Discharge Planning Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung
Outline Latar Belakang Discharge Planning 02 Tinjauan Literatur Kesimpulan
Latar Belakang 697.000 orang meninggal Prevalensi penyakit jantung karena gagal jantung di di Indonesia mencapai 1.5 % Amerika (CDC, 2020) (Riskesdas, 2018) Penderita gagal jantung yang Peningkatan prevalensi gagal Discharge Planning rawat inap kembali selama jantung usia di bawah 50 pada pasien gagal dua tahun pengamatan tahun yang dirawat inap di (2006-2008) tercatat jantung sebanyak 59 orang atau RSJPDHK dari 11.3% pada 37,3% (Tinah, 2019) tahun 2011 menjadi 27.3% pada tahun 2012 (RSJPDHK, 2020) Termasuk dalam penyakit Faktor-factor yang kronik yang berisiko readmisi menyebabkan readmisi (Brunner-La Rocca et al., 2020).
Discharge planning adalah proses transisi pasien dari satu tahap ke tahap berikutnya
Joint Commission KMK 1128 tahun 2022 International (JCI) Standar Akses dan Access to Care and Continuity of Kesinambungan Pelayanan Care (ACC)
Standar ACC 4
Standar ACC 4.1
Standar Akses dan Kesinambungan Pelayanan
Manfaat Discharge Planning Discharge Planning yang Discharge Planning secara signifikan dipersiapkan dengan baik dapat menurunkan hari tinggal di rumah menurunkan readmisi sebesar sakit dan tingkat penerimaan kembali pasien yang lebih tua 26% dalam waktu 30 dan 60 hari setelah kepulangan pasien (Braet et al., 2016; Gonçalves-Bradley et al., 2016; Phillips et al., 2004). (Bowles et al., 2014) Menurunkan Los Menurunkan angka readmisi
LENGTH OF STAY PASIEN GAGAL JANTUNG Amerika : 4-6.2 Hari Jepang : 21 Hari Eropa : 7 Hari (Albert et al, 2010 ; Hironobu, 2020 )
Komponen Discharge Planning Yen et al. (2022) Medical care guidance, disease treatment, nutritional intake and diet information, medication instructions, evaluation of physical and mental disabilities, and assessment of the need for and referral to community care resources Hwang et al. (2022) Signs and symptoms of HF, HF treatment, and diet and exercise recommendations for HF patients. At the beginning of the session, patients’ baseline understanding of HF self-management was assessed by asking what they knew about HF and whether they performed any self-care activities regularly. Patients in the intervention group received a packet that included the written educational material, a 1-page summary sheet, in order to remind patients about monitoring their daily weight and symptoms and the required actions in response to their worsening symptoms Legallois et al. (2019) Lifestyle advice, medication use and uptitration, and follow-up management Sekarsari, (2019) Integrasi edukasi dan konseling efektif dalam meningkatkan perawatan mandiri, pengetahuan, tahap perubahan dan menurunkan peluang readmission dan atau kematian pasien gagal jantung. Koelling et al. (2005) Medications, dosages, and instructions for taking the medication, describing drug/food interactions and potential side effects, included dietary instructions, daily weight instructions, pneumococcal/influenza vaccination information, activity instructions, and follow-up appointment information, common heart failure symptoms and instructions on when to call the physician if symptoms worsened, restriction of sodium and limitation of dietary free water, self-care behaviors
Draft FORM Discharge Planning link:
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Daftar Pustaka 1. Basoor, A., Doshi, N. C., Cotant, J. F., Saleh, T., Todorov, M., Choksi, N., ... & Halabi, A. R. (2013). Decreased readmissions and improved quality of care with the use of an inexpensive checklist in heart failure. Congestive Heart Failure, 19(4), 200-206. 2. Dracup, K., Moser, D., Pelter, M. M., Nesbitt, T., Southard, J., Paul, S. M., ... & Cooper, L. (2014). Rural patients’ knowledge about heart failure. The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, 29(5), 423. 3. Hansen, L. O., Young, R. S., Hinami, K., Leung, A., & Williams, M. V. (2011). Interventions to reduce 30-day rehospitalization: a systematic review. Annals of internal medicine, 155(8), 520-528. 4. Hwang, B., Huh, I., Jeong, Y., Cho, H. J., & Lee, H. Y. (2022). Effects of educational intervention on mortality and patient-reported outcomes in individuals with heart failure: A randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling. 5. Koelling, T. M., Johnson, M. L., Cody, R. J., & Aaronson, K. D. (2005). Discharge education improves clinical outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulation, 111(2), 179-185. 6. Legallois, D., Chaufourier, L., Blanchart, K., Parienti, J. J., Belin, A., Milliez, P., & Sabatier, R. (2019). Improving quality of care in patients with decompensated acute heart failure using a discharge checklist. Archives of cardiovascular diseases, 112(8-9), 494-501. 7. Sekarsari, Rita. (2013). Efektivitas model promise integrasi edukasi dan konseling terhadap perawatan mandiri pengetahuan tahap perubahan readmssion dan atau kematian pasien gagal jantung. FIK UI. 8. Sekarsari, Rita (2021). Perencanaan pulang pasien : Discharge planning. https://fliphtml5.com/buflc/dpja/basic/. Diakses pada 25 September 2022 9. Soucier, R. J., Miller, P. E., Ingrassia, J. J., Riello, R., Desai, N. R., & Ahmad, T. (2018). Essential elements of early post discharge care of patients with heart failure. Current heart failure reports, 15(3), 181-190. 10. Soucier, R. J., Miller, P. E., Ingrassia, J. J., Riello, R., Desai, N. R., & Ahmad, T. (2018). Essential Elements of Early Post Discharge Care of Patients with Heart Failure. Current Heart Failure Reports, 15(3), 181–190. doi:10.1007/s11897-018-0393-9 11. Yen, H. Y., Chi, M. J., & Huang, H. Y. (2022). Effects of discharge planning services and unplanned readmissions on post-hospital mortality in older patients: A time-varying survival analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 128, 104175. 12. Yodang, Y., & Nuridah, N. (2020). Instrumen Pengkajian Spiritual Care Pasien Dalam Pelayanan Paliatif: Literature Review. Jurnal Endurance: Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan, 5(3), 539-549. 13. PJNHK (2022). Pelayanan Rehabilitasi Medis. Diakses pada 27 September 2022. https://www.pjnhk.go.id/pelayanan/rehabilitasi-medis. Diakses pada 28 September 2022
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