Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry candidate Date: 23/11/2020
Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca SVH has taken the utmost care in compiling this publication. Nevertheless, the possibility of inaccuracies, typesetting errors or other errors in the book cannot be completely ruled out. SVH, as well as authors and printer, disclaim liability for any damage resulting from actions taken on the basis of this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or made public by means of print, photocopy, microfilm digital processing or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. © SVH, Zoetermeer 2020 Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 2
Index Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4 2. General exam information .............................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Identification ....................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Admission requirements ..................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Register for exam or an exam resit ..................................................................................... 4 2.4 Exam location ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.5 Timetable exams ................................................................................................................. 5 2.6 Exam results ........................................................................................................................ 5 2.7 Validity of the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry exams............................................ 5 3. Exam SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry - Theory .................................................................. 5 3.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Cut-off point ........................................................................................................................ 5 3.3 Exam requirements ............................................................................................................. 6 3.4 Computer- or oral exam ...................................................................................................... 6 4. Exam SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry - Coaching and Mentoring...................................... 6 4.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 6 4.2 Cut-off point and critical exam requirements ..................................................................... 7 4.3 Exam requirements ............................................................................................................. 7 5. Examen SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry - Portfolio............................................................ 9 5.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 9 5.2 Portfolio layout.................................................................................................................... 9 5.3 Submitting your portfolio.................................................................................................... 9 5.4 Authenticity statement ....................................................................................................... 9 5.5 Cut-off point and critical exam requirements ................................................................... 10 5.6 Exam requirements ........................................................................................................... 10 Appendix 1: Portfolio SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry (format)........................................... 11 Appendix 2: Authenticity statement SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry.................................. 18 Appendix 3: Language level 2F (Meijerink method).......................................................................... 19 Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 3
1. Introduction Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca You will take one or more exams that lead to the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry (Leermeester) Diploma. The SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry exam consists of three exam components: Theory, Coaching & Mentoring, and Portfolio. The SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry exam is based on the requirements that SVH has drawn up in the industry as well as the Practical Trainer Profile (Profiel Praktijkopleider). This profile can be found at www.svh.nl. The SVH Examination Regulations (Examenreglement SVH) apply to the exam. 2. General exam information 2.1 Identification You must provide proof of identity to the exam leader before the start of the exam. The validity period of your ID must not have expired. If a document has a ‘renew-before-date’ in addition to a period of validity, the former date determines the validity. For more information about proof of identity, see the SVH Examination Regulations. If you cannot provide the prescribed proof of identification, you will not be admitted to the exam. The exam will only start when all candidates have identified themselves. 2.2 Admission requirements There are no admission requirements for participation in the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry exams. 2.3 Register for exam or an exam resit The training institution will register you for an end of course exam (hereinafter referred to as project exam). If you want to take the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry exams without following the course, you must register via our website www.svh.nl. You must register separately for each exam component. If you want to resit one or more exams you must register for each exam component. You can register for a resit at www.svh.nl. A number of training institutions offer their own students the opportunity for a resit. Registration is then done via the training institution where you followed the course. Ask your trainer about this. 2.4 Exam location SVH organises the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry exam in Zoetermeer several times a year. The exam dates can be found at www.svh.nl. Project exams take place after the course. The exam location is determined in consultation with the training institution. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 4
2.5 Timetable exams Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca Timetable project exams (following a course) Activity Time candidates present at exam location 12:00 identification of candidates 12:30 start of Theory exam 13:00 start of the Coaching and Mentoring exams 14:00 end of exam target time no later than 18:00* * the end time of the exam day depends on the number of exam candidates. Timetable for exam in Zoetermeer (directly via SVH) In case of separate exams in Zoetermeer, you must be present 30 minutes before the exam time stated on your exam confirmation. You have to report to the SVH supervisor upon your arrival. 2.6 Exam results In accordance with the SVH Exam Regulations, the Examination Board sets the standards for passing the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry exams. If you pass all three exams (Theory, Coaching & Mentoring, and Portfolio) in one go, you will receive the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Diploma. If you did not pass all exams in one go, you’ll receive an SVH result letter along with the corresponding certificate. Once you’ve passed the three exam components, the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Diploma will be sent to you. Within ten working days the results will be sent to you. If you take an exam via a trainer, the results are sent to the trainer within ten working days. 2.7 Validity of the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry exams The certificates SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Theory, Coaching & Mentoring, and Portfolio remain valid for 24 months, starting from the date on which the exam was taken. If the validity of a certificate expires before the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Diploma has been achieved, the exam result achieved will no longer be valid. You must pass the exam again. You will only receive the SVH diploma Mentor in the Hospitality Industry if you pass all three exams within 24 months. 3. SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry - Theory Exam 3.1 General You will have 40 minutes to answer 30 multiple choice questions. Each multiple choice question has three options. 3.2 Cut-off point You can obtain a total of 30 points for the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Theory exam. To pass this exam you must answer 22 questions or more correctly. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 5
3.3 Assessment points The theoretical questions are about the subjects in the Practical Trainer Profile. The learning outcomes are the stated requirements in core task 1 and core task 2. Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca 3.4 Computer or oral exam The digital Mentor Theory exam can be taken at various locations in the Netherlands. When choosing this option you can also select the exam date and time yourself. This exam also takes 40 minutes. You can register for computer exam Theory via www.svh.nl. You can also take this theory exam orally. This will always take place in Zoetermeer. During an oral exam, the exam questions and possible answers are read to you. You will also receive an exam booklet yourself so that you can read along. The oral Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Theory exam lasts 90 minutes. Visit www.svh.nl for more information about the oral exam. 4. SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Coaching and Mentoring 4.1 General The SVH Coaching and Mentoring exam tests whether you show the behaviour that is associated with coaching and mentoring a student. You teach an untrained student a manual or communication skill. In case of a project exam, a classmate will play the role of the untrained student during the exam. In case of an exam in Zoetermeer (directly via SVH), SVH will provide an untrained student. Note: if you are going to teach the student a manual skill, you must bring all materials and any ingredients yourself, in duplicate. Note: strong smelling ingredients such as fish, crustaceans and shellfish, onions, leeks or garlic are not permitted. The use of gas and fire is prohibited. When you report to the exam leader, he or she will assess whether your preparation (which you explain orally) meets the conditions. If this is not the case, the exam leader will indicate what you need to adjust so that you can still take the exam. Before the exam, you tell the exam leader or examiner which manual or communication skill you want to teach the student. Prior to the exam the person who fulfils the role of student will be instructed by the examiner to make a mistake during the exam that you must respond to. Usually, practical exams are recorded. These recordings are audio-only and produced by means of a memo recorder. The sound recordings are only used if you request access or lodge an objection and/or appeal against the exam result (see SVH Examination Regulations). The SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Coaching and Mentoring exam takes a maximum of 30 minutes. The time starts from the moment you enter the exam room until the moment you leave the exam room. The actual exam time is 15 minutes. If desired, the examiner can give you a signal when you are about to exceed the exam time. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 6
4.2 Cut-off point and critical exam requirements You can obtain a total of 19 points for the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Coaching and Mentoring exam. To pass this exam you must earn 11 or more points. Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca Two critical exam requirements have been set for this exam: Of the points obtained in the SVH Coaching and Mentoring exam, at least one point must come from each of the following work processes: 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 (see learning outcomes at www.svh.nl). You must be able to express yourself orally, at least at F2 level (Meijerink method). See Appendix 3. 4.3 Exam requirements The work processes 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 have been processed in the SVH Coaching and Mentoring exam. You will be tested against the exam requirements below. For each examination requirement it is indicated to which work process it is linked. Preparation [2.1] The candidate is able to make good preparations that fully match his instruction. In addition, all materials that you want to use must be provided in duplicate. When it comes to communication skills, materials must be present in duplicate when they are important and necessary during the instruction. Prior knowledge [1.3] The candidate checks the student's prior knowledge about the skill/task to be learned. [1.3] The candidate uses different types of questions to get a clear idea of the prior knowledge. Explanation [1.3] The candidate states what the learning objective is. This learning objective is formulated using SMART. [2.1] The candidate puts the skill/task in a context: o application of the task o importance of task for the company o importance of task for the student [2.1] If it concerns a manual skill/task, the candidate discusses the following components: o materials/equipment; o raw materials/ingredients; o hygiene; o safety; o ergonomics; o economics. [2.1] If it concerns a communication skill/task, the candidate discusses the following components: o desired behaviour; o procedure; o materials/equipment; o ergonomics. [2.1] If it concerns a manual skill/task, the candidate gives a clear explanation of the manual skill/task to be learned on the basis of the four-step plan. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 7
[2.1] If it concerns a communication skill/task, the candidate gives a clear explanation of the communication skill/task to be learned on the basis of a role play. The following components must at least be included: Staat achter de o an explanation of why the role play was used and which methodology; Nederlandse horeca o description of the situation and characters; o divide roles; o the role play is performed at least twice. [2.1] During the explanation, the candidate gives the student the chance to ask questions and encourages the student to do so. [2.1] The candidate checks whether the student has understood his explanation by asking him what the learning objective is and what he has learned from the explanation. Coaching [2.2] The candidate reacts to the student's behaviour. [2.1] During the coaching, the candidate gives the student the chance to ask questions and encourages the student to do so. [2.4] The candidate has the student evaluate whether the desired learning objective has been achieved. The candidate also has the student: o describe the skill/task performed by him; o describe what did and did not go well during execution; o state why he believes whether or not the learning objective has been achieved. Feedback [2.4] The candidate informs the student whether the learning objective has been achieved. [2.3] The candidate describes what he has observed. [2.4] The candidate discusses the positive points and the points for improvement with the student. [2.3] The candidate checks whether the student has understood his feedback by having the student describe the feedback in his own words. Analyse [2.2] The candidate analyses the student's behaviour that took place during the exam (during one of the exam components; explanation, coaching or feedback) and his own reaction to this behaviour. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 8
5. Examen SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Staat achter de Inustry - Portfolio Nederlandse horeca 5.1 General The SVH Tutor Portfolio exam tests whether you can create a training programme for a work placement and provide information around it, but also whether you can reflect on yourself as a mentor and the work placement company. You can use the format in Appendix 1 (Portfolio SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry) to fill in your portfolio. 5.2 Portfolio layout The portfolio may contain a maximum of sixteen pages (A4), front type Arial size 10 pt. The portfolio cover page should state your full name, date of birth, email address, company name, date of the exam, place where the exam is held, your trainer (if applicable) and whether it is a resit. 5.3 Submitting your portfolio You submit the portfolio to SVH in a digital format (PDF). The portfolio must be in the possession of SVH no later than the day before the exam. You send the digital version to: [email protected] The subject line must mention the exam date, exam location and (if applicable) trainer. You must also state whether it concerns a resit. Submission of portfolio in case of absence to an exam following the course (project exam) If you cannot be present during the exam, but want to submit your portfolio digitally, you must (in addition to the portfolio and a statement of authenticity signed by you) send a copy of your valid proof of identity with the portfolio (to [email protected]). Submission of portfolio in case of resit When you are going to resit the portfolio exam, you send (in addition to the portfolio and a statement of authenticity signed by you) a copy of your valid ID no later than the day of the resit. In addition, you must clearly indicate on the cover page of the portfolio and in the e-mail (to [email protected]) that it concerns a resit. 5.4 Authenticity statement When submitting your portfolio, you must also enclose a statement of authenticity signed by you (see Appendix 2). In the statement of authenticity you declare that you are the author of the submitted portfolio and that you are aware of the rules regarding plagiarism. An example of this statement is included in the appendix. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 9
5.5 Cut-off point and critical exam requirements You can obtain a total of 33 points for the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Portfolio exam. To pass this exam you must earn 20 or more points. Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca Two critical exam requirements have been set for this exam: Of the points obtained in the SVH Coaching and Mentoring exam, at least one point must come from each of the following work processes: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 2.5 (see learning outcomes at www.svh.nl). You must be able to express yourself in writing, at least at F2 level (Meijerink method). See Appendix 3. You submit an authentic portfolio1. Portfolios of different candidates that are so similar that plagiarism is suspected will be classified as fraudulent. The exam results of these portfolios will be declared invalid. 5.6 Exam requirements In the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Portfolio exam, you will be tested on work processes 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 2.5. The following pages (Appendix 1 Portfolio SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry) contain a blueprint showing the exam requirements that must be included in the portfolio. Each exam requirement indicates the work process to which it is linked. 1 Allowed exceptions: for candidates working in the same work placement company, the company description may be the same. SVH advises these candidates to choose different career path profiles as the basis for their portfolio. In the case of candidates for whom the career path profile fully matches, the components 'start level student’s skills’ and 'final level student’s skills' may also be the same in the portfolio. The elaboration of two different portfolios can be the same based on content. These will not be considered fraudulent as long as both portfolios are written in the respective candidates’ own words. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 10
Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca Portfolio SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry image Name: [name of candidate] Date of birth: [date of birth candidate] Email [email candidate] Company: [company where candidate works] Exam date: [date of the exam] Place exam: [place where the exam is held] Trainer: [if applicable, trainer where you took the course] Resit: [yes/no] Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 11
1. Prepare and complete a selection interview Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca Introduction of work placement company 3 points General company information Name: Address: Postal code: Place: Telephone number: Website: Details of contact person at work placement company Name: Telephone number: Email Company description [1.1] Give a description of the work placement company so that the student can get a clear picture of your work placement company. Inclusion of an organisation chart is permitted, but not mandatory. Purpose of the training [1.1] Indicate why the work placement company has chosen to train students. Student profile 9 points Career pathway [1.1] A mentor can be a practical trainer for students with different career path profiles. Enter the details below for one career path profile for which you provide training. All assignments that you create for the portfolio must be focused on your chosen career path profile. Career path profile: [e.g. waiter/waitress – gastheer/gastvrouw] Education level [level 1, 2, 3 or 4] Study year: [study year 1, 2, 3 or 4] Learning path: [if applicable, e.g. work-based pathway or school-based pathway – BBL / BOL] Start level student’s knowledge [1.1] State the previous education and work experience or specific knowledge that the student needs to start the work placement period at your company. If this is not required, indicate this and explain why this is the case. Start level student’s skills [1.1] Give a description of the student's desired starting level in terms of skills. You must mention three technical skills, three professional skills, two social skills and one personal attribute that the student must have. Ensure that the above-mentioned skills reasonably match the student’s level. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 12
Technical skills Staat achter de 1. Nederlandse horeca 2. 3. Professional skills 1. 2. 3. Social skills 1. 2. Personal attributes 1. Final level student’s skills [1.1] Indicate the desired final level of the student in terms of skills at the end of the work placement period. You must mention at least two technical skills and two professional skills. The above-mentioned skills at the final level may correspond to the starting level, provided that a clear level description is added that reflects the difference in levels. Technical skills 1. 2. Professional skills 1. 2. Negative result selection interview [1.1] You must inform the student if you do not wish to hire him as a result of the selection interview. Write a message in which you reject the student. The message must include the following: • that the student has been rejected • at least two arguments why the student was rejected. At least one argument should relate to the starting level of the student's skills • thank the student for his time/interest Positive result selection interview [1.1] You must inform the student if you want to hire him as a result of the selection interview. Prepare a message in which you hire the student. The message must include the following: • that the student has been hired • at least two arguments as to why the student has been hired. At least one argument should relate to the starting level of the student's skills • mention the first day that the student can start working Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 13
2. Schedule a learning activity 4 points Determine learning objective Staat achter de [1.4] State a learning objective of the student in one sentence, and then provide a SMART Nederlandse horeca formulation of this learning objective. The description behind each SMART component must match that component. Learning objective (in one sentence): Specific: Measurable: Acceptable: Realistic: Time related: Note: the example from the learning tool (peeling asparagus) may not be used. Determine learning activity and work method [1.4] Describe a learning activity and work method with which the learning objective can be achieved and implemented in the work placement company. Align with the wishes and capacities of the student [1.4] A student starts at the work placement company with specific wishes and abilities. Describe how the learning activity and work method that you have just described correspond to the student’s wishes and abilities. How are the student’s wishes and abilities reflected in the learning activity and work method you described? Wishes could include: skills that the student wants to learn, the way the student wants to work, experience that the student wants to gain, etc. As regards abilities, you can look at the skills that the student already has and can properly use in this learning activity. 3. Drawing up a plan 14 points When working out the ‘Plan’ component, a student might be doing a shorter internship period instead of an internship period of six months or a year. When there is an internship period of a few weeks, you must clearly indicate this in your portfolio and you must explain how the plan corresponds with the duration of the student's internship period in terms of structure and content. Onboarding programme [1.2] Create a logical onboarding programme for the student. The onboarding programme is worked out per day and lasts between five and fourteen days. The onboarding programme must at least include a tour and an introductory meeting, with a description. The following components must also be included in the onboarding programme: • week number; • day (Monday, Tuesday, etc.); • date: • activity • who is involved in the activity (student, mentor, etc.); • description of the activity. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 14
Example Staat achter de Nederlandse horeca Week Day Date Activity Who Description 41 Mon Mentor and Explaining the house rules, 05-10-2020 Introduction student business processes and procedures, and meeting Mentor and introduction to colleagues. student The student is given a tour 41 Tue 06-10-2020 Tour and draw up of the kitchen and is told training plan Mentor and where the equipment and student materials are. 41 Wed 07-10-2020 Explanation of Dennis and Student and mentor product range student prepare the training plan Ellen and for the work placement 41 Thu 08-10-2020 Welcoming guests student period together. The student is given an 41 Fri 09-10-2020 Cash register explanation about the operation menu The student receives an explanation about how to welcome guests. The student receives an explanation about operating the cash register. House rules [1.2] List three house rules that specifically apply to the work placement company. This does not include rules that are prohibited by law. 1. 2. 3. Reporting sick [1.2] Describe the procedure to be followed when a student is ill. This procedure must be in line with legislation and regulations. Absence [1.2] Describe the procedure to be followed when a student has missed a day. This procedure must be in line with legislation and regulations. Training stage [1.5] Create a logical plan for the work placement period that follows the onboarding period. This plan is worked out per week and the following components must be included: • week number • activity • who is involved in the activity (student, mentor, etc.) • description of the activity Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 15
[1.5] The following activities must in any case be included in the training stage: Staat achter de • performance review(s) Nederlandse horeca • assessment moments for technical skills, professional skills and general performance • holidays and/or days off • internal/external activity for the student • catch-up moment(s) for the student • tasks from the workbook • the (final) assignment from the student's educational institution • exit interview If a certain activity does not apply to the work placement period, you must explain that separately. [1.6] In addition to the above-mentioned activities, the training stage must also include one or more contact moments with the work placement supervisor of the educational institution. [1.5] Additional conditions apply if you have chosen a career path profile for which the work placement period (excluding the onboarding period) is shorter than 20 weeks. In this case, first make a weekly plan according to the above requirements and choose four consecutive weeks from this weekly plan. For these four consecutive weeks, you also make a plan that is worked out per day. The following components must be included in this daily schedule. • week number; • day (Monday, Tuesday, etc.); • date: • activity • who is involved in the activity (student, mentor, etc.); • description of the activity. The activities to be included in the work placement period, such as assessment meetings, external activities and days off, can also be included in this daily plan. Consult with the student about the plan [1.5] Describe how the plan was established in consultation with the student. Describe the components that you have discussed with the student and how the student has influenced the plan. This assignment will be difficult to answer if you are not yet mentoring a student. In that case, describe how you would like to involve the student in making the plan and which parts you would discuss with him. Contact with work placement supervisor about an issue [1.6] Describe a situation or issue at work where you would contact the educational institution's work placement supervisor and explain why you would discuss this situation or this issue with that person. Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 16
4. Ongoing development 3 points Ongoing development Staat achter de [2.5] State two different competences from the ‘Competences of a good mentor’ list that Nederlandse horeca you would like to develop further. This list can be found in the SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry theory book. Indicate for each competence why you want to further develop this competence. You could describe how the development of the competency you mentioned contributes to your skills as a mentor. [2.5] State a part from the work placement period that went well and what the effect was. The effect can relate to the organisation, the student’s performance, the contact with the educational institution and/or the development of the mentor’s coaching skills. If your company is not yet a work placement company, state a part that you expect will go well and describe the expected effect. [2.5] State a part of the work placement period’s organisation that can be improved at the work placement company and indicate how it can be improved. If your company is not yet a work placement company, state a part of the work placement period yet to be organised that you expect could be improved and how. This regards an area requiring improvement or attention within the work placement company, not regarding you as a mentor. Below is an overview of topics you could consider: • mentoring students during extremely busy periods • motivating other employees to work with students • not all tasks from the student's work placement book can be done in the training company • freeing up time for mentoring the student • making time for contact with the educational institution Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 17
Appendix 2: Authenticity statement SVH Staat achter de Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Nederlandse horeca The undersigned: Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………… First name: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of birth: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Hereinafter referred to as the candidate. The candidate declares to be the author of the submitted SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry Portfolio exam component and declares to be aware of the consequences for the candidate if the Examination Board detects plagiarism in the portfolio. Place: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 18
Appendix 3: Language level 2F (Meijerink Staat achter de method) Nederlandse horeca Oral skills Listening Speaking skills Conversation skills Can listen to texts about Can fairly fluently and clearly Can have conversations about everyday topics, topics that articulate experiences, events, everyday and non-everyday align with personal life or that opinions, expectations, feelings topics from daily life, work and are more removed from this from everyday life or an area of education. environment. interest. Can express personal opinions, can exchange information on familiar topics and express feelings. Reading skills Fictional and literary texts Business texts Can read and enjoy simple adolescent literature Can read texts about everyday topics, topics that and very simple adult literature. align with the reader’s personal life and topics that are more removed from the reader. Writing skills Writing Is able to write coherent texts with a simple, linear structure, on a variety of familiar topics within school, work and society. Source: SLO report ‘over de drempels van taal’’ –> translated from Dutch Exam information SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry 19
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