236 Index Economic and Social Research Council 5 virtual pedagogic reading groups 152–163 educational development definition 3–5, 136 Web handbook 113 growth of 7 workshops 113 research 8 chemistry education 52–61 changes in 52–53 educational effectiveness 221–22 classroom research 230 educational evaluation CoBaLT 99–111 description 100–101 NCT Project Briefing 9–10 Commission for Health EFFECTS 164–75 Electronic Libraries (eLib) Improvement (CHI) 18 community based learning programme 223 Enterprise in Higher Education 99–111 conceptions 6, 201 evaluation 58–59 of students’ learning 228 of teaching 228 constructivist 184–85 constructive alignment 212, 230 external/internal 35, 58, 59, constructivist evaluation 184–85 77, 84, 96, 101, 122, 143, learning 202 168–69, 185–87, 224 Course Experience Questionnaire formative/summative 9, 120, 122, 143, 168, 187 229 problems of evaluation within courses for staff 96 project work 222–23 creative writing 29–40 qualitative 43, 104, 116, 184–85, 223, 225–26 ‘Extending the Professional tool for curriculum development Writer’ FDTL project 29–40 29–40 strategies 33–34 Evaluation Cookbook 10 curriculum development 30 evaluation methods 34, 224 analysis of outcomes Dearing Committee see National documentation 118 Committee of Inquiry into analysis of usage levels of Web Higher Education site 210 annual progress reports 120, DfEE Discipline Network 6 168 dissemination through case studies 116, 117, 172 class discussion 210 case studies 55, 208–10 commentaries 118 conferences 54, 95, 207 course evaluation forms 210 discussion lists 55, 95 employers’ views 84 enquiry point 95 focus groups 143, 210, 224 newsletters 55, 95 framework 119–20 publication 78 interviews 118, 143, 168, 224 site visits 95 videos 108, 110 Web pages 55, 78, 95 workshops 54, 78, 95, 207 diversity of students 42 increase in participation 11
with former students 39 Index 237 with staff 35 with students 34 Information and Communications mailshots 186 Technology (ICT) monitoring of outcomes 34 observation application of new technology, of students 34, 224 results 121–25 of teachers 118, 224 quarterly reports 168 EFFECTS programme 164–76 questionnaires 35, 59, 84, 118, implementation 218 143, 158, 168, 185, 224 EFFECTS 164–76 steering group 35, 84, 224 TELRI 135–36, 137 TELRI 129–39 incorporation into organisational workshops 68, 83, 185 evaluation strategy 115–16, strategies 149 integration of learning 168–69 experiential learning cycle 47–49, technologies 177–89 Media Adviser toolkits 62–67 102, 103 reasons for introducing 30–32 Extended Learning Environment tools, TELRI 134 use of new technology 112–26, Network project (ELEN) 140–51 129–39 ‘Extending the Professional Writer’ virtual learning environments FDTL project 29–40 124 FDTL project, ‘Extending the Institute for Learning and Professional Writer’ 29–40 Teaching in Higher Education Fund for the Development of (ILT) 5, 89, 170 Teaching and Learning institutional strategies 188 (FDTL) 6, 190, 219 International Consortium for Educational Development Hertfordshire Integrated Learning (ICED) 8 Project (HILP) 200–13 International Journal or Academic Development 8 description 201 Higher Education Funding Council languages 76–86 Autonomous Language Learning for England (HEFCE) 5, 221 in Art and Design using Learning and Teaching Strategy Interactive Networks (ALLADIN) 177–189 5, 7 Interculture project 92 Higher Education Quality Council Learning and Residence Abroad (LARA) project 92, 93 19 Residence Abroad project 87–93 for specific disciplines IMPROVE 52–61 177–189 Improving Student Learning Translang project 76–86 symposia 226 Learning and Teaching Support increase in student numbers 31, Network (LTSN) 7, 219 52 legal education 41–50 legal skills 42
238 Index grounded theory 43, 45 interviews medical education 17–28 changes in 21–22 with former students 104–08 National Institute for Clinical with students 94 Effectiveness 18 with teachers 24, 204 National Performance by telephone 104 Framework 18 learners’ diaries 94 National Service Framework 18 literature reviews, surveys 91, National Committee of Inquiry 133, 204 into Higher Education 5, 19, national surveys 78, 93, 94 101 participant observation 198 questionnaires 43 National Coordination Team 9, 92, 115, 221 critical incident questionnaires 44 NCIHE see National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education ‘talk aloud’ protocol 67 rewarding excellence in teaching observation of teaching 26 online learning 140–42 49 organizational change 164–76 Royal Society of Chemistry 52, 53 play and creativity 191–98 skills development 11, 23, 42–43, practitioner based research 41, 45, 77, 80–81, 183–84, 220 47–48, 227 course design 132 problem based learning 42–43, integrated with academic content 190, 204–27 200–13 professional education through case studies 42 through observation of teaching law 41–50 medicine 17–27 26 Project Improve 52–61 Society for Research into Higher qualitative research methods 8 Education (SRHE) 3 quality assurance 27 sociology 99–111 staff consultation 132–33 clinical governance 18 staff development 46 in medical education 18–22 Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) definition 3–5 Staff and Educational Development 5, 19, 89 Association (SEDA) 3, 170 reduction in contact time 31 Professional Accreditation 5, reflective practice 62–64, 77, 103, 165 104, 192 summer school 7 research-led universities 129–131 StoryWriter research methods see also description 33 evaluation 36 evaluation methods strategic change 147 case studies 43–44 Structure of Observed Learning focus groups 24, 43, 44, 94 Outcomes (SOLO) 228 subject disciplines 114
Tavistock Institute 221 Index 239 teaching and learning strategies training programmes 11, 49–50, 137–38, 173, medical supervisors 25–26 178, 207–08, 231 using a family model 193–96 Translang 76–86 Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (TLTP) 6, VerseWriter 129–130, 142, 165, 219 description 33 Teaching Quality Enhancement evaluation 35–39 Fund 208, 221 Technology Enhanced Learning in virtual learning environments Research-led Institutions 140–151, 170, 208 (TELRI) 129–39 work-based learning 17–27 educational supervision 24–25
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