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Background• The world is changing.• Traditional, narrow ways of working where staff only ever work with the same few colleagues on repetitive activities are diminishing.• Collaboration within and across teams is rising, fast.• Security matters more now than ever before.• Storing information securely, and being able to find it again easily, has become an imperative. Next
What we need to do?• We require new tools and platforms to enable us to work more collaboratively.• We need to change our culture in a number of ways, not least by challenging long-standing work practices and processes where they are clearly inefficient.• We need these tools to help us use our data to gainbetter insights an d make more informeddecisions.• Through we can start to makechanges to how we approach and deliver work. Next
What is Modern Workplace?• A term created by Microsoft for a suite of products that provides an integrated technology platform.• The core underlying technology is Microsoft Office 365.• Office 365 contains a large number of applications, some with unfamiliar names. This can quite quickly become confusing.• Therefore, we won’t be focussing on product names, but on Function or as we called them Service Offerings. These are grouped as: Productivity Service Offerings Collaboration Service Offerings Communication Service Offerings Next
Core Service Offerings (Currently being rolled out)Productivity Collaboration CommunicationOffice Personal Calendar Video & PresenceSuite Storage & Schedule Conference & IM (Skype) (OneDrive) Calling (Skype) Mail Click to reveal text
Additional Service Offerings (Coming soon)Productivity Collaboration Communication New Intranet (replacing the Zone)Productivity Project & Team Home News Process Program Collaboration ManagementImprovement Paper Project Self Service Staff Process Collaboration ProfilesReplacement Click to reveal text
BeforeManual processesInefficient & time consumingDigital to paper and back againDifficult to collaborate andshare information efficientlyConnecting with people isdifficult – who knows what? AfterDigital workflow, reducingpaperCo-author, collaborate andshareInformation as a single versionof the truth.Connected and engagedworkforce Next
Want to know more?Please e-mail:[email protected] Workplace LearningPortal will be launched soon!! + Next
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