Office 2016 is coming… So what does that mean exactly … in this ebook, we’ll go over just some of the small changes you’ll see in Outlook,Word, Excel and PowerPoint, this will allow us to exhibit the modern workplace
Office 2016 Pro So, what's different?The document icons have changed colour and are easier toidentify
Office 2016 ProWhat else?The background …The default background for the ribbon tabs is the colour of theapplication's icon.For example, Word is dark blue, Excel is dark green and PowerPoint isorange. But you can go back to white or dark grey if you prefer.The dark grey theme is designed to be helpful to people with impairedvision.
Office 2016 ProAnd there’s more…The Tell Me box is a new search Otool which helps you performimportant tasks even if you don'tknow how to do something.Instead of using Help, Googlesearching or just digging around tofind a solution, type what you wantto do in the Tell Me box.It will show a list of commands you Or you can type in your owncan use to complete your task. If question next to the lightbulbyou have selected an area or image iconin your document, you will seecommands specific to that object.
Office 2016 ProAnd never lose any work again…Automatic saving/recoveryTo enable this:Click File > Options > Save. Make sure the ”Save AutoRecoverinformation every x minutes” box is selected.In Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, make sure the ”Keep the lastautorecovered version if I close without saving box” is selected.And to do this in Outlook:In Outlook, click File > Options > Mailand then scroll down to Save Messages
Outlook 2016 Outlook has a few new features, this will help you work more efficiently…It connects more quickly with other Officeapplications. When you attach an Officedocument to an email, Outlook shows you alist of the files you worked on most recently.No more searching for that recentspreadsheet or document you want to emailto your colleagues.
OutlookAlso available in Outlook 2016…OneNote OneNote is a digital notebook that automatically saves andsyncs your notes to the cloud.And because all your notes are in the cloud, OneNote lets you switch devicesand pick up right where you left off.Learn how to use OneNote to capture, organize, and share everything thatmatters to you Here
Word 2016And to make life easier and save more time…Word 2016 is now smarter and Word will also open pdf filesnotices when words are less stylish for editing.and needing that touch ofglamour…This will help to…• Improve your writing To find out more• Give the facility within Word to features in Word, click explore the topic you are writing on the Take a Tour about template to learn more• Give that perfect finishing touch by using Editor feature
Excel 2016New Analysis and Forecasting Features in Excel…You can pull data from almost More charting options.anywhere. Excel also has six new chart types.Power Query is a new feature in 2016 These will allow you to unlock theversion. It’s a tool which develops potential of data by using formulas,business intelligence. This allows you help identify trends and bring datato find, combine, merge and improve from a variety of sources .Go to the Data tab on the ribbon To find out more features inunder the Get & Transform section. Excel, click on the Take a TourClick on Get Data icon left hand side template to learn moreto use this.
Powerpoint 2016There aren’t many changes to Powerpoint 2016, however, you can now…Create a video? To be more creative…If you want to present your You can use Scalable Vectorpowerpoint differently to your Graphics (SVG) , these arecolleagues or customers, you images that are smaller in filecan save it as a video. size and can be embedded intoSelect File > Export > Create a your presentation. TheseVideo. images remain sharp and clear. Being scalable meansYou can also record your screen images wont get pixelated!or any process on your screen.Go to Ribbon > Insert > Screenrecording. Capture your screenwith audio and insert it directlyinto your presentation
Skype for BusinessLync is now called Skype 2016…Skype for Business is a ready to gocommunications tool. It has manybenefits including instant messaging,online meetings, video conferencing andpresentation sharing.Using instant messaging as analternative to email will save you timeand allow quick responses. You can alsorecord your desktop, ideal for trainingpurposes.Find out more about Lync/Skype byclicking on the Skype image
Office 365And it doesn’t end there…To align with achieving a Modern SharePoint is one option, dependingWorkplace, further options will bepublicised shortly. on your team outcomes, SharePoint could be available to you. InformationInformation on further changes will will be provided on this in the nearbe coming soon along with self- future.service and face to face trainingoptions. Using SharePoint, members of a work group can share conversations, calendars and file. Real-time co- authoring allows multiple users to collaborate, edit, and update simultaneously. They can then see what each person is doing. They can see changes as they are made.
Office 2016 ProComing soon…A Modern Workplace training platform will be availableto provide support, this will enable you to use the newfunctions more effectively.This will improve the way you are working and makethings much simpler for you.In the meantime, take time to familiarise yourself withOffice 2016 and be ready to embrace the new functions.For any questions using YourDesktop email:[email protected]
Self-serviceRemember…You Tube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watchonline videos with tutorials on all aspects of using computers andother technology.Particularly useful for quick fixes and finding your own solutions,click on the following link and type in your query for example type in Office 2016and you view various tutorialsAlternatively, “Google” it
Self Service In this digital world learning can take place anytime, anywhere.OIL eLearningOur online eLearning portal is designed to give you the flexibility to access on-goingdevelopment wherever you are and at your own pace. It saves you time and can be fittedinto your busy work life.Take some time to look at the section of online courses available here.For a full list of Aberdeen City Council's development, visit our online calendarNeed more information on development?Visit our Zone page for more information.If you can’t find what you are looking for contact us here
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