OWN THE THRONE ON OUR DIGITAL MAGAZINE We have researched and identifiedAPRIL the good aspects of Digital Marketing2018 & Advertising DMA which is strategi- cally unique and compelling to reach ABOUT US our clients/customers broadly. Royal Rouge Magazine caters to a wide WHO ARE WE? range of variety opportunities and not We are a corporate digital interactive only for well-established organiza- tions, companies and businesses but lifestyle magazine as well to those who are still starting their businesses, we work hard to ensure every business allocated to our lane (platform) is been exposed and marketed to the publicity world- wide and show case the exposal of their services they offer through our website. WHAT WE OFFER? OUR VISION Royal Rouge Magazine offers a series Our vision is to be the most dynamicof digital Interactive Media and advertis- independent media/ entertainment company that goes beyond corporate ing experience with channel site that Organizations/entertainment compa- enables for advertises, clients and ny standard. customers to reach out directly in effort to build a synergistic global “Media & business world” #DMA.Royal Rouge Magazine [RR Magazine] OUR MISSION has compiled digital marketing and To be advertisers/service provid- ers to companies, artists, recordadvertising strategy for any promotional companies, film studios and event & marketing purpose, we make sure organizers that our clients, and services/product are being promoted and sourced out diversely. Terms and Conditions may apply Get InTouch with UsEmail: [email protected] Twitter: @Royal rouge 2 LinkedIn: Royal rouge Pintrest: Royal rouge Issuu.royalrougemagazine Dribble: Royal rouge Facebook: Royal rouge magazine
AGlam-LoroeuStearYoung Gifted, Talented Soul in music indurstry APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 11
UP FRONT & PERSONAL Her Videos & Song Released 2012 Fly Together 2012 It’s Over 2012 In The Club 2013 Marry Me 2013 Undisputed 2013 My Night Ft. Chef-V 2015 Find What’s True 2015 No more Running Ft. Chef-V 2015 Find What’s True Music Video Upcoming Release 2015 Be Real 2015 I’ll Be There 2015 Fragile 2015 Worth It14 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
UP FRONT & PERSONALROLLING WITH THE AMBITIOUSTASHNA BNatasha Bonni- The very same year our Queen in Goedverwacht Snoek en Pa- released two singles titled ‘find tat Festival, Mamre Blomme Feesta Olckers born in June 1992 in a what True ’and‘ No more is run- City of Cape-Town, alongside Val-place called Pella, a township that ning’. It seems as that year took iant Swart and Freshly Ground atis situated near Atlantis. Raised by her much time as she did it again Camphill Village 50thA, live per-her mother she always wanted to by releasing her first Music Video formance Cape-Town TV and inbe on stage doing her own mag- for ‘find what’s true’. Achieving Namibia. Wow!!!!! This girl reallyic as a singer, dancer, performer, all of that does not mean Tashna B knows what she wants in life. WellNac Cape-Town choir member and is done. Just like every girl with a it didn’t end there. In 2015 shea songwriter. This beautiful soul good heart , she dreams of owning continued alongside Sasha-Leebegan practicing her career at an a record company (label) so that Davids and Jody Williams at theearly age in a church where she she can assist those who wants to St. Albans Primar, alongside Yong-sang in a children, youth and senior achieve their dreams and she be- sta at the COCT Human Rights Daychoir. She is also a solo singer in a lieve that she will be a well-known festival, another live performancechurch and she even conducts the female pop artist in the country. at Hectic Nine9 SABC2, Worldchoir. The glamorous diva entered Also winning MAMA is in the pipe- food Day local government (Pella),and won numerous singing talent line for her. Although she is belongs Camphill Festival alongside Beaten-competitions where she developed to the music industry, she also has burg, Just Jinier and Hemel Besem,her performing abilities. a heart in willing to help the disad- Bergwater fees Saron and VMR- vantaged people. Her performances Summer complilation cd launch.In 2012 she got away with a tit- includes DSTV Michells Plain In 2016 Tashna B continued doingtle of Atlantis got talent, in 2013 Festival, alongside Salome and what she does best, she perfomedTashna B signed at Vision Music Amy Jones at the city of Cape- alongside Youngata , Vicky Samp-Records, then the following year Town Muizenbergs, Alongside the son , Cape-Town gardens festival,she went to Namibia. In 2015 she Rockers at city of Cape- Town and Community Chest Carnival , shewas had her performance and she The Nelson Mandela Memo- perfomed alongside Jeodhouse atwas also interviewed at Hectic rial Festival in Atlantis. Pizza shack, Suidoostefees talentNine9. All of that took was done in 2013. show, Imperial carnival, Mamre The following year which was 2014 Blomme Fees City in Cape-Town, Tashna B took part in Rocking Cancer and Goedverwacht Snoek en Patat Festival. APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 15
BEAUTY BLOG #TIPSwicthombepaleumtifeunl taynodugr ooryugotefuitorfuposer wrsspaoeyncatioalitlayedevdevenflartyiordrtoaaydy.douar ulonoiqku. eNtaoiluacrht ctoan BY Aaliyah TukwaneA.Hot and jeweled style polish with some little dash of me- B.Short and roundMake up and nail art work alto- tallic blue. Let’s say you want to keep yourgether in conjunction depending • Or maybe a change of style nails clean without any nail polishon your mood, how you want to when we remove that metallic clear nail polish is there to keeprock it whether gothic, or just a blue and get left with black. Then them shiny and pretty .there issimple girly but the important is to what to do next. We having many that one thing we have to take no-do more of you, what makes you style to inset on the black for in- tice is that round and short nailsfeel awesome. stant inserting different patens on• We looking at dark nail polish you black nail polish with a white are making a comeback.that would look nice with a bit of nail polish like lines .or spots.metallic touch for example a blacknail16 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
ART YOUR NAILS NTHAIILS IATPORUILT .Art it. Some basecoats remain This year nail art is treading tacky after drying. This and comes with lots of styles texture is meant to help the and we gotta maket on point next layer, the polish, stay in that we rocking it from top to place longer without chipping. bottom If you can’t handle it working on both nails, we having several salons that can work the magic and put a smile on that pretty face .so it’s all about nail art Choose whichever basecoat you like best. Tips: PAINT JUST THE TIP OF 4 YOUR NAIL A DIFFERENT1 prepare your nails REMOVE OLD NAIL POLISH. COLOR. Choose two complementary colors that will look great on the make sure you’re starting with a clean same nail. slate by removing any old polish still lingering on your nails, wash your APPLY A BASECOAT. 3 Apply a basecoat color or a hands with warm water and dry them Basecoats are usually clear or clear basecoat. allow the polish off. bluish in color, and can be pur- chased wherever nail polish is to dry.2 TRIM AND FILE YOUR NAILS. sold. Basecoats protect your nail Place a french manicure from getting stained or damaged sticker, use a similary-shaped Shape your nails to make the neat. by nail polish and other nail art sticker, such as the circular Since you’re creating nail art, try not materials. Apply one layer of ba- stickers that reinforce punched to trim the too short. It’s better to secoat and allow it to completely holes in paper. have more space to work with. dry before proceeding. APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 17
TIPS FOR HERLINGERIE What is lingerie? Is it having a matching bra and panty or perhaps G string? Is it wearing a short in length lace dress that doesn’t’t cover your butt with matching bra and panty? by Leah TukwaneWhat comes into your mind detergent. The brands and types shape- Just press them gently.when you think about lingerie? may vary, but pick the one that is Put the cup of the bra in the centerLingerie is that it’s mostly worn easy to dissolve. Mix the deter- of one palm and use your fist fromby women compared to men to gent with water before putting in the other hand to press againstreveal their sexiness and boosts the lingerie also make sure that the cup, this will drain out the wa-their confidence. Everyone has they are evenly mixed or youtheir own different views on what might end having blotches in your ter without squashing the cups.lingerie is and they also have their -Rinse away the detergent thor-own choices including the colours, bra or G-string. oughly as most people do not paydecorations to bring that spark to -Do not mix the dark colors with attention to this step. – Detergentthe bedroom or just feeling sexy. lights ones, lumping them to- weakens the fibers of the materialAll lingerie items are underwear gether in a tub and then tears roll and leaving them on just speedsbut not all underwear is lingerie. down when the pure white lace up the erosion. In time to come,When it comes to underwear peo- you will notice that your favoriteple consider comfort, perfect size becomes antique rust color. sexy lace is not as snug as be-and practicality. What makes the -Remove any loose bucklets or fore. Yes, the bra has expandedtwo different is underwear is more anything else that doesn’t belongeconomical, made from inexpen- in the lingerie wash bowl. - This not your breasts.sive cotton whereas lingerie is helps prevent rust spots formingexpensive and mostly made from y#oWuarshsilk and lace. on delicate lingerie. lengerie! -Wash padded areas careful. -Taking care of your lingerie pay attention to the areas that trapWash your new lingerie before sweat. – make sure that you washwearing them, even though it may them thoroughly or it might givebe very new. - To get rid of new you some nasty rashes the nextgarments of potential chemicalresidue. Soak the garments for no time you wear it.more than ½ hour in light -Do not squash the bra or padding while washing as it will deform the18 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
ROYAL ROUGE TEAM06 Take Care of your lingerie! Hang up the lingerie to dry if possible. if not , clip on the straps and the middle portion of the bra, unless you want an imprint of the clothes peg on the padded portion, never snag a peg on the cups portion. Use a lingerie bag when drying your delicates in a clothes dryer. Stowing them in their original shapes is the best way to preserve the shape .if you crush them or fold them you are likely to destroy the shape of the bra, if you are not careful, not only will the bra not enhance your cleavage, you might end up looking like you have extra nipple. TipsNever leave anything under direct sunlight for too long as this may take away the vibrancy of thecolours.Soak your colored clothes in salt water before washing it with detergent. It helps to seal the co-lours. No scientific proof yet but so far it works. No harm trying. APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 17
TIPS FOR HIM1 0 TW OHM E NIHNA T EGI N BSE DHere you’ll find 10 simple things women hate in bed that will help you to bring “sexy” back to your marriage/ relationship. Think of these tips as little nuggets to inject some humour, passion, and fun back to your relationship--and hopefully put you on the right road to even greater/ better intimacy.1 MR. Goody Goody at the back of the head and pop- 4. Talk the silent ping out his eyes. It’s like his isbeing I n the room for the very first saying do it b***h forgetting that now get this, you were so perfecttime with your new partner and all am his b***h and it takes 2 to tan- in bed, you did your role and tohe does is YADA YADA, talking go.dont get amazed if your women tell the truth wear the best playertoo much in your nakedness tell- get dressed and hit the road….. of the day. A few second aftering you how perfect he is in bed. your hard breath of that energeticNumbering all that he is going dude u boring her. moment you get no do to you, How hot you going Your perfect guy is damn tooto be and how are you going to Nose Player 3 quiet to say “babe you did good,keep on asking for more, I mean U were excellent or at least touchwhat the F**k why don’t you do Imagine you in the mood of doing you in a way of appreciation. Allyour job and let me be the judge? everything to your man and guess he does is to ignore all of that tomore action please mr. and stop what, He’s smell like a trash. Bad tell you the truth I will roll my eyesMore action please Mr. and stop breathe..eooo.Lady how are you and ask’. What’s wrong Mr., Did Italking, just shut up and drive going to kiss him? Are you going beat you?’because actions speak louder to continue doing it? To tell you tellthan words. truth I would disappear and he will 5. A new Name never see me again. I mean be-2 Super Service fore bed time, its bath time, ion the Hear I am doing so well with my morning its bath time and again time and energy while u breathingNot that you want your partner before having intercourse it has to so hard and not knowing whereto be a superman but come on be bath time. Hygiene comes first to touch or what to do to me. Upeople,U doing all that in needed because a lot is happening in the moaning as if you taking your lastin bed. Am talking about dancing, breath then suddenly you call mestripping, crawling over him, bedroom. Lisa and am Nolly.liking his body while his puttinghis hand20 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
#Tip 8. Ground preparation women’s face like a happy puppy. And please don’t choke me with Four play is always a good Every player play in well prepared your tongue, I need a matured start when making love field right I believe so why not sex perfect kiss to turn me on and in a well prepared minor. Imagined send me to the future of inter-What the f**k? I stopped and ask being climbed like a horse that is course with you as a good You just planted a lot in my in a hurry, what’s wrong, wheremind so how can I continue? I are you off to? Hello this is our 10 Open listenerwas on fire and now am so cold, special time hey. Sex has to befuming with anger. The question is enjoyed. I need to be touched Mr., When a women tells you that youare you thinking about her on my Feel me, kiss me, rub my body good in what you doing and pleadtime? Are you cheating on me? Is and that will lead you to nipple you not to stop, listen to her be-she the one you love? Damn am sucking , tongue running all over cause you as a man can pay at-off, you and gone for good… bye my body until virginah feeling. Am tention without an excuse. When a women, I deserve to be touched, a women says ainahh, know that asshole. loved and feel me. In short am you hurting her. If she says stop saying four play plays the big part then STOP because there is a reason for her to say that. in SEX 6. Questions blog The truth is women wants to bewith man you can nail their story.Man who knows where to turn inthis movement of the moment.Here is my muscle guy being busydoing bump and grind, playing sohard and being a perfect then herecomes the question, like Is it in,am I doing it well love, Do you feelme, Are you enjoying yourself?OH my God, Are u for real? Whereis your confident man? I mean thatis your key. Can’t you at least pre-tend as if you know your story… iyooo? 7. Brushing on pain Picture DownloadedGuys get this, no lady wants a With it you loosen up and bepainful guy...Virgina is a very sen- prepare. So it is so important un-sitive part of the body so please less if you stealing yourself withplease mishandling me as a wom- a neibourhood partner. Play meen down there sucks. No bitingand never use your sharp finger Mr.….Yeahnails to explore the sensitive ter-ritory. It’s totally a big NO. As that 9. Mouth Languagecould tier the private part. Re-member that this is not only about Most people are saying the firstyou getting pleasure. So pushing impression last. What are youhard to open the door and miss- saying? As a women I would saying your gentleness will make you first kiss can determine the kindend up being lonely. No women of a person you are in bed. Kiss is the first most important thing will stand for pain. in a relationship. That is if a man knows how to kiss not to lick a APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 17
COUPLES CORNER & MARRIAGE If you’re married or thinking about getting married, at some point or another you’ve wondered what better sex in marriage would be like or how sexByinMmaarrrriiaaggee cMouatldtebrseJiamcpkrsoovned.Keeping the sexual spark alive Furthermore, aging brings on Furthermore, aging bringsin a marriage or in a long- a host of physical conditions on a host of physical condi-term relationship is easier said that can affect life in the bed-than done. However, couples room. These include sexual tions that can affect life inwho take time to cultivate and dysfunction, cardiovascular the bedroom. These includemaintain healthy and satisfy- conditions, arthritis and rheu- sexual dysfunction, cardio-ing sexual relations tend to be matism, and a host of other vascular conditions, arthritismore connected with each oth- and rheumatism, and a host ofer and do not suffer from de- problems.pression, heart problems and other problems.other health maladies, expertssay. Whatever the reasons for Whatever the reasons forThe daily routines of life — brewing trouble in the bed- brewing trouble in the bed-whether careers, children or room — whether emotional or room — whether emotional orfinancial responsibilities — physical in nature — the good physical in nature — the goodchallenge couples to keep alive news is that many such prob- news is that many such prob-that flame that initially brought lems are easily treated. More- lems are easily treated. More-them together. From a prac- over, troubles in a couple’stical standpoint, there’s less sexual relationship are often over, troubles in a couple’stime for sex and intimacy as signs of other problems, and sexual relationship are oftenrelationships develop and in- can serve as a warning sign for signs of other problems, anddividual partners take on more can serve as a warning sign forresponsibilities. still bigger troubles ahead. still bigger troubles ahead.Use Condom AlwaysFor Protected Sex “A good sex life is an important “A good sex life is an import- part of an individual’s over- ant part of an individual’s all health,” says Mark Schoen, overall health,” says Mark Ph.D., director of sex educa- tion for the Sinclair Intimacy Schoen, Ph.D., director of sex Institute. “People who have a education for the Sinclair In- good sex life feel better [men- timacy Institute. “People who have a good sex life feel better tally and physically].” [mentally and physically].”24 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
“Sex can be a wonderful ce- But that fact shouldn’t be mis- Sometimes couples need to fo-menter or a terrible wedge” for construed as meaning that old- cus on addressing unresolvedrelationships, says Dr. Linda er people are less satisfied with conflicts between them, whileBanner, Ph.D., a licensed sex their sex life. An AARP survey other spouses just need to re-therapist specializing in mar- released last year showed that member to have fun when theriage and relationship counsel- most mid-life and older adults weight of life’s responsibilitiesing and a researcher associated surveyed were either extreme- drags them and their sex lifewith Stanford University Med- ly satisfied or somewhat sat- down. Still others may justical School. isfied with their sex life, and need to build time into their felt it was an important quali- schedules to be together andAdults Have Sex 61 Times a let nature takes its course. Sim-Year ty-of-life factor. ply setting aside date nights Renowned sex researcher John can jump-start one’s love life.Adults, on average, have sex McKinley, Ph.D., director of Through communication—about 61 times per year, or the New England Research In- both verbal and non-verbal —slightly more than once a stitutes in Watertown, Mass., and listening, couples come toweek, according to University says as people age, particularly understand what ignites thatof Chicago’s National Opinion men, their expectations about spark in the other partner. ThatResearch Center. Marital status might be cuddling, leaving loveand age are key influences in sex aren’t as high. notes for your partner to find,sexual activity.Sexual activity “The worst thing that can hap- meeting at a motel for a tryst,is 25 percent to 300 percent pen to a relationship is that a trying out new sex techniques,greater for married couples sex life becomes routine and introducing a vibrator or doz-versus the non-married, de- boredom sets in,” Schoen says. ens of other potential turn-ons.pending on age. The 1998 But in today’s fast-paced life, Overcoming Physical BarriersUniversity of Chicago report filled with dueling responsibili- Sex therapist Banner conduct-that compiled available sex ties, a sub-par or absent sex life ed a research study that includ-research also concluded that ed 65 couples who were havingintercourse is more frequent is a common problem sexual problems because eitheramong couples in happier When physical problems are one or both partners were di-marriages. not the root cause of a dimin- agnosed with sexual dysfunc-Overcoming Emotional Bar- ished sex life, many remedies tion or arousal problems. Theriers exist to rekindle the flame of average length of time these passion. Much of the fix is couples had been together wasAs people age, they tend to have grounded in communication 24 years. The study examinedsex less, regardless of whether and reprioritizing one’s life to what it would take for thesethey are in marriages or not. couples to resume normal sex-Married couples between ages make time for love and ual relations. For 65 percent of18 and 29 have sexual relations sex, says Jan Sinatra, a Man- the couples, the introductionan average of nearly 112 times chester, Conn., psychothera- of educational sex videos wasper year. That rate steadily de- pist and co-author of “Heart all that was needed to jump-creases as people age, so that start stagnant sex lives, Bannermarried couples aged 70 and Sense for Women.”older have sex 16 times a year Sinatra usually asks couples discovered.on average. initially coming to her about their love life how they com- municate. “It’s a barometer of the relationship.” APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 17
ENTER TAINMENTCAROLINE New Kid On The BlockA young talented lady named Mhonda Caroline Chenai aged 22 years. She said Art runs inmy blood as I’m a passionate n energetic model, actress and a dancer. Currently studyingreal estate management with Real Estate Institute of Zimbabwe. Born in a family ofthree children n I’m the last born. I discovered my career when I had a photo-shoot at thephotophactory studio in Harare, the pictures showed me a brighter future and a careerahead in the modelling Industry.Started modelling at the end of 2016. She said I love her catwalk and her dress- ing. She inspires meI’m a new kid on the block have because she’s lifting theaccomplished anything but Zimbabwean flag in theactually its work in progress, diaspora and buildingAs a daughter of a fashion de- a powerful brand forsigner the taste and passion of herself .she has workedfashion in me drove me more w a lot of internationalinto the modelling Industry .as designers. To Launchshe gets her groove to one of an organization thatthe Zim model who inspires her promotes and prote(nyasha matonhodze) based -cts the local des-in America. She said I love igners from grassher catwalk and her dressing. roots to give themShe inspires me because she’s exposure to thelifting the Zimbabwean flag fashion world inbuildingin the diaspora and building a a powerful brand forpowerful brand for herself .she myself and somethinghas worked w a lot of interna- to sustain me throughtional designers. I’m a new kid modelling & besideson the block have accomplished modelling I’m engaged inanything but actually its work a lot of things like danc-in progress, As a daughter of a ing, acting, life coachingfashion designer the taste and , entrepreneurship etc.passion of fashion in me drove As I’m currently workingme more into the modelling In- on a short film with onedustry .as she gets her groove of the local filmto one of the Zim model who producers.inspires her (nyasha maton-hodze) based in America.26 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
La’peaceA songwriter known for his great ENTER TAINMENT music inside Johannesburg En- tirely full of enthusiasm Highly into exquisite and breathtaking sound/music.A 19 year old gentleman bornin soweto(phiri) What makeshim versatile his pure andoriginal sure that his musictouches every soul He tellsa story through music andHis music Talks to people Ittook him 11 years to masterhis craft A young song writeralso a fashion designer, voiceover artist,actor waiting tolearn more In and outside theindustry. only 19 years of ageand has experienced a lot inthe industry. This gentlemanhas been keen to get in theIndustry and make his only typeof music. He Has been doingthis for quiet sometime startedat an early age of 9 (years)then was singing gospel Wasdiscovered by the people in thefamily . Was inspired by AKONwhen he was still in primaryschool were he learned how toplay a guitar then played piano.Became a singer discovered rapwhen he was only 14 years ofage while recording on a laptopwith a few friends of his TheyThen formed a group called(kor) Which simply meant (kidsof rap )on the group they hadabout 7(seven)APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 27
BUSINESS BUZZLWEIGTT’EHSTBHSUETLSAPINRYETOESDUS 3TOSSTTEAPRSTLow start-up costs – most promoted via Twitter, YouTube businesses can now start and LinkedIn, selling everything Woitfhfear,llctahnisyooun from morph suits to graphic trbhbwetseciohsosiocslieoumlsshwmrtp?haeco!ietpesethiTlpshnpcyehetootcianuosmuylniroarpgmdpgnusuoleardeiwedktotti-nooeeeft1.on a bootstrap of a budget design, financial services and telclotmhepiarnssiuteocsrcwyeshosof. and for less than £100. artisan goods. With a smartphone and business card in hand, you 3.High level of 2.can make sales and set up support – when operations with ease, and starting a business, from home. you won’t be Enabling alone! There is technology – social media an abundance of platforms and trading sites support to help offer start-ups a powerful you start and grow, route to market. Selling including: and promoting yourself public and private sector sup- online is affordable and port – assisting with essentials achievable and successful like workspace, guidance and businesses are being built finance on Facebook and corporate brands – who are opening up accelerators and their own retail outlets to help small businesses grow at speed peers – other small business owners are on hand to deliver advice and expert mentoring28 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
BUSINESS BUZZWhen starting out in business, make a plan and work on Mums are spotting gaps in thethere are important things to this whilst ‘Working 5 to 9’ - market and the over 50’s areconsider. keeping hold of the day job, surgingAsk yourself – is your idea a being a parent or studying ahead when it comes to launch-sound business proposition? Is by day and building the busi- ing new ventures. No matterthere a market and ness at night and weekends. your age or standing,demand for you to make sales And you’re not alone – there is potential to turn a pas-and make a profit? Think about there is plenty of guidance and sion or skill from your profes-the cost and time support available to help you sional or social life into aelements of the business. Are bring a business idea bright business idea. And by do-you aiming for something inno- to life. THESE ARE ENTERPRISING ing so embracing free and low-vative and niche and / TIMES cost technology thator can your product or service Students are turning their enables you to sell to local mar-match or beat your competi- talent into a way of making a kets and reach customers on ation? living whilst experienced global scale.You don’t need to know the an- professionals are opting forswers immediately; you can the freedom and flexibility that comes with selfemployment. TLIRKEEA TYYOOUURRCBHUILSIDNESS APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 297
EAT SMARTA healthy diet includes plenty ofvegetables, fruit and high-fibrestarchy foods, and is low in fat(especially saturated fat), saltandsugar. Take the quiz on thenext page to see how healthilyyou andyour family are eating. Yourresults will show whether youneed toimprove your eating habits.A healthy lifestyle helps to pre- A Enjoy a varietyvent and control chronic dis- of foods. Eatingeasessuch as high blood pressure, different types ofdiabetes, heart disease, stroke food gives your body alland the nutrients it needs.cancer. Healthy eating is one of The more colourful yourthe most important things you plate of food, the widercan do for a healthier life. Re- the variety.member that you also need toexercise B Eat dried beans, split peas,regularly and avoid smoking. lentils orThe following tips will help you soya at least twice a week. Theyand your family to eat healthily. are a good source of protein, low in fat and high in Fibre. You can replace meat in some meals with these foods. APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 31
EAT SMARTQuick vegTomato curryIngredients Method½ head of broccoli (approx. 200g), 1. Heat a non-stick frying pan overcut into florets medium heat.¼ cauliflower (approx. 200g), 2. Add a little water, broccoli andcut into florets cauliflower. Steam for 3 minutes.½ bag green beans (approx. 150g), Add beans, mushrooms, canned Per serve: Energy 252kJ; Fat 0.8g;sliced tomatoes, and tomato puree Saturated fat 0.1g;(alternative is to use frozen beans) (to thicken it). Carbohydrate 8g; Fibre14 button mushrooms (130g) 3. Add garam masala if you prefer 4.8g; Sodium 126mg1 can Indian flavoured tomatoes a less sweet tasting dish.2 Tbsp tomato paste Cook 5 minutes until tender.2 tsp garam masala (optional)Tip: change the flavour of the canned tomatoes to have the dish a different way,eg. Moroccan or Mexican. To turn into a full meal, serve with rice and chicken.YOU CAN ADD THIS Orange Juice /Apple or any fruit after Eating32 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
FASHION& STYLE ORDER NOW Tel: 064 390 8738 [email protected] FOR ONLY R300APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 35
PHOTO WORLDTHE PAST: At first when I started making still Photography in our life is a pho- photographs it was about capturing tography movement by creativeI am a motion and still picture artist photographs for fun, but as time from different creative spaces. Thefrom Johannesburg in South Africa. went by I saw that I can be able to movement’s main objective is toI was born on the tell stories through still and moving unite South Africans through the12 August 1989 in the township of images, I can be able define my own lens, visual storytelling and art inKatlehong in Ekurhuleni. I capture world through images I capture, general. The movement also standsmotion and still moments to touch I can be able to express my views to introduce and educate peopleand change lives. I studied film and through images. I believe every from the townships and homelandsvideo at the Cape Peninsula Uni- artist should always try to push to photography and art space. Teamversity of Technology, while I was boundaries, #PIOLT travels across South Africastudying filming, I discovered my Challenge themselves as artists, hosting photo exhibitions. Peoplepassion for photography; my first and try new things to better their are given an opportunity to havephotography shoot was in 2012, craft. In the last six years I have professional studio photographswhen my friend from Johannesburg travelled across South Africa tak- at an affordable amount of money.could not make it for the shoot in ing photographs of Landscapes | People also enjoy free photo exhi-Cape Town, I had to fill in for him. ordinary beings | Fashion | Model bitions and interactions with theEver since that day I never stopped Portraits photographs. In 2014 I artists.taking photographs. started a photography movement, Photography in our life time (PI- OLT).38 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
GET INSPIREDHe SawTBhe IenstMeActor, model, voiceover artist andinfluencer best known for his role In 2017 Unathi starred onas Mbazo Unathi Platyi (28) is a– a e-TV series Heist, produced byboxer on SABC 2 telenovela Keep- award-winning producer and ing Score. Unathi joined the cast director Rolie Nikiwe. In his varietyin 2016 and has earned respect as of appearances and roles, Unathione of the shows main attractions has been on many adverts for brands like Toyota Hilux, FCMB alongside greats Sonia Mbele, (West African back) and recently Moliehi Makobane and Solomon with Nedbank. His passion for en- Sebothhoma. The Johannesburg tertainment and acting came at abased hot throb received his break young age where he found himself in the entertainment industry in on modeling ramps, at the gym,2009 when he featured on Dream playing rugby and inside the boxing World; a 13 part drama series on ring. “I have always loved taking care of myself and being physical SABC 1. and involved in sports and the arts By Sipho Ngondo helped me to deal with everyday challenges.” APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 43
GET INSPIRED 2017 Unathi collaborated with singer Zahara in a community proj- ect to uplift the youth and gave performance classes to 100 chil- dren from the Eastern Cape. “I am passionate about bringing positiv- ity to the future of South Africa. My brand is to inspire people and to promote self-love and taking care of one’s image.” With a colorful childhood and a heartfelt story to tell; Unathi has featured on pub- lications such as Drum magazine, Move magazine, Bona magazine, Sowetan newspaper, Daily Dispatch and has shared his vision with ra- dio stations across the country. Unathi is inspired by actors such as Idris Elba, John Travolta and Denzel Washington and aims to perfect his craft while helping to change lives.44 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE
GET INSPIREDIFoMundy Self back in my younger days whenTony Chikane Bila was born Well I have been in the mist I was small I use to spend timein Meyerton but I grow up in of people and was looking for crying over the hurts peopleOrange farm Ext 1 and by age something but I never knew course me, but now I realizeam 24 years old, born by a what I really needed was to that if I used the same energywoman whom I give adoration find myself, so I was lost in to cry over my dreams towhich by name called keletso the mist of maturity and my come through, I would be farand a father Orlando Bila life had nor shape and my by now. But then I was still aand with three brothers and mind was Shiloh (empty) and young boy who couldn’t justthree sisters born of the same so I realize that a mind that accept the pain and challenges.Father but different moth- is not natured with greatness I was reading something theersMATURITY COMES WITH cannot come up with success,, other day and was les brownEXPERIENCE NOT AGE So my mind was full of the he said” many people nevermy life experience which was Shadow’s story of my life but live to their true greatnessa great experience to me and I never got to use the same because they are sufferingas we know that in this life story to develop a change in from mental malnutrition.Iwe meet for a reason either my life up until today which was reading something theyou are a blessing or a lesson, I have learned through my other day and was les brownso this only shows us that mistakes. he said” many people neverwe can Have a learning curve live to their true greatness because they are sufferingin each of our daily life. Well from mental malnutrition. Which I’ve learned is true,I have been in the mist of *Quote of Mind * looking back to how I use to live my life, I had no hope thatpeople and was looking for Always get a chal- today I would read English orsomething but I never knew lenge to renew your see myself as one of thosewhat I really needed was to mind, then you will great speakers.find myself, see the easy going of life. APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE 47
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BOOK & MUSIC REVIEWSMPRUESVICIEWSong: Nguye Kuphela! Song: DontDuration: Unspecified Duration: UnspecifiedAuthor: Madness_SA Author: La’peace_MusiqueGenre: Unspecified Genre: UnpecifiedWeb Link: Unspecified Web Link: UnspecifiedMU SIC Song: Hear My Cry Duration: Unspecified Song: BeautyorTheInside Author: Zamoe Xbiss Duration: Unspecified Genre: Unspecified Author: Goreallermusic Web Link: Unspecified Genre: Rnb Trap Web Link: https://sound- beauty-or-the-inside-mp3 For advertising & markerting on kindly subcribe or call us on 064 468 7294, T&C’s(Terms and Conditions) may apply50 APRIL 2018 ][ ROYAL ROUGE MAGAZINE