed between adhesive areas, then close top over-strap. 68/1 ซ.เย็นอากาศ2 ถ.เยน็ อากาศ แขวงชอ่ งนนทรี เขตยานนาวา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10120 SCAN เพ่อื รับชมวิธีการใช้สนิ ค้า Tel: 02-249-3202-3 *** สามารถเข้าไปรบั ชม Video การใชส้ ินค้าได้ใน Youtube โดย search หวั ขอ้ ตามนี้ MM00018 Rev. 6 2014-11 Grip-Lok® Medium Universal Securement - 3300M Grip-Lok is a registered trademark of TIDI Products, LLC. Patent # D616-983
Application of Grip-Lok ® 2200NUZA Securement Device Prepare the skin according to the standard hospital protocol for dressing application. Skin must be CLEAN and DRY prior to Grip-Lok application. For full instructions, please consult the IFU at STEP STEP 12 Open the top fabric strap and remove the inside release liner to Slide the Grip-Lok under the catheter and center the hub expose the adhesive surface. above the adhesive area. STEP STEP 3 4 Secure the fabric over-strap on the catheter and press While holding the Grip-Lok and catheter in place with one hand, around and on top of the catheter and lumens to firmly remove the bottom release liner from one side and adhere to skin, attach the adhesive. then repeat for the other side. Gently press down around the edges and on the surface of the Grip-Lok to ensure the adhesive Contact us : บรษิ ัท แนชเชอเรลิ มีเดีย จำกดั connects to the skin and catheter. 68/1 ซ.เยน็ อากาศ2 ถ.เย็นอากาศ แขวงช่องนนทรี เขตยานนาวา กรงุ เทพมหานคร 10120 SCAN เพ่ือรับชมวธิ ีการใชส้ นิ คา้ Tel: 02-249-3202-3 Grip-Lok is a registered trademark of TIDI Products, LLC. MK1*8*4*2 RสEาVมAาร0ถ61เข51า้ ไ8ปรับชFมorVUiSdeanodกfoารreใชigส้ nินpคa้าtไeดn้ในt inYfoourmtuabteionโด, ยseesegaor.ctihdipหrวั oขdอ้ uตctาsม.cนoี้m/patents Grip-Lok® Medium Universal Securement - 3300M Grip-Lok is a registered trademark of TIDI Products, LLC. MK1842 REV A 061518 For US and foreign patent information, see
ใชแทนการเย็บติดผิวหนัง Before After สะดวก ปลอดภัย ไมระคายเคือง ลดการติดเช้ือ ทนตอแรงดึง Grip-Lok - แผนกาวสําหรับยิดติดสายกับผิวหนัง สามารถใชแทนการเย็บได ใชงาย สะดวก ปลอดถัย ไมระคายเคือง ทนตอแรงดึงไดเปนอยางดี เหมาะสําหรับผูปวยทุกวัย เด็กที่ผิวบอบบางแพงาย ผูใหญ หรือผูสูงอายุที่ผิวหนังเหี่ยวยน หรือเปอยยุย(tissue trauma) โดยรุน Universal สามารถใชไดกับสายทุก Brand และทุกขนาด PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Universal สามารถใชไดกับสายทุก Brand 3601CVC CVC, PICC, Dialysis Catheters 3400LFC Foley Catheters 3400L Chest tubes, Foley Catheters, Any tube 3300MIV Peripheral IV and Arterial Catheter 2200NUZA Neonatal PICC, PD Catheter(Silicone) 3308MCS-MC Dialysis catheter 3303MCS-TA Arrow, Medcomp CVC
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