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Home Explore Simplicity Rules in Copy Writing

Simplicity Rules in Copy Writing

Published by richard, 2015-01-29 20:12:42

Description: The adageimplicity is Beauty?does not only apply to individuals but it will also benefit you if you have into copy writing. The simplicity rule should also apply on your copy. You can be a learned writer from your school but the style can be that which is impersonal, rigidly structured and formal.
To attract visitors to your site, being simple is good. Since readers are primarily interested on what you have to say, you may entice them to read on or discourage them and give up.


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Simplicity Rules in Copy WritingThe adageimplicity is Beauty?does not only applyto individuals but it will also benefit you if youhave into copy writing. The simplicity ruleshould also apply on your copy. You can be alearned writer from your school but the style canbe that which is impersonal, rigidly structuredand formal.To attract visitors to your site, being simple isgood. Since readers are primarily interested onwhat you have to say, you may entice them to read

on or discourage them and give up. Creating asimple yet concise and clear copy that is easy toread and comprehend is the best way to inform yourclients of your point. Here are some easy tipsto simplify your website and make it a winner:1. Create simple and clean designs with a clearnavigation system. You can repeat the images,colors, formatting and text throughout the sitesince guests will not wonder if they haveunintentionally left your site.2. For your background, use contrasting colorsand avoid using light texts on light backgrounds.Dark texts are easier to read on a lightbackground. Be careful with your backgroundpatterns since they can obscure the site contentinstead of flattering it. Avoid underlined orblinking texts. These texts may annoy anddistract visitors. Your hyperlinks must be theonly documents underlined on your site.

3. Make your copy easy to read, understand and use.Try your best to be lucid. Use simple words; thosethat are used for everyday speech. Use terms thatare not to vague and very understandable. Donotbe too stuffy; remove pompous words and replaceit with plain words. Minimize complicatedgimmicks and constructions. If you canot give theinformation directly and briefly, you mustconsider writing the copy again.There are multi-syllable words that can bereplaced by simple terms. For example,information can be replaced by a simpler word acts?demonstrate can be replaced with how? gratis withree? regarding with about? etc. Check each wordand ask yourself if there are words that can stillbe simplified to lessen the syllable length. Bythis method, the words can easily roll off thereaders?tongue and they can easily remember themas they read.4. Check your spelling and check spelling errors.

This will not earn your site too many visitors.because this will make your page lookunprofessional. You can utilize a spell checkersuch as the HTML Toolbox.5. Donot be over chatty and suspense killer.Surprises in the middle of one sentence is notinformative, rather very irritating. Do not betoo arrogant as well; donot be too boastful inpresenting your visitors of your intelligence andcleverness. This will not impress them but willsurely bore them. Remember that your aim here isnot only to present the readers of what you havebut also to encourage them.6. Do not be overly instructive. If you have somany words beginning with expect, consider,compare and imagine, the readers might think thatwhat they have reading are stylebooks ortextbooks.Writing a simple copy is vital since your goal is

let your visitors understand what you have tryingto inform them with less effort on their part. Thevisitors wouldnot want to spend long hours justfiguring out what your site is all about.You should aim to entice visitors to immediatelyclick the order button without second thoughts.So write simple and win them all!

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