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Home Explore M&S2, Answers Chapter 3

M&S2, Answers Chapter 3

Published by marcom, 2018-10-23 08:32:18

Description: M&S2, Chapter 3


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Marketing & Sales for the Hospitality Industry | Part 2Chapter 3 | Answers | Questions about the chapter1. Answer the question and then find the answer in the chapter. a. In your own words, explain what the owner of a restaurant must focus on in the marketing tool of presentation. Multiple answers possible, at the discretion of the teacher. For example: The marketing tool of presentation is of crucial importance to developing a successful business formula. The presentation of the business gives shape and depth to the business formula. It gives the guest an impression of the business and helps the business stand out from the competition. b. List six important points. Multiple answers possible, at the discretion of the teacher. For example: i. Image and identity; ii. Atmosphere; iii. Exterior; iv. Interior; v. Staff clothing; vi. Table settings; vii. Presentation of the menu; viii. Music; ix. Corporate identity.2. What is presentation considered to mean? a. The presentation of the business gives shape and depth to the business formula. b. The presentation says something about the way you act within a business. c. The presentation is a summary of the materials used in and around your business. d. The presentation gives content and shape to the menu.3. What do you call the perception that others have of your business? a. Business formula. b. Image. c. Appearance. d. Presentation of your business.4. Which factors play an important role when forming an image of a business?Image development DescriptionfactorsHospitality product The range of products and services and the quality of the product supplied.Service The service in general, the hospitality of the hosts, the options for selfservice, the possibility to deviate from the standard product (the menu).Price level The guest's perception of the pricing of the business in comparison with that of the competition.Guests Class of guest that the business caters to. And is this the group of guests that the entrepreneur had in mind?Decor Lighting, toilets, routing, width of aisles, flooring, air conditioning and architectural style.Ease Location of the business, parking.Promotion Advertising, corporate identity, promotional activities (savings cards, discount evenings and suchlike).Atmosphere How the guest feels when he visits the business.Institutional factors Reputation and reliability of the business and its cuisine (with restaurants).Satisfaction Guest satisfaction with the hospitality business and the services provided.5. ‘Atmosphere is a sensory perception and it is very personal.’ Which sense is not part of a new guest’s experience of the atmosphere of a business?Version 1 | 22-10-2018 | [email protected]

Marketing & Sales for the Hospitality Industry | Part 2 a. Sight. b. Hearing. c. Touch. d. Smell. e. Taste. 6. What are the elements of the marketing tool of presentation? i. Exterior; ii. Interior; iii. Staff clothing; iv. Table settings; v. Presentation of the menu; vi. Music; 7. Provide an example for each element of the marketing tool of presentation. Multiple answers possible, at the discretion of the teacher. i. Exterior: external appearance of the business. ii. Interior: the furnishing and decoration of the entrance, the accommodation and other spaces. iii. Staff clothing: reinforces the image that the guest developed of the hospitality business. iv. Table settings: how the tables are set, the materials used and how original this is, are all aspects of the presentation. The table setting must meet the guest’s expectations. v. Presentation of the menu: must meet the aspects of presentation and match the corporate identity. vi. Music: must help to create an atmosphere in which the guest feels at ease and want to stay longer than planned. 8. Which are aspects of the corporate identity of a hospitality business? a. Logo, music and company car. b. Music, staff and food. c. Logo, menu and name. d. Company car, menu and staff. 9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an open kitchen in a restaurant? Multiple answers possible, at the discretion of the teacher, for example: Advantage: • business formula will become more identifiable to the guest. • Identity and image will then be linked. Disadvantage: • affects the harmony of the business. • smells from the kitchen can enter the restaurant. 10. What kind of music (describe the kind of music) would you play in a: a. Bistro. Multiple answers possible, at the discretion of the teacher. For example: popular music. b. Luxury restaurant. Multiple answers possible, at the discretion of the teacher. For example: classic music as background music.Version 1 | 22-10-2018 | [email protected]

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