(HI)STORY OF ASTORIA Racial Makeup 2018 Data Hispanic 24.4 % Year Structure Built 1939 or earlier 40.5% 1960 to 1969 1940 to 1949 Black Asian 9.2% 15.1% 14.2% 1930 or prior 2010 or later 8.2% White 1960 to 1969 1950 to 1959 40.5% 3.8% 49.8% 9.2% 15.6% Year Structure Built 1960 to 1969 1960 to 1969 9.2% 9.2% 102 Active Permits 1960 to 1969 2 243 616 million square 9.2% 1960 to 1969 feet 9.2% 2 591 proposed dwelling units Work Permit Department of Buildings Units in Structure 20 or 1, detach- VS more hed 41.6% 2 1.8% 11% 1, attached 5 to 9 3 or 4 3.1% 19% 14.6% 10 to 19 26 421 units 4 926 units NYC Born Foreign Born 8.9% Renter Occupied Owner Occupied 42.7% 38.6% Total units: 31 347 Housing Tenure
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